/************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_tools.hxx" #if !defined UNX #include #include #endif #if defined(UNX) || defined(OS2) #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "comdep.hxx" #include #define _TOOLS_HXX #include #ifdef UNX #define _MAX_PATH 260 #endif #include #ifndef _VOS_MUTEX_HXX #include #endif #include #include using namespace osl; using namespace rtl; int ApiRet2ToSolarError_Impl( int nApiRet ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- int Sys2SolarError_Impl( int nSysErr ) { switch ( nSysErr ) { #ifdef WNT case NO_ERROR: return ERRCODE_NONE; case ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION: return ERRCODE_IO_GENERAL; case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: return ERRCODE_IO_NOTEXISTS; case ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND: return ERRCODE_IO_NOTEXISTSPATH; case ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES: return ERRCODE_IO_TOOMANYOPENFILES; case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: return ERRCODE_IO_ACCESSDENIED; case ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE: return ERRCODE_IO_GENERAL; case ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: return ERRCODE_IO_OUTOFMEMORY; case ERROR_INVALID_BLOCK: return ERRCODE_IO_GENERAL; // case ERROR_BAD_ENVIRONMENT: return ERRCODE_IO_; case ERROR_BAD_FORMAT: return ERRCODE_IO_WRONGFORMAT; case ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS: return ERRCODE_IO_ACCESSDENIED; // case ERROR_INVALID_DATA: return ERRCODE_IO_; case ERROR_INVALID_DRIVE: return ERRCODE_IO_INVALIDDEVICE; case ERROR_CURRENT_DIRECTORY: return ERRCODE_IO_CURRENTDIR; case ERROR_NOT_SAME_DEVICE: return ERRCODE_IO_NOTSAMEDEVICE; // case ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES: return ERRCODE_IO_; case ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT: return ERRCODE_IO_CANTWRITE; case ERROR_BAD_UNIT: return ERRCODE_IO_INVALIDDEVICE; case ERROR_NOT_READY: return ERRCODE_IO_DEVICENOTREADY; case ERROR_BAD_COMMAND: return ERRCODE_IO_GENERAL; case ERROR_CRC: return ERRCODE_IO_BADCRC; case ERROR_BAD_LENGTH: return ERRCODE_IO_INVALIDLENGTH; case ERROR_SEEK: return ERRCODE_IO_CANTSEEK; case ERROR_NOT_DOS_DISK: return ERRCODE_IO_WRONGFORMAT; case ERROR_SECTOR_NOT_FOUND: return ERRCODE_IO_GENERAL; case ERROR_WRITE_FAULT: return ERRCODE_IO_CANTWRITE; case ERROR_READ_FAULT: return ERRCODE_IO_CANTREAD; case ERROR_GEN_FAILURE: return ERRCODE_IO_GENERAL; case ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION: return ERRCODE_IO_LOCKVIOLATION; case ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION: return ERRCODE_IO_LOCKVIOLATION; case ERROR_WRONG_DISK: return ERRCODE_IO_INVALIDDEVICE; case ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED: return ERRCODE_IO_NOTSUPPORTED; #else case 0: return ERRCODE_NONE; case ENOENT: return ERRCODE_IO_NOTEXISTS; case EACCES: return ERRCODE_IO_ACCESSDENIED; case EEXIST: return ERRCODE_IO_ALREADYEXISTS; case EINVAL: return ERRCODE_IO_INVALIDPARAMETER; case EMFILE: return ERRCODE_IO_TOOMANYOPENFILES; case ENOMEM: return ERRCODE_IO_OUTOFMEMORY; case ENOSPC: return ERRCODE_IO_OUTOFSPACE; #endif } DBG_TRACE1( "FSys: unknown system error %d occured", nSysErr ); return FSYS_ERR_UNKNOWN; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef BOOTSTRAP FSysRedirector* FSysRedirector::_pRedirector = 0; sal_Bool FSysRedirector::_bEnabled = sal_True; #ifdef UNX sal_Bool bInRedirection = sal_True; #else sal_Bool bInRedirection = sal_False; #endif static vos:: OMutex * pRedirectMutex = 0; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void FSysRedirector::Register( FSysRedirector *pRedirector ) { if ( pRedirector ) pRedirectMutex = new vos:: OMutex ; else DELETEZ( pRedirectMutex ); _pRedirector = pRedirector; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void FSysRedirector::DoRedirect( String &rPath ) { String aURL(rPath); // if redirection is disabled or not even registered do nothing if ( !_bEnabled || !pRedirectMutex ) return; // redirect only removable or remote volumes if ( !IsRedirectable_Impl( ByteString( aURL, osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ) ) ) return; // Redirection is acessible only by one thread per time // dont move the guard behind the bInRedirection check!!! // think of nested calls (when called from callback) vos:: OGuard aGuard( pRedirectMutex ); // if already in redirection, dont redirect if ( bInRedirection ) return; // dont redirect on nested calls bInRedirection = sal_True; // convert to URL #ifndef UNX for ( sal_Unicode *p = (sal_Unicode*)aURL.GetBuffer(); *p; ++p ) if ( '\\' == *p ) *p = '/'; else if ( ':' == *p ) *p = '|'; #endif aURL.Insert( String("file:///", osl_getThreadTextEncoding()), 0 ); // do redirection Redirector(); bInRedirection = sal_False; return; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ FSysRedirector* FSysRedirector::Redirector() { if ( !_pRedirector ) Register( new FSysRedirector ); return _pRedirector; } #endif // BOOTSTRAP //-------------------------------------------------------------------- class DirEntryStack: public List { public: DirEntryStack() {}; ~DirEntryStack(); inline void Push( DirEntry *pEntry ); inline DirEntry* Pop(); inline DirEntry* Top(); inline DirEntry* Bottom(); }; inline void DirEntryStack::Push( DirEntry *pEntry ) { List::Insert( pEntry, LIST_APPEND ); } inline DirEntry* DirEntryStack::Pop() { return (DirEntry*) List::Remove( Count() - 1 ); } inline DirEntry* DirEntryStack::Top() { return (DirEntry*) List::GetObject( Count() - 1 ); } inline DirEntry* DirEntryStack::Bottom() { return (DirEntry*) List::GetObject( 0 ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- DBG_NAME( DirEntry ); /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::~DirEntryStack() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MI 04.07.91 |* *************************************************************************/ DirEntryStack::~DirEntryStack() { while ( Count() ) delete Pop(); } /************************************************************************* |* |* ImpCheckDirEntry() |* |* Beschreibung Pruefung eines DirEntry fuer DBG_UTIL |* Parameter void* p Zeiger auf den DirEntry |* Return-Wert char* Fehlermeldungs-TExtension oder NULL |* Ersterstellung MI 16.07.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MI 26.05.93 |* *************************************************************************/ #ifdef DBG_UTIL const char* ImpCheckDirEntry( const void* p ) { DirEntry* p0 = (DirEntry*)p; if ( p0->pParent ) DBG_CHKOBJ( p0->pParent, DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); return NULL; } #endif /************************************************************************* |* |* ImplCutPath() |* |* Beschreibung Fuegt ... ein, damit maximal nMaxChars lang |* Ersterstellung MI 06.04.94 |* Letzte Aenderung DV 24.06.96 |* *************************************************************************/ ByteString ImplCutPath( const ByteString& rStr, sal_uInt16 nMax, char cAccDel ) { sal_uInt16 nMaxPathLen = nMax; ByteString aCutPath( rStr ); sal_Bool bInsertPrefix = sal_False; sal_uInt16 nBegin = aCutPath.Search( cAccDel ); if( nBegin == STRING_NOTFOUND ) nBegin = 0; else nMaxPathLen += 2; // fuer Prefix : while( aCutPath.Len() > nMaxPathLen ) { sal_uInt16 nEnd = aCutPath.Search( cAccDel, nBegin + 1 ); sal_uInt16 nCount; if ( nEnd != STRING_NOTFOUND ) { nCount = nEnd - nBegin; aCutPath.Erase( nBegin, nCount ); bInsertPrefix = sal_True; } else break; } if ( aCutPath.Len() > nMaxPathLen ) { for ( sal_uInt16 n = nMaxPathLen; n > nMaxPathLen/2; --n ) if ( !ByteString(aCutPath.GetChar(n)).IsAlphaNumericAscii() ) { aCutPath.Erase( n ); aCutPath += "..."; break; } } if ( bInsertPrefix ) { ByteString aIns( cAccDel ); aIns += "..."; aCutPath.Insert( aIns, nBegin ); } return aCutPath; } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::ImpParseOs2Name() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MI 23.06.95 |* *************************************************************************/ FSysError DirEntry::ImpParseOs2Name( const ByteString& rPfad, FSysPathStyle eStyle ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); // die einzelnen Namen auf einen Stack packen String aPfad( rPfad, osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ); DirEntryStack aStack; do { // den Namen vor dem ersten "\\" abspalten, // falls '\\' am Anfang, ist der Name '\\', // der Rest immer ohne die fuehrenden '\\'. // ein ":" trennt ebenfalls, gehoert aber zum Namen // den ersten '\\', '/' oder ':' suchen sal_uInt16 nPos; for ( nPos = 0; nPos < aPfad.Len() && //?O aPfad.GetChar(nPos) != '\\' && aPfad.GetChar(nPos) != '/' && //?O aPfad.GetChar(nPos) != ':'; //?O nPos++ ) /* do nothing */; // ist der Name ein UNC Pathname? if ( nPos == 0 && aPfad.Len() > 1 && ( ( aPfad.GetChar(0) == '\\' && aPfad.GetChar(1) == '\\' ) || ( aPfad.GetChar(0) == '/' && aPfad.GetChar(1) == '/' ) ) ) { for ( nPos = 2; aPfad.Len() > nPos; ++nPos ) if ( aPfad.GetChar(nPos) == '\\' || aPfad.GetChar(nPos) == '/' ) break; aName = ByteString( aPfad.Copy( 2, nPos-2 ), osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ); aStack.Push( new DirEntry( aName, FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT, eStyle ) ); } // ist der Name die Root des aktuellen Drives? else if ( nPos == 0 && aPfad.Len() > 0 && ( aPfad.GetChar(0) == '\\' || aPfad.GetChar(0) == '/' ) ) { // Root-Directory des aktuellen Drives aStack.Push( new