 * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
 * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
 * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
 * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
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package util;

// access the implementations via names
import com.sun.star.uno.UnoRuntime;
import java.io.PrintWriter ;

import com.sun.star.registry.XRegistryKey ;
import com.sun.star.registry.XSimpleRegistry ;
import com.sun.star.registry.RegistryKeyType ;
import com.sun.star.registry.RegistryValueType ;
import com.sun.star.registry.InvalidRegistryException ;
import com.sun.star.lang.XMultiServiceFactory ;
import com.sun.star.uno.Exception;

public class RegistryTools {

	* Creates 'com.sun.star.registry.SimpleRegistry' 
	* service.
	* @param xMSF Multiservice factory.
	* @return Service created.
	public static XSimpleRegistry createRegistryService
		(XMultiServiceFactory xMSF) throws com.sun.star.uno.Exception {

        Object oInterface = xMSF.createInstance
        return (XSimpleRegistry) UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
        	XSimpleRegistry.class, oInterface) ;
	* Opens registry file for reading/writing. If file doesn't
	* exist a new one created.
	* @param file Registry file name.
	* @param xMSF Multiservice factory.
	* @return Opened registry.
    public static XSimpleRegistry openRegistry
    	(String file, XMultiServiceFactory xMSF) 
    	throws com.sun.star.uno.Exception {
    	XSimpleRegistry reg = createRegistryService(xMSF) ;
    	reg.open(file, false, true) ;
    	return reg ;

	* Compares two registry keys, their names, value
	* types and values.
	* return <code>true</code> if key names, value types
	* and values are equal, else returns <code>false</code>.
	public static boolean compareKeys
		(XRegistryKey key1, XRegistryKey key2) {
		if (key1 == null || key2 == null ||
			!key1.isValid() || !key2.isValid())
			return false ;
		String keyName1 = getShortKeyName(key1.getKeyName()) ;
		String keyName2 = getShortKeyName(key2.getKeyName()) ;
		if (!keyName1.equals(keyName2)) return false ;

		try {
			if (key1.getValueType() != key2.getValueType()) return false ;
		} catch (InvalidRegistryException e) {
			return false ;
		RegistryValueType type ;
		try {
			type = key1.getValueType() ;
			if (type.equals(RegistryValueType.ASCII)) {
				if (!key1.getAsciiValue().equals(key2.getAsciiValue()))
					return false ;
			} else 
			if (type.equals(RegistryValueType.STRING)) {
				if (!key1.getStringValue().equals(key2.getStringValue()))
					return false ;
			} else 
			if (type.equals(RegistryValueType.LONG)) {
				if (key1.getLongValue() != key2.getLongValue())
					return false ;
			} else                                                        
			if (type.equals(RegistryValueType.BINARY)) {
				byte[] bin1 = key1.getBinaryValue() ;
				byte[] bin2 = key2.getBinaryValue() ;
				if (bin1.length != bin2.length)
					return false ;
				for (int i = 0; i < bin1.length; i++) 
					if (bin1[i] != bin2[i]) return false ;
			} else 
			if (type.equals(RegistryValueType.ASCIILIST)) {
				String[] list1 = key1.getAsciiListValue() ;
				String[] list2 = key2.getAsciiListValue() ;
				if (list1.length != list2.length)
					return false ;
				for (int i = 0; i < list1.length; i++) 
					if (!list1[i].equals(list2[i])) return false ;
			} else 
			if (type.equals(RegistryValueType.STRINGLIST)) {
				String[] list1 = key1.getStringListValue() ;
				String[] list2 = key2.getStringListValue() ;
				if (list1.length != list2.length)
					return false ;
				for (int i = 0; i < list1.length; i++) 
					if (!list1[i].equals(list2[i])) return false ;
			} else
			if (type.equals(RegistryValueType.LONGLIST)) {
				int[] list1 = key1.getLongListValue() ;
				int[] list2 = key2.getLongListValue() ;
				if (list1.length != list2.length)
					return false ;
				for (int i = 0; i < list1.length; i++) 
					if (list1[i] != list2[i]) return false ;
		} catch (Exception e) {
			return false ;
		return true ;
	* Gets name of the key relative to its parent.
	* For example if full name of key is '/key1/subkey'
	* short key name is 'subkey'
	* @param keyName Full key name.
	* @return Short key name.
	public static String getShortKeyName(String keyName) {
		if (keyName == null) return null ;
		int idx = keyName.lastIndexOf("/") ;
		if (idx < 0) return keyName ;
		else return keyName.substring(idx + 1) ;
	* Compare all child keys.
	* @param compareRoot If <code>true</code> method also 
	* compare root keys, if <code>false</code> it begins recursive
	* comparing from children of root keys.
	* @return <code>true</code> if keys and their sub keys are equal.
	protected static boolean compareKeyTrees
		(XRegistryKey tree1, XRegistryKey tree2, boolean compareRoot) {
		if (compareRoot && !compareKeys(tree1, tree2)) return false ;
		try {
			String[] keyNames1 = tree1.getKeyNames() ;
			String[] keyNames2 = tree2.getKeyNames() ;

