/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #ifndef ADC_CPP_PE_FILE_HXX #define ADC_CPP_PE_FILE_HXX // USED SERVICES // BASE CLASSES #include "cpp_pe.hxx" // COMPONENTS #include <semantic/callf.hxx> #include <semantic/sub_peu.hxx> // PARAMETERS namespace cpp { class PeEnvironment; class PE_Namespace; class PE_Enum; class PE_Typedef; class PE_VarFunc; class PE_TemplateTop; class PE_Defines; class PE_Ignore; #if 0 class PE_Template; class PE_Extern; #endif class PE_File : public Cpp_PE { public: enum E_State { std, /// before class, struct or union in_extern, in_externC, size_of_states }; PE_File( PeEnvironment & io_rEnv ); ~PE_File(); virtual void Call_Handler( const cpp::Token & i_rTok ); virtual Cpp_PE * Handle_ChildFailure(); private: typedef SubPe< PE_File, PE_Namespace> SP_Namespace; typedef SubPe< PE_File, PE_Typedef> SP_Typedef; typedef SubPe< PE_File, PE_VarFunc> SP_VarFunc; typedef SubPe< PE_File, PE_TemplateTop> SP_Template; typedef SubPe< PE_File, PE_Defines> SP_Defines; typedef SubPe< PE_File, PE_Ignore > SP_Ignore; #if 0 typedef SubPe< PE_File, PE_Using> SP_Using; #endif // 0 typedef SubPeUse< PE_File, PE_Namespace> SPU_Namespace; typedef SubPeUse< PE_File, PE_Typedef> SPU_Typedef; typedef SubPeUse< PE_File, PE_VarFunc> SPU_VarFunc; typedef SubPeUse< PE_File, PE_TemplateTop> SPU_Template; typedef SubPeUse< PE_File, PE_Defines> SPU_Defines; typedef SubPeUse< PE_File, PE_Ignore> SPU_Ignore; void Setup_StatusFunctions(); virtual void InitData(); virtual void TransferData(); void Hdl_SyntaxError( const char *); void SpReturn_VarFunc(); void SpReturn_Template(); void On_std_namespace(const char * i_sText); void On_std_ClassKey(const char * i_sText); void On_std_typedef(const char * i_sText); void On_std_enum(const char * i_sText); void On_std_VarFunc(const char * i_sText); void On_std_template(const char * i_sText); void On_std_extern(const char * i_sText); void On_std_using(const char * i_sText); void On_std_SwBracketRight(const char * i_sText); void On_std_DefineName(const char * i_sText); void On_std_MacroName(const char * i_sText); void On_in_extern_Constant(const char * i_sText); void On_in_extern_Ignore(const char * i_sText); void On_in_externC_SwBracket_Left(const char * i_sText); void On_in_externC_NoBlock(const char * i_sText); PeEnvironment & access_Env() { return *pEnv; } // DATA PeEnvironment * pEnv; Dyn< PeStatusArray<PE_File> > pStati; Dyn<SP_Namespace> pSpNamespace; Dyn<SP_Typedef> pSpTypedef; Dyn<SP_VarFunc> pSpVarFunc; Dyn<SP_Template> pSpTemplate; Dyn<SP_Defines> pSpDefs; Dyn<SP_Ignore> pSpIgnore; #if 0 SP_Using aSpUsing; #endif // 0 Dyn<SPU_Namespace> pSpuNamespace; Dyn<SPU_Typedef> pSpuTypedef; Dyn<SPU_VarFunc> pSpuVarFunc; Dyn<SPU_Template> pSpuTemplate; Dyn<SPU_Defines> pSpuDefs; Dyn<SPU_Ignore> pSpuUsing; Dyn<SPU_Ignore> pSpuIgnoreFailure; bool bWithinSingleExternC; /** After 'extern "C"' without following '{', waiting for the next function or variable to set back to false. */ }; } // namespace cpp #if 0 // Branches namespace -> Named Namespace declaration -> Unnamed Namespace declaration -> Namespace alias definition class struct union -> Class -> Predeclaration typedef -> Typedef enum -> Enum extern -> Extern-"C" -> TypeDeclaration TypeDeclaration -> FunctionDecl -> FunctionDef -> Variable template -> TemplateClass -> TemplateFunction -> TemplateFunction/Method-Implementation -> TemplatePredeclaration } -> End of Namespace -> End of Extern-"C" asm -> AssemblerDeclaration using -> Using-Declaration -> Using-Directive #endif // 0 #endif