/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_svtools.hxx" #ifdef UNX #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "svl/urihelper.hxx" #include #define _SVSTDARR_STRINGSDTOR #include #include #include #include #include #include "iodlg.hrc" #include #include #include #include // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- using namespace ::rtl; using namespace ::ucbhelper; using namespace ::utl; using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans; using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang; using namespace ::com::sun::star::sdbc; using namespace ::com::sun::star::task; using namespace ::com::sun::star::ucb; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- class SvtURLBox_Impl { public: SvStringsDtor* pURLs; SvStringsDtor* pCompletions; const IUrlFilter* pUrlFilter; ::std::vector< WildCard > m_aFilters; static sal_Bool TildeParsing( String& aText, String& aBaseUrl ); inline SvtURLBox_Impl( ) :pURLs( NULL ) ,pCompletions( NULL ) ,pUrlFilter( NULL ) { FilterMatch::createWildCardFilterList(String(),m_aFilters); } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- class SvtMatchContext_Impl : public ::vos::OThread { static ::vos::OMutex* pDirMutex; SvStringsDtor aPickList; SvStringsDtor* pCompletions; SvStringsDtor* pURLs; svtools::AsynchronLink aLink; String aBaseURL; String aText; SvtURLBox* pBox; sal_Bool bStop; sal_Bool bOnlyDirectories; sal_Bool bNoSelection; DECL_STATIC_LINK( SvtMatchContext_Impl, Select_Impl, void* ); virtual void SAL_CALL onTerminated( ); virtual void SAL_CALL run(); virtual void SAL_CALL Cancel(); void Insert( const String& rCompletion, const String& rURL, sal_Bool bForce = sal_False); void ReadFolder( const String& rURL, const String& rMatch, sal_Bool bSmart ); void FillPicklist( SvStringsDtor& rPickList ); public: static ::vos::OMutex* GetMutex(); SvtMatchContext_Impl( SvtURLBox* pBoxP, const String& rText ); ~SvtMatchContext_Impl(); void Stop(); }; ::vos::OMutex* SvtMatchContext_Impl::pDirMutex = 0; ::vos::OMutex* SvtMatchContext_Impl::GetMutex() { ::vos::OGuard aGuard( ::vos::OMutex::getGlobalMutex() ); if( !pDirMutex ) pDirMutex = new ::vos::OMutex; return pDirMutex; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- SvtMatchContext_Impl::SvtMatchContext_Impl( SvtURLBox* pBoxP, const String& rText ) : aLink( STATIC_LINK( this, SvtMatchContext_Impl, Select_Impl ) ) , aBaseURL( pBoxP->aBaseURL ) , aText( rText ) , pBox( pBoxP ) , bStop( sal_False ) , bOnlyDirectories( pBoxP->bOnlyDirectories ) , bNoSelection( pBoxP->bNoSelection ) { pURLs = new SvStringsDtor; pCompletions = new SvStringsDtor; aLink.CreateMutex(); FillPicklist( aPickList ); create(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- SvtMatchContext_Impl::~SvtMatchContext_Impl() { aLink.ClearPendingCall(); delete pURLs; delete pCompletions; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvtMatchContext_Impl::FillPicklist( SvStringsDtor& rPickList ) { // Einlesung der Historypickliste Sequence< Sequence< PropertyValue > > seqPicklist = SvtHistoryOptions().GetList( eHISTORY ); sal_uInt32 nCount = seqPicklist.getLength(); for( sal_uInt32 nItem=0; nItem < nCount; nItem++ ) { Sequence< PropertyValue > seqPropertySet = seqPicklist[ nItem ]; OUString sTitle; INetURLObject aURL; sal_uInt32 nPropertyCount = seqPropertySet.getLength(); for( sal_uInt32 nProperty=0; nProperty < nPropertyCount; nProperty++ ) { if( seqPropertySet[nProperty].Name == HISTORY_PROPERTYNAME_TITLE ) { seqPropertySet[nProperty].Value >>= sTitle; aURL.SetURL( sTitle ); const StringPtr pStr = new String( aURL.