/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_l10ntools.hxx" #include #include #include #include // local includes #include "tagtest.hxx" #include "gsicheck.hxx" #define MAX_GID_LID_LEN 250 /*****************************************************************************/ void PrintMessage( ByteString aType, ByteString aMsg, ByteString aPrefix, ByteString aContext, sal_Bool bPrintContext, sal_uLong nLine, ByteString aUniqueId = ByteString() ) /*****************************************************************************/ { fprintf( stdout, "%s %s, Line %lu", aType.GetBuffer(), aPrefix.GetBuffer(), nLine ); if ( aUniqueId.Len() ) fprintf( stdout, ", UniqueID %s", aUniqueId.GetBuffer() ); fprintf( stdout, ": %s", aMsg.GetBuffer() ); if ( bPrintContext ) fprintf( stdout, " \"%s\"", aContext.GetBuffer() ); fprintf( stdout, "\n" ); } /*****************************************************************************/ void PrintError( ByteString aMsg, ByteString aPrefix, ByteString aContext, sal_Bool bPrintContext, sal_uLong nLine, ByteString aUniqueId = ByteString() ) /*****************************************************************************/ { PrintMessage( "Error:", aMsg, aPrefix, aContext, bPrintContext, nLine, aUniqueId ); } sal_Bool LanguageOK( ByteString aLang ) { if ( !aLang.Len() ) return sal_False; if ( aLang.IsNumericAscii() ) return sal_True; if ( aLang.GetTokenCount( '-' ) == 1 ) return aLang.IsAlphaAscii() && aLang.IsLowerAscii(); else if ( aLang.GetTokenCount( '-' ) == 2 ) { ByteString aTok0( aLang.GetToken( 0, '-' ) ); ByteString aTok1( aLang.GetToken( 1, '-' ) ); return aTok0.Len() && aTok0.IsAlphaAscii() && aTok0.IsLowerAscii() && aTok1.Len() && aTok1.IsAlphaAscii() && aTok1.IsUpperAscii() && !aTok1.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( aTok0 ); } return sal_False; } // // class LazySvFileStream // class LazySvFileStream : public SvFileStream { private: String aFileName; sal_Bool bOpened; StreamMode eOpenMode; public: LazySvFileStream() : aFileName() , bOpened( sal_False ) , eOpenMode( 0 ) {}; void SetOpenParams( const String& rFileName, StreamMode eOpenModeP ) { aFileName = rFileName; eOpenMode = eOpenModeP; }; void LazyOpen(); }; void LazySvFileStream::LazyOpen() { if ( !bOpened ) { Open( aFileName, eOpenMode ); if ( !IsOpen()) { fprintf( stderr, "\nERROR: Could not open Output-File %s!\n\n", ByteString( aFileName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).GetBuffer() ); exit ( 4 ); } bOpened = sal_True; } } // // class GSILine // /*****************************************************************************/ GSILine::GSILine( const ByteString &rLine, sal_uLong nLine ) /*****************************************************************************/ : ByteString( rLine ) , nLineNumber( nLine ) , bOK( sal_True ) , bFixed ( sal_False ) { if ( rLine.GetTokenCount( '\t' ) == 15 ) { aFormat = FORMAT_SDF; aUniqId = rLine.GetToken( 0, '\t' ); aUniqId.Append("/").Append( rLine.GetToken( 1, '\t' ) ).Append("/").Append( rLine.GetToken( 3, '\t' ) ).Append("/").Append( rLine.GetToken( 4, '\t' ) ).Append("/").Append( rLine.GetToken( 5, '\t' ) ).Append("/").Append( rLine.GetToken( 6, '\t' ) ).Append("/").Append( rLine.GetToken( 7, '\t' ) ); aLineType = ""; aLangId = rLine.GetToken( 9, '\t' ); aText = rLine.GetToken( 10, '\t' ); aQuickHelpText = rLine.GetToken( 12, '\t' ); aTitle = rLine.GetToken( 13, '\t' ); // do some more format checks here if ( !rLine.GetToken( 8, '\t' ).IsNumericAscii() ) { PrintError( "The length field does not contain a number!", "Line format", rLine.GetToken( 8, '\t' ), sal_True, GetLineNumber(), GetUniqId() ); NotOK(); } if ( !LanguageOK( aLangId ) ) { PrintError( "The Language is invalid!", "Line format", aLangId, sal_True, GetLineNumber(), GetUniqId() ); NotOK(); } // limit GID and LID to MAX_GID_LID_LEN chars each for database conformity, see #137575# if ( rLine.GetToken( 4, '\t' ).Len() > MAX_GID_LID_LEN || rLine.GetToken( 5, '\t' ).Len() > MAX_GID_LID_LEN ) { PrintError( ByteString("GID and LID may only be ").Append( ByteString::CreateFromInt32(MAX_GID_LID_LEN) ).Append( " chars long each!" ), "Line format", aLangId, sal_True, GetLineNumber(), GetUniqId() ); NotOK(); } } else // allow tabs in gsi files { aFormat = FORMAT_GSI; ByteString sTmp( rLine ); sal_uInt16 nPos = sTmp.Search( "($$)" ); sal_uInt16 nStart = 0; if ( nPos != STRING_NOTFOUND ) { aUniqId = sTmp.Copy( nStart, nPos - nStart ); nStart = nPos + 4; // + length of the delimiter nPos = sTmp.Search( "($$)", nStart ); } if ( nPos != STRING_NOTFOUND ) { aLineType = sTmp.Copy( nStart, nPos - nStart ); nStart = nPos + 4; // + length of the delimiter nPos = sTmp.Search( "($$)", nStart ); aUniqId.Append( "/" ); aUniqId.Append( aLineType ); } if ( nPos != STRING_NOTFOUND ) { aLangId = sTmp.Copy( nStart, nPos - nStart ); nStart = nPos + 4; // + length of the delimiter nPos = sTmp.Search( "($$)", nStart ); } if ( nPos != STRING_NOTFOUND ) { // ByteString aStatus = sTmp.Copy( nStart, nPos - nStart ); // ext int ... nStart = nPos + 4; // + length of the delimiter } if ( nPos != STRING_NOTFOUND ) aText = sTmp.Copy( nStart ); else aFormat = FORMAT_UNKNOWN; } if ( FORMAT_UNKNOWN == GetLineFormat() ) NotOK(); } /*****************************************************************************/ void GSILine::NotOK() /*****************************************************************************/ { bOK = sal_False; } /*****************************************************************************/ void GSILine::ReassembleLine() /*****************************************************************************/ { ByteString aReassemble; if ( GetLineFormat() == FORMAT_SDF ) { sal_uInt16 i; for ( i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ ) { aReassemble.Append( GetToken( i, '\t' ) ); aReassemble.Append( "\t" ); } aReassemble.Append( aText ); aReassemble.Append( "\t" ); aReassemble.Append( GetToken( 11, '\t' ) ); // should be empty but there are some places in sc. Not reflected to sources!! aReassemble.Append( "\t" ); aReassemble.Append( aQuickHelpText ); aReassemble.Append( "\t" ); aReassemble.Append( aTitle ); for ( i = 14 ; i < 15 ; i++ ) { aReassemble.Append( "\t" ); aReassemble.Append( GetToken( i, '\t' ) ); } *(ByteString*)this = aReassemble; } else if ( GetLineFormat() == FORMAT_GSI ) { sal_uInt16 nPos = Search( "($$)" ); sal_uInt16 nStart = 0; if ( nPos != STRING_NOTFOUND ) { nStart = nPos + 4; // + length of the delimiter nPos = Search( "($$)", nStart ); } if ( nPos != STRING_NOTFOUND ) { nStart = nPos + 4; // + length of the delimiter nPos = Search( "($$)", nStart ); } if ( nPos != STRING_NOTFOUND ) { nStart = nPos + 4; // + length of the delimiter nPos = Search( "($$)", nStart ); } if ( nPos != STRING_NOTFOUND ) { nStart = nPos + 4; // + length of the delimiter } if ( nPos != STRING_NOTFOUND ) { aReassemble = Copy( 0, nStart ); aReassemble += aText; *(ByteString*)this = aReassemble; } else PrintError( "Cannot reassemble GSI line (internal Error).", "Line format", "", sal_False, GetLineNumber(), GetUniqId() ); } else PrintError( "Cannot reassemble line of unknown type (internal Error).", "Line format", "", sal_False, GetLineNumber(), GetUniqId() ); } // // class GSIBlock // /*****************************************************************************/ GSIBlock::GSIBlock( sal_Bool PbPrintContext, sal_Bool bSource, sal_Bool bTrans, sal_Bool bRef, sal_Bool bAllowKID, sal_Bool bAllowSusp ) /*****************************************************************************/ : pSourceLine( NULL ) , pReferenceLine( NULL ) , bPrintContext( PbPrintContext ) , bCheckSourceLang( bSource ) , bCheckTranslationLang( bTrans ) , bReference( bRef ) , bAllowKeyIDs( bAllowKID ) , bAllowSuspicious( bAllowSusp ) , bHasBlockError( sal_False ) { } /*****************************************************************************/ GSIBlock::~GSIBlock() /*****************************************************************************/ { delete pSourceLine; delete pReferenceLine; for ( sal_uLong i = 0; i < Count(); i++ ) delete ( GetObject( i )); } /*****************************************************************************/ void GSIBlock::InsertLine( GSILine* pLine, ByteString aSourceLang) /*****************************************************************************/ { if ( pLine->GetLanguageId().Equals( aSourceLang ) ) { if ( pSourceLine ) { PrintError( "Source Language entry double. Treating as Translation.", "File format", "", pLine->GetLineNumber(), pLine->GetUniqId() ); bHasBlockError = sal_True; pSourceLine->NotOK(); pLine->NotOK(); } else { pSourceLine = pLine; return; } } sal_uLong nPos = 0; if ( aSourceLang.Len() ) // only check blockstructure if source lang is given { while ( nPos < Count() ) { if ( GetObject( nPos )->GetLanguageId().Equals( pLine->GetLanguageId() ) ) { PrintError( "Translation Language entry double. Checking both.", "File format", "", pLine->GetLineNumber(), pLine->GetUniqId() ); bHasBlockError = sal_True; GetObject( nPos )->NotOK(); pLine->NotOK(); } nPos++; } } Insert( pLine, LIST_APPEND ); } /*****************************************************************************/ void GSIBlock::SetReferenceLine( GSILine* pLine ) /*****************************************************************************/ { pReferenceLine = pLine; } /*****************************************************************************/ void GSIBlock::PrintMessage( ByteString aType, ByteString aMsg, ByteString aPrefix, ByteString aContext, sal_uLong nLine, ByteString aUniqueId ) /*****************************************************************************/ { ::PrintMessage( aType, aMsg, aPrefix, aContext, bPrintContext, nLine, aUniqueId ); } /*****************************************************************************/ void GSIBlock::PrintError( ByteString aMsg, ByteString aPrefix, ByteString aContext, sal_uLong nLine, ByteString aUniqueId ) /*****************************************************************************/ { PrintMessage( "Error:", aMsg, aPrefix, aContext, nLine, aUniqueId ); } /*****************************************************************************/ void GSIBlock::PrintList( ParserMessageList *pList, ByteString aPrefix, GSILine *pLine ) /*****************************************************************************/ { sal_uLong i; for ( i = 0 ; i < pList->Count() ; i++ ) { ParserMessage *pMsg = pList->GetObject( i ); ByteString aContext; if ( bPrintContext ) { if ( pMsg->GetTagBegin() == STRING_NOTFOUND ) aContext = pLine->GetText().Copy( 0, 300 ); else aContext = pLine->Copy( pMsg->GetTagBegin()-150, 300 ); aContext.EraseTrailingChars(' '); aContext.EraseLeadingChars(' '); } PrintMessage( pMsg->Prefix(), pMsg->GetErrorText(), aPrefix, aContext, pLine->GetLineNumber(), pLine->GetUniqId() ); } } /*****************************************************************************/ sal_Bool GSIBlock::IsUTF8( const ByteString &aTestee, sal_Bool bFixTags, sal_uInt16 &nErrorPos, ByteString &aErrorMsg, sal_Bool &bHasBeenFixed, ByteString &aFixed ) const /*****************************************************************************/ { String aUTF8Tester( aTestee, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ); if ( STRING_MATCH != (nErrorPos = ByteString( aUTF8Tester, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).Match( aTestee )) ) { aUTF8Tester = String( aTestee.GetBuffer(), nErrorPos, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ); nErrorPos = aUTF8Tester.Len(); aErrorMsg = ByteString( "UTF8 Encoding seems to be broken" ); return sal_False; } nErrorPos = aUTF8Tester.SearchChar( String::CreateFromAscii( "\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e\x0f" "\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f\x7f" ).GetBuffer() ); if ( nErrorPos != STRING_NOTFOUND ) { aErrorMsg = ByteString( "String contains illegal character" ); return sal_False; } if ( bFixTags ) { bHasBeenFixed = sal_False; aFixed.Erase(); } if ( !bAllowKeyIDs ) { sal_Bool bIsKeyID = sal_False; sal_Bool bNewId = sal_False; ByteString aID( aTestee ); sal_uInt16 nAfterID = 0; if ( aTestee.Equals( "{&", 0, 2 ) ) { // check for strings from instset_native like "{&Tahoma8}335795.Installation Wiza ..." sal_uInt16 nTagEnd = aTestee.Search( '}' ); if ( nTagEnd != STRING_NOTFOUND ) { if ( bFixTags ) aFixed = aTestee.Copy( 0, nTagEnd+1 ); nErrorPos = nTagEnd+1; aID = aTestee.Copy( nTagEnd+1 ); nAfterID = nTagEnd+1; } } ByteString aDelimiter( (String)String( sal_Unicode(0x2016) ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ); if ( aID.Equals( aDelimiter, 6, aDelimiter.Len() ) ) { // New KeyId 6 Letters, digits and special chars followed by delimiter bNewId = sal_True; nErrorPos = 1; aID = aID.Copy( 0, 6 ); nAfterID += 6; nAfterID = nAfterID + aDelimiter.Len(); } else if ( ( aID.GetChar(6) == '*' ) && aID.Equals( aDelimiter, 7, aDelimiter.Len() ) ) { // New KeyId 6 Letters, digits and special chars followed by '*delimiter' to indicate translation in progress bNewId = sal_True; nErrorPos = 1; aID = aID.Copy( 0, 6 ); nAfterID += 7; nAfterID = nAfterID + aDelimiter.Len(); } else if ( aID.GetTokenCount( '.' ) > 1 ) { // test for old KeyIDs 5 to 6 digits followed by a dot '44373.' bNewId = sal_False; nErrorPos = 1; aID = aID.GetToken( 0, '.' ); nAfterID = nAfterID + aID.Len(); } else { aID.Erase(); } if ( bNewId ) { if ( aID.Len() == 6 ) { bIsKeyID = sal_True; ByteString aDigits("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz+-<=>"); for ( sal_uInt16 i=0 ; i < aID.Len() ;i++ ) { if ( aDigits.Search( aID.GetChar(i) ) == STRING_NOTFOUND ) bIsKeyID = sal_False; } } } else { if ( aID.Len() > 0 && aID.GetChar(aID.Len()-1) == '*' ) aID.Erase( aID.Len()-1 ); if ( aID.IsNumericAscii() && aID.Len() >= 5 ) bIsKeyID = sal_True; } if ( bIsKeyID ) { aErrorMsg = ByteString( "String contains KeyID" ); if ( bFixTags ) { aFixed += aTestee.Copy( nAfterID ); bHasBeenFixed = sal_True; aErrorMsg = ByteString( "FIXED String containing KeyID" ); } else aErrorMsg = ByteString( "String contains KeyID" ); return sal_False; } } return sal_True; } /*****************************************************************************/ sal_Bool GSIBlock::TestUTF8( GSILine* pTestee, sal_Bool bFixTags ) /*****************************************************************************/ { sal_uInt16 nErrorPos = 0; ByteString aErrorMsg; sal_Bool bError = sal_False; ByteString aFixed; sal_Bool bHasBeenFixed = sal_False; if ( !IsUTF8( pTestee->GetText(), bFixTags, nErrorPos, aErrorMsg, bHasBeenFixed, aFixed ) ) { ByteString aContext( pTestee->GetText().Copy( nErrorPos, 20 ) ); PrintError( aErrorMsg.Append(" in Text at Position " ).Append( ByteString::CreateFromInt32( nErrorPos ) ), "Text format", aContext, pTestee->GetLineNumber(), pTestee->GetUniqId() ); bError = sal_True; if ( bHasBeenFixed ) { pTestee->SetText( aFixed ); pTestee->SetFixed(); } } if ( !IsUTF8( pTestee->GetQuickHelpText(), bFixTags, nErrorPos, aErrorMsg, bHasBeenFixed, aFixed ) ) { ByteString aContext( pTestee->GetQuickHelpText().Copy( nErrorPos, 20 ) ); PrintError( aErrorMsg.Append(" in QuickHelpText at Position " ).Append( ByteString::CreateFromInt32( nErrorPos ) ), "Text format", aContext, pTestee->GetLineNumber(), pTestee->GetUniqId() ); bError = sal_True; if ( bHasBeenFixed ) { pTestee->SetQuickHelpText( aFixed ); pTestee->SetFixed(); } } if ( !IsUTF8( pTestee->GetTitle(), bFixTags, nErrorPos, aErrorMsg, bHasBeenFixed, aFixed ) ) { ByteString aContext( pTestee->GetTitle().Copy( nErrorPos, 20 ) ); PrintError( aErrorMsg.Append(" in Title at Position " ).Append( ByteString::CreateFromInt32( nErrorPos ) ), "Text format", aContext, pTestee->GetLineNumber(), pTestee->GetUniqId() ); bError = sal_True; if ( bHasBeenFixed ) { pTestee->SetTitle( aFixed ); pTestee->SetFixed(); } } if ( bError ) pTestee->NotOK(); return !bError; } /*****************************************************************************/ sal_Bool GSIBlock::HasSuspiciousChars( GSILine* pTestee, GSILine* pSource ) /*****************************************************************************/ { sal_uInt16 nPos = 0; if ( !bAllowSuspicious && ( nPos = pTestee->GetText().Search("??")) != STRING_NOTFOUND ) if ( pSource->GetText().Search("??") == STRING_NOTFOUND ) { String aUTF8Tester = String( pTestee->GetText(), 0, nPos, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ); sal_uInt16 nErrorPos = aUTF8Tester.Len(); ByteString aContext( pTestee->GetText().Copy( nPos, 20 ) ); PrintError( ByteString("Found double question mark in translation only. Looks like an encoding problem at Position " ).Append( ByteString::CreateFromInt32( nErrorPos ) ), "Text format", aContext, pTestee->GetLineNumber(), pTestee->GetUniqId() ); pTestee->NotOK(); return sal_True; } return sal_False; } /*****************************************************************************/ sal_Bool GSIBlock::CheckSyntax( sal_uLong nLine, sal_Bool bRequireSourceLine, sal_Bool bFixTags ) /*****************************************************************************/ { static LingTest aTester; sal_Bool bHasError = sal_False; if ( !pSourceLine ) { if ( bRequireSourceLine ) { PrintError( "No source language entry defined!", "File format", "", nLine ); bHasBlockError = sal_True; } } else { aTester.CheckReference( pSourceLine ); if ( pSourceLine->HasMessages() ) { PrintList( pSourceLine->GetMessageList(), "ReferenceString", pSourceLine ); pSourceLine->NotOK(); bHasError = sal_True; } } if ( bReference ) { if ( !pReferenceLine ) { GSILine *pSource; if ( pSourceLine ) pSource = pSourceLine; else pSource = GetObject( 0 ); // get some other line if ( pSource ) PrintError( "No reference line found. Entry is new in source file", "File format", "", pSource->GetLineNumber(), pSource->GetUniqId() ); else PrintError( "No reference line found. Entry is new in source file", "File format", "", nLine ); bHasBlockError = sal_True; } else { if ( pSourceLine && !pSourceLine->Equals( *pReferenceLine ) ) { xub_StrLen nPos = pSourceLine->Match( *pReferenceLine ); ByteString aContext( pReferenceLine->Copy( nPos - 5, 15) ); aContext.Append( "\" --> \"" ).Append( pSourceLine->Copy( nPos - 5, 15) ); PrintError( "Source Language Entry has changed.", "File format", aContext, pSourceLine->GetLineNumber(), pSourceLine->GetUniqId() ); pSourceLine->NotOK(); bHasError = sal_True; } } } if ( pSourceLine ) bHasError |= !TestUTF8( pSourceLine, bFixTags ); sal_uLong i; for ( i = 0; i < Count(); i++ ) { aTester.CheckTestee( GetObject( i ), pSourceLine != NULL, bFixTags ); if ( GetObject( i )->HasMessages() || aTester.HasCompareWarnings() ) { if ( GetObject( i )->HasMessages() || aTester.GetCompareWarnings().HasErrors() ) GetObject( i )->NotOK(); bHasError = sal_True; PrintList( GetObject( i )->GetMessageList(), "Translation", GetObject( i ) ); PrintList( &(aTester.GetCompareWarnings()), "Translation Tag Missmatch", GetObject( i ) ); } bHasError |= !TestUTF8( GetObject( i ), bFixTags ); if ( pSourceLine ) bHasError |= HasSuspiciousChars( GetObject( i ), pSourceLine ); } return bHasError || bHasBlockError; } void GSIBlock::WriteError( LazySvFileStream &aErrOut, sal_Bool bRequireSourceLine ) { if ( pSourceLine && pSourceLine->IsOK() && bCheckSourceLang && !bHasBlockError ) return; sal_Bool bHasError = sal_False; sal_Bool bCopyAll = ( !pSourceLine && bRequireSourceLine ) || ( pSourceLine && !pSourceLine->IsOK() && !bCheckTranslationLang ) || bHasBlockError; sal_uLong i; for ( i = 0; i < Count(); i++ ) { if ( !GetObject( i )->IsOK() || bCopyAll ) { bHasError = sal_True; aErrOut.LazyOpen(); aErrOut.WriteLine( *GetObject( i ) ); } } if ( pSourceLine && ( bHasError || !pSourceLine->IsOK() ) && !( !bHasError && bCheckTranslationLang ) ) { aErrOut.LazyOpen(); aErrOut.WriteLine( *pSourceLine ); } } void GSIBlock::WriteCorrect( LazySvFileStream &aOkOut, sal_Bool bRequireSourceLine ) { if ( ( !pSourceLine && bRequireSourceLine ) || ( pSourceLine && !pSourceLine->IsOK() && !bCheckTranslationLang ) ) return; sal_Bool bHasOK = sal_False; sal_uLong i; for ( i = 0; i < Count(); i++ ) { if ( ( GetObject( i )->IsOK() || bCheckSourceLang ) && !bHasBlockError ) { bHasOK = sal_True; aOkOut.LazyOpen(); aOkOut.WriteLine( *GetObject( i ) ); } } if ( ( pSourceLine && pSourceLine->IsOK() && ( Count() || !bCheckTranslationLang ) ) || ( bHasOK && bCheckTranslationLang ) ) { aOkOut.LazyOpen(); aOkOut.WriteLine( *pSourceLine ); } } void GSIBlock::WriteFixed( LazySvFileStream &aFixOut, sal_Bool /*bRequireSourceLine*/ ) { if ( pSourceLine && !pSourceLine->IsFixed() && bCheckSourceLang ) return; sal_Bool bHasFixes = sal_False; sal_uLong i; for ( i = 0; i < Count(); i++ ) { if ( GetObject( i )->IsFixed() ) { bHasFixes = sal_True; aFixOut.LazyOpen(); aFixOut.WriteLine( *GetObject( i ) ); } } if ( pSourceLine && ( bHasFixes || pSourceLine->IsFixed() ) ) { aFixOut.LazyOpen(); aFixOut.WriteLine( *pSourceLine ); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Help() /*****************************************************************************/ { fprintf( stdout, "\n" ); fprintf( stdout, "gsicheck Version 1.9.0 (c)1999 - 2006 by SUN Microsystems\n" ); fprintf( stdout, "=========================================================\n" ); fprintf( stdout, "\n" ); fprintf( stdout, "gsicheck checks the syntax of tags in GSI-Files and SDF-Files\n" ); fprintf( stdout, " checks for inconsistencies and malicious UTF8 encoding\n" ); fprintf( stdout, " checks tags in Online Help\n" ); fprintf( stdout, " checks for *new* KeyIDs and relax GID/LID length to %s\n", ByteString::CreateFromInt32(MAX_GID_LID_LEN).GetBuffer() ); fprintf( stdout, "\n" ); fprintf( stdout, "Syntax: gsicheck [ -c ] [-f] [ -we ] [ -wef ErrorFilename ] [ -wc ]\n" ); fprintf( stdout, " [ -wcf CorrectFilename ] [ -s | -t ] [ -l LanguageID ]\n" ); fprintf( stdout, " [ -r ReferenceFile ] filename\n" ); fprintf( stdout, "\n" ); fprintf( stdout, "-c Add context to error message (Print the line containing the error)\n" ); fprintf( stdout, "-f try to fix errors. See also -wf -wff \n" ); fprintf( stdout, "-wf Write File containing all fixed parts\n" ); fprintf( stdout, "-wff Same as above but give own filename\n" ); fprintf( stdout, "-we Write File containing all errors\n" ); fprintf( stdout, "-wef Same as above but give own filename\n" ); fprintf( stdout, "-wc Write File containing all correct parts\n" ); fprintf( stdout, "-wcf Same as above but give own filename\n" ); fprintf( stdout, "-s Check only source language. Should be used before handing out to vendor.\n" ); fprintf( stdout, "-t Check only Translation language(s). Should be used before merging.\n" ); fprintf( stdout, "-k Allow KeyIDs to be present in strings\n" ); fprintf( stdout, "-e disable encoding checks. E.g.: double questionmark \'??\' which may be the\n" ); fprintf( stdout, " result of false conversions\n" ); fprintf( stdout, "-l ISO Languagecode or numerical 2 digits Identifier of the source language.\n" ); fprintf( stdout, " Default is en-US. Use \"\" (empty string) or 'none'\n" ); fprintf( stdout, " to disable source language dependent checks\n" ); fprintf( stdout, "-r Reference filename to check that source language entries\n" ); fprintf( stdout, " have not been changed\n" ); fprintf( stdout, "\n" ); } /*****************************************************************************/ #if defined(UNX) || defined(OS2) int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) #else int _cdecl main( int argc, char *argv[] ) #endif /*****************************************************************************/ { sal_Bool bError = sal_False; sal_Bool bPrintContext = sal_False; sal_Bool bCheckSourceLang = sal_False; sal_Bool bCheckTranslationLang = sal_False; sal_Bool bWriteError = sal_False; sal_Bool bWriteCorrect = sal_False; sal_Bool bWriteFixed = sal_False; sal_Bool bFixTags = sal_False; sal_Bool bAllowKID = sal_False; sal_Bool bAllowSuspicious = sal_False; String aErrorFilename; String aCorrectFilename; String aFixedFilename; sal_Bool bFileHasError = sal_False; ByteString aSourceLang( "en-US" ); // English is default ByteString aFilename; ByteString aReferenceFilename; sal_Bool bReferenceFile = sal_False; for ( sal_uInt16 i = 1 ; i < argc ; i++ ) { if ( *argv[ i ] == '-' ) { switch (*(argv[ i ]+1)) { case 'c':bPrintContext = sal_True; break; case 'w': { if ( (*(argv[ i ]+2)) == 'e' ) { if ( (*(argv[ i ]+3)) == 'f' ) if ( (i+1) < argc ) { aErrorFilename = String( argv[ i+1 ], RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); bWriteError = sal_True; i++; } else { fprintf( stderr, "\nERROR: Switch %s requires parameter!