/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_desktop.hxx" #include "deployment.hrc" #include "unopkg_shared.h" #include "dp_identifier.hxx" #include "../../deployment/gui/dp_gui.hrc" #include "../../app/lockfile.hxx" #include "vcl/svapp.hxx" #include "vcl/msgbox.hxx" #include "rtl/bootstrap.hxx" #include "rtl/strbuf.hxx" #include "rtl/ustrbuf.hxx" #include "osl/process.h" #include "osl/file.hxx" #include "osl/thread.hxx" #include "tools/getprocessworkingdir.hxx" #include "ucbhelper/contentbroker.hxx" #include "ucbhelper/configurationkeys.hxx" #include "unotools/processfactory.hxx" #include "unotools/configmgr.hxx" #include "com/sun/star/lang/XMultiServiceFactory.hpp" #include "cppuhelper/bootstrap.hxx" #include "comphelper/sequence.hxx" #include <stdio.h> using ::rtl::OUString; using ::rtl::OString; using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::ucb; namespace unopkg { bool getLockFilePath(OUString & out); ::rtl::OUString toString( OptionInfo const * info ) { OSL_ASSERT( info != 0 ); ::rtl::OUStringBuffer buf; buf.appendAscii("--"); buf.appendAscii(info->m_name); if (info->m_short_option != '\0') { buf.appendAscii(" (short -" ); buf.append(info->m_short_option ); buf.appendAscii(")"); } if (info->m_has_argument) buf.appendAscii(" <argument>" ); return buf.makeStringAndClear(); } //============================================================================== OptionInfo const * getOptionInfo( OptionInfo const * list, OUString const & opt, sal_Unicode copt ) { for ( ; list->m_name != 0; ++list ) { OptionInfo const & option_info = *list; if (opt.getLength() > 0) { if (opt.equalsAsciiL( option_info.m_name, option_info.m_name_length ) && (copt == '\0' || copt == option_info.m_short_option)) { return &option_info; } } else { OSL_ASSERT( copt != '\0' ); if (copt == option_info.m_short_option) { return &option_info; } } } OSL_ENSURE( 0, ::rtl::OUStringToOString( opt, osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ).getStr() ); return 0; } //============================================================================== bool isOption( OptionInfo const * option_info, sal_uInt32 * pIndex ) { OSL_ASSERT( option_info != 0 ); if (osl_getCommandArgCount() <= *pIndex) return false; OUString arg; osl_getCommandArg( *pIndex, &arg.pData ); sal_Int32 len = arg.getLength(); if (len < 2 || arg[ 0 ] != '-') return false; if (len == 2 && arg[ 1 ] == option_info->m_short_option) { ++(*pIndex); dp_misc::TRACE(OUSTR(__FILE__": identified option \'") + OUSTR("\'") + OUString( option_info->m_short_option ) + OUSTR("\n")); return true; } if (arg[ 1 ] == '-' && rtl_ustr_ascii_compare( arg.pData->buffer + 2, option_info->m_name ) == 0) { ++(*pIndex); dp_misc::TRACE(OUSTR( __FILE__": identified option \'") + OUString::createFromAscii(option_info->m_name) + OUSTR("\'\n")); return true; } return false; } //============================================================================== bool isBootstrapVariable(sal_uInt32 * pIndex) { OSL_ASSERT(osl_getCommandArgCount() >= *pIndex); OUString arg; osl_getCommandArg(*pIndex, &arg.pData); if (arg.matchAsciiL("-env:", 5)) { ++(*pIndex); return true; } return false; } //============================================================================== bool readArgument( OUString * pValue, OptionInfo const * option_info, sal_uInt32 * pIndex ) { if (isOption( option_info, pIndex )) { if (*pIndex < osl_getCommandArgCount()) { OSL_ASSERT( pValue != 0 ); osl_getCommandArg( *pIndex, &pValue->pData ); dp_misc::TRACE(OUSTR( __FILE__": argument value: ") + *pValue + OUSTR("\n")); ++(*pIndex); return true; } --(*pIndex); } return false; } //############################################################################## namespace { struct ExecutableDir : public rtl::StaticWithInit< const OUString, ExecutableDir> { const OUString operator () () { OUString path; if (osl_getExecutableFile( &path.pData ) != osl_Process_E_None) { throw RuntimeException( OUSTR("cannot locate executable directory!"),0 ); } return path.copy( 0, path.lastIndexOf( '/' ) ); } }; struct