/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sw.hxx" #include #ifndef _APP_HXX #include #endif #include #define _SVSTDARR_STRINGS #include #include // LinkManager #include #include #include #include // fuer Server-Funktionalitaet #include #include #include // fuer SwSectionFmt #include // fuer SwTable #include #include #include #include #include using namespace ::com::sun::star; namespace { static ::sw::mark::DdeBookmark* lcl_FindDdeBookmark( const IDocumentMarkAccess& rMarkAccess, const String& rName, const bool bCaseSensitive ) { //Iterating over all bookmarks, checking DdeBookmarks const ::rtl::OUString sNameLc = bCaseSensitive ? rName : GetAppCharClass().lower(rName); for(IDocumentMarkAccess::const_iterator_t ppMark = rMarkAccess.getAllMarksBegin(); ppMark != rMarkAccess.getAllMarksEnd(); ppMark++) { if ( IDocumentMarkAccess::GetType( *(ppMark->get()) ) == IDocumentMarkAccess::DDE_BOOKMARK) { ::sw::mark::DdeBookmark* const pBkmk = dynamic_cast< ::sw::mark::DdeBookmark*>(ppMark->get()); if ( (bCaseSensitive && (pBkmk->GetName() == sNameLc)) || (!bCaseSensitive && GetAppCharClass().lower(pBkmk->GetName()) == String(sNameLc)) ) { return pBkmk; } } } return NULL; } } struct _FindItem { const String m_Item; SwTableNode* pTblNd; SwSectionNode* pSectNd; _FindItem(const String& rS) : m_Item(rS), pTblNd(0), pSectNd(0) {} }; sal_Bool lcl_FindSection( const SwSectionFmtPtr& rpSectFmt, void* pArgs, bool bCaseSensitive ) { _FindItem * const pItem( static_cast<_FindItem*>(pArgs) ); SwSection* pSect = rpSectFmt->GetSection(); if( pSect ) { String sNm( (bCaseSensitive) ? pSect->GetSectionName() : GetAppCharClass().lower( pSect->GetSectionName() )); String sCompare( (bCaseSensitive) ? pItem->m_Item : GetAppCharClass().lower( pItem->m_Item ) ); if( sNm == sCompare ) { // gefunden, als erfrage die Daten const SwNodeIndex* pIdx; if( 0 != (pIdx = rpSectFmt->GetCntnt().GetCntntIdx() ) && &rpSectFmt->GetDoc()->GetNodes() == &pIdx->GetNodes() ) { // eine Tabelle im normalen NodesArr pItem->pSectNd = pIdx->GetNode().GetSectionNode(); return sal_False; } //nein!! // sollte der Namen schon passen, der Rest aber nicht, dann haben wir // sie nicht. Die Namen sind immer eindeutig. } } return sal_True; // dann weiter } sal_Bool lcl_FindSectionCaseSensitive( const SwSectionFmtPtr& rpSectFmt, void* pArgs ) { return lcl_FindSection( rpSectFmt, pArgs, true ); } sal_Bool lcl_FindSectionCaseInsensitive( const SwSectionFmtPtr& rpSectFmt, void* pArgs ) { return lcl_FindSection( rpSectFmt, pArgs, false ); } sal_Bool lcl_FindTable( const SwFrmFmtPtr& rpTableFmt, void* pArgs ) { _FindItem * const pItem( static_cast<_FindItem*>(pArgs) ); String sNm( GetAppCharClass().lower( rpTableFmt->GetName() )); if (sNm.Equals( pItem->m_Item )) { SwTable* pTmpTbl; SwTableBox* pFBox; if( 0 != ( pTmpTbl = SwTable::FindTable( rpTableFmt ) ) && 0 != ( pFBox = pTmpTbl->GetTabSortBoxes()[0] ) && pFBox->GetSttNd() && &rpTableFmt->GetDoc()->GetNodes() == &pFBox->GetSttNd()->GetNodes() ) { // eine Tabelle im normalen NodesArr pItem->pTblNd = (SwTableNode*) pFBox->GetSttNd()->FindTableNode(); return sal_False; } //nein! // sollte der Namen schon passen, der Rest aber nicht, dann haben wir // sie nicht. Die Namen sind immer eindeutig. } return sal_True; // dann weiter } bool SwDoc::GetData( const String& rItem, const String& rMimeType, uno::Any & rValue ) const { //search for bookmarks and sections case senstive at first. If nothing is found then try again case insensitive bool