/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_filter.hxx" #include "eschesdo.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "svx/EnhancedCustomShapeTypeNames.hxx" #include "svx/EnhancedCustomShapeGeometry.hxx" #include #include "svx/EnhancedCustomShape2d.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace vos; using namespace ::rtl; using namespace ::com::sun::star; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EscherExContainer::EscherExContainer( SvStream& rSt, const sal_uInt16 nRecType, const sal_uInt16 nInstance ) : rStrm ( rSt ) { rStrm << (sal_uInt32)( ( 0xf | ( nInstance << 4 ) ) | ( nRecType << 16 ) ) << (sal_uInt32)0; nContPos = rStrm.Tell(); } EscherExContainer::~EscherExContainer() { sal_uInt32 nPos = rStrm.Tell(); sal_uInt32 nSize= nPos - nContPos; if ( nSize ) { rStrm.Seek( nContPos - 4 ); rStrm << nSize; rStrm.Seek( nPos ); } } EscherExAtom::EscherExAtom( SvStream& rSt, const sal_uInt16 nRecType, const sal_uInt16 nInstance, const sal_uInt8 nVersion ) : rStrm ( rSt ) { rStrm << (sal_uInt32)( ( nVersion | ( nInstance << 4 ) ) | ( nRecType << 16 ) ) << (sal_uInt32)0; nContPos = rStrm.Tell(); } EscherExAtom::~EscherExAtom() { sal_uInt32 nPos = rStrm.Tell(); sal_uInt32 nSize= nPos - nContPos; if ( nSize ) { rStrm.Seek( nContPos - 4 ); rStrm << nSize; rStrm.Seek( nPos ); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EscherExClientRecord_Base::~EscherExClientRecord_Base() { } EscherExClientAnchor_Base::~EscherExClientAnchor_Base() { } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EscherPropertyContainer::ImplInit() { nSortCount = 0; nCountCount = 0; nCountSize = 0; nSortBufSize = 64; bHasComplexData = sal_False; bSuppressRotation = sal_False; pSortStruct = new EscherPropSortStruct[ nSortBufSize ]; } EscherPropertyContainer::EscherPropertyContainer() : pGraphicProvider ( NULL ), pPicOutStrm ( NULL ) { ImplInit(); }; EscherPropertyContainer::EscherPropertyContainer( EscherGraphicProvider& rGraphProv, SvStream* pPiOutStrm, Rectangle& rBoundRect ) : pGraphicProvider ( &rGraphProv ), pPicOutStrm ( pPiOutStrm ), pShapeBoundRect ( &rBoundRect ) { ImplInit(); } EscherPropertyContainer::~EscherPropertyContainer() { if ( bHasComplexData ) { while ( nSortCount-- ) delete[] pSortStruct[ nSortCount ].pBuf; } delete[] pSortStruct; }; void EscherPropertyContainer::AddOpt( sal_uInt16 nPropID, sal_uInt32 nPropValue, sal_Bool bBlib ) { AddOpt( nPropID, bBlib, nPropValue, NULL, 0 ); } void EscherPropertyContainer::AddOpt( sal_uInt16 nPropID, const rtl::OUString& rString ) { sal_Int32 j, i, nLen = rString.getLength() * 2 + 2; sal_uInt8* pBuf = new sal_uInt8[ nLen ]; for ( j = i = 0; i < rString.getLength(); i++ ) { sal_uInt16 nChar = (sal_uInt16)rString[ i ]; pBuf[ j++ ] = (sal_uInt8)nChar; pBuf[ j++ ] = (sal_uInt8)( nChar >> 8 ); } pBuf[ j++ ] = 0; pBuf[ j++ ] = 0; AddOpt( nPropID, sal_True, nLen, pBuf, nLen ); } void EscherPropertyContainer::AddOpt( sal_uInt16 nPropID, sal_Bool bBlib, sal_uInt32 nPropValue, sal_uInt8* pProp, sal_uInt32 nPropSize ) { if ( bBlib ) // bBlib is only valid when fComplex = 0 nPropID |= 0x4000; if ( pProp ) nPropID |= 0x8000; // fComplex = sal_True; sal_uInt32 i; for( i = 0; i < nSortCount; i++ ) { if ( ( pSortStruct[ i ].nPropId &~0xc000 ) == ( nPropID &~0xc000 ) ) // pruefen, ob Property nur ersetzt wird { pSortStruct[ i ].nPropId = nPropID; if ( pSortStruct[ i ].pBuf ) { nCountSize -= pSortStruct[ i ].nPropSize; delete[] pSortStruct[ i ].pBuf; } pSortStruct[ i ].pBuf = pProp; pSortStruct[ i ].nPropSize = nPropSize; pSortStruct[ i ].nPropValue = nPropValue; if ( pProp ) nCountSize += nPropSize; return; } } nCountCount++; nCountSize += 6; if ( nSortCount == nSortBufSize ) // buffer vergroessern { nSortBufSize <<= 1; EscherPropSortStruct* pTemp = new EscherPropSortStruct[ nSortBufSize ]; for( i = 0; i < nSortCount; i++ ) { pTemp[ i ] = pSortStruct[ i ]; } delete pSortStruct; pSortStruct = pTemp; } pSortStruct[ nSortCount ].nPropId = nPropID; // property einfuegen pSortStruct[ nSortCount ].pBuf = pProp; pSortStruct[ nSortCount ].nPropSize = nPropSize; pSortStruct[ nSortCount++ ].nPropValue = nPropValue; if ( pProp ) { nCountSize += nPropSize; bHasComplexData = sal_True; } } sal_Bool EscherPropertyContainer::GetOpt( sal_uInt16 nPropId, sal_uInt32& rPropValue ) const { EscherPropSortStruct aPropStruct; if ( GetOpt( nPropId, aPropStruct ) ) { rPropValue = aPropStruct.nPropValue; return sal_True; } return sal_False; } sal_Bool EscherPropertyContainer::GetOpt( sal_uInt16 nPropId, EscherPropSortStruct& rPropValue ) const { for( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < nSortCount; i++ ) { if ( ( pSortStruct[ i ].nPropId &~0xc000 ) == ( nPropId &~0xc000 ) ) { rPropValue = pSortStruct[ i ]; return sal_True; } } return sal_False; } EscherProperties EscherPropertyContainer::GetOpts() const { EscherProperties aVector; for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < nSortCount; ++i ) aVector.push_back( pSortStruct[ i ] ); return aVector; } extern "C" int __LOADONCALLAPI EscherPropSortFunc( const void* p1, const void* p2 ) { sal_Int16 nID1 = ((EscherPropSortStruct*)p1)->nPropId &~0xc000; sal_Int16 nID2 = ((EscherPropSortStruct*)p2)->nPropId &~0xc000; if( nID1 < nID2 ) return -1; else if( nID1 > nID2 ) return 1; else return 0; } void EscherPropertyContainer::Commit( SvStream& rSt, sal_uInt16 nVersion, sal_uInt16 nRecType ) { rSt << (sal_uInt16)( ( nCountCount << 4 ) | ( nVersion & 0xf ) ) << nRecType << nCountSize; if ( nSortCount ) { qsort( pSortStruct, nSortCount, sizeof( EscherPropSortStruct ), EscherPropSortFunc ); sal_uInt32 i; for ( i = 0; i < nSortCount; i++ ) { sal_uInt32 nPropValue = pSortStruct[ i ].nPropValue; sal_uInt16 nPropId = pSortStruct[ i ].nPropId; if ( bSuppressRotation && ( nPropId == ESCHER_Prop_Rotation ) ) nPropValue = 0; rSt << nPropId << nPropValue; } if ( bHasComplexData ) { for ( i = 0; i < nSortCount; i++ ) { if ( pSortStruct[ i ].pBuf ) rSt.Write( pSortStruct[ i ].pBuf, pSortStruct[ i ].nPropSize ); } } } } sal_Bool EscherPropertyContainer::IsFontWork() const { sal_uInt32 nTextPathFlags = 0; GetOpt( DFF_Prop_gtextFStrikethrough, nTextPathFlags ); return ( nTextPathFlags & 0x4000 ) != 0; } sal_uInt32 EscherPropertyContainer::ImplGetColor( const sal_uInt32 nSOColor, sal_Bool bSwap ) { if ( bSwap ) { sal_uInt32 nColor = nSOColor & 0xff00; // GRUEN nColor |= (sal_uInt8)( nSOColor ) << 16; // ROT nColor |= (sal_uInt8)( nSOColor >> 16 ); // BLAU return nColor; } else return nSOColor & 0xffffff; } sal_uInt32 EscherPropertyContainer::GetGradientColor( const ::com::sun::star::awt::Gradient* pGradient, sal_uInt32 nStartColor ) { sal_uInt32 nIntensity = 100; Color aColor; if ( pGradient ) { if ( nStartColor & 1 ) { nIntensity = pGradient->StartIntensity; aColor = pGradient->StartColor; } else { nIntensity = pGradient->EndIntensity; aColor = pGradient->EndColor; } } sal_uInt32 nRed = ( ( aColor.GetRed() * nIntensity ) / 100 ); sal_uInt32 nGreen = ( ( aColor.GetGreen() * nIntensity ) / 100 ) << 8; sal_uInt32 nBlue = ( ( aColor.GetBlue() * nIntensity ) / 100 ) << 16; return nRed | nGreen | nBlue; } void EscherPropertyContainer::CreateGradientProperties( const ::com::sun::star::awt::Gradient & rGradient ) { sal_uInt32 nFillType = ESCHER_FillShadeScale; sal_uInt32 nAngle = 0; sal_uInt32 nFillFocus = 0; sal_uInt32 nFillLR = 0; sal_uInt32 nFillTB = 0; sal_uInt32 nFirstColor = 0; bool bWriteFillTo = false; switch ( rGradient.Style ) { case ::com::sun::star::awt::GradientStyle_LINEAR : case ::com::sun::star::awt::GradientStyle_AXIAL : { nFillType = ESCHER_FillShadeScale; nAngle = (rGradient.Angle * 0x10000) / 10; nFillFocus = (sal::static_int_cast(rGradient.Style) == sal::static_int_cast(GradientStyle_LINEAR)) ? 0 : 50; } break; case ::com::sun::star::awt::GradientStyle_RADIAL : case ::com::sun::star::awt::GradientStyle_ELLIPTICAL : case ::com::sun::star::awt::GradientStyle_SQUARE : case ::com::sun::star::awt::GradientStyle_RECT : { nFillLR = (rGradient.XOffset * 0x10000) / 100; nFillTB = (rGradient.YOffset * 0x10000) / 100; if ( ((nFillLR > 0) && (nFillLR < 0x10000)) || ((nFillTB > 0) && (nFillTB < 0x10000)) ) nFillType = ESCHER_FillShadeShape; else nFillType = ESCHER_FillShadeCenter; nFirstColor = 1; bWriteFillTo = true; } break; case ::com::sun::star::awt::GradientStyle_MAKE_FIXED_SIZE : break; } AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillType, nFillType ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillAngle, nAngle ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillColor, GetGradientColor( &rGradient, nFirstColor ) ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillBackColor, GetGradientColor( &rGradient, nFirstColor ^ 1 ) ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillFocus, nFillFocus ); if ( bWriteFillTo ) { AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillToLeft, nFillLR ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillToTop, nFillTB ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillToRight, nFillLR ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillToBottom, nFillTB ); } } void EscherPropertyContainer::CreateGradientProperties( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > & rXPropSet , sal_Bool bTransparentGradient) { ::com::sun::star::uno::Any aAny; ::com::sun::star::awt::Gradient* pGradient = NULL; sal_uInt32 nFillType = ESCHER_FillShadeScale; sal_Int32 nAngle = 0; sal_uInt32 nFillFocus = 0; sal_uInt32 nFillLR = 0; sal_uInt32 nFillTB = 0; sal_uInt32 nFirstColor = 0;//like the control var nChgColors in import logic bool bWriteFillTo = false; //Transparency gradient: Means the third setting in transparency page is set if (bTransparentGradient && EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "FillTransparenceGradient" ) ), sal_False ) ) { pGradient = (::com::sun::star::awt::Gradient*)aAny.getValue(); ::com::sun::star::uno::Any aAnyTemp; const rtl::OUString aPropName( String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "FillStyle" ) ) ); if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAnyTemp, rXPropSet, aPropName, sal_False ) ) { ::com::sun::star::drawing::FillStyle eFS; if ( ! ( aAnyTemp >>= eFS ) ) eFS = ::com::sun::star::drawing::FillStyle_SOLID; //solid and transparency if ( eFS == ::com::sun::star::drawing::FillStyle_SOLID) { if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAnyTemp, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "FillColor" ) ), sal_False ) ) { pGradient->StartColor = ImplGetColor( *((sal_uInt32*)aAnyTemp.getValue()), sal_False ); pGradient->EndColor = ImplGetColor( *((sal_uInt32*)aAnyTemp.getValue()), sal_False ); } } //gradient and transparency. else if( eFS == ::com::sun::star::drawing::FillStyle_GRADIENT ) { if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "FillGradient" ) ), sal_False ) ) pGradient = (::com::sun::star::awt::Gradient*)aAny.getValue(); } } } //Not transparency gradient else if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "FillGradient" ) ), sal_False ) ) { pGradient = (::com::sun::star::awt::Gradient*)aAny.getValue(); } if ( pGradient ) { switch ( pGradient->Style ) { case ::com::sun::star::awt::GradientStyle_LINEAR : case ::com::sun::star::awt::GradientStyle_AXIAL : { nFillType = ESCHER_FillShadeScale; nAngle = pGradient->Angle; while ( nAngle > 0 ) nAngle -= 3600; while ( nAngle <= -3600 ) nAngle += 3600; //Value of the real number = Integral + (Fractional / 65536.0) nAngle = ( nAngle * 0x10000) / 10; nFillFocus = (pGradient->Style == ::com::sun::star::awt::GradientStyle_LINEAR) ? ( pGradient->XOffset + pGradient->YOffset )/2 : -50; if( !nFillFocus ) nFirstColor=nFirstColor ^ 1; if ( !nAngle ) nFirstColor=nFirstColor ^ 1; } break; case ::com::sun::star::awt::GradientStyle_RADIAL : case ::com::sun::star::awt::GradientStyle_ELLIPTICAL : case ::com::sun::star::awt::GradientStyle_SQUARE : case ::com::sun::star::awt::GradientStyle_RECT : { //according to the import logic and rect type fill** value nFillLR = (pGradient->XOffset * 0x10000) / 100; nFillTB = (pGradient->YOffset * 0x10000) / 100; if ( ((nFillLR > 0) && (nFillLR < 0x10000)) || ((nFillTB > 0) && (nFillTB < 0x10000)) ) nFillType = ESCHER_FillShadeShape; else nFillType = ESCHER_FillShadeCenter; nFirstColor = 1; bWriteFillTo = true; } break; default: break; } } AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillType, nFillType ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillAngle, nAngle ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillColor, GetGradientColor( pGradient, nFirstColor ) ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillBackColor, GetGradientColor( pGradient, nFirstColor ^ 1 ) ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillFocus, nFillFocus ); if ( bWriteFillTo ) { //according to rect type fillTo** value if(nFillLR) { AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillToLeft, nFillLR ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillToRight, nFillLR ); } if(nFillTB) { AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillToTop, nFillTB ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillToBottom, nFillTB ); } } //Transparency gradient if (bTransparentGradient && EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "FillTransparenceGradient" ) ), sal_False ) ) { pGradient = (::com::sun::star::awt::Gradient*)aAny.getValue(); if ( pGradient ) { sal_uInt32 nBlue = GetGradientColor( pGradient, nFirstColor ) >> 16; AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillOpacity,( ( 100 - ( nBlue * 100 / 255 ) ) << 16 ) / 100 ); nBlue = GetGradientColor( pGradient, nFirstColor ^ 1 ) >>16 ; AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillBackOpacity,( ( 100 - ( nBlue * 100 / 255 ) ) << 16 )/ 100 ); } } } void EscherPropertyContainer::CreateFillProperties( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > & rXPropSet, sal_Bool bEdge , const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rXShape ) { if ( rXShape.is() ) { SdrObject* pObj = GetSdrObjectFromXShape( rXShape ); if ( pObj ) { SfxItemSet aAttr( pObj->GetMergedItemSet() ); //tranparency with gradient. Means the third setting in transparency page is set sal_Bool bTransparentGradient = ( aAttr.GetItemState( XATTR_FILLFLOATTRANSPARENCE ) == SFX_ITEM_SET ) && ( (const XFillFloatTransparenceItem&) aAttr.Get( XATTR_FILLFLOATTRANSPARENCE ) ).IsEnabled(); CreateFillProperties( rXPropSet, bEdge, bTransparentGradient ); } } } void EscherPropertyContainer::CreateFillProperties( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > & rXPropSet, sal_Bool bEdge , sal_Bool bTransparentGradient) { ::com::sun::star::uno::Any aAny; AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_WrapText, ESCHER_WrapNone ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_AnchorText, ESCHER_AnchorMiddle ); sal_uInt32 nFillBackColor = 0; const rtl::OUString aPropName( String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "FillStyle" ) ) ); if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, aPropName, sal_False ) ) { ::com::sun::star::drawing::FillStyle eFS; if ( ! ( aAny >>= eFS ) ) eFS = ::com::sun::star::drawing::FillStyle_SOLID; switch( eFS ) { case ::com::sun::star::drawing::FillStyle_GRADIENT : { CreateGradientProperties( rXPropSet , bTransparentGradient ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fNoFillHitTest, 0x140014 ); } break; case ::com::sun::star::drawing::FillStyle_BITMAP : { CreateGraphicProperties( rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "FillBitmapURL" ) ), sal_True ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fNoFillHitTest, 0x140014 ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillBackColor, nFillBackColor ); } break; case ::com::sun::star::drawing::FillStyle_HATCH : { CreateGraphicProperties( rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "FillHatch" ) ), sal_True ); } break; case ::com::sun::star::drawing::FillStyle_SOLID : default: { if ( bTransparentGradient ) CreateGradientProperties( rXPropSet , bTransparentGradient ); else { ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyState ePropState = EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyState( rXPropSet, aPropName ); if ( ePropState == ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE ) AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillType, ESCHER_FillSolid ); if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "FillColor" ) ), sal_False ) ) { sal_uInt32 nFillColor = ImplGetColor( *((sal_uInt32*)aAny.getValue()) ); nFillBackColor = nFillColor ^ 0xffffff; AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillColor, nFillColor ); } AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fNoFillHitTest, 0x100010 ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillBackColor, nFillBackColor ); } break; } case ::com::sun::star::drawing::FillStyle_NONE : AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fNoFillHitTest, 0x100000 ); break; } if ( eFS != ::com::sun::star::drawing::FillStyle_NONE ) { sal_uInt16 nTransparency = ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "FillTransparence" ) ), sal_True ) ) ? *((sal_Int16*)aAny.getValue() ) : 0; if ( nTransparency ) AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillOpacity, ( ( 100 - nTransparency ) << 16 ) / 100 ); } } CreateLineProperties( rXPropSet, bEdge ); } void EscherPropertyContainer::CreateTextProperties( const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > & rXPropSet, sal_uInt32 nTextId, const sal_Bool bIsCustomShape, const sal_Bool bIsTextFrame ) { uno::Any aAny; text::WritingMode eWM( text::WritingMode_LR_TB ); drawing::TextVerticalAdjust eVA( drawing::TextVerticalAdjust_TOP ); drawing::TextHorizontalAdjust eHA( drawing::TextHorizontalAdjust_LEFT ); sal_Int32 nLeft ( 0 ); sal_Int32 nTop ( 0 ); sal_Int32 nRight ( 0 ); sal_Int32 nBottom ( 0 ); // used with normal shapes: sal_Bool bAutoGrowWidth ( sal_False ); sal_Bool bAutoGrowHeight ( sal_False ); // used with ashapes: sal_Bool bWordWrap ( sal_False ); sal_Bool bAutoGrowSize ( sal_False ); if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "TextWritingMode" ) ), sal_True ) ) aAny >>= eWM; if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "TextVerticalAdjust" ) ), sal_True ) ) aAny >>= eVA; if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "TextHorizontalAdjust" ) ), sal_True ) ) aAny >>= eHA; if ( bIsCustomShape ) { if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "TextWordWrap" ) ), sal_False ) ) aAny >>= bWordWrap; if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "TextAutoGrowHeight" ) ), sal_True ) ) aAny >>= bAutoGrowSize; } else if ( bIsTextFrame ) { if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "TextAutoGrowWidth" ) ), sal_True ) ) aAny >>= bAutoGrowWidth; // i63936 not setting autogrowheight, because otherwise // the minframeheight of the text will be ignored // // if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "TextAutoGrowHeight" ) ), sal_True ) ) // aAny >>= bAutoGrowHeight; } if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "TextLeftDistance" ) ) ) ) aAny >>= nLeft; if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "TextUpperDistance" ) ) ) ) aAny >>= nTop; if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "TextRightDistance" ) ) ) ) aAny >>= nRight; if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "TextLowerDistance" ) ) ) ) aAny >>= nBottom; /* if ( rObj.ImplGetPropertyValue( ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("TextWritingMode") ) ) { ::com::sun::star::text::WritingMode eMode; rObj.GetUsrAny() >>= eMode; switch (eMode) { case ::com::sun::star::text::WritingMode_TB_RL: //Well if it so happens that we are fliped 180 we can use //this instead. if (rObj.GetAngle() == 18000) eFlow = ESCHER_txflBtoT; else eFlow = ESCHER_txflTtoBA; break; case ::com::sun::star::text::WritingMode_RL_TB: eDir = ESCHER_txdirRTL; break; } } */ ESCHER_AnchorText eAnchor = ESCHER_AnchorTop; ESCHER_WrapMode eWrapMode = ESCHER_WrapSquare; sal_uInt32 nTextAttr = 0x40004; // rotate text with shape if ( eWM == text::WritingMode_TB_RL ) { // verical writing switch ( eHA ) { case drawing::TextHorizontalAdjust_LEFT : eAnchor = ESCHER_AnchorBottom; break; case