ProcessWorkingDir : public rtl::StaticWithInit< const OUString, ProcessWorkingDir> { const OUString operator () () { OUString workingDir; tools::getProcessWorkingDir(&workingDir); return workingDir; } }; } // anon namespace //============================================================================== OUString const & getExecutableDir() { return ExecutableDir::get(); } //============================================================================== OUString const & getProcessWorkingDir() { return ProcessWorkingDir::get(); } //============================================================================== OUString makeAbsoluteFileUrl( OUString const & sys_path, OUString const & base_url, bool throw_exc ) { // system path to file url OUString file_url; oslFileError rc = osl_getFileURLFromSystemPath( sys_path.pData, &file_url.pData ); if ( rc != osl_File_E_None) { OUString tempPath; if ( osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL( sys_path.pData, &tempPath.pData) == osl_File_E_None ) { file_url = sys_path; } else if (throw_exc) { throw RuntimeException( OUSTR("cannot get file url from system path: ") + sys_path, Reference< XInterface >() ); } } OUString abs; if (osl_getAbsoluteFileURL( base_url.pData, file_url.pData, &abs.pData ) != osl_File_E_None) { if (throw_exc) { ::rtl::OUStringBuffer buf; buf.appendAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "making absolute file url failed: \"") ); buf.append( base_url ); buf.appendAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "\" (base-url) and \"") ); buf.append( file_url ); buf.appendAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("\" (file-url)!") ); throw RuntimeException( buf.makeStringAndClear(), Reference< XInterface >() ); } return OUString(); } return abs[ abs.getLength() -1 ] == '/' ? abs.copy( 0, abs.getLength() -1 ) : abs; } //############################################################################## namespace { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void printf_space( sal_Int32 space ) { while (space--) dp_misc::writeConsole(" "); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void printf_line( OUString const & name, OUString const & value, sal_Int32 level ) { printf_space( level ); dp_misc::writeConsole(name + OUSTR(": ") + value + OUSTR("\n")); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void printf_package( Reference<deployment::XPackage> const & xPackage, Reference<XCommandEnvironment> const & xCmdEnv, sal_Int32 level ) { beans::Optional< OUString > id( level == 0 ? beans::Optional< OUString >( true, dp_misc::getIdentifier( xPackage ) ) : xPackage->getIdentifier() ); if (id.IsPresent) printf_line( OUSTR("Identifier"), id.Value, level ); OUString version(xPackage->getVersion()); if (version.getLength() != 0) printf_line( OUSTR("Version"), version, level + 1 ); printf_line( OUSTR("URL"), xPackage->getURL(), level + 1 ); beans::Optional< beans::Ambiguous<sal_Bool> > option( xPackage->isRegistered( Reference<task::XAbortChannel>(), xCmdEnv ) ); OUString value; if (option.IsPresent) { beans::Ambiguous<sal_Bool> const & reg = option.Value; if (reg.IsAmbiguous) value = OUSTR("unknown"); else value = reg.Value ? OUSTR("yes") : OUSTR("no"); } else value = OUSTR("n/a"); printf_line( OUSTR("is registered"), value, level + 1 ); const Reference<deployment::XPackageTypeInfo> xPackageType( xPackage->getPackageType() ); OSL_ASSERT( xPackageType.is() ); if (xPackageType.is()) { printf_line( OUSTR("Media-Type"), xPackageType->getMediaType(), level + 1 ); } printf_line( OUSTR("Description"), xPackage->getDescription(), level + 1 ); if (xPackage->isBundle()) { Sequence< Reference<deployment::XPackage> > seq( xPackage->getBundle( Reference<task::XAbortChannel>(), xCmdEnv ) ); printf_space( level + 1 ); dp_misc::writeConsole("bundled Packages: {\n"); ::std::vector<Reference<deployment::XPackage> >vec_bundle; ::comphelper::sequenceToContainer(vec_bundle, seq); printf_packages( vec_bundle, ::std::vector<bool>(vec_bundle.size()), xCmdEnv, level + 2 ); printf_space( level + 