: # -*- perl -*- vim: ft=perl eval 'exec perl -w -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' if 0; #************************************************************** # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # #************************************************************** # See Usage() below or invoke without arguments for short instructions. # For long instructions use the source, Luke ;-) use strict; sub Usage() { print STDERR "\n", "langid - a hackish utility to lookup lang.h language defines and LangIDs,\n", "isolang.cxx ISO639/ISO3166 mapping, locale data files, langtab.src language\n", "listbox entries, postset.mk, file_ooo.scp registry name, globals.pm and\n", "msi-encodinglist.txt\n\n", "Usage: $0 [--single] {language string} | {LangID} | {primarylanguage sublanguage} | {language-country}\n\n", "A language string will be used as a generic string match in all searched files.\n", "You may enclose the language string in word delimiters,\n", "e.g. \\blanguage_german\\b for a specific match.\n", "If the language string expression matches more than one define,\n", "e.g. as in 'german', all matching defines will be processed.\n", "If the language string does not match a define or an identifier in\n", "langtab.src, a generic string match of the listbox entries will be tried.\n\n", "Numeric values of LangID,primarylanguage,sublanguage can be given\n", "decimal, hexagesimal (leading 0x), octal (leading 0) or binary (leading 0b).\n", "The exact language_define of an exact match will be used in remaining lookups.\n\n", "A language-country pair will lookup a xx-YY mapping from isolang.cxx,\n", "for example: 'en-US' or 'de-' or '-CH',\n", "xx and YY can be given case insensitive, will be lowered-uppered internally,\n", "and xx and YY themselves may be regular expressions.\n", "Also here a list of matches will be processed.\n\n", "If option --single is given, only the first match will be processed.\n\n"; } my $SOLARVERSION = $ENV{"SOLARVERSION"}; my $INPATH = $ENV{"INPATH"}; my $SRC_ROOT = $ENV{"SRC_ROOT"}; my $UPDMINOREXT = $ENV{"UPDMINOREXT"}; if (!defined($SOLARVERSION) || !defined($INPATH) || !defined($SRC_ROOT)) { print "\nNeed \$SOLARVERSION, \$INPATH and \$SRC_ROOT, please set your OOo environment!\n"; Usage(); exit 1; } if (!defined($UPDMINOREXT)) { $UPDMINOREXT = ''; } my $SOLENVINC = "$SOLARVERSION/$INPATH/inc$UPDMINOREXT"; my $LANGUAGE_MASK_PRIMARY = 0x03ff; sub getPrimaryLanguage($) { my($lcid) = @_; return $lcid & $LANGUAGE_MASK_PRIMARY; } sub getSubLanguage($) { my($lcid) = @_; return $lcid >> 10; } sub makeLangID($$) { my( $sub, $pri) = @_; return ($sub << 10) | $pri; } sub grepFile($$$$@) { my( $regex, $path, $module, $name, @addregex) = @_; my @result; my $found = 0; my $areopen = 0; my $arecloser = ''; my $file; # Try module under current working directory first to catch local # modifications. A Not yet delivered lang.h is a special case. if ("$path/$module/$name" eq "$SOLENVINC/i18npool/lang.h") { $file = "./$module/inc/i18npool/lang.h"; } else { $file = "./$module/$name"; } if (!($found = open( IN, $file))) { # Then with the given path. $file = "$path/$module/$name"; if (!($found = open( IN, $file))) { print "No $file\n"; $file = "$path/$module.lnk/$name"; if (!($found = open( IN, $file))) { print "No $file.\n"; $file = "$path/$module.link/$name"; if (!($found = open( IN, $file))) { print "No $file either.