drawing::TextHorizontalAdjust_CENTER : eAnchor = ESCHER_AnchorMiddle; break; default : case drawing::TextHorizontalAdjust_BLOCK : case drawing::TextHorizontalAdjust_RIGHT : eAnchor = ESCHER_AnchorTop; break; } if ( eVA == drawing::TextVerticalAdjust_CENTER ) { switch ( eAnchor ) { case ESCHER_AnchorMiddle : eAnchor = ESCHER_AnchorMiddleCentered; break; case ESCHER_AnchorBottom : eAnchor = ESCHER_AnchorBottomCentered; break; default : case ESCHER_AnchorTop : eAnchor = ESCHER_AnchorTopCentered; break; } } if ( bIsCustomShape ) { if ( bWordWrap ) eWrapMode = ESCHER_WrapSquare; else eWrapMode = ESCHER_WrapNone; if ( bAutoGrowSize ) nTextAttr |= 0x20002; } else { if ( bAutoGrowHeight ) eWrapMode = ESCHER_WrapNone; if ( bAutoGrowWidth ) nTextAttr |= 0x20002; } AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_txflTextFlow, ESCHER_txflTtoBA ); // rotate text within shape by 90 } else { // normal from left to right switch ( eVA ) { case drawing::TextVerticalAdjust_CENTER : eAnchor = ESCHER_AnchorMiddle; break; case drawing::TextVerticalAdjust_BOTTOM : eAnchor = ESCHER_AnchorBottom; break; default : case drawing::TextVerticalAdjust_TOP : eAnchor = ESCHER_AnchorTop; break; } if ( eHA == drawing::TextHorizontalAdjust_CENTER ) { switch( eAnchor ) { case ESCHER_AnchorMiddle : eAnchor = ESCHER_AnchorMiddleCentered; break; case ESCHER_AnchorBottom : eAnchor = ESCHER_AnchorBottomCentered; break; case ESCHER_AnchorTop : eAnchor = ESCHER_AnchorTopCentered; break; default: break; } } if ( bIsCustomShape ) { if ( bWordWrap ) eWrapMode = ESCHER_WrapSquare; else eWrapMode = ESCHER_WrapNone; if ( bAutoGrowSize ) nTextAttr |= 0x20002; } else { if ( bAutoGrowWidth ) eWrapMode = ESCHER_WrapNone; if ( bAutoGrowHeight ) nTextAttr |= 0x20002; } } AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_dxTextLeft, nLeft * 360 ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_dxTextRight, nRight * 360 ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_dyTextTop, nTop * 360 ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_dyTextBottom, nBottom * 360 ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_WrapText, eWrapMode ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_AnchorText, eAnchor ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_FitTextToShape, nTextAttr ); if ( nTextId ) AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_lTxid, nTextId ); } sal_Bool EscherPropertyContainer::GetLineArrow( const sal_Bool bLineStart, const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > & rXPropSet, ESCHER_LineEnd& reLineEnd, sal_Int32& rnArrowLength, sal_Int32& rnArrowWidth ) { static String sLineStart ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "LineStart" ) ); static String sLineStartName( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "LineStartName" ) ); static String sLineEnd ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "LineEnd" ) ); static String sLineEndName ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "LineEndName" ) ); const String sLine ( bLineStart ? sLineStart : sLineEnd ); const String sLineName ( bLineStart ? sLineStartName : sLineEndName ); sal_Bool bIsArrow = sal_False; ::com::sun::star::uno::Any aAny; if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, sLine, sal_False ) ) { PolyPolygon aPolyPoly( EscherPropertyContainer::GetPolyPolygon( aAny ) ); if ( aPolyPoly.Count() && aPolyPoly[ 0 ].GetSize() ) { bIsArrow = sal_True; reLineEnd = ESCHER_LineArrowEnd; rnArrowLength = 1; rnArrowWidth = 1; if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, sLineName, sal_False ) ) { String aArrowStartName = *(::rtl::OUString*)aAny.getValue(); rtl::OUString aApiName; sal_Int16 nWhich = bLineStart ? XATTR_LINESTART : XATTR_LINEEND; SvxUnogetApiNameForItem( nWhich, aArrowStartName, aApiName ); sal_Bool bIsMapped = sal_True; if ( aApiName.getLength() ) { /* todo: calculate the best option for ArrowLenght and ArrowWidth */ if ( aApiName.equalsAscii( "Arrow concave" ) ) reLineEnd = ESCHER_LineArrowStealthEnd; else if ( aApiName.equalsAscii( "Square 45" ) ) reLineEnd = ESCHER_LineArrowDiamondEnd; else if ( aApiName.equalsAscii( "Small Arrow" ) ) reLineEnd = ESCHER_LineArrowEnd; else if ( aApiName.equalsAscii( "Dimension Lines" ) ) { rnArrowLength = 0; rnArrowWidth = 2; reLineEnd = ESCHER_LineArrowOvalEnd; } else if ( aApiName.equalsAscii( "Double Arrow" ) ) reLineEnd = ESCHER_LineArrowEnd; else if ( aApiName.equalsAscii( "Rounded short Arrow" ) ) reLineEnd = ESCHER_LineArrowEnd; else if ( aApiName.equalsAscii( "Symmetric Arrow" ) ) reLineEnd = ESCHER_LineArrowEnd; else if ( aApiName.equalsAscii( "Line Arrow" ) ) reLineEnd = ESCHER_LineArrowOpenEnd; else if ( aApiName.equalsAscii( "Rounded large Arrow" ) ) reLineEnd = ESCHER_LineArrowEnd; else if ( aApiName.equalsAscii( "Circle" ) ) reLineEnd = ESCHER_LineArrowOvalEnd; else if ( aApiName.equalsAscii( "Square" ) ) reLineEnd = ESCHER_LineArrowDiamondEnd; else if ( aApiName.equalsAscii( "Arrow" ) ) reLineEnd = ESCHER_LineArrowEnd; else bIsMapped = sal_False; } if ( !bIsMapped && aArrowStartName.GetTokenCount( ' ' ) == 2 ) { sal_Bool b = sal_True; String aArrowName( aArrowStartName.GetToken( 0, ' ' ) ); if ( aArrowName.EqualsAscii( "msArrowEnd" ) ) reLineEnd = ESCHER_LineArrowEnd; else if ( aArrowName.EqualsAscii( "msArrowOpenEnd" ) ) reLineEnd = ESCHER_LineArrowOpenEnd; else if ( aArrowName.EqualsAscii( "msArrowStealthEnd" ) ) reLineEnd = ESCHER_LineArrowStealthEnd; else if ( aArrowName.EqualsAscii( "msArrowDiamondEnd" ) ) reLineEnd = ESCHER_LineArrowDiamondEnd; else if ( aArrowName.EqualsAscii( "msArrowOvalEnd" ) ) reLineEnd = ESCHER_LineArrowOvalEnd; else b = sal_False; // now we have the arrow, and try to determine the arrow size; if ( b ) { String aArrowSize( aArrowStartName.GetToken( 1, ' ' ) ); sal_Int32 nArrowSize = aArrowSize.ToInt32(); rnArrowWidth = ( nArrowSize - 1 ) / 3; rnArrowLength = nArrowSize - ( rnArrowWidth * 3 ) - 1; } } } } } return bIsArrow; } void EscherPropertyContainer::CreateLineProperties( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > & rXPropSet, sal_Bool bEdge ) { ::com::sun::star::uno::Any aAny; sal_uInt32 nLineFlags = 0x80008; ESCHER_LineEnd eLineEnd; sal_Int32 nArrowLength; sal_Int32 nArrowWidth; sal_Bool bSwapLineEnds = sal_False; if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "CircleKind" ) ), sal_True ) ) { ::com::sun::star::drawing::CircleKind eCircleKind; if ( aAny >>= eCircleKind ) { if ( eCircleKind == ::com::sun::star::drawing::CircleKind_ARC ) bSwapLineEnds = sal_True; } } if ( GetLineArrow( bSwapLineEnds ? sal_False : sal_True, rXPropSet, eLineEnd, nArrowLength, nArrowWidth ) ) { AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_lineStartArrowLength, nArrowLength ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_lineStartArrowWidth, nArrowWidth ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_lineStartArrowhead, eLineEnd ); nLineFlags |= 0x100010; } if ( GetLineArrow( bSwapLineEnds ? sal_True : sal_False, rXPropSet, eLineEnd, nArrowLength, nArrowWidth ) ) { AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_lineEndArrowLength, nArrowLength ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_lineEndArrowWidth, nArrowWidth ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_lineEndArrowhead, eLineEnd ); nLineFlags |= 0x100010; } // support LineCaps if(EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue(aAny, rXPropSet, String(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("LineCap")), sal_False)) { ::com::sun::star::drawing::LineCap aLineCap(com::sun::star::drawing::LineCap_BUTT); if(aAny >>= aLineCap) { switch (aLineCap) { default: /* com::sun::star::drawing::LineCap_BUTT */ { AddOpt(ESCHER_Prop_lineEndCapStyle, ESCHER_LineEndCapFlat); break; } case com::sun::star::drawing::LineCap_ROUND: { AddOpt(ESCHER_Prop_lineEndCapStyle, ESCHER_LineEndCapRound); break; } case com::sun::star::drawing::LineCap_SQUARE: { AddOpt(ESCHER_Prop_lineEndCapStyle, ESCHER_LineEndCapSquare); break; } } } } if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "LineStyle" ) ), sal_False ) ) { ::com::sun::star::drawing::LineStyle eLS; if ( aAny >>= eLS ) { switch ( eLS ) { case ::com::sun::star::drawing::LineStyle_NONE : AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fNoLineDrawDash, 0x90000 ); // 80000 break; case ::com::sun::star::drawing::LineStyle_DASH : { if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "LineDash" ) ), sal_False ) ) { ESCHER_LineDashing eDash = ESCHER_LineSolid; ::com::sun::star::drawing::LineDash* pLineDash = (::com::sun::star::drawing::LineDash*)aAny.getValue(); sal_Int32 nDistance = pLineDash->Distance << 1; switch ( pLineDash->Style ) { case ::com::sun::star::drawing::DashStyle_ROUND : case ::com::sun::star::drawing::DashStyle_ROUNDRELATIVE : AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_lineEndCapStyle, 0 ); // Style Round setzen break; default : break; } if ( ((!(pLineDash->Dots )) || (!(pLineDash->Dashes )) ) || ( pLineDash->DotLen == pLineDash->DashLen ) ) { sal_Int32 nLen = pLineDash->DotLen; if ( pLineDash->Dashes ) nLen = pLineDash->DashLen; if ( nLen >= nDistance ) eDash = ESCHER_LineLongDashGEL; else if ( pLineDash->Dots ) eDash = ESCHER_LineDotSys; else eDash = ESCHER_LineDashGEL; } else // X Y { if ( pLineDash->Dots != pLineDash->Dashes ) { if ( ( pLineDash->DashLen > nDistance ) || ( pLineDash->DotLen > nDistance ) ) eDash = ESCHER_LineLongDashDotDotGEL; else eDash = ESCHER_LineDashDotDotSys; } else // X Y Y { if ( ( pLineDash->DashLen > nDistance ) || ( pLineDash->DotLen > nDistance ) ) eDash = ESCHER_LineLongDashDotGEL; else eDash = ESCHER_LineDashDotGEL; } } AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_lineDashing, eDash ); } } case ::com::sun::star::drawing::LineStyle_SOLID : default: { AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fNoLineDrawDash, nLineFlags ); } break; } } if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "LineColor" ) ), sal_False ) ) { sal_uInt32 nLineColor = ImplGetColor( *((sal_uInt32*)aAny.getValue()) ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_lineColor, nLineColor ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_lineBackColor, nLineColor ^ 0xffffff ); } } sal_uInt32 nLineSize = ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "LineWidth" ) ), sal_False ) ) ? *((sal_uInt32*)aAny.getValue()) : 0; if ( nLineSize > 1 ) AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_lineWidth, nLineSize * 360 ); // 100TH MM -> PT , 1PT = 12700 EMU ESCHER_LineJoin eLineJoin = ESCHER_LineJoinMiter; if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "LineJoint" ) ), sal_True ) ) { ::com::sun::star::drawing::LineJoint eLJ; if ( aAny >>= eLJ ) { switch ( eLJ ) { case com::sun::star::drawing::LineJoint_NONE : case com::sun::star::drawing::LineJoint_MIDDLE : case com::sun::star::drawing::LineJoint_BEVEL : eLineJoin = ESCHER_LineJoinBevel; break; default: case com::sun::star::drawing::LineJoint_MITER : eLineJoin = ESCHER_LineJoinMiter; break; case com::sun::star::drawing::LineJoint_ROUND : eLineJoin = ESCHER_LineJoinRound; break; } } } AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_lineJoinStyle, eLineJoin ); if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "LineTransparence" ) ), sal_True ) ) { sal_Int16 nTransparency = 0; if ( aAny >>= nTransparency ) AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_lineOpacity, ( ( 100 - nTransparency ) << 16 ) / 100 ); } if ( bEdge == sal_False ) { AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fFillOK, 0x1001 ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fNoFillHitTest, 0x100000 ); } } static Size lcl_SizeToEmu(Size aPrefSize, MapMode aPrefMapMode) { Size aRetSize; if (aPrefMapMode == MAP_PIXEL) aRetSize = Application::GetDefaultDevice()->PixelToLogic( aPrefSize, MAP_100TH_MM ); else aRetSize = Application::GetDefaultDevice()->LogicToLogic( aPrefSize, aPrefMapMode, MAP_100TH_MM ); return aRetSize; } void EscherPropertyContainer::ImplCreateGraphicAttributes( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > & rXPropSet, sal_uInt32 nBlibId, sal_Bool bCreateCroppingAttributes ) { ::com::sun::star::uno::Any aAny; sal_uInt32 nPicFlags = 0; ::com::sun::star::drawing::ColorMode eColorMode( ::com::sun::star::drawing::ColorMode_STANDARD ); sal_Int16 nLuminance = 0; sal_Int32 nContrast = 0; sal_Int16 nRed = 0; sal_Int16 nGreen = 0; sal_Int16 nBlue = 0; double fGamma = 1.0; sal_Int16 nTransparency = 0; if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "GraphicColorMode" ) ) ) ) aAny >>= eColorMode; if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "AdjustLuminance" ) ) ) ) aAny >>= nLuminance; if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "AdjustContrast" ) ) ) ) { sal_Int16 nC = sal_Int16(); aAny >>= nC; nContrast = nC; } if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "AdjustRed" ) ) ) ) aAny >>= nRed; if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "AdjustGreen" ) ) ) ) aAny >>= nGreen; if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "AdjustBlue" ) ) ) ) aAny >>= nBlue; if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Gamma" ) ) ) ) aAny >>= fGamma; if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Transparency" ) ) ) ) aAny >>= nTransparency; if ( eColorMode == ::com::sun::star::drawing::ColorMode_WATERMARK ) { eColorMode = ::com::sun::star::drawing::ColorMode_STANDARD; nLuminance += 70; if ( nLuminance > 100 ) nLuminance = 100; nContrast -= 70; if ( nContrast < -100 ) nContrast = -100; } if ( eColorMode == ::com::sun::star::drawing::ColorMode_GREYS ) nPicFlags |= 0x40004; else if ( eColorMode == ::com::sun::star::drawing::ColorMode_MONO ) nPicFlags |= 0x60006; if ( nContrast ) { nContrast += 100; if ( nContrast == 100) nContrast = 0x10000; else if ( nContrast < 100 ) { nContrast *= 0x10000; nContrast /= 100; } else if ( nContrast < 200 ) nContrast = ( 100 * 0x10000 ) / ( 200 - nContrast ); else nContrast = 0x7fffffff; AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_pictureContrast, nContrast ); } if ( nLuminance ) AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_pictureBrightness, nLuminance * 327 ); if ( nPicFlags ) AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_pictureActive, nPicFlags ); if ( bCreateCroppingAttributes && pGraphicProvider ) { Size aPrefSize; MapMode aPrefMapMode; if ( pGraphicProvider->GetPrefSize( nBlibId, aPrefSize, aPrefMapMode ) ) { Size aCropSize(lcl_SizeToEmu(aPrefSize, aPrefMapMode)); if ( aCropSize.Width() && aCropSize.Height() ) { if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "GraphicCrop" ) ) ) ) { ::com::sun::star::text::GraphicCrop aGraphCrop; if ( aAny >>= aGraphCrop ) { if ( aGraphCrop.Left ) { sal_uInt32 nLeft = ( aGraphCrop.Left * 65536 ) / aCropSize.Width(); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_cropFromLeft, nLeft ); } if ( aGraphCrop.Top ) { sal_uInt32 nTop = ( aGraphCrop.Top * 65536 ) / aCropSize.Height(); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_cropFromTop, nTop ); } if ( aGraphCrop.Right ) { sal_uInt32 nRight = ( aGraphCrop.Right * 65536 ) / aCropSize.Width(); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_cropFromRight, nRight ); } if ( aGraphCrop.Bottom ) { sal_uInt32 nBottom = ( aGraphCrop.Bottom * 65536 ) / aCropSize.Height(); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_cropFromBottom, nBottom ); } } } } } } } sal_Bool EscherPropertyContainer::CreateShapeProperties( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rXShape ) { uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > aXPropSet( rXShape, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if ( aXPropSet.is() ) { sal_Bool bVal = false; ::com::sun::star::uno::Any aAny; sal_uInt32 nShapeAttr = 0; EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, aXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Visible" ) ), sal_True ); if ( aAny >>= bVal ) { if ( !bVal ) nShapeAttr |= 0x20002; // set fHidden = true } EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, aXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Printable" ) ), sal_True ); if ( aAny >>= bVal ) { if ( !bVal ) nShapeAttr |= 0x10000; // set fPrint = false; } if ( nShapeAttr ) AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fPrint, nShapeAttr ); } return sal_True; } sal_Bool EscherPropertyContainer::CreateOLEGraphicProperties( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rXShape ) { sal_Bool bRetValue = sal_False; if ( rXShape.is() ) { SdrObject* pSdrOLE2( GetSdrObjectFromXShape( rXShape ) ); // SJ: leaving unoapi, because currently there is if ( pSdrOLE2 && pSdrOLE2->ISA( SdrOle2Obj ) ) // no access to the native graphic object { Graphic* pGraphic = ((SdrOle2Obj*)pSdrOLE2)->GetGraphic(); if ( pGraphic ) { GraphicObject aGraphicObject( *pGraphic ); bRetValue = CreateGraphicProperties( rXShape,aGraphicObject ); // End } } } return bRetValue; } sal_Bool EscherPropertyContainer::CreateGraphicProperties( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rXShape ,const GraphicObject& rGraphicObj ) { sal_Bool bRetValue = sal_False; ByteString aUniqueId( rGraphicObj.GetUniqueID() ); if ( aUniqueId.Len() ) { AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillType, ESCHER_FillPicture ); uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > aXPropSet( rXShape, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if ( pGraphicProvider && pPicOutStrm && pShapeBoundRect && aXPropSet.is() ) { ::com::sun::star::uno::Any aAny; ::com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle* pVisArea = NULL; if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, aXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "VisibleArea" ) ) ) ) { pVisArea = new ::com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle; aAny >>= (*pVisArea); } Rectangle aRect( Point( 0, 0 ), pShapeBoundRect->GetSize() ); sal_uInt32 nBlibId = pGraphicProvider->GetBlibID( *pPicOutStrm, aUniqueId, aRect, pVisArea, NULL ); if ( nBlibId ) { AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_pib, nBlibId, sal_True ); ImplCreateGraphicAttributes( aXPropSet, nBlibId, sal_False ); bRetValue = sal_True; } delete pVisArea; } } return bRetValue; } sal_Bool EscherPropertyContainer::CreateMediaGraphicProperties( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rXShape ) { sal_Bool bRetValue = sal_False; if ( rXShape.is() ) { SdrObject* pSdrMedia( GetSdrObjectFromXShape( rXShape ) ); // SJ: leaving unoapi, because currently there is if ( pSdrMedia && pSdrMedia->ISA( SdrMediaObj ) ) // no access to the native graphic object { GraphicObject aGraphicObject( ((SdrMediaObj*)pSdrMedia)->getGraphic() ); bRetValue = CreateGraphicProperties( rXShape, aGraphicObject ); } } return bRetValue; } sal_Bool EscherPropertyContainer::ImplCreateEmbeddedBmp( const ByteString& rUniqueId ) { if( rUniqueId.Len() > 0 ) { EscherGraphicProvider aProvider; SvMemoryStream aMemStrm; Rectangle aRect; if ( aProvider.GetBlibID( aMemStrm, rUniqueId, aRect ) ) { // grab BLIP from stream and insert directly as complex property // ownership of stream memory goes to complex property aMemStrm.ObjectOwnsMemory( sal_False ); sal_uInt8* pBuf = (sal_uInt8*) aMemStrm.GetData(); sal_uInt32 nSize = aMemStrm.Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_END ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillBlip, sal_True, nSize, pBuf, nSize ); return sal_True; } } return sal_False; } sal_Bool EscherPropertyContainer::CreateEmbeddedBitmapProperties( const ::rtl::OUString& rBitmapUrl, ::com::sun::star::drawing::BitmapMode eBitmapMode ) { sal_Bool bRetValue = sal_False; String aVndUrl( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "vnd.sun.star.GraphicObject:" ) ); String aBmpUrl( rBitmapUrl ); xub_StrLen nIndex = aBmpUrl.Search( aVndUrl, 0 ); if( nIndex != STRING_NOTFOUND ) { // note: += ist not defined for xub_StrLen -> conversion to int and back to xub_StrLen nIndex = nIndex + aVndUrl.Len(); if( aBmpUrl.Len() > nIndex ) { ByteString aUniqueId( aBmpUrl, nIndex, aBmpUrl.Len() - nIndex, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ); bRetValue = ImplCreateEmbeddedBmp( aUniqueId ); if( bRetValue ) { // bitmap mode property bool bRepeat = eBitmapMode == ::com::sun::star::drawing::BitmapMode_REPEAT; AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillType, bRepeat ? ESCHER_FillTexture : ESCHER_FillPicture ); } } } return bRetValue; } namespace { GraphicObject lclDrawHatch( const ::com::sun::star::drawing::Hatch& rHatch, const Color& rBackColor, bool bFillBackground ) { const MapMode aMap100( MAP_100TH_MM ); VirtualDevice aVDev( *Application::GetDefaultDevice(), 0, 1 ); aVDev.SetMapMode( aMap100 ); const Size aOutSize = aVDev.PixelToLogic( Size( 28, 28 ) ); aVDev.SetOutputSize( aOutSize ); Rectangle aRectangle( Point( 0, 0 ), aOutSize ); const PolyPolygon aPolyPoly( aRectangle ); aVDev.SetLineColor(); aVDev.SetFillColor( bFillBackground ? rBackColor : Color( COL_TRANSPARENT ) ); aVDev.DrawRect( Rectangle( Point(), aOutSize ) ); Hatch aVclHatch( (HatchStyle) rHatch.Style, Color( rHatch.Color ), rHatch.Distance, (sal_uInt16)rHatch.Angle ); aVDev.DrawHatch( aPolyPoly, aVclHatch ); return GraphicObject( Graphic( aVDev.GetBitmapEx( Point(), aOutSize ) ) ); } } // namespace sal_Bool EscherPropertyContainer::CreateEmbeddedHatchProperties( const ::com::sun::star::drawing::Hatch& rHatch, const Color& rBackColor, bool bFillBackground ) { GraphicObject aGraphicObject = lclDrawHatch( rHatch, rBackColor, bFillBackground ); ByteString aUniqueId = aGraphicObject.GetUniqueID(); sal_Bool bRetValue = ImplCreateEmbeddedBmp( aUniqueId ); if ( bRetValue ) AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillType, ESCHER_FillTexture ); return bRetValue; } sal_Bool EscherPropertyContainer::CreateGraphicProperties( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > & rXPropSet, const String& rSource, const sal_Bool bCreateFillBitmap, const sal_Bool bCreateCroppingAttributes, const sal_Bool bFillBitmapModeAllowed ) { sal_Bool bRetValue = sal_False; sal_Bool bCreateFillStyles = sal_False; sal_Bool bMirrored = sal_False; sal_Bool bRotate = sal_True; sal_uInt16 nAngle = 0; GraphicAttr* pGraphicAttr = NULL; GraphicObject aGraphicObject; String aGraphicUrl; ByteString aUniqueId; bool bIsGraphicMtf(false); ::com::sun::star::drawing::BitmapMode eBitmapMode( ::com::sun::star::drawing::BitmapMode_NO_REPEAT ); ::com::sun::star::uno::Any aAny; if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, rSource ) ) { if ( rSource == String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "MetaFile" ) ) ) { ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence aSeq = *(::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence*)aAny.getValue(); const sal_uInt8* pAry = aSeq.getArray(); sal_uInt32 nAryLen = aSeq.getLength(); // the metafile is already rotated bRotate = sal_False; if ( pAry && nAryLen ) { Graphic aGraphic; SvMemoryStream aTemp( (void*)pAry, nAryLen, STREAM_READ ); sal_uInt32 nErrCode = GraphicConverter::Import( aTemp, aGraphic, CVT_WMF ); if ( nErrCode == ERRCODE_NONE ) { aGraphicObject = aGraphic; aUniqueId = aGraphicObject.GetUniqueID(); bIsGraphicMtf = aGraphicObject.GetType() == GRAPHIC_GDIMETAFILE; } } } else if ( rSource == String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Bitmap" ) ) ) { ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::awt::XBitmap >xBitmap; if ( ::cppu::extractInterface( xBitmap, aAny ) ) { ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::awt::XBitmap > xBmp; if ( aAny >>= xBmp ) { BitmapEx aBitmapEx( VCLUnoHelper::GetBitmap( xBmp ) ); Graphic aGraphic( aBitmapEx ); aGraphicObject = aGraphic; aUniqueId = aGraphicObject.GetUniqueID(); bIsGraphicMtf = aGraphicObject.GetType() == GRAPHIC_GDIMETAFILE; } } } else if ( rSource == String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "FillBitmapURL" ) ) ) { aGraphicUrl = *(::rtl::OUString*)aAny.getValue(); } else if ( rSource == String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "GraphicURL" ) ) ) { aGraphicUrl = *(::rtl::OUString*)aAny.getValue(); bCreateFillStyles = sal_True; } else if ( rSource == String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "FillHatch" ) ) ) { ::com::sun::star::drawing::Hatch aHatch; if ( aAny >>= aHatch ) { Color aBackColor; if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "FillColor" ) ), sal_False ) ) { aBackColor = ImplGetColor( *((sal_uInt32*)aAny.getValue()), sal_False ); } bool bFillBackground = false; if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "FillBackground" ) ), sal_True ) ) { aAny >>= bFillBackground; } aGraphicObject = lclDrawHatch( aHatch, aBackColor, bFillBackground ); aUniqueId = aGraphicObject.GetUniqueID(); eBitmapMode = ::com::sun::star::drawing::BitmapMode_REPEAT; bIsGraphicMtf = aGraphicObject.GetType() == GRAPHIC_GDIMETAFILE; } } if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "IsMirrored" ) ), sal_True ) ) aAny >>= bMirrored; if ( bCreateFillBitmap && bFillBitmapModeAllowed ) { if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "FillBitmapMode" ) ), sal_True ) ) aAny >>= eBitmapMode; } else { nAngle = bRotate && EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "RotateAngle" ) ), sal_True ) ? (sal_uInt16)( ( *((sal_Int32*)aAny.getValue() ) ) + 5 ) / 10 : 0; } if ( aGraphicUrl.Len() ) { String aVndUrl( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "vnd.sun.star.GraphicObject:" ) ); xub_StrLen nIndex = aGraphicUrl.Search( aVndUrl, 0 ); if ( nIndex != STRING_NOTFOUND ) { nIndex = nIndex + aVndUrl.Len(); if ( aGraphicUrl.Len() > nIndex ) aUniqueId = ByteString( aGraphicUrl, nIndex, aGraphicUrl.Len() - nIndex, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ); } else { // externally, linked graphic? convert to embedded // one, if transformations are needed. this is because // everything < msoxp cannot even handle rotated // bitmaps. // And check whether the graphic link target is // actually supported by mso. INetURLObject aTmp( aGraphicUrl ); GraphicDescriptor aDescriptor(aTmp); aDescriptor.Detect(); const sal_uInt16 nFormat = aDescriptor.GetFileFormat(); // can MSO handle it? if ( bMirrored || nAngle || (nFormat != GFF_BMP && nFormat != GFF_GIF && nFormat != GFF_JPG && nFormat != GFF_PNG && nFormat != GFF_TIF && nFormat != GFF_PCT && nFormat != GFF_WMF && nFormat != GFF_EMF) ) { SvStream* pIn = ::utl::UcbStreamHelper::CreateStream( aTmp.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ), STREAM_READ ); if ( pIn ) { Graphic aGraphic; sal_uInt32 nErrCode = GraphicConverter::Import( *pIn, aGraphic ); if ( nErrCode == ERRCODE_NONE ) { // no. aGraphicObject = aGraphic; aUniqueId = aGraphicObject.GetUniqueID(); } // else: simply keep the graphic link delete pIn; } } if ( !aUniqueId.Len() ) { if ( pGraphicProvider ) { const rtl::OUString& rBaseURI( pGraphicProvider->GetBaseURI() ); INetURLObject aBaseURI( rBaseURI ); if( aBaseURI.GetProtocol() == aTmp.GetProtocol() ) { rtl::OUString aRelUrl( INetURLObject::GetRelURL( rBaseURI, aGraphicUrl, INetURLObject::WAS_ENCODED, INetURLObject::DECODE_TO_IURI, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, INetURLObject::FSYS_DETECT ) ); if ( aRelUrl.getLength() ) aGraphicUrl = aRelUrl; } } } } } if ( aGraphicUrl.Len() || aUniqueId.Len() ) { if ( bMirrored || nAngle ) { pGraphicAttr = new GraphicAttr; if ( bMirrored ) pGraphicAttr->SetMirrorFlags( BMP_MIRROR_HORZ ); if ( bIsGraphicMtf ) AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_Rotation, ( ( ((sal_Int32)nAngle << 16 ) / 10 ) + 0x8000 ) &~ 0xffff ); } if ( eBitmapMode == ::com::sun::star::drawing::BitmapMode_REPEAT ) { sal_Int32 nSizeX = 0,nSizeY = 0,nOffsetX = 0,nOffsetY = 0,nPosOffsetX = 0,nPosOffsetY = 0; if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "FillBitmapSizeX" ) ), sal_True ) ) { aAny >>= nSizeX; } if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "FillBitmapSizeY" ) ), sal_True ) ) { aAny >>= nSizeY; } if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "FillBitmapOffsetX" ) ), sal_True ) ) { aAny >>= nOffsetX; } if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "FillBitmapOffsetY" ) ), sal_True ) ) { aAny >>= nOffsetY; } if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "FillBitmapPositionOffsetX" ) ), sal_True ) ) { aAny >>= nPosOffsetX; } if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "FillBitmapPositionOffsetY" ) ), sal_True ) ) { aAny >>= nPosOffsetY; } if(nSizeX == -100 && nSizeY == -100 && nOffsetX == 0 && nOffsetY == 0 && nPosOffsetX == 0 && nPosOffsetY == 0) AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillType, ESCHER_FillPicture ); else AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillType, ESCHER_FillTexture ); } else AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillType, ESCHER_FillPicture ); if ( aUniqueId.Len() ) { // write out embedded graphic if ( pGraphicProvider && pPicOutStrm && pShapeBoundRect ) { Rectangle aRect( Point( 0, 0 ), pShapeBoundRect->GetSize() ); sal_uInt32 nBlibId = 0; nBlibId = pGraphicProvider->GetBlibID( *pPicOutStrm, aUniqueId, aRect, NULL, pGraphicAttr ); if ( nBlibId ) { if ( bCreateFillBitmap ) AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillBlip, nBlibId, sal_True ); else { AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_pib, nBlibId, sal_True ); ImplCreateGraphicAttributes( rXPropSet, nBlibId, bCreateCroppingAttributes ); } bRetValue = sal_True; } } else { EscherGraphicProvider aProvider; SvMemoryStream aMemStrm; Rectangle aRect; if ( aProvider.GetBlibID( aMemStrm, aUniqueId, aRect, NULL, pGraphicAttr ) ) { // grab BLIP from stream and insert directly as complex property // ownership of stream memory goes to complex property aMemStrm.ObjectOwnsMemory( sal_False ); sal_uInt8* pBuf = (sal_uInt8*) aMemStrm.GetData(); sal_uInt32 nSize = aMemStrm.Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_END ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillBlip, sal_True, nSize, pBuf, nSize ); bRetValue = sal_True; } } } // write out link to graphic else { OSL_ASSERT(aGraphicUrl.Len()); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_pibName, aGraphicUrl ); sal_uInt32 nPibFlags=0; GetOpt( ESCHER_Prop_pibFlags, nPibFlags ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_pibFlags, ESCHER_BlipFlagLinkToFile|ESCHER_BlipFlagFile|ESCHER_BlipFlagDoNotSave | nPibFlags ); } } } delete pGraphicAttr; if ( bCreateFillStyles ) CreateFillProperties( rXPropSet, sal_True ); return bRetValue; } PolyPolygon EscherPropertyContainer::GetPolyPolygon( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rXShape ) { PolyPolygon aRetPolyPoly; ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > aXPropSet; ::com::sun::star::uno::Any aAny( rXShape->queryInterface( ::getCppuType( (const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet >*) 0 ) )); String sPolyPolygonBezier( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "PolyPolygonBezier" ) ); String sPolyPolygon ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "PolyPolygon" ) ); String sPolygon ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Polygon" ) ); if ( aAny >>= aXPropSet ) { sal_Bool bHasProperty = EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, aXPropSet, sPolyPolygonBezier, sal_True ); if ( !bHasProperty ) bHasProperty = EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, aXPropSet, sPolyPolygon, sal_True ); if ( !bHasProperty ) bHasProperty = EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, aXPropSet, sPolygon, sal_True ); if ( bHasProperty ) aRetPolyPoly = GetPolyPolygon( aAny ); } return aRetPolyPoly; } PolyPolygon EscherPropertyContainer::GetPolyPolygon( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rAny ) { sal_Bool bNoError = sal_True; Polygon aPolygon; PolyPolygon aPolyPolygon; if ( rAny.getValueType() == ::getCppuType( ( const ::com::sun::star::drawing::PolyPolygonBezierCoords* ) 0 ) ) { ::com::sun::star::drawing::PolyPolygonBezierCoords* pSourcePolyPolygon = (::com::sun::star::drawing::PolyPolygonBezierCoords*)rAny.getValue(); sal_uInt16 nOuterSequenceCount = (sal_uInt16)pSourcePolyPolygon->Coordinates.getLength(); // Zeiger auf innere sequences holen ::com::sun::star::drawing::PointSequence* pOuterSequence = pSourcePolyPolygon->Coordinates.getArray(); ::com::sun::star::drawing::FlagSequence* pOuterFlags = pSourcePolyPolygon->Flags.getArray(); bNoError = pOuterSequence && pOuterFlags; if ( bNoError ) { sal_uInt16 a, b, nInnerSequenceCount; ::com::sun::star::awt::Point* pArray; // dies wird ein Polygon set for ( a = 0; a < nOuterSequenceCount; a++ ) { ::com::sun::star::drawing::PointSequence* pInnerSequence = pOuterSequence++; ::com::sun::star::drawing::FlagSequence* pInnerFlags = pOuterFlags++; bNoError = pInnerSequence && pInnerFlags; if ( bNoError ) { // Zeiger auf Arrays holen pArray = pInnerSequence->getArray(); ::com::sun::star::drawing::PolygonFlags* pFlags = pInnerFlags->getArray(); if ( pArray && pFlags ) { nInnerSequenceCount = (sal_uInt16)pInnerSequence->getLength(); aPolygon = Polygon( nInnerSequenceCount ); for( b = 0; b < nInnerSequenceCount; b++) { PolyFlags ePolyFlags( *( (PolyFlags*)pFlags++ ) ); ::com::sun::star::awt::Point aPoint( (::com::sun::star::awt::Point)*(pArray++) ); aPolygon[ b ] = Point( aPoint.X, aPoint.Y ); aPolygon.SetFlags( b, ePolyFlags ); if ( ePolyFlags == POLY_CONTROL ) continue; } aPolyPolygon.Insert( aPolygon, POLYPOLY_APPEND ); } } } } } else if ( rAny.getValueType() == ::getCppuType( ( const ::com::sun::star::drawing::PointSequenceSequence* ) 0 ) ) { ::com::sun::star::drawing::PointSequenceSequence* pSourcePolyPolygon = (::com::sun::star::drawing::PointSequenceSequence*)rAny.getValue(); sal_uInt16 nOuterSequenceCount = (sal_uInt16)pSourcePolyPolygon->getLength(); // Zeiger auf innere sequences holen ::com::sun::star::drawing::PointSequence* pOuterSequence = pSourcePolyPolygon->getArray(); bNoError = pOuterSequence != NULL; if ( bNoError ) { sal_uInt16 a, b, nInnerSequenceCount; // dies wird ein Polygon set for( a = 0; a < nOuterSequenceCount; a++ ) { ::com::sun::star::drawing::PointSequence* pInnerSequence = pOuterSequence++; bNoError = pInnerSequence != NULL; if ( bNoError ) { // Zeiger auf Arrays holen ::com::sun::star::awt::Point* pArray = pInnerSequence->getArray(); if ( pArray != NULL ) { nInnerSequenceCount = (sal_uInt16)pInnerSequence->getLength(); aPolygon = Polygon( nInnerSequenceCount ); for( b = 0; b < nInnerSequenceCount; b++) { aPolygon[ b ] = Point( pArray->X, pArray->Y ); pArray++; } aPolyPolygon.Insert( aPolygon, POLYPOLY_APPEND ); } } } } } else if ( rAny.getValueType() == ::getCppuType( ( const ::com::sun::star::drawing::PointSequence* ) 0 ) ) { ::com::sun::star::drawing::PointSequence* pInnerSequence = (::com::sun::star::drawing::PointSequence*)rAny.getValue(); bNoError = pInnerSequence != NULL; if ( bNoError ) { sal_uInt16 a, nInnerSequenceCount; // Zeiger auf Arrays holen ::com::sun::star::awt::Point* pArray = pInnerSequence->getArray(); if ( pArray != NULL ) { nInnerSequenceCount = (sal_uInt16)pInnerSequence->getLength(); aPolygon = Polygon( nInnerSequenceCount ); for( a = 0; a < nInnerSequenceCount; a++) { aPolygon[ a ] = Point( pArray->X, pArray->Y ); pArray++; } aPolyPolygon.Insert( aPolygon, POLYPOLY_APPEND ); } } } return aPolyPolygon; } sal_Bool EscherPropertyContainer::CreatePolygonProperties( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > & rXPropSet, sal_uInt32 nFlags, sal_Bool bBezier, ::com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle& rGeoRect, Polygon* pPolygon ) { static String sPolyPolygonBezier( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "PolyPolygonBezier" ) ); static String sPolyPolygon ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "PolyPolygon" ) ); sal_Bool bRetValue = sal_True; sal_Bool bLine = ( nFlags & ESCHER_CREATEPOLYGON_LINE ) != 0; PolyPolygon aPolyPolygon; if ( pPolygon ) aPolyPolygon.Insert( *pPolygon, POLYPOLY_APPEND ); else { ::com::sun::star::uno::Any aAny; bRetValue = EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, ( bBezier ) ? sPolyPolygonBezier : sPolyPolygon, sal_True ); if ( bRetValue ) { aPolyPolygon = GetPolyPolygon( aAny ); bRetValue = aPolyPolygon.Count() != 0; } } if ( bRetValue ) { if ( bLine ) { if ( ( aPolyPolygon.Count() == 1 ) && ( aPolyPolygon[ 0 ].GetSize() == 2 ) ) { const Polygon& rPoly = aPolyPolygon[ 0 ]; rGeoRect = ::com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle( rPoly[ 0 ].X(), rPoly[ 0 ].Y(), rPoly[ 1 ].X() - rPoly[ 0 ].X(), rPoly[ 1 ].Y() - rPoly[ 0 ].Y() ); } else bRetValue = sal_False; } else { Polygon aPolygon; sal_uInt16 i, j, k, nPoints, nBezPoints, nPolyCount = aPolyPolygon.Count(); Rectangle aRect( aPolyPolygon.GetBoundRect() ); rGeoRect = ::com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle( aRect.Left(), aRect.Top(), aRect.GetWidth(), aRect.GetHeight() ); for ( nBezPoints = nPoints = i = 0; i < nPolyCount; i++ ) { k = aPolyPolygon[ i ].GetSize(); nPoints = nPoints + k; for ( j = 0; j < k; j++ ) { if ( aPolyPolygon[ i ].GetFlags( j ) != POLY_CONTROL ) nBezPoints++; } } sal_uInt32 nVerticesBufSize = ( nPoints << 2 ) + 6; sal_uInt8* pVerticesBuf = new sal_uInt8[ nVerticesBufSize ]; sal_uInt32 nSegmentBufSize = ( ( nBezPoints << 2 ) + 8 ); if ( nPolyCount > 1 ) nSegmentBufSize += ( nPolyCount << 1 ); sal_uInt8* pSegmentBuf = new sal_uInt8[ nSegmentBufSize ]; sal_uInt8* pPtr = pVerticesBuf; *pPtr++ = (sal_uInt8)( nPoints ); // Little endian *pPtr++ = (sal_uInt8)( nPoints >> 8 ); *pPtr++ = (sal_uInt8)( nPoints ); *pPtr++ = (sal_uInt8)( nPoints >> 8 ); *pPtr++ = (sal_uInt8)0xf0; *pPtr++ = (sal_uInt8)0xff; for ( j = 0; j < nPolyCount; j++ ) { aPolygon = aPolyPolygon[ j ]; nPoints = aPolygon.GetSize(); for ( i = 0; i < nPoints; i++ ) // Punkte aus Polygon in Buffer schreiben { Point aPoint = aPolygon[ i ]; aPoint.X() -= rGeoRect.X; aPoint.Y() -= rGeoRect.Y; *pPtr++ = (sal_uInt8)( aPoint.X() ); *pPtr++ = (sal_uInt8)( aPoint.X() >> 8 ); *pPtr++ = (sal_uInt8)( aPoint.Y() ); *pPtr++ = (sal_uInt8)( aPoint.Y() >> 8 ); } } pPtr = pSegmentBuf; *pPtr++ = (sal_uInt8)( ( nSegmentBufSize - 6 ) >> 1 ); *pPtr++ = (sal_uInt8)( ( nSegmentBufSize - 6 ) >> 9 ); *pPtr++ = (sal_uInt8)( ( nSegmentBufSize - 6 ) >> 1 ); *pPtr++ = (sal_uInt8)( ( nSegmentBufSize - 6 ) >> 9 ); *pPtr++ = (sal_uInt8)2; *pPtr++ = (sal_uInt8)0; for ( j = 0; j < nPolyCount; j++ ) { *pPtr++ = 0x0; // Polygon start *pPtr++ = 0x40; aPolygon = aPolyPolygon[ j ]; nPoints = aPolygon.GetSize(); for ( i = 0; i < nPoints; i++ ) // Polyflags in Buffer schreiben { *pPtr++ = 0; if ( bBezier ) *pPtr++ = 0xb3; else *pPtr++ = 0xac; if ( ( i + 1 ) != nPoints ) { *pPtr++ = 1; if ( aPolygon.GetFlags( i + 1 ) == POLY_CONTROL ) { *pPtr++ = 0x20; i += 2; } else *pPtr++ = 0; } } if ( nPolyCount > 1 ) { *pPtr++ = 1; // end of polygon *pPtr++ = 0x60; } } *pPtr++ = 0; *pPtr++ = 0x80; AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_geoRight, rGeoRect.Width ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_geoBottom, rGeoRect.Height ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_shapePath, ESCHER_ShapeComplex ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_pVertices, sal_True, nVerticesBufSize - 6, (sal_uInt8*)pVerticesBuf, nVerticesBufSize ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_pSegmentInfo, sal_True, nSegmentBufSize, (sal_uInt8*)pSegmentBuf, nSegmentBufSize ); } } return bRetValue; } sal_Bool EscherPropertyContainer::CreateConnectorProperties( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rXShape, EscherSolverContainer& rSolverContainer, ::com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle& rGeoRect, sal_uInt16& rShapeType, sal_uInt16& rShapeFlags ) { static String sEdgeKind ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "EdgeKind" ) ); static String sEdgeStartPoint ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "EdgeStartPoint" ) ); static String sEdgeEndPoint ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "EdgeEndPoint" ) ); static String sEdgeStartConnection ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "EdgeStartConnection" ) ); static String sEdgeEndConnection ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "EdgeEndConnection" ) ); sal_Bool bRetValue = sal_False; rShapeType = rShapeFlags = 0; if ( rXShape.is() ) { ::com::sun::star::awt::Point aStartPoint, aEndPoint; ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > aXPropSet; ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > aShapeA, aShapeB; ::com::sun::star::uno::Any aAny( rXShape->queryInterface( ::getCppuType( (const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet >*) 0 ) )); if ( aAny >>= aXPropSet ) { if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, aXPropSet, sEdgeKind, sal_True ) ) { ::com::sun::star::drawing::ConnectorType eCt; aAny >>= eCt; if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, aXPropSet, sEdgeStartPoint ) ) { aStartPoint = *(::com::sun::star::awt::Point*)aAny.getValue(); if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, aXPropSet, sEdgeEndPoint ) ) { aEndPoint = *(::com::sun::star::awt::Point*)aAny.getValue(); rShapeFlags = SHAPEFLAG_HAVEANCHOR | SHAPEFLAG_HAVESPT | SHAPEFLAG_CONNECTOR; rGeoRect = ::com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle( aStartPoint.X, aStartPoint.Y, ( aEndPoint.X - aStartPoint.X ) + 1, ( aEndPoint.Y - aStartPoint.Y ) + 1 ); if ( rGeoRect.Height < 0 ) // justify { rShapeFlags |= SHAPEFLAG_FLIPV; rGeoRect.Y = aEndPoint.Y; rGeoRect.Height = -rGeoRect.Height; } if ( rGeoRect.Width < 0 ) { rShapeFlags |= SHAPEFLAG_FLIPH; rGeoRect.X = aEndPoint.X; rGeoRect.Width = -rGeoRect.Width; } sal_uInt32 nAdjustValue1, nAdjustValue2, nAdjustValue3; nAdjustValue1 = nAdjustValue2 = nAdjustValue3 = 0x2a30; if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, aXPropSet, sEdgeStartConnection ) ) aAny >>= aShapeA; if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, aXPropSet, sEdgeEndConnection ) ) aAny >>= aShapeB; /* if ( ImplGetPropertyValue( String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "EdgeLine1Delta" ) ) ) ) { } if ( ImplGetPropertyValue( String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "EdgeLine2Delta" ) ) ) ) { } if ( ImplGetPropertyValue( String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "EdgeLine3Delta" ) ) ) ) { } if ( ImplGetPropertyValue( String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "EdgeNode1HorzDist" ) ) ) ) { } if ( ImplGetPropertyValue( String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "EdgeNode1VertDist" ) ) ) ) { } if ( ImplGetPropertyValue( String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "EdgeNode2HorzDist" ) ) ) ) { } if ( ImplGetPropertyValue( String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "EdgeNode2VertDist" ) ) ) ) { } */ rSolverContainer.AddConnector( rXShape, aStartPoint, aShapeA, aEndPoint, aShapeB ); switch ( eCt ) { case ::com::sun::star::drawing::ConnectorType_CURVE : { rShapeType = ESCHER_ShpInst_CurvedConnector3; AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_cxstyle, ESCHER_cxstyleCurved ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_adjustValue, nAdjustValue1 ); AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_adjust2Value, -(sal_Int32)nAdjustValue2 ); } break; case ::com::sun::star::drawing::ConnectorType_STANDARD :// Connector 2->5 { rShapeType = ESCHER_ShpInst_BentConnector3; AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_cxstyle, ESCHER_cxstyleBent ); } break; default: case ::com::sun::star::drawing::ConnectorType_LINE : case ::com::sun::star::drawing::ConnectorType_LINES : // Connector 2->5 { rShapeType = ESCHER_ShpInst_StraightConnector1; AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_cxstyle, ESCHER_cxstyleStraight ); } break; } CreateLineProperties( aXPropSet, sal_False ); bRetValue = bSuppressRotation = sal_True; } } } } } return bRetValue; } sal_Bool EscherPropertyContainer::CreateShadowProperties( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > & rXPropSet ) { ::com::sun::star::uno::Any aAny; sal_Bool bHasShadow = sal_False; // shadow is possible only if at least a fillcolor, linecolor or graphic is set sal_uInt32 nLineFlags = 0; // default : shape has no line sal_uInt32 nFillFlags = 0x10; // shape is filled GetOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fNoLineDrawDash, nLineFlags ); GetOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fNoFillHitTest, nFillFlags ); sal_uInt32 nDummy; sal_Bool bGraphic = GetOpt( DFF_Prop_pib, nDummy ) || GetOpt( DFF_Prop_pibName, nDummy ) || GetOpt( DFF_Prop_pibFlags, nDummy ); sal_uInt32 nShadowFlags = 0x20000; if ( ( nLineFlags & 8 ) || ( nFillFlags & 0x10 ) || bGraphic ) { if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Shadow" ) ), sal_True ) ) { if ( aAny >>= bHasShadow ) { if ( bHasShadow ) { nShadowFlags |= 2; if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "ShadowColor" ) ), sal_False ) ) AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_shadowColor, ImplGetColor( *((sal_uInt32*)aAny.getValue()) ) ); if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "ShadowXDistance" ) ), sal_False ) ) AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_shadowOffsetX, *((sal_Int32*)aAny.getValue()) * 360 ); if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "ShadowYDistance" ) ), sal_False ) ) AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_shadowOffsetY, *((sal_Int32*)aAny.getValue()) * 360 ); if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "ShadowTransparence" ) ), sal_False ) ) AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_shadowOpacity, 0x10000 - (((sal_uInt32)*((sal_uInt16*)aAny.getValue())) * 655 ) ); } } } } AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fshadowObscured, nShadowFlags ); return bHasShadow; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Int32 EscherPropertyContainer::GetValueForEnhancedCustomShapeParameter( const ::com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameter& rParameter, const std::vector< sal_Int32 >& rEquationOrder, sal_Bool bAdjustTrans ) { sal_Int32 nValue = 0; if ( rParameter.Value.getValueTypeClass() == uno::TypeClass_DOUBLE ) { double fValue; if ( rParameter.Value >>= fValue ) nValue = (sal_Int32)fValue; } else rParameter.Value >>= nValue; switch( rParameter.Type ) { case com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameterType::EQUATION : { OSL_ASSERT((sal_uInt32)nValue < rEquationOrder.size()); if ( (sal_uInt32)nValue < rEquationOrder.size() ) { nValue = (sal_uInt16)rEquationOrder[ nValue ]; nValue |= (sal_uInt32)0x80000000; } } break; case com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameterType::ADJUSTMENT: { if(bAdjustTrans) { sal_uInt32 nAdjustValue = 0; sal_Bool bGot = GetOpt((sal_uInt16)( DFF_Prop_adjustValue + nValue ), nAdjustValue); if(bGot) nValue = (sal_Int32)nAdjustValue; } } break; case com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameterType::NORMAL : default: break; /* not sure if it is allowed to set following values (but they are not yet used) case com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameterType::BOTTOM : case com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameterType::RIGHT : case com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameterType::TOP : case com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameterType::LEFT : */ } return nValue; } sal_Bool GetValueForEnhancedCustomShapeHandleParameter( sal_Int32& nRetValue, const com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameter& rParameter ) { sal_Bool bSpecial = sal_False; nRetValue = 0; if ( rParameter.Value.getValueTypeClass() == uno::TypeClass_DOUBLE ) { double fValue; if ( rParameter.Value >>= fValue ) nRetValue = (sal_Int32)fValue; } else rParameter.Value >>= nRetValue; switch( rParameter.Type ) { case com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameterType::EQUATION : { nRetValue += 3; bSpecial = sal_True; } break; case com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameterType::ADJUSTMENT : { nRetValue += 0x100; bSpecial = sal_True; } break; case com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameterType::TOP : case com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameterType::LEFT : { nRetValue = 0; bSpecial = sal_True; } break; case com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameterType::RIGHT : case com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameterType::BOTTOM : { nRetValue = 1; bSpecial = sal_True; } break; case com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameterType::NORMAL : { } break; } return bSpecial; } void ConvertEnhancedCustomShapeEquation( SdrObjCustomShape* pCustoShape, std::vector< EnhancedCustomShapeEquation >& rEquations, std::vector< sal_Int32 >& rEquationOrder ) { if ( pCustoShape ) { uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString > sEquationSource; const rtl::OUString sEquations( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Equations" ) ); SdrCustomShapeGeometryItem& rGeometryItem = (SdrCustomShapeGeometryItem&)(const SdrCustomShapeGeometryItem&) pCustoShape->GetMergedItem( SDRATTR_CUSTOMSHAPE_GEOMETRY ); const uno::Any* pAny = ((SdrCustomShapeGeometryItem&)rGeometryItem).GetPropertyValueByName( sEquations ); if ( pAny ) *pAny >>= sEquationSource; sal_Int32 nEquationSourceCount = sEquationSource.getLength(); if ( nEquationSourceCount ) { sal_Int32 i; for ( i = 0; i < nEquationSourceCount; i++ ) { EnhancedCustomShape2d aCustoShape2d( pCustoShape ); try { ::boost::shared_ptr< EnhancedCustomShape::ExpressionNode > aExpressNode( EnhancedCustomShape::FunctionParser::parseFunction( sEquationSource[ i ], aCustoShape2d ) ); com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameter aPara( aExpressNode->fillNode( rEquations, NULL, 0 ) ); if ( aPara.Type != com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameterType::EQUATION ) { EnhancedCustomShapeEquation aEquation; aEquation.nOperation = 0; EnhancedCustomShape::FillEquationParameter( aPara, 0, aEquation ); rEquations.push_back( aEquation ); } } catch ( EnhancedCustomShape::ParseError& ) { EnhancedCustomShapeEquation aEquation; // ups, we should not be here, aEquation.nOperation = 0; // creating a default equation with value 1 aEquation.nPara[ 0 ] = 1; // hoping that this will not break anything rEquations.push_back( aEquation ); } catch ( ... ) { EnhancedCustomShapeEquation aEquation; // #i112309# EnhancedCustomShape::Parse error aEquation.nOperation = 0; // not catched on linux platform aEquation.nPara[ 0 ] = 1; rEquations.push_back( aEquation ); } rEquationOrder.push_back( rEquations.size() - 1 ); } // now updating our old equation indices, they are marked with a bit in the hiword of nOperation std::vector< EnhancedCustomShapeEquation >::iterator aIter( rEquations.begin() ); std::vector< EnhancedCustomShapeEquation >::iterator aEnd ( rEquations.end() ); while( aIter != aEnd ) { sal_Int32 nMask = 0x20000000; for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if ( aIter->nOperation & nMask ) { aIter->nOperation ^= nMask; aIter->nPara[ i ] = rEquationOrder[ aIter->nPara[ i ] & 0x3ff ] | 0x400; } nMask <<= 1; } aIter++; } } } } sal_Bool EscherPropertyContainer::IsDefaultObject( SdrObjCustomShape* pCustoShape , const MSO_SPT eShapeType ) { sal_Bool bIsDefaultObject = sal_False; switch(eShapeType) { //if the custom shape is not default shape of ppt, return sal_Fasle; case mso_sptTearDrop: return bIsDefaultObject; default: break; } if ( pCustoShape ) { if ( pCustoShape->IsDefaultGeometry( SdrObjCustomShape::DEFAULT_EQUATIONS ) && pCustoShape->IsDefaultGeometry( SdrObjCustomShape::DEFAULT_VIEWBOX ) && pCustoShape->IsDefaultGeometry( SdrObjCustomShape::DEFAULT_PATH ) && pCustoShape->IsDefaultGeometry( SdrObjCustomShape::DEFAULT_GLUEPOINTS ) && pCustoShape->IsDefaultGeometry( SdrObjCustomShape::DEFAULT_SEGMENTS ) && pCustoShape->IsDefaultGeometry( SdrObjCustomShape::DEFAULT_STRETCHX ) && pCustoShape->IsDefaultGeometry( SdrObjCustomShape::DEFAULT_STRETCHY ) // && pCustoShape->IsDefaultGeometry( SdrObjCustomShape::DEFAULT_HANDLES ) && pCustoShape->IsDefaultGeometry( SdrObjCustomShape::DEFAULT_TEXTFRAMES ) ) bIsDefaultObject = sal_True; } return bIsDefaultObject; } void EscherPropertyContainer::LookForPolarHandles( const MSO_SPT eShapeType, sal_Int32& nAdjustmentsWhichNeedsToBeConverted ) { const mso_CustomShape* pDefCustomShape = GetCustomShapeContent( eShapeType ); if ( pDefCustomShape && pDefCustomShape->nHandles && pDefCustomShape->pHandles ) { sal_Int32 k, nkCount = pDefCustomShape->nHandles; const SvxMSDffHandle* pData = pDefCustomShape->pHandles; for ( k = 0; k < nkCount; k++, pData++ ) { if ( pData->nFlags & MSDFF_HANDLE_FLAGS_POLAR ) { if ( ( pData->nPositionY >= 0x256 ) || ( pData->nPositionY <= 0x107 ) ) nAdjustmentsWhichNeedsToBeConverted |= ( 1 << k ); } } } } sal_Bool EscherPropertyContainer::GetAdjustmentValue( const com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeAdjustmentValue & rkProp, sal_Int32 nIndex, sal_Int32 nAdjustmentsWhichNeedsToBeConverted, sal_Int32& nValue ) { if ( rkProp.State != beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE ) return sal_False; sal_Bool bUseFixedFloat = ( nAdjustmentsWhichNeedsToBeConverted & ( 1 << nIndex ) ) != 0; if ( rkProp.Value.getValueTypeClass() == uno::TypeClass_DOUBLE ) { double fValue(0.0); rkProp.Value >>= fValue; if ( bUseFixedFloat ) fValue *= 65536.0; nValue = (sal_Int32)fValue; } else { rkProp.Value >>= nValue; if ( bUseFixedFloat ) nValue <<= 16; } return sal_True; } void EscherPropertyContainer::CreateCustomShapeProperties( const MSO_SPT eShapeType, const uno::Reference< drawing::XShape > & rXShape ) { uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > aXPropSet( rXShape, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if ( aXPropSet.is() ) { SdrObjCustomShape* pCustoShape = (SdrObjCustomShape*)GetSdrObjectFromXShape( rXShape ); if ( !pCustoShape ) return; const rtl::OUString sCustomShapeGeometry( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "CustomShapeGeometry" ) ); uno::Any aGeoPropSet = aXPropSet->getPropertyValue( sCustomShapeGeometry ); uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > aGeoPropSeq; if ( aGeoPropSet >>= aGeoPropSeq ) { const rtl::OUString sViewBox ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "ViewBox" ) ); const rtl::OUString sTextRotateAngle ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "TextRotateAngle" ) ); const rtl::OUString sExtrusion ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Extrusion" ) ); const rtl::OUString sEquations ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Equations" ) ); const rtl::OUString sPath ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Path" ) ); const rtl::OUString sTextPath ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "TextPath" ) ); const rtl::OUString sHandles ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Handles" ) ); const rtl::OUString sAdjustmentValues ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "AdjustmentValues" ) ); const beans::PropertyValue* pAdjustmentValuesProp = NULL; const beans::PropertyValue* pPathCoordinatesProp = NULL; sal_Int32 nAdjustmentsWhichNeedsToBeConverted = 0; uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValues > aHandlesPropSeq; sal_Bool bPredefinedHandlesUsed = sal_True; sal_Bool bIsDefaultObject = IsDefaultObject( pCustoShape , eShapeType); // convert property "Equations" into std::vector< EnhancedCustomShapeEquationEquation > std::vector< EnhancedCustomShapeEquation > aEquations; std::vector< sal_Int32 > aEquationOrder; ConvertEnhancedCustomShapeEquation( pCustoShape, aEquations, aEquationOrder ); sal_Int32 i, nCount = aGeoPropSeq.getLength(); for ( i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { const beans::PropertyValue& rProp = aGeoPropSeq[ i ]; if ( rProp.Name.equals( sViewBox ) ) { if ( !bIsDefaultObject ) { awt::Rectangle aViewBox; if ( rProp.Value >>= aViewBox ) { AddOpt( DFF_Prop_geoLeft, aViewBox.X ); AddOpt( DFF_Prop_geoTop, aViewBox.Y ); AddOpt( DFF_Prop_geoRight, aViewBox.X + aViewBox.Width ); AddOpt( DFF_Prop_geoBottom,aViewBox.Y + aViewBox.Height ); } } } else if ( rProp.Name.equals( sTextRotateAngle ) ) { double f = 0, fTextRotateAngle; if ( rProp.Value >>= f ) { fTextRotateAngle = fmod( f, 360.0 ); if ( fTextRotateAngle < 0 ) fTextRotateAngle = 360 + fTextRotateAngle; if ( ( fTextRotateAngle < 271.0 ) && ( fTextRotateAngle > 269.0 ) ) AddOpt( DFF_Prop_cdirFont, mso_cdir90 ); else if ( ( fTextRotateAngle < 181.0 ) && ( fTextRotateAngle > 179.0 ) ) AddOpt( DFF_Prop_cdirFont, mso_cdir180 ); else if ( ( fTextRotateAngle < 91.0 ) && ( fTextRotateAngle > 79.0 ) ) AddOpt( DFF_Prop_cdirFont, mso_cdir270 ); } } else if ( rProp.Name.equals( sExtrusion ) ) { uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > aExtrusionPropSeq; if ( rProp.Value >>= aExtrusionPropSeq ) { sal_uInt32 nLightFaceFlagsOrg, nLightFaceFlags; sal_uInt32 nFillHarshFlagsOrg, nFillHarshFlags; nLightFaceFlagsOrg = nLightFaceFlags = 0x000001; nFillHarshFlagsOrg = nFillHarshFlags = 0x00001e; if ( GetOpt( DFF_Prop_fc3DLightFace, nLightFaceFlags ) ) nLightFaceFlagsOrg = nLightFaceFlags; if ( GetOpt( DFF_Prop_fc3DFillHarsh, nFillHarshFlags ) ) nFillHarshFlagsOrg = nFillHarshFlags; sal_Int32 r, nrCount = aExtrusionPropSeq.getLength(); for ( r = 0; r < nrCount; r++ ) { const beans::PropertyValue& rrProp = aExtrusionPropSeq[ r ]; const rtl::OUString sExtrusionBrightness ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Brightness" ) ); const rtl::OUString sExtrusionDepth ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Depth" ) ); const rtl::OUString sExtrusionDiffusion ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Diffusion" ) ); const rtl::OUString sExtrusionNumberOfLineSegments ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "NumberOfLineSegments" ) ); const rtl::OUString sExtrusionLightFace ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "LightFace" ) ); const rtl::OUString sExtrusionFirstLightHarsh ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "FirstLightHarsh" ) ); const rtl::OUString sExtrusionSecondLightHarsh ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "SecondLightHarsh" ) ); const rtl::OUString sExtrusionFirstLightLevel ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "FirstLightLevel" ) ); const rtl::OUString sExtrusionSecondLightLevel ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "SecondLightLevel" ) ); const rtl::OUString sExtrusionFirstLightDirection ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "FirstLightDirection" ) ); const rtl::OUString sExtrusionSecondLightDirection ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "SecondLightDirection" ) ); const rtl::OUString sExtrusionMetal ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Metal" ) ); const rtl::OUString sExtrusionShadeMode ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "ShadeMode" ) ); const rtl::OUString sExtrusionRotateAngle ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "RotateAngle" ) ); const rtl::OUString sExtrusionRotationCenter ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "RotationCenter" ) ); const rtl::OUString sExtrusionShininess ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Shininess" ) ); const rtl::OUString sExtrusionSkew ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Skew" ) ); const rtl::OUString sExtrusionSpecularity ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Specularity" ) ); const rtl::OUString sExtrusionProjectionMode ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "ProjectionMode" ) ); const rtl::OUString sExtrusionViewPoint ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "ViewPoint" ) ); const rtl::OUString sExtrusionOrigin ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Origin" ) ); const rtl::OUString sExtrusionColor ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Color" ) ); if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sExtrusion ) ) { sal_Bool bExtrusionOn = sal_Bool(); if ( rrProp.Value >>= bExtrusionOn ) { nLightFaceFlags |= 0x80000; if ( bExtrusionOn ) nLightFaceFlags |= 8; else nLightFaceFlags &=~8; } } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sExtrusionBrightness ) ) { double fExtrusionBrightness = 0; if ( rrProp.Value >>= fExtrusionBrightness ) AddOpt( DFF_Prop_c3DAmbientIntensity, (sal_Int32)( fExtrusionBrightness * 655.36 ) ); } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sExtrusionDepth ) ) { double fDepth = 0; double