bCaseSensitive = true; while( true ) { ::sw::mark::DdeBookmark* const pBkmk = lcl_FindDdeBookmark(*pMarkManager, rItem, bCaseSensitive); if(pBkmk) return SwServerObject(*pBkmk).GetData(rValue, rMimeType); // haben wir ueberhaupt das Item vorraetig? String sItem( bCaseSensitive ? rItem : GetAppCharClass().lower(rItem)); _FindItem aPara( sItem ); ((SwSectionFmts&)*pSectionFmtTbl).ForEach( 0, pSectionFmtTbl->Count(), bCaseSensitive ? lcl_FindSectionCaseSensitive : lcl_FindSectionCaseInsensitive, &aPara ); if( aPara.pSectNd ) { // gefunden, als erfrage die Daten return SwServerObject( *aPara.pSectNd ).GetData( rValue, rMimeType ); } if( !bCaseSensitive ) break; bCaseSensitive = false; } _FindItem aPara( GetAppCharClass().lower( rItem )); ((SwFrmFmts*)pTblFrmFmtTbl)->ForEach( 0, pTblFrmFmtTbl->Count(), lcl_FindTable, &aPara ); if( aPara.pTblNd ) { return SwServerObject( *aPara.pTblNd ).GetData( rValue, rMimeType ); } return sal_False; } bool SwDoc::SetData( const String& rItem, const String& rMimeType, const uno::Any & rValue ) { //search for bookmarks and sections case senstive at first. If nothing is found then try again case insensitive bool bCaseSensitive = true; while( true ) { ::sw::mark::DdeBookmark* const pBkmk = lcl_FindDdeBookmark(*pMarkManager, rItem, bCaseSensitive); if(pBkmk) return SwServerObject(*pBkmk).SetData(rMimeType, rValue); // haben wir ueberhaupt das Item vorraetig? String sItem( bCaseSensitive ? rItem : GetAppCharClass().lower(rItem)); _FindItem aPara( sItem ); pSectionFmtTbl->ForEach( 0, pSectionFmtTbl->Count(), bCaseSensitive ? lcl_FindSectionCaseSensitive : lcl_FindSectionCaseInsensitive, &aPara ); if( aPara.pSectNd ) { // gefunden, als erfrage die Daten return SwServerObject( *aPara.pSectNd ).SetData( rMimeType, rValue ); } if( !bCaseSensitive ) break; bCaseSensitive = false; } String sItem(GetAppCharClass().lower(rItem)); _FindItem aPara( sItem ); pTblFrmFmtTbl->ForEach( 0, pTblFrmFmtTbl->Count(), lcl_FindTable, &aPara ); if( aPara.pTblNd ) { return SwServerObject( *aPara.pTblNd ).SetData( rMimeType, rValue ); } return sal_False; } ::sfx2::SvLinkSource* SwDoc::CreateLinkSource(const String& rItem) { SwServerObject* pObj = NULL; //search for bookmarks and sections case senstive at first. If nothing is found then try again case insensitive bool bCaseSensitive = true; while( true ) { // bookmarks ::sw::mark::DdeBookmark* const pBkmk = lcl_FindDdeBookmark(*pMarkManager, rItem, bCaseSensitive); if(pBkmk && pBkmk->IsExpanded() && (0 == (pObj = pBkmk->GetRefObject()))) { // mark found, but no link yet -> create hotlink pObj = new SwServerObject(*pBkmk); pBkmk->SetRefObject(pObj); GetLinkManager().InsertServer(pObj); } if(pObj) return pObj; _FindItem aPara(bCaseSensitive ? rItem : GetAppCharClass().lower(rItem)); // sections ((SwSectionFmts&)*pSectionFmtTbl).ForEach(0, pSectionFmtTbl->Count(), bCaseSensitive ? lcl_FindSectionCaseSensitive : lcl_FindSectionCaseInsensitive, &aPara); if(aPara.pSectNd && (0 == (pObj = aPara.pSectNd->GetSection().GetObject()))) { // section found, but no link yet -> create hotlink pObj = new SwServerObject( *aPara.pSectNd ); aPara.pSectNd->GetSection().SetRefObject( pObj ); GetLinkManager().InsertServer(pObj); } if(pObj) return pObj; if( !bCaseSensitive ) break; bCaseSensitive = false; } _FindItem aPara( GetAppCharClass().lower(rItem) ); // tables ((SwFrmFmts*)pTblFrmFmtTbl)->ForEach(0, pTblFrmFmtTbl->Count(), lcl_FindTable, &aPara); if(aPara.pTblNd && (0 == (pObj = aPara.pTblNd->GetTable().GetObject()))) { // table