/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ package convwatch; import java.io.File; import java.io.RandomAccessFile; import java.util.ArrayList; /** Helper class to give a simple API to read/write windows like ini files */ /* public */ // is only need, if we need this class outside package convwatch class IniFile { /** * internal representation of the ini file content. * Problem, if ini file changed why other write something difference, we don't realise this. */ String m_sFilename; ArrayList m_aList; boolean m_bListContainUnsavedChanges = false; /** open a ini file by it's name @param _sFilename string a filename, if the file doesn't exist, a new empty ini file will create. write back to disk only if there are really changes. */ public IniFile(String _sFilename) { m_sFilename = _sFilename; m_aList = loadLines(); } ArrayList loadLines() { File aFile = new File(m_sFilename); ArrayList aLines = new ArrayList(); if (! aFile.exists()) { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("couldn't find file " + m_sFilename); // DebugHelper.exception(BasicErrorCode.SbERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, ""); // m_bListContainUnsavedChanges = false; return aLines; } RandomAccessFile aReader = null; try { aReader = new RandomAccessFile(aFile,"r"); String aLine = ""; while (aLine != null) { aLine = aReader.readLine(); if (aLine != null) { aLines.add(aLine); } } } catch (java.io.FileNotFoundException fne) { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("couldn't open file " + m_sFilename); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Message: " + fne.getMessage()); // DebugHelper.exception(BasicErrorCode.SbERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, ""); } catch (java.io.IOException ie) { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Exception occurs while reading from file " + m_sFilename); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Message: " + ie.getMessage()); // DebugHelper.exception(BasicErrorCode.SbERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, ie.getMessage()); } try { aReader.close(); } catch (java.io.IOException ie) { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Couldn't close file " + m_sFilename); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Message: " + ie.getMessage()); // DebugHelper.exception(BasicErrorCode.SbERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, ie.getMessage()); } return aLines; } /** * @return true, if the ini file contain some readable data */ public boolean is() { return m_aList.size() > 1 ? true : false; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- boolean isRemark(String _sLine) { if ( ((_sLine.length() < 2) ) || ( _sLine.startsWith("#")) || ( _sLine.startsWith(";")) ) { return true; } return false; } String getItem(int i) { return (String)m_aList.get(i); } String buildSectionName(String _sSectionName) { String sFindSection = "[" + _sSectionName + "]"; return sFindSection; } String toLowerIfNeed(String _sName) { return _sName.toLowerCase(); } // return the number where this section starts int findSection(String _sSection) { String sFindSection = toLowerIfNeed(buildSectionName(_sSection)); // ----------- find _sSection --------------- int i; for (i=0; i= 0) { String sKey = toLowerIfNeed(sLine.substring(0, nEqual).trim()); if (sKey.equals(_sKey)) { return j; } } } return -1; } // i must be the index in the list, where the well known section starts int findLastKnownKeyIndex(int _nSectionIndex, String _sKey) { _sKey = toLowerIfNeed(_sKey); int i = _nSectionIndex + 1; for (int j=i; j= 0) { String sKey = toLowerIfNeed(sLine.substring(0, nEqual).trim()); if (sKey.equals(_sKey)) { return j; } } } return i; } String getValue(int _nIndex) { String sLine = getItem(_nIndex).trim(); if (isRemark(sLine)) { return ""; } int nEqual = sLine.indexOf("="); if (nEqual >= 0) { String sKey = sLine.substring(0, nEqual).trim(); String sValue = sLine.substring(nEqual + 1).trim(); return sValue; } return ""; } /** @param _sSection string @param _sKey string @return the value found in the inifile which is given by the section and key parameter */ public String getValue(String _sSection, String _sKey) { String sValue = ""; int i = findKey(_sSection, _sKey); if (i == -1) { // Section not found, therefore the value can't exist return ""; } sValue = getValue(i); return sValue; } /** write back the ini file to the disk, only if there exist changes */ public void store() { if (m_bListContainUnsavedChanges == false) { // nothing has changed, so no need to store return; } File aFile = new File(m_sFilename); if (aFile.exists()) { // System.out.println("couldn't find file " + m_sFilename); aFile.delete(); if (aFile.exists()) { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Couldn't delete the file " + m_sFilename); return; // DebugHelper.exception(BasicErrorCode.SbERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Couldn't delete the file " + m_sFilename); } } // if (! aFile.canWrite()) // { // System.out.println("Couldn't write to file " + m_sFilename); // DebugHelper.exception(BasicErrorCode.SbERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, ""); // } try { RandomAccessFile aWriter = new RandomAccessFile(aFile, "rw"); for (int i=0; i= 0) // { // int nNextIndex = sValue.indexOf(")", nIndex); // if (nNextIndex >= 0) // { // String sKey = sValue.substring(nIndex + 2, nNextIndex); // String sNewValue = getValue(_sSection, sKey); // if (sNewValue != null && sNewValue.length() > 0) // { // String sRegexpKey = "\\$\\(" + sKey + "\\)"; // sValue = sValue.replaceAll(sRegexpKey, sNewValue); // } // nIndex = nNextIndex; // } // else // { // nIndex += 2; // } // } // return sValue; // } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // public String getLocalEvaluatedValue(String _sSection, String _sKey) // { // String sValue = getValue(_sSection, _sKey); // sValue = replaceEvaluatedValue(_sSection, sValue); // return sValue; // } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // this is a special behaviour. // public String getGlobalLocalEvaluatedValue(String _sSection, String _sKey) // { // String sGlobalValue = getKey("global", _sKey); // String sLocalValue = getKey(_sSection, _sKey); // if (sLocalValue.length() == 0) // { // sGlobalValue = replaceEvaluatedKey(_sSection, sGlobalValue); // sGlobalValue = replaceEvaluatedKey("global", sGlobalValue); // return sGlobalValue; // } // sLocalValue = replaceEvaluatedKey(_sSection, sLocalValue); // sLocalValue = replaceEvaluatedKey("global", sLocalValue); // // return sLocalValue; // } /** * some tests for this class */ // public static void main(String[] args) // { // IniFile aIniFile = new IniFile("/tmp/inifile"); // String sValue = aIniFile.getValue("Section","Key"); // // insert a new value to a already exist section // aIniFile.insertValue("Section","Key2","a new value in a existing section"); // // replace a value // aIniFile.insertValue("Section","Key","replaced value"); // // create a new value // aIniFile.insertValue("New Section", "Key", "a new key value pair"); // // String sValue2 = aIniFile.getValue("Section2","Key"); // aIniFile.store(); // } }