/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #ifndef _OSL_PROCESS_H_ #define _OSL_PROCESS_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef sal_Int32 oslProcessOption; #define osl_Process_WAIT 0x0001 /* wait for completion */ #define osl_Process_SEARCHPATH 0x0002 /* search path for executable */ #define osl_Process_DETACHED 0x0004 /* run detached */ #define osl_Process_NORMAL 0x0000 /* run in normal window */ #define osl_Process_HIDDEN 0x0010 /* run hidden */ #define osl_Process_MINIMIZED 0x0020 /* run in minimized window */ #define osl_Process_MAXIMIZED 0x0040 /* run in maximized window */ #define osl_Process_FULLSCREEN 0x0080 /* run in fullscreen window */ typedef sal_Int32 oslProcessData; /* defines for osl_getProcessInfo , can be OR'ed */ #define osl_Process_IDENTIFIER 0x0001 /* retrieves the process identifier */ #define osl_Process_EXITCODE 0x0002 /* retrieves exit code of the process */ #define osl_Process_CPUTIMES 0x0004 /* retrieves used cpu time */ #define osl_Process_HEAPUSAGE 0x0008 /* retrieves the used size of heap */ typedef sal_uInt32 oslProcessIdentifier; typedef sal_uInt32 oslProcessExitCode; typedef enum { osl_Process_E_None, /* no error */ osl_Process_E_NotFound, /* image not found */ osl_Process_E_TimedOut, /* timout occured */ osl_Process_E_NoPermission, /* permission denied */ osl_Process_E_Unknown, /* unknown error */ osl_Process_E_InvalidError, /* unmapped error */ osl_Process_E_FORCE_EQUAL_SIZE = SAL_MAX_ENUM } oslProcessError; typedef enum { osl_Process_TypeNone, /* no descriptor */ osl_Process_TypeSocket, /* socket */ osl_Process_TypeFile, /* file */ osl_Process_TypePipe, /* pipe */ osl_Process_FORCE_EQUAL_SIZE = SAL_MAX_ENUM } oslDescriptorType; typedef sal_Int32 oslDescriptorFlag; #define osl_Process_DFNONE 0x0000 #define osl_Process_DFWAIT 0x0001 #ifdef SAL_W32 # pragma pack(push, 8) #elif defined(SAL_OS2) # pragma pack(push, 4) #endif typedef struct { sal_uInt32 Size; oslProcessData Fields; oslProcessIdentifier Ident; oslProcessExitCode Code; TimeValue UserTime; TimeValue SystemTime; sal_uInt32 HeapUsage; } oslProcessInfo; #if defined( SAL_W32) || defined(SAL_OS2) # pragma pack(pop) #endif /** Process handle @see osl_executeProcess @see osl_terminateProcess @see osl_freeProcessHandle @see osl_getProcessInfo @see osl_joinProcess */ typedef void* oslProcess; /** Execute a process. Executes the program image provided in strImageName in a new process. @param ustrImageName [in] The file URL of the executable to be started. Can be NULL in this case the file URL of the executable must be the first element in ustrArguments. @param ustrArguments [in] An array of argument strings. Can be NULL if strImageName is not NULL. If strImageName is NULL it is expected that the first element contains the file URL of the executable to start. @param nArguments [in] The number of arguments provided. If this number is 0 strArguments will be ignored. @param Options [in] A combination of int-constants to describe the mode of execution. @param Security [in] The user and his rights for which the process is started. May be NULL in which case the process will be started in the context of the current user. @param ustrDirectory [in] The file URL of the working directory of the new proces. If the specified directory does not exist or is inaccessible the working directory of the newly created process is undefined. If this parameter is NULL or the caller provides an empty string the new process will have the same current working directory as the calling process. @param ustrEnviroments [in] An array of strings describing environment variables that should be merged into the environment of the new process. Each string has to be in the form "variable=value". This parameter can be NULL in which case the new process gets the same environment as the parent process. @param nEnvironmentVars [in] The number of environment variables to set. @param pProcess [out] Pointer to a oslProcess variable, wich receives the handle of the newly created process. This parameter must not be NULL. @return
on success
if the specified executable could not be found
if invalid parameters will be detected
if arbitrary other errors occur
