Text Format (Search) /text/shared/01/02100300.xhp UFI: why is this switched? would look very poor for other contextsmw transferred all 6 index entries to Writer guide "finding.xhp" Text Format (Search) Finds specific text formatting features, such as font types, font effects, and text flow characteristics.
The search criteria for attributes are listed below the Search for box. You do not need to specify a search text in the Search for box when you search and replace formatting. To define a replacement format, click in the Replace with box, and then click the Format button. Use the Text Format (Search) or the Text Format (Replace) to define your formatting search criteria. These dialogs contain the following tab pages:
had to copy extended help to outside of switch construct - see issue 72448 Finds specific text formatting features, such as font types, font effects, and text flow characteristics.