/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #include "precompiled_sw.hxx" #include <SidebarTxtControl.hxx> #include <SidebarTxtControlAcc.hxx> #include <SidebarWin.hxx> #include <PostItMgr.hxx> #include <cmdid.h> #include <docvw.hrc> #include <unotools/securityoptions.hxx> #include <sfx2/viewfrm.hxx> #include <sfx2/bindings.hxx> #include <sfx2/dispatch.hxx> #include <sfx2/mnumgr.hxx> #include <vcl/svapp.hxx> #include <vcl/help.hxx> #include <vcl/msgbox.hxx> #include <vcl/gradient.hxx> #include <vcl/scrbar.hxx> #include <editeng/outliner.hxx> #include <editeng/editeng.hxx> #include <editeng/editview.hxx> #include <editeng/flditem.hxx> #include <uitool.hxx> #include <view.hxx> #include <wrtsh.hxx> #include <shellres.hxx> #include <SwRewriter.hxx> namespace css = ::com::sun::star; namespace sw { namespace sidebarwindows { SidebarTxtControl::SidebarTxtControl( SwSidebarWin& rSidebarWin, WinBits nBits, SwView& rDocView, SwPostItMgr& rPostItMgr ) : Control( &rSidebarWin, nBits ) , mrSidebarWin( rSidebarWin ) , mrDocView( rDocView ) , mrPostItMgr( rPostItMgr ) , mbMouseOver( false ) { AddEventListener( LINK( &mrSidebarWin, SwSidebarWin, WindowEventListener ) ); } SidebarTxtControl::~SidebarTxtControl() { RemoveEventListener( LINK( &mrSidebarWin, SwSidebarWin, WindowEventListener ) ); } OutlinerView* SidebarTxtControl::GetTextView() const { return mrSidebarWin.GetOutlinerView(); } void SidebarTxtControl::GetFocus() { Window::GetFocus(); if ( !mrSidebarWin.IsMouseOver() ) { Invalidate(); } } void SidebarTxtControl::LoseFocus() { // write the visible text back into the SwField mrSidebarWin.UpdateData(); Window::LoseFocus(); if ( !mrSidebarWin.IsMouseOver() ) { Invalidate(); } } void SidebarTxtControl::RequestHelp(const HelpEvent &rEvt) { sal_uInt16 nResId = 0; switch( mrSidebarWin.GetLayoutStatus() ) { case SwPostItHelper::INSERTED: nResId = STR_REDLINE_INSERT; break; case SwPostItHelper::DELETED: nResId = STR_REDLINE_DELETE; break; default: nResId = 0; } SwContentAtPos aCntntAtPos( SwContentAtPos::SW_REDLINE ); if ( nResId && mrDocView.GetWrtShell().GetContentAtPos( mrSidebarWin.GetAnchorPos(), aCntntAtPos ) ) { String sTxt; sTxt = SW_RESSTR( nResId ); sTxt.AppendAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM(": " )); sTxt += aCntntAtPos.aFnd.pRedl->GetAuthorString(); sTxt.AppendAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( " - " )); sTxt += GetAppLangDateTimeString( aCntntAtPos.aFnd.pRedl->GetTimeStamp() ); Help::ShowQuickHelp( this,PixelToLogic(Rectangle(rEvt.GetMousePosPixel(),Size(50,10))),sTxt); } } void SidebarTxtControl::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect) { if ( !Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetHighContrastMode() ) { if ( mrSidebarWin.IsMouseOverSidebarWin() || HasFocus() ) { DrawGradient( Rectangle( Point(0,0), PixelToLogic(GetSizePixel()) ), Gradient( GRADIENT_LINEAR, mrSidebarWin.ColorDark(), mrSidebarWin.ColorDark() ) ); } else { DrawGradient( Rectangle( Point(0,0), PixelToLogic(GetSizePixel()) ), Gradient( GRADIENT_LINEAR, mrSidebarWin.ColorLight(), mrSidebarWin.ColorDark())); } } if ( GetTextView() ) { GetTextView()->Paint( rRect ); } if ( mrSidebarWin.GetLayoutStatus()==SwPostItHelper::DELETED ) { SetLineColor(mrSidebarWin.GetChangeColor()); DrawLine( PixelToLogic( GetPosPixel() ), PixelToLogic( GetPosPixel() + Point( GetSizePixel().Width(), GetSizePixel().Height() ) ) ); DrawLine( PixelToLogic( GetPosPixel() + Point( GetSizePixel().Width(),0) ), PixelToLogic( GetPosPixel() + Point( 0, GetSizePixel().Height() ) ) ); } } void SidebarTxtControl::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKeyEvt ) { const KeyCode& rKeyCode = rKeyEvt.GetKeyCode(); sal_uInt16 nKey = rKeyCode.GetCode(); if ( ( rKeyCode.IsMod1() && rKeyCode.IsMod2() ) && ( (nKey == KEY_PAGEUP) || (nKey == KEY_PAGEDOWN) ) ) { mrSidebarWin.SwitchToPostIt(nKey); } else if ( nKey == KEY_ESCAPE || ( rKeyCode.IsMod1() && ( nKey == KEY_PAGEUP || nKey == KEY_PAGEDOWN ) ) ) { mrSidebarWin.SwitchToFieldPos(); } else if ( nKey == KEY_INSERT ) { if ( !rKeyCode.IsMod1() && !rKeyCode.IsMod2() ) { mrSidebarWin.ToggleInsMode(); } } else { //let's make sure we see our note mrPostItMgr.MakeVisible(&mrSidebarWin); long aOldHeight = mrSidebarWin.GetPostItTextHeight(); bool bDone = false; /// HACK: need to switch off processing of Undo/Redo in Outliner if ( !( (nKey == KEY_Z || nKey == KEY_Y) && rKeyCode.IsMod1()) ) { bool bIsProtected = mrSidebarWin.IsProtected(); if ( !bIsProtected || ( bIsProtected && !mrSidebarWin.GetOutlinerView()->GetOutliner()->GetEditEngine().DoesKeyChangeText(rKeyEvt)) ) { bDone = GetTextView() && GetTextView()->PostKeyEvent( rKeyEvt ); } else { InfoBox( this, SW_RES( MSG_READONLY_CONTENT )).Execute(); } } if (bDone) mrSidebarWin.ResizeIfNeccessary( aOldHeight, mrSidebarWin.GetPostItTextHeight() ); else { // write back data first when showing navigator if ( nKey==KEY_F5 ) mrSidebarWin.UpdateData(); if (!mrDocView.KeyInput(rKeyEvt)) Window::KeyInput(rKeyEvt); } } mrDocView.GetViewFrame()->GetBindings().InvalidateAll(sal_False); } void SidebarTxtControl::MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { if ( GetTextView() ) { OutlinerView* pOutlinerView( GetTextView() ); pOutlinerView->MouseMove( rMEvt ); // mba: why does OutlinerView not handle the modifier setting?! // this forces the postit to handle *all* pointer types SetPointer( pOutlinerView->GetPointer( rMEvt.GetPosPixel() ) ); const EditView& aEV = pOutlinerView->GetEditView(); const SvxFieldItem* pItem = aEV.GetFieldUnderMousePointer(); if ( pItem ) { const SvxFieldData* pFld = pItem->GetField(); const SvxURLField* pURL = PTR_CAST( SvxURLField, pFld ); if ( pURL ) { String sURL( pURL->GetURL() ); SvtSecurityOptions aSecOpts; if ( aSecOpts.IsOptionSet( SvtSecurityOptions::E_CTRLCLICK_HYPERLINK) ) { sURL.InsertAscii( ": ", 0 ); sURL.Insert( ViewShell::GetShellRes()->aHyperlinkClick, 0 ); } Help::ShowQuickHelp( this,PixelToLogic(Rectangle(GetPosPixel(),Size(50,10))),sURL); } } } } void SidebarTxtControl::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { if ( GetTextView() ) { SvtSecurityOptions aSecOpts; bool bExecuteMod = aSecOpts.IsOptionSet( SvtSecurityOptions::E_CTRLCLICK_HYPERLINK); if ( !bExecuteMod || (bExecuteMod && rMEvt.GetModifier() == KEY_MOD1)) { const EditView& aEV = GetTextView()->GetEditView(); const SvxFieldItem* pItem = aEV.GetFieldUnderMousePointer(); if ( pItem ) { const SvxFieldData* pFld = pItem->GetField(); const SvxURLField* pURL = PTR_CAST( SvxURLField, pFld ); if ( pURL ) { GetTextView()->MouseButtonDown( rMEvt ); SwWrtShell &rSh = mrDocView.GetWrtShell(); String sURL( pURL->GetURL() ); String