@see oslProcessOption @see osl_executeProcess_WithRedirectedIO @see osl_freeProcessHandle @see osl_loginUser */ oslProcessError SAL_CALL osl_executeProcess( rtl_uString* ustrImageName, rtl_uString* ustrArguments[], sal_uInt32 nArguments, oslProcessOption Options, oslSecurity Security, rtl_uString* ustrDirectory, rtl_uString* ustrEnvironments[], sal_uInt32 nEnvironmentVars, oslProcess* pProcess); /** Execute a process and redirect child process standard IO. @param ustrImageName [in] The file URL of the executable to be started. Can be NULL in this case the file URL of the executable must be the first element in ustrArguments. @param ustrArguments [in] An array of argument strings. Can be NULL if strImageName is not NULL. If strImageName is NULL it is expected that the first element contains the file URL of the executable to start. @param nArguments [in] The number of arguments provided. If this number is 0 strArguments will be ignored. @param Options [in] A combination of int-constants to describe the mode of execution. @param Security [in] The user and his rights for which the process is started. May be NULL in which case the process will be started in the context of the current user. @param ustrDirectory [in] The file URL of the working directory of the new proces. If the specified directory does not exist or is inaccessible the working directory of the newly created process is undefined. If this parameter is NULL or the caller provides an empty string the new process will have the same current working directory as the calling process. @param ustrEnviroments [in] An array of strings describing environment variables that should be merged into the environment of the new process. Each string has to be in the form "variable=value". This parameter can be NULL in which case the new process gets the same environment as the parent process. @param nEnvironmentVars [in] The number of environment variables to set. @param pProcess [out] Pointer to a oslProcess variable, wich receives the handle of the newly created process. This parameter must not be NULL. @param pChildInputWrite [in] Pointer to a oslFileHandle variable that receives the handle which can be used to write to the child process standard input device. The returned handle is not random accessible. The handle has to be closed with osl_closeFile if no longer used. This parameter can be NULL. @param pChildOutputRead [in] Pointer to a oslFileHandle variable that receives the handle which can be used to read from the child process standard output device. The returned handle is not random accessible. The Handle has to be closed with osl_closeFile if no longer used. This parameter can be NULL. @param pChildErrorRead [in] Pointer to a oslFileHandle variable that receives the handle which can be used to read from the child process standard error device. The returned handle is not random accessible. The Handle has to be closed with osl_closeFile if no longer used. This parameter can be NULL. @return
on success
if the specified executable could not be found
if invalid parameters will be detected
if arbitrary other errors occur
@see oslProcessOption @see osl_executeProcess @see osl_freeProcessHandle @see osl_loginUser @see osl_closeFile */ oslProcessError SAL_CALL osl_executeProcess_WithRedirectedIO( rtl_uString* strImageName, rtl_uString* ustrArguments[], sal_uInt32 nArguments, oslProcessOption Options, oslSecurity Security, rtl_uString* ustrDirectory, rtl_uString* ustrEnvironments[], sal_uInt32 nEnvironmentVars, oslProcess* pProcess, oslFileHandle* pChildInputWrite, oslFileHandle* pChildOutputRead, oslFileHandle* pChildErrorRead); /** Terminate a process @param Process [in] the handle of the process to be terminated @see osl_executeProcess @see osl_getProcess @see osl_joinProcess */ oslProcessError SAL_CALL osl_terminateProcess(oslProcess Process); /** @deprecated Retrieve the process handle of a process identifier @param Ident [in] a process identifier @return the process handle on success, NULL in all other cases */ oslProcess SAL_CALL osl_getProcess(oslProcessIdentifier Ident); /** Free the specified proces-handle. @param Process [in] */ void SAL_CALL osl_freeProcessHandle(oslProcess Process); /** Wait for completation of the specified childprocess. @param Process [in] @return ols_Process_E_None @see osl_executeProcess */ oslProcessError SAL_CALL osl_joinProcess(oslProcess Process); /** Wait with a timeout for the completion of the specified child process. @param Process [in] A process identifier. @param pTimeout [in] A timeout value or NULL for infinite