/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #ifndef CSV_DYN_HXX #define CSV_DYN_HXX namespace csv { /** Dyn owns an object on the heap, which will be automatically deleted in its D'tor. Dyn's main purpose is for class members on the heap: You can't forget to delete them in the D'tor. Constness will be transferred to the hold object. Dyn forbids the CopyC'tor and operator=(). So you can't incidentally run into problems with compiler defined CopyC'tor or operator=() of the owning class. If you need those, you have to define them explicitly - as you should do anyway with all classes, that own members on the heap. Dyn also works with incomplete types. You only need to write class DX; but needn't include #include .hxx. This is a difference to std::auto_ptr, where it is not absolutely clear if it is allowed to use it with incomplete types. You can also use Dyn within function bodies, to make them exception safe. @attention If you use Dyn with an incomplete type, the owning class needs to define a non-inline D'tor. Else the compiler will complain. */ template class Dyn { public: // LIFECYCLE /// From now on, let_dpObject is owned by this Dyn-object. explicit Dyn( DX * let_dpObject = 0); ~Dyn(); // OPERATORS /** This deletes a prevoiusly existing dpObject! From now on, let_dpObject is owned by this Dyn-object. */ Dyn & operator=( DX * let_dpObject); /// @return true, if any valid object is hold, false else. operator bool() const; const DX * operator->() const; DX * operator->(); const DX & operator*() const; DX & operator*(); // OPERATIONS /** @return The hold object on the heap. @ATTENTION The caller of the function is responsible to delete the returned object @postcond this->dpObject == 0. */ DX * Release(); // INQUIRY /// Shorthand for operator->(), if implicit overloading of -> can not be used. const DX * Ptr() const; // ACCESS /// Shorthand for operator->(), if implicit overloading of -> can not be used. DX * Ptr(); /// So const objects can return mutable pointers to the owned object. DX * MutablePtr() const; private: /* Does NOT set dpObject to zero! Because it is only used internally in situations where dpObject is set immediately after. */ void Delete(); /** Forbidden function! ------------------- Help ensure, that classes with dynamic pointers use a selfdefined copy constructor and operator=(). If the default versions of these functions are used, the compiler will throw an error. **/ Dyn( const Dyn & ); /** Forbidden function! ------------------- Help ensure, that classes with dynamic pointers use a selfdefined copy constructor and operator=(). If the default versions of these functions are used, the compiler will throw an error. **/ Dyn & operator=( const Dyn & ); // DATA /// An owned heap object. Needs to be deleted by this class. DX * dpObject; }; // IMPLEMENTATION template void Dyn::Delete() { if (dpObject != 0) delete dpObject; } template inline Dyn::Dyn( DX * let_dpObject ) : dpObject(let_dpObject) {} template inline Dyn::~Dyn() { Delete(); } template inline Dyn & Dyn::operator=( DX * let_dpObject ) { if ( dpObject == let_dpObject ) return *this; Delete(); dpObject = let_dpObject; return *this; } template inline Dyn::operator bool() const { return dpObject != 0; } template inline const DX * Dyn::operator->() const { return dpObject; } template inline DX * Dyn::operator->() { return dpObject; } template inline const DX & Dyn::operator*() const { csv_assert(dpObject != 0); return *dpObject; } template inline DX & Dyn::operator*() { csv_assert(dpObject != 0); return *dpObject; } template inline DX * Dyn::Release() { DX * ret = dpObject; dpObject = 0; return ret; } template inline const DX * Dyn::Ptr() const { return dpObject; } template inline DX * Dyn::Ptr() { return dpObject; } template inline DX * Dyn::MutablePtr() const { return dpObject; } } // namespace csv #ifndef CSV_HIDE_DYN #define Dyn ::csv::Dyn #endif #endif