 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_editeng.hxx"

// Global header
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Any.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx>
#include <cppuhelper/weakref.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/XAccessible.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleStateType.hpp>

// Project-local header

#include <editeng/unoedhlp.hxx>
#include <editeng/unopracc.hxx>
#include <editeng/unoedsrc.hxx>
#include "editeng/AccessibleParaManager.hxx"
#include "editeng/AccessibleEditableTextPara.hxx"

using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::accessibility;

namespace accessibility
    AccessibleParaManager::AccessibleParaManager() :
        maEEOffset( 0, 0 ),
        mnFocusedChild( -1 ),
        mbActive( sal_False )

        // owner is responsible for possible child defuncs

    void AccessibleParaManager::SetAdditionalChildStates( const VectorOfStates& rChildStates )
        maChildStates = rChildStates;

    const AccessibleParaManager::VectorOfStates& AccessibleParaManager::GetAdditionalChildStates() const
        return maChildStates;

    void AccessibleParaManager::SetNum( sal_Int32 nNumParas )
        if( (size_t)nNumParas < maChildren.size() )
            Release( nNumParas, maChildren.size() );

        maChildren.resize( nNumParas );

        if( mnFocusedChild >= nNumParas )
            mnFocusedChild = -1;

    sal_uInt32 AccessibleParaManager::GetNum() const
        return maChildren.size();

    AccessibleParaManager::VectorOfChildren::iterator AccessibleParaManager::begin()
        return maChildren.begin();

    AccessibleParaManager::VectorOfChildren::iterator AccessibleParaManager::end()
        return maChildren.end();

    AccessibleParaManager::VectorOfChildren::const_iterator AccessibleParaManager::begin() const
        return maChildren.begin();

    AccessibleParaManager::VectorOfChildren::const_iterator AccessibleParaManager::end() const
        return maChildren.end();

    void AccessibleParaManager::Release( sal_uInt32 nPara )
        DBG_ASSERT( maChildren.size() > nPara, "AccessibleParaManager::Release: invalid index" );

        if( maChildren.size() > nPara )
            ShutdownPara( GetChild( nPara ) );

            // clear reference and rect
            maChildren[ nPara ] = WeakChild();

    void AccessibleParaManager::FireEvent( sal_uInt32 nPara,
                                           const sal_Int16 nEventId,
                                           const uno::Any& rNewValue,
                                           const uno::Any& rOldValue ) const
        DBG_ASSERT( maChildren.size() > nPara, "AccessibleParaManager::FireEvent: invalid index" );

        if( maChildren.size() > nPara )
            WeakPara::HardRefType maChild( GetChild( nPara ).first.get() );
            if( maChild.is() )
                maChild->FireEvent( nEventId, rNewValue, rOldValue );

    sal_Bool AccessibleParaManager::IsReferencable( WeakPara::HardRefType aChild )
        return aChild.is();

    sal_Bool AccessibleParaManager::IsReferencable( sal_uInt32 nChild ) const
        DBG_ASSERT( maChildren.size() > nChild, "AccessibleParaManager::IsReferencable: invalid index" );

        if( maChildren.size() > nChild )
            // retrieve hard reference from weak one
            return IsReferencable( GetChild( nChild ).first.get() );
            return sal_False;

    AccessibleParaManager::WeakChild AccessibleParaManager::GetChild( sal_uInt32 nParagraphIndex ) const
        DBG_ASSERT( maChildren.size() > nParagraphIndex, "AccessibleParaManager::GetChild: invalid index" );

        if( maChildren.size() > nParagraphIndex )
            return maChildren[ nParagraphIndex ];
            return WeakChild();