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::DECODE_WITH_CHARSET ) ); rPickList.Insert( pStr, (sal_uInt16) nItem ); break; } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAL_CALL SvtMatchContext_Impl::Cancel() { // Cancel button pressed terminate(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvtMatchContext_Impl::Stop() { bStop = sal_True; if( isRunning() ) terminate(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvtMatchContext_Impl::onTerminated( ) { aLink.Call( this ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This method is called via AsynchronLink, so it has the SolarMutex and // calling solar code ( VCL ... ) is safe. It is called when the thread is // terminated ( finished work or stopped ). Cancelling the thread via // Cancellable does not not discard the information gained so far, it // inserts all collected completions into the listbox. IMPL_STATIC_LINK( SvtMatchContext_Impl, Select_Impl, void*, ) { // avoid recursion through cancel button if( pThis->bStop ) { // completions was stopped, no display delete pThis; return 0; } SvtURLBox* pBox = pThis->pBox; pBox->bAutoCompleteMode = sal_True; // did we filter completions which otherwise would have been valid? // (to be filled below) bool bValidCompletionsFiltered = false; // insert all completed strings into the listbox pBox->Clear(); for( sal_uInt16 nPos = 0; nPospCompletions->Count(); nPos++ ) { String sCompletion( *(*pThis->pCompletions)[nPos] ); // convert the file into an URL String sURL( sCompletion ); ::utl::LocalFileHelper::ConvertPhysicalNameToURL( sCompletion, sURL ); // note: if this doesn't work, we're not interested in: we're checking the // untouched sCompletion then if ( pBox->pImp->pUrlFilter ) { if ( !pBox->pImp->pUrlFilter->isUrlAllowed( sURL ) ) { // this URL is not allowed bValidCompletionsFiltered = true; continue; } } if (( sURL.Len() > 0 ) && ( sURL.GetChar(sURL.Len()-1) != '/' )) { String sUpperURL( sURL ); sUpperURL.ToUpperAscii(); ::std::vector< WildCard >::const_iterator aMatchingFilter = ::std::find_if( pBox->pImp->m_aFilters.begin(), pBox->pImp->m_aFilters.end(), FilterMatch( sUpperURL ) ); if ( aMatchingFilter == pBox->pImp->m_aFilters.end() ) { // this URL is not allowed bValidCompletionsFiltered = true; continue; } } pBox->InsertEntry( sCompletion ); } if( !pThis->bNoSelection && pThis->pCompletions->Count() && !bValidCompletionsFiltered ) { // select the first one String aTmp( pBox->GetEntry(0) ); pBox->SetText( aTmp ); pBox->SetSelection( Selection( pThis->aText.Len(), aTmp.Len() ) ); } // transfer string lists to listbox and forget them delete pBox->pImp->pURLs; delete pBox->pImp->pCompletions; pBox->pImp->pURLs = pThis->pURLs; pBox->pImp->pCompletions = pThis->pCompletions; pThis->pURLs = NULL; pThis->pCompletions = NULL; // force listbox to resize ( it may be open ) pBox->Resize(); // the box has this control as a member so we have to set that member // to zero before deleting ourself. pBox->pCtx = NULL; delete pThis; return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvtMatchContext_Impl::Insert( const String& rCompletion, const String& rURL, sal_Bool bForce ) { if( !bForce ) { // avoid doubles for( sal_uInt16 nPos = pCompletions->Count(); nPos--; ) if( *(*pCompletions)[ nPos ] == rCompletion ) return; } const StringPtr pCompletion = new String( rCompletion ); pCompletions->Insert( pCompletion, pCompletions->Count() ); const StringPtr pURL = new String( rURL ); pURLs->Insert( pURL, pURLs->Count() ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvtMatchContext_Impl::ReadFolder( const String& rURL, const String& rMatch, sal_Bool bSmart ) { // check folder to scan if( !UCBContentHelper::IsFolder( rURL ) ) return; sal_Bool bPureHomePath = sal_False; #ifdef UNX bPureHomePath = aText.Search( '~' ) == 0 && aText.Search( '/' ) == STRING_NOTFOUND; #endif sal_Bool bExectMatch = bPureHomePath || aText.CompareToAscii( "." ) == COMPARE_EQUAL || (aText.Len() > 1 && aText.Copy( aText.Len() - 2, 2 ).CompareToAscii( "/." ) == COMPARE_EQUAL) || (aText.Len() > 2 && aText.Copy( aText.Len() - 3, 3 ).CompareToAscii( "/.." ) == COMPARE_EQUAL); // for pure home pathes ( ~username ) the '.' at the end of rMatch // means that it poits to root catalog // this is done only for file contents since home pathes parsing is usefull only for them if ( bPureHomePath && rMatch.Equals( String::CreateFromAscii( "file:///." ) ) ) { // a home that refers to / String aNewText( aText ); aNewText += '/'; Insert( aNewText, rURL, sal_True ); return; } // string to match with INetURLObject aMatchObj( rMatch ); String aMatchName; if ( rURL != String(aMatchObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ) )) { aMatchName = aMatchObj.getName( INetURLObject::LAST_SEGMENT, true, INetURLObject::DECODE_WITH_CHARSET ); // matching is always done case insensitive, but completion will be case sensitive and case preserving aMatchName.ToLowerAscii(); // if the matchstring ends with a slash, we must search for this also if ( rMatch.GetChar(rMatch.Len()-1) == '/' ) aMatchName += '/'; } xub_StrLen nMatchLen = aMatchName.Len(); INetURLObject aFolderObj( rURL ); DBG_ASSERT( aFolderObj.