/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sc.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include "editutil.hxx" #include "filtuno.hxx" #include "miscuno.hxx" #include "unoguard.hxx" #include "scdll.hxx" #include "imoptdlg.hxx" #include "asciiopt.hxx" #include "docsh.hxx" #include "globstr.hrc" #include "sc.hrc" //CHINA001 #include "scabstdlg.hxx" //CHINA001 #include "i18npool/lang.h" #include using namespace ::com::sun::star; using ::rtl::OUStringBuffer; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ #define SCFILTEROPTIONSOBJ_SERVICE "com.sun.star.ui.dialogs.FilterOptionsDialog" #define SCFILTEROPTIONSOBJ_IMPLNAME "com.sun.star.comp.Calc.FilterOptionsDialog" SC_SIMPLE_SERVICE_INFO( ScFilterOptionsObj, SCFILTEROPTIONSOBJ_IMPLNAME, SCFILTEROPTIONSOBJ_SERVICE ) #define SC_UNONAME_FILENAME "URL" #define SC_UNONAME_FILTERNAME "FilterName" #define SC_UNONAME_FILTEROPTIONS "FilterOptions" #define SC_UNONAME_INPUTSTREAM "InputStream" //------------------------------------------------------------------------ ScFilterOptionsObj::ScFilterOptionsObj() : bExport( sal_False ) { } ScFilterOptionsObj::~ScFilterOptionsObj() { } // stuff for exService_... uno::Reference SAL_CALL ScFilterOptionsObj_CreateInstance( const uno::Reference& ) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; ScDLL::Init(); return (::cppu::OWeakObject*) new ScFilterOptionsObj; } rtl::OUString ScFilterOptionsObj::getImplementationName_Static() { return rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( SCFILTEROPTIONSOBJ_IMPLNAME ); } uno::Sequence ScFilterOptionsObj::getSupportedServiceNames_Static() { uno::Sequence aRet(1); rtl::OUString* pArray = aRet.getArray(); pArray[0] = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( SCFILTEROPTIONSOBJ_SERVICE ); return aRet; } // XPropertyAccess uno::Sequence SAL_CALL ScFilterOptionsObj::getPropertyValues() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { uno::Sequence aRet(1); beans::PropertyValue* pArray = aRet.getArray(); pArray[0].Name = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( SC_UNONAME_FILTEROPTIONS ); pArray[0].Value <<= aFilterOptions; return aRet; } void SAL_CALL ScFilterOptionsObj::setPropertyValues( const uno::Sequence& aProps ) throw(beans::UnknownPropertyException, beans::PropertyVetoException, lang::IllegalArgumentException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException) { const beans::PropertyValue* pPropArray = aProps.getConstArray(); long nPropCount = aProps.getLength(); for (long i = 0; i < nPropCount; i++) { const beans::PropertyValue& rProp = pPropArray[i]; String aPropName(rProp.Name); if ( aPropName.EqualsAscii( SC_UNONAME_FILENAME ) ) rProp.Value >>= aFileName; else if ( aPropName.EqualsAscii( SC_UNONAME_FILTERNAME ) ) rProp.Value >>= aFilterName; else if ( aPropName.EqualsAscii( SC_UNONAME_FILTEROPTIONS ) ) rProp.Value >>= aFilterOptions; else if ( aPropName.EqualsAscii( SC_UNONAME_INPUTSTREAM ) ) rProp.Value >>= xInputStream; } } // XExecutableDialog void SAL_CALL ScFilterOptionsObj::setTitle( const ::rtl::OUString& /* aTitle */ ) throw(uno::RuntimeException) { // not used } sal_Int16 SAL_CALL ScFilterOptionsObj::execute() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { sal_Int16 nRet = ui::dialogs::ExecutableDialogResults::CANCEL; String aFilterString( aFilterName ); ScAbstractDialogFactory* pFact = ScAbstractDialogFactory::Create(); DBG_ASSERT(pFact, "ScAbstractFactory create fail!"); if ( !bExport && aFilterString == ScDocShell::GetAsciiFilterName() ) { // ascii import is special... INetURLObject aURL( aFileName ); String aExt(aURL.getExtension()); String aPrivDatName(aURL.getName()); sal_Unicode cAsciiDel; if (aExt.