fFraction = 0; com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameterPair aDepthParaPair; if ( ( rrProp.Value >>= aDepthParaPair ) && ( aDepthParaPair.First.Value >>= fDepth ) && ( aDepthParaPair.Second.Value >>= fFraction ) ) { double fForeDepth = fDepth * fFraction; double fBackDepth = fDepth - fForeDepth; fBackDepth *= 360.0; AddOpt( DFF_Prop_c3DExtrudeBackward, (sal_Int32)fBackDepth ); if ( fForeDepth != 0.0 ) { fForeDepth *= 360.0; AddOpt( DFF_Prop_c3DExtrudeForward, (sal_Int32)fForeDepth ); } } } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sExtrusionDiffusion ) ) { double fExtrusionDiffusion = 0; if ( rrProp.Value >>= fExtrusionDiffusion ) AddOpt( DFF_Prop_c3DDiffuseAmt, (sal_Int32)( fExtrusionDiffusion * 655.36 ) ); } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sExtrusionNumberOfLineSegments ) ) { sal_Int32 nExtrusionNumberOfLineSegments = 0; if ( rrProp.Value >>= nExtrusionNumberOfLineSegments ) AddOpt( DFF_Prop_c3DTolerance, nExtrusionNumberOfLineSegments ); } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sExtrusionLightFace ) ) { sal_Bool bExtrusionLightFace = sal_Bool(); if ( rrProp.Value >>= bExtrusionLightFace ) { nLightFaceFlags |= 0x10000; if ( bExtrusionLightFace ) nLightFaceFlags |= 1; else nLightFaceFlags &=~1; } } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sExtrusionFirstLightHarsh ) ) { sal_Bool bExtrusionFirstLightHarsh = sal_Bool(); if ( rrProp.Value >>= bExtrusionFirstLightHarsh ) { nFillHarshFlags |= 0x20000; if ( bExtrusionFirstLightHarsh ) nFillHarshFlags |= 2; else nFillHarshFlags &=~2; } } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sExtrusionSecondLightHarsh ) ) { sal_Bool bExtrusionSecondLightHarsh = sal_Bool(); if ( rrProp.Value >>= bExtrusionSecondLightHarsh ) { nFillHarshFlags |= 0x10000; if ( bExtrusionSecondLightHarsh ) nFillHarshFlags |= 1; else nFillHarshFlags &=~1; } } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sExtrusionFirstLightLevel ) ) { double fExtrusionFirstLightLevel = 0; if ( rrProp.Value >>= fExtrusionFirstLightLevel ) AddOpt( DFF_Prop_c3DKeyIntensity, (sal_Int32)( fExtrusionFirstLightLevel * 655.36 ) ); } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sExtrusionSecondLightLevel ) ) { double fExtrusionSecondLightLevel = 0; if ( rrProp.Value >>= fExtrusionSecondLightLevel ) AddOpt( DFF_Prop_c3DFillIntensity, (sal_Int32)( fExtrusionSecondLightLevel * 655.36 ) ); } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sExtrusionFirstLightDirection ) ) { drawing::Direction3D aExtrusionFirstLightDirection; if ( rrProp.Value >>= aExtrusionFirstLightDirection ) { AddOpt( DFF_Prop_c3DKeyX, (sal_Int32)aExtrusionFirstLightDirection.DirectionX ); AddOpt( DFF_Prop_c3DKeyY, (sal_Int32)aExtrusionFirstLightDirection.DirectionY ); AddOpt( DFF_Prop_c3DKeyZ, (sal_Int32)aExtrusionFirstLightDirection.DirectionZ ); } } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sExtrusionSecondLightDirection ) ) { drawing::Direction3D aExtrusionSecondLightPosition; if ( rrProp.Value >>= aExtrusionSecondLightPosition ) { AddOpt( DFF_Prop_c3DFillX, (sal_Int32)aExtrusionSecondLightPosition.DirectionX ); AddOpt( DFF_Prop_c3DFillY, (sal_Int32)aExtrusionSecondLightPosition.DirectionY ); AddOpt( DFF_Prop_c3DFillZ, (sal_Int32)aExtrusionSecondLightPosition.DirectionZ ); } } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sExtrusionMetal ) ) { sal_Bool bExtrusionMetal = sal_Bool(); if ( rrProp.Value >>= bExtrusionMetal ) { nLightFaceFlags |= 0x40000; if ( bExtrusionMetal ) nLightFaceFlags |= 4; else nLightFaceFlags &=~4; } } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sExtrusionShadeMode ) ) { drawing::ShadeMode eExtrusionShadeMode; if ( rrProp.Value >>= eExtrusionShadeMode ) { sal_uInt32 nRenderMode; switch( eExtrusionShadeMode ) { default: case drawing::ShadeMode_FLAT : case drawing::ShadeMode_PHONG : case drawing::ShadeMode_SMOOTH : nRenderMode = mso_FullRender; break; case drawing::ShadeMode_DRAFT : { nRenderMode = mso_Wireframe; } break; } AddOpt( DFF_Prop_c3DRenderMode, nRenderMode ); } } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sExtrusionRotateAngle ) ) { double fExtrusionAngleX = 0; double fExtrusionAngleY = 0; com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameterPair aRotateAnglePair; if ( ( rrProp.Value >>= aRotateAnglePair ) && ( aRotateAnglePair.First.Value >>= fExtrusionAngleX ) && ( aRotateAnglePair.Second.Value >>= fExtrusionAngleY ) ) { fExtrusionAngleX *= 65536; fExtrusionAngleY *= 65536; AddOpt( DFF_Prop_c3DXRotationAngle, (sal_Int32)fExtrusionAngleX ); AddOpt( DFF_Prop_c3DYRotationAngle, (sal_Int32)fExtrusionAngleY ); } } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sExtrusionRotationCenter ) ) { drawing::Direction3D aExtrusionRotationCenter; if ( rrProp.Value >>= aExtrusionRotationCenter ) { AddOpt( DFF_Prop_c3DRotationCenterX, (sal_Int32)( aExtrusionRotationCenter.DirectionX * 360.0 ) ); AddOpt( DFF_Prop_c3DRotationCenterY, (sal_Int32)( aExtrusionRotationCenter.DirectionY * 360.0 ) ); AddOpt( DFF_Prop_c3DRotationCenterZ, (sal_Int32)( aExtrusionRotationCenter.DirectionZ * 360.0 ) ); nFillHarshFlags &=~8; // don't use AutoRotationCenter; } } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sExtrusionShininess ) ) { double fExtrusionShininess = 0; if ( rrProp.Value >>= fExtrusionShininess ) AddOpt( DFF_Prop_c3DShininess, (sal_Int32)( fExtrusionShininess * 655.36 ) ); } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sExtrusionSkew ) ) { double fSkewAmount = 0; double fSkewAngle = 0; com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameterPair aSkewParaPair; if ( ( rrProp.Value >>= aSkewParaPair ) && ( aSkewParaPair.First.Value >>= fSkewAmount ) && ( aSkewParaPair.Second.Value >>= fSkewAngle ) ) { AddOpt( DFF_Prop_c3DSkewAmount, (sal_Int32)fSkewAmount ); AddOpt( DFF_Prop_c3DSkewAngle, (sal_Int32)( fSkewAngle * 65536 ) ); } } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sExtrusionSpecularity ) ) { double fExtrusionSpecularity = 0; if ( rrProp.Value >>= fExtrusionSpecularity ) AddOpt( DFF_Prop_c3DSpecularAmt, (sal_Int32)( fExtrusionSpecularity * 1333 ) ); } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sExtrusionProjectionMode ) ) { drawing::ProjectionMode eExtrusionProjectionMode; if ( rrProp.Value >>= eExtrusionProjectionMode ) { nFillHarshFlags |= 0x40000; if ( eExtrusionProjectionMode == drawing::ProjectionMode_PARALLEL ) nFillHarshFlags |= 4; else nFillHarshFlags &=~4; } } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sExtrusionViewPoint ) ) { drawing::Position3D aExtrusionViewPoint; if ( rrProp.Value >>= aExtrusionViewPoint ) { aExtrusionViewPoint.PositionX *= 360.0; aExtrusionViewPoint.PositionY *= 360.0; aExtrusionViewPoint.PositionZ *= 360.0; AddOpt( DFF_Prop_c3DXViewpoint, (sal_Int32)aExtrusionViewPoint.PositionX ); AddOpt( DFF_Prop_c3DYViewpoint, (sal_Int32)aExtrusionViewPoint.PositionY ); AddOpt( DFF_Prop_c3DZViewpoint, (sal_Int32)aExtrusionViewPoint.PositionZ ); } } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sExtrusionOrigin ) ) { double fExtrusionOriginX = 0; double fExtrusionOriginY = 0; com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameterPair aOriginPair; if ( ( rrProp.Value >>= aOriginPair ) && ( aOriginPair.First.Value >>= fExtrusionOriginX ) && ( aOriginPair.Second.Value >>= fExtrusionOriginY ) ) { AddOpt( DFF_Prop_c3DOriginX, (sal_Int32)( fExtrusionOriginX * 65536 ) ); AddOpt( DFF_Prop_c3DOriginY, (sal_Int32)( fExtrusionOriginY * 65536 ) ); } } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sExtrusionColor ) ) { sal_Bool bExtrusionColor = sal_Bool(); if ( rrProp.Value >>= bExtrusionColor ) { nLightFaceFlags |= 0x20000; if ( bExtrusionColor ) { nLightFaceFlags |= 2; uno::Any aFillColor2; if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aFillColor2, aXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "FillColor2" ) ), sal_True ) ) { sal_uInt32 nFillColor = ImplGetColor( *((sal_uInt32*)aFillColor2.getValue()) ); AddOpt( DFF_Prop_c3DExtrusionColor, nFillColor ); } } else nLightFaceFlags &=~2; } } } if ( nLightFaceFlags != nLightFaceFlagsOrg ) AddOpt( DFF_Prop_fc3DLightFace, nLightFaceFlags ); if ( nFillHarshFlags != nFillHarshFlagsOrg ) AddOpt( DFF_Prop_fc3DFillHarsh, nFillHarshFlags ); } } else if ( rProp.Name.equals( sEquations ) ) { if ( !bIsDefaultObject ) { sal_uInt16 nElements = (sal_uInt16)aEquations.size(); if ( nElements ) { sal_uInt16 nElementSize = 8; sal_uInt32 nStreamSize = nElementSize * nElements + 6; SvMemoryStream aOut( nStreamSize ); aOut << nElements << nElements << nElementSize; std::vector< EnhancedCustomShapeEquation >::const_iterator aIter( aEquations.begin() ); std::vector< EnhancedCustomShapeEquation >::const_iterator aEnd ( aEquations.end() ); while( aIter != aEnd ) { aOut << (sal_uInt16)aIter->nOperation << (sal_Int16)aIter->nPara[ 0 ] << (sal_Int16)aIter->nPara[ 1 ] << (sal_Int16)aIter->nPara[ 2 ]; aIter++; } sal_uInt8* pBuf = new sal_uInt8[ nStreamSize ]; memcpy( pBuf, aOut.GetData(), nStreamSize ); AddOpt( DFF_Prop_pFormulas, sal_True, nStreamSize - 6, pBuf, nStreamSize ); } else { sal_uInt8* pBuf = new sal_uInt8[ 1 ]; AddOpt( DFF_Prop_pFormulas, sal_True, 0, pBuf, 0 ); } } } else if ( rProp.Name.equals( sPath ) ) { uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > aPathPropSeq; if ( rProp.Value >>= aPathPropSeq ) { sal_uInt32 nPathFlags, nPathFlagsOrg; nPathFlagsOrg = nPathFlags = 0x39; if ( GetOpt( DFF_Prop_fFillOK, nPathFlags ) ) nPathFlagsOrg = nPathFlags; sal_Int32 r, nrCount = aPathPropSeq.getLength(); for ( r = 0; r < nrCount; r++ ) { const beans::PropertyValue& rrProp = aPathPropSeq[ r ]; const rtl::OUString sPathExtrusionAllowed ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "ExtrusionAllowed" ) ); const rtl::OUString sPathConcentricGradientFillAllowed ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "ConcentricGradientFillAllowed" ) ); const rtl::OUString sPathTextPathAllowed ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "TextPathAllowed" ) ); const rtl::OUString sPathCoordinates ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Coordinates" ) ); const rtl::OUString sPathGluePoints ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "GluePoints" ) ); const rtl::OUString sPathGluePointType ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "GluePointType" ) ); const rtl::OUString sPathSegments ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Segments" ) ); const rtl::OUString sPathStretchX ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "StretchX" ) ); const rtl::OUString sPathStretchY ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "StretchY" ) ); const rtl::OUString sPathTextFrames ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "TextFrames" ) ); if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sPathExtrusionAllowed ) ) { sal_Bool bExtrusionAllowed = sal_Bool(); if ( rrProp.Value >>= bExtrusionAllowed ) { nPathFlags |= 0x100000; if ( bExtrusionAllowed ) nPathFlags |= 16; else nPathFlags &=~16; } } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sPathConcentricGradientFillAllowed ) ) { sal_Bool bConcentricGradientFillAllowed = sal_Bool(); if ( rrProp.Value >>= bConcentricGradientFillAllowed ) { nPathFlags |= 0x20000; if ( bConcentricGradientFillAllowed ) nPathFlags |= 2; else nPathFlags &=~2; } } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sPathTextPathAllowed ) ) { sal_Bool bTextPathAllowed = sal_Bool(); if ( rrProp.Value >>= bTextPathAllowed ) { nPathFlags |= 0x40000; if ( bTextPathAllowed ) nPathFlags |= 4; else nPathFlags &=~4; } } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sPathCoordinates ) ) { if ( !bIsDefaultObject ) pPathCoordinatesProp = &rrProp; } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sPathGluePoints ) ) { if ( !bIsDefaultObject ) { com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameterPair> aGluePoints; if ( rrProp.Value >>= aGluePoints ) { // creating the vertices sal_uInt16 nElements = (sal_uInt16)aGluePoints.getLength(); if ( nElements ) { sal_uInt16 j, nElementSize = 8; sal_uInt32 nStreamSize = nElementSize * nElements + 6; SvMemoryStream aOut( nStreamSize ); aOut << nElements << nElements << nElementSize; for( j = 0; j < nElements; j++ ) { sal_Int32 X = GetValueForEnhancedCustomShapeParameter( aGluePoints[ j ].First, aEquationOrder ); sal_Int32 Y = GetValueForEnhancedCustomShapeParameter( aGluePoints[ j ].Second, aEquationOrder ); aOut << X << Y; } sal_uInt8* pBuf = new sal_uInt8[ nStreamSize ]; memcpy( pBuf, aOut.GetData(), nStreamSize ); AddOpt( DFF_Prop_connectorPoints, sal_True, nStreamSize - 6, pBuf, nStreamSize ); // -6 } else { sal_uInt8* pBuf = new sal_uInt8[ 1 ]; AddOpt( DFF_Prop_connectorPoints, sal_True, 0, pBuf, 0 ); } } } } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sPathGluePointType ) ) { sal_Int16 nGluePointType = sal_Int16(); if ( rrProp.Value >>= nGluePointType ) AddOpt( DFF_Prop_connectorType, (sal_uInt16)nGluePointType ); } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sPathSegments ) ) { if ( !bIsDefaultObject ) { com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeSegment > aSegments; if ( rrProp.Value >>= aSegments ) { // creating seginfo if ( (sal_uInt16)aSegments.getLength() ) { sal_uInt16 j, nElements = (sal_uInt16)aSegments.getLength(); sal_uInt16 nElementSize = 2; sal_uInt32 nStreamSize = nElementSize * nElements + 6; SvMemoryStream aOut( nStreamSize ); aOut << nElements << nElements << nElementSize; for ( j = 0; j < nElements; j++ ) { sal_uInt16 nVal = (sal_uInt16)aSegments[ j ].Count; switch( aSegments[ j ].Command ) { case com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeSegmentCommand::UNKNOWN : case com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeSegmentCommand::LINETO : break; case com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeSegmentCommand::MOVETO : { nVal = 0x4000; } break; case com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeSegmentCommand::CURVETO : { nVal |= 0x2000; } break; case com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeSegmentCommand::CLOSESUBPATH : { nVal = 0x6001; } break; case com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeSegmentCommand::ENDSUBPATH : { nVal = 0x8000; } break; case com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeSegmentCommand::NOFILL : { nVal = 0xaa00; } break; case com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeSegmentCommand::NOSTROKE : { nVal = 0xab00; } break; case com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeSegmentCommand::ANGLEELLIPSETO : { nVal *= 3; nVal |= 0xa100; } break; case com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeSegmentCommand::ANGLEELLIPSE : { nVal *= 3; nVal |= 0xa200; } break; case com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeSegmentCommand::ARCTO : { nVal <<= 2; nVal |= 0xa300; } break; case com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeSegmentCommand::ARC : { nVal <<= 2; nVal |= 0xa400; } break; case com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeSegmentCommand::CLOCKWISEARCTO : { nVal <<= 2; nVal |= 0xa500; } break; case com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeSegmentCommand::CLOCKWISEARC : { nVal <<= 2; nVal |= 0xa600; } break; case com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeSegmentCommand::ELLIPTICALQUADRANTX : { nVal |= 0xa700; } break; case com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeSegmentCommand::ELLIPTICALQUADRANTY : { nVal |= 0xa800; } break; } aOut << nVal; } sal_uInt8* pBuf = new sal_uInt8[ nStreamSize ]; memcpy( pBuf, aOut.GetData(), nStreamSize ); AddOpt( DFF_Prop_pSegmentInfo, sal_False, nStreamSize - 6, pBuf, nStreamSize ); } else { sal_uInt8* pBuf = new sal_uInt8[ 1 ]; AddOpt( DFF_Prop_pSegmentInfo, sal_True, 0, pBuf, 0 ); } } } } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sPathStretchX ) ) { if ( !bIsDefaultObject ) { sal_Int32 nStretchX = 0; if ( rrProp.Value >>= nStretchX ) AddOpt( DFF_Prop_stretchPointX, nStretchX ); } } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sPathStretchY ) ) { if ( !bIsDefaultObject ) { sal_Int32 nStretchY = 0; if ( rrProp.Value >>= nStretchY ) AddOpt( DFF_Prop_stretchPointY, nStretchY ); } } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sPathTextFrames ) ) { if ( !bIsDefaultObject ) { com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeTextFrame > aPathTextFrames; if ( rrProp.Value >>= aPathTextFrames ) { if ( (sal_uInt16)aPathTextFrames.getLength() ) { sal_uInt16 j, nElements = (sal_uInt16)aPathTextFrames.getLength(); sal_uInt16 nElementSize = 16; sal_uInt32 nStreamSize = nElementSize * nElements + 6; SvMemoryStream aOut( nStreamSize ); aOut << nElements << nElements << nElementSize; for ( j = 0; j < nElements; j++ ) { sal_Int32 nLeft = GetValueForEnhancedCustomShapeParameter( aPathTextFrames[ j ].TopLeft.First, aEquationOrder ); sal_Int32 nTop = GetValueForEnhancedCustomShapeParameter( aPathTextFrames[ j ].TopLeft.Second, aEquationOrder ); sal_Int32 nRight = GetValueForEnhancedCustomShapeParameter( aPathTextFrames[ j ].BottomRight.First, aEquationOrder ); sal_Int32 nBottom = GetValueForEnhancedCustomShapeParameter( aPathTextFrames[ j ].BottomRight.Second, aEquationOrder ); aOut << nLeft << nTop << nRight << nBottom; } sal_uInt8* pBuf = new sal_uInt8[ nStreamSize ]; memcpy( pBuf, aOut.GetData(), nStreamSize ); AddOpt( DFF_Prop_textRectangles, sal_True, nStreamSize - 6, pBuf, nStreamSize ); } else { sal_uInt8* pBuf = new sal_uInt8[ 1 ]; AddOpt( DFF_Prop_textRectangles, sal_True, 0, pBuf, 0 ); } } } } } if ( nPathFlags != nPathFlagsOrg ) AddOpt( DFF_Prop_fFillOK, nPathFlags ); } } else if ( rProp.Name.equals( sTextPath ) ) { uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > aTextPathPropSeq; if ( rProp.Value >>= aTextPathPropSeq ) { sal_uInt32 nTextPathFlagsOrg, nTextPathFlags; nTextPathFlagsOrg = nTextPathFlags = 0xffff1000; // default if ( GetOpt( DFF_Prop_gtextFStrikethrough, nTextPathFlags ) ) nTextPathFlagsOrg = nTextPathFlags; sal_Int32 r, nrCount = aTextPathPropSeq.getLength(); for ( r = 0; r < nrCount; r++ ) { const beans::PropertyValue& rrProp = aTextPathPropSeq[ r ]; const rtl::OUString sTextPathMode ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "TextPathMode" ) ); const rtl::OUString sTextPathScaleX ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "ScaleX" ) ); const rtl::OUString sSameLetterHeights ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "SameLetterHeights" ) ); if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sTextPath ) ) { sal_Bool bTextPathOn = sal_Bool(); if ( rrProp.Value >>= bTextPathOn ) { nTextPathFlags |= 0x40000000; if ( bTextPathOn ) { nTextPathFlags |= 0x4000; sal_uInt32 nPathFlags = 0x39; GetOpt( DFF_Prop_fFillOK, nPathFlags ); // SJ: can be removed if we are supporting the TextPathAllowed property in XML nPathFlags |= 0x40004; AddOpt( DFF_Prop_fFillOK, nPathFlags ); } else nTextPathFlags &=~0x4000; } } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sTextPathMode ) ) { com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeTextPathMode eTextPathMode; if ( rrProp.Value >>= eTextPathMode ) { nTextPathFlags |= 0x05000000; nTextPathFlags &=~0x500; // TextPathMode_NORMAL if ( eTextPathMode == com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeTextPathMode_PATH ) nTextPathFlags |= 0x100; else if ( eTextPathMode == com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeTextPathMode_SHAPE ) nTextPathFlags |= 0x500; } } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sTextPathScaleX ) ) { sal_Bool bTextPathScaleX = sal_Bool(); if ( rrProp.Value >>= bTextPathScaleX ) { nTextPathFlags |= 0x00400000; if ( bTextPathScaleX ) nTextPathFlags |= 0x40; else nTextPathFlags &=~0x40; } } else if ( rrProp.Name.equals( sSameLetterHeights ) ) { sal_Bool bSameLetterHeights = sal_Bool(); if ( rrProp.Value >>= bSameLetterHeights ) { nTextPathFlags |= 0x00800000; if ( bSameLetterHeights ) nTextPathFlags |= 0x80; else nTextPathFlags &=~0x80; } } } if ( nTextPathFlags & 0x4000 ) // Is FontWork ? { // FontWork Text rtl::OUString aText; uno::Reference< text::XSimpleText > xText( rXShape, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if ( xText.is() ) aText = xText->getString(); if ( !aText.getLength() ) aText = ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "your text" ); // todo: moving into a resource AddOpt( DFF_Prop_gtextUNICODE, aText ); // FontWork Font rtl::OUString aFontName; const rtl::OUString sCharFontName ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "CharFontName" ) ); uno::Any aAny = aXPropSet->getPropertyValue( sCharFontName ); aAny >>= aFontName; if ( !aFontName.getLength() ) aFontName = ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "Arial Black" ); AddOpt( DFF_Prop_gtextFont, aFontName ); sal_Int16 nCharScaleWidth = 100; if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, aXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "CharScaleWidth" ) ), sal_True ) ) { if ( aAny >>= nCharScaleWidth ) { if ( nCharScaleWidth != 100 ) { sal_Int32 nVal = nCharScaleWidth * 655; AddOpt( DFF_Prop_gtextSpacing, nVal ); } } } if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, aXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "CharHeight" ) ), sal_True ) ) { float fCharHeight = 0.0; if ( aAny >>= fCharHeight ) { sal_Int32 nTextSize = static_cast< sal_Int32 > ( fCharHeight * 65536 ); AddOpt(ESCHER_Prop_gtextSize, nTextSize); } } if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, aXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "CharKerning" ) ), sal_True ) ) { sal_Int16 nCharKerning = sal_Int16(); if ( aAny >>= nCharKerning ) { nTextPathFlags |= 0x10000000; if ( nCharKerning ) nTextPathFlags |= 0x1000; else nTextPathFlags &=~0x1000; } } if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, aXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "CharPosture" ) ), sal_True ) ) { awt::FontSlant eFontSlant; if ( aAny >>= eFontSlant ) { nTextPathFlags |= 0x100010; if ( eFontSlant != awt::FontSlant_NONE ) nTextPathFlags |= 0x10; else nTextPathFlags &=~0x10; } } if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, aXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "CharWeight" ) ), sal_True ) ) { float fFontWidth = 0; if ( aAny >>= fFontWidth ) { nTextPathFlags |= 0x200020; if ( fFontWidth > awt::FontWeight::NORMAL ) nTextPathFlags |= 0x20; else nTextPathFlags &=~0x20; } } //export gTextAlign attr if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, aXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "TextHorizontalAdjust" ) ), sal_True ) ) { MSO_GeoTextAlign gTextAlign = mso_alignTextCenter; // SdrFitToSizeType eFTS( ((SdrTextFitToSizeTypeItem&)pCustoShape->GetMergedItem( SDRATTR_TEXT_FITTOSIZE )).GetValue() ); drawing::TextHorizontalAdjust eHA( drawing::TextHorizontalAdjust_LEFT ); aAny >>= eHA; switch( eHA ) { case drawing::TextHorizontalAdjust_LEFT : gTextAlign = mso_alignTextLeft; break; case drawing::TextHorizontalAdjust_CENTER: gTextAlign = mso_alignTextCenter; break; case drawing::TextHorizontalAdjust_RIGHT: gTextAlign = mso_alignTextRight; break; case drawing::TextHorizontalAdjust_BLOCK: { SdrFitToSizeType eFTS( ((SdrTextFitToSizeTypeItem&)pCustoShape->GetMergedItem( SDRATTR_TEXT_FITTOSIZE )).GetValue() ); if ( eFTS == SDRTEXTFIT_ALLLINES) { gTextAlign = mso_alignTextStretch; } else { gTextAlign = mso_alignTextWordJust; } break; } default: break; } AddOpt(DFF_Prop_gtextAlign,gTextAlign); } } if((nTextPathFlags & 0x4000) != 0) //Is Font work { OutlinerParaObject* pOutlinerParaObject = pCustoShape->GetOutlinerParaObject(); if ( pOutlinerParaObject && pOutlinerParaObject->IsVertical() ) nTextPathFlags |= 0x2000; } if ( nTextPathFlags != nTextPathFlagsOrg ) AddOpt( DFF_Prop_gtextFStrikethrough, nTextPathFlags ); } } else if ( rProp.Name.equals( sHandles ) ) { if ( !bIsDefaultObject ) { bPredefinedHandlesUsed = sal_False; if ( rProp.Value >>= aHandlesPropSeq ) { sal_uInt16 nElements = (sal_uInt16)aHandlesPropSeq.getLength(); if ( nElements ) { const rtl::OUString sHandle ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Handle" ) ); sal_uInt16 k, j, nElementSize = 36; sal_uInt32 nStreamSize = nElementSize * nElements + 6; SvMemoryStream aOut( nStreamSize ); aOut << nElements << nElements << nElementSize; for ( k = 0; k < nElements; k++ ) { sal_uInt32 nFlags = 0; sal_Int32 nXPosition = 0; sal_Int32 nYPosition = 0; sal_Int32 nXMap = 0; sal_Int32 nYMap = 0; sal_Int32 nXRangeMin = 0x80000000; sal_Int32 nXRangeMax = 0x7fffffff; sal_Int32 nYRangeMin = 0x80000000; sal_Int32 nYRangeMax = 0x7fffffff; const uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue >& rPropSeq = aHandlesPropSeq[ k ]; for ( j = 0; j < rPropSeq.getLength(); j++ ) { const beans::PropertyValue& rPropVal = rPropSeq[ j ]; const rtl::OUString sPosition ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Position" ) ); const rtl::OUString sMirroredX ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "MirroredX" ) ); const rtl::OUString sMirroredY ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "MirroredY" ) ); const rtl::OUString sSwitched ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Switched" ) ); const rtl::OUString sPolar ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Polar" ) ); // const rtl::OUString sMap ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Map" ) ); const rtl::OUString sRadiusRangeMinimum ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "RadiusRangeMinimum" ) ); const rtl::OUString sRadiusRangeMaximum ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "RadiusRangeMaximum" ) ); const rtl::OUString sRangeXMinimum ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "RangeXMinimum" ) ); const rtl::OUString sRangeXMaximum ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "RangeXMaximum" ) ); const rtl::OUString sRangeYMinimum ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "RangeYMinimum" ) ); const rtl::OUString sRangeYMaximum ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "RangeYMaximum" ) ); if ( rPropVal.Name.equals( sPosition ) ) { com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameterPair aPosition; if ( rPropVal.Value >>= aPosition ) { GetValueForEnhancedCustomShapeHandleParameter( nXPosition, aPosition.First ); GetValueForEnhancedCustomShapeHandleParameter( nYPosition, aPosition.Second ); } } else if ( rPropVal.Name.equals( sMirroredX ) ) { sal_Bool bMirroredX = sal_Bool(); if ( rPropVal.Value >>= bMirroredX ) { if ( bMirroredX ) nFlags |= 1; } } else if ( rPropVal.Name.equals( sMirroredY ) ) { sal_Bool bMirroredY = sal_Bool(); if ( rPropVal.Value >>= bMirroredY ) { if ( bMirroredY ) nFlags |= 2; } } else if ( rPropVal.Name.equals( sSwitched ) ) { sal_Bool bSwitched = sal_Bool(); if ( rPropVal.Value >>= bSwitched ) { if ( bSwitched ) nFlags |= 4; } } else if ( rPropVal.Name.equals( sPolar ) ) { com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameterPair aPolar; if ( rPropVal.Value >>= aPolar ) { if ( GetValueForEnhancedCustomShapeHandleParameter( nXMap, aPolar.First ) ) nFlags |= 0x800; if ( GetValueForEnhancedCustomShapeHandleParameter( nYMap, aPolar.Second ) ) nFlags |= 0x1000; nFlags |= 8; } } /* seems not to be used. else if ( rPropVal.Name.equals( sMap ) ) { com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameterPair aMap; if ( rPropVal.Value >>= aMap ) { if ( GetValueForEnhancedCustomShapeHandleParameter( nXMap, aMap.First ) ) nFlags |= 0x800; if ( GetValueForEnhancedCustomShapeHandleParameter( nYMap, aMap.Second ) ) nFlags |= 0x1000; nFlags |= 0x10; } } */ else if ( rPropVal.Name.equals( sRadiusRangeMinimum ) ) { nYRangeMin = (sal_Int32)0xff4c0000; // the range of angles seems to be a not nYRangeMax = (sal_Int32)0x00b40000; // used feature, so we are defaulting this com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameter aRadiusRangeMinimum; if ( rPropVal.Value >>= aRadiusRangeMinimum ) { if ( GetValueForEnhancedCustomShapeHandleParameter( nXRangeMin, aRadiusRangeMinimum ) ) nFlags |= 0x80; nFlags |= 0x2000; } } else if ( rPropVal.Name.equals( sRadiusRangeMaximum ) ) { nYRangeMin = (sal_Int32)0xff4c0000; // the range of angles seems to be a not nYRangeMax = (sal_Int32)0x00b40000; // used feature, so we are defaulting this com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameter aRadiusRangeMaximum; if ( rPropVal.Value >>= aRadiusRangeMaximum ) { if ( GetValueForEnhancedCustomShapeHandleParameter( nXRangeMax, aRadiusRangeMaximum ) ) nFlags |= 0x100; nFlags |= 0x2000; } } else if ( rPropVal.Name.equals( sRangeXMinimum ) ) { com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameter aXRangeMinimum; if ( rPropVal.Value >>= aXRangeMinimum ) { if ( GetValueForEnhancedCustomShapeHandleParameter( nXRangeMin, aXRangeMinimum ) ) nFlags |= 0x80; nFlags |= 0x20; } } else if ( rPropVal.Name.equals( sRangeXMaximum ) ) { com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameter aXRangeMaximum; if ( rPropVal.Value >>= aXRangeMaximum ) { if ( GetValueForEnhancedCustomShapeHandleParameter( nXRangeMax, aXRangeMaximum ) ) nFlags |= 0x100; nFlags |= 0x20; } } else if ( rPropVal.Name.equals( sRangeYMinimum ) ) { com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameter aYRangeMinimum; if ( rPropVal.Value >>= aYRangeMinimum ) { if ( GetValueForEnhancedCustomShapeHandleParameter( nYRangeMin, aYRangeMinimum ) ) nFlags |= 0x200; nFlags |= 0x20; } } else if ( rPropVal.Name.equals( sRangeYMaximum ) ) { com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameter aYRangeMaximum; if ( rPropVal.Value >>= aYRangeMaximum ) { if ( GetValueForEnhancedCustomShapeHandleParameter( nYRangeMax, aYRangeMaximum ) ) nFlags |= 0x400; nFlags |= 0x20; } } } aOut << nFlags << nXPosition << nYPosition << nXMap << nYMap << nXRangeMin << nXRangeMax << nYRangeMin << nYRangeMax; if ( nFlags & 8 ) nAdjustmentsWhichNeedsToBeConverted |= ( 1 << ( nYPosition - 0x100 ) ); } sal_uInt8* pBuf = new sal_uInt8[ nStreamSize ]; memcpy( pBuf, aOut.GetData(), nStreamSize ); AddOpt( DFF_Prop_Handles, sal_True, nStreamSize - 6, pBuf, nStreamSize ); } else { sal_uInt8* pBuf = new sal_uInt8[ 1 ]; AddOpt( DFF_Prop_Handles, sal_True, 0, pBuf, 0 ); } } } } else if ( rProp.Name.equals( sAdjustmentValues ) ) { // it is required, that the information which handle is polar has already be read, // so we are able to change the polar value to a fixed float pAdjustmentValuesProp = &rProp; } } if ( pAdjustmentValuesProp ) { uno::Sequence< com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeAdjustmentValue > aAdjustmentSeq; if ( pAdjustmentValuesProp->Value >>= aAdjustmentSeq ) { if ( bPredefinedHandlesUsed ) LookForPolarHandles( eShapeType, nAdjustmentsWhichNeedsToBeConverted ); sal_Int32 k, nValue = 0, nAdjustmentValues = aAdjustmentSeq.getLength(); for ( k = 0; k < nAdjustmentValues; k++ ) if( GetAdjustmentValue( aAdjustmentSeq[ k ], k, nAdjustmentsWhichNeedsToBeConverted, nValue ) ) AddOpt( (sal_uInt16)( DFF_Prop_adjustValue + k ), (sal_uInt32)nValue ); } } if( pPathCoordinatesProp ) { com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeParameterPair > aCoordinates; if ( pPathCoordinatesProp->Value >>= aCoordinates ) { // creating the vertices if ( (sal_uInt16)aCoordinates.getLength() ) { sal_uInt16 j, nElements = (sal_uInt16)aCoordinates.getLength(); sal_uInt16 nElementSize = 8; sal_uInt32 nStreamSize = nElementSize * nElements + 6; SvMemoryStream aOut( nStreamSize ); aOut << nElements << nElements << nElementSize; for( j = 0; j < nElements; j++ ) { sal_Int32 X = GetValueForEnhancedCustomShapeParameter( aCoordinates[ j ].First, aEquationOrder, sal_True ); sal_Int32 Y = GetValueForEnhancedCustomShapeParameter( aCoordinates[ j ].Second, aEquationOrder, sal_True ); aOut << X << Y; } sal_uInt8* pBuf = new sal_uInt8[ nStreamSize ]; memcpy( pBuf, aOut.GetData(), nStreamSize ); AddOpt( DFF_Prop_pVertices, sal_True, nStreamSize - 6, pBuf, nStreamSize ); // -6 } else { sal_uInt8* pBuf = new sal_uInt8[ 1 ]; AddOpt( DFF_Prop_pVertices, sal_True, 0, pBuf, 0 ); } } } } } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MSO_SPT EscherPropertyContainer::GetCustomShapeType( const uno::Reference< drawing::XShape > & rXShape, sal_uInt32& nMirrorFlags, rtl::OUString& rShapeType ) { MSO_SPT eShapeType = mso_sptNil; nMirrorFlags = 0; uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > aXPropSet( rXShape, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if ( aXPropSet.is() ) { try { const OUString sCustomShapeGeometry( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "CustomShapeGeometry" ) ); uno::Any aGeoPropSet = aXPropSet->getPropertyValue( sCustomShapeGeometry ); uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > aGeoPropSeq; if ( aGeoPropSet >>= aGeoPropSeq ) { sal_Int32 i, nCount = aGeoPropSeq.getLength(); for ( i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { const beans::PropertyValue& rProp = aGeoPropSeq[ i ]; if ( rProp.Name.equalsAscii( "Type" ) ) { if ( rProp.Value >>= rShapeType ) eShapeType = EnhancedCustomShapeTypeNames::Get( rShapeType ); } else if ( rProp.Name.equalsAscii( "MirroredX" ) ) { sal_Bool bMirroredX = sal_Bool(); if ( ( rProp.Value >>= bMirroredX ) && bMirroredX ) nMirrorFlags |= SHAPEFLAG_FLIPH; } else if ( rProp.Name.equalsAscii( "MirroredY" ) ) { sal_Bool bMirroredY = sal_Bool(); if ( ( rProp.Value >>= bMirroredY ) && bMirroredY ) nMirrorFlags |= SHAPEFLAG_FLIPV; } } } } catch( ::com::sun::star::uno::Exception& ) { } } return eShapeType; } MSO_SPT EscherPropertyContainer::GetCustomShapeType( const uno::Reference< drawing::XShape > & rXShape, sal_uInt32& nMirrorFlags ) { rtl::OUString aShapeType; return GetCustomShapeType( rXShape, nMirrorFlags, aShapeType ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EscherPersistTable::EscherPersistTable() { } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EscherPersistTable::~EscherPersistTable() { for ( void* pPtr = maPersistTable.First(); pPtr; pPtr = maPersistTable.Next() ) delete (EscherPersistEntry*)pPtr; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool EscherPersistTable::PtIsID( sal_uInt32 nID ) { for ( void* pPtr = maPersistTable.First(); pPtr; pPtr = maPersistTable.Next() ) { if ( ((EscherPersistEntry*)pPtr)->mnID == nID ) return sal_True; } return sal_False; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EscherPersistTable::PtInsert( sal_uInt32 nID, sal_uInt32 nOfs ) { maPersistTable.Insert( new EscherPersistEntry( nID, nOfs ) ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_uInt32 EscherPersistTable::PtDelete( sal_uInt32 nID ) { for ( void* pPtr = maPersistTable.First(); pPtr; pPtr = maPersistTable.Next() ) { if ( ((EscherPersistEntry*)pPtr)->mnID == nID ) { // sal_uInt32 nRetValue = ((EscherPersistEntry*)pPtr)->mnOffset; delete (EscherPersistEntry*) maPersistTable.Remove(); } } return 0; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_uInt32 EscherPersistTable::PtGetOffsetByID( sal_uInt32 nID ) { for ( void* pPtr = maPersistTable.First(); pPtr; pPtr = maPersistTable.Next() ) { if ( ((EscherPersistEntry*)pPtr)->mnID == nID ) return ((EscherPersistEntry*)pPtr)->mnOffset; } return 0; }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_uInt32 EscherPersistTable::PtReplace( sal_uInt32 nID, sal_uInt32 nOfs ) { for ( void* pPtr = maPersistTable.First(); pPtr; pPtr = maPersistTable.Next() ) { if ( ((EscherPersistEntry*)pPtr)->mnID == nID ) { sal_uInt32 nRetValue = ((EscherPersistEntry*)pPtr)->mnOffset; ((EscherPersistEntry*)pPtr)->mnOffset = nOfs; return nRetValue; } } return 0; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_uInt32 EscherPersistTable::PtReplaceOrInsert( sal_uInt32 nID, sal_uInt32 nOfs ) { for ( void* pPtr = maPersistTable.First(); pPtr; pPtr = maPersistTable.Next() ) { if ( ((EscherPersistEntry*)pPtr)->mnID == nID ) { sal_uInt32 nRetValue = ((EscherPersistEntry*)pPtr)->mnOffset; ((EscherPersistEntry*)pPtr)->mnOffset = nOfs; return nRetValue; } } PtInsert( nID, nOfs ); return 0; } sal_Bool EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rAny, const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > & rXPropSet, const String& rString, sal_Bool bTestPropertyAvailability ) { sal_Bool bRetValue = sal_True; if ( bTestPropertyAvailability ) { bRetValue = sal_False; try { ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySetInfo > aXPropSetInfo( rXPropSet->getPropertySetInfo() ); if ( aXPropSetInfo.is() ) bRetValue = aXPropSetInfo->hasPropertyByName( rString ); } catch( ::com::sun::star::uno::Exception& ) { bRetValue = sal_False; } } if ( bRetValue ) { try { rAny = rXPropSet->getPropertyValue( rString ); if ( !rAny.hasValue() ) bRetValue = sal_False; } catch( ::com::sun::star::uno::Exception& ) { bRetValue = sal_False; } } return bRetValue; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyState EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyState( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > & rXPropSet, const String& rPropertyName ) { ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyState eRetValue = ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyState_AMBIGUOUS_VALUE; try { ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertyState > aXPropState ( rXPropSet, ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY ); if ( aXPropState.is() ) eRetValue = aXPropState->getPropertyState( rPropertyName ); } catch( ::com::sun::star::uno::Exception& ) { //... } return eRetValue; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EscherBlibEntry::EscherBlibEntry( sal_uInt32 nPictureOffset, const GraphicObject& rObject, const ByteString& rId, const GraphicAttr* pGraphicAttr ) : mnPictureOffset ( nPictureOffset ), mnRefCount ( 1 ), mnSizeExtra ( 0 ), maPrefSize ( rObject.GetPrefSize() ), maPrefMapMode ( rObject.GetPrefMapMode() ), mbIsEmpty ( sal_True ) { mbIsNativeGraphicPossible = ( pGraphicAttr == NULL ); meBlibType = UNKNOWN; mnSize = 0; sal_uInt32 nLen = rId.Len(); const sal_Char* pData = rId.GetBuffer(); GraphicType eType( rObject.GetType() ); if ( nLen && pData && ( eType != GRAPHIC_NONE ) ) { mnIdentifier[ 0 ] = rtl_crc32( 0,pData, nLen ); mnIdentifier[ 1 ] = 0; if ( pGraphicAttr ) { if ( pGraphicAttr->IsSpecialDrawMode() || pGraphicAttr->IsMirrored() || pGraphicAttr->IsCropped() || pGraphicAttr->IsRotated() || pGraphicAttr->IsTransparent() || pGraphicAttr->IsAdjusted() ) { SvMemoryStream aSt( sizeof( GraphicAttr ) ); aSt << static_cast(pGraphicAttr->GetDrawMode()) << static_cast(pGraphicAttr->GetMirrorFlags()) << pGraphicAttr->GetLeftCrop() << pGraphicAttr->GetTopCrop() << pGraphicAttr->GetRightCrop() << pGraphicAttr->GetBottomCrop() << pGraphicAttr->GetRotation() << pGraphicAttr->GetLuminance() << pGraphicAttr->GetContrast() << pGraphicAttr->GetChannelR() << pGraphicAttr->GetChannelG() << pGraphicAttr->GetChannelB() << pGraphicAttr->GetGamma() << (sal_Bool)( pGraphicAttr->IsInvert() == sal_True ) << pGraphicAttr->GetTransparency(); mnIdentifier[ 1 ] = rtl_crc32( 0, aSt.GetData(), aSt.Tell() ); } else mbIsNativeGraphicPossible = sal_True; } sal_uInt32 i, nTmp, n1, n2; n1 = n2 = 0; for ( i = 0; i < nLen; i++ ) { nTmp = n2 >> 28; // rotating 4 bit n2 <<= 4; n2 |= n1 >> 28; n1 <<= 4; n1 |= nTmp; n1 ^= *pData++ - '0'; } mnIdentifier[ 2 ] = n1; mnIdentifier[ 3 ] = n2; mbIsEmpty = sal_False; } }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EscherBlibEntry::WriteBlibEntry( SvStream& rSt, sal_Bool bWritePictureOffset, sal_uInt32 nResize ) { sal_uInt32 nPictureOffset = ( bWritePictureOffset ) ? mnPictureOffset : 0; rSt << (sal_uInt32)( ( ESCHER_BSE << 16 ) | ( ( (sal_uInt16)meBlibType << 4 ) | 2 ) ) << (sal_uInt32)( 36 + nResize ) << (sal_uInt8)meBlibType; switch ( meBlibType ) { case EMF : case WMF : // EMF/WMF auf OS2 zu Pict Konvertieren rSt << (sal_uInt8)PICT; break; default: rSt << (sal_uInt8)meBlibType; }; rSt.Write( &mnIdentifier[ 0 ], 16 ); rSt << (sal_uInt16)0 << (sal_uInt32)( mnSize + mnSizeExtra ) << mnRefCount << nPictureOffset << (sal_uInt32)0; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EscherBlibEntry::~EscherBlibEntry() { }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool EscherBlibEntry::operator==( const EscherBlibEntry& rEscherBlibEntry ) const { for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if ( mnIdentifier[ i ] != rEscherBlibEntry.mnIdentifier[ i ] ) return sal_False; } return