DirEntry( FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT ) ); } else { // ist der Name ein Drive? if ( nPos < aPfad.Len() && aPfad.GetChar(nPos) == ':' ) { aName = ByteString( aPfad.Copy( 0, nPos + 1 ), osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ); // ist der Name die Root des Drives if ( (nPos + 1) < aPfad.Len() && ( aPfad.GetChar(nPos+1) == '\\' || aPfad.GetChar(nPos+1) == '/' ) ) { // schon was auf dem Stack? // oder Novell-Format? (not supported wegen URLs) if ( aStack.Count() || aName.Len() > 2 ) { aName = rPfad; return FSYS_ERR_MISPLACEDCHAR; } // Root-Directory des Drive aStack.Push( new DirEntry( aName, FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT, eStyle ) ); } else { // liegt ein anderes Drive auf dem Stack? if ( aStack.Count() && COMPARE_EQUAL != aStack.Bottom()->aName.CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii(aName) ) aStack.Clear(); // liegt jetzt nichts mehr auf dem Stack? if ( !aStack.Count() ) aStack.Push( new DirEntry( aName, FSYS_FLAG_RELROOT, eStyle ) ); } } // es ist kein Drive else { // den Namen ohne Trenner abspalten aName = ByteString( aPfad.Copy( 0, nPos ), osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ); // stellt der Name die aktuelle Directory dar? if ( aName == "." ) /* do nothing */; // stellt der Name die Parent-Directory dar? else if ( aName == ".." ) { // ist nichts, ein Parent oder eine relative Root // auf dem Stack? if ( ( aStack.Count() == 0 ) || ( aStack.Top()->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_PARENT ) || ( aStack.Top()->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_RELROOT ) ) // fuehrende Parents kommen auf den Stack aStack.Push( new DirEntry( FSYS_FLAG_PARENT ) ); // ist es eine absolute Root else if ( aStack.Top()->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT ) { // die hat keine Parent-Directory aName = rPfad; return FSYS_ERR_NOTEXISTS; } else // sonst hebt der Parent den TOS auf delete aStack.Pop(); } else { if ( eStyle == FSYS_STYLE_FAT ) { // ist der Name grundsaetzlich ungueltig? int nPunkte = 0; const char *pChar; for ( pChar = aName.GetBuffer(); nPunkte < 2 && *pChar != 0; pChar++ ) { if ( *pChar == ';' ) nPunkte = 0; else nPunkte += ( *pChar == '.' ) ? 1 : 0; } if ( nPunkte > 1 ) { aName = rPfad; return FSYS_ERR_MISPLACEDCHAR; } } // normalen Entries kommen auf den Stack DirEntry *pNew = new DirEntry( aName, FSYS_FLAG_NORMAL, eStyle ); if ( !pNew->IsValid() ) { aName = rPfad; ErrCode eErr = pNew->GetError(); delete pNew; return eErr; } aStack.Push( pNew ); } } } // den Restpfad bestimmen aPfad.Erase( 0, nPos + 1 ); while ( aPfad.Len() && ( aPfad.GetChar(0) == '\\' || aPfad.GetChar(0) == '/' ) ) aPfad.Erase( 0, 1 ); } while ( aPfad.Len() ); sal_uIntPtr nErr = ERRCODE_NONE; // Haupt-Entry (selbst) zuweisen if ( aStack.Count() == 0 ) { eFlag = FSYS_FLAG_CURRENT; aName.Erase(); } else { eFlag = aStack.Top()->eFlag; aName = aStack.Top()->aName; nErr = aStack.Top()->nError; delete aStack.Pop(); } // die Parent-Entries vom Stack holen DirEntry** pTemp = &pParent; // Zeiger auf den Member pParent setzen while ( aStack.Count() ) { *pTemp = aStack.Pop(); // Zeiger auf den Member pParent des eigenen Parent setzen pTemp = &( (*pTemp)->pParent ); } // wird damit ein Volume beschrieben? if ( !pParent && eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_RELROOT && aName.Len() ) eFlag = FSYS_FLAG_VOLUME; // bei gesetztem ErrorCode den Namen komplett "ubernehmen if ( nErr ) aName = rPfad; return nErr; } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::ImpParseName() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.08.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MI 26.05.93 |* *************************************************************************/ FSysError DirEntry::ImpParseName( const ByteString& rbInitName, FSysPathStyle eStyle ) { String rInitName( rbInitName, osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ); if ( eStyle == FSYS_STYLE_HOST ) eStyle = DEFSTYLE; // KI-Division of FSys if ( eStyle == FSYS_STYLE_DETECT ) { sal_Unicode cFirst = rInitName.GetChar(0); if ( rInitName.Len() == 2 && rInitName.GetChar(1) == ':' && ((cFirst >= 'A' && cFirst <= 'Z') || (cFirst >= 'a' && cFirst <= 'z'))) eStyle = FSYS_STYLE_HPFS; else if ( rInitName.Len() > 2 && rInitName.GetChar(1) == ':' ) { if ( rInitName.Search( ':', 2 ) == STRING_NOTFOUND ) eStyle = FSYS_STYLE_HPFS; else eStyle = FSYS_STYLE_MAC; } else if ( rInitName.Search( '/' ) != STRING_NOTFOUND ) eStyle = FSYS_STYLE_BSD; else if ( rInitName.Search( '\\' ) != STRING_NOTFOUND ) eStyle = FSYS_STYLE_HPFS; else if ( rInitName.Search( ':' ) != STRING_NOTFOUND ) eStyle = FSYS_STYLE_MAC; else eStyle = FSYS_STYLE_HPFS; } switch ( eStyle ) { case FSYS_STYLE_FAT: case FSYS_STYLE_VFAT: case FSYS_STYLE_HPFS: case FSYS_STYLE_NTFS: case FSYS_STYLE_NWFS: return ImpParseOs2Name( rbInitName, eStyle ); case FSYS_STYLE_BSD: case FSYS_STYLE_SYSV: return ImpParseUnixName( rbInitName, eStyle ); case FSYS_STYLE_MAC: return FSYS_ERR_OK; default: return FSYS_ERR_UNKNOWN; } } /************************************************************************* |* |* GetStyle() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 15.11.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MI 15.11.91 |* *************************************************************************/ static FSysPathStyle GetStyle( FSysPathStyle eStyle ) { if ( eStyle == FSYS_STYLE_HOST || eStyle == FSYS_STYLE_DETECT ) return DEFSTYLE; else return eStyle; } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::ImpTrim() |* |* Beschreibung bringt den Namen auf Betriebssystem-Norm |* z.B. 8.3 lower beim MS-DOS Formatter |* wirkt nicht rekursiv |* Ersterstellung MI 12.08.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MI 21.05.92 |* *************************************************************************/ void DirEntry::ImpTrim( FSysPathStyle eStyle ) { // Wildcards werden nicht geclipt if ( ( aName.Search( '*' ) != STRING_NOTFOUND ) || ( aName.Search( '?' ) != STRING_NOTFOUND ) || ( aName.Search( ';' ) != STRING_NOTFOUND ) ) return; switch ( eStyle ) { case FSYS_STYLE_FAT: { sal_uInt16 nPunktPos = aName.Search( '.' ); if ( nPunktPos == STRING_NOTFOUND ) { if ( aName.Len() > 8 ) { nError = ERRCODE_IO_MISPLACEDCHAR|ERRCODE_WARNING_MASK; aName.Erase( 8 ); } } else { if ( nPunktPos > 8 ) { nError = ERRCODE_IO_MISPLACEDCHAR|ERRCODE_WARNING_MASK; aName.Erase( 8, nPunktPos - 8 ); nPunktPos = 8; } if ( aName.Len() > nPunktPos + 3 ) { if ( aName.Len() - nPunktPos > 4 ) { nError = ERRCODE_IO_MISPLACEDCHAR|ERRCODE_WARNING_MASK; aName.Erase( nPunktPos + 4 ); } } } aName.ToLowerAscii(); break; } case FSYS_STYLE_VFAT: case FSYS_STYLE_HPFS: case FSYS_STYLE_NTFS: case FSYS_STYLE_NWFS: if ( aName.Len() > 254 ) { nError = ERRCODE_IO_MISPLACEDCHAR|ERRCODE_WARNING_MASK; aName.Erase( 254 ); } if ( eStyle == FSYS_STYLE_HPFS && ( eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT || eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_RELROOT ) ) aName.ToUpperAscii(); break; case FSYS_STYLE_SYSV: if ( aName.Len() > 14 ) { nError = ERRCODE_IO_MISPLACEDCHAR|ERRCODE_WARNING_MASK; aName.Erase( 14 ); } break; case FSYS_STYLE_BSD: if ( aName.Len() > 250 ) { nError = ERRCODE_IO_MISPLACEDCHAR|ERRCODE_WARNING_MASK; aName.Erase( 250 ); } break; case FSYS_STYLE_MAC: if ( eFlag & ( FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT | FSYS_FLAG_VOLUME ) ) { if ( aName.Len() > 27 ) { nError = ERRCODE_IO_MISPLACEDCHAR|ERRCODE_WARNING_MASK; aName.Erase( 27 ); } } else { if ( aName.Len() > 31 ) { nError = ERRCODE_IO_MISPLACEDCHAR|ERRCODE_WARNING_MASK; aName.Erase( 31 ); } } break; default: /* kann nicht sein */; } } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::DirEntry() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 02.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ DirEntry::DirEntry( const ByteString& rName, DirEntryFlag eDirFlag, FSysPathStyle eStyle ) : #ifdef FEAT_FSYS_DOUBLESPEED pStat( 0 ), #endif aName( rName ) { DBG_CTOR( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); pParent = NULL; eFlag = eDirFlag; nError = FSYS_ERR_OK; ImpTrim( eStyle ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::DirEntry() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 02.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ DirEntry::DirEntry( const DirEntry& rOrig ) : #ifdef FEAT_FSYS_DOUBLESPEED pStat( rOrig.pStat ? new FileStat(*rOrig.pStat) : 0 ), #endif aName( rOrig.aName ) { DBG_CTOR( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); eFlag = rOrig.eFlag; nError = rOrig.nError; if ( rOrig.pParent ) { pParent = new DirEntry( *rOrig.pParent ); } else { pParent = NULL; } } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::DirEntry() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 02.