sTarget( pURL->GetTargetFrame() ); ::LoadURL( sURL, &rSh, URLLOAD_NOFILTER, &sTarget); return; } } } } GrabFocus(); if ( GetTextView() ) { GetTextView()->MouseButtonDown( rMEvt ); } mrDocView.GetViewFrame()->GetBindings().InvalidateAll(sal_False); } void SidebarTxtControl::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { if ( GetTextView() ) GetTextView()->MouseButtonUp( rMEvt ); } IMPL_LINK( SidebarTxtControl, OnlineSpellCallback, SpellCallbackInfo*, pInfo ) { if ( pInfo->nCommand == SPELLCMD_STARTSPELLDLG ) { mrDocView.GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->Execute( FN_SPELL_GRAMMAR_DIALOG, SFX_CALLMODE_ASYNCHRON); } return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SidebarTxtControl, Select, Menu*, pSelMenu ) { mrSidebarWin.ExecuteCommand( pSelMenu->GetCurItemId() ); return 0; } void SidebarTxtControl::Command( const CommandEvent& rCEvt ) { if ( rCEvt.GetCommand() == COMMAND_CONTEXTMENU ) { if ( !mrSidebarWin.IsProtected() && GetTextView() && GetTextView()->IsWrongSpelledWordAtPos( rCEvt.GetMousePosPixel(),sal_True )) { Link aLink = LINK(this, SidebarTxtControl, OnlineSpellCallback); GetTextView()->ExecuteSpellPopup(rCEvt.GetMousePosPixel(),&aLink); } else { SfxPopupMenuManager* pMgr = mrDocView.GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->Popup(0, this,&rCEvt.GetMousePosPixel()); ((PopupMenu*)pMgr->GetSVMenu())->SetSelectHdl( LINK(this, SidebarTxtControl, Select) ); { XubString aText = ((PopupMenu*)pMgr->GetSVMenu())->GetItemText( FN_DELETE_NOTE_AUTHOR ); SwRewriter aRewriter; aRewriter.AddRule(UNDO_ARG1, mrSidebarWin.GetAuthor()); aText = aRewriter.Apply(aText); ((PopupMenu*)pMgr->GetSVMenu())->SetItemText(FN_DELETE_NOTE_AUTHOR,aText); } Point aPos; if (rCEvt.IsMouseEvent()) aPos = rCEvt.GetMousePosPixel(); else { const Size aSize = GetSizePixel(); aPos = Point( aSize.getWidth()/2, aSize.getHeight()/2 ); } //!! call different Execute function to get rid of the new thesaurus sub menu //!! pointer created in the call to Popup. //!! Otherwise we would have a memory leak (see also #i107205#) //((PopupMenu*)pMgr->GetSVMenu())->Execute( this, aPos ); pMgr->Execute( aPos, this ); delete pMgr; } } else if (rCEvt.GetCommand() == COMMAND_WHEEL) { if (mrSidebarWin.IsScrollbarVisible()) { const CommandWheelData* pData = rCEvt.GetWheelData(); if (pData->IsShift() || pData->IsMod1() || pData->IsMod2()) { mrDocView.HandleWheelCommands(rCEvt); } else { HandleScrollCommand( rCEvt, 0 , mrSidebarWin.Scrollbar()); } } else { mrDocView.HandleWheelCommands(rCEvt); } } else { if ( GetTextView() ) GetTextView()->Command( rCEvt ); else Window::Command(rCEvt); } } XubString SidebarTxtControl::GetSurroundingText() const { if( GetTextView() ) return GetTextView()->GetSurroundingText(); else return XubString::EmptyString(); } Selection SidebarTxtControl::GetSurroundingTextSelection() const { if( GetTextView() ) return GetTextView()->GetSurroundingTextSelection(); else return Selection( 0, 0 ); } css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > SidebarTxtControl::CreateAccessible() { SidebarTxtControlAccessible* pAcc( new SidebarTxtControlAccessible( *this ) ); css::uno::Reference< css::awt::XWindowPeer > xWinPeer( pAcc ); SetWindowPeer( xWinPeer, pAcc ); css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > xAcc( xWinPeer, css::uno::UNO_QUERY ); return xAcc; } } } // end of namespace sw::sidebarwindows