sal_True; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EscherGraphicProvider::EscherGraphicProvider( sal_uInt32 nFlags ) : mnFlags ( nFlags ), mpBlibEntrys ( NULL ), mnBlibBufSize ( 0 ), mnBlibEntrys ( 0 ) { } EscherGraphicProvider::~EscherGraphicProvider() { for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < mnBlibEntrys; delete mpBlibEntrys[ i++ ] ) ; delete[] mpBlibEntrys; } void EscherGraphicProvider::SetNewBlipStreamOffset( sal_Int32 nOffset ) { for( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < mnBlibEntrys; i++ ) { EscherBlibEntry* pBlibEntry = mpBlibEntrys[ i ]; pBlibEntry->mnPictureOffset += nOffset; } } sal_uInt32 EscherGraphicProvider::ImplInsertBlib( EscherBlibEntry* p_EscherBlibEntry ) { if ( mnBlibBufSize == mnBlibEntrys ) { mnBlibBufSize += 64; EscherBlibEntry** pTemp = new EscherBlibEntry*[ mnBlibBufSize ]; for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < mnBlibEntrys; i++ ) { pTemp[ i ] = mpBlibEntrys[ i ]; } delete[] mpBlibEntrys; mpBlibEntrys = pTemp; } mpBlibEntrys[ mnBlibEntrys++ ] = p_EscherBlibEntry; return mnBlibEntrys; } sal_uInt32 EscherGraphicProvider::GetBlibStoreContainerSize( SvStream* pMergePicStreamBSE ) const { sal_uInt32 nSize = 44 * mnBlibEntrys + 8; if ( pMergePicStreamBSE ) { for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < mnBlibEntrys; i++ ) nSize += mpBlibEntrys[ i ]->mnSize + mpBlibEntrys[ i ]->mnSizeExtra; } return nSize; } sal_Bool EscherGraphicProvider::WriteBlibStoreEntry(SvStream& rSt, sal_uInt32 nBlipId, sal_Bool bWritePictureOffSet, sal_uInt32 nResize) { if (nBlipId > mnBlibEntrys || nBlipId == 0) return sal_False; mpBlibEntrys[nBlipId-1]->WriteBlibEntry(rSt, bWritePictureOffSet, nResize); return sal_True; } void EscherGraphicProvider::WriteBlibStoreContainer( SvStream& rSt, SvStream* pMergePicStreamBSE ) { sal_uInt32 nSize = GetBlibStoreContainerSize( pMergePicStreamBSE ); if ( nSize ) { rSt << (sal_uInt32)( ( ESCHER_BstoreContainer << 16 ) | 0x1f ) << (sal_uInt32)( nSize - 8 ); if ( pMergePicStreamBSE ) { sal_uInt32 i, nBlipSize, nOldPos = pMergePicStreamBSE->Tell(); const sal_uInt32 nBuf = 0x40000; // 256KB buffer sal_uInt8* pBuf = new sal_uInt8[ nBuf ]; for ( i = 0; i < mnBlibEntrys; i++ ) { EscherBlibEntry* pBlibEntry = mpBlibEntrys[ i ]; ESCHER_BlibType nBlibType = pBlibEntry->meBlibType; nBlipSize = pBlibEntry->mnSize + pBlibEntry->mnSizeExtra; pBlibEntry->WriteBlibEntry( rSt, sal_False, nBlipSize ); // BLIP pMergePicStreamBSE->Seek( pBlibEntry->mnPictureOffset ); sal_uInt16 n16; // record version and instance *pMergePicStreamBSE >> n16; rSt << n16; // record type *pMergePicStreamBSE >> n16; rSt << sal_uInt16( ESCHER_BlipFirst + nBlibType ); DBG_ASSERT( n16 == ESCHER_BlipFirst + nBlibType , "EscherGraphicProvider::WriteBlibStoreContainer: BLIP record types differ" ); sal_uInt32 n32; // record size *pMergePicStreamBSE >> n32; nBlipSize -= 8; rSt << nBlipSize; DBG_ASSERT( nBlipSize == n32, "EscherGraphicProvider::WriteBlibStoreContainer: BLIP sizes differ" ); // record while ( nBlipSize ) { sal_uInt32 nBytes = ( nBlipSize > nBuf ? nBuf : nBlipSize ); pMergePicStreamBSE->Read( pBuf, nBytes ); rSt.Write( pBuf, nBytes ); nBlipSize -= nBytes; } } delete[] pBuf; pMergePicStreamBSE->Seek( nOldPos ); } else { for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < mnBlibEntrys; i++ ) mpBlibEntrys[ i ]->WriteBlibEntry( rSt, sal_True ); } } } sal_Bool EscherGraphicProvider::GetPrefSize( const sal_uInt32 nBlibId, Size& rPrefSize, MapMode& rPrefMapMode ) { sal_Bool bInRange = nBlibId && ( ( nBlibId - 1 ) < mnBlibEntrys ); if ( bInRange ) { EscherBlibEntry* pEntry = mpBlibEntrys[ nBlibId - 1 ]; rPrefSize = pEntry->maPrefSize; rPrefMapMode = pEntry->maPrefMapMode; } return bInRange; } sal_uInt32 EscherGraphicProvider::GetBlibID( SvStream& rPicOutStrm, const ByteString& rId, const Rectangle& /* rBoundRect */, const com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle* pVisArea, const GraphicAttr* pGraphicAttr ) { sal_uInt32 nBlibId = 0; GraphicObject aGraphicObject( rId ); EscherBlibEntry* p_EscherBlibEntry = new EscherBlibEntry( rPicOutStrm.Tell(), aGraphicObject, rId, pGraphicAttr ); if ( !p_EscherBlibEntry->IsEmpty() ) { for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < mnBlibEntrys; i++ ) { if ( *( mpBlibEntrys[ i ] ) == *p_EscherBlibEntry ) { mpBlibEntrys[ i ]->mnRefCount++; delete p_EscherBlibEntry; return i + 1; } } sal_Bool bUseNativeGraphic( sal_False ); Graphic aGraphic( aGraphicObject.GetTransformedGraphic( pGraphicAttr ) ); GfxLink aGraphicLink; SvMemoryStream aStream; const sal_uInt8* pGraphicAry = NULL; if ( p_EscherBlibEntry->mbIsNativeGraphicPossible && aGraphic.IsLink() ) { aGraphicLink = aGraphic.GetLink(); p_EscherBlibEntry->mnSize = aGraphicLink.GetDataSize(); pGraphicAry = aGraphicLink.GetData(); if ( p_EscherBlibEntry->mnSize && pGraphicAry ) { switch ( aGraphicLink.GetType() ) { case GFX_LINK_TYPE_NATIVE_JPG : p_EscherBlibEntry->meBlibType = PEG; break; case GFX_LINK_TYPE_NATIVE_PNG : p_EscherBlibEntry->meBlibType = PNG; break; case GFX_LINK_TYPE_NATIVE_WMF : { if ( pGraphicAry && ( p_EscherBlibEntry->mnSize > 0x2c ) ) { if ( ( pGraphicAry[ 0x28 ] == 0x20 ) && ( pGraphicAry[ 0x29 ] == 0x45 ) // check the magic && ( pGraphicAry[ 0x2a ] == 0x4d ) && ( pGraphicAry[ 0x2b ] == 0x46 ) ) // number ( emf detection ) { p_EscherBlibEntry->meBlibType = EMF; } else { p_EscherBlibEntry->meBlibType = WMF; if ( ( pGraphicAry[ 0 ] == 0xd7 ) && ( pGraphicAry[ 1 ] == 0xcd ) && ( pGraphicAry[ 2 ] == 0xc6 ) && ( pGraphicAry[ 3 ] == 0x9a ) ) { // we have to get rid of the metafileheader pGraphicAry += 22; p_EscherBlibEntry->mnSize -= 22; } } } } break; default: break; } if ( p_EscherBlibEntry->meBlibType != UNKNOWN ) bUseNativeGraphic = sal_True; } } if ( !bUseNativeGraphic ) { GraphicType eGraphicType = aGraphic.GetType(); if ( ( eGraphicType == GRAPHIC_BITMAP ) || ( eGraphicType == GRAPHIC_GDIMETAFILE ) ) { sal_uInt32 nErrCode; if ( !aGraphic.IsAnimated() ) // !EMF nErrCode = GraphicConverter::Export( aStream, aGraphic, ( eGraphicType == GRAPHIC_BITMAP ) ? CVT_PNG : CVT_WMF ); nErrCode = GraphicConverter::Export( aStream, aGraphic, ( eGraphicType == GRAPHIC_BITMAP ) ? CVT_PNG : CVT_EMF ); else { // to store a animation, a gif has to be included into the msOG chunk of a png #I5583# GraphicFilter* pFilter = GraphicFilter::GetGraphicFilter(); SvMemoryStream aGIFStream; ByteString aVersion( "MSOFFICE9.0" ); aGIFStream.Write( aVersion.GetBuffer(), aVersion.Len() ); nErrCode = pFilter->ExportGraphic( aGraphic, String(), aGIFStream, pFilter->GetExportFormatNumberForShortName( String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "GIF" ) ) ), NULL ); com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > aFilterData( 1 ); com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > aAdditionalChunkSequence( 1 ); sal_uInt32 nGIFSreamLen = aGIFStream.Tell(); com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > aGIFSeq( nGIFSreamLen ); sal_Int8* pSeq = aGIFSeq.getArray(); aGIFStream.Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_BEGIN ); aGIFStream.Read( pSeq, nGIFSreamLen ); com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue aChunkProp, aFilterProp; aChunkProp.Name = String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "msOG" ) ); aChunkProp.Value <<= aGIFSeq; aAdditionalChunkSequence[ 0 ] = aChunkProp; aFilterProp.Name = String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "AdditionalChunks" ) ); aFilterProp.Value <<= aAdditionalChunkSequence; aFilterData[ 0 ] = aFilterProp; nErrCode = pFilter->ExportGraphic( aGraphic, String(), aStream, pFilter->GetExportFormatNumberForShortName( String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "PNG" ) ) ), &aFilterData ); } if ( nErrCode == ERRCODE_NONE ) { // !EMF p_EscherBlibEntry->meBlibType = ( eGraphicType == GRAPHIC_BITMAP ) ? PNG : WMF; p_EscherBlibEntry->meBlibType = ( eGraphicType == GRAPHIC_BITMAP ) ? PNG : EMF; aStream.Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_END ); p_EscherBlibEntry->mnSize = aStream.Tell(); pGraphicAry = (sal_uInt8*)aStream.GetData(); if ( p_EscherBlibEntry->meBlibType == WMF ) // the fileheader is not used { p_EscherBlibEntry->mnSize -= 22; pGraphicAry += 22; } } } } ESCHER_BlibType eBlibType = p_EscherBlibEntry->meBlibType; if ( p_EscherBlibEntry->mnSize && pGraphicAry && ( eBlibType != UNKNOWN ) ) { sal_uInt32 nExtra, nAtomSize = 0; sal_uInt32 nInstance, nUncompressedSize = p_EscherBlibEntry->mnSize; if ( mnFlags & _E_GRAPH_PROV_USE_INSTANCES ) { rPicOutStrm << (sal_uInt32)( 0x7f90000 | (sal_uInt16)( mnBlibEntrys << 4 ) ) << (sal_uInt32)0; nAtomSize = rPicOutStrm.Tell(); if ( eBlibType == PNG ) rPicOutStrm << (sal_uInt16)0x0606; else if ( eBlibType == WMF ) rPicOutStrm << (sal_uInt16)0x0403; else if ( eBlibType == EMF ) rPicOutStrm << (sal_uInt16)0x0402; else if ( eBlibType == PEG ) rPicOutStrm << (sal_uInt16)0x0505; } if ( ( eBlibType == PEG ) || ( eBlibType == PNG ) ) { nExtra = 17; p_EscherBlibEntry->mnSizeExtra = nExtra + 8; nInstance = ( eBlibType == PNG ) ? 0xf01e6e00 : 0xf01d46a0; rPicOutStrm << nInstance << (sal_uInt32)( p_EscherBlibEntry->mnSize + nExtra ); rPicOutStrm.Write( p_EscherBlibEntry->mnIdentifier, 16 ); rPicOutStrm << (sal_uInt8)0xff; rPicOutStrm.Write( pGraphicAry, p_EscherBlibEntry->mnSize ); } else { ZCodec aZCodec( 0x8000, 0x8000 ); aZCodec.BeginCompression(); SvMemoryStream aDestStrm; aZCodec.Write( aDestStrm, pGraphicAry, p_EscherBlibEntry->mnSize ); aZCodec.EndCompression(); aDestStrm.Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_END ); p_EscherBlibEntry->mnSize = aDestStrm.Tell(); pGraphicAry = (sal_uInt8*)aDestStrm.GetData(); if ( p_EscherBlibEntry->mnSize && pGraphicAry ) { nExtra = eBlibType == WMF ? 0x42 : 0x32; // !EMF -> no change p_EscherBlibEntry->mnSizeExtra = nExtra + 8; nInstance = ( eBlibType == WMF ) ? 0xf01b2170 : 0xf01a3d40; // !EMF -> no change rPicOutStrm << nInstance << (sal_uInt32)( p_EscherBlibEntry->mnSize + nExtra ); if ( eBlibType == WMF ) // !EMF -> no change rPicOutStrm.Write( p_EscherBlibEntry->mnIdentifier, 16 ); rPicOutStrm.Write( p_EscherBlibEntry->mnIdentifier, 16 ); /* ##913## For Word the stored size of the graphic is critical the metafile boundaries must match the actual graphics boundaries, and the width and height must be in EMU's If you don't do it this way then objects edited in the msoffice app may show strange behaviour as the size jumps around, and the original size and scaling factor in word will be a very strange figure */ sal_uInt32 nPrefWidth = p_EscherBlibEntry->maPrefSize.Width(); sal_uInt32 nPrefHeight = p_EscherBlibEntry->maPrefSize.Height(); sal_uInt32 nWidth, nHeight; if ( pVisArea ) { nWidth = pVisArea->Width * 360; nHeight = pVisArea->Height * 360; } else { Size aPrefSize(lcl_SizeToEmu(p_EscherBlibEntry->maPrefSize, p_EscherBlibEntry->maPrefMapMode)); nWidth = aPrefSize.Width() * 360; nHeight = aPrefSize.Height() * 360; } rPicOutStrm << nUncompressedSize // WMFSize without FileHeader << (sal_Int32)0 // da die Originalgroesse des WMF's (ohne FileHeader) << (sal_Int32)0 // nicht mehr feststellbar ist, schreiben wir 10cm / x << nPrefWidth << nPrefHeight << nWidth << nHeight << p_EscherBlibEntry->mnSize << (sal_uInt16)0xfe00; // compression Flags rPicOutStrm.Write( pGraphicAry, p_EscherBlibEntry->mnSize ); } } if ( nAtomSize ) { sal_uInt32 nPos = rPicOutStrm.Tell(); rPicOutStrm.Seek( nAtomSize - 4 ); rPicOutStrm << (sal_uInt32)( nPos - nAtomSize ); rPicOutStrm.Seek( nPos ); } nBlibId = ImplInsertBlib( p_EscherBlibEntry ), p_EscherBlibEntry = NULL; } } if ( p_EscherBlibEntry ) delete p_EscherBlibEntry; return nBlibId; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct EscherConnectorRule { sal_uInt32 nRuleId; sal_uInt32 nShapeA; // SPID of shape A sal_uInt32 nShapeB; // SPID of shape B sal_uInt32 nShapeC; // SPID of connector shape sal_uInt32 ncptiA; // Connection site Index of shape A sal_uInt32 ncptiB; // Connection site Index of shape B }; struct EscherShapeListEntry { ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > aXShape; sal_uInt32 n_EscherId; EscherShapeListEntry( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference < ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rShape, sal_uInt32 nId ) : aXShape ( rShape ), n_EscherId ( nId ) {} }; sal_uInt32 EscherConnectorListEntry::GetClosestPoint( const Polygon& rPoly, const ::com::sun::star::awt::Point& rPoint ) { sal_uInt16 nCount = rPoly.GetSize(); sal_uInt16 nClosest = nCount; double fDist = (sal_uInt32)0xffffffff; while( nCount-- ) { double fDistance = hypot( rPoint.X - rPoly[ nCount ].X(), rPoint.Y - rPoly[ nCount ].Y() ); if ( fDistance < fDist ) { nClosest = nCount; fDist = fDistance; } } return nClosest; }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // bei Rechtecken bei Ellipsen bei Polygonen // // nRule = 0 ->Top 0 ->Top nRule = Index auf ein (Poly)Polygon Punkt // 1 ->Left 2 ->Left // 2 ->Bottom 4 ->Bottom // 3 ->Right 6 ->Right sal_uInt32 EscherConnectorListEntry::GetConnectorRule( sal_Bool bFirst ) { sal_uInt32 nRule = 0; ::com::sun::star::uno::Any aAny; ::com::sun::star::awt::Point aRefPoint( ( bFirst ) ? maPointA : maPointB ); ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > aXShape( ( bFirst ) ? mXConnectToA : mXConnectToB ); String aString( (::rtl::OUString)aXShape->getShapeType() ); ByteString aType( aString, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ); aType.Erase( 0, 13 ); // removing "com.sun.star." sal_uInt16 nPos = aType.Search( "Shape" ); aType.Erase( nPos, 5 ); ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > aPropertySet( aXShape, ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY ); if ( aType == "drawing.PolyPolygon" || aType == "drawing.PolyLine" ) { if ( aPropertySet.is() ) { if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, aPropertySet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "PolyPolygon" ) ) ) ) { ::com::sun::star::drawing::PointSequenceSequence* pSourcePolyPolygon = (::com::sun::star::drawing::PointSequenceSequence*)aAny.getValue(); sal_Int32 nOuterSequenceCount = pSourcePolyPolygon->getLength(); ::com::sun::star::drawing::PointSequence* pOuterSequence = pSourcePolyPolygon->getArray(); if ( pOuterSequence ) { sal_Int32 a, b, nIndex = 0; sal_uInt32 nDistance = 0xffffffff; for( a = 0; a < nOuterSequenceCount; a++ ) { ::com::sun::star::drawing::PointSequence* pInnerSequence = pOuterSequence++; if ( pInnerSequence ) { ::com::sun::star::awt::Point* pArray = pInnerSequence->getArray(); if ( pArray ) { for ( b = 0; b < pInnerSequence->getLength(); b++, nIndex++, pArray++ ) { sal_uInt32 nDist = (sal_uInt32)hypot( aRefPoint.X - pArray->X, aRefPoint.Y - pArray->Y ); if ( nDist < nDistance ) { nRule = nIndex; nDistance = nDist; } } } } } } } } } else if ( ( aType == "drawing.OpenBezier" ) || ( aType == "drawing.OpenFreeHand" ) || ( aType == "drawing.PolyLinePath" ) || ( aType == "drawing.ClosedBezier" ) || ( aType == "drawing.ClosedFreeHand" ) || ( aType == "drawing.PolyPolygonPath" ) ) { ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > aPropertySet2( aXShape, ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY ); if ( aPropertySet2.is() ) { if ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, aPropertySet2, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "PolyPolygonBezier" ) ) ) ) { ::com::sun::star::drawing::PolyPolygonBezierCoords* pSourcePolyPolygon = (::com::sun::star::drawing::PolyPolygonBezierCoords*)aAny.getValue(); sal_Int32 nOuterSequenceCount = pSourcePolyPolygon->Coordinates.getLength(); // Zeiger auf innere sequences holen ::com::sun::star::drawing::PointSequence* pOuterSequence = pSourcePolyPolygon->Coordinates.getArray(); ::com::sun::star::drawing::FlagSequence* pOuterFlags = pSourcePolyPolygon->Flags.getArray(); if ( pOuterSequence && pOuterFlags ) { sal_Int32 a, b, nIndex = 0; sal_uInt32 nDistance = 0xffffffff; for ( a = 0; a < nOuterSequenceCount; a++ ) { ::com::sun::star::drawing::PointSequence* pInnerSequence = pOuterSequence++; ::com::sun::star::drawing::FlagSequence* pInnerFlags = pOuterFlags++; if ( pInnerSequence && pInnerFlags ) { ::com::sun::star::awt::Point* pArray = pInnerSequence->getArray(); ::com::sun::star::drawing::PolygonFlags* pFlags = pInnerFlags->getArray(); if ( pArray && pFlags ) { for ( b = 0; b < pInnerSequence->getLength(); b++, pArray++ ) { PolyFlags ePolyFlags = *( (PolyFlags*)pFlags++ ); if ( ePolyFlags == POLY_CONTROL ) continue; sal_uInt32 nDist = (sal_uInt32)hypot( aRefPoint.X - pArray->X, aRefPoint.Y - pArray->Y ); if ( nDist < nDistance ) { nRule = nIndex; nDistance = nDist; } nIndex++; } } } } } } } } else { bool bRectangularConnection = true; if ( aType == "drawing.Custom" ) { SdrObject* pCustoShape( GetSdrObjectFromXShape( aXShape ) ); if ( pCustoShape && pCustoShape->ISA( SdrObjCustomShape ) ) { SdrCustomShapeGeometryItem& rGeometryItem = (SdrCustomShapeGeometryItem&)(const SdrCustomShapeGeometryItem&) pCustoShape->GetMergedItem( SDRATTR_CUSTOMSHAPE_GEOMETRY ); const rtl::OUString sPath( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Path" ) ); const rtl::OUString sType( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "Type" ) ); const rtl::OUString sGluePointType( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "GluePointType" ) ); rtl::OUString sShapeType; uno::Any* pType = rGeometryItem.GetPropertyValueByName( sType ); if ( pType ) *pType >>= sShapeType; MSO_SPT eSpType = EnhancedCustomShapeTypeNames::Get( sShapeType ); uno::Any* pGluePointType = ((SdrCustomShapeGeometryItem&)rGeometryItem).GetPropertyValueByName( sPath, sGluePointType ); sal_Int16 nGluePointType = sal_Int16(); if ( !