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ DirEntry::DirEntry( const String& rInitName, FSysPathStyle eStyle ) #ifdef FEAT_FSYS_DOUBLESPEED : pStat( 0 ) #endif { DBG_CTOR( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); pParent = NULL; // schnelle Loesung fuer Leerstring if ( !rInitName.Len()) { eFlag = FSYS_FLAG_CURRENT; nError = FSYS_ERR_OK; return; } ByteString aTmpName(rInitName, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); if( eStyle == FSYS_STYLE_URL || aTmpName.CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii("file:",5 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) { #ifndef BOOTSTRAP DBG_WARNING( "File URLs are not permitted but accepted" ); aTmpName = ByteString(String(INetURLObject( rInitName ).PathToFileName()), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); eStyle = FSYS_STYLE_HOST; #endif // BOOTSTRAP } else { ::rtl::OUString aTmp; ::rtl::OUString aOInitName; if ( FileBase::getFileURLFromSystemPath( OUString( rInitName ), aTmp ) == FileBase::E_None ) { aOInitName = OUString( rInitName ); aTmpName = ByteString( String(aOInitName), osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ); } #ifdef DBG_UTIL // ASF nur bei Default eStyle, nicht z.B. aus MakeShortName() if( eStyle == FSYS_STYLE_HOST && aTmpName.Search( "://" ) != STRING_NOTFOUND ) { ByteString aErr = "DirEntries akzeptieren nur File URLS: "; aErr += aTmpName; DBG_WARNING( aErr.GetBuffer() ); } #endif } nError = ImpParseName( aTmpName, eStyle ); if ( nError != FSYS_ERR_OK ) eFlag = FSYS_FLAG_INVALID; } /*************************************************************************/ DirEntry::DirEntry( const ByteString& rInitName, FSysPathStyle eStyle ) #ifdef FEAT_FSYS_DOUBLESPEED : pStat( 0 ) #endif { DBG_CTOR( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); pParent = NULL; // schnelle Loesung fuer Leerstring if ( !rInitName.Len() ) { eFlag = FSYS_FLAG_CURRENT; nError = FSYS_ERR_OK; return; } ByteString aTmpName( rInitName ); if( eStyle == FSYS_STYLE_URL || rInitName.CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii("file:",5 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) { #ifndef BOOTSTRAP DBG_WARNING( "File URLs are not permitted but accepted" ); aTmpName = ByteString(String(INetURLObject( rInitName ).PathToFileName()), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); eStyle = FSYS_STYLE_HOST; #endif } #ifdef DBG_UTIL else // ASF nur bei Default eStyle, nicht z.B. aus MakeShortName() if( eStyle == FSYS_STYLE_HOST && rInitName.Search( "://" ) != STRING_NOTFOUND ) { ByteString aErr = "DirEntries akzeptieren nur File URLS: "; aErr += rInitName; DBG_WARNING( aErr.GetBuffer() ); } #endif nError = ImpParseName( aTmpName, eStyle ); if ( nError != FSYS_ERR_OK ) eFlag = FSYS_FLAG_INVALID; } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::DirEntry() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 02.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ DirEntry::DirEntry( DirEntryFlag eDirFlag ) #ifdef FEAT_FSYS_DOUBLESPEED : pStat( 0 ) #endif { DBG_CTOR( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); eFlag = eDirFlag; nError = ( eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_INVALID ) ? FSYS_ERR_UNKNOWN : FSYS_ERR_OK; pParent = NULL; } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::~DirEntry() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 02.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ DirEntry::~DirEntry() { DBG_DTOR( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); delete pParent; #ifdef FEAT_FSYS_DOUBLESPEED delete pStat; #endif } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::ImpGetTopPtr() const |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 02.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ const DirEntry* DirEntry::ImpGetTopPtr() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); const DirEntry *pTemp = this; while ( pTemp->pParent ) pTemp = pTemp->pParent; return pTemp; } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::ImpGetTopPtr() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 13.11.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 02.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ DirEntry* DirEntry::ImpGetTopPtr() { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); DirEntry *pTemp = this; while ( pTemp->pParent ) pTemp = pTemp->pParent; return pTemp; } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::ImpGetPreTopPtr() |* |* Beschreibung liefert einen Pointer auf den vorletzten Entry |* Ersterstellung MI 01.11.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 02.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ DirEntry* DirEntry::ImpGetPreTopPtr() { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); DirEntry *pTemp = this; if ( pTemp->pParent ) { while ( pTemp->pParent->pParent ) pTemp = pTemp->pParent; } return pTemp; } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::ImpChangeParent() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MI 21.05.92 |* *************************************************************************/ DirEntry* DirEntry::ImpChangeParent( DirEntry* pNewParent, sal_Bool bNormalize ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); DirEntry *pTemp = pParent; if ( bNormalize && pNewParent && pNewParent->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_RELROOT && !pNewParent->aName.Len() ) { pParent = 0; delete pNewParent; } else pParent = pNewParent; return pTemp; } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::Exists() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MI 24.09.91 |* *************************************************************************/ sal_Bool DirEntry::Exists( FSysAccess nAccess ) const { #ifndef BOOTSTRAP static vos::OMutex aLocalMutex; vos::OGuard aGuard( aLocalMutex ); #endif if ( !IsValid() ) return sal_False; #if defined WNT || defined OS2 // spezielle Filenamen sind vom System da if ( ( aName.CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii("CLOCK$") == COMPARE_EQUAL || aName.CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii("CON") == COMPARE_EQUAL || aName.CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii("AUX") == COMPARE_EQUAL || aName.CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii("COM1") == COMPARE_EQUAL || aName.CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii("COM2") == COMPARE_EQUAL || aName.CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii("COM3") == COMPARE_EQUAL || aName.CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii("COM4") == COMPARE_EQUAL || aName.CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii("LPT1") == COMPARE_EQUAL || aName.CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii("LPT2") == COMPARE_EQUAL || aName.CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii("LPT3") == COMPARE_EQUAL || aName.CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii("NUL") == COMPARE_EQUAL || aName.CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii("PRN") == COMPARE_EQUAL ) ) return sal_True; #endif FSysFailOnErrorImpl(); DirEntryKind eKind = FileStat( *this, nAccess ).GetKind(); if ( eKind & ( FSYS_KIND_FILE | FSYS_KIND_DIR ) ) { return sal_True; } #if defined WNT || defined OS2 if ( 0 != ( eKind & FSYS_KIND_DEV ) ) { return DRIVE_EXISTS( ImpGetTopPtr()->aName.GetChar(0) ); } #endif return 0 != ( eKind & ( FSYS_KIND_FILE | FSYS_KIND_DIR ) ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::First() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 15.01.92 |* *************************************************************************/ sal_Bool DirEntry::First() { FSysFailOnErrorImpl(); String aUniPathName( GetPath().GetFull() ); #ifndef BOOTSTRAP FSysRedirector::DoRedirect( aUniPathName ); ByteString aPathName(aUniPathName, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); #else ByteString aPathName(aUniPathName, gsl_getSystemTextEncoding()); #endif aPathName = GUI2FSYS( aPathName ); DIR *pDir = opendir( (char*) aPathName.GetBuffer() ); if ( pDir ) { #ifndef BOOTSTRAP WildCard aWildeKarte( String(CMP_LOWER( aName ), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()) ); #else WildCard aWildeKarte( String(CMP_LOWER( aName ), gsl_getSystemTextEncoding()) ); #endif for ( dirent* pEntry = readdir( pDir ); pEntry; pEntry = readdir( pDir ) ) { ByteString aFound( FSYS2GUI( ByteString( pEntry->d_name ) ) ); if ( aWildeKarte.Matches( String(CMP_LOWER( aFound ), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()))) { aName = aFound; closedir( pDir ); return sal_True; } } closedir( pDir ); } return sal_False; } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::GetFull() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 02.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ String DirEntry::GetFull( FSysPathStyle eStyle, sal_Bool bWithDelimiter, sal_uInt16 nMaxChars ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); ByteString aRet; eStyle = GetStyle( eStyle ); if ( pParent ) { if ( ( pParent->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT || pParent->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_RELROOT || pParent->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_VOLUME ) ) { aRet = ByteString(pParent->GetName( eStyle ), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); aRet += ByteString(GetName( eStyle ), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); } else { aRet = ByteString(pParent->GetFull( eStyle ), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); aRet += ACCESSDELIM_C(eStyle); aRet += ByteString(GetName( eStyle ), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); } } else { aRet = ByteString(GetName( eStyle ), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); } if ( ( eStyle == FSYS_STYLE_MAC ) && ( ImpGetTopPtr()->eFlag != FSYS_FLAG_VOLUME ) && ( ImpGetTopPtr()->eFlag != FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT ) && ( aRet.GetChar(0) != ':' ) ) aRet.Insert( ACCESSDELIM_C(eStyle), 0 ); //! Hack if ( bWithDelimiter ) if ( aRet.GetChar( aRet.Len()-1 ) != ACCESSDELIM_C(eStyle) ) aRet += ACCESSDELIM_C(eStyle); //! noch ein Hack if ( nMaxChars < STRING_MAXLEN ) aRet = ImplCutPath( aRet, nMaxChars, ACCESSDELIM_C(eStyle) ); return String(aRet, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::GetPath() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 02.