/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sd.hxx" #include <com/sun/star/presentation/AnimationEffect.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/presentation/AnimationSpeed.hpp> #define _ANIMATION //animation freischalten #define _SV_BITMAPEX #include <svx/xoutbmp.hxx> #include <time.h> #include <svl/eitem.hxx> #include <svx/svdograf.hxx> #include <svx/svdogrp.hxx> #include <sfx2/dispatch.hxx> #include <sfx2/progress.hxx> #include <vcl/msgbox.hxx> #include "anminfo.hxx" #include "animobjs.hxx" #include "animobjs.hrc" #include "anmdef.hxx" #include "app.hrc" #include "strings.hrc" #include "sdresid.hxx" #include "View.hxx" #include "drawdoc.hxx" #include "sdpage.hxx" #include "res_bmp.hrc" #include "ViewShell.hxx" #ifndef _SV_SVAPP_HXX_ #include <vcl/svapp.hxx> #endif // #42894# #include <EffectMigration.hxx> #include <string> #include <algorithm> using namespace ::com::sun::star; namespace sd { /************************************************************************* |* SdDisplay - Control \************************************************************************/ SdDisplay::SdDisplay( Window* pWin, SdResId Id ) : Control( pWin, Id ), aScale( 1, 1 ) { SetMapMode( MAP_PIXEL ); const StyleSettings& rStyles = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); SetBackground( Wallpaper( Color( rStyles.GetFieldColor() ) ) ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SdDisplay::~SdDisplay() { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdDisplay::SetBitmapEx( BitmapEx* pBmpEx ) { if( pBmpEx ) { aBitmapEx = *pBmpEx; } else { const StyleSettings& rStyles = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); const Color aFillColor = rStyles.GetFieldColor(); aBitmapEx.Erase(aFillColor); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdDisplay::Paint( const Rectangle& ) { Point aPt; Size aSize = GetOutputSize(); Size aBmpSize = aBitmapEx.GetBitmap().GetSizePixel(); aBmpSize.Width() = (long) ( (double) aBmpSize.Width() * (double) aScale ); aBmpSize.Height() = (long) ( (double) aBmpSize.Height() * (double) aScale ); if( aBmpSize.Width() < aSize.Width() ) aPt.X() = ( aSize.Width() - aBmpSize.Width() ) / 2; if( aBmpSize.Height() < aSize.Height() ) aPt.Y() = ( aSize.Height() - aBmpSize.Height() ) / 2; aBitmapEx.Draw( this, aPt, aBmpSize ); //DrawBitmap( aPt, aBmpSize, *pBitmap ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdDisplay::SetScale( const Fraction& rFrac ) { aScale = rFrac; } void SdDisplay::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { Control::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); if ( (rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_SETTINGS) && (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE) ) { const StyleSettings& rStyles = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); SetBackground( Wallpaper( Color( rStyles.GetFieldColor() ) ) ); SetDrawMode( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetHighContrastMode() ? ViewShell::OUTPUT_DRAWMODE_CONTRAST : ViewShell::OUTPUT_DRAWMODE_COLOR ); } } /************************************************************************* |* AnimationWindow - FloatingWindow \************************************************************************/ AnimationWindow::AnimationWindow( SfxBindings* pInBindings, SfxChildWindow *pCW, Window* pParent, const SdResId& rSdResId ) : SfxDockingWindow ( pInBindings, pCW, pParent, rSdResId ), aCtlDisplay ( this, SdResId( CTL_DISPLAY ) ), aBtnFirst ( this, SdResId( BTN_FIRST ) ), aBtnReverse ( this, SdResId( BTN_REVERSE ) ), aBtnStop ( this, SdResId( BTN_STOP ) ), aBtnPlay ( this, SdResId( BTN_PLAY ) ), aBtnLast ( this, SdResId( BTN_LAST ) ), aNumFldBitmap ( this, SdResId( NUM_FLD_BITMAP ) ), aTimeField ( this, SdResId( TIME_FIELD ) ), aLbLoopCount ( this, SdResId( LB_LOOP_COUNT ) ), aGrpBitmap ( this, SdResId( GRP_BITMAP ) ), aBtnGetOneObject ( this, SdResId( BTN_GET_ONE_OBJECT ) ), aBtnGetAllObjects ( this, SdResId( BTN_GET_ALL_OBJECTS ) ), aBtnRemoveBitmap ( this, SdResId( BTN_REMOVE_BITMAP ) ), aBtnRemoveAll ( this, SdResId( BTN_REMOVE_ALL ) ), aFtCount ( this, SdResId( FT_COUNT ) ), aFiCount ( this, SdResId( FI_COUNT ) ), aGrpAnimation ( this, SdResId( GRP_ANIMATION_GROUP ) ), aRbtGroup ( this, SdResId( RBT_GROUP ) ), aRbtBitmap ( this, SdResId( RBT_BITMAP ) ), aFtAdjustment ( this, SdResId( FT_ADJUSTMENT ) ), aLbAdjustment ( this, SdResId( LB_ADJUSTMENT ) ), aBtnCreateGroup ( this, SdResId( BTN_CREATE_GROUP ) ), pWin ( pParent ), pBitmapEx ( NULL ), bMovie ( sal_False ), bAllObjects ( sal_False ), pBindings ( pInBindings ) { aCtlDisplay.SetAccessibleName(String (SdResId(STR_DISPLAY))); FreeResource(); aBtnGetOneObject.SetModeImage( Image( SdResId( IMG_GET1OBJECT_H ) ), BMP_COLOR_HIGHCONTRAST ); aBtnGetAllObjects.SetModeImage( Image( SdResId( IMG_GETALLOBJECT_H ) ), BMP_COLOR_HIGHCONTRAST ); aBtnRemoveBitmap.SetModeImage( Image( SdResId( IMG_REMOVEBMP_H ) ), BMP_COLOR_HIGHCONTRAST ); aBtnRemoveAll.SetModeImage( Image( SdResId( IMG_REMOVEALLBMP_H ) ), BMP_COLOR_HIGHCONTRAST ); // neues Dokument mit Seite erzeugen pMyDoc = new SdDrawDocument(DOCUMENT_TYPE_IMPRESS, NULL); SdPage* pPage = (SdPage*) pMyDoc->AllocPage(sal_False); pMyDoc->InsertPage(pPage); pControllerItem = new AnimationControllerItem( SID_ANIMATOR_STATE, this, pBindings ); // Solange noch nicht in der Resource aTimeField.SetFormat( TIMEF_SEC_CS ); aBtnFirst.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, AnimationWindow, ClickFirstHdl ) ); aBtnReverse.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, AnimationWindow, ClickPlayHdl ) ); aBtnStop.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, AnimationWindow, ClickStopHdl ) ); aBtnPlay.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, AnimationWindow, ClickPlayHdl ) ); aBtnLast.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, AnimationWindow, ClickLastHdl ) ); aBtnGetOneObject.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, AnimationWindow, ClickGetObjectHdl ) ); aBtnGetAllObjects.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, AnimationWindow, ClickGetObjectHdl ) ); aBtnRemoveBitmap.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, AnimationWindow, ClickRemoveBitmapHdl ) ); aBtnRemoveAll.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, AnimationWindow, ClickRemoveBitmapHdl ) ); aRbtGroup.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, AnimationWindow, ClickRbtHdl ) ); aRbtBitmap.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, AnimationWindow, ClickRbtHdl ) ); aBtnCreateGroup.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, AnimationWindow, ClickCreateGroupHdl ) ); aNumFldBitmap.SetModifyHdl( LINK( this, AnimationWindow, ModifyBitmapHdl ) ); aTimeField.SetModifyHdl( LINK( this, AnimationWindow, ModifyTimeHdl ) ); // disable 3D border aCtlDisplay.SetBorderStyle(WINDOW_BORDER_MONO); aDisplaySize = aCtlDisplay.GetOutputSize(); aSize = GetOutputSizePixel(); SetMinOutputSizePixel( aSize ); ResetAttrs(); // der Animator ist leer; es kann keine Animationsgruppe erstellt werden aBtnCreateGroup.Disable(); aBtnGetOneObject.SetAccessibleRelationMemberOf( &aGrpBitmap ); aBtnGetAllObjects.SetAccessibleRelationMemberOf( &aGrpBitmap ); aBtnRemoveBitmap.SetAccessibleRelationMemberOf( &aGrpBitmap ); aBtnRemoveAll.SetAccessibleRelationMemberOf( &aGrpBitmap ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AnimationWindow::~AnimationWindow() { sal_uLong i, nCount; delete pControllerItem; // Bitmapliste bereinigen for( i = 0, nCount = aBmpExList.Count(); i < nCount; i++ ) delete static_cast< BitmapEx* >( aBmpExList.GetObject( i ) ); aBmpExList.Clear(); // Timeliste bereinigen for( i = 0, nCount = aTimeList.Count(); i < nCount; i++ ) delete static_cast< Time* >( aTimeList.GetObject( i ) ); aTimeList.Clear(); // die Clones loeschen delete pMyDoc; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( AnimationWindow, ClickFirstHdl, void *, EMPTYARG ) { aBmpExList.First(); pBitmapEx = static_cast< BitmapEx* >( aBmpExList.GetCurObject() ); UpdateControl( aBmpExList.GetCurPos() ); return( 0L ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( AnimationWindow, ClickStopHdl, void *, EMPTYARG ) { bMovie = sal_False; return( 0L ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( AnimationWindow, ClickPlayHdl, void *, p ) { ScopeLockGuard aGuard( maPlayLock ); bMovie = sal_True; sal_Bool bDisableCtrls = sal_False; sal_uLong nCount = aBmpExList.Count(); sal_Bool bReverse = p == &aBtnReverse; // Kann spaeter schwer ermittelt werden sal_Bool bRbtGroupEnabled = aRbtGroup.IsEnabled(); sal_Bool bBtnGetAllObjectsEnabled = aBtnGetAllObjects.IsEnabled(); sal_Bool bBtnGetOneObjectEnabled = aBtnGetOneObject.IsEnabled(); // Gesamtzeit ermitteln Time aTime( 0 ); long nFullTime; if( aRbtBitmap.IsChecked() ) { for( sal_uLong i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) aTime += *static_cast< Time* >( aTimeList.GetObject( i ) ); nFullTime = aTime.GetMSFromTime(); } else { nFullTime = nCount * 100; aTime.MakeTimeFromMS( nFullTime ); } // StatusBarManager ab 1 Sekunde SfxProgress* pProgress = NULL; if( nFullTime >= 1000 ) { bDisableCtrls = sal_True; aBtnStop.Enable(); aBtnStop.Update(); String aStr( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Animator:" ) ); // Hier sollte man sich noch etwas gescheites ausdenken! pProgress = new SfxProgress( NULL, aStr, nFullTime ); } sal_uLong nTmpTime = 0; long i = 0; sal_Bool bCount = i < (long) nCount; if( bReverse ) { i = nCount - 1; bCount = i >= 0; } while( bCount && bMovie ) { // Um Konsistenz zwischen Liste und Anzeige zu erwirken aBmpExList.Seek( i ); pBitmapEx = static_cast< BitmapEx* >( aBmpExList.GetCurObject() ); UpdateControl( i, bDisableCtrls ); if( aRbtBitmap.IsChecked() ) { Time* pTime = static_cast< Time* >( aTimeList.GetObject( i ) ); DBG_ASSERT( pTime, "Keine Zeit gefunden!" ); aTimeField.SetTime( *pTime ); sal_uLong nTime = pTime->GetMSFromTime(); WaitInEffect( nTime, nTmpTime, pProgress ); nTmpTime += nTime; } else { WaitInEffect( 100, nTmpTime, pProgress ); nTmpTime += 100; } if( bReverse ) { i--; if (i < 0) { // Terminate loop. bCount = false; // Move i back into valid range. i = 0; } } else { i++; if (i >= (long) nCount) { // Terminate loop. bCount = false; // Move i back into valid range. i = nCount - 1; } } } // Um die Controls wieder zu enablen bMovie = sal_False; if (nCount > 0) UpdateControl(i); if( pProgress ) { delete pProgress; aBtnStop.Disable(); } aRbtGroup.Enable( bRbtGroupEnabled ); aBtnGetAllObjects.Enable( bBtnGetAllObjectsEnabled ); aBtnGetOneObject.Enable( bBtnGetOneObjectEnabled ); return( 0L ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( AnimationWindow, ClickLastHdl, void *, EMPTYARG ) { aBmpExList.Last(); pBitmapEx = static_cast< BitmapEx* >( aBmpExList.GetCurObject() ); UpdateControl( aBmpExList.GetCurPos() ); return( 0L ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( AnimationWindow, ClickRbtHdl, void *, p ) { if( !pBitmapEx || p == &aRbtGroup || aRbtGroup.IsChecked() ) { aTimeField.SetText( String() ); aTimeField.Enable( sal_False ); aLbLoopCount.Enable( sal_False ); } else if( p == &aRbtBitmap || aRbtBitmap.IsChecked() ) { sal_uLong n = static_cast<sal_uLong>(aNumFldBitmap.GetValue()); if( n > 0 ) { Time* pTime = static_cast< Time* >( aTimeList.GetObject( n - 1 ) ); if( pTime ) aTimeField.SetTime( *pTime ); } aTimeField.Enable(); aLbLoopCount.Enable(); } return( 0L ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( AnimationWindow, ClickGetObjectHdl, void *, pBtn ) { bAllObjects = pBtn == &aBtnGetAllObjects; // Code jetzt in AddObj() SfxBoolItem aItem( SID_ANIMATOR_ADD, sal_True ); GetBindings().GetDispatcher()->Execute( SID_ANIMATOR_ADD, SFX_CALLMODE_SLOT | SFX_CALLMODE_RECORD, &aItem, 0L ); return( 0L ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( AnimationWindow, ClickRemoveBitmapHdl, void *, pBtn ) { SdPage* pPage = pMyDoc->GetSdPage(0, PK_STANDARD); SdrObject* pObject; if( pBtn == &aBtnRemoveBitmap ) { sal_uLong nPos = aBmpExList.GetCurPos(); pBitmapEx = static_cast< BitmapEx* >( aBmpExList.GetCurObject() ); if( pBitmapEx ) { delete pBitmapEx; aBmpExList.Remove(); pBitmapEx = static_cast< BitmapEx* >( aBmpExList.GetCurObject() ); } Time* pTime = static_cast< Time* >( aTimeList.GetObject( nPos ) ); if( pTime ) { delete pTime; aTimeList.Remove( nPos ); } pObject = pPage->GetObj( nPos ); // Durch Uebernahme der AnimatedGIFs muessen nicht unbedingt // Objekte vorhanden sein. if( pObject ) { pObject = pPage->RemoveObject(nPos); DBG_ASSERT(pObject, "Clone beim Loeschen nicht gefunden"); SdrObject::Free( pObject ); pPage->RecalcObjOrdNums(); } } else // Alles loeschen { WarningBox aWarnBox( this, WB_YES_NO, String( SdResId( STR_ASK_DELETE_ALL_PICTURES ) ) ); short nReturn = aWarnBox.Execute(); if( nReturn == RET_YES ) { // Bitmapliste bereinigen long nCount = aBmpExList.Count(); long i; for( i = nCount - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { pBitmapEx = static_cast< BitmapEx* >( aBmpExList.GetObject( i ) ); delete pBitmapEx; pObject = pPage->GetObj( i ); if( pObject ) { pObject = pPage->RemoveObject( i ); DBG_ASSERT(pObject, "Clone beim Loeschen nicht gefunden"); SdrObject::Free( pObject ); //pPage->RecalcObjOrdNums(); } } aBmpExList.Clear(); // Timeliste bereinigen nCount = aTimeList.Count(); for( i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { delete static_cast< Time* >( aTimeList.GetObject( i ) ); } aTimeList.Clear(); } } // kann noch eine Animationsgruppe erstellt werden? if (aBmpExList.Count() == 0) { aBtnCreateGroup.Disable(); // Falls vorher durch Uebernahme von AnimatedGIFs disabled: //aRbtBitmap.Enable(); aRbtGroup.Enable(); } // Zoom fuer DisplayWin berechnen und setzen Fraction aFrac( GetScale() ); aCtlDisplay.SetScale( aFrac ); UpdateControl( aBmpExList.GetCurPos() ); return( 0L ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( AnimationWindow, ClickCreateGroupHdl, void *, EMPTYARG ) { // Code jetzt in CreatePresObj() SfxBoolItem aItem( SID_ANIMATOR_CREATE, sal_True ); GetBindings().GetDispatcher()->Execute( SID_ANIMATOR_CREATE, SFX_CALLMODE_SLOT | SFX_CALLMODE_RECORD, &aItem, 0L ); return( 0L ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( AnimationWindow, ModifyBitmapHdl, void *, EMPTYARG ) { sal_uLong nBmp = static_cast<sal_uLong>(aNumFldBitmap.GetValue()); if( nBmp > aBmpExList.Count() ) nBmp = aBmpExList.Count(); pBitmapEx = static_cast< BitmapEx* >( aBmpExList.GetObject( nBmp - 1 ) ); // Positionieren in der Liste aBmpExList.Seek( nBmp - 1 ); UpdateControl( nBmp - 1 ); return( 0L ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( AnimationWindow, ModifyTimeHdl, void *, EMPTYARG ) { sal_uLong nPos = static_cast<sal_uLong>(aNumFldBitmap.GetValue() - 1); Time* pTime = static_cast< Time* >( aTimeList.GetObject( nPos ) ); DBG_ASSERT( pTime, "Zeit nicht gefunden!" ); *pTime = aTimeField.GetTime(); return( 0L ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AnimationWindow::UpdateControl( sal_uLong nListPos, sal_Bool bDisableCtrls ) { String aString; if( pBitmapEx ) { BitmapEx aBmp( *pBitmapEx ); SdPage* pPage = pMyDoc->GetSdPage(0, PK_STANDARD); SdrObject* pObject = (SdrObject*) pPage->GetObj( (sal_uLong) nListPos ); if( pObject ) { VirtualDevice aVD; Rectangle aObjRect( pObject->GetCurrentBoundRect() ); Size aObjSize( aObjRect.GetSize() ); Point aOrigin( Point( -aObjRect.Left(), -aObjRect.Top() ) ); MapMode aMap( aVD.GetMapMode() ); aMap.SetMapUnit( MAP_100TH_MM ); aMap.SetOrigin( aOrigin ); aVD.SetMapMode( aMap ); aVD.SetOutputSize( aObjSize ); const StyleSettings& rStyles = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); aVD.SetBackground( Wallpaper( rStyles.GetFieldColor() ) ); aVD.SetDrawMode( rStyles.GetHighContrastMode() ? ViewShell::OUTPUT_DRAWMODE_CONTRAST : ViewShell::OUTPUT_DRAWMODE_COLOR ); aVD.Erase(); pObject->SingleObjectPainter( aVD ); // #110094#-17 aBmp = BitmapEx( aVD.GetBitmap( aObjRect.TopLeft(), aObjSize ) ); } aCtlDisplay.SetBitmapEx( &aBmp ); } else { aCtlDisplay.SetBitmapEx( pBitmapEx ); } aCtlDisplay.Invalidate(); aCtlDisplay.Update(); aFiCount.SetText( UniString::CreateFromInt32( aBmpExList.Count() ) ); if( pBitmapEx && !bMovie ) { aNumFldBitmap.SetValue( nListPos + 1 ); // Wenn mind. 1 Objekt in der Liste ist aBtnFirst.Enable(); aBtnReverse.Enable(); aBtnPlay.Enable(); aBtnLast.Enable(); aNumFldBitmap.Enable(); aTimeField.Enable(); aLbLoopCount.Enable(); aBtnRemoveBitmap.Enable(); aBtnRemoveAll.Enable(); } else { //aFiCount.SetText( String( SdResId( STR_NULL ) ) ); // Wenn kein Objekt in der Liste ist aBtnFirst.Enable( sal_False ); aBtnReverse.Enable( sal_False ); aBtnPlay.Enable( sal_False ); aBtnLast.Enable( sal_False ); aNumFldBitmap.Enable( sal_False ); aTimeField.Enable( sal_False ); aLbLoopCount.Enable( sal_False ); aBtnRemoveBitmap.Enable( sal_False ); aBtnRemoveAll.Enable( sal_False ); //aFtAdjustment.Enable(); //aLbAdjustment.Enable(); } if( bMovie && bDisableCtrls ) { aBtnGetOneObject.Enable( sal_False ); aBtnGetAllObjects.Enable( sal_False ); aRbtGroup.Enable( sal_False ); aRbtBitmap.Enable( sal_False ); aBtnCreateGroup.Enable( sal_False ); aFtAdjustment.Enable( sal_False ); aLbAdjustment.Enable( sal_False ); } else { // 'Gruppenobjekt' nur dann enablen, wenn es kein Animated GIF ist if (aBmpExList.Count() == 0) aRbtGroup.Enable(); aRbtBitmap.Enable(); aBtnCreateGroup.Enable(aBmpExList.Count() != 0); aFtAdjustment.Enable( sal_True ); aLbAdjustment.Enable( sal_True ); } ClickRbtHdl( NULL ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AnimationWindow::ResetAttrs() { aRbtGroup.Check(); aLbAdjustment.SelectEntryPos( BA_CENTER ); // LoopCount aLbLoopCount.SelectEntryPos( aLbLoopCount.GetEntryCount() - 1); UpdateControl( 0 ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AnimationWindow::WaitInEffect( sal_uLong