\n"; } } } } if ($found) { $found = 0; while (my $line = ) { if ($line =~ /$regex/) { if (!$found) { $found = 1; print "$file:\n"; } chomp( $line); print "$line\n"; push( @result, $line); } elsif (@addregex) { # By convention first element is opener, second element is closer. if (!$areopen) { if ($line =~ /$addregex[0]/) { $areopen = 1; $arecloser = $addregex[1]; } } if ($areopen) { for (my $i = 2; $i < @addregex; ++$i) { if ($line =~ /$addregex[$i]/) { if (!$found) { $found = 1; print "$file:\n"; } chomp( $line); print "$line\n"; push( @result, $line); } } if ($line =~ /$arecloser/) { $areopen = 0; } } } } close( IN); } if (!$found) { print "Not found in $file\n"; #print "Not found in $file for $regex @addregex\n"; } return @result; } sub main() { my( $lcid, @parts, $grepdef, $options, $single); $grepdef = 0; $single = 0; for ($options = 0; $options < @ARGV && $ARGV[$options] =~ /^--/; ++$options) { if ($ARGV[$options] eq '--single') { $single = 1; } else { print "Unknown option: $ARGV[$options]\n"; } } if (@ARGV == 1 + $options) { # 0x hex, 0b bin, 0 oct if ($ARGV[$options] =~ /^0/) { $lcid = oct( $ARGV[0]); } elsif ($ARGV[$options] =~ /^[0-9]/) { $lcid = $ARGV[$options]; } else { $grepdef = $ARGV[$options]; $lcid = 0; } $parts[0] = getPrimaryLanguage( $lcid); $parts[1] = getSubLanguage( $lcid); } elsif (@ARGV == 2 + $options) { for (my $i = $options; $i < 2 + $options; ++$i) { if ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^0/) { $parts[$i] = oct( $ARGV[$i]); } else { $parts[$i] = $ARGV[$i]; } } $lcid = makeLangID( $parts[1], $parts[0]); } else { Usage(); return 1; } my $modifier = "(?i)"; my (@resultlist, @greplist, $result); # If no string was given on the command line, but value(s) were, lookup the # LangID value to obtain the define identifier. if ($grepdef) { # #define LANGUAGE_AFRIKAANS 0x0436 @resultlist = grepFile( $modifier . '^\s*#\s*define\s+[A-Z_]*' . $grepdef, $SOLENVINC, "i18npool", "lang.h", ()); } else { printf( "LangID: 0x%04X (dec %d), primary: 0x%03x, sub 0x%02x\n", $lcid, $lcid, $parts[0], $parts[1]); my $buf = sprintf( "0x%04X", $lcid); @resultlist = grepFile( '^\s*#\s*define\s+\w+\s+' . $buf, $SOLENVINC, "i18npool", "lang.h", ()); } for $result (@resultlist) { # #define LANGUAGE_AFRIKAANS 0x0436 if ($result =~ /^\s*#\s*define\s+(\w+)\s+(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)/) { push( @greplist, '\b' . $1 . '\b'); $modifier = ""; # complete identifier now case sensitive if ($single) { last; } } } # If the string given is of the form xx-yy lookup a language,country pair # to obtain the define identifier. xx and yy themselves may be regexps. # xx- is a short form for 'xx-.*' and -yy a short form for '.*-yy' if ($grepdef =~ /^(.*)-$/) { $grepdef = $1 . "-.*"; } if ($grepdef =~ /^-(.*)$/) { $grepdef = ".*-" . $1; } if ($grepdef =~ /^(.*)-(.*)$/) { my $lang = $1; my $coun = $2; $lang = lc($lang); $coun = uc($coun); # { LANGUAGE_AFRIKAANS, "af", "ZA" }, @resultlist = grepFile( '^\s*\{\s*\w+\s*,\s*\"' . $lang . '\"\s*,\s*\"' . $coun . '\"\s*\}\s*,', "$SRC_ROOT", "i18npool", "source/isolang/isolang.cxx", ()); for $result (@resultlist) { if ($result =~ /^\s*\{\s*(\w+)\s*,\s*\"\w+\"\s*,\s*\"(\w+)?\"\s*\}\s*,/) { push( @greplist, '\b' . $1 . '\b'); $modifier = ""; # complete identifier now case sensitive if ($single) { last; } } } $grepdef = 0; } if (!