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ DirEntry DirEntry::GetPath() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); if ( pParent ) return DirEntry( *pParent ); return DirEntry(); } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::GetExtension() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 02.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ String DirEntry::GetExtension( char cSep ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); const char *p0 = ( aName.GetBuffer() ); const char *p1 = p0 + aName.Len() - 1; while ( p1 >= p0 && *p1 != cSep ) p1--; if ( p1 >= p0 ) // es wurde ein cSep an der Position p1 gefunden return String( aName.Copy( static_cast< xub_StrLen >(p1 - p0 + 1) ), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); return String(); } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::GetBase() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 02.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ String DirEntry::GetBase( char cSep ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); const char *p0 = ( aName.GetBuffer() ); const char *p1 = p0 + aName.Len() - 1; while ( p1 >= p0 && *p1 != cSep ) p1--; if ( p1 >= p0 ) // es wurde ein cSep an der Position p1 gefunden return String( aName.Copy( 0, static_cast< xub_StrLen >(p1 - p0) ), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); else // es wurde kein cSep gefunden return String(aName, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::GetName() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 02.12.91 13:47 |* *************************************************************************/ String DirEntry::GetName( FSysPathStyle eStyle ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); ByteString aRet; eStyle = GetStyle( eStyle ); switch( eFlag ) { case FSYS_FLAG_PARENT: aRet = ACTPARENT(eStyle); break; case FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT: { if ( eStyle == FSYS_STYLE_URL ) { aRet = "file:///"; aRet += aName; #ifndef UNX if ( aName.Len()) { if ( aName.GetChar(aName.Len()-1) == ':' ) { aRet.SetChar(aRet.Len()-1, '|'); } else { aRet.Insert( '/', 5 ); } aRet += "/"; } #endif } else if ( eStyle != FSYS_STYLE_MAC && aName.Len() > 1 && aName.GetChar( 1 ) != ':' ) { // UNC-Pathname aRet = ACCESSDELIM_C(eStyle); aRet += ACCESSDELIM_C(eStyle); aRet += aName ; aRet += ACCESSDELIM_C(eStyle); } else { aRet = aName; aRet += ACCESSDELIM_C(eStyle); } break; } case FSYS_FLAG_INVALID: case FSYS_FLAG_VOLUME: { if ( eStyle == FSYS_STYLE_URL ) { aRet = "file:///"; aRet += aName; #ifndef UNX if ( aName.Len() && aName.GetChar(aName.Len()-1) == ':' ) { aRet.SetChar(aRet.Len()-1, '|'); } #endif } else { aRet = aName; } break; } case FSYS_FLAG_RELROOT: if ( !aName.Len() ) { aRet = ACTCURRENT(eStyle); break; } default: aRet = aName; } return String(aRet, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::IsAbs() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 02.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ bool DirEntry::IsAbs() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); #ifdef UNX return ( pParent ? pParent->IsAbs() : eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT ); #else return ( pParent ? pParent->IsAbs() : eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT && aName.Len() > 0 ); #endif } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::CutName() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 02.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ String DirEntry::CutName( FSysPathStyle eStyle ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); eStyle = GetStyle( eStyle ); String aOldName( GetName( eStyle ) ); if ( pParent ) { DirEntry *pOldParent = pParent; if ( pOldParent ) { pParent = pOldParent->pParent; eFlag = pOldParent->eFlag; aName = pOldParent->aName; pOldParent->pParent = NULL; delete pOldParent; } else { eFlag = FSYS_FLAG_CURRENT; aName.Erase(); } } else { eFlag = FSYS_FLAG_CURRENT; aName.Erase(); delete pParent; pParent = NULL; } return aOldName; } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::NameCompare |* |* Beschreibung Vergleich nur die Namen (ohne Pfad, aber mit Gross/Klein) |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 02.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ StringCompare DirEntry::NameCompare( const DirEntry &rWith ) const { ByteString aThisName; ByteString aParameterName; #ifdef UNX aThisName = aName; aParameterName = rWith.aName; #else aThisName = ByteString(aName).ToLowerAscii(); aParameterName = ByteString(rWith.aName).ToLowerAscii(); #endif return aThisName.CompareTo( aParameterName ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::operator==() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 02.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ sal_Bool DirEntry::operator==( const DirEntry& rEntry ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); // test wheather the contents are textual the same if ( nError && ( nError == rEntry.nError ) ) return sal_True; if ( nError || rEntry.nError || ( eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_INVALID ) || ( rEntry.eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_INVALID ) ) return sal_False; #ifndef OS2 const #endif DirEntry *pThis = (DirEntry *)this; #ifndef OS2 const #endif DirEntry *pWith = (DirEntry *)&rEntry; while( pThis && pWith && (pThis->eFlag == pWith->eFlag) ) { if ( CMP_LOWER(pThis->aName) != CMP_LOWER(pWith->aName) ) break; pThis = pThis->pParent; pWith = pWith->pParent; } return ( !pThis && !pWith ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::operator=() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 02.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ DirEntry& DirEntry::operator=( const DirEntry& rEntry ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); if ( this == &rEntry ) return *this; if ( rEntry.nError != FSYS_ERR_OK ) { DBG_ERROR("Zuweisung mit invalidem DirEntry"); nError = rEntry.nError; return *this; } // Name und Typ uebernehmen, Refs beibehalten aName = rEntry.aName; eFlag = rEntry.eFlag; nError = FSYS_ERR_OK; DirEntry *pOldParent = pParent; if ( rEntry.pParent ) pParent = new DirEntry( *rEntry.pParent ); else pParent = NULL; if ( pOldParent ) delete pOldParent; return *this; } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::operator+() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 02.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ DirEntry DirEntry::operator+( const DirEntry& rEntry ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); #ifdef DBG_UTIL static sal_Bool bTested = sal_False; if ( !bTested ) { bTested = sal_True; FSysTest(); } #endif const DirEntry *pEntryTop = rEntry.ImpGetTopPtr(); const DirEntry *pThisTop = ImpGetTopPtr(); // "." + irgendwas oder irgendwas + "d:irgendwas" /* TPF:org if ( ( eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_RELROOT && !aName ) || ( pEntryTop->aName.Len() && ( pEntryTop->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT || pEntryTop->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_RELROOT || pEntryTop->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_VOLUME ) ) ) return rEntry; */ if ( (eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_RELROOT && !aName.Len()) || ( (pEntryTop->aName.Len() || ((rEntry.Level()>1)?(rEntry[rEntry.Level()-2].aName.CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii(RFS_IDENTIFIER)==COMPARE_EQUAL):sal_False)) && (pEntryTop->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT || pEntryTop->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_RELROOT || pEntryTop->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_VOLUME) ) ) { return rEntry; } // irgendwas + "." (=> pEntryTop == &rEntry) if ( pEntryTop->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_RELROOT && !pEntryTop->aName.Len() ) { DBG_ASSERT( pEntryTop == &rEntry, "DirEntry::op+ buggy" ); return *this; } // root += ".." (=> unmoeglich) if ( pEntryTop->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_PARENT && pThisTop == this && ( eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT ) ) return DirEntry( FSYS_FLAG_INVALID ); // irgendwas += abs (=> nur Device uebernehmen falls vorhanden) if ( pEntryTop->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT ) { ByteString aDevice; if ( pThisTop->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT ) aDevice = pThisTop->aName; DirEntry aRet = rEntry; if ( aDevice.Len() ) aRet.ImpGetTopPtr()->aName = aDevice; return aRet; } // irgendwas += ".." (=> aufloesen) if ( eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_NORMAL && pEntryTop->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_PARENT ) { String aConcated( GetFull() ); aConcated += ACCESSDELIM_C(FSYS_STYLE_HOST); aConcated += rEntry.GetFull(); return DirEntry( aConcated ); } // sonst einfach hintereinander haengen DirEntry aRet( rEntry ); DirEntry *pTop = aRet.ImpGetTopPtr(); pTop->pParent = new DirEntry( *this ); return aRet; } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::operator+=() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 02.