1 ); dp_misc::writeConsole("}\n"); } } } // anon namespace void printf_unaccepted_licenses( Reference<deployment::XPackage> const & ext) { OUString id( dp_misc::getIdentifier(ext) ); printf_line( OUSTR("Identifier"), id, 0 ); printf_space(1); dp_misc::writeConsole(OUSTR("License not accepted\n\n")); } //============================================================================== void printf_packages( ::std::vector< Reference<deployment::XPackage> > const & allExtensions, ::std::vector<bool> const & vecUnaccepted, Reference<XCommandEnvironment> const & xCmdEnv, sal_Int32 level ) { OSL_ASSERT(allExtensions.size() == vecUnaccepted.size()); if (allExtensions.size() == 0) { printf_space( level ); dp_misc::writeConsole("<none>\n"); } else { typedef ::std::vector< Reference<deployment::XPackage> >::const_iterator I_EXT; int index = 0; for (I_EXT i = allExtensions.begin(); i != allExtensions.end(); i++, index++) { if (vecUnaccepted[index]) printf_unaccepted_licenses(*i); else printf_package( *i, xCmdEnv, level ); dp_misc::writeConsole(OUSTR("\n")); } } } //############################################################################## namespace { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reference<XComponentContext> bootstrapStandAlone( DisposeGuard & disposeGuard, bool /*verbose */) { Reference<XComponentContext> xContext = ::cppu::defaultBootstrap_InitialComponentContext(); // assure disposing of local component context: disposeGuard.reset( Reference<lang::XComponent>( xContext, UNO_QUERY ) ); Reference<lang::XMultiServiceFactory> xServiceManager( xContext->getServiceManager(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); // set global process service factory used by unotools config helpers ::utl::setProcessServiceFactory( xServiceManager ); // initialize the ucbhelper ucb, // because the package implementation uses it Sequence<Any> ucb_args( 2 ); ucb_args[ 0 ] <<= OUSTR(UCB_CONFIGURATION_KEY1_LOCAL); ucb_args[ 1 ] <<= OUSTR(UCB_CONFIGURATION_KEY2_OFFICE); if (! ::ucbhelper::ContentBroker::initialize( xServiceManager, ucb_args )) throw RuntimeException( OUSTR("cannot initialize UCB!"), 0 ); disposeGuard.setDeinitUCB(); return xContext; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reference<XComponentContext> connectToOffice( Reference<XComponentContext> const & xLocalComponentContext, bool verbose ) { Sequence<OUString> args( 3 ); args[ 0 ] = OUSTR("-nologo"); args[ 1 ] = OUSTR("-nodefault"); OUString pipeId( ::dp_misc::generateRandomPipeId() ); ::rtl::OUStringBuffer buf; buf.appendAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("-accept=pipe,name=") ); buf.append( pipeId ); buf.appendAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM(";urp;") ); args[ 2 ] = buf.makeStringAndClear(); OUString appURL( getExecutableDir() + OUSTR("/soffice") ); if (verbose) { dp_misc::writeConsole( OUSTR("Raising process: ") + appURL + OUSTR("\nArguments: -nologo -nodefault ") + args[2] + OUSTR("\n")); } ::dp_misc::raiseProcess( appURL, args ); if (verbose) dp_misc::writeConsole("Ok. Connecting..."); OSL_ASSERT( buf.getLength() == 0 ); buf.appendAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("uno:pipe,name=") ); buf.append( pipeId ); buf.appendAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( ";urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext") ); Reference<XComponentContext> xRet( ::dp_misc::resolveUnoURL( buf.makeStringAndClear(), xLocalComponentContext ), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); if (verbose) dp_misc::writeConsole("Ok.