    AccessibleParaManager::Child AccessibleParaManager::CreateChild( sal_Int32 								nChild,
                                                                     const uno::Reference< XAccessible >& 	xFrontEnd,
                                                                     SvxEditSourceAdapter& 					rEditSource,
                                                                     sal_uInt32 							nParagraphIndex	)
        DBG_ASSERT( maChildren.size() > nParagraphIndex, "AccessibleParaManager::CreateChild: invalid index" );

        if( maChildren.size() > nParagraphIndex )
            // retrieve hard reference from weak one
            WeakPara::HardRefType aChild( GetChild( nParagraphIndex ).first.get() );

            if( !IsReferencable( nParagraphIndex ) )
                // there is no hard reference available, create object then
                // --> OD 2006-01-11 #i27138#
                AccessibleEditableTextPara* pChild = new AccessibleEditableTextPara( xFrontEnd, this );
                // <--
                uno::Reference< XAccessible > xChild( static_cast< ::cppu::OWeakObject* > (pChild), uno::UNO_QUERY );

                if( !xChild.is() )
                    throw uno::RuntimeException(::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Child creation failed")), xFrontEnd);

                aChild = WeakPara::HardRefType( xChild, pChild );

                InitChild( *aChild, rEditSource, nChild, nParagraphIndex );

                maChildren[ nParagraphIndex ] = WeakChild( aChild, pChild->getBounds() );

            return Child( aChild.getRef(), GetChild( nParagraphIndex ).second );
            return Child();

    void AccessibleParaManager::SetEEOffset( const Point& rOffset )
        maEEOffset = rOffset;

        MemFunAdapter< const Point& > aAdapter( &::accessibility::AccessibleEditableTextPara::SetEEOffset, rOffset );
        ::std::for_each( begin(), end(), aAdapter );

    void AccessibleParaManager::SetActive( sal_Bool bActive )
        mbActive = bActive;

        if( bActive )
            SetState( AccessibleStateType::ACTIVE );
            SetState( AccessibleStateType::EDITABLE );
            UnSetState( AccessibleStateType::ACTIVE );
            UnSetState( AccessibleStateType::EDITABLE );

    void AccessibleParaManager::SetFocus( sal_Int32 nChild )
        if( mnFocusedChild != -1 )
            UnSetState( mnFocusedChild, AccessibleStateType::FOCUSED );

        mnFocusedChild = nChild;

        if( mnFocusedChild != -1 )
            SetState( mnFocusedChild, AccessibleStateType::FOCUSED );

    void AccessibleParaManager::InitChild( AccessibleEditableTextPara& 	rChild,
                                           SvxEditSourceAdapter& 		rEditSource,
                                           sal_Int32 					nChild,
                                           sal_uInt32 					nParagraphIndex ) const
        rChild.SetEditSource( &rEditSource );
        rChild.SetIndexInParent( nChild );
        rChild.SetParagraphIndex( nParagraphIndex );

        rChild.SetEEOffset( maEEOffset );

        if( mbActive )
            rChild.SetState( AccessibleStateType::ACTIVE );
            rChild.SetState( AccessibleStateType::EDITABLE );

        if( mnFocusedChild == static_cast<sal_Int32>(nParagraphIndex) )
            rChild.SetState( AccessibleStateType::FOCUSED );

        // add states passed from outside
        for( VectorOfStates::const_iterator aIt = maChildStates.begin(), aEnd = maChildStates.end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
            rChild.SetState( *aIt );

    void AccessibleParaManager::SetState( sal_Int32 nChild, const sal_Int16 nStateId )
        MemFunAdapter< const sal_Int16 > aFunc( &AccessibleEditableTextPara::SetState,
                                                nStateId );
        aFunc( GetChild(nChild) );

    void AccessibleParaManager::SetState( const sal_Int16 nStateId )
        ::std::for_each( begin(), end(),
                         MemFunAdapter< const sal_Int16 >( &AccessibleEditableTextPara::SetState,
                                                           nStateId ) );

    void AccessibleParaManager::UnSetState( sal_Int32 nChild, const sal_Int16 nStateId )
        MemFunAdapter< const sal_Int16 > aFunc( &AccessibleEditableTextPara::UnSetState,
                                                nStateId );
        aFunc( GetChild(nChild) );

    void AccessibleParaManager::UnSetState( const sal_Int16 nStateId )
        ::std::for_each( begin(), end(),
                         MemFunAdapter< const sal_Int16 >( &AccessibleEditableTextPara::UnSetState,
                                                           nStateId ) );

    void AccessibleParaManager::SetEditSource( SvxEditSourceAdapter* pEditSource )
        MemFunAdapter< SvxEditSourceAdapter* > aAdapter( &::accessibility::AccessibleEditableTextPara::SetEditSource, pEditSource );
        ::std::for_each( begin(), end(), aAdapter );

