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#ifndef __com_sun_star_ui_ModuleUICommandDescription_idl__
#define __com_sun_star_ui_ModuleUICommandDescription_idl__

#ifndef __com_sun_star_container_XNameContainer_idl__
#include <com/sun/star/container/XNameContainer.idl>


module com { module sun { module star { module ui {


/** a service which provides window based information about user interface 
    elements of a single application module.

    Every OpenOffice.org module has an amout of user interface elements that can 
    be positioned, resized, closed and their style can be changed. This service 
    provides access to the window based information of available user interface 
    elements which are part of a single OpenOffice.org module, like Writer or 
    @since OpenOffice 2.0

service ModuleWindowStateConfiguration
    /** provides read/write access to window based information of user interface 
        elements which are part of single installed module.
        An implementation must provide a <type scope="com::sun::star::uno">Sequence</type> which
        has <type scope="com::sun::star::beans">PropertyValue</type> as entries. The following
        entries a defined:
            <li><b>Docked</b><br>a boolean which specifies if the window is docked or not.</li>
            <li><b>DockingArea</b><br>a <type scope="com::sun::star::ui">DockingArea</type> 
            which specifies the docking area where the window is docked.</li>
            <li><b>DockPos</b><br>a <type scope="com::sun::star::awt">Point</type> which specifies the
            docked position of a window. The X and Y values are interpreted as a row/column number and
            a pixel position for top/bottom docked windows. For left/right docked windows this is</li>
            <li><b>DockSize</b><br>a <type scope="com::sun::star::awt">Size</type> which specifies 
            the docked size of the window. This property is currently not used by the layout manager
            implementation. For future use.</li>
            <li><b>Locked</b><br>a boolean which specifies if the window is locked or not. This property
            is only valid for docked windows</li>
            <li><b>Pos</b><br>a <type scope="com::sun::star::awt">Point</type> which specifies the
            floating position in pixel of the window.</li>
            <li><b>Size</b><br>a <type scope="com::sun::star::awt">Size</type> which specifies the
            floating size in pixel of the window.</li>
            <li><b>Style</b><br>a long which specifies the style of the window. A toolbar support the
            following values: 0 = icons, 1 = text, 2 = text+icons.</li>
            <li><b>UIName</br><br>a localized string which specifies the default window title.</li>
        The key to a user interface element is the resource URL which has
        the following syntax "private:resource/$type/$name". For example "private:resource/toolbar/standardbar" 
        addresses the standard bar of a module.
        A complete list of all user interface elements is available in the Developers Guide.
        @see com::sun::star::frame::ModuleManager

    interface com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer;

}; }; }; };
