/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #include #include "sal/main.h" #include "rtl/process.h" #include "rtl/ustrbuf.hxx" #include "unodevtools/typemanager.hxx" #include "unodevtools/options.hxx" #include "skeletonjava.hxx" #include "skeletoncpp.hxx" #include "com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx" using namespace ::rtl; using namespace ::skeletonmaker; using namespace ::unodevtools; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; namespace { static const char usageText[] = "\n sub-commands:\n" " dump dump declarations on stdout (e.g. constructors, methods, type\n" " mapping for properties) or complete method bodies with\n" " method forwarding.\n" " component generates language specific code skeleton files using the\n" " implementation name as the file and class name\n" " calc-add-in generates a language specific code skeleton for a calc add-in\n" " using the implementation name as the file and class name. A \n" " service type is necessary, referencing an interface which defines\n" " the new add-in functions.\n" " add-on generates a language specific code skeleton for an add-on compnent\n" " using the implementation name as the file and class name. The protocol\n" " name(s) and the corresponding command(s) have to be specified with the\n" " '-p' option.\n" "\n options:\n" " -env:INIFILENAME= url specifies a URL to an UNO ini|rc file of an\n" " existing UNO environment (URE, office installation).\n" " -env:UNO_TYPES= url specifies a binary type library file. It can be\n" " a space separated list of urls.\n" " -a, --all list all interface methods, not only the direct\n" " ones\n" " --(java4|java5|cpp) select the target language\n" " --java4 generate output for Java 1.4 or earlier\n" " --java5 generate output for Java 1.5 or later (is \n" " currently the default)\n" " --cpp generate output for C++\n" " -sn, --shortnames using namespace abbreviation 'css:': for\n" " '::com::sun::star::', only valid for sub-command\n" " 'dump' and target language 'cpp'. It is default for the\n" " sub-command 'component'.\n" " --propertysetmixin the generated skeleton implements the cppu::PropertySetMixin\n" " helper if a referenced new style service specifies an\n" " interface which provides attributes (directly or inherited).\n" " -lh --licenseheader generates a default OpenOffice.org LGPL license\n" " header at the beginning of a component source file.\n" " This option is taken into account in 'component' mode\n" " only and if -o is unequal 'stdout'.\n" " -bc specifies that the generated calc add-in is backward\n" " --backward-compatible compatible to older office versions and implement the\n" " former required add-in interfaces where the implementation\n" " is mapped on the new add-in configuration. In this case\n" " the config schema needs to be bundled with the extension\n" " add-in as well. Default is a minimal add-in component\n" " skeleton based on the configuration coming with the\n" " office since OO.org 2.0.4.\n" " -o path specifies an existing directory where the\n" " output files are generated to, only valid for\n" " sub-command 'component'. If path=stdout the generated\n" " code is generated on standard out instead of a file.\n" " -l specifies a binary type library (can be used more\n" " than once). The type library is integrated as an\n" " additional type provider in the bootstrapped type\n" " system.\n" " -n specifies an implementation name for the component\n" " (used as classname, filename and package|namespace\n" " name). In 'dump' mode it is used as classname (e.g.\n" " \"MyBase::\", C++ only) to generate method bodies not\n" " inline.\n" " -d specifies a base classname or a delegator.\n" " In 'dump' mode it is used as a delegator to forward\n" " methods. It can be used as '::' for base\n" " forwarding, or '->|.' for composition.\n" " Using \"_\" means that a default bodies with default\n" " return values are dumped.\n" " -t specifies an UNOIDL type name, e.g.\n" " com.sun.star.text.XText (can be used more than once)\n" " -p specifies an add-on protocol name and the corresponding\n" " command names, where the commands are a ',' separated list\n" " of unique commands. This option is only valid for add-ons.\n" " -V, --version print version number and exit\n" " -h, --help print this help and exit\n\n"; void printUsageAndExit(const char* programname, const char* version) { std::cerr << "\n using: " << programname << " (-env:INIFILENAME= | -env:UNO_TYPES=)\n" << " dump [] -t ...\n" << " " << programname << " (-env:INIFILENAME= | -env:UNO_TYPES=)\n" << " component [] -n -t ...\n" << " " << programname << " (-env:INIFILENAME= | -env:UNO_TYPES=)\n" << " calc-add-in [] -n -t \n" << " " << programname << " (-env:INIFILENAME= | -env:UNO_TYPES=)\n" << " add-on [] -n -p \n" << " " << programname << " -V, --version\n" << " " << programname << " -h, --help\n" << usageText << programname << " Version " << version << "\n\n"; } } SAL_IMPLEMENT_MAIN_WITH_ARGS(argc, /*argv*/) { const char* version = "0.4"; const char* programname = "uno-skeletonmaker"; if ( argc <= 1 ) { printUsageAndExit(programname, version); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ProgramOptions options; std::vector< OUString > registries; std::vector< OString > types; OString delegate; try { sal_Int32 nPos = 0; sal_Int32 nCount = (sal_Int32)rtl_getAppCommandArgCount(); OUString arg, sOption; sal_Bool