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#ifndef com_sun_star_chart_TimeIncrement_idl
#define com_sun_star_chart_TimeIncrement_idl

#include <com/sun/star/chart/TimeInterval.idl>


module com {  module sun {  module star {  module chart {


/** A TimeIncrement describes how tickmarks are positioned on the scale of a date-time axis.
@since OOo 3.4
published struct TimeIncrement
    /** if the any contains a struct of type <type>::com::sun::star::chart::TimeInterval</type> 
        this is used as a fixed distance value for the major tickmarks.  Otherwise, if the any is empty or contains an
        incompatible type, the distance between major tickmarks is calculated automatically by the application.
    any     MajorTimeInterval;

    /** if the any contains a struct of type <type>::com::sun::star::chart::TimeInterval</type> 
        this is used as a fixed distance value for the minor tickmarks.  Otherwise, if the any is empty or contains an
        incompatible type, the distance between minor tickmarks is calculated automatically by the application.
    any     MinorTimeInterval;

    /** if the any contains a constant of type <type>::com::sun::star::chart::TimeUnit</type> 
        this is the smallest time unit that is displayed on the date-time axis.
        Otherwise, if the any is empty or contains an incompatible type,
        the resolution is choosen automatically by the application.
    any     TimeResolution;


}; }; }; };