    // not generic yet, no arguments...
    class AccessibleParaManager_DisposeChildren : public ::std::unary_function< ::accessibility::AccessibleEditableTextPara&, void >
        AccessibleParaManager_DisposeChildren() {}
        void operator()( ::accessibility::AccessibleEditableTextPara& rPara )

    void AccessibleParaManager::Dispose()
        AccessibleParaManager_DisposeChildren aFunctor;

        ::std::for_each( begin(), end(),
                         WeakChildAdapter< AccessibleParaManager_DisposeChildren > (aFunctor) );

    // not generic yet, too many method arguments...
    class StateChangeEvent : public ::std::unary_function< ::accessibility::AccessibleEditableTextPara&, void >
        typedef void return_type;
        StateChangeEvent( const sal_Int16 nEventId,
                          const uno::Any& rNewValue,
                          const uno::Any& rOldValue ) :
            mnEventId( nEventId ),
            mrNewValue( rNewValue ),
            mrOldValue( rOldValue ) {}
        void operator()( ::accessibility::AccessibleEditableTextPara& rPara )
            rPara.FireEvent( mnEventId, mrNewValue, mrOldValue );

        const sal_Int16 mnEventId;
        const uno::Any& mrNewValue;
        const uno::Any& mrOldValue;

    void AccessibleParaManager::FireEvent( sal_uInt32 nStartPara,
                                           sal_uInt32 nEndPara,
                                           const sal_Int16 nEventId,
                                           const uno::Any& rNewValue,
                                           const uno::Any& rOldValue ) const
        DBG_ASSERT( maChildren.size() > nStartPara &&
                    maChildren.size() >= nEndPara , "AccessibleParaManager::FireEvent: invalid index" );

        if( maChildren.size() > nStartPara &&
            maChildren.size() >= nEndPara )
            VectorOfChildren::const_iterator front = maChildren.begin();
            VectorOfChildren::const_iterator back = front;

            ::std::advance( front, nStartPara );
            ::std::advance( back, nEndPara );

            StateChangeEvent aFunctor( nEventId, rNewValue, rOldValue );

            ::std::for_each( front, back, AccessibleParaManager::WeakChildAdapter< StateChangeEvent >( aFunctor ) );

    class ReleaseChild : public ::std::unary_function< const AccessibleParaManager::WeakChild&, AccessibleParaManager::WeakChild >
        AccessibleParaManager::WeakChild operator()( const AccessibleParaManager::WeakChild& rPara )
            AccessibleParaManager::ShutdownPara( rPara );

            // clear reference
            return AccessibleParaManager::WeakChild();

    void AccessibleParaManager::Release( sal_uInt32 nStartPara, sal_uInt32 nEndPara )
        DBG_ASSERT( maChildren.size() > nStartPara &&
                    maChildren.size() >= nEndPara, "AccessibleParaManager::Release: invalid index" );

        if( maChildren.size() > nStartPara &&
            maChildren.size() >= nEndPara )
            VectorOfChildren::iterator front = maChildren.begin();
            VectorOfChildren::iterator back = front;

            ::std::advance( front, nStartPara );
            ::std::advance( back, nEndPara );

            ::std::transform( front, back, front, ReleaseChild() );

    void AccessibleParaManager::ShutdownPara( const WeakChild& rChild )
        WeakPara::HardRefType aChild( rChild.first.get() );

        if( IsReferencable( aChild ) )
            aChild->SetEditSource( NULL );