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ DirEntry &DirEntry::operator+=( const DirEntry& rEntry ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); return *this = *this + rEntry; } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::GetAccessDelimiter() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 27.05.93 |* Letzte Aenderung MI 10.06.93 |* *************************************************************************/ String DirEntry::GetAccessDelimiter( FSysPathStyle eFormatter ) { return String( ACCESSDELIM_C( GetStyle( eFormatter ) ) ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::SetExtension() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 02.08.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 02.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ void DirEntry::SetExtension( const String& rExtension, char cSep ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); // do not set extensions for drives if(eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT) { nError = FSYS_ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; return; } // cSep im Namen suchen const char *p0 = ( aName.GetBuffer() ); const char *p1 = p0 + aName.Len() - 1; while ( p1 >= p0 && *p1 != cSep ) p1--; if ( p1 >= p0 ) { // es wurde ein cSep an der Position p1 gefunden aName.Erase( static_cast< xub_StrLen >( p1 - p0 + 1 - ( rExtension.Len() ? 0 : 1 )) ); aName += ByteString(rExtension, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); } else if ( rExtension.Len() ) { // es wurde kein cSep gefunden aName += cSep; aName += ByteString(rExtension, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); } } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::CutExtension() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 23.07.93 |* Letzte Aenderung MI 23.07.93 |* *************************************************************************/ String DirEntry::CutExtension( char cSep ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); const char *p0 = ( aName.GetBuffer() ); const char *p1 = p0 + aName.Len() - 1; while ( p1 >= p0 && *p1 != cSep ) p1--; if ( p1 >= p0 ) { // es wurde ein cSep an der Position p1 gefunden aName.Erase( static_cast< xub_StrLen >(p1-p0) ); return String(p1 + 1, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); } return String(); } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::SetName() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 04.09.93 |* Letzte Aenderung MI 04.09.93 |* *************************************************************************/ void DirEntry::SetName( const String& rName, FSysPathStyle eFormatter ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); if ( eFormatter == FSYS_STYLE_HOST || eFormatter == FSYS_STYLE_DETECT ) eFormatter = DEFSTYLE; ByteString aAccDelim( ACCESSDELIM_C( eFormatter ) ); if ( (eFlag != FSYS_FLAG_NORMAL) || (aName.Search( ':' ) != STRING_NOTFOUND) || (aName.Search( aAccDelim ) != STRING_NOTFOUND) || (eFormatter == FSYS_STYLE_FAT && (aName.GetTokenCount( '.' ) > 2) ) ) { eFlag = FSYS_FLAG_INVALID; } else { aName = ByteString(rName, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); } } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::Find() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 02.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ sal_Bool DirEntry::Find( const String& rPfad, char cDelim ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); if ( ImpGetTopPtr()->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT ) return sal_True; sal_Bool bWild = aName.Search( '*' ) != STRING_NOTFOUND || aName.Search( '?' ) != STRING_NOTFOUND; if ( !cDelim ) cDelim = SEARCHDELIM(DEFSTYLE)[0]; sal_uInt16 nTokenCount = rPfad.GetTokenCount( cDelim ); sal_uInt16 nIndex = 0; ByteString aThis = ACCESSDELIM(DEFSTYLE); aThis += ByteString(GetFull(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); for ( sal_uInt16 nToken = 0; nToken < nTokenCount; ++nToken ) { ByteString aPath = ByteString(rPfad, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()).GetToken( 0, cDelim, nIndex ); if ( aPath.Len() ) { if (aPath.GetChar(aPath.Len()-1)== ACCESSDELIM(DEFSTYLE)[0]) aPath.Erase(aPath.Len()-1); aPath += aThis; DirEntry aEntry( String(aPath, osl_getThreadTextEncoding())); if ( aEntry.ToAbs() && ( ( !bWild && aEntry.Exists() ) || ( bWild && aEntry.First() ) ) ) { (*this) = aEntry; return sal_True; } } } return sal_False; } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::ImpToRel() |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung MI 17.06.93 |* Letzte Aenderung MI 17.06.93 |* *************************************************************************/ sal_Bool DirEntry::ImpToRel( String aCurStr ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); DirEntry aThis(*this); aThis.ToAbs(); String aThisStr( aThis.GetFull( FSYS_STYLE_HPFS ) ); // #109512 preserve case of path even if caseinsensitive String aThisCompareStr( aThisStr ), aCurCompareStr( aCurStr ); if ( ! IsCaseSensitive() ) { aThisCompareStr.ToLowerAscii(); aCurCompareStr.ToLowerAscii(); } // "Ubereinstimmung pr"ufen sal_uInt16 nPos = aThisCompareStr.Match( aCurCompareStr ); if ( nPos == STRING_MATCH && aThisStr.Len() != aCurStr.Len() ) nPos = Min( aThisStr.Len(), aCurStr.Len() ); // Sonderfall, die DirEntries sind identisch if ( nPos == STRING_MATCH ) { // dann ist der relative Pfad das aktuelle Verzeichnis *this = DirEntry(); return sal_True; } // Sonderfall, die DirEntries sind total verschieden if ( nPos == 0 ) { // dann ist der relativste Pfad absolut *this = aThis; return sal_False; } // sonst nehmen wir die identischen Einzelteile vorne weg while ( nPos > 0 && aThisStr.GetChar(nPos) != '\\' ) --nPos; aThisStr.Erase( 0, nPos + ( ( aThisStr.GetChar(nPos) == '\\' ) ? 1 : 0 ) ); aCurStr.Erase( 0, nPos + ( ( aCurStr.GetChar(nPos) == '\\' ) ? 1 : 0 ) ); // und fuellen mit dem Level der Directories auf for ( nPos = 0; nPos < aCurStr.Len(); ++nPos ) if ( aCurStr.GetChar(nPos) == '\\' ) aThisStr.Insert( String( "..\\", osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ), 0 ); // das ist dann unser relativer Pfad *this = DirEntry( aThisStr, FSYS_STYLE_HPFS ); return sal_True; } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::CutRelParents() |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung MI 01.08.95 |* Letzte Aenderung MI 01.08.95 |* *************************************************************************/ sal_uInt16 DirEntry::CutRelParents() { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); // erstes '..' finden DirEntry *pDir = 0; DirEntry *pPar; for ( pPar = this; pPar && pPar->eFlag != FSYS_FLAG_PARENT; pPar = pPar->pParent ) pDir = pPar; // '..' zaehlen sal_uInt16 nParCount = 0; while ( pPar && pPar->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_PARENT ) { ++nParCount; pPar = pPar->pParent; } // cutten if ( pDir ) DELETEZ(pDir->pParent); else eFlag = FSYS_FLAG_CURRENT; return nParCount; } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::ToRel() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.06.93 |* Letzte Aenderung MI 17.06.93 |* *************************************************************************/ sal_Bool DirEntry::ToRel() { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); DirEntry aCur; aCur.ToAbs(); return ImpToRel( aCur.GetFull( FSYS_STYLE_HPFS ) ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::ToRel() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 02.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ sal_Bool DirEntry::ToRel( const DirEntry& rStart ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); DirEntry aStart( rStart ); aStart.ToAbs(); return ImpToRel( aStart.GetFull( FSYS_STYLE_HPFS ) ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::GetDevice() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 02.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ #ifndef UNX DirEntry DirEntry::GetDevice() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); const DirEntry *pTop = ImpGetTopPtr(); if ( ( pTop->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT || pTop->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_RELROOT ) && pTop->aName.Len() ) return DirEntry( pTop->aName, FSYS_FLAG_VOLUME, FSYS_STYLE_HOST ); else return DirEntry( ByteString(), FSYS_FLAG_INVALID, FSYS_STYLE_HOST ); } #endif /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::SetBase() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 23.10.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 02.