#************************************************************** # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # #************************************************************** package installer::logger; use installer::files; use installer::globals; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval); use English; use IO::Handle; use strict; my $StartTime = undef; sub PrintStackTrace (); sub Die ($); =head1 NAME installer::logger Logging for the installer modules. =cut =head1 DESCRIPTION This module is in a transition state from a set of loosly connected functions to a single class. There are three globaly available logger objects: =over =item $Lang is language specific and writes messages to a log file. =cut =item $Glob is independent of the current language. Its messages are prepended to each $Lang logger. =cut =item $Info is for output to the console. =cut =back =cut our $Global = installer::logger->new("glob", 'is_save_lines' => 1, 'is_print_to_console' => 0, 'is_show_relative_time' => 1); our $Lang = installer::logger->new("lang", 'is_print_to_console' => 0, 'is_show_relative_time' => 1, 'is_show_log_id' => 1 ); our $Info = installer::logger->new("info", 'is_show_relative_time' => 0, 'is_show_process_id' => 0, 'is_show_log_id' => 0 ); =head2 SetupSimpleLogging ($filename) Setup logging so that $Global, $Lang and $Info all print to the console. If $filename is given then logging also goes to that file. =cut sub SetupSimpleLogging (;$) { my ($log_filename) = @_; $Info = installer::logger->new("info", 'is_print_to_console' => 1, 'is_show_relative_time' => 1, ); $Global = installer::logger->new("glob", 'is_print_to_console' => 0, 'is_show_relative_time' => 1, 'forward' => [$Info] ); $Lang = installer::logger->new("lang", 'is_print_to_console' => 0, 'is_show_relative_time' => 1, 'forward' => [$Info] ); if (defined $log_filename) { $Info->set_filename($log_filename); } $Info->{'is_print_to_console'} = 1; $installer::globals::quiet = 0; starttime(); } =head2 new($class, $id, @arguments) Create a new instance of the logger class. @arguments lets you override default values. =cut sub new ($$@) { my ($class, $id, @arguments) = @_; my $self = { 'id' => $id, 'filename' => "", # When set then lines are printed to this file. 'file' => undef, # When true then lines are printed to the console. 'is_print_to_console' => 1, 'is_save_lines' => 0, # A container of printed lines. Lines are added only when 'is_save_lines' is true. 'lines' => [], # Another logger to which all prints are forwarded. 'forward' => [], # A filter function that for example can recoginze build errors. 'filter' => undef, # Show relative time 'is_show_relative_time' => 0, # Show log id (mostly for debugging the logger) 'is_show_log_id' => 0, # Show the process id, useful on the console when doing a multiprocessor build. 'is_show_process_id' => 0, # Current indentation 'indentation' => "", }; while (scalar @arguments >= 2) { my $key = shift @arguments; my $value = shift @arguments; $self->{$key} = $value; } bless($self, $class); return $self; } =head2 printf($self, $message, @arguments) Identical in syntax and semantics to the usual perl (s)printf. =cut sub printf ($$@) { my ($self, $format, @arguments) = @_; if ($format =~ /\%\{/) { printf(">%s<\n", $format); PrintStackTrace(); } my $message = sprintf($format, @arguments); $self->print($message, 0); } =head2 print ($self, $message, [optional] $force) Print the given message. If the optional $force parameter is given and it evaluates to true then the message is printed even when the golbal $installer::globals::quiet is true. =cut sub print ($$;$) { my ($self, $message, $force) = @_; Die "newline at start of line" if ($message =~ /^\n.+/); $force = 0 unless defined $force; my $relative_time = tv_interval($StartTime, [gettimeofday()]); foreach my $target ($self, @{$self->{'forward'}}) { $target->process_line( $relative_time, $self->{'id'}, $PID, $message, $force); } } =head2 process_line ($self, $relative_time, $log_id, $pid, $message, $force) Internal function that decides whether to a) write to a log file b) print to the console c) store in an array for later use the preformatted message. =cut sub process_line ($$$$$$) { my ($self, $relative_time, $log_id, $pid, $message, $force) = @_; # Apply the line filter. if (defined $self->{'filter'}) { $message = &{$self->{'filter'}}($relative_time, $log_id, $pid, $message); } # Format the line. my $line = ""; if ($self->{'is_show_relative_time'}) { $line .= sprintf("%12.6f : ", $relative_time); } if ($self->{'is_show_log_id'}) { $line .= $log_id . " : "; } if ($self->{'is_show_process_id'}) { $line .= $pid . " : "; } $line .= $self->{'indentation'}; $line .