@greplist && $grepdef) { push( @greplist, $grepdef); } for $grepdef (@greplist) { print "\nUsing: " . $grepdef . "\n"; # Decimal LCID, was needed for Langpack.ulf but isn't used anymore, # keep just in case we'd need it again. # #define LANGUAGE_AFRIKAANS 0x0436 @resultlist = grepFile( $modifier . '^\s*#\s*define\s+[A-Z_]*' . $grepdef, $SOLENVINC, "i18npool", "lang.h", ()); my @lcidlist; for $result (@resultlist) { # #define LANGUAGE_AFRIKAANS 0x0436 if ($result =~ /^\s*#\s*define\s+(\w+)\s+(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)/) { push( @lcidlist, oct( $2)); } } # { LANGUAGE_AFRIKAANS, "af", "ZA" }, @resultlist = grepFile( $modifier . '^\s*\{\s*.*' . $grepdef . '.*\s*,\s*\".*\"\s*,\s*\".*\"\s*\}\s*,', "$SRC_ROOT", "i18npool", "source/isolang/isolang.cxx", ()); my @langcoungreplist; for $result (@resultlist) { if ($result =~ /^\s*\{\s*\w+\s*,\s*\"(\w+)\"\s*,\s*\"(\w+)?\"\s*\}\s*,/) { my $lang = $1; my $coun = $2; my $loca; if ($coun) { $loca = $lang . "_" . $coun; push( @langcoungreplist, '\b' . $lang . '\b(-' . $coun . ')?'); } else { $loca = $lang; $coun = ""; push( @langcoungreplist, '\b' . $lang . '\b'); } my $file = "$SRC_ROOT/i18npool/source/localedata/data/$loca.xml"; my $found; if (!($found = open( LD, $file))) { $file = "$SRC_ROOT/i18npool.lnk/source/localedata/data/$loca.xml"; if (!($found = open( LD, $file))) { $file = "$SRC_ROOT/i18npool.link/source/localedata/data/$loca.xml"; $found = open( LD, $file); } } if ($found) { print "Found $file:\n"; my $on = 0; while (my $line = ) { if ($line =~ /<(Language|Country)>/) { $on = 1; } if ($on) { print $line; } if ($line =~ /<\/(Language|Country)>/) { $on = 0; } } close( LD); } else { print "No $SRC_ROOT/i18npool/source/localedata/data/$loca.xml\n"; } } } # case LANGUAGE_ARABIC: grepFile( $modifier . '^\s*case\s*.*' . $grepdef . '.*\s*:', "$SRC_ROOT", "i18npool", "source/isolang/mslangid.cxx", ()); # With CWS 'langstatusbar' the language listbox resource file gets a new location. my $module = "svx"; my $name = "source/dialog/langtab.src"; if (!(-e "$SRC_ROOT/$module/$name")) { $module = "svtools"; $name = "source/misc/langtab.src"; } # < "Afrikaans" ; LANGUAGE_AFRIKAANS ; > ; # lookup define @resultlist = grepFile( $modifier . '^\s*<\s*\".*\"\s*;\s*.*' . $grepdef . '.*\s*;\s*>\s*;', "$SRC_ROOT", $module, $name, ()); # lookup string if (!@resultlist) { grepFile( $modifier . '^\s*<\s*\".*' . $grepdef . '.*\"\s*;\s*.*\s*;\s*>\s*;', "$SRC_ROOT", $module, $name, ()); } for my $langcoun (@langcoungreplist) { # Name (xxx) = "/registry/spool/org/openoffice/Office/Common-ctl.xcu"; grepFile( '^\s*Name\s*\(' . $langcoun . '\)\s*=', "$SRC_ROOT", "scp2", "source/ooo/file_ooo.scp", ()); # completelangiso=af ar as-IN ... zu grepFile( '^\s*completelangiso\s*=\s*(\s*([a-z]{2,3})(-[A-Z][A-Z])?)*' . $langcoun . '', "$SRC_ROOT", "solenv", "inc/postset.mk", # needs a duplicated pair of backslashes to produce a literal \\ ('^\s*completelangiso\s*=', '^\s*$', '^\s*' . $langcoun . '\s*\\\\*$')); # @noMSLocaleLangs = ( "br", "bs", ... ) grepFile( '^\s*@noMSLocaleLangs\s*=\s*\(\s*(\s*"([a-z]{2,3})(-[A-Z][A-Z])?"\s*,?)*' . $langcoun . '', "$SRC_ROOT", "solenv", "bin/modules/installer/globals.pm", ('^\s*@noMSLocaleLangs\s*=', '\)\s*$', '"' . $langcoun . '"')); # af 1252 1078 # Afrikaans grepFile( '^\s*' . $langcoun . '', "$SRC_ROOT", "setup_native", "source/win32/msi-encodinglist.txt", ()); } } return 0; } main();