/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_svx.hxx" #include #include void SdrDragStat::Clear(FASTBOOL bLeaveOne) { void* pP=aPnts.First(); while (pP!=NULL) { delete (Point*)pP; pP=aPnts.Next(); } if (pUser!=NULL) delete pUser; pUser=NULL; aPnts.Clear(); if (bLeaveOne) { aPnts.Insert(new Point,CONTAINER_APPEND); } } void SdrDragStat::Reset() { pView=NULL; pPageView=NULL; bShown=sal_False; nMinMov=1; bMinMoved=sal_False; bHorFixed=sal_False; bVerFixed=sal_False; bWantNoSnap=sal_False; pHdl=NULL; bOrtho4=sal_False; bOrtho8=sal_False; pDragMethod=NULL; bEndDragChangesAttributes=sal_False; bEndDragChangesGeoAndAttributes=sal_False; bMouseIsUp=sal_False; Clear(sal_True); aActionRect=Rectangle(); } void SdrDragStat::Reset(const Point& rPnt) { Reset(); Start()=rPnt; aPos0=rPnt; aRealPos0=rPnt; RealNow()=rPnt; } void SdrDragStat::NextMove(const Point& rPnt) { aRealPos0=GetRealNow(); aPos0=GetNow(); RealNow()=rPnt; Point aBla=KorregPos(GetRealNow(),GetPrev()); Now()=aBla; } void SdrDragStat::NextPoint(FASTBOOL bSaveReal) { Point aPnt(GetNow()); if (bSaveReal) aPnt=aRealNow; aPnts.Insert(new Point(KorregPos(GetRealNow(),aPnt)),CONTAINER_APPEND); Prev()=aPnt; } void SdrDragStat::PrevPoint() { if (aPnts.Count()>=2) { // einer muss immer da bleiben Point* pPnt=(Point*)(aPnts.GetObject(aPnts.Count()-2)); aPnts.Remove(aPnts.Count()-2); delete pPnt; Now()=KorregPos(GetRealNow(),GetPrev()); } } Point SdrDragStat::KorregPos(const Point& rNow, const Point& /*rPrev*/) const { Point aRet(rNow); return aRet; } FASTBOOL SdrDragStat::CheckMinMoved(const Point& rPnt) { if (!bMinMoved) { long dx=rPnt.X()-GetPrev().X(); if (dx<0) dx=-dx; long dy=rPnt.Y()-GetPrev().Y(); if (dy<0) dy=-dy; if (dx>=long(nMinMov) || dy>=long(nMinMov)) bMinMoved=sal_True; } return bMinMoved; } Fraction SdrDragStat::GetXFact() const { long nMul=GetNow().X()-aRef1.X(); long nDiv=GetPrev().X()-aRef1.X(); if (nDiv==0) nDiv=1; if (bHorFixed) { nMul=1; nDiv=1; } return Fraction(nMul,nDiv); } Fraction SdrDragStat::GetYFact() const { long nMul=GetNow().Y()-aRef1.Y(); long nDiv=GetPrev().Y()-aRef1.Y(); if (nDiv==0) nDiv=1; if (bVerFixed) { nMul=1; nDiv=1; } return Fraction(nMul,nDiv); } void SdrDragStat::TakeCreateRect(Rectangle& rRect) const { rRect=Rectangle(GetStart(),GetNow()); if (GetPointAnz()>=2) { Point aBtmRgt(GetPoint(1)); rRect.Right()=aBtmRgt.X(); rRect.Bottom()=aBtmRgt.Y(); } if (pView!=NULL && pView->IsCreate1stPointAsCenter()) { rRect.Top()+=rRect.Top()-rRect.Bottom(); rRect.Left()+=rRect.Left()-rRect.Right(); } }