<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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 * under the License.
<script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="ModuleAgenda" script:language="StarBasic">&apos; All variables must be declared before use
Option Explicit

&apos; Used for &quot;disabling&quot; the cancel button of the dialog
Public DialogExited As Boolean
Dim DlgAgenda_gMyName as String
Public TemplateDialog as Object
Public DialogModel as Object
Public sTrueContent as String
Public Bookmarkname as String

Sub Initialize()
&apos; User sets the type of minutes
        BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary( &quot;Tools&quot; )
	TemplateDialog = LoadDialog(&quot;Template&quot;, &quot;TemplateDialog&quot;)
	DialogModel = TemplateDialog.Model
	DialogModel.Step = 1
	DialogModel.OptAgenda2.State = TRUE
	DialogExited = FALSE
End Sub

Sub LoadLanguageAgenda()
	If InitResources(&quot;&apos;Template&apos;&quot;, &quot;tpl&quot;) Then
		DlgAgenda_gMyName = GetResText(1200)
		DialogModel.CmdCancel.Label = GetResText(1102)
		DialogModel.CmdAgdGoon.Label = GetResText(1103)
&apos;		DlgAgenda_gMsgNoCancel$ = GetResText(1201)
		DialogModel.FrmAgenda.Label = GetResText(1202)
		DialogModel.OptAgenda1.Label = GetResText(1203)
		DialogModel.OptAgenda2.Label = GetResText(1204)
&apos;		DialogModel.OptAgenda1.State = 1
	End If
End Sub

Sub ModifyTemplate()
Dim oDocument, oBookmarks, oBookmark, oBookmarkCursor, oTextField as Object
Dim i as Integer

  oDocument = ThisComponent
	oBookMarks = oDocument.Bookmarks

	On Local Error Goto NOBOOKMARK
	DialogExited = TRUE
	oBookmarkCursor = CreateBookmarkCursor(oDocument, BookmarkName)
	&apos; Delete all the Bookmarks except for the one named &quot;NextTopic&quot;
	For i = oBookmarks.Count-1 To 0 Step -1
		oBookMark = oBookMarks.GetByIndex(i)
		If oBookMark.Name &lt;&gt; &quot;NextTopic&quot; Then
		End If
	Next i
	oBookMarkCursor = CreateBookmarkCursor(oDocument, &quot;NextTopic&quot;)
	If Not IsNull(oBookMarkCursor) Then
		oTextField = oBookMarkCursor.TextField
&apos;		oTextField.TrueContent = 	sTrueContent
		oTextField.Content = sTrueContent
	End If

	If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
	End If
End Sub

Sub NewTopic
&apos; Add a new topic to the agenda
Dim oDocument, oBookmarks, oBookmark, oBookmarkCursor, oTextField as Object
Dim oBaustein, oAutoText, oAutoGroup as Object
Dim i as Integer

  	oDocument = ThisComponent
	oBookMarkCursor = CreateBookMarkCursor(oDocument, &quot;NextTopic&quot;)
	oTextField = oBookMarkCursor.TextField
	oAutoText = CreateUnoService(&quot;com.sun.star.text.AutoTextContainer&quot;)
	If oAutoText.HasbyName(&quot;template&quot;) Then
		oAutoGroup = oAutoText.GetbyName(&quot;template&quot;)
		If oAutoGroup.HasbyName(oTextField.Content) Then
			oBaustein = oAutoGroup.GetbyName(oTextField.Content)
			Msgbox(&quot;AutoText &apos;&quot; &amp; oTextField.Content &amp; &quot;&apos; is not existing. Cannot insert additional topic!&quot;)
		End If
		Msgbox(&quot;AutoGroupField template is not existing. Cannot insert additional topic!&quot;, 16, DlgAgenda_gMyName )
	End If
End Sub

&apos; Add initials, date and time at bottom of agenda, disable and hide command buttons
Sub FinishAgenda
Dim BtnAddAgendaTopic As Object
Dim BtnFinishAgenda As Object
Dim oUserField, oDateTimeField as Object
Dim oBookmarkCursor as Object
Dim oFormats, oLocale as Object
Dim iDateTimeKey as Integer

        BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary( &quot;Tools&quot; )
  oDocument = ThisComponent

	oUserField = oDocument.CreateInstance(&quot;com.sun.star.text.TextField.ExtendedUser&quot;)
	oUserField.UserDatatype = com.sun.star.text.UserDataPart.SHORTCUT

	oDateTimeField = oDocument.CreateInstance(&quot;com.sun.star.text.TextField.DateTime&quot;)

	&apos; Assign Standardformat to Datetime-Textfield
	oFormats = oDocument.Numberformats
	oLocale = oDocument.CharLocale
	iDateTimeKey = oFormats.GetStandardFormat(com.sun.star.util.NumberFormat.DATETIME,oLocale)
	oDateTimeField.NumberFormat = iDateTimeKey

	oBookmarkCursor = CreateBookmarkCursor(oDocument, &quot;NextTopic&quot;)
	oBookmarkCursor.Text.InsertString(oBookmarkCursor,&quot; &quot;,False)
	BtnAddAgendaTopic = getControlModel(oDocument, &quot;BtnAddAgendaTopic&quot;)
	BtnFinishAgenda = getControlModel(oDocument, &quot;BtnFinishAgenda&quot;)
	If Not IsNull(BtnAddAgendaTopic) Then BtnAddAgendaTopic.Enabled = FALSE
	If Not IsNull(BtnFinishAgenda) Then BtnFinishAgenda.Enabled = FALSE
End Sub

Function CreateBookMarkCursor(oDocument as Object,sBookmarkName as String)
	oBookMarks = oDocument.Bookmarks
	If oBookmarks.HasbyName(sBookmarkName) Then
		oBookMark = oBookMarks.GetbyName(sBookmarkName)
		CreateBookMarkCursor = oBookMark.Anchor.Text.CreateTextCursorByRange(oBookMark.Anchor)
		Msgbox &quot;Bookmark &quot; &amp; sBookmarkName &amp;  &quot; is not defined!&quot;
	End If
End Function

Sub DeleteButtons
Dim AgendaFinished As Boolean
Dim BtnAddAgendaTopic As Object
Dim BtnFinishAgenda As Object

  oDocument = ThisComponent

	BtnAddAgendaTopic = getControlModel(oDocument, &quot;BtnAddAgendaTopic&quot;)
	BtnFinishAgenda = getControlModel(oDocument, &quot;BtnFinishAgenda&quot;)

	&apos; If buttons could be accessed: If at least one button is disabled, then agenda is finished
	AgendaFinished = FALSE
	If Not IsNull(BtnAddAgendaTopic) Then
		AgendaFinished = (AgendaFinished Or (BtnAddAgendaTopic.Enabled = FALSE))
	End If

	If Not IsNull(BtnFinishAgenda) Then
		AgendaFinished = (AgendaFinished Or (BtnFinishAgenda.Enabled = FALSE))
	End If

	&apos; Delete Buttons, empty rows at end of document &amp; macro bindings if agenda is finished
	If AgendaFinished Then
		DisposeControl(oDocument, &quot;BtnAddAgendaTopic&quot;)
		DisposeControl(oDocument, &quot;BtnFinishAgenda&quot;)

		oBookmarkCursor = CreateBookMarkCursor(oDocument,&quot;NextTopic&quot;)

		AttachBasicMacroToEvent(oDocument,&quot;OnNew&quot;, &quot;&quot;)
		AttachBasicMacroToEvent(oDocument,&quot;OnSave&quot;, &quot;&quot;)
		AttachBasicMacroToEvent(oDocument,&quot;OnSaveAs&quot;, &quot;&quot;)
		AttachBasicMacroToEvent(oDocument,&quot;OnPrint&quot;, &quot;&quot;)
	End If
End Sub

Sub GetOptionValues(Optional aEvent as Object)
Dim CurTag as String
Dim Taglist() as String
	If Not IsMissing(aEvent) Then
		CurTag = aEvent.Source.Model.Tag
		If DialogModel.OptAgenda1.State = TRUE Then
			CurTag = DialogModel.OptAgenda1.Tag
			CurTag = DialogModel.OptAgenda2.Tag
		End If		
	End If
	Taglist() = ArrayoutOfString(CurTag, &quot;;&quot;)
	Bookmarkname = TagList(0)
	sTrueContent = TagList(1)
End Sub
