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#include "datefunc.hrc"

    Resource DATE_FUNCDESC_DiffWeeks
        String 1    // description              DiffWeeks
			Text [ en-US ] = "Calculates the number of weeks in a specific period";
        String 2 // name of parameter 1         DiffWeeks
			Text [ en-US ] = "Start date";
        String 3 // description of parameter 1  DiffWeeks
			Text [ en-US ] = "First day of the period";
        String 4 // name of parameter 2         DiffWeeks
			Text [ en-US ] = "End date";
        String 5 // description of parameter 2  DiffWeeks
			Text [ en-US ] = "Last day of the period";
        String 6 // name of parameter 3         DiffWeeks
			Text [ en-US ] = "Type";
        String 7 // description of parameter 3  DiffWeeks
			Text [ en-US ] = "Type of calculation: Type=0 means the time interval, Type=1 means calendar weeks.";

    Resource DATE_FUNCDESC_DiffMonths
        String 1    // description              DiffMonths
			Text [ en-US ] = "Determines the number of months in a specific period.";
        String 2 // name of parameter 1         DiffMonths
			Text [ en-US ] = "Start date";
        String 3 // description of parameter 1  DiffMonths
			Text [ en-US ] = "First day of the period.";
        String 4 // name of parameter 2         DiffMonths
			Text [ en-US ] = "End date";
        String 5 // description of parameter 2  DiffMonths
			Text [ en-US ] = "Last day of the period.";
        String 6 // name of parameter 3         DiffMonths
			Text [ en-US ] = "Type";
        String 7 // description of parameter 3  DiffMonths
			Text [ en-US ] = "Type of calculation: Type=0 means the time interval, Type=1 means calendar months.";

    Resource DATE_FUNCDESC_DiffYears
        String 1    // description              DiffYears
			Text [ en-US ] = "Calculates the number of years in a specific period.";
        String 2 // name of parameter 1         DiffYears
			Text [ en-US ] = "Start date";
        String 3 // description of parameter 1  DiffYears
			Text [ en-US ] = "First day of the period";
        String 4 // name of parameter 2         DiffYears
			Text [ en-US ] = "End date";
        String 5 // description of parameter 2  DiffYears
			Text [ en-US ] = "Last day of the period";
        String 6 // name of parameter 3         DiffYears
			Text [ en-US ] = "Type";
        String 7 // description of parameter 3  DiffYears
            Text [ en-US ] = "Type of calculation: Type=0 means the time interval, Type=1 means calendar years.";

    Resource DATE_FUNCDESC_IsLeapYear
        String 1    // description              IsLeapYear
			Text [ en-US ] = "Returns 1 (TRUE) if the date is a day of a leap year, otherwise 0 (FALSE).";
        String 2 // name of parameter 1         IsLeapYear
			Text [ en-US ] = "Date";
        String 3 // description of parameter 1  IsLeapYear
			Text [ en-US ] = "Any day in the desired year";

    Resource DATE_FUNCDESC_DaysInMonth
        String 1    // description              DaysInMonth
			Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the number of days of the month in which the date entered occurs";
        String 2 // name of parameter 1         DaysInMonth
			Text [ en-US ] = "Date";
        String 3 // description of parameter 1  DaysInMonth
			Text [ en-US ] = "Any day in the desired month";

    Resource DATE_FUNCDESC_DaysInYear
        String 1    // description              DaysInYear
			Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the number of days of the year in which the date entered occurs.";
        String 2 // name of parameter 1         DaysInYear
			Text [ en-US ] = "Date";
        String 3 // description of parameter 1  DaysInYear
			Text [ en-US ] = "Any day in the desired year";

    Resource DATE_FUNCDESC_WeeksInYear
        String 1    // description              WeeksInYear
			Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the number of weeks of the year in which the date entered occurs";
        String 2 // name of parameter 1         WeeksInYear
			Text [ en-US ] = "Date";
        String 3 // description of parameter 1  WeeksInYear
			Text [ en-US ] = "Any day in the desired year";

    Resource DATE_FUNCDESC_Rot13
        String 1    // description              Rot13
			Text [ en-US ] = "Encrypts or decrypts a text using the ROT13 algorithm";
        String 2 // name of parameter 1         Rot13
			Text [ en-US ] = "Text";
        String 3 // description of parameter 1  Rot13
			Text [ en-US ] = "Text to be encrypted or text already encrypted";

    String DATE_FUNCNAME_DiffWeeks
    	Text [ en-US ] = "WEEKS";
    String DATE_FUNCNAME_DiffMonths
    	Text [ en-US ] = "MONTHS";
    String DATE_FUNCNAME_DiffYears
    	Text [ en-US ] = "YEARS";
    String DATE_FUNCNAME_IsLeapYear
    	Text [ en-US ] = "ISLEAPYEAR";
    String DATE_FUNCNAME_DaysInMonth
    	Text [ en-US ] = "DAYSINMONTH";
    String DATE_FUNCNAME_DaysInYear
    	Text [ en-US ] = "DAYSINYEAR";
    String DATE_FUNCNAME_WeeksInYear
    	Text [ en-US ] = "WEEKSINYEAR";
    String DATE_FUNCNAME_Rot13
    	Text [ en-US ] = "ROT13";


    StringArray DATE_DEFFUNCNAME_DiffWeeks
		ItemList =
            < "WOCHEN"; >;
            < "WEEKS"; >;
    StringArray DATE_DEFFUNCNAME_DiffMonths
		ItemList =
            < "MONATE"; >;
            < "MONTHS"; >;
    StringArray DATE_DEFFUNCNAME_DiffYears
		ItemList =
            < "JAHRE"; >;
            < "YEARS"; >;
    StringArray DATE_DEFFUNCNAME_IsLeapYear
		ItemList =
            < "ISTSCHALTJAHR"; >;
            < "ISLEAPYEAR"; >;
    StringArray DATE_DEFFUNCNAME_DaysInMonth
		ItemList =
            < "TAGEIMMONAT"; >;
            < "DAYSINMONTH"; >;
    StringArray DATE_DEFFUNCNAME_DaysInYear
		ItemList =
            < "TAGEIMJAHR"; >;
            < "DAYSINYEAR"; >;
    StringArray DATE_DEFFUNCNAME_WeeksInYear
		ItemList =
            < "WOCHENIMJAHR"; >;
            < "WEEKSINYEAR"; >;
    StringArray DATE_DEFFUNCNAME_Rot13
		ItemList =
            < "ROT13"; >;
            < "ROT13"; >;