= $message; # Print the line to a file or to the console or store it for later use. my $fid = $self->{'file'}; if (defined $fid) { print $fid ($line); } if (($force || ! $installer::globals::quiet) && $self->{'is_print_to_console'}) { print($line); } if ($self->{'is_save_lines'}) { push @{$self->{'lines'}}, [$relative_time, $log_id, $pid, $message, $force]; } } =head2 set_filename (Self, $filename) When the name of a writable file is given then all future messages will go to that file. Output to the console is turned off. This method is typically used to tie the language dependent $Lang logger to different log files. =cut sub set_filename ($$) { my ($self, $filename) = @_; $filename = "" unless defined $filename; if ($self->{'filename'} ne $filename) { if (defined $self->{'file'}) { $self->{'is_print_to_console'} = 1; close $self->{'file'}; $self->{'file'} = undef; } $self->{'filename'} = $filename; if ($filename ne "") { open $self->{'file'}, ">", $self->{'filename'} || Die "can not open log file ".$self->{'filename'}." for writing"; $self->{'is_print_to_console'} = 0; # Make all writes synchronous so that we don't loose any messages on an # 'abrupt' end. my $handle = select $self->{'file'}; $| = 1; select $handle; } } } =head2 set_filter ($self, $filter) Sets $filter (a function reference) as line filter. It is applied to each line. The filter can extract information from the given message and modify it before it is printed. =cut sub set_filter ($$) { my ($self, $filter) = @_; $self->{'filter'} = $filter; } =head2 add_timestamp ($self, $message) Print the given message together with the current (absolute) time. =cut sub add_timestamp ($$) { my ($self, $message) = @_; my $timestring = get_time_string(); $self->printf("%s\t%s", $message, $timestring); } =head2 copy_lines_from ($self, $other) Copy saved lines from another logger object. =cut sub copy_lines_from ($$) { my ($self, $other) = @_; my $is_print_to_console = $self->{'is_print_to_console'}; my $is_save_lines = $self->{'is_save_lines'}; my $fid = $self->{'file'}; foreach my $line (@{$other->{'lines'}}) { $self->process_line(@$line); } } =head2 set_forward ($self, $other) Set a forwarding target. All future messages are forwarded (copied) to $other. A typical use is to tie $Info to $Lang so that all messages sent to $Info are printed to the console AND written to the log file. =cut sub set_forward ($$) { my ($self, $other) = @_; # At the moment at most one forward target is allowed. if (defined $other) { $self->{'forward'} = [$other]; } else { $self->{'forward'} = []; } } sub increase_indentation ($) { my ($self) = @_; $self->{'indentation'} .= " "; } sub decrease_indentation ($) { my ($self) = @_; $self->{'indentation'} = substr($self->{'indentation'}, 4); } #################################################### # Including header files into the logfile #################################################### sub include_header_into_logfile { my ($message) = @_; $Lang->print("\n"); $Lang->print(get_time_string()); $Lang->print("######################################################\n"); $Lang->print($message."\n"); $Lang->print("######################################################\n"); } #################################################### # Including header files into the logfile #################################################### sub include_header_into_globallogfile { my ($message) = @_; $Global->print("\n"); $Global->print(get_time_string()); $Global->print("######################################################\n"); $Global->print($message."\n"); $Global->print("######################################################\n"); } #################################################### # Write timestamp into log file #################################################### sub include_timestamp_into_logfile { Die "deprected"; my ($message) = @_; my $infoline; my $timestring = get_time_string(); $Lang->printf("%s\t%s", $message, $timestring); } #################################################### # Writing all variables content into the log file #################################################### sub log_hashref { my ($hashref) = @_; $Global->print("\n"); $Global->print("Logging variable settings:\n"); my $itemkey; foreach $itemkey ( keys %{$hashref} ) { my $line = ""; my $itemvalue = ""; if ( $hashref->{$itemkey} ) { $itemvalue = $hashref->{$itemkey}; } $Global->printf("%s=%s\n", $itemkey, $itemvalue); } $Global->print("\n"); } ######################################################### # Including global logging info into global log array ######################################################### sub globallog { my ($message) = @_; my $infoline; $Global->print("\n"); $Global->print(get_time_string()); $Global->print("################################################################\n"); $Global->print($message."\n"); $Global->print("################################################################\n"); } ############################################################### # For each product (new language) a new log file is created. # Therefore the global logging has to be saved in this file. ############################################################### sub copy_globalinfo_into_logfile { for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#installer::globals::globallogfileinfo; $i++ ) { push(@installer::globals::logfileinfo, $installer::globals::globallogfileinfo[$i]); } } ############################################################### # For each product (new language) a new log file is created. # Therefore the global logging has to be saved in this file. ############################################################### sub debuginfo { my ( $message ) = @_; $message = $message . "\n"; push(@installer::globals::functioncalls, $message); } ############################################################### # Saving the debug information. ############################################################### sub savedebug { my ( $outputdir ) = @_; installer::files::save_file($outputdir . $installer::globals::debugfilename, \@installer::globals::functioncalls); print_message( "... writing debug file " . $outputdir . $installer::globals::debugfilename . "\n" ); } ############################################################### # Starting the time ############################################################### sub starttime { $installer::globals::starttime = time(); $StartTime = [gettimeofday()]; my $localtime = localtime(); } ############################################################### # Convert time string ############################################################### sub convert_timestring { my ($secondstring) = @_; my $timestring = ""; if ( $secondstring < 60 ) # less than a minute { if ( $secondstring < 10 ) { $secondstring = "0" . $secondstring; } $timestring = "00\:$secondstring min\."; } elsif ( $secondstring < 3600 ) { my $minutes = $secondstring / 60; my $seconds = $secondstring % 60; if ( $minutes =~ /(\d*)\.\d*/ ) { $minutes = $1; } if ( $minutes < 10 ) { $minutes = "0" . $minutes; } if ( $seconds < 10 ) { $seconds = "0" . $seconds; } $timestring = "$minutes\:$seconds min\."; } else # more than one hour { my $hours = $secondstring / 3600; my $secondstring = $secondstring % 3600; my $minutes = $secondstring / 60; my $seconds = $secondstring % 60; if ( $hours =~ /(\d*)\.\d*/ ) { $hours = $1; } if ( $minutes =~ /(\d*)\.\d*/ ) { $minutes = $1; } if ( $hours < 10 ) { $hours = "0" . $hours; } if ( $minutes < 10 ) { $minutes = "0" . $minutes; } if ( $seconds < 10 ) { $seconds = "0" . $seconds; } $timestring = "$hours\:$minutes\:$seconds hours"; } return $timestring; } ############################################################### # Returning time string for logging ############################################################### sub get_time_string { my $currenttime = time(); $currenttime = $currenttime - $installer::globals::starttime; $currenttime = convert_timestring($currenttime); $currenttime = localtime() . " \(" . $currenttime . "\)\n"; return $currenttime; } ############################################################### # Returning the age of a file (in seconds) ############################################################### sub get_file_age { my ( $filename ) = @_; my $filetime = (stat($filename))[9]; my $timediff = time() - $filetime; return $timediff; } ############################################################### # Stopping the time ############################################################### sub stoptime { my $localtime = localtime(); $Info->printf("stopping log at %s\n", $localtime); } ############################################################### # Set date string, format: yymmdd ############################################################### sub set_installation_date { my $datestring = ""; my @timearray = localtime(time); my $day = $timearray[3]; my $month = $timearray[4] + 1; my $year = $timearray[5] - 100; if ( $year < 10 ) { $year = "0" . $year; } if ( $month < 10 ) { $month = "0" . $month; } if ( $day < 10 ) { $day = "0" . $day; } $datestring = $year . $month . $day; return $datestring; } ############################################################### # Console output: messages ############################################################### sub print_message { Die "print_message is deprecated"; my $message = shift; chomp $message; my $force = shift || 0; print "$message\n" if ( $force || ! $installer::globals::quiet ); return; } sub print_message_without_newline { my $message = shift; chomp $message; print "$message" if ( ! $installer::globals::quiet ); return; } ############################################################### # Console output: warnings ############################################################### sub print_warning { my $message = shift; chomp $message; print STDERR "WARNING: $message"; return; } ############################################################### # Console output: errors ############################################################### sub print_error { my $message = shift; chomp $message; PrintError($message); print STDERR "\n"; print STDERR "**************************************************\n"; print STDERR "ERROR: $message"; print STDERR "\n"; print STDERR "**************************************************\n"; return; } sub PrintError ($@) { my ($format, @arguments) = @_; $Info->printf("Error: ".$format, @arguments); } =head2 PrintStackTrace() This is for debugging the print and printf methods of the logger class and their use. Therefore we use the Perl print/printf directly and not the logger methods to avoid loops in case of errors. =cut sub PrintStackTrace () { print "Stack Trace:\n"; my $i = 1; while ((my @call_details = (caller($i++)))) { printf("%s:%s in function %s\n", $call_details[1], $call_details[2], $call_details[3]); } } sub Die ($) { my ($message) = @_; PrintStackTrace(); die $message; } 1;