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID, "Invalid URL!" ); try { uno::Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xFactory = ::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory(); Content aCnt( aFolderObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ), new ::ucbhelper::CommandEnvironment( uno::Reference< XInteractionHandler >(), uno::Reference< XProgressHandler >() ) ); uno::Reference< XResultSet > xResultSet; Sequence< OUString > aProps(2); OUString* pProps = aProps.getArray(); pProps[0] = OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Title" ) ); pProps[1] = OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "IsFolder" ) ); try { uno::Reference< XDynamicResultSet > xDynResultSet; ResultSetInclude eInclude = INCLUDE_FOLDERS_AND_DOCUMENTS; if ( bOnlyDirectories ) eInclude = INCLUDE_FOLDERS_ONLY; xDynResultSet = aCnt.createDynamicCursor( aProps, eInclude ); uno::Reference < XAnyCompareFactory > xCompare; uno::Reference < XSortedDynamicResultSetFactory > xSRSFac( xFactory->createInstance( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("com.sun.star.ucb.SortedDynamicResultSetFactory") ) ), UNO_QUERY ); Sequence< NumberedSortingInfo > aSortInfo( 2 ); NumberedSortingInfo* pInfo = aSortInfo.getArray(); pInfo[ 0 ].ColumnIndex = 2; pInfo[ 0 ].Ascending = sal_False; pInfo[ 1 ].ColumnIndex = 1; pInfo[ 1 ].Ascending = sal_True; uno::Reference< XDynamicResultSet > xDynamicResultSet; xDynamicResultSet = xSRSFac->createSortedDynamicResultSet( xDynResultSet, aSortInfo, xCompare ); if ( xDynamicResultSet.is() ) { xResultSet = xDynamicResultSet->getStaticResultSet(); } } catch( ::com::sun::star::uno::Exception& ) {} if ( xResultSet.is() ) { uno::Reference< XRow > xRow( xResultSet, UNO_QUERY ); uno::Reference< XContentAccess > xContentAccess( xResultSet, UNO_QUERY ); try { while ( schedule() && xResultSet->next() ) { String aURL = xContentAccess->queryContentIdentifierString(); String aTitle = xRow->getString(1); sal_Bool bIsFolder = xRow->getBoolean(2); // matching is always done case insensitive, but completion will be case sensitive and case preserving aTitle.ToLowerAscii(); if ( !nMatchLen || (bExectMatch && aMatchName.Equals(aTitle)) || (!bExectMatch && aMatchName.CompareTo(aTitle, nMatchLen) == COMPARE_EQUAL) ) { // all names fit if matchstring is empty INetURLObject aObj( aURL ); sal_Unicode aDelimiter = '/'; if ( bSmart ) // when parsing is done "smart", the delimiter must be "guessed" aObj.getFSysPath( (INetURLObject::FSysStyle)(INetURLObject::FSYS_DETECT & ~INetURLObject::FSYS_VOS), &aDelimiter ); if ( bIsFolder ) aObj.setFinalSlash(); // get the last name of the URL String aMatch = aObj.getName( INetURLObject::LAST_SEGMENT, true, INetURLObject::DECODE_WITH_CHARSET ); String aInput( aText ); if ( nMatchLen ) { if ((aText.Len() && aText.GetChar(aText.Len() - 1) == '.') || bPureHomePath) { // if a "special folder" URL was typed, don't touch the user input aMatch.Erase( 0, nMatchLen ); } else { // make the user input case preserving DBG_ASSERT( aInput.Len() >= nMatchLen, "Suspicious Matching!" ); aInput.Erase( aInput.Len() - nMatchLen ); } } aInput += aMatch; // folders should get a final slash automatically if ( bIsFolder ) aInput += aDelimiter; Insert( aInput, aObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ), sal_True ); } } } catch( ::com::sun::star::uno::Exception& ) { } } } catch( ::com::sun::star::uno::Exception& ) { } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- String SvtURLBox::ParseSmart( String aText, String aBaseURL, String aWorkDir ) { String aMatch; // parse ~ for Unix systems // does nothing for Windows if( !SvtURLBox_Impl::TildeParsing( aText, aBaseURL ) ) return String(); INetURLObject aURLObject; if( aBaseURL.Len() ) { INetProtocol eBaseProt = INetURLObject::CompareProtocolScheme( aBaseURL ); // if a base URL is set the string may be parsed relative if( aText.Search( '/' ) == 0 ) { // text starting with slashes means absolute file URLs String aTemp = INetURLObject::GetScheme( eBaseProt ); // file URL must be correctly encoded! String aTextURL = INetURLObject::encode( aText, INetURLObject::PART_FPATH, '%', INetURLObject::ENCODE_ALL ); aTemp += aTextURL; INetURLObject aTmp( aTemp ); if ( !aTmp.HasError() && aTmp.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID ) aMatch = aTmp.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ); } else { String aSmart( aText ); INetURLObject aObj( aBaseURL ); // HRO: I suppose this hack should only be done for Windows !!!??? #ifdef WNT // HRO: INetURLObject::smatRel2Abs does not recognize '\\' as a relative path // but in case of "\\\\" INetURLObject is right - this is an absolute path ! if( aText.Search( '\\' ) == 0 && (aText.Len() < 2 || aText.GetChar( 1 ) != '\\') ) { // cut to first segment String aTmp = INetURLObject::GetScheme( eBaseProt ); aTmp += '/'; aTmp += String(aObj.getName( 0, true, INetURLObject::DECODE_WITH_CHARSET )); aObj.SetURL( aTmp ); aSmart.Erase(0,1); } #endif // base URL must be a directory ! aObj.setFinalSlash(); // take base URL and append current input bool bWasAbsolute = sal_False; #ifdef UNX // don't support FSYS_MAC under Unix, because here ':' is a valid character for a filename INetURLObject::FSysStyle eStyle = static_cast< INetURLObject::FSysStyle >( INetURLObject::FSYS_VOS | INetURLObject::FSYS_UNX | INetURLObject::FSYS_DOS ); // encode file URL correctly aSmart = INetURLObject::encode( aSmart, INetURLObject::PART_FPATH, '%', INetURLObject::ENCODE_ALL ); INetURLObject aTmp( aObj.smartRel2Abs( aSmart, bWasAbsolute, false, INetURLObject::WAS_ENCODED, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, false, eStyle ) ); #else INetURLObject aTmp( aObj.smartRel2Abs( aSmart, bWasAbsolute ) ); #endif if ( aText.GetChar( aText.Len() - 1 ) == '.' ) // INetURLObject appends a final slash for the directories "." and "..", this is a bug! // Remove it as a workaround aTmp.removeFinalSlash(); if ( !aTmp.HasError() && aTmp.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID ) aMatch = aTmp.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ); } } else { ::utl::LocalFileHelper::ConvertSystemPathToURL( aText, aWorkDir, aMatch ); } return aMatch; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvtMatchContext_Impl::run() { ::vos::OGuard aGuard( GetMutex() ); if( bStop ) // have we been stopped while we were waiting for the mutex? return; // Reset match lists pCompletions->Remove( 0, pCompletions->Count() ); pURLs->Remove( 0, pURLs->Count() ); // check for input sal_uInt16 nTextLen = aText.Len(); if ( !nTextLen ) return; if( aText.Search( '*' ) != STRING_NOTFOUND || aText.Search( '?' ) != STRING_NOTFOUND ) // no autocompletion for wildcards return; String aMatch; String aWorkDir( SvtPathOptions().GetWorkPath() ); INetProtocol eProt = INetURLObject::CompareProtocolScheme( aText ); INetProtocol eBaseProt = INetURLObject::CompareProtocolScheme( aBaseURL ); if ( !aBaseURL.Len() ) eBaseProt = INetURLObject::CompareProtocolScheme( aWorkDir ); INetProtocol eSmartProt = pBox->GetSmartProtocol(); // if the user input is a valid URL, go on with it // otherwise it could be parsed smart with a predefined smart protocol // ( or if this is not set with the protocol of a predefined base URL ) if( eProt == INET_PROT_NOT_VALID || eProt == eSmartProt || (eSmartProt == INET_PROT_NOT_VALID && eProt == eBaseProt) ) { // not stopped yet ? if( schedule() ) { if ( eProt == INET_PROT_NOT_VALID ) aMatch = SvtURLBox::ParseSmart( aText, aBaseURL, aWorkDir ); else aMatch = aText; if ( aMatch.Len() ) { INetURLObject aURLObject( aMatch ); String aMainURL( aURLObject.