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii("CSV")) cAsciiDel = ','; else cAsciiDel = '\t'; SvStream* pInStream = NULL; if ( xInputStream.is() ) pInStream = utl::UcbStreamHelper::CreateStream( xInputStream ); //CHINA001 ScImportAsciiDlg* pDlg = new ScImportAsciiDlg( NULL, aPrivDatName, pInStream, cAsciiDel ); AbstractScImportAsciiDlg* pDlg = pFact->CreateScImportAsciiDlg( NULL, aPrivDatName, pInStream, RID_SCDLG_ASCII, cAsciiDel); DBG_ASSERT(pDlg, "Dialog create fail!");//CHINA001 if ( pDlg->Execute() == RET_OK ) { ScAsciiOptions aOptions; pDlg->GetOptions( aOptions ); pDlg->SaveParameters(); aFilterOptions = aOptions.WriteToString(); nRet = ui::dialogs::ExecutableDialogResults::OK; } delete pDlg; delete pInStream; } else if ( aFilterString == ScDocShell::GetWebQueryFilterName() || aFilterString == ScDocShell::GetHtmlFilterName() ) { if (bExport) nRet = ui::dialogs::ExecutableDialogResults::OK; // export HTML without dialog else { // HTML import. ::std::auto_ptr pDlg( pFact->CreateScTextImportOptionsDlg(NULL, RID_SCDLG_TEXT_IMPORT_OPTIONS)); if (pDlg->Execute() == RET_OK) { LanguageType eLang = pDlg->GetLanguageType(); OUStringBuffer aBuf; aBuf.append(String::CreateFromInt32(static_cast(eLang))); aBuf.append(sal_Unicode(' ')); aBuf.append(pDlg->IsDateConversionSet() ? sal_Unicode('1') : sal_Unicode('0')); aFilterOptions = aBuf.makeStringAndClear(); nRet = ui::dialogs::ExecutableDialogResults::OK; } } } else { sal_Bool bMultiByte = sal_True; sal_Bool bDBEnc = sal_False; sal_Bool bAscii = sal_False; sal_Unicode cStrDel = '"'; sal_Unicode cAsciiDel = ';'; rtl_TextEncoding eEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW; String aTitle; if ( aFilterString == ScDocShell::GetAsciiFilterName() ) { // ascii export (import is handled above) INetURLObject aURL( aFileName ); String aExt(aURL.getExtension()); if (aExt.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii("CSV")) cAsciiDel = ','; else cAsciiDel = '\t'; aTitle = ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_EXPORT_ASCII ); bAscii = sal_True; } else if ( aFilterString == ScDocShell::GetLotusFilterName() ) { // lotus is only imported DBG_ASSERT( !bExport, "Filter Options for Lotus Export is not implemented" ); aTitle = ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_IMPORT_LOTUS ); eEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_437; } else if ( aFilterString == ScDocShell::GetDBaseFilterName() ) { if ( bExport ) { // dBase export aTitle = ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_EXPORT_DBF ); } else { // dBase import aTitle = ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_IMPORT_DBF ); } // common for dBase import/export eEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_850; bDBEnc = sal_True; } else if ( aFilterString == ScDocShell::GetDifFilterName() ) { if ( bExport ) { // DIF export aTitle = ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_EXPORT_DIF ); } else { // DIF import aTitle = ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_IMPORT_DIF ); } // common for DIF import/export eEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252; } ScImportOptions aOptions( cAsciiDel, cStrDel, eEncoding); //CHINA001 ScImportOptionsDlg* pDlg = new ScImportOptionsDlg( NULL, bAscii, //CHINA001 &aOptions, &aTitle, bMultiByte, bDBEnc, //CHINA001 !bExport ); //CHINA001 AbstractScImportOptionsDlg* pDlg = pFact->CreateScImportOptionsDlg( NULL, RID_SCDLG_IMPORTOPT, bAscii, &aOptions, &aTitle, bMultiByte, bDBEnc, !bExport); DBG_ASSERT(pDlg, "Dialog create fail!");//CHINA001 if ( pDlg->Execute() == RET_OK ) { pDlg->GetImportOptions( aOptions ); if ( bAscii ) aFilterOptions = aOptions.BuildString(); else aFilterOptions = aOptions.aStrFont; nRet = ui::dialogs::ExecutableDialogResults::OK; } delete pDlg; } xInputStream.clear(); // don't hold the stream longer than necessary return nRet; } // XImporter void SAL_CALL ScFilterOptionsObj::setTargetDocument( const uno::Reference& /* xDoc */ ) throw(lang::IllegalArgumentException, uno::RuntimeException) { bExport = sal_False; } // XExporter void SAL_CALL ScFilterOptionsObj::setSourceDocument( const uno::Reference& /* xDoc */ ) throw(lang::IllegalArgumentException, uno::RuntimeException) { bExport = sal_True; }