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#ifndef __com_sun_star_configuration_backend_DataImporter_idl__
#define __com_sun_star_configuration_backend_DataImporter_idl__

#ifndef __com_sun_star_task_XJob_idl__
#include <com/sun/star/task/XJob.idl>


module com { module sun { module star { module configuration { module backend {


    allows importing data from one configuration repository into another. .
    @since OOo 1.1.2
published service DataImporter

    /** allows running an import job

        <p> The source and destination repositories are selected by arguments 
            passed to
            <member scope="com::sun::star::task">XJob::execute()</member>. 
            The names and meanings of such arguments depend on 
            the implementation. Each implementation must document such arguments.
        <p> Implementations may return a value from 
            <member scope="com::sun::star::task">XJob::execute()</member>
            that indicates the status of job execution. The type and meaning of 
            such status indicators depend on the implementation. 
         <p>If <void/> or <TRUE/> is returned, this indicates successful 
            execution. If an 
            <type scope="com::sun::star::uno">Exception</type> is returned, 
            it represents an error condition encountered during execution. 

        <p> The following arguments to
            <member scope="com::sun::star::task">XJob::execute()</member>
            should be supported by implementations. Implementations must document 
            a failure to support any of these arguments:
            <dt><code>ImporterService</code> : <atom >string</atom></dt>
            <dd>A service or implementation name used to instantiate the 
                <type>Importer</type> to use for importing. If this parameter 
                is missing, the implementation selects an appropriate importer. 
                By default, a <type>MergeImporter</type> should be used.
            <dt><code>OverwriteExisting</code> : <atom >boolean</atom></dt>
            <dd>If <TRUE/>, specifies that no existing data should be 
                overwritten by the import. If the <type>Importer</type> used 
                does not support such protection, an error may be raised. 
                If some data is not imported, because there is existing 
                data, this is indicated by returning an appropriate exception. 
            <dt><code>TruncateExisting</code> : <atom >boolean</atom></dt>
            <dd>If <TRUE/>, specifies that existing data should be 
                discarded and replaced by the imported data. 
                If the <type>Importer</type> used does not support this 
                operation, an error may be raised. 
                By default, a <type>CopyImporter</type> is used to perform 
                truncating import.
            <dt><code>Entity</code> : <atom >string</atom></dt>
            <dd>An identifier for the entity in the destination backend for 
                which the imported data should apply. The value will be passed 
                to <member>XLayerImporter::importLayerForEntity()</member>.
                If this parameter is missing, the implementation uses 
                <member>XLayerImporter::importLayer()</member> instead.
            <dt><code>Component</code> : <atom >string</atom></dt>
            <dd>Names the component for which to import data. If this 
                parameter is missing, the selection of data to import depends 
                on implementation-specific parameters. 
            <dt><code>LayerFilter</code> : <type >LayerFilter</type></dt>
            <dd>A filter to transform data during import. This parameter is 
                optional. If this parameter is missing, data will be imported 
                unaltered. <em>Support for this parameter is optional.</em> 
                If the implementation does not support a filter it will raise an 
                <type scope="com::sun::star::lang">IllegalArgumentException</type>.

    interface com::sun::star::task::XJob ;

} ;


} ; } ; } ; } ; } ; 