\n\n", argv[ i ] ); bError = sal_True; } else bWriteError = sal_True; } else if ( (*(argv[ i ]+2)) == 'c' ) if ( (*(argv[ i ]+3)) == 'f' ) if ( (i+1) < argc ) { aCorrectFilename = String( argv[ i+1 ], RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); bWriteCorrect = sal_True; i++; } else { fprintf( stderr, "\nERROR: Switch %s requires parameter!\n\n", argv[ i ] ); bError = sal_True; } else bWriteCorrect = sal_True; else if ( (*(argv[ i ]+2)) == 'f' ) if ( (*(argv[ i ]+3)) == 'f' ) if ( (i+1) < argc ) { aFixedFilename = String( argv[ i+1 ], RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); bWriteFixed = sal_True; bFixTags = sal_True; i++; } else { fprintf( stderr, "\nERROR: Switch %s requires parameter!\n\n", argv[ i ] ); bError = sal_True; } else { bWriteFixed = sal_True; bFixTags = sal_True; } else { fprintf( stderr, "\nERROR: Unknown Switch %s!\n\n", argv[ i ] ); bError = sal_True; } } break; case 's':bCheckSourceLang = sal_True; break; case 't':bCheckTranslationLang = sal_True; break; case 'l': { if ( (i+1) < argc ) { aSourceLang = ByteString( argv[ i+1 ] ); if ( aSourceLang.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( "none" ) ) aSourceLang.Erase(); i++; } else { fprintf( stderr, "\nERROR: Switch %s requires parameter!\n\n", argv[ i ] ); bError = sal_True; } } break; case 'r': { if ( (i+1) < argc ) { aReferenceFilename = argv[ i+1 ]; bReferenceFile = sal_True; i++; } else { fprintf( stderr, "\nERROR: Switch %s requires parameter!\n\n", argv[ i ] ); bError = sal_True; } } break; case 'f': { bFixTags = sal_True; } break; case 'k': { bAllowKID = sal_True; } break; case 'e': { bAllowSuspicious = sal_True; } break; default: fprintf( stderr, "\nERROR: Unknown Switch %s!\n\n", argv[ i ] ); bError = sal_True; } } else { if ( !aFilename.Len()) aFilename = ByteString( argv[ i ] ); else { fprintf( stderr, "\nERROR: Only one filename may be specified!\n\n"); bError = sal_True; } } } if ( !aFilename.Len() || bError ) { Help(); exit ( 0 ); } if ( aSourceLang.Len() && !LanguageOK( aSourceLang ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "\nERROR: The Language '%s' is invalid!\n\n", aSourceLang.GetBuffer() ); Help(); exit ( 1 ); } if ( bCheckSourceLang && bCheckTranslationLang ) { fprintf( stderr, "\nERROR: The Options -s and -t are mutually exclusive.\nUse only one of them.\n\n" ); Help(); exit ( 1 ); } DirEntry aSource = DirEntry( String( aFilename, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US )); if ( !aSource.Exists()) { fprintf( stderr, "\nERROR: GSI-File %s not found!\n\n", aFilename.GetBuffer() ); exit ( 2 ); } SvFileStream aGSI( String( aFilename, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ), STREAM_STD_READ ); if ( !aGSI.IsOpen()) { fprintf( stderr, "\nERROR: Could not open GSI-File %s!\n\n", aFilename.GetBuffer() ); exit ( 3 ); } SvFileStream aReferenceGSI; if ( bReferenceFile ) { DirEntry aReferenceSource = DirEntry( String( aReferenceFilename, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US )); if ( !aReferenceSource.Exists()) { fprintf( stderr, "\nERROR: GSI-File %s not found!\n\n", aFilename.GetBuffer() ); exit ( 2 ); } aReferenceGSI.Open( String( aReferenceFilename, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ), STREAM_STD_READ ); if ( !aReferenceGSI.IsOpen()) { fprintf( stderr, "\nERROR: Could not open Input-File %s!