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ void DirEntry::SetBase( const String& rBase, char cSep ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); const char *p0 = ( aName.GetBuffer() ); const char *p1 = p0 + aName.Len() - 1; while ( p1 >= p0 && *p1 != cSep ) p1--; if ( p1 >= p0 ) { // es wurde ein cSep an der Position p1 gefunden aName.Erase( 0, static_cast< xub_StrLen >(p1 - p0) ); aName.Insert( ByteString(rBase, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()), 0 ); } else aName = ByteString(rBase, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::GetSearchDelimiter() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 10.06.93 |* Letzte Aenderung MI 10.06.93 |* *************************************************************************/ String DirEntry::GetSearchDelimiter( FSysPathStyle eFormatter ) { return String( ByteString(SEARCHDELIM( GetStyle( eFormatter ) ) ), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::GetMaxNameLen() |* |* Beschreibung Liefert die maximale Anzahl von Zeichen in |* einzelnen Namensteile. Bei FileSystmen mit |* fester Extension (FAT) zaehlt diese nicht mit. |* Bei unbekannten FileSytemen und FSYS_STYLE_URL |* wird USHRT_MAX zurueckgegeben. |* Ersterstellung MI 17.06.97 |* Letzte Aenderung MI 17.06.97 |* *************************************************************************/ sal_uInt16 DirEntry::GetMaxNameLen( FSysPathStyle eFormatter ) { eFormatter = GetStyle( eFormatter ); switch ( eFormatter ) { case FSYS_STYLE_MAC: return 31; case FSYS_STYLE_FAT: return 8; case FSYS_STYLE_VFAT: case FSYS_STYLE_NTFS: case FSYS_STYLE_NWFS: case FSYS_STYLE_HPFS: return 255; case FSYS_STYLE_SYSV: return 14; case FSYS_STYLE_BSD: return 250; default: return USHRT_MAX; } } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::TempName() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW - Aha, wo? |* Ersterstellung VB 06.09.93 (im SWG) |* Letzte Aenderung MI 06.02.98 |* *************************************************************************/ namespace { struct TempNameBase_Impl : public rtl::Static< DirEntry, TempNameBase_Impl > {}; } const DirEntry& DirEntry::SetTempNameBase( const String &rBase ) { DirEntry aTempDir = DirEntry().TempName().GetPath(); aTempDir += DirEntry( rBase ); #ifdef UNX ByteString aName( aTempDir.GetFull(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); if ( access( aName.GetBuffer(), W_OK | X_OK | R_OK ) ) { // Create the directory and only on success give all rights to // everyone. Use mkdir instead of DirEntry::MakeDir because // this returns sal_True even if directory already exists. if ( !mkdir( aName.GetBuffer(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO ) ) chmod( aName.GetBuffer(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO ); // This will not create a directory but perhaps FileStat called // there modifies the DirEntry aTempDir.MakeDir(); } #else aTempDir.MakeDir(); #endif DirEntry &rEntry = TempNameBase_Impl::get(); rEntry = aTempDir.TempName( FSYS_KIND_DIR ); return rEntry; } DirEntry DirEntry::TempName( DirEntryKind eKind ) const { // ggf. Base-Temp-Dir verwenden (macht Remote keinen Sinn => vorher) const DirEntry &rEntry = TempNameBase_Impl::get(); if ( !pParent && FSYS_FLAG_CURRENT != rEntry.eFlag && FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT != eFlag ) { DirEntry aFactory( rEntry ); aFactory += GetName(); return aFactory.TempName(); } ByteString aDirName; // hiermit hatte MPW C++ Probleme - immmer noch?? char *ret_val; size_t i; // dertermine Directory, Prefix and Extension char pfx[6]; char ext[5]; const char *dir; const char *pWild = strchr( aName.GetBuffer(), '*' ); if ( !pWild ) pWild = strchr( aName.GetBuffer(), '?' ); if ( pWild ) { if ( pParent ) aDirName = ByteString(pParent->GetFull(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); strncpy( pfx, aName.GetBuffer(), Min( (int)5, (int)(pWild-aName.GetBuffer()) ) ); pfx[ pWild-aName.GetBuffer() ] = 0; const char *pExt = strchr( pWild, '.' ); if ( pExt ) { strncpy( ext, pExt, 4 ); ext[4] = 0; } else strcpy( ext, ".tmp" ); } else { aDirName = ByteString(GetFull(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); strcpy( pfx, "sv" ); strcpy( ext, ".tmp" ); } dir = aDirName.GetBuffer(); // wurde kein Dir angegeben, dann nehmen wir ein passendes TEMP-Verz. char sBuf[_MAX_PATH]; if ( eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_CURRENT || ( !pParent && pWild ) ) dir = TempDirImpl(sBuf); // ab hier leicht modifizierter Code von VB DirEntry aRet(FSYS_FLAG_INVALID); i = strlen(dir); // need to add ?\\? + prefix + number + pid + .ext + '\0' # define TMPNAME_SIZE ( 1 + 5 + 5 + 10 + 4 + 1 ) ret_val = new char[i + TMPNAME_SIZE ]; if (ret_val) { strcpy(ret_val,dir); /* Make sure directory ends with a separator */ #if defined(WNT) || defined(OS2) if ( i>0 && ret_val[i-1] != '\\' && ret_val[i-1] != '/' && ret_val[i-1] != ':') ret_val[i++] = '\\'; #elif defined UNX if (i>0 && ret_val[i-1] != '/') ret_val[i++] = '/'; #else #error unknown operating system #endif strncpy(ret_val + i, pfx, 5); ret_val[i + 5] = '\0'; /* strncpy doesn't put a 0 if more */ i = strlen(ret_val); /* than 'n' chars. */ /* Prefix can have 5 chars, leaving 3 for numbers. 26 ** 3 == 17576 * Welcome to the 21st century, we can have longer filenames now ;) * New format: pfx + "5 char milli/micro second res" + "current pid" + ".tmp" */ #if (defined MSC || defined __MINGW32__) && defined WNT /* Milliseconds !! */ static unsigned long u = GetTickCount(); unsigned long mypid = static_cast(_getpid()); #else /* Microseconds !! */ static unsigned long u = clock(); unsigned long mypid = static_cast(getpid()); #endif for ( unsigned long nOld = u; ++u != nOld; ) /* Hae??? */ { u %= 100000; /* on *NIX repeats every 100ms, maybe less if CLOCKS_PER_SEC > 10^6 */ snprintf(ret_val+i, TMPNAME_SIZE, "%05lu%lu", u, mypid); strcat(ret_val,ext); if ( FSYS_KIND_FILE == eKind ) { SvFileStream aStream( String( ret_val, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()), STREAM_WRITE|STREAM_SHARE_DENYALL ); if ( aStream.IsOpen() ) { aStream.Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_END ); if ( 0 == aStream.Tell() ) { aRet = DirEntry( String( ret_val, osl_getThreadTextEncoding())); break; } aStream.Close(); } } else { // Redirect String aRetVal(ret_val, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); String aRedirected (aRetVal); #ifndef BOOTSTRAP FSysRedirector::DoRedirect( aRedirected ); #endif if ( FSYS_KIND_DIR == eKind ) { if ( 0 == _mkdir( ByteString(aRedirected.GetBuffer(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()).GetBuffer() ) ) { aRet = DirEntry( aRetVal ); break; } } else { #if defined(UNX) || defined(OS2) if( access( ByteString(aRedirected, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()).GetBuffer(), F_OK ) ) { aRet = DirEntry( aRetVal ); break; } #else struct stat aStat; if ( stat( ByteString(aRedirected, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()).GetBuffer(), &aStat ) ) { aRet = DirEntry( aRetVal ); break; } #endif } } } delete[] ret_val; ret_val = 0; } return aRet; } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::operator[]() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 03.03.92 |* Letzte Aenderung MI 03.03.92 |* *************************************************************************/ const DirEntry &DirEntry::operator[]( sal_uInt16 nParentLevel ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); //TPF: maybe to be implemented (FastFSys) const DirEntry *pRes = this; while ( pRes && nParentLevel-- ) pRes = pRes->pParent; return *pRes; } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::ImpParseUnixName() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MI 26.05.93 |* *************************************************************************/ FSysError DirEntry::ImpParseUnixName( const ByteString& rPfad, FSysPathStyle eStyle ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); // die einzelnen Namen auf einen Stack packen DirEntryStack aStack; ByteString aPfad( rPfad ); do { // den Namen vor dem ersten "/" abspalten, // falls '/' am Anfang, ist der Name '/', // der Rest immer ohne die fuehrenden '/'. // den ersten '/' suchen sal_uInt16 nPos; for ( nPos = 0; nPos < aPfad.Len() && aPfad.GetChar(nPos) != '/'; nPos++ ) /* do nothing */; // ist der Name die Root des aktuellen Drives? if ( nPos == 0 && aPfad.Len() > 0 && ( aPfad.GetChar(0) == '/' ) ) { // Root-Directory des aktuellen Drives aStack.Push( new DirEntry( FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT ) ); } else { // den Namen ohne Trenner abspalten aName = aPfad.Copy( 0, nPos ); // stellt der Name die aktuelle Directory dar? if ( aName == "." ) /* do nothing */; #ifdef UNX // stellt der Name das User-Dir dar? else if ( aName == "~" ) { DirEntry aHome( String( (const char *) getenv( "HOME" ), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()) ); for ( sal_uInt16 n = aHome.Level(); n; --n ) aStack.Push( new DirEntry( aHome[ (sal_uInt16) n-1 ] ) ); } #endif // stellt der Name die Parent-Directory dar? else if ( aName == ".." ) { // ist nichts, ein Parent oder eine relative Root // auf dem Stack? if ( ( aStack.Count() == 0 ) || ( aStack.Top()->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_PARENT ) ) // fuehrende Parents kommen auf den Stack aStack.Push( new DirEntry( ByteString(), FSYS_FLAG_PARENT, eStyle ) ); // ist es eine absolute Root else if ( aStack.Top()->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT ) { // die hat keine Parent-Directory return FSYS_ERR_NOTEXISTS; } else // sonst hebt der Parent den TOS auf delete aStack.Pop(); } else { DirEntry *pNew = NULL; // normalen Entries kommen auf den Stack pNew = new DirEntry( aName, FSYS_FLAG_NORMAL, eStyle ); if ( !pNew->IsValid() ) { aName = rPfad; ErrCode eErr = pNew->GetError(); delete pNew; return eErr; } aStack.Push( pNew ); } } // den Restpfad bestimmen aPfad.Erase( 0, nPos + 1 ); while ( aPfad.Len() && ( aPfad.GetChar(0) == '/' ) ) aPfad.Erase( 0, 1 ); } while ( aPfad.Len() ); // Haupt-Entry (selbst) zuweisen if ( aStack.Count() == 0 ) { eFlag = FSYS_FLAG_CURRENT; aName.Erase(); } else { eFlag = aStack.Top()->eFlag; aName = aStack.Top()->aName; delete aStack.Pop(); } // die Parent-Entries vom Stack holen DirEntry** pTemp = &pParent; while ( aStack.Count() ) { *pTemp = aStack.Pop(); pTemp = &( (*pTemp)->pParent ); } return FSYS_ERR_OK; } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::MakeShortName() |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung TLX |* Letzte Aenderung PB 21.08.97 (in