/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_cui.hxx" // include --------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "about.hxx" #include #include #include #include "about.hrc" #include #include // defines --------------------------------------------------------------- #define SCROLL_OFFSET 1 #define SPACE_OFFSET 5 #define SCROLL_TIMER 30 #define WELCOME_URL DEFINE_CONST_UNICODE( "http://www.openoffice.org/welcome/credits.html" ) // class AboutDialog ----------------------------------------------------- static void layoutText( FixedInfo &rText, long &nY, long nTextWidth, Size a6Size ) { Point aTextPos = rText.GetPosPixel(); aTextPos.X() = a6Size.Width() * 2; aTextPos.Y() = nY; rText.SetPosPixel( aTextPos ); Size aTxtSiz = rText.GetSizePixel(); aTxtSiz.Width() = nTextWidth; Size aCalcSize = rText.CalcMinimumSize( nTextWidth ); aTxtSiz.Height() = aCalcSize.Height(); rText.SetSizePixel( aTxtSiz ); nY += aTxtSiz.Height(); } String InitDevVersionStr() { String sDefault; String sBuildId( utl::Bootstrap::getBuildIdData( sDefault ) ); OSL_ENSURE( sBuildId.Len() > 0, "No BUILDID in bootstrap file" ); String sProductSource( utl::Bootstrap::getProductSource( sDefault ) ); OSL_ENSURE( sProductSource.Len() > 0, "No ProductSource in bootstrap file" ); // the product source is something like "DEV300", where the // build id is something like "300m12(Build:12345)". For better readability, // strip the duplicate UPD ("300"). if ( sProductSource.Len() ) { bool bMatchingUPD = ( sProductSource.Len() >= 3 ) && ( sBuildId.Len() >= 3 ) && ( sProductSource.Copy( sProductSource.Len() - 3 ) == sBuildId.Copy( 0, 3 ) ); OSL_ENSURE( bMatchingUPD, "BUILDID and ProductSource do not match in their UPD" ); if ( bMatchingUPD ) sProductSource = sProductSource.Copy( 0, sProductSource.Len() - 3 ); // prepend the product source sBuildId.Insert( sProductSource, 0 ); } return sBuildId; } AboutDialog::AboutDialog( Window* pParent, const ResId& rId ) : SfxModalDialog ( pParent, rId ), aOKButton ( this, ResId( ABOUT_BTN_OK, *rId.GetResMgr() ) ), aVersionText ( this, ResId( ABOUT_FTXT_VERSION, *rId.GetResMgr() ) ), aCopyrightText ( this, ResId( ABOUT_FTXT_COPYRIGHT, *rId.GetResMgr() ) ), aBuildData ( this ), pDeveloperAry(0), aAccelStr ( ResId( ABOUT_STR_ACCEL, *rId.GetResMgr() ) ), aTimer (), nOff ( 0 ), m_nDeltaWidth ( 0 ), m_nPendingScrolls( 0 ), bNormal ( sal_True ) { aDevVersionStr = InitDevVersionStr(); ::com::sun::star::lang::Locale aLocale; ResMgr* pResMgr = ResMgr::SearchCreateResMgr( "about", aLocale ); if ( pResMgr ) { aCopyrightTextStr = String( ResId( ABOUT_STR_COPYRIGHT, *pResMgr ) ); pDeveloperAry = new ResStringArray( ResId( ABOUT_STR_DEVELOPER_ARY, *pResMgr ) ); delete pResMgr; } rtl::OUString sProduct; utl::ConfigManager::GetDirectConfigProperty(utl::ConfigManager::PRODUCTNAME) >>= sProduct; // load image from module path aAppLogo = SfxApplication::GetApplicationLogo(); // Transparenter Font Font aFont = GetFont(); aFont.SetTransparent( sal_True ); SetFont( aFont ); // if necessary more info String sVersion = aVersionText.GetText(); sVersion.SearchAndReplaceAscii( "$(VER)", Application::GetDisplayName() ); aVersionText.SetText( sVersion ); // Initialisierung fuer Aufruf Entwickler if ( aAccelStr.Len() && ByteString(U2S(aAccelStr)).IsAlphaAscii() ) { Accelerator *pAccel = 0, *pPrevAccel = 0, *pFirstAccel = 0; aAccelStr.ToUpperAscii(); for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < aAccelStr.Len(); ++i ) { pPrevAccel = pAccel; pAccel = new Accelerator; aAccelList.Insert( pAccel, LIST_APPEND ); sal_uInt16 nKey = aAccelStr.GetChar(i) - 'A' + KEY_A; pAccel->InsertItem( 1, KeyCode( nKey, KEY_MOD1 ) ); if ( i > 0 ) pPrevAccel->SetAccel( 1, pAccel ); if ( i == 0 ) pFirstAccel = pAccel; } pAccel->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, AboutDialog, AccelSelectHdl ) ); GetpApp()->InsertAccel( pFirstAccel ); } // set for background and text the correct system color const StyleSettings& rSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); Color aWhiteCol( rSettings.GetWindowColor() ); Wallpaper aWall( aWhiteCol ); SetBackground( aWall ); Font aNewFont( aCopyrightText.GetFont() ); aNewFont.SetTransparent( sal_True ); aVersionText.SetFont( aNewFont ); aCopyrightText.SetFont( aNewFont ); aVersionText.SetBackground(); aCopyrightText.SetBackground(); Color aTextColor( rSettings.GetWindowTextColor() ); aVersionText.SetControlForeground( aTextColor ); aCopyrightText.SetControlForeground( aTextColor ); aBuildData.SetBackground( ); Font aSmallFont = rSettings.GetInfoFont(); Size aSmaller = aNewFont.GetSize(); aSmaller.Width() = (long) (aSmaller.Width() * 0.75); aSmaller.Height() = (long) (aSmaller.Height() * 0.75); aNewFont.SetSize( aSmaller ); aBuildData.SetFont( aNewFont ); String sRevision( utl::Bootstrap::getRevisionInfo() ); String aBuildString(aDevVersionStr); aBuildString += (DEFINE_CONST_UNICODE(" - Rev. ")); aBuildString += sRevision; #ifdef BUILD_VER_STRING #define _STRINGIFY(x) #x #define STRINGIFY(x) _STRINGIFY(x) aBuildString += '\n'; aBuildString += ( DEFINE_CONST_UNICODE( STRINGIFY( BUILD_VER_STRING ) ) ); #endif aBuildData.SetText( aBuildString ); aBuildData.Show(); // determine size and position of the dialog & elements Size aAppLogoSiz = aAppLogo.GetSizePixel(); Size aOutSiz = GetOutputSizePixel(); aOutSiz.Width() = aAppLogoSiz.Width(); Size a6Size = aVersionText.LogicToPixel( Size( 6, 6 ), MAP_APPFONT ); long nY = aAppLogoSiz.Height() + ( a6Size.Height() * 2 ); long nDlgMargin = a6Size.Width() * 4 ; long nCtrlMargin = a6Size.Height() * 2; long nTextWidth = aOutSiz.Width() - nDlgMargin; aCopyrightText.SetText( aCopyrightTextStr ); // layout fixed text controls layoutText( aVersionText, nY, nTextWidth, a6Size ); if( aBuildString.Len() > 0 ) { nY += ( a6Size.Height() / 2 ); layoutText( aBuildData, nY, nTextWidth, a6Size ); } nY += nCtrlMargin; // OK-Button-Position (at the bottom and centered) Size aOKSiz = aOKButton.GetSizePixel(); Point aOKPnt = aOKButton.GetPosPixel(); // Multiline edit with Copyright-Text Point aCopyPnt = aCopyrightText.GetPosPixel(); Size aCopySize = aCopyrightText.GetSizePixel(); aCopySize.Width() = nTextWidth; aCopySize.Height() = aOutSiz.Height() - nY - ( aOKSiz.Height() * 2 ) - nCtrlMargin; aCopyPnt.X() = ( aOutSiz.Width() - aCopySize.Width() ) / 