\n\n", aFilename.GetBuffer() ); exit ( 3 ); } } LazySvFileStream aOkOut; String aBaseName = aSource.GetBase(); if ( bWriteCorrect ) { if ( !aCorrectFilename.Len() ) { String sTmpBase( aBaseName ); sTmpBase += String( "_ok", RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); aSource.SetBase( sTmpBase ); aCorrectFilename = aSource.GetFull(); } aOkOut.SetOpenParams( aCorrectFilename , STREAM_STD_WRITE | STREAM_TRUNC ); } LazySvFileStream aErrOut; if ( bWriteError ) { if ( !aErrorFilename.Len() ) { String sTmpBase( aBaseName ); sTmpBase += String( "_err", RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); aSource.SetBase( sTmpBase ); aErrorFilename = aSource.GetFull(); } aErrOut.SetOpenParams( aErrorFilename , STREAM_STD_WRITE | STREAM_TRUNC ); } LazySvFileStream aFixOut; if ( bWriteFixed ) { if ( !aFixedFilename.Len() ) { String sTmpBase( aBaseName ); sTmpBase += String( "_fix", RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); aSource.SetBase( sTmpBase ); aFixedFilename = aSource.GetFull(); } aFixOut.SetOpenParams( aFixedFilename , STREAM_STD_WRITE | STREAM_TRUNC ); } ByteString sReferenceLine; GSILine* pReferenceLine = NULL; ByteString aOldReferenceId("No Valid ID"); // just set to something which can never be an ID sal_uLong nReferenceLine = 0; ByteString sGSILine; GSILine* pGSILine = NULL; ByteString aOldId("No Valid ID"); // just set to something which can never be an ID GSIBlock *pBlock = NULL; sal_uLong nLine = 0; while ( !aGSI.IsEof() ) { aGSI.ReadLine( sGSILine ); nLine++; pGSILine = new GSILine( sGSILine, nLine ); sal_Bool bDelete = sal_True; if ( pGSILine->Len() ) { if ( FORMAT_UNKNOWN == pGSILine->GetLineFormat() ) { PrintError( "Format of line is unknown. Ignoring!", "Line format", pGSILine->Copy( 0,40 ), bPrintContext, pGSILine->GetLineNumber() ); pGSILine->NotOK(); if ( bWriteError ) { bFileHasError = sal_True; aErrOut.LazyOpen(); aErrOut.WriteLine( *pGSILine ); } } else if ( pGSILine->GetLineType().EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii("res-comment") ) { // ignore comment lines, but write them to Correct Items File if ( bWriteCorrect ) { aOkOut.LazyOpen(); aOkOut.WriteLine( *pGSILine ); } } else { ByteString aId = pGSILine->GetUniqId(); if ( aId != aOldId ) { if ( pBlock ) { bFileHasError |= pBlock->CheckSyntax( nLine, aSourceLang.Len() != 0, bFixTags ); if ( bWriteError ) pBlock->WriteError( aErrOut, aSourceLang.Len() != 0 ); if ( bWriteCorrect ) pBlock->WriteCorrect( aOkOut, aSourceLang.Len() != 0 ); if ( bWriteFixed ) pBlock->WriteFixed( aFixOut, aSourceLang.Len() != 0 ); delete pBlock; } pBlock = new GSIBlock( bPrintContext, bCheckSourceLang, bCheckTranslationLang, bReferenceFile, bAllowKID, bAllowSuspicious ); aOldId = aId; // find corresponding line in reference file if ( bReferenceFile ) { sal_Bool bContinueSearching = sal_True; while ( ( !aReferenceGSI.IsEof() || pReferenceLine ) && bContinueSearching ) { if ( !pReferenceLine ) { aReferenceGSI.ReadLine( sReferenceLine ); nReferenceLine++; pReferenceLine = new GSILine( sReferenceLine, nReferenceLine ); } if ( pReferenceLine->GetLineFormat() != FORMAT_UNKNOWN ) { if ( pReferenceLine->GetUniqId() == aId && pReferenceLine->GetLanguageId().Equals( aSourceLang ) ) { pBlock->SetReferenceLine( pReferenceLine ); pReferenceLine = NULL; } else if ( pReferenceLine->GetUniqId() > aId ) { // if ( pGSILine->GetLanguageId() == aSourceLang ) // PrintError( "No reference line found. Entry is new in source file", "File format", "", bPrintContext, pGSILine->GetLineNumber(), aId ); bContinueSearching = sal_False; } else { if ( pReferenceLine->GetUniqId() < aId && pReferenceLine->GetLanguageId().Equals( aSourceLang ) ) PrintError( "No Entry in source file found. Entry has been removed from source file", "File format", "", bPrintContext, pGSILine->GetLineNumber(), pReferenceLine->GetUniqId() ); delete pReferenceLine; pReferenceLine = NULL; } } else { delete pReferenceLine; pReferenceLine = NULL; } } } } pBlock->InsertLine( pGSILine, aSourceLang ); bDelete = sal_False; } } if ( bDelete ) delete pGSILine; } if ( pBlock ) { bFileHasError |= pBlock->CheckSyntax( nLine, aSourceLang.Len() != 0, bFixTags ); if ( bWriteError ) pBlock->WriteError( aErrOut, aSourceLang.Len() != 0 ); if ( bWriteCorrect ) pBlock->WriteCorrect( aOkOut, aSourceLang.Len() != 0 ); if ( bWriteFixed ) pBlock->WriteFixed( aFixOut, aSourceLang.Len() != 0 ); delete pBlock; } aGSI.Close(); if ( bWriteError ) aErrOut.Close(); if ( bWriteCorrect ) aOkOut.Close(); if ( bWriteFixed ) aFixOut.Close(); if ( bFileHasError ) return 55; else return 0; }