CreateEntry_Impl()) |* *************************************************************************/ ErrCode CreateEntry_Impl( const DirEntry &rPath, DirEntryKind eKind ) { // versuchen, anzulegen (ausser bei FSYS_KIND_ALL) ErrCode eErr = ERRCODE_NONE; if ( FSYS_KIND_FILE == eKind ) { SvFileStream aStream( rPath.GetFull(), STREAM_STD_WRITE ); aStream.WriteLine( "" ); eErr = aStream.GetError(); } else if ( FSYS_KIND_ALL != eKind ) eErr = rPath.MakeDir() ? ERRCODE_NONE : ERRCODE_IO_UNKNOWN; // erfolgreich? if ( !rPath.Exists() ) eErr = ERRCODE_IO_UNKNOWN; // Doch was schiefgegangen ? // ggf. wieder l"oschen if ( FSYS_KIND_NONE == eKind ) rPath.Kill(); // Fehlercode zur?ckliefern return eErr; } sal_Bool IsValidEntry_Impl( const DirEntry &rPath, const String &rLongName, DirEntryKind eKind, sal_Bool bIsShortened, sal_Bool bUseDelim ) { // Parameter-Pr"uefung DBG_ASSERT( eKind == FSYS_KIND_NONE || eKind == FSYS_KIND_ALL || eKind == FSYS_KIND_FILE || eKind == FSYS_KIND_DIR, "invalid entry-kind" ); // Alle von MSDOS erreichbaren FSYS_STYLES muessen den // MSDOS Filenamenanforderungen genuegen. Sonst wird probiert, // ob sich eine Datei des gewuenschten Names anlegen laesst. FSysPathStyle eStyle = DirEntry::GetPathStyle( rPath.GetDevice().GetName() ); DirEntry aPath(rPath); DirEntry aName(rLongName, eStyle); if ( !aName.IsValid() || aName.Level() != 1 ) return sal_False; aPath += aName; if ( 1 == aPath.Level() ) return sal_False; if ( eStyle == FSYS_STYLE_FAT || eStyle == FSYS_STYLE_NWFS || eStyle == FSYS_STYLE_UNKNOWN ) { DirEntry aDosEntry( rLongName, FSYS_STYLE_FAT ); if ( !aDosEntry.IsValid() ) return sal_False; } // Pfad-Trenner sind nicht erlaubt (bei ungek"urzten auch nicht FSYS_SHORTNAME_DELIMITER) char cDelim = bUseDelim == 2 ? FSYS_SHORTNAME_DELIMITER : char(0); if ( rLongName.Search(DirEntry::GetAccessDelimiter()) != STRING_NOTFOUND || (!bIsShortened && rLongName.Search(cDelim) != STRING_NOTFOUND) ) { return sal_False; } // MI: Abfrage nach 'CON:' etc. wird jetzt in Exists() mitgemacht if ( aPath.Exists() ) return sal_False; return (ERRCODE_NONE == CreateEntry_Impl( aPath, eKind )); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define MAX_EXT_FAT 3 #define MAX_LEN_FAT 8 #define INVALID_CHARS_FAT "\\/\"':|^<>[]?* " #define MAX_EXT_MAC 16 // nur wegen sinnvoller Namensk"rzung #define MAX_LEN_MAC 31 #define INVALID_CHARS_MAC "\":" #define MAX_EXT_MAX 250 #define MAX_LEN_MAX 255 #define INVALID_CHARS_DEF "\\/\"':|^<>?*" sal_Bool DirEntry::MakeShortName( const String& rLongName, DirEntryKind eKind, sal_Bool bUseDelim, FSysPathStyle eStyle ) { String aLongName(rLongName); // Alle '#' aus den Dateinamen entfernen, weil das INetURLObject // damit Probleme hat. Siehe auch #51246# aLongName.EraseAllChars( '#' ); ByteString bLongName(aLongName, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); // Auf Novell-Servern (wegen der rottigen Clients) nur 7bit ASCII // HRO: #69627# Weg mit dem Scheiss. Wenn es Client gibt, die so einen // BUG haben, dann muss halt der Client ersetzt werden, aber doch nicht das // Office kastrieren !!! #if 0 if ( FSYS_STYLE_NWFS == GetPathStyle( ImpGetTopPtr()->GetName() ) ) { for ( sal_uInt16 n = aLongName.Len(); n; --n ) { short nChar = aLongName(n-1); if ( nChar < 32 || nChar >= 127 ) aLongName.Erase( n-1, 1 ); } } #endif // bei FSYS_KIND_ALL den alten Namen merken und abh"angen (rename) ByteString aOldName; if ( FSYS_KIND_ALL == eKind ) { aOldName = ByteString(CutName(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); aOldName = CMP_LOWER(aOldName); } // ist der Langname direkt verwendbar? if ( IsValidEntry_Impl( *this, aLongName, eKind, sal_False, bUseDelim ) ) { operator+=( DirEntry(aLongName) ); return sal_True; } // max L"angen feststellen sal_uInt16 nMaxExt, nMaxLen; if ( FSYS_STYLE_DETECT == eStyle ) eStyle = DirEntry::GetPathStyle( GetDevice().GetName() ); ByteString aInvalidChars; switch ( eStyle ) { case FSYS_STYLE_FAT: nMaxExt = MAX_EXT_FAT; nMaxLen = MAX_LEN_FAT; aInvalidChars = INVALID_CHARS_FAT; break; case FSYS_STYLE_MAC: nMaxExt = MAX_EXT_MAC; nMaxLen = MAX_LEN_MAC; aInvalidChars = INVALID_CHARS_MAC; break; default: nMaxExt = MAX_EXT_MAX; nMaxLen = MAX_LEN_MAX; aInvalidChars = INVALID_CHARS_DEF; } // Extension abschneiden und kuerzen ByteString aExt; ByteString aFName = bLongName; if ( FSYS_STYLE_MAC != eStyle ) { DirEntry aUnparsed; aUnparsed.aName = bLongName; aExt = ByteString(aUnparsed.CutExtension(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); aFName = aUnparsed.aName; if ( aExt.Len() > nMaxExt ) { char c = aExt.GetChar( aExt.Len() - 1 ); aExt.Erase(nMaxExt-1); aExt += c; } } if ( FSYS_STYLE_FAT != eStyle ) { // ausser auf einem FAT-System geh"ort die Extension zur // Maxl"ange. Muss also vorher mit dem Punkt abgezogen werden. nMaxLen -= ( aExt.Len() + 1 ); } // Name k"urzen ByteString aSName; for ( const char *pc = aFName.GetBuffer(); aSName.Len() < nMaxLen && *pc; ++pc ) { if ( STRING_NOTFOUND == aInvalidChars.Search( *pc ) && (unsigned char) *pc >= (unsigned char) 32 && ( !aSName.Len() || *pc != ' ' || aSName.GetChar(aSName.Len()-1) != ' ' ) ) aSName += *pc; } aSName.EraseTrailingChars(); // HRO: #74246# Also cut leading spaces aSName.EraseLeadingChars(); if ( !aSName.Len() ) aSName = "noname"; // kommt dabei der alte Name raus? ByteString aNewName = aSName; if ( aExt.Len() ) ( aNewName += '.' ) += aExt; operator+=( DirEntry(String(aNewName, osl_getThreadTextEncoding())) ); if ( FSYS_KIND_ALL == eKind && CMP_LOWER(aName) == aOldName ) if ( FSYS_KIND_ALL == eKind && CMP_LOWER(ByteString(GetName(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding())) == aOldName ) return sal_True; // kann der gek"urzte Name direkt verwendet werden? if ( !Exists() && (ERRCODE_NONE == CreateEntry_Impl( *this, eKind )) ) return sal_True; // darf '?##' verwendet werden, um eindeutigen Name zu erzeugen? if ( bUseDelim ) { // eindeutigen Namen per '?##' erzeugen aSName.Erase( nMaxLen-3 ); if ( bUseDelim != 2 ) aSName += FSYS_SHORTNAME_DELIMITER; for ( int n = 1; n < 99; ++n ) { // Name zusammensetzen ByteString aTmpStr( aSName ); aTmpStr += ByteString::CreateFromInt32(n); if ( aExt.Len() ) ( aTmpStr += '.' ) += aExt; // noch nicht vorhanden? SetName( String(aTmpStr, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()) ); if ( !Exists() ) { // Fehler setzen !!! nError = CreateEntry_Impl( *this, eKind ); return (ERRCODE_NONE == nError); } } } // keine ## mehr frei / ?## soll nicht verwendet werden nError = ERRCODE_IO_ALREADYEXISTS; return sal_False; } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::CreatePath() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 02.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ sal_Bool DirEntry::MakeDir( sal_Bool bSloppy ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); // Schnellpruefung, ob vorhanden if ( FileStat( *this ).IsKind( FSYS_KIND_DIR ) ) return sal_True; if ( bSloppy && pParent ) if ( FileStat( *pParent ).IsKind( FSYS_KIND_DIR ) ) return sal_True; const DirEntry *pNewDir = bSloppy ? pParent : this; if ( pNewDir ) { // den Path zum Dir erzeugen if ( pNewDir->pParent && !pNewDir->pParent->MakeDir(sal_False) ) return sal_False; // das Dir selbst erzeugen if ( pNewDir->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT || pNewDir->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT || pNewDir->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_VOLUME ) return sal_True; else { //? nError = ??? if ( FileStat( *pNewDir ).IsKind( FSYS_KIND_DIR ) ) return sal_True; else { FSysFailOnErrorImpl(); String aDirName(pNewDir->GetFull()); #ifndef BOOTSTRAP FSysRedirector::DoRedirect( aDirName ); #endif ByteString bDirName( aDirName, osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ); bDirName = GUI2FSYS( bDirName ); #ifdef WIN32 SetLastError(0); #endif sal_Bool bResult = (0 == _mkdir( (char*) bDirName.GetBuffer() )); if ( !bResult ) { // Wer hat diese Methode const gemacht ? #ifdef WIN32 ((DirEntry *)this)->SetError( Sys2SolarError_Impl( GetLastError() ) ); #else ((DirEntry *)this)->SetError( Sys2SolarError_Impl( errno ) ); #endif } return bResult; } } } return sal_True; } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::CopyTo() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MI 07.08.96 |* *************************************************************************/ FSysError DirEntry::CopyTo( const DirEntry& rDest, FSysAction nActions ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); if ( FSYS_ACTION_COPYFILE != (nActions & FSYS_ACTION_COPYFILE) ) #ifdef UNX { // Hardlink anlegen HACK(redirection missing) ByteString aThis(GUI2FSYS(GetFull()), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); ByteString aDest(GUI2FSYS(rDest.GetFull()), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); if (link( aThis.GetBuffer(), aDest.GetBuffer() ) == -1) return Sys2SolarError_Impl( errno ); else return FSYS_ERR_OK; } #else return FSYS_ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; #endif FileCopier fc(*this, rDest); return fc.Execute(nActions); } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::MoveTo() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung HRO 24.03.99 |* *************************************************************************/ #if defined WNT || defined UNX || defined OS2 FSysError DirEntry::MoveTo( const DirEntry& rNewName ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); /* FileStat aSourceStat(*this); if ( !aSourceStat.IsKind(FSYS_KIND_FILE) ) return