			if (keyNames1 == null && keyNames2 == null) return true ;
			if (keyNames1 == null || keyNames2 == null ||
				keyNames2.length != keyNames1.length)
				return false ;
			for (int i = 0; i < keyNames1.length; i++) {
				String keyName = getShortKeyName(keyNames1[i]) ;
				XRegistryKey key2 = tree2.openKey(keyName) ;
				if (key2 == null) 
				// key with the same name doesn't exist in the second tree
					return false ;
				if (!tree1.getKeyType(keyName).equals(
					return false ;
				if (tree1.getKeyType(keyName).equals(
					RegistryKeyType.LINK)) {
					if (!getShortKeyName(tree1.getLinkTarget(keyName)).equals(
						return false ;
				} else {
					if (compareKeyTrees(tree1.openKey(keyName), 
						  tree2.openKey(keyName), true) == false) return false ;
		} catch (InvalidRegistryException e) {
			return false ;
		return true ;	
	* Compare keys specified and all their child keys.
	* @return <code>true</code> if keys and their sub keys are equal.
	public static boolean compareKeyTrees
		(XRegistryKey tree1, XRegistryKey tree2) {
		return compareKeyTrees(tree1, tree2, false) ;
	* Prints to a specified output about all keys and subkeys information
	* (key name, type, value, link target, attributes) recursively.
	* @param reg Registry for which information is needed.
	* @param out Output stream.
	public static void printRegistryInfo(XSimpleRegistry reg, PrintWriter out) {
		try {
			printRegistryInfo(reg.getRootKey(), out) ;
		} catch (com.sun.star.registry.InvalidRegistryException e) {
			out.println("!!! Can't open root registry key for info printing") ;

	* Prints to a specified output about all keys and subkeys information
	* (key name, type, value, link target, attributes) recursively.
	* @param root Key for which subkeys (and further) information is required.
	* @param out Output stream.
	public static void printRegistryInfo(XRegistryKey root, PrintWriter out) {
		if (root == null) {
			out.println("/(null)") ;
			return ;
		out.println("/") ;
		try {
			printTreeInfo(root, out, "  ") ;
		} catch (com.sun.star.registry.InvalidRegistryException e) {
			out.println("Exception accessing registry :") ;
			e.printStackTrace(out) ;

	private static void printTreeInfo(XRegistryKey key,
		PrintWriter out, String margin) 
		throws com.sun.star.registry.InvalidRegistryException {
		String[] subKeys = key.getKeyNames() ;
		if (subKeys == null || subKeys.length == 0) return ;
		for (int i = 0; i < subKeys.length; i++) {
			printKeyInfo(key, subKeys[i], out, margin) ;
			XRegistryKey subKey = key.openKey
				(getShortKeyName(subKeys[i])) ;
			printTreeInfo(subKey, out, margin + "  ") ;
			subKey.closeKey() ;
	private static void printKeyInfo(XRegistryKey parentKey, 
		String keyName, PrintWriter out, String margin) 
		throws com.sun.star.registry.InvalidRegistryException {
		out.print(margin) ;
		keyName = getShortKeyName(keyName) ;
		XRegistryKey key = parentKey.openKey(keyName) ;
		if (key != null)
			out.print("/" + getShortKeyName(key.getKeyName()) + " ") ;
		else {
			out.println("(null)") ;
			return ;
		if (!key.isValid()) {
			out.println("(not valid)") ;
			return ;
		if (key.isReadOnly()) {
			out.print("(read only) ") ;
		if (parentKey.getKeyType(keyName) == RegistryKeyType.LINK) {
			out.println("(link to " + parentKey.getLinkTarget(keyName) + ")") ;
			return ;
		RegistryValueType type ;
		try {
			type = key.getValueType() ;
			if (type.equals(RegistryValueType.ASCII)) {
				out.println("[ASCII] = '" + key.getAsciiValue() + "'") ;
			} else 
			if (type.equals(RegistryValueType.STRING)) {
				out.println("[STRING] = '" + key.getStringValue() + "'") ;
			} else 
			if (type.equals(RegistryValueType.LONG)) {
				out.println("[LONG] = " + key.getLongValue()) ;
			} else                                                        
			if (type.equals(RegistryValueType.BINARY)) {
				out.print("[BINARY] = {") ;
				byte[] bin = key.getBinaryValue() ;
				for (int i = 0; i < bin.length; i++) 
					out.print("" + bin[i] + ",") ;
				out.println("}") ;
			} else 
			if (type.equals(RegistryValueType.ASCIILIST)) {
				out.print("[ASCIILIST] = {") ;
				String[] list = key.getAsciiListValue() ;
				for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) 
					out.print("'" + list[i] + "',") ;
				out.println("}") ;
			} else 
			if (type.equals(RegistryValueType.STRINGLIST)) {
				out.print("[STRINGLIST] = {") ;
				String[] list = key.getStringListValue() ;
				for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) 
					out.print("'" + list[i] + "',") ;
				out.println("}") ;
			} else
			if (type.equals(RegistryValueType.LONGLIST)) {
				out.print("[LONGLIST] = {") ;
				int[] list = key.getLongListValue() ;
				for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) 
					out.print("" + list[i] + ",") ;
				out.println("}") ;
			} else {
				out.println("") ;
		} catch (com.sun.star.uno.Exception e) {
			out.println("Exception occured : ") ;
			e.printStackTrace(out) ;
		} finally {
			key.closeKey() ;
//	public static void compareKeyTrees