( pGluePointType && ( *pGluePointType >>= nGluePointType ) ) ) nGluePointType = GetCustomShapeConnectionTypeDefault( eSpType ); if ( nGluePointType == com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeGluePointType::CUSTOM ) { const SdrGluePointList* pList = pCustoShape->GetGluePointList(); if ( pList ) { Polygon aPoly; sal_uInt16 nNum, nAnz = pList->GetCount(); if ( nAnz ) { for ( nNum = 0; nNum < nAnz; nNum++ ) { const SdrGluePoint& rGP = (*pList)[ nNum ]; Point aPt( rGP.GetAbsolutePos( *pCustoShape ) ); aPoly.Insert( POLY_APPEND, aPt ); } nRule = GetClosestPoint( aPoly, aRefPoint ); bRectangularConnection = false; } } } else if ( nGluePointType == com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeGluePointType::SEGMENTS ) { SdrObject* pPoly = pCustoShape->DoConvertToPolyObj( sal_True, true ); if ( pPoly && pPoly->ISA( SdrPathObj ) ) { sal_Int16 a, b, nIndex = 0; sal_uInt32 nDistance = 0xffffffff; // #i74631# use explicit constructor here. Also XPolyPolygon is not necessary, // reducing to PolyPolygon const PolyPolygon aPolyPoly(((SdrPathObj*)pPoly)->GetPathPoly()); for ( a = 0; a < aPolyPoly.Count(); a++ ) { const Polygon& rPoly = aPolyPoly.GetObject( a ); for ( b = 0; b < rPoly.GetSize(); b++ ) { if ( rPoly.GetFlags( b ) != POLY_NORMAL ) continue; const Point& rPt = rPoly[ b ]; sal_uInt32 nDist = (sal_uInt32)hypot( aRefPoint.X - rPt.X(), aRefPoint.Y - rPt.Y() ); if ( nDist < nDistance ) { nRule = nIndex; nDistance = nDist; } nIndex++; } } if ( nDistance != 0xffffffff ) bRectangularConnection = false; } } } } if ( bRectangularConnection ) { ::com::sun::star::awt::Point aPoint( aXShape->getPosition() ); ::com::sun::star::awt::Size aSize( aXShape->getSize() ); Rectangle aRect( Point( aPoint.X, aPoint.Y ), Size( aSize.Width, aSize.Height ) ); Point aCenter( aRect.Center() ); Polygon aPoly( 4 ); aPoly[ 0 ] = Point( aCenter.X(), aRect.Top() ); aPoly[ 1 ] = Point( aRect.Left(), aCenter.Y() ); aPoly[ 2 ] = Point( aCenter.X(), aRect.Bottom() ); aPoly[ 3 ] = Point( aRect.Right(), aCenter.Y() ); sal_Int32 nAngle = ( EscherPropertyValueHelper::GetPropertyValue( aAny, aPropertySet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "RotateAngle" ) ), sal_True ) ) ? *((sal_Int32*)aAny.getValue() ) : 0; if ( nAngle ) aPoly.Rotate( aRect.TopLeft(), (sal_uInt16)( ( nAngle + 5 ) / 10 ) ); nRule = GetClosestPoint( aPoly, aRefPoint ); if ( aType == "drawing.Ellipse" ) nRule <<= 1; // In PPT hat eine Ellipse 8 M?glichkeiten sich zu connecten } } return nRule; } EscherSolverContainer::~EscherSolverContainer() { void* pP; for( pP = maShapeList.First(); pP; pP = maShapeList.Next() ) delete (EscherShapeListEntry*)pP; for( pP = maConnectorList.First(); pP; pP = maConnectorList.Next() ) delete (EscherConnectorListEntry*)pP; } void EscherSolverContainer::AddShape( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rXShape, sal_uInt32 nId ) { maShapeList.Insert( new EscherShapeListEntry( rXShape, nId ), LIST_APPEND ); } void EscherSolverContainer::AddConnector( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rConnector, const ::com::sun::star::awt::Point& rPA, ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rConA, const ::com::sun::star::awt::Point& rPB, ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rConB ) { maConnectorList.Insert( new EscherConnectorListEntry( rConnector, rPA, rConA, rPB, rConB ), LIST_APPEND ); } sal_uInt32 EscherSolverContainer::GetShapeId( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rXShape ) const { for ( EscherShapeListEntry* pPtr = (EscherShapeListEntry*)((List&)maShapeList).First(); pPtr; pPtr = (EscherShapeListEntry*)((List&)maShapeList).Next() ) { if ( rXShape == pPtr->aXShape ) return ( pPtr->n_EscherId ); } return 0; } void EscherSolverContainer::WriteSolver( SvStream& rStrm ) { sal_uInt32 nCount = maConnectorList.Count(); if ( nCount ) { sal_uInt32 nRecHdPos, nCurrentPos, nSize; rStrm << (sal_uInt16)( ( nCount << 4 ) | 0xf ) // open an ESCHER_SolverContainer << (sal_uInt16)ESCHER_SolverContainer // << (sal_uInt32)0; // nRecHdPos = rStrm.Tell() - 4; EscherConnectorRule aConnectorRule; aConnectorRule.nRuleId = 2; for ( EscherConnectorListEntry* pPtr = (EscherConnectorListEntry*)maConnectorList.First(); pPtr; pPtr = (EscherConnectorListEntry*)maConnectorList.Next() ) { aConnectorRule.ncptiA = aConnectorRule.ncptiB = 0xffffffff; aConnectorRule.nShapeC = GetShapeId( pPtr->mXConnector ); aConnectorRule.nShapeA = GetShapeId( pPtr->mXConnectToA ); aConnectorRule.nShapeB = GetShapeId( pPtr->mXConnectToB ); if ( aConnectorRule.nShapeC ) { if ( aConnectorRule.nShapeA ) aConnectorRule.ncptiA = pPtr->GetConnectorRule( sal_True ); if ( aConnectorRule.nShapeB ) aConnectorRule.ncptiB = pPtr->GetConnectorRule( sal_False ); } rStrm << (sal_uInt32)( ( ESCHER_ConnectorRule << 16 ) | 1 ) // atom hd << (sal_uInt32)24 // << aConnectorRule.nRuleId << aConnectorRule.nShapeA << aConnectorRule.nShapeB << aConnectorRule.nShapeC << aConnectorRule.ncptiA << aConnectorRule.ncptiB; aConnectorRule.nRuleId += 2; } nCurrentPos = rStrm.Tell(); // close the ESCHER_SolverContainer nSize = ( nCurrentPos - nRecHdPos ) - 4;// rStrm.Seek( nRecHdPos ); // rStrm << nSize; // rStrm.Seek( nCurrentPos ); // } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EscherExGlobal::EscherExGlobal( sal_uInt32 nGraphicProvFlags ) : EscherGraphicProvider( nGraphicProvFlags ), mpPicStrm( 0 ), mbHasDggCont( false ), mbPicStrmQueried( false ) { } EscherExGlobal::~EscherExGlobal() { } sal_uInt32 EscherExGlobal::GenerateDrawingId() { // new drawing starts a new cluster in the cluster table (cluster identifiers are one-based) sal_uInt32 nClusterId = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >( maClusterTable.size() + 1 ); // drawing identifiers are one-based sal_uInt32 nDrawingId = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >( maDrawingInfos.size() + 1 ); // prepare new entries in the tables maClusterTable.push_back( ClusterEntry( nDrawingId ) ); maDrawingInfos.push_back( DrawingInfo( nClusterId ) ); // return the new drawing identifier return nDrawingId; } sal_uInt32 EscherExGlobal::GenerateShapeId( sal_uInt32 nDrawingId, bool bIsInSpgr ) { // drawing identifier is one-based size_t nDrawingIdx = nDrawingId - 1; OSL_ENSURE( nDrawingIdx < maDrawingInfos.size(), "EscherExGlobal::GenerateShapeId - invalid drawing ID" ); if( nDrawingIdx >= maDrawingInfos.size() ) return 0; DrawingInfo& rDrawingInfo = maDrawingInfos[ nDrawingIdx ]; // cluster identifier in drawing info struct is one-based ClusterEntry* pClusterEntry = &maClusterTable[ rDrawingInfo.mnClusterId - 1 ]; // check cluster overflow, create new cluster entry if( pClusterEntry->mnNextShapeId == DFF_DGG_CLUSTER_SIZE ) { // start a new cluster in the cluster table maClusterTable.push_back( ClusterEntry( nDrawingId ) ); pClusterEntry = &maClusterTable.back(); // new size of maClusterTable is equal to one-based identifier of the new cluster rDrawingInfo.mnClusterId = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >( maClusterTable.size() ); } // build shape identifier from cluster identifier and next free cluster shape identifier rDrawingInfo.mnLastShapeId = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >( rDrawingInfo.mnClusterId * DFF_DGG_CLUSTER_SIZE + pClusterEntry->mnNextShapeId ); // update free shape identifier in cluster entry ++pClusterEntry->mnNextShapeId; /* Old code has counted the shapes only, if we are in a SPGRCONTAINER. Is this really intended? Maybe it's always true... */ if( bIsInSpgr ) ++rDrawingInfo.mnShapeCount; // return the new shape identifier return rDrawingInfo.mnLastShapeId; } sal_uInt32 EscherExGlobal::GetDrawingShapeCount( sal_uInt32 nDrawingId ) const { size_t nDrawingIdx = nDrawingId - 1; OSL_ENSURE( nDrawingIdx < maDrawingInfos.size(), "EscherExGlobal::GetDrawingShapeCount - invalid drawing ID" ); return (nDrawingIdx < maDrawingInfos.size()) ? maDrawingInfos[ nDrawingIdx ].mnShapeCount : 0; } sal_uInt32 EscherExGlobal::GetLastShapeId( sal_uInt32 nDrawingId ) const { size_t nDrawingIdx = nDrawingId - 1; OSL_ENSURE( nDrawingIdx < maDrawingInfos.size(), "EscherExGlobal::GetLastShapeId - invalid drawing ID" ); return (nDrawingIdx < maDrawingInfos.size()) ? maDrawingInfos[ nDrawingIdx ].mnLastShapeId : 0; } sal_uInt32 EscherExGlobal::GetDggAtomSize() const { // 8 bytes header, 16 bytes fixed DGG data, 8 bytes for each cluster return static_cast< sal_uInt32 >( 24 + 8 * maClusterTable.size() ); } void EscherExGlobal::WriteDggAtom( SvStream& rStrm ) const { sal_uInt32 nDggSize = GetDggAtomSize(); // write the DGG record header (do not include the 8 bytes of the header in the data size) rStrm << static_cast< sal_uInt32 >( ESCHER_Dgg << 16 ) << static_cast< sal_uInt32 >( nDggSize - 8 ); // claculate and write the fixed DGG data sal_uInt32 nShapeCount = 0; sal_uInt32 nLastShapeId = 0; for( DrawingInfoVector::const_iterator aIt = maDrawingInfos.begin(), aEnd = maDrawingInfos.end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt ) { nShapeCount += aIt->mnShapeCount; nLastShapeId = ::std::max( nLastShapeId, aIt->mnLastShapeId ); } // the non-existing cluster with index #0 is counted too sal_uInt32 nClusterCount = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >( maClusterTable.size() + 1 ); sal_uInt32 nDrawingCount = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >( maDrawingInfos.size() ); rStrm << nLastShapeId << nClusterCount << nShapeCount << nDrawingCount; // write the cluster table for( ClusterTable::const_iterator aIt = maClusterTable.begin(), aEnd = maClusterTable.end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt ) rStrm << aIt->mnDrawingId << aIt->mnNextShapeId; } SvStream* EscherExGlobal::QueryPictureStream() { if( !mbPicStrmQueried ) { mpPicStrm = ImplQueryPictureStream(); mbPicStrmQueried = true; } return mpPicStrm; } SvStream* EscherExGlobal::ImplQueryPictureStream() { return 0; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EscherEx::EscherEx( const EscherExGlobalRef& rxGlobal, SvStream& rOutStrm ) : mxGlobal ( rxGlobal ), mpOutStrm ( &rOutStrm ), mnGroupLevel ( 0 ), mnHellLayerId ( USHRT_MAX ), mbEscherSpgr ( sal_False ), mbEscherDg ( sal_False ) { mnStrmStartOfs = mpOutStrm->Tell(); mpImplEscherExSdr.reset( new ImplEscherExSdr( *this ) ); } EscherEx::~EscherEx() { } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EscherEx::Flush( SvStream* pPicStreamMergeBSE /* = NULL */ ) { if ( mxGlobal->HasDggContainer() ) { // store the current stream position at ESCHER_Persist_CurrentPosition key PtReplaceOrInsert( ESCHER_Persist_CurrentPosition, mpOutStrm->Tell() ); if ( DoSeek( ESCHER_Persist_Dgg ) ) { /* The DGG record is still not written. ESCHER_Persist_Dgg seeks to the place where the complete record has to be inserted. */ InsertAtCurrentPos( mxGlobal->GetDggAtomSize(), false ); mxGlobal->WriteDggAtom( *mpOutStrm ); if ( mxGlobal->HasGraphics() ) { /* Calculate the total size of the BSTORECONTAINER including all BSE records containing the picture data contained in the passed in pPicStreamMergeBSE. */ sal_uInt32 nBSCSize = mxGlobal->GetBlibStoreContainerSize( pPicStreamMergeBSE ); if ( nBSCSize > 0 ) { InsertAtCurrentPos( nBSCSize, false ); mxGlobal->WriteBlibStoreContainer( *mpOutStrm, pPicStreamMergeBSE ); } } /* Forget the stream position stored for the DGG which is invalid after the call to InsertAtCurrentPos() anyway. */ PtDelete( ESCHER_Persist_Dgg ); } // seek to initial position (may be different due to inserted DGG and BLIPs) mpOutStrm->Seek( PtGetOffsetByID( ESCHER_Persist_CurrentPosition ) ); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EscherEx::InsertAtCurrentPos( sal_uInt32 nBytes, bool bExpandEndOfAtom ) { sal_uInt32 nSize, nType, nSource, nBufSize, nToCopy, nCurPos = mpOutStrm->Tell(); sal_uInt8* pBuf; // Persist table anpassen for ( void* pPtr = maPersistTable.First(); pPtr; pPtr = maPersistTable.Next() ) { sal_uInt32 nOfs = ((EscherPersistEntry*)pPtr)->mnOffset; if ( nOfs >= nCurPos ) ((EscherPersistEntry*)pPtr)->mnOffset += nBytes; } // container und atom sizes anpassen mpOutStrm->Seek( mnStrmStartOfs ); while ( mpOutStrm->Tell() < nCurPos ) { *mpOutStrm >> nType >> nSize; sal_uInt32 nEndOfRecord = mpOutStrm->Tell() + nSize; bool bContainer = (nType & 0x0F) == 0x0F; /* Expand the record, if the insertion position is inside, or if the position is at the end of a container (expands always), or at the end of an atom and bExpandEndOfAtom is set. */ if ( (nCurPos < nEndOfRecord) || ((nCurPos == nEndOfRecord) && (bContainer || bExpandEndOfAtom)) ) { mpOutStrm->SeekRel( -4 ); *mpOutStrm << (sal_uInt32)( nSize + nBytes ); if ( !bContainer ) mpOutStrm->SeekRel( nSize ); } else mpOutStrm->SeekRel( nSize ); } std::vector< sal_uInt32 >::iterator aIter( mOffsets.begin() ); std::vector< sal_uInt32 >::iterator aEnd( mOffsets.end() ); while( aIter != aEnd ) { if ( *aIter > nCurPos ) *aIter += nBytes; aIter++; } mpOutStrm->Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_END ); nSource = mpOutStrm->Tell(); nToCopy = nSource - nCurPos; // Stream um nBytes vergroessern pBuf = new sal_uInt8[ 0x40000 ]; // 256KB Buffer while ( nToCopy ) { nBufSize = ( nToCopy >= 0x40000 ) ? 0x40000 : nToCopy; nToCopy -= nBufSize; nSource -= nBufSize; mpOutStrm->Seek( nSource ); mpOutStrm->Read( pBuf, nBufSize ); mpOutStrm->Seek( nSource + nBytes ); mpOutStrm->Write( pBuf, nBufSize ); } delete[] pBuf; mpOutStrm->Seek( nCurPos ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool EscherEx::SeekBehindRecHeader( sal_uInt16 nRecType ) { sal_uInt32 nOldPos, nStreamEnd, nType, nSize; nOldPos = mpOutStrm->Tell(); nStreamEnd = mpOutStrm->Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_END ); mpOutStrm->Seek( nOldPos ); while ( mpOutStrm->Tell() < nStreamEnd ) { *mpOutStrm >> nType >> nSize; if ( ( nType >> 16 ) == nRecType ) return sal_True; if ( ( nType & 0xf ) != 0xf ) mpOutStrm->SeekRel( nSize ); } mpOutStrm->Seek( nOldPos ); return sal_False; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EscherEx::InsertPersistOffset( sal_uInt32 nKey, sal_uInt32 nOffset ) { PtInsert( ESCHER_Persist_PrivateEntry | nKey, nOffset ); } void EscherEx::ReplacePersistOffset( sal_uInt32 nKey, sal_uInt32 nOffset ) { PtReplace( ESCHER_Persist_PrivateEntry | nKey, nOffset ); } sal_uInt32 EscherEx::GetPersistOffset( sal_uInt32 nKey ) { return PtGetOffsetByID( ESCHER_Persist_PrivateEntry | nKey ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool EscherEx::DoSeek( sal_uInt32 nKey ) { sal_uInt32 nPos = PtGetOffsetByID( nKey ); if ( nPos ) mpOutStrm->Seek( nPos ); else { if (! PtIsID( nKey ) ) return sal_False; mpOutStrm->Seek( 0 ); } return sal_True; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool EscherEx::SeekToPersistOffset( sal_uInt32 nKey ) { return DoSeek( ESCHER_Persist_PrivateEntry | nKey ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool EscherEx::InsertAtPersistOffset( sal_uInt32 nKey, sal_uInt32 nValue ) { sal_uInt32 nOldPos = mpOutStrm->Tell(); sal_Bool bRetValue = SeekToPersistOffset( nKey ); if ( bRetValue ) { *mpOutStrm << nValue; mpOutStrm->Seek( nOldPos ); } return bRetValue; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EscherEx::OpenContainer( sal_uInt16 nEscherContainer, int nRecInstance ) { *mpOutStrm << (sal_uInt16)( ( nRecInstance << 4 ) | 0xf ) << nEscherContainer << (sal_uInt32)0; mOffsets.push_back( mpOutStrm->Tell() - 4 ); mRecTypes.push_back( nEscherContainer ); switch( nEscherContainer ) { case ESCHER_DggContainer : { mxGlobal->SetDggContainer(); mnCurrentDg = 0; /* Remember the current position as start position of the DGG record and BSTORECONTAINER, but do not write them actually. This will be done later in Flush() when the number of drawings, the size and contents of the FIDCL cluster table, and the size of the BLIP container are known. */ PtReplaceOrInsert( ESCHER_Persist_Dgg, mpOutStrm->Tell() ); } break; case ESCHER_DgContainer : { if ( mxGlobal->HasDggContainer() ) { if ( !mbEscherDg ) { mbEscherDg = sal_True; mnCurrentDg = mxGlobal->GenerateDrawingId(); AddAtom( 8, ESCHER_Dg, 0, mnCurrentDg ); PtReplaceOrInsert( ESCHER_Persist_Dg | mnCurrentDg, mpOutStrm->Tell() ); *mpOutStrm << (sal_uInt32)0 // The number of shapes in this drawing << (sal_uInt32)0; // The last MSOSPID given to an SP in this DG } } } break; case ESCHER_SpgrContainer : { if ( mbEscherDg ) { mbEscherSpgr = sal_True; } } break; case ESCHER_SpContainer : { } break; default: break; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EscherEx::CloseContainer() { sal_uInt32 nSize, nPos = mpOutStrm->Tell(); nSize = ( nPos - mOffsets.back() ) - 4; mpOutStrm->Seek( mOffsets.back() ); *mpOutStrm << nSize; switch( mRecTypes.back() ) { case ESCHER_DgContainer : { if ( mbEscherDg ) { mbEscherDg = sal_False; if ( DoSeek( ESCHER_Persist_Dg | mnCurrentDg ) ) *mpOutStrm << mxGlobal->GetDrawingShapeCount( mnCurrentDg ) << mxGlobal->GetLastShapeId( mnCurrentDg ); } } break; case ESCHER_SpgrContainer : { if ( mbEscherSpgr ) { mbEscherSpgr = sal_False; } } break; default: break; } mOffsets.pop_back(); mRecTypes.pop_back(); mpOutStrm->Seek( nPos ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EscherEx::BeginAtom() { mnCountOfs = mpOutStrm->Tell(); *mpOutStrm << (sal_uInt32)0 << (sal_uInt32)0; // record header wird spaeter geschrieben } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EscherEx::EndAtom( sal_uInt16 nRecType, int nRecVersion, int nRecInstance ) { sal_uInt32 nOldPos = mpOutStrm->Tell(); mpOutStrm->Seek( mnCountOfs ); sal_uInt32 nSize = nOldPos - mnCountOfs; *mpOutStrm << (sal_uInt16)( ( nRecInstance << 4 ) | ( nRecVersion & 0xf ) ) << nRecType << (sal_uInt32)( nSize - 8 ); mpOutStrm->Seek( nOldPos ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EscherEx::AddAtom( sal_uInt32 nAtomSize, sal_uInt16 nRecType, int nRecVersion, int nRecInstance ) { *mpOutStrm << (sal_uInt16)( ( nRecInstance << 4 ) | ( nRecVersion & 0xf ) ) << nRecType << nAtomSize; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EscherEx::AddChildAnchor( const Rectangle& rRect ) { AddAtom( 16, ESCHER_ChildAnchor ); *mpOutStrm << (sal_Int32)rRect.Left() << (sal_Int32)rRect.Top() << (sal_Int32)rRect.Right() << (sal_Int32)rRect.Bottom(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EscherEx::AddClientAnchor( const Rectangle& rRect ) { AddAtom( 8, ESCHER_ClientAnchor ); *mpOutStrm << (sal_Int16)rRect.Top() << (sal_Int16)rRect.Left() << (sal_Int16)( rRect.GetWidth() + rRect.Left() ) << (sal_Int16)( rRect.GetHeight() + rRect.Top() ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EscherExHostAppData* EscherEx::EnterAdditionalTextGroup() { return NULL; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_uInt32 EscherEx::EnterGroup( const String& rShapeName, const Rectangle* pBoundRect ) { Rectangle aRect; if( pBoundRect ) aRect = *pBoundRect; OpenContainer( ESCHER_SpgrContainer ); OpenContainer( ESCHER_SpContainer ); AddAtom( 16, ESCHER_Spgr, 1 ); PtReplaceOrInsert( ESCHER_Persist_Grouping_Snap | mnGroupLevel, mpOutStrm->Tell() ); *mpOutStrm << (sal_Int32)aRect.Left() // Bounding box fuer die Gruppierten shapes an die sie attached werden << (sal_Int32)aRect.Top() << (sal_Int32)aRect.Right() << (sal_Int32)aRect.Bottom(); sal_uInt32 nShapeId = GenerateShapeId(); if ( !mnGroupLevel ) AddShape( ESCHER_ShpInst_Min, 5, nShapeId ); // Flags: Group | Patriarch else { AddShape( ESCHER_ShpInst_Min, 0x201, nShapeId ); // Flags: Group | HaveAnchor EscherPropertyContainer aPropOpt; aPropOpt.AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_LockAgainstGrouping, 0x00040004 ); aPropOpt.AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_dxWrapDistLeft, 0 ); aPropOpt.AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_dxWrapDistRight, 0 ); // #i51348# shape name if( rShapeName.Len() > 0 ) aPropOpt.AddOpt( ESCHER_Prop_wzName, rShapeName ); Commit( aPropOpt, aRect ); if ( mnGroupLevel > 1 ) AddChildAnchor( aRect ); EscherExHostAppData* pAppData = mpImplEscherExSdr->ImplGetHostData(); if( pAppData ) { if ( mnGroupLevel <= 1 ) pAppData->WriteClientAnchor( *this, aRect ); pAppData->WriteClientData( *this ); } } CloseContainer(); // ESCHER_SpContainer mnGroupLevel++; return nShapeId; } sal_uInt32 EscherEx::EnterGroup( const Rectangle* pBoundRect ) { return EnterGroup( String::EmptyString(), pBoundRect ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool EscherEx::SetGroupSnapRect( sal_uInt32 nGroupLevel, const Rectangle& rRect ) { sal_Bool bRetValue = sal_False; if ( nGroupLevel ) { sal_uInt32 nCurrentPos = mpOutStrm->Tell(); if ( DoSeek( ESCHER_Persist_Grouping_Snap | ( nGroupLevel - 1 ) ) ) { *mpOutStrm << (sal_Int32)rRect.Left() // Bounding box fuer die Gruppierten shapes an die sie attached werden << (sal_Int32)rRect.Top() << (sal_Int32)rRect.Right() << (sal_Int32)rRect.Bottom(); mpOutStrm->Seek( nCurrentPos ); } } return bRetValue; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool EscherEx::SetGroupLogicRect( sal_uInt32 nGroupLevel, const Rectangle& rRect ) { sal_Bool bRetValue = sal_False; if ( nGroupLevel ) { sal_uInt32 nCurrentPos = mpOutStrm->Tell(); if ( DoSeek( ESCHER_Persist_Grouping_Logic | ( nGroupLevel - 1 ) ) ) { *mpOutStrm << (sal_Int16)rRect.Top() << (sal_Int16)rRect.Left() << (sal_Int16)rRect.Right() << (sal_Int16)rRect.Bottom(); mpOutStrm->Seek( nCurrentPos ); } } return bRetValue; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EscherEx::LeaveGroup() { --mnGroupLevel; PtDelete( ESCHER_Persist_Grouping_Snap | mnGroupLevel ); PtDelete( ESCHER_Persist_Grouping_Logic | mnGroupLevel ); CloseContainer(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EscherEx::AddShape( sal_uInt32 nShpInstance, sal_uInt32 nFlags, sal_uInt32 nShapeID ) { AddAtom( 8, ESCHER_Sp, 2, nShpInstance ); if ( !nShapeID ) nShapeID = GenerateShapeId(); if ( nFlags ^ 1 ) // is this a group shape ? { // if not if ( mnGroupLevel > 1 ) nFlags |= 2; // this not a topmost shape } *mpOutStrm << nShapeID << nFlags; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EscherEx::Commit( EscherPropertyContainer& rProps, const Rectangle& ) { rProps.Commit( GetStream() ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_uInt32 EscherEx::GetColor( const sal_uInt32 nSOColor, sal_Bool bSwap ) { if ( bSwap ) { sal_uInt32 nColor = nSOColor & 0xff00; // GRUEN nColor |= (sal_uInt8)( nSOColor ) << 16; // ROT nColor |= (sal_uInt8)( nSOColor >> 16 ); // BLAU return nColor; } else return nSOColor & 0xffffff; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_uInt32 EscherEx::GetColor( const Color& rSOColor, sal_Bool bSwap ) { sal_uInt32 nColor = ( rSOColor.GetRed() << 16 ); nColor |= ( rSOColor.GetGreen() << 8 ); nColor |= rSOColor.GetBlue(); if ( !bSwap ) nColor = GetColor( nColor, sal_True ); return nColor; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------