FSYS_ERR_NOTAFILE; */ DirEntry aDest(rNewName); FileStat aDestStat(rNewName); if ( aDestStat.IsKind(FSYS_KIND_DIR ) ) { aDest += String(aName, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); } if ( aDest.Exists() ) { return FSYS_ERR_ALREADYEXISTS; } #if defined(OS2) if ( FileStat(*this).IsKind(FSYS_KIND_DIR) && aDest.GetPath() != GetPath() ) { return FSYS_ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; } #endif FSysFailOnErrorImpl(); String aFrom( GetFull() ); #ifndef BOOTSTRAP FSysRedirector::DoRedirect(aFrom); #endif String aTo( aDest.GetFull() ); #ifndef BOOTSTRAP FSysRedirector::DoRedirect(aTo); #endif ByteString bFrom(aFrom, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); ByteString bTo(aTo, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); bFrom = GUI2FSYS(bFrom); bTo = GUI2FSYS(bTo); #ifdef WNT // MoveTo nun atomar SetLastError(0); DirEntry aFromDevice(String(bFrom, osl_getThreadTextEncoding())); DirEntry aToDevice(String(bTo,osl_getThreadTextEncoding())); aFromDevice.ToAbs(); aToDevice.ToAbs(); aFromDevice=aFromDevice.GetDevice(); aToDevice=aToDevice.GetDevice(); //Quelle und Ziel auf gleichem device? if (aFromDevice==aToDevice) { // ja, also intra-device-move mit MoveFile MoveFile( bFrom.GetBuffer(), bTo.GetBuffer() ); // MoveFile ist buggy bei cross-device operationen. // Der R?ckgabewert ist auch dann sal_True, wenn nur ein Teil der Operation geklappt hat. // Zudem zeigt MoveFile unterschiedliches Verhalten bei unterschiedlichen NT-Versionen. return Sys2SolarError_Impl( GetLastError() ); } else { //nein, also inter-device-move mit copy/delete FSysError nCopyError = CopyTo(rNewName, FSYS_ACTION_COPYFILE); DirEntry aKill(String(bTo, osl_getThreadTextEncoding())); FileStat aKillStat(String(bTo, osl_getThreadTextEncoding())); if ( aKillStat.IsKind(FSYS_KIND_DIR ) ) { aKill += String(aName, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); } if (nCopyError==FSYS_ERR_OK) { if (Kill()==FSYS_ERR_OK) { return FSYS_ERR_OK; } else { aKill.Kill(); return FSYS_ERR_ACCESSDENIED; } } else { aKill.Kill(); return nCopyError; } } #else // #68639# // on some nfs connections rename with from == to // leads to destruction of file if ( ( aFrom != aTo ) && ( 0 != rename( bFrom.GetBuffer(), bTo.GetBuffer() ) ) ) #if !defined(UNX) && !defined(OS2) return Sys2SolarError_Impl( GetLastError() ); #else { if( errno == EXDEV ) // cross device geht latuernich nicht mit rename { FILE *fpIN = fopen( bFrom.GetBuffer(), "r" ); FILE *fpOUT = fopen( bTo.GetBuffer(), "w" ); if( fpIN && fpOUT ) { char pBuf[ 16384 ]; int nBytes, nWritten, nErr = 0; errno = 0; while( ( nBytes = fread( pBuf, 1, sizeof(pBuf), fpIN ) ) && ! nErr ) { nWritten = fwrite( pBuf, 1, nBytes, fpOUT ); // Fehler im fwrite ? if( nWritten < nBytes ) { nErr = errno; break; } } fclose( fpIN ); fclose( fpOUT ); if ( nErr ) { unlink( bTo.GetBuffer() ); return Sys2SolarError_Impl( nErr ); } else { unlink( bFrom.GetBuffer() ); } } else { return Sys2SolarError_Impl( EXDEV ); } } else { return Sys2SolarError_Impl( errno ); } } #endif #endif return ERRCODE_NONE; } #endif /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::Kill() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MI 07.08.96 |* *************************************************************************/ FSysError DirEntry::Kill( FSysAction nActions ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); FSysError eError = FSYS_ERR_OK; FSysFailOnErrorImpl(); // Name als doppelt 0-terminierter String String aTmpName( GetFull() ); #ifndef BOOTSTRAP FSysRedirector::DoRedirect( aTmpName ); #endif ByteString bTmpName( aTmpName, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); bTmpName = GUI2FSYS(bTmpName); char *pName = new char[bTmpName.Len()+2]; strcpy( pName, bTmpName.GetBuffer() ); pName[bTmpName.Len()+1] = (char) 0; //read-only files sollen auch geloescht werden koennen sal_Bool isReadOnly = FileStat::GetReadOnlyFlag(*this); if (isReadOnly) { FileStat::SetReadOnlyFlag(*this, sal_False); } // directory? if ( FileStat( *this ).IsKind(FSYS_KIND_DIR) ) { // Inhalte recursiv loeschen? if ( FSYS_ACTION_RECURSIVE == (nActions & FSYS_ACTION_RECURSIVE) ) { Dir aDir( *this, FSYS_KIND_DIR|FSYS_KIND_FILE ); for ( sal_uInt16 n = 0; eError == FSYS_ERR_OK && n < aDir.Count(); ++n ) { const DirEntry &rSubDir = aDir[n]; DirEntryFlag flag = rSubDir.GetFlag(); if ( flag != FSYS_FLAG_CURRENT && flag != FSYS_FLAG_PARENT ) eError = rSubDir.Kill(nActions); } } // das Dir selbst loeschen #ifdef WIN32 SetLastError(0); #endif if ( eError == FSYS_ERR_OK && 0 != _rmdir( (char*) pName ) ) // { // falls L"oschen nicht ging, CWD umsetzen #ifdef WIN32 eError = Sys2SolarError_Impl( GetLastError() ); #else eError = Sys2SolarError_Impl( errno ); #endif if ( eError ) { GetPath().SetCWD(); #ifdef WIN32 SetLastError(0); #endif if (_rmdir( (char*) pName) != 0) { #ifdef WIN32 eError = Sys2SolarError_Impl( GetLastError() ); #else eError = Sys2SolarError_Impl( errno ); #endif } else { eError = FSYS_ERR_OK; } } } } else { if ( FSYS_ACTION_USERECYCLEBIN == (nActions & FSYS_ACTION_USERECYCLEBIN) ) { #ifdef OS2 eError = ApiRet2ToSolarError_Impl( DosDelete( (PSZ) pName ) ); #elif defined(WNT) SHFILEOPSTRUCT aOp; aOp.hwnd = 0; aOp.wFunc = FO_DELETE; aOp.pFrom = pName; aOp.pTo = 0; aOp.fFlags = FOF_ALLOWUNDO|FOF_SILENT|FOF_NOCONFIRMATION; aOp.hNameMappings = 0; aOp.lpszProgressTitle = 0; eError = Sys2SolarError_Impl( SHFileOperation( &aOp ) ); #else eError = ERRCODE_IO_NOTSUPPORTED; #endif } else { #ifdef WIN32 SetLastError(0); #endif if ( 0 != _unlink( (char*) pName ) ) { #ifdef WIN32 eError = Sys2SolarError_Impl( GetLastError() ); #else eError = Sys2SolarError_Impl( errno ); #endif } else { eError = ERRCODE_NONE; } } } //falls Fehler, originales read-only flag wieder herstellen if ( isReadOnly && (eError!=ERRCODE_NONE) ) { FileStat::SetReadOnlyFlag(*this, isReadOnly); } delete[] pName; return eError; } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::Contains() |* |* Beschreibung ob rSubEntry direkt oder indirect in *this liegt |* Ersterstellung MI 20.03.97 |* Letzte Aenderung MI 20.03.97 |* *************************************************************************/ sal_Bool DirEntry::Contains( const DirEntry &rSubEntry ) const { DBG_ASSERT( IsAbs() && rSubEntry.IsAbs(), "must be absolute entries" ); sal_uInt16 nThisLevel = Level(); sal_uInt16 nSubLevel = rSubEntry.Level(); if ( nThisLevel < nSubLevel ) { for ( ; nThisLevel; --nThisLevel, --nSubLevel ) if ( (*this)[nThisLevel-1] != rSubEntry[nSubLevel-1] ) return sal_False; return sal_True; } return sal_False; } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::Level() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 03.03.92 |* Letzte Aenderung MI 03.03.92 |* *************************************************************************/ sal_uInt16 DirEntry::Level() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); sal_uInt16 nLevel = 0; const DirEntry *pRes = this; while ( pRes ) { pRes = pRes->pParent; nLevel++; } return nLevel; } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::ConvertNameToSystem() |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung DV 29.03.96 |* Letzte Aenderung DV 29.03.96 |* *************************************************************************/ String DirEntry::ConvertNameToSystem( const String &rName ) { return rName; } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::ConvertSystemToName() |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung DV 29.03.96 |* Letzte Aenderung DV 29.03.96 |* *************************************************************************/ String DirEntry::ConvertSystemToName( const String &rName ) { return rName; } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::IsValid() |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung MI 18.09.93 |* Letzte Aenderung TPF 18.09.98 |* *************************************************************************/ sal_Bool DirEntry::IsValid() const { return (nError == FSYS_ERR_OK); } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::IsRFSAvailable() |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung TPF 21.10.98 |* Letzte Aenderung TPF 21.10.98 |* *************************************************************************/ sal_Bool DirEntry::IsRFSAvailable() { return sal_False; } /************************************************************************* |* |* IsLongNameOnFAT() |* |* Beschreibung ?berpr?ft , ob das DirEntry einen langen |* Filenamen auf einer FAT-Partition enth?lt (EAs). |* (eigentlich nur f?r OS2 interessant) |* Ersterstellung TPF 02.10.98 |* Letzte Aenderung TPF 01.03.1999 |* *************************************************************************/ sal_Bool DirEntry::IsLongNameOnFAT() const { // FAT-System? DirEntry aTempDirEntry(*this); aTempDirEntry.ToAbs(); if (DirEntry::GetPathStyle(aTempDirEntry.GetDevice().GetName().GetChar(0)) != FSYS_STYLE_FAT) { return sal_False; // nein, also false } // DirEntry-Kette auf lange Dateinamen pr?fen for( sal_uInt16 iLevel = this->Level(); iLevel > 0; iLevel-- ) { const DirEntry& rEntry = (const DirEntry&) (*this)[iLevel-1]; String aBase( rEntry.GetBase() ); String aExtension( rEntry.GetExtension() ); if (aBase.Len()>8) // Name > 8? { return sal_True; } if (aExtension.Len()>3) // Extension > 3? { return sal_True; } } return sal_False; } //======================================================================== #if defined(DBG_UTIL) void FSysTest() { } #endif