bOption=sal_False; // check command rtl_getAppCommandArg(nPos++, &arg.pData); if ( arg.equals(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("dump"))) ) { options.dump = true; } else if ( arg.equals(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("component"))) ) { options.dump = false; options.shortnames = true; } else if ( arg.equals(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("calc-add-in"))) ) { options.dump = false; options.shortnames = true; options.componenttype = 2; } else if ( arg.equals(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("add-on"))) ) { options.dump = false; options.shortnames = true; options.componenttype = 3; } else if ( readOption( &bOption, "h", &nPos, arg) || readOption( &bOption, "help", &nPos, arg) ) { printUsageAndExit(programname, version); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else if ( readOption( &bOption, "V", &nPos, arg) || readOption( &bOption, "version", &nPos, arg) ) { std::cerr << "\n Sun Microsystems (R) " << programname << " Version " << version << "\n\n"; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else { std::cerr << "ERROR: unexpected command \"" << OUStringToOString(arg, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr() << "\"!\n"; printUsageAndExit(programname, version); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // read up to arguments while ( nPos < nCount ) { rtl_getAppCommandArg(nPos, &arg.pData); if ( readOption( &bOption, "a", &nPos, arg) || readOption( &bOption, "all", &nPos, arg) ) { options.all = true; continue; } if ( readOption( &bOption, "java4", &nPos, arg) ) { options.java5 = false; options.language = 1; continue; } if ( readOption( &bOption, "java5", &nPos, arg) ) { options.java5 = true; options.language = 1; continue; } if ( readOption( &bOption, "cpp", &nPos, arg) ) { options.java5 = false; options.language = 2; continue; } if ( readOption( &bOption, "sn", &nPos, arg) || readOption( &bOption, "shortnames", &nPos, arg) ) { options.shortnames = true; continue; } if ( readOption( &bOption, "lh", &nPos, arg) || readOption( &bOption, "licenseheader", &nPos, arg) ) { options.license = true; continue; } if ( readOption( &bOption, "bc", &nPos, arg) || readOption( &bOption, "backward-compatible", &nPos, arg) ) { options.backwardcompatible = true; continue; } if ( readOption( &bOption, "propertysetmixin", &nPos, arg) ) { options.supportpropertysetmixin = true; continue; } if ( readOption( &sOption, "d", &nPos, arg) ) { delegate = OUStringToOString(sOption, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8); continue; } if ( readOption( &sOption, "n", &nPos, arg) ) { options.implname = OUStringToOString(sOption, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8); continue; } if ( readOption( &sOption, "o", &nPos, arg) ) { options.outputpath = OUStringToOString(sOption, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8); continue; } if ( readOption( &sOption, "l", &nPos, arg) ) { registries.push_back(sOption); continue; } if ( readOption( &sOption, "t", &nPos, arg) ) { types.push_back(OUStringToOString(sOption, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8)); continue; } if ( readOption( &sOption, "p", &nPos, arg) ) { OString sTmp(OUStringToOString(sOption, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8)); sal_Int32 nIndex= sTmp.indexOf(':'); OString sPrt = sTmp.copy(0, nIndex+1); OString sCmds = sTmp.copy(nIndex+1); nIndex = 0; std::vector< OString > vCmds; do { OString sCmd = sCmds.getToken( 0, ',', nIndex ); vCmds.push_back(sCmd); } while ( nIndex >= 0 ); options.protocolCmdMap.insert(ProtocolCmdMap::value_type(sPrt, vCmds)); continue; } // else illegal argument OUStringBuffer buf( 64 ); buf.appendAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("unexpected parameter \"")); buf.append(arg); buf.appendAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("\"!")); throw RuntimeException(buf.makeStringAndClear(), Reference< XInterface >()); } if ( types.empty() && options.componenttype != 3) { std::cerr << ("\nError: no type is specified, use the -T option at least once\n"); printUsageAndExit(programname, version); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } UnoTypeManager manager; if ( !manager.init(registries) ) { std::cerr << ("\nError: Using the binary type libraries failed, check the -L" " options\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ( options.dump ) { std::vector< OString >::const_iterator iter = types.begin(); while (iter != types.end()) { std::cout << "\n/***************************************************" "*****************************/\n"; switch (options.language ) { case 1: //Java java::generateDocumentation(std::cout, options, manager, *iter, delegate); break; case 2: //C++ cpp::generateDocumentation(std::cout, options, manager, *iter, delegate); break; default: OSL_ASSERT(false); break; } ++iter; } } else { switch ( options.language ) { case 1: //Java java::generateSkeleton(options, manager, types, delegate); break; case 2: //C++ cpp::generateSkeleton(options, manager, types, delegate); break; default: OSL_ASSERT(false); break; } } } catch (CannotDumpException & e) { std::cout.flush(); std::cerr << "\nError: " << e.m_message << std::endl; } catch(Exception& e) { std::cout.flush(); std::cerr << "\nError: " << OUStringToOString(e.Message, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr() << std::endl; } return 0; }