nMilliSeconds, sal_uLong nTime, SfxProgress* pProgress ) const { clock_t aEnd = Time::GetSystemTicks() + nMilliSeconds; clock_t aCurrent = Time::GetSystemTicks(); while (aCurrent < aEnd) { aCurrent = Time::GetSystemTicks(); if( pProgress ) pProgress->SetState( nTime + nMilliSeconds + aCurrent - aEnd ); Application::Reschedule(); if( !bMovie ) return; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fraction AnimationWindow::GetScale() { Fraction aFrac; sal_uLong nPos = aBmpExList.GetCurPos(); sal_uLong nCount = aBmpExList.Count(); if( nCount > 0 ) { aBmpSize.Width() = 0; aBmpSize.Height() = 0; for( sal_uLong i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { pBitmapEx = static_cast< BitmapEx* >( aBmpExList.GetObject( i ) ); Size aTempSize( pBitmapEx->GetBitmap().GetSizePixel() ); aBmpSize.Width() = Max( aBmpSize.Width(), aTempSize.Width() ); aBmpSize.Height() = Max( aBmpSize.Height(), aTempSize.Height() ); } aBmpSize.Width() += 10; aBmpSize.Height() += 10; aFrac = Fraction( std::min( (double)aDisplaySize.Width() / (double)aBmpSize.Width(), (double)aDisplaySize.Height() / (double)aBmpSize.Height() ) ); } // Liste wieder auf alten Stand bringen pBitmapEx = static_cast< BitmapEx* >( aBmpExList.GetObject( nPos ) ); return( aFrac ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AnimationWindow::Resize() { //if( !IsZoomedIn() ) if ( !IsFloatingMode() || !GetFloatingWindow()->IsRollUp() ) { Size aWinSize( GetOutputSizePixel() ); // vorher rSize im Resizing() Size aDiffSize; aDiffSize.Width() = aWinSize.Width() - aSize.Width(); aDiffSize.Height() = aWinSize.Height() - aSize.Height(); // Umgroessern des Display-Controls aDisplaySize.Width() += aDiffSize.Width(); aDisplaySize.Height() += aDiffSize.Height(); aCtlDisplay.SetOutputSizePixel( aDisplaySize ); Point aPt; // aPt.X() = aDiffSize.Width() / 2; aPt.Y() = aDiffSize.Height(); // Verschieben der anderen Controls aBtnFirst.Hide(); aBtnReverse.Hide(); aBtnStop.Hide(); aBtnPlay.Hide(); aBtnLast.Hide(); aTimeField.Hide(); aLbLoopCount.Hide(); aNumFldBitmap.Hide(); aFtCount.Hide(); aFiCount.Hide(); aBtnGetOneObject.Hide(); aBtnGetAllObjects.Hide(); aBtnRemoveBitmap.Hide(); aBtnRemoveAll.Hide(); aGrpBitmap.Hide(); aRbtGroup.Hide(); aRbtBitmap.Hide(); aFtAdjustment.Hide(); aLbAdjustment.Hide(); aBtnCreateGroup.Hide(); aGrpAnimation.Hide(); aBtnFirst.SetPosPixel( aBtnFirst.GetPosPixel() + aPt ); aBtnReverse.SetPosPixel( aBtnReverse.GetPosPixel() + aPt ); aBtnStop.SetPosPixel( aBtnStop.GetPosPixel() + aPt ); aBtnPlay.SetPosPixel( aBtnPlay.GetPosPixel() + aPt ); aBtnLast.SetPosPixel( aBtnLast.GetPosPixel() + aPt ); aNumFldBitmap.SetPosPixel( aNumFldBitmap.GetPosPixel() + aPt ); aTimeField.SetPosPixel( aTimeField.GetPosPixel() + aPt ); aLbLoopCount.SetPosPixel( aLbLoopCount.GetPosPixel() + aPt ); aFtCount.SetPosPixel( aFtCount.GetPosPixel() + aPt ); aFiCount.SetPosPixel( aFiCount.GetPosPixel() + aPt ); aRbtGroup.SetPosPixel( aRbtGroup.GetPosPixel() + aPt ); aRbtBitmap.SetPosPixel( aRbtBitmap.GetPosPixel() + aPt ); aFtAdjustment.SetPosPixel( aFtAdjustment.GetPosPixel() + aPt ); aLbAdjustment.SetPosPixel( aLbAdjustment.GetPosPixel() + aPt ); aBtnGetOneObject.SetPosPixel( aBtnGetOneObject.GetPosPixel() + aPt ); aBtnGetAllObjects.SetPosPixel( aBtnGetAllObjects.GetPosPixel() + aPt ); aBtnRemoveBitmap.SetPosPixel( aBtnRemoveBitmap.GetPosPixel() + aPt ); aBtnRemoveAll.SetPosPixel( aBtnRemoveAll.GetPosPixel() + aPt ); aBtnCreateGroup.SetPosPixel( aBtnCreateGroup.GetPosPixel() + aPt ); aGrpBitmap.SetPosPixel( aGrpBitmap.GetPosPixel() + aPt ); aGrpAnimation.SetPosPixel( aGrpAnimation.GetPosPixel() + aPt ); // Zoom fuer DisplayWin berechnen und setzen Fraction aFrac( GetScale() ); aCtlDisplay.SetScale( aFrac ); aBtnFirst.Show(); aBtnReverse.Show(); aBtnStop.Show(); aBtnPlay.Show(); aBtnLast.Show(); aNumFldBitmap.Show(); aTimeField.Show(); aLbLoopCount.Show(); aFtCount.Show(); aFiCount.Show(); aFtAdjustment.Show(); aLbAdjustment.Show(); aBtnGetOneObject.Show(); aBtnGetAllObjects.Show(); aBtnRemoveBitmap.Show(); aBtnRemoveAll.Show(); aGrpBitmap.Show(); aRbtGroup.Show(); aRbtBitmap.Show(); aFtAdjustment.Show(); aLbAdjustment.Show(); aBtnCreateGroup.Show(); aGrpAnimation.Show(); aSize = aWinSize; //aFltWinSize = GetSizePixel(); } SfxDockingWindow::Resize(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool AnimationWindow::Close() { if( maPlayLock.isLocked() ) { return sal_False; } else { SfxBoolItem