waiting. The unit of resolution is second. @return osl_Process_E_None on success osl_Process_E_TimedOut waiting for the child process timed out osl_Process_E_Unknown an error occured or the parameter are invalid @see osl_executeProcess */ oslProcessError SAL_CALL osl_joinProcessWithTimeout(oslProcess Process, const TimeValue* pTimeout); /** Retrieves information about a Process @param Process [in] the process handle of the process @param Field [in] the information which is to be retrieved this can be one or more of osl_Process_IDENTIFIER osl_Process_EXITCODE osl_Process_CPUTIMES osl_Process_HEAPUSAGE @param pInfo [out] a pointer to a vaid oslProcessInfo structure. the Size field has to be initialized with the size of the oslProcessInfo structure. on success the the Field member holds the (or'ed) retrieved valid information fields. @return osl_Process_E_None on success, osl_Process_E_Unknown on failure. */ oslProcessError SAL_CALL osl_getProcessInfo(oslProcess Process, oslProcessData Fields, oslProcessInfo* pInfo); /** Get the filename of the executable. @param strFile [out] the string that receives the executable file path. @return osl_Process_E_None or does not return. @see osl_executeProcess */ oslProcessError SAL_CALL osl_getExecutableFile(rtl_uString **strFile); /** @return the number of commandline arguments passed to the main-function of this process @see osl_getCommandArg */ sal_uInt32 SAL_CALL osl_getCommandArgCount(void); /** Get the nArg-th command-line argument passed to the main-function of this process. @param nArg [in] The number of the argument to return. @param strCommandArg [out] The string receives the nArg-th command-line argument. @return osl_Process_E_None or does not return. @see osl_executeProcess */ oslProcessError SAL_CALL osl_getCommandArg(sal_uInt32 nArg, rtl_uString **strCommandArg); /** Set the command-line arguments as passed to the main-function of this process. Depricated: This function is only for internal use. Passing the args from main will only work for Unix, on Windows there's no effect, the full command line will automtically be taken. This is due to Windows 9x/ME limitation that don't allow UTF-16 wmain to provide a osl_setCommandArgsU( int argc, sal_Unicode **argv ); @param argc [in] The number of elements in the argv array. @param argv [in] The array of command-line arguments. @see osl_getExecutableFile @see osl_getCommandArgCount @see osl_getCommandArg */ void SAL_CALL osl_setCommandArgs (int argc, char **argv); /** Get the value of one enviroment variable. @param strVar [in] denotes the name of the variable to get. @param strValue [out] string that receives the value of environment variable. */ oslProcessError SAL_CALL osl_getEnvironment(rtl_uString *strVar, rtl_uString **strValue); /** Set the value of one enviroment variable. @param strVar [in] denotes the name of the variable to set. @param strValue [in] string of the new value of environment variable. @since UDK 3.2.13 */ oslProcessError SAL_CALL osl_setEnvironment(rtl_uString *strVar, rtl_uString *strValue); /** Unsets the value of one enviroment variable. @param strVar [in] denotes the name of the variable to unset. @since UDK 3.2.13 */ oslProcessError SAL_CALL osl_clearEnvironment(rtl_uString *strVar); /** Get the working directory of the current process as a file URL. The file URL is encoded as common for the OSL file API. @param pustrWorkingDir [out] string that receives the working directory file URL. */ oslProcessError SAL_CALL osl_getProcessWorkingDir( rtl_uString **pustrWorkingDir ); /** Get the locale the process is currently running in. The unix implementation caches the value it returns, so if you have to change the locale your are running in, you will have to use osl_setProcessLocale therefor. @param ppLocale [out] a pointer that receives the currently selected locale structure @see osl_setProcessLocale */ oslProcessError SAL_CALL osl_getProcessLocale( rtl_Locale ** ppLocale ); /** Change the locale of the process. @param pLocale [in] a pointer to the locale to be set @see osl_getProcessLocale */ oslProcessError SAL_CALL osl_setProcessLocale( rtl_Locale * pLocale ); sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_sendResourcePipe(oslPipe Pipe, oslSocket Socket); oslSocket SAL_CALL osl_receiveResourcePipe(oslPipe Pipe); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _OSL_PROCESS_H_ */