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ) ); if ( aMainURL.Len() ) { // if text input is a directory, it must be part of the match list! Until then it is scanned if ( UCBContentHelper::IsFolder( aMainURL ) && aURLObject.hasFinalSlash() ) Insert( aText, aMatch ); else // otherwise the parent folder will be taken aURLObject.removeSegment(); // scan directory and insert all matches ReadFolder( aURLObject.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ), aMatch, eProt == INET_PROT_NOT_VALID ); } } } } if ( bOnlyDirectories ) // don't scan history picklist if only directories are allowed, picklist contains only files return; sal_Bool bFull = sal_False; int nCount = aPickList.Count(); INetURLObject aCurObj; String aEmpty, aCurString, aCurMainURL; INetURLObject aObj; aObj.SetSmartProtocol( eSmartProt == INET_PROT_NOT_VALID ? INET_PROT_HTTP : eSmartProt ); for( ;; ) { for( sal_uInt16 nPos = 0; schedule() && nPos < nCount; nPos++ ) { aCurObj.SetURL( *aPickList.GetObject( nPos ) ); aCurObj.SetSmartURL( aCurObj.GetURLNoPass()); aCurMainURL = aCurObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ); if( eProt != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID && aCurObj.GetProtocol() != eProt ) continue; if( eSmartProt != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID && aCurObj.GetProtocol() != eSmartProt ) continue; switch( aCurObj.GetProtocol() ) { case INET_PROT_HTTP: case INET_PROT_HTTPS: case INET_PROT_FTP: { if( eProt == INET_PROT_NOT_VALID && !bFull ) { aObj.SetSmartURL( aText ); if( aObj.GetURLPath().getLength() > 1 ) continue; } aCurString = aCurMainURL; if( eProt == INET_PROT_NOT_VALID ) { // try if text matches the scheme String aScheme( INetURLObject::GetScheme( aCurObj.GetProtocol() ) ); if ( aText.CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii( aScheme, aText.Len() ) == COMPARE_EQUAL && aText.Len() < aScheme.Len() ) { if( bFull ) aMatch = aCurObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ); else { aCurObj.SetMark( aEmpty ); aCurObj.SetParam( aEmpty ); aCurObj.SetURLPath( aEmpty ); aMatch = aCurObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ); } Insert( aMatch, aMatch ); } // now try smart matching aCurString.Erase( 0, aScheme.Len() ); } if( aText.CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii( aCurString, aText.Len() )== COMPARE_EQUAL ) { if( bFull ) aMatch = aCurObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ); else { aCurObj.SetMark( aEmpty ); aCurObj.SetParam( aEmpty ); aCurObj.SetURLPath( aEmpty ); aMatch = aCurObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ); } String aURL( aMatch ); if( eProt == INET_PROT_NOT_VALID ) aMatch.Erase( 0, sal::static_int_cast< xub_StrLen >(INetURLObject::GetScheme( aCurObj.GetProtocol() ).getLength()) ); if( aText.Len() < aMatch.Len() ) Insert( aMatch, aURL ); continue; } break; } default: { if( bFull ) continue; if( aText.CompareTo( aCurMainURL, aText.Len() ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) { if( aText.Len() < aCurMainURL.Len() ) Insert( aCurMainURL, aCurMainURL ); continue; } break; } } } if( !bFull ) bFull = sal_True; else break; } return; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvtURLBox::TryAutoComplete( sal_Bool bForce ) { if( Application::AnyInput( INPUT_KEYBOARD ) ) return; String aMatchString; String aCurText = GetText(); Selection aSelection( GetSelection() ); if( aSelection.Max() != aCurText.Len() && !bForce ) return; sal_uInt16 nLen = (sal_uInt16)aSelection.Min(); aCurText.Erase( nLen ); if( aCurText.Len() && bIsAutoCompleteEnabled ) { if ( pCtx ) { pCtx->Stop(); pCtx = NULL; } pCtx = new SvtMatchContext_Impl( this, aCurText ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- SvtURLBox::SvtURLBox( Window* pParent, INetProtocol eSmart ) : ComboBox( pParent , WB_DROPDOWN | WB_AUTOSIZE | WB_AUTOHSCROLL ), pCtx( 0 ), eSmartProtocol( eSmart ), bAutoCompleteMode( sal_False ), bOnlyDirectories( sal_False ), bTryAutoComplete( sal_False ), bCtrlClick( sal_False ), bHistoryDisabled( sal_False ), bNoSelection( sal_False ), bIsAutoCompleteEnabled( sal_True ) { ImplInit(); if ( GetDesktopRectPixel().GetWidth() > 800 ) SetSizePixel( Size( 300, 240 ) ); else SetSizePixel( Size( 