aItem( SID_ANIMATION_OBJECTS, sal_False ); GetBindings().GetDispatcher()->Execute( SID_ANIMATION_OBJECTS, SFX_CALLMODE_ASYNCHRON | SFX_CALLMODE_RECORD, &aItem, 0L ); SfxDockingWindow::Close(); return sal_True; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AnimationWindow::FillInfo( SfxChildWinInfo& rInfo ) const { SfxDockingWindow::FillInfo( rInfo ) ; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AnimationWindow::AddObj (::sd::View& rView ) { // Texteingabemodus beenden, damit Bitmap mit // Objekt identisch ist. if( rView.IsTextEdit() ) rView.SdrEndTextEdit(); // Objekt(e) clonen und den/die Clone(s) in die Liste stellen const SdrMarkList& rMarkList = rView.GetMarkedObjectList(); sal_uLong nMarkCount = rMarkList.GetMarkCount(); SdPage* pPage = pMyDoc->GetSdPage(0, PK_STANDARD); sal_uLong nCloneCount = pPage->GetObjCount(); if (nMarkCount > 0) { // Wenn es sich um EIN Animationsobjekt oder ein Gruppenobjekt // handelt, das 'einzeln uebernommen' wurde, // werden die einzelnen Objekte eingefuegt sal_Bool bAnimObj = sal_False; if( nMarkCount == 1 ) { SdrMark* pMark = rMarkList.GetMark(0); SdrObject* pObject = pMark->GetMarkedSdrObj(); SdAnimationInfo* pAnimInfo = rView.GetDoc()->GetAnimationInfo( pObject ); sal_uInt32 nInv = pObject->GetObjInventor(); sal_uInt16 nId = pObject->GetObjIdentifier(); // Animated Bitmap (GIF) if( nInv == SdrInventor && nId == OBJ_GRAF && ( (SdrGrafObj*) pObject )->IsAnimated() ) { const SdrGrafObj* pGrafObj = (SdrGrafObj*) pObject; Graphic aGraphic( pGrafObj->GetTransformedGraphic() ); sal_uInt16 nCount = 0; if( aGraphic.IsAnimated() ) nCount = aGraphic.GetAnimation().Count(); if( nCount > 0 ) { const Animation aAnimation( aGraphic.GetAnimation() ); for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { const AnimationBitmap& rAnimBmp = aAnimation.Get( i ); pBitmapEx = new BitmapEx( rAnimBmp.aBmpEx ); aBmpExList.Insert( pBitmapEx, aBmpExList.GetCurPos() + 1 ); // LoopCount if( i == 0 ) { long nLoopCount = aAnimation.GetLoopCount(); if( !nLoopCount ) // unendlich aLbLoopCount.SelectEntryPos( aLbLoopCount.GetEntryCount() - 1); else aLbLoopCount.SelectEntry( UniString::CreateFromInt32( nLoopCount ) ); } // Time long nTime = rAnimBmp.nWait; Time* pTime = new Time( 0, 0, nTime / 100, nTime % 100 ); aTimeList.Insert( pTime, aBmpExList.GetCurPos() + 1 ); // Weiterschalten der BitmapListe aBmpExList.Next(); } // Nachdem ein animated GIF uebernommen wurde, kann auch nur ein solches erstellt werden aRbtBitmap.Check(); aRbtGroup.Enable( sal_False ); bAnimObj = sal_True; } } else if( bAllObjects || ( pAnimInfo && pAnimInfo->mbIsMovie ) ) { // Mehrere Objekte SdrObjList* pObjList = ((SdrObjGroup*)pObject)->GetSubList(); for( sal_uInt16 nObject = 0; nObject < pObjList->GetObjCount(); nObject++ ) { SdrObject* pSnapShot = (SdrObject*) pObjList->GetObj( (sal_uLong) nObject ); pBitmapEx = new BitmapEx( SdrExchangeView::GetObjGraphic( pSnapShot->GetModel(), pSnapShot ).GetBitmapEx() ); aBmpExList.Insert( pBitmapEx, aBmpExList.GetCurPos() + 1 ); // Time Time* pTime = new Time( aTimeField.GetTime() ); aTimeList.Insert( pTime, aBmpExList.GetCurPos() + 1 ); // Clone pPage->InsertObject( pSnapShot->Clone(), aBmpExList.GetCurPos() + 1 ); // Weiterschalten der BitmapListe aBmpExList.Next(); } bAnimObj = sal_True; } } // Auch ein einzelnes animiertes Objekt if( !bAnimObj && !( bAllObjects && nMarkCount > 1 ) ) { pBitmapEx = new BitmapEx( rView.GetAllMarkedGraphic().GetBitmapEx() ); aBmpExList.Insert( pBitmapEx, aBmpExList.GetCurPos() + 1 ); // Time Time* pTime = new Time( aTimeField.GetTime() ); aTimeList.Insert( pTime, aBmpExList.GetCurPos() + 1 ); } // ein einzelnes Objekt if( nMarkCount == 1 && !bAnimObj ) { SdrMark* pMark = rMarkList.GetMark(0); SdrObject* pObject = pMark->GetMarkedSdrObj(); SdrObject* pClone = pObject->Clone(); pPage->InsertObject(pClone, aBmpExList.GetCurPos() + 1); } // mehrere Objekte: die Clones zu einer Gruppe zusammenfassen else if (nMarkCount > 1) { // Objekte einzeln uebernehmen if( bAllObjects ) { for( sal_uLong nObject= 0; nObject < nMarkCount; nObject++ ) { // Clone SdrObject* pObject = rMarkList.GetMark( nObject )->GetMarkedSdrObj(); pBitmapEx = new BitmapEx( SdrExchangeView::GetObjGraphic( pObject->GetModel(), pObject ).GetBitmapEx() ); aBmpExList.Insert( pBitmapEx, aBmpExList.GetCurPos() + 1 ); // Time Time* pTime = new Time( aTimeField.GetTime() ); aTimeList.Insert( pTime, aBmpExList.GetCurPos() + 1 ); pPage->InsertObject( pObject->Clone(), aBmpExList.GetCurPos() + 1 ); aBmpExList.Next(); } bAnimObj = sal_True; // damit nicht nochmal weitergeschaltet wird } else { SdrObjGroup* pCloneGroup = new SdrObjGroup; SdrObjList* pObjList = pCloneGroup->GetSubList(); for (sal_uLong nObject= 0; nObject < nMarkCount; nObject++) pObjList->InsertObject(rMarkList.GetMark(nObject)->GetMarkedSdrObj()->Clone(), LIST_APPEND); pPage->InsertObject(pCloneGroup, aBmpExList.GetCurPos() + 1); } } if( !bAnimObj ) aBmpExList.Next(); // wenn vorher nichts im Animator war und jetzt was da ist, kann eine // Animationsgruppe erstellt werden if (nCloneCount == 0 && aBmpExList.Count() > 0) aBtnCreateGroup.Enable(); // Zoom fuer DisplayWin berechnen und setzen Fraction aFrac( GetScale() ); aCtlDisplay.SetScale( aFrac ); UpdateControl( aBmpExList.GetCurPos() ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AnimationWindow::CreateAnimObj (::sd::View& rView ) { ::Window* pOutWin = static_cast< ::Window*>(rView.GetFirstOutputDevice()); // GetWin( 0 ); DBG_ASSERT( pOutWin, "Window ist nicht vorhanden!" ); // die Fentermitte ermitteln const MapMode aMap100( MAP_100TH_MM ); Size aMaxSizeLog; Size aMaxSizePix; Size aTemp( pOutWin->GetOutputSizePixel() ); const Point aWindowCenter( pOutWin->PixelToLogic( Point( aTemp.Width() >> 1, aTemp.Height() >> 1 ) ) ); const OutputDevice* pDefDev = Application::GetDefaultDevice(); const sal_uLong nCount = aBmpExList.Count(); BitmapAdjustment eBA = (BitmapAdjustment) aLbAdjustment.GetSelectEntryPos(); sal_uLong i; // Groesste Bitmap ermitteln for( i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { const BitmapEx& rBmpEx = *static_cast< BitmapEx* >( aBmpExList.GetObject( i ) ); const Graphic aGraphic( rBmpEx ); Size aTmpSizeLog; const Size aTmpSizePix( rBmpEx.GetSizePixel() ); if ( aGraphic.GetPrefMapMode().GetMapUnit() == MAP_PIXEL ) aTmpSizeLog = pDefDev->PixelToLogic( aGraphic.GetPrefSize(), aMap100 ); else aTmpSizeLog = pDefDev->LogicToLogic( aGraphic.GetPrefSize(), aGraphic.GetPrefMapMode(), aMap100 ); aMaxSizeLog.Width() = Max( aMaxSizeLog.Width(), aTmpSizeLog.Width() ); aMaxSizeLog.Height() = Max( aMaxSizeLog.Height(), aTmpSizeLog.Height() ); aMaxSizePix.Width() = Max( aMaxSizePix.Width(), aTmpSizePix.Width() ); aMaxSizePix.Height() = Max( aMaxSizePix.Height(), aTmpSizePix.Height() ); } SdrPageView* pPV = rView.GetSdrPageView(); if( aRbtBitmap.IsChecked() ) { // Bitmapgruppe erzeugen (Animated GIF) Animation aAnimation; Point aPt; for( i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { Time* pTime = static_cast< Time* >( aTimeList.GetObject( i ) ); long nTime = pTime->Get100Sec(); nTime += pTime->GetSec() * 100; pBitmapEx = static_cast< BitmapEx* >( aBmpExList.GetObject( i ) ); // Offset fuer die gewuenschte Ausrichtung bestimmen const Size aBitmapSize( pBitmapEx->GetSizePixel() ); switch( eBA ) { case BA_LEFT_UP: break; case BA_LEFT: aPt.Y() = (aMaxSizePix.Height() - aBitmapSize.Height()) >> 1; break; case BA_LEFT_DOWN: aPt.Y() = aMaxSizePix.Height() - aBitmapSize.Height(); break; case BA_UP: aPt.X() = (aMaxSizePix.Width() - aBitmapSize.Width()) >> 1; break; case BA_CENTER: aPt.X() = (aMaxSizePix.Width() - aBitmapSize.Width()) >> 1; aPt.Y() = (aMaxSizePix.Height() - aBitmapSize.Height()) >> 1; break; case BA_DOWN: aPt.X() = (aMaxSizePix.Width() - aBitmapSize.Width()) >> 1; aPt.Y() = aMaxSizePix.Height() - aBitmapSize.Height(); break; case BA_RIGHT_UP: aPt.X() = aMaxSizePix.Width() - aBitmapSize.Width(); break; case BA_RIGHT: aPt.X() = aMaxSizePix.Width() - aBitmapSize.Width(); aPt.Y() = (aMaxSizePix.Height() - aBitmapSize.Height()) >> 1; break; case BA_RIGHT_DOWN: aPt.X() = aMaxSizePix.Width() - aBitmapSize.Width(); aPt.Y() = aMaxSizePix.Height() - aBitmapSize.Height(); break; } // LoopCount (Anzahl der Durchlaeufe) ermitteln AnimationBitmap aAnimBmp; long nLoopCount = 0L; sal_uInt16 nPos = aLbLoopCount.GetSelectEntryPos(); if( nPos != LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND && nPos != aLbLoopCount.GetEntryCount() - 1 ) // unendlich nLoopCount = (long) aLbLoopCount.GetSelectEntry().ToInt32(); aAnimBmp.aBmpEx = *pBitmapEx; aAnimBmp.aPosPix = aPt; aAnimBmp.aSizePix = aBitmapSize; aAnimBmp.nWait = nTime; aAnimBmp.eDisposal = DISPOSE_BACK; aAnimBmp.bUserInput = sal_False; aAnimation.Insert( aAnimBmp ); aAnimation.SetDisplaySizePixel( aMaxSizePix ); aAnimation.SetLoopCount( nLoopCount ); } SdrGrafObj* pGrafObj = new SdrGrafObj( Graphic( aAnimation ) ); const Point aOrg( aWindowCenter.X() - ( aMaxSizeLog.Width() >> 1 ), aWindowCenter.Y() - ( aMaxSizeLog.Height() >> 1 ) ); pGrafObj->SetLogicRect( Rectangle( aOrg, aMaxSizeLog ) ); rView.InsertObjectAtView( pGrafObj, *pPV, SDRINSERT_SETDEFLAYER); } else { // Offset fuer die gewuenschte Ausrichtung bestimmen Size aOffset; SdrObject * pClone = NULL; SdPage* pPage = pMyDoc->GetSdPage(0, PK_STANDARD); for(i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { pClone = pPage->GetObj(i); Rectangle aRect( pClone->GetSnapRect() ); switch( eBA ) { case BA_LEFT_UP: break; case BA_LEFT: aOffset.Height() = (aMaxSizeLog.Height() - aRect.GetHeight()) / 2; break; case BA_LEFT_DOWN: aOffset.Height() = aMaxSizeLog.Height() - aRect.GetHeight(); break; case BA_UP: aOffset.Width() = (aMaxSizeLog.Width() - aRect.GetWidth()) / 2; break; case BA_CENTER: aOffset.Width() = (aMaxSizeLog.Width() - aRect.GetWidth()) / 2; aOffset.Height() = (aMaxSizeLog.Height() - aRect.GetHeight()) / 2; break; case BA_DOWN: aOffset.Width() = (aMaxSizeLog.Width() - aRect.GetWidth()) / 2; aOffset.Height() = aMaxSizeLog.Height() - aRect.GetHeight(); break; case BA_RIGHT_UP: aOffset.Width() = aMaxSizeLog.Width() - aRect.GetWidth(); break; case BA_RIGHT: aOffset.Width() = aMaxSizeLog.Width() - aRect.GetWidth(); aOffset.Height() = (aMaxSizeLog.Height() - aRect.GetHeight()) / 2; break; case BA_RIGHT_DOWN: aOffset.Width() = aMaxSizeLog.Width() - aRect.GetWidth(); aOffset.Height() = aMaxSizeLog.Height() - aRect.GetHeight(); break; } //aRect.SetPos(aWindowCenter + Point(aOffset.Width(), aOffset.Height())); //pClone->SetSnapRect( aRect ); // SetSnapRect ist fuer Ellipsen leider nicht implementiert !!! Point aMovePt( aWindowCenter + Point( aOffset.Width(), aOffset.Height() ) - aRect.TopLeft() ); Size aMoveSize( aMovePt.X(), aMovePt.Y() ); pClone->NbcMove( aMoveSize ); } // #42894# Caution(!) variable pPage looks right, but it is a page from the local // document the dialog is using (!), so get the target page from the target view SdPage* pTargetSdPage = dynamic_cast< SdPage* >(rView.GetSdrPageView() ? rView.GetSdrPageView()->GetPage() : 0); if(pTargetSdPage) { // Animationsgruppe erzeugen SdrObjGroup* pGroup = new SdrObjGroup; SdrObjList* pObjList = pGroup->GetSubList(); for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { // der Clone verbleibt im Animator; in die Gruppe kommt ein Clone // des Clones pClone = pPage->GetObj(i); SdrObject* pCloneOfClone = pClone->Clone(); //SdrObject* pCloneOfClone = pPage->GetObj(i)->Clone(); pObjList->InsertObject(pCloneOfClone, LIST_APPEND); } // bis jetzt liegt die linke obere Ecke der Gruppe in der Fenstermitte; // jetzt noch um die Haelfte der Groesse nach oben und links korrigieren aTemp = aMaxSizeLog; aTemp.Height() = - aTemp.Height() / 2; aTemp.Width() = - aTemp.Width() / 2; pGroup->NbcMove(aTemp); // #42894# create needed SMIL stuff and move child objects to page directly (see // comments at EffectMigration::CreateAnimatedGroup why this has to be done). EffectMigration::CreateAnimatedGroup(*pGroup, *pTargetSdPage); // #42894# if that worked, delete the group again if(!pGroup->GetSubList()->GetObjCount()) { delete pGroup; } } } ClickFirstHdl( this ); } void AnimationWindow::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { SfxDockingWindow::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); if ( (rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_SETTINGS) && (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE) ) { UpdateControl( aBmpExList.GetCurPos() ); } } /************************************************************************* |* |* ControllerItem fuer Animator |* \************************************************************************/ AnimationControllerItem::AnimationControllerItem( sal_uInt16 _nId, AnimationWindow* pAnimWin, SfxBindings* _pBindings) : SfxControllerItem( _nId, *_pBindings ), pAnimationWin( pAnimWin ) { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AnimationControllerItem::StateChanged( sal_uInt16 nSId, SfxItemState eState, const SfxPoolItem* pItem ) { if( eState >= SFX_ITEM_AVAILABLE && nSId == SID_ANIMATOR_STATE ) { const SfxUInt16Item* pStateItem = PTR_CAST( SfxUInt16Item, pItem ); DBG_ASSERT( pStateItem, "SfxUInt16Item erwartet"); sal_uInt16 nState = pStateItem->GetValue(); pAnimationWin->aBtnGetOneObject.Enable( nState & 1 ); pAnimationWin->aBtnGetAllObjects.Enable( nState & 2 ); } } } // end of namespace sd