2; aCopyPnt.Y() = nY; aCopyrightText.SetPosSizePixel( aCopyPnt, aCopySize ); nY += aCopySize.Height() + nCtrlMargin; aOKPnt.X() = ( aOutSiz.Width() - aOKSiz.Width() ) / 2; aOKPnt.Y() = nY; aOKButton.SetPosPixel( aOKPnt ); // Change the width of the dialog SetOutputSizePixel( aOutSiz ); FreeResource(); SetHelpId( CMD_SID_ABOUT ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AboutDialog::~AboutDialog() { // L"oschen des Entwickleraufrufs delete pDeveloperAry; if ( aAccelList.Count() ) { GetpApp()->RemoveAccel( aAccelList.First() ); Accelerator* pAccel = aAccelList.Last(); while ( pAccel ) { delete pAccel; pAccel = aAccelList.Prev(); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( AboutDialog, TimerHdl, Timer *, pTimer ) { (void)pTimer; //unused ++m_nPendingScrolls; Invalidate( INVALIDATE_NOERASE | INVALIDATE_NOCHILDREN ); return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( AboutDialog, AccelSelectHdl, Accelerator *, pAccelerator ) { #ifdef YURI_DARIO aCopyrightText.SetHelpText( DEFINE_CONST_UNICODE("Conoscere qualcuno ovunque egli sia, con cui comprendersi nonostante le distanze\n" "e le differenze, puo' trasformare la terra in un giardino. baci Valeria") ); #endif (void)pAccelerator; //unused // init Timer aTimer.SetTimeoutHdl( LINK( this, AboutDialog, TimerHdl ) ); // init scroll mode nOff = GetOutputSizePixel().Height(); MapMode aMapMode( MAP_PIXEL ); SetMapMode( aMapMode ); bNormal = sal_False; // start scroll Timer aTimer.SetTimeout( SCROLL_TIMER ); aTimer.Start(); return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool AboutDialog::Close() { // stop Timer and finish the dialog aTimer.Stop(); EndDialog( RET_OK ); return( sal_False ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AboutDialog::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect ) { SetClipRegion( rRect ); if ( bNormal ) // not in scroll mode { Point aPos( m_nDeltaWidth / 2, 0 ); DrawImage( aPos, aAppLogo ); return; } // scroll the content const int nDeltaY = -SCROLL_OFFSET * m_nPendingScrolls; if( !nDeltaY ) return; nOff += nDeltaY; Scroll( 0, nDeltaY, SCROLL_NOERASE ); m_nPendingScrolls = 0; // draw the credits text const Font aOrigFont = GetFont(); const int nFullWidth = GetOutputSizePixel().Width(); int nY = nOff; const int nDevCnt = static_cast( pDeveloperAry->Count() ); for( int i = 0; i < nDevCnt; ++i ) { if( nY >= rRect.Bottom() ) break; int nPos2 = nY + GetTextHeight() + 3; if( nPos2 >= rRect.Top() + nDeltaY ) { const String aStr = pDeveloperAry->GetString(i); const long nVal = pDeveloperAry->GetValue(i); if ( nVal ) { // emphasize the headers Font aFont = aOrigFont; aFont.SetWeight( (FontWeight)nVal ); SetFont( aFont ); nPos2 = nY + GetTextHeight() + 3; } // clear text background Rectangle aEraseRect( Point(0,nY), Size( nFullWidth, nPos2-nY)); Erase( aEraseRect ); // draw centered text const long nTextWidth = GetTextWidth( aStr ); long nX = (nFullWidth - 5 - nTextWidth) / 2; if( nX < 0 ) nX = SPACE_OFFSET; const Point aPnt( nX, nY ); DrawText( aPnt, aStr ); // restore the font if needed if( nVal ) SetFont( aOrigFont ); } nY = nPos2; } // close dialog if the whole text has been scrolled if ( nY <= 0 ) { bNormal = sal_True; Close(); } }