225, 240 ) ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- SvtURLBox::SvtURLBox( Window* pParent, WinBits _nStyle, INetProtocol eSmart ) : ComboBox( pParent, _nStyle ), pCtx( 0 ), eSmartProtocol( eSmart ), bAutoCompleteMode( sal_False ), bOnlyDirectories( sal_False ), bTryAutoComplete( sal_False ), bCtrlClick( sal_False ), bHistoryDisabled( sal_False ), bNoSelection( sal_False ), bIsAutoCompleteEnabled( sal_True ) { ImplInit(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- SvtURLBox::SvtURLBox( Window* pParent, const ResId& _rResId, INetProtocol eSmart ) : ComboBox( pParent , _rResId ), pCtx( 0 ), eSmartProtocol( eSmart ), bAutoCompleteMode( sal_False ), bOnlyDirectories( sal_False ), bTryAutoComplete( sal_False ), bCtrlClick( sal_False ), bHistoryDisabled( sal_False ), bNoSelection( sal_False ), bIsAutoCompleteEnabled( sal_True ) { ImplInit(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvtURLBox::ImplInit() { pImp = new SvtURLBox_Impl(); if ( GetHelpId().getLength() == 0 ) SetHelpId( ".uno:OpenURL" ); EnableAutocomplete( sal_False ); SetText( String() ); GetSubEdit()->SetAutocompleteHdl( LINK( this, SvtURLBox, AutoCompleteHdl_Impl ) ); UpdatePicklistForSmartProtocol_Impl(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- SvtURLBox::~SvtURLBox() { if( pCtx ) { pCtx->Stop(); pCtx = NULL; } delete pImp->pURLs; delete pImp->pCompletions; delete pImp; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvtURLBox::UpdatePickList( ) { if( pCtx ) { pCtx->Stop(); pCtx = NULL; } String sText = GetText(); if ( sText.Len() && bIsAutoCompleteEnabled ) pCtx = new SvtMatchContext_Impl( this, sText ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvtURLBox::SetSmartProtocol( INetProtocol eProt ) { if ( eSmartProtocol != eProt ) { eSmartProtocol = eProt; UpdatePicklistForSmartProtocol_Impl(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvtURLBox::UpdatePicklistForSmartProtocol_Impl() { Clear(); if ( !bHistoryDisabled ) { // read history pick list Sequence< Sequence< PropertyValue > > seqPicklist = SvtHistoryOptions().GetList( eHISTORY ); sal_uInt32 nCount = seqPicklist.getLength(); INetURLObject aCurObj; for( sal_uInt32 nItem=0; nItem < nCount; nItem++ ) { Sequence< PropertyValue > seqPropertySet = seqPicklist[ nItem ]; OUString sURL; sal_uInt32 nPropertyCount = seqPropertySet.getLength(); for( sal_uInt32 nProperty=0; nProperty < nPropertyCount; nProperty++ ) { if( seqPropertySet[nProperty].Name == HISTORY_PROPERTYNAME_URL ) { seqPropertySet[nProperty].Value >>= sURL; aCurObj.SetURL( sURL ); if ( sURL.getLength() && ( eSmartProtocol != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID ) ) { if( aCurObj.GetProtocol() != eSmartProtocol ) break; } String aURL( aCurObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::DECODE_WITH_CHARSET ) ); if ( aURL.Len() && ( !pImp->pUrlFilter || pImp->pUrlFilter->isUrlAllowed( aURL ) ) ) { sal_Bool bFound = (aURL.GetChar(aURL.Len()-1) == '/' ); if ( !bFound ) { String aUpperURL( aURL ); aUpperURL.ToUpperAscii(); bFound = (::std::find_if( pImp->m_aFilters.begin(), pImp->m_aFilters.end(), FilterMatch( aUpperURL ) ) != pImp->m_aFilters.end()); } if ( bFound ) { String aFile; if (::utl::LocalFileHelper::ConvertURLToSystemPath(aURL,aFile)) InsertEntry(aFile); else InsertEntry(aURL); } } break; } } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SvtURLBox::ProcessKey( const KeyCode& rKey ) { // every key input stops the current matching thread if( pCtx ) { pCtx->Stop(); pCtx = NULL; } KeyCode aCode( rKey.GetCode() ); if ( aCode == KEY_RETURN && GetText().Len() ) { // wait for completion of matching thread ::vos::OGuard aGuard( SvtMatchContext_Impl::GetMutex() ); if ( bAutoCompleteMode ) { // reset picklist bAutoCompleteMode = sal_False; Selection aSelection( GetSelection() ); SetSelection( Selection( aSelection.Min(), aSelection.Min() ) ); if ( bOnlyDirectories ) Clear(); else UpdatePicklistForSmartProtocol_Impl(); Resize(); } bCtrlClick = rKey.IsMod1(); sal_Bool bHandled = sal_False; if ( GetOpenHdl().IsSet() ) { bHandled = sal_True; GetOpenHdl().Call(this); } else if ( GetSelectHdl().IsSet() ) { bHandled = sal_True; GetSelectHdl().Call(this); } bCtrlClick = sal_False; ClearModifyFlag(); return bHandled; } else if ( aCode == KEY_RETURN && !GetText().Len() && GetOpenHdl().IsSet() ) { // for file dialog bAutoCompleteMode = sal_False; GetOpenHdl().Call(this); return sal_True; } else if( aCode == KEY_ESCAPE ) { Selection aSelection( GetSelection() ); if ( bAutoCompleteMode || aSelection.Min() != aSelection.Max() ) { SetSelection( Selection( aSelection.Min(), aSelection.Min() ) ); if ( bOnlyDirectories ) Clear(); else UpdatePicklistForSmartProtocol_Impl(); Resize(); } else { return sal_False; } bAutoCompleteMode = sal_False; return sal_True; } else { return sal_False; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvtURLBox::Modify() { ComboBox::Modify(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- long SvtURLBox::PreNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { if( rNEvt.GetWindow() == GetSubEdit() && rNEvt.GetType() == EVENT_KEYINPUT ) { const KeyEvent& rEvent = *rNEvt.GetKeyEvent(); const KeyCode& rKey = rEvent.GetKeyCode(); KeyCode aCode( rKey.GetCode() ); if( ProcessKey( rKey ) ) { return sal_True; } else if( ( aCode == KEY_UP || aCode == KEY_DOWN ) && !rKey.IsMod2() ) { Selection aSelection( GetSelection() ); sal_uInt16 nLen = (sal_uInt16)aSelection.Min(); GetSubEdit()->KeyInput( rEvent ); SetSelection( Selection( nLen, GetText().Len() ) ); return sal_True; } if ( MatchesPlaceHolder( GetText() ) ) { // set the selection so a key stroke will overwrite // the placeholder rather than edit it SetSelection( Selection( 0, GetText().Len() ) ); } } return ComboBox::PreNotify( rNEvt ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( SvtURLBox, AutoCompleteHdl_Impl, void*, EMPTYARG ) { if ( GetSubEdit()->GetAutocompleteAction() == AUTOCOMPLETE_KEYINPUT ) { TryAutoComplete( sal_False ); return 1L; } return 0L; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- long SvtURLBox::Notify( NotifyEvent &rEvt ) { if ( EVENT_GETFOCUS == rEvt.GetType() ) { #ifndef UNX // pb: don't select automatically on unix #93251# SetSelection( Selection( 0, GetText().Len() ) ); #endif } else if ( EVENT_LOSEFOCUS == rEvt.GetType() ) { if( !GetText().Len() ) ClearModifyFlag(); if ( pCtx ) { pCtx->Stop(); pCtx = NULL; } } return ComboBox::Notify( rEvt ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvtURLBox::Select() { ComboBox::Select(); ClearModifyFlag(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvtURLBox::SetOnlyDirectories( sal_Bool bDir ) { bOnlyDirectories = bDir; if ( bOnlyDirectories ) Clear(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvtURLBox::SetNoURLSelection( sal_Bool bSet ) { bNoSelection = bSet; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- String SvtURLBox::GetURL() { // wait for end of autocompletion ::vos::OGuard aGuard( SvtMatchContext_Impl::GetMutex() ); String aText( GetText() ); if ( MatchesPlaceHolder( aText ) ) return aPlaceHolder; // try to get the right case preserving URL from the list of URLs if ( pImp->pCompletions && pImp->pURLs ) { for( sal_uInt16 nPos=0; nPospCompletions->Count(); nPos++ ) { #ifdef DBG_UTIL String aTmp( *(*pImp->pCompletions)[ nPos ] ); #endif if( *(*pImp->pCompletions)[ nPos ] == aText ) return *(*pImp->pURLs)[nPos]; } } #ifdef WNT // erase trailing spaces on Windows since thay are invalid on this OS and // most of the time they are inserted by accident via copy / paste aText.EraseTrailingChars(); if ( !aText.Len() ) return aText; // #i9739# - 2002-12-03 - fs@openoffice.org #endif INetURLObject aObj( aText ); if( aText.Search( '*' ) != STRING_NOTFOUND || aText.Search( '?' ) != STRING_NOTFOUND ) { // no autocompletion for wildcards INetURLObject aTempObj; if ( eSmartProtocol != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID ) aTempObj.SetSmartProtocol( eSmartProtocol ); if ( aTempObj.SetSmartURL( aText ) ) return aTempObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ); else return aText; } if ( aObj.