found, but no link yet -> create hotlink pObj = new SwServerObject(*aPara.pTblNd); aPara.pTblNd->GetTable().SetRefObject(pObj); GetLinkManager().InsertServer(pObj); } return pObj; } sal_Bool SwDoc::SelectServerObj( const String& rStr, SwPaM*& rpPam, SwNodeRange*& rpRange ) const { // haben wir ueberhaupt das Item vorraetig? rpPam = 0; rpRange = 0; String sItem( INetURLObject::decode( rStr, INET_HEX_ESCAPE, INetURLObject::DECODE_WITH_CHARSET, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 )); xub_StrLen nPos = sItem.Search( cMarkSeperator ); const CharClass& rCC = GetAppCharClass(); // Erweiterung fuer die Bereiche, nicht nur Bookmarks/Bereiche linken, // sondern auch Rahmen(Text!), Tabellen, Gliederungen: if( STRING_NOTFOUND != nPos ) { sal_Bool bWeiter = sal_False; String sName( sItem.Copy( 0, nPos ) ); String sCmp( sItem.Copy( nPos + 1 )); rCC.toLower( sItem ); _FindItem aPara( sName ); if( sCmp.EqualsAscii( pMarkToTable ) ) { rCC.toLower( sName ); ((SwFrmFmts*)pTblFrmFmtTbl)->ForEach( 0, pTblFrmFmtTbl->Count(), lcl_FindTable, &aPara ); if( aPara.pTblNd ) { rpRange = new SwNodeRange( *aPara.pTblNd, 0, *aPara.pTblNd->EndOfSectionNode(), 1 ); return sal_True; } } else if( sCmp.EqualsAscii( pMarkToFrame ) ) { SwNodeIndex* pIdx; SwNode* pNd; const SwFlyFrmFmt* pFlyFmt = FindFlyByName( sName ); if( pFlyFmt && 0 != ( pIdx = (SwNodeIndex*)pFlyFmt->GetCntnt().GetCntntIdx() ) && !( pNd = &pIdx->GetNode())->IsNoTxtNode() ) { rpRange = new SwNodeRange( *pNd, 1, *pNd->EndOfSectionNode() ); return sal_True; } } else if( sCmp.EqualsAscii( pMarkToRegion ) ) { sItem = sName; // wird unten behandelt ! bWeiter = sal_True; } else if( sCmp.EqualsAscii( pMarkToOutline ) ) { SwPosition aPos( SwNodeIndex( (SwNodes&)GetNodes() )); if( GotoOutline( aPos, sName )) { SwNode* pNd = &aPos.nNode.GetNode(); //sal_uInt8 nLvl = pNd->GetTxtNode()->GetTxtColl()->GetOutlineLevel();//#outline level,zhaojianwei const int nLvl = pNd->GetTxtNode()->GetAttrOutlineLevel()-1;//<-end,zhaojianwei const SwOutlineNodes& rOutlNds = GetNodes().GetOutLineNds(); sal_uInt16 nTmpPos; rOutlNds.Seek_Entry( pNd, &nTmpPos ); rpRange = new SwNodeRange( aPos.nNode, 0, aPos.nNode ); // dann suche jetzt noch das Ende vom Bereich for( ++nTmpPos; nTmpPos < rOutlNds.Count() && nLvl < rOutlNds[ nTmpPos ]->GetTxtNode()-> //GetTxtColl()->GetOutlineLevel();//#outline level,zhaojianwei GetAttrOutlineLevel()-1;//<-end,zhaojianwei ++nTmpPos ) ; // es gibt keinen Block if( nTmpPos < rOutlNds.Count() ) rpRange->aEnd = *rOutlNds[ nTmpPos ]; else rpRange->aEnd = GetNodes().GetEndOfContent(); return sal_True; } } if( !bWeiter ) return sal_False; } //search for bookmarks and sections case senstive at first. If nothing is found then try again case insensitive bool bCaseSensitive = true; while( true ) { ::sw::mark::DdeBookmark* const pBkmk = lcl_FindDdeBookmark(*pMarkManager, sItem, bCaseSensitive); if(pBkmk) { if(pBkmk->IsExpanded()) rpPam = new SwPaM( pBkmk->GetMarkPos(), pBkmk->GetOtherMarkPos()); return static_cast(rpPam); } // _FindItem aPara( bCaseSensitive ? sItem : rCC.lower( sItem ) ); if( pSectionFmtTbl->Count() ) { ((SwSectionFmts&)*pSectionFmtTbl).ForEach( 0, pSectionFmtTbl->Count(), bCaseSensitive ? lcl_FindSectionCaseSensitive : lcl_FindSectionCaseInsensitive, &aPara ); if( aPara.pSectNd ) { rpRange = new SwNodeRange( *aPara.pSectNd, 1, *aPara.pSectNd->EndOfSectionNode() ); return sal_True; } } if( !bCaseSensitive ) break; bCaseSensitive = false; } return sal_False; }