\n"); return xRet; } } // anon namespace /** returns the path to the lock file used by unopkg. @return the path. An empty string signifies an error. */ OUString getLockFilePath() { OUString ret; OUString sBootstrap(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("${$OOO_BASE_DIR/program/" SAL_CONFIGFILE("bootstrap") ":UserInstallation}")); rtl::Bootstrap::expandMacros(sBootstrap); OUString sAbs; if (::osl::File::E_None == ::osl::File::getAbsoluteFileURL( sBootstrap, OUSTR(".lock"), sAbs)) { if (::osl::File::E_None == ::osl::File::getSystemPathFromFileURL(sAbs, sBootstrap)) { ret = sBootstrap; } } return ret; } //============================================================================== Reference<XComponentContext> getUNO( DisposeGuard & disposeGuard, bool verbose, bool shared, bool bGui, Reference<XComponentContext> & out_localContext) { // do not create any user data (for the root user) in --shared mode: if (shared) { rtl::Bootstrap::set( rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("CFG_CacheUrl")), rtl::OUString()); } // hold lock during process runtime: static ::desktop::Lockfile s_lockfile( false /* no IPC server */ ); Reference<XComponentContext> xComponentContext( bootstrapStandAlone( disposeGuard, verbose ) ); out_localContext = xComponentContext; if (::dp_misc::office_is_running()) { xComponentContext.set( connectToOffice( xComponentContext, verbose ) ); } else { if (! s_lockfile.check( 0 )) { String sMsg(ResId(RID_STR_CONCURRENTINSTANCE, *DeploymentResMgr::get())); //Create this string before we call DeInitVCL, because this will kill //the ResMgr String sError(ResId(RID_STR_UNOPKG_ERROR, *DeploymentResMgr::get())); sMsg = sMsg + OUSTR("\n") + getLockFilePath(); if (bGui) { //We show a message box or print to the console that there //is another instance already running if ( ! InitVCL( Reference<lang::XMultiServiceFactory>( xComponentContext->getServiceManager(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ) )) throw RuntimeException( OUSTR("Cannot initialize VCL!"), NULL ); { WarningBox warn(NULL, WB_OK | WB_DEF_OK, sMsg); warn.SetText(::utl::ConfigManager::GetDirectConfigProperty( ::utl::ConfigManager::PRODUCTNAME).get<OUString>()); warn.SetIcon(0); warn.Execute(); } DeInitVCL(); } throw LockFileException( OUSTR("\n") + sError + sMsg + OUSTR("\n")); } } return xComponentContext; } //Determines if a folder does not contains a folder. //Return false may also mean that the status could not be determined //because some error occurred. bool hasNoFolder(OUString const & folderUrl) { bool ret = false; OUString url = folderUrl; ::rtl::Bootstrap::expandMacros(url); ::osl::Directory dir(url); osl::File::RC rc = dir.open(); if (rc == osl::File::E_None) { bool bFolderExist = false; osl::DirectoryItem i; osl::File::RC rcNext = osl::File::E_None; while ( (rcNext = dir.getNextItem(i)) == osl::File::E_None) { osl::FileStatus stat(FileStatusMask_Type); if (i.getFileStatus(stat) == osl::File::E_None) { if (stat.getFileType() == osl::FileStatus::Directory) { bFolderExist = true; break; } } else { dp_misc::writeConsole( OUSTR("unopkg: Error while investigating ") + url + OUSTR("\n")); break; } i = osl::DirectoryItem(); } if (rcNext == osl::File::E_NOENT || rcNext == osl::File::E_None) { if (!bFolderExist) ret = true; } else { dp_misc::writeConsole( OUSTR("unopkg: Error while investigating ") + url + OUSTR("\n")); } dir.close(); } else { dp_misc::writeConsole( OUSTR("unopkg: Error while investigating ") + url + OUSTR("\n")); } return ret; } void removeFolder(OUString const & folderUrl) { OUString url = folderUrl; ::rtl::Bootstrap::expandMacros(url); ::osl::Directory dir(url); ::osl::File::RC rc = dir.open(); if (rc == osl::File::E_None) { ::osl::DirectoryItem i; ::osl::File::RC rcNext = ::osl::File::E_None; while ( (rcNext = dir.getNextItem(i)) == ::osl::File::E_None) { ::osl::FileStatus stat(FileStatusMask_Type | FileStatusMask_FileURL); if (i.getFileStatus(stat) == ::osl::File::E_None) { ::osl::FileStatus::Type t = stat.getFileType(); if (t == ::osl::FileStatus::Directory) { //remove folder removeFolder(stat.getFileURL()); } else if (t == ::osl::FileStatus::Regular) { //remove file ::osl::File::remove(stat.getFileURL()); } else { OSL_ASSERT(0); } } else { dp_misc::writeConsole( OUSTR("unopkg: Error while investigating ") + url + OUSTR("\n")); break; } i = ::osl::DirectoryItem(); } dir.close(); ::osl::Directory::remove(url); } else if (rc != osl::File::E_NOENT) { dp_misc::writeConsole( OUSTR("unopkg: Error while removing ") + url + OUSTR("\n")); } } }