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_NOT_VALID ) { String aName = ParseSmart( aText, aBaseURL, SvtPathOptions().GetWorkPath() ); aObj.SetURL( aName ); ::rtl::OUString aURL( aObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ) ); if ( !aURL.getLength() ) // aText itself is invalid, and even together with aBaseURL, it could not // made valid -> no chance return aText; bool bSlash = aObj.hasFinalSlash(); { static const rtl::OUString aPropName( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("CasePreservingURL")); rtl::OUString aFileURL; Any aAny = UCBContentHelper::GetProperty(aURL,aPropName); sal_Bool success = (aAny >>= aFileURL); String aTitle; if(success) aTitle = String( INetURLObject(aFileURL).getName( INetURLObject::LAST_SEGMENT, true, INetURLObject::DECODE_WITH_CHARSET )); else success = UCBContentHelper::GetTitle(aURL,aTitle); if( success && ( aTitle.Len() > 1 || (aTitle.CompareToAscii("/") != 0 && aTitle.CompareToAscii(".") != 0) ) ) { aObj.SetName( aTitle ); if ( bSlash ) aObj.setFinalSlash(); } } } return aObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvtURLBox::DisableHistory() { bHistoryDisabled = sal_True; UpdatePicklistForSmartProtocol_Impl(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvtURLBox::SetBaseURL( const String& rURL ) { ::vos::OGuard aGuard( SvtMatchContext_Impl::GetMutex() ); // Reset match lists if ( pImp->pCompletions ) pImp->pCompletions->Remove( 0, pImp->pCompletions->Count() ); if ( pImp->pURLs ) pImp->pURLs->Remove( 0, pImp->pURLs->Count() ); aBaseURL = rURL; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Parse leading ~ for Unix systems, does nothing for Windows */ sal_Bool SvtURLBox_Impl::TildeParsing( String& #ifdef UNX aText #endif , String& #ifdef UNX aBaseURL #endif ) { #ifdef UNX if( aText.Search( '~' ) == 0 ) { String aParseTilde; sal_Bool bTrailingSlash = sal_True; // use trailing slash if( aText.Len() == 1 || aText.GetChar( 1 ) == '/' ) { // covers "~" or "~/..." cases const char* aHomeLocation = getenv( "HOME" ); if( !aHomeLocation ) aHomeLocation = ""; aParseTilde = String::CreateFromAscii( aHomeLocation ); // in case the whole path is just "~" then there should // be no trailing slash at the end if( aText.Len() == 1 ) bTrailingSlash = sal_False; } else { // covers "~username" and "~username/..." cases xub_StrLen nNameEnd = aText.Search( '/' ); String aUserName = aText.Copy( 1, ( nNameEnd != STRING_NOTFOUND ) ? nNameEnd : ( aText.Len() - 1 ) ); struct passwd* pPasswd = NULL; #ifdef SOLARIS Sequence< sal_Int8 > sBuf( 1024 ); struct passwd aTmp; sal_Int32 nRes = getpwnam_r( OUStringToOString( OUString( aUserName ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).getStr(), &aTmp, (char*)sBuf.getArray(), 1024, &pPasswd ); if( !nRes && pPasswd ) aParseTilde = String::CreateFromAscii( pPasswd->pw_dir ); else return sal_False; // no such user #else pPasswd = getpwnam( OUStringToOString( OUString( aUserName ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).getStr() ); if( pPasswd ) aParseTilde = String::CreateFromAscii( pPasswd->pw_dir ); else return sal_False; // no such user #endif // in case the path is "~username" then there should // be no trailing slash at the end if( nNameEnd == STRING_NOTFOUND ) bTrailingSlash = sal_False; } if( !bTrailingSlash ) { if( !aParseTilde.Len() || aParseTilde.EqualsAscii( "/" ) ) { // "/" path should be converted to "/." aParseTilde = String::CreateFromAscii( "/." ); } else { // "blabla/" path should be converted to "blabla" aParseTilde.EraseTrailingChars( '/' ); } } else { if( aParseTilde.GetChar( aParseTilde.Len() - 1 ) != '/' ) aParseTilde += '/'; if( aText.Len() > 2 ) aParseTilde += aText.Copy( 2 ); } aText = aParseTilde; aBaseURL = String(); // tilde provide absolute path } #endif return sal_True; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvtURLBox::SetUrlFilter( const IUrlFilter* _pFilter ) { pImp->pUrlFilter = _pFilter; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- const IUrlFilter* SvtURLBox::GetUrlFilter( ) const { return pImp->pUrlFilter; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvtURLBox::SetFilter(const String& _sFilter) { pImp->m_aFilters.clear(); FilterMatch::createWildCardFilterList(_sFilter,pImp->m_aFilters); }