/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #include "precompiled_sd.hxx" #include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp> #include "DocumentRenderer.hxx" #include "DocumentRenderer.hrc" #include "drawdoc.hxx" #include "optsitem.hxx" #include "sdresid.hxx" #include "strings.hrc" #include "sdattr.hxx" #include "Window.hxx" #include "drawview.hxx" #include "DrawViewShell.hxx" #include "FrameView.hxx" #include "Outliner.hxx" #include "OutlineViewShell.hxx" #include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygon.hxx> #include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygon.hxx> #include <basegfx/matrix/b2dhommatrix.hxx> #include <sfx2/printer.hxx> #include <editeng/editstat.hxx> #include <editeng/outlobj.hxx> #include <svx/svdetc.hxx> #include <svx/svditer.hxx> #include <svx/svdopage.hxx> #include <svx/svdopath.hxx> #include <svx/xlnclit.hxx> #include <toolkit/awt/vclxdevice.hxx> #include <tools/resary.hxx> #include <unotools/localedatawrapper.hxx> #include <vcl/msgbox.hxx> #include <unotools/moduleoptions.hxx> #include <vector> using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using ::rtl::OUString; namespace sd { namespace { OUString A2S (const char* pString) { return OUString::createFromAscii(pString); } /** Convenience class to extract values from the sequence of properties given to one of the XRenderable methods. */ class PrintOptions { public: PrintOptions ( const vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper& rHelper, const ::std::vector<sal_Int32>& rSlidesPerPage) : mrProperties(rHelper), maSlidesPerPage(rSlidesPerPage) { } bool IsWarningOrientation (void) const { return GetBoolValue(NULL, true); } bool IsPrintPageName (void) const { return GetBoolValue("IsPrintName"); } bool IsDate (void) const { return GetBoolValue("IsPrintDateTime"); } bool IsTime (void) const { return GetBoolValue("IsPrintDateTime"); } bool IsHiddenPages (void) const { return GetBoolValue("IsPrintHidden"); } bool IsHandoutHorizontal (void) const { return GetBoolValue("SlidesPerPageOrder", NULL, true); } sal_Int32 GetHandoutPageCount (void) const { sal_uInt32 nIndex = static_cast<sal_Int32>(mrProperties.getIntValue("SlidesPerPage", sal_Int32(0))); if (nIndex<maSlidesPerPage.size()) return maSlidesPerPage[nIndex]; else if ( ! maSlidesPerPage.empty()) return maSlidesPerPage[0]; else return 0; } bool IsDraw (void) const { return GetBoolValue("PageContentType", sal_Int32(0)); } bool IsHandout (void) const { return GetBoolValue("PageContentType", sal_Int32(1)); } bool IsNotes (void) const { return GetBoolValue("PageContentType", sal_Int32(2)); } bool IsOutline (void) const { return GetBoolValue("PageContentType", sal_Int32(3)); } sal_uLong GetOutputQuality (void) const { sal_Int32 nQuality = static_cast<sal_Int32>(mrProperties.getIntValue( "Quality", sal_Int32(0) )); return nQuality; } bool IsPageSize (void) const { return GetBoolValue("PageOptions", sal_Int32(1)); } bool IsTilePage (void) const { return GetBoolValue("PageOptions", sal_Int32(2)) || GetBoolValue("PageOptions", sal_Int32(3)); } bool IsCutPage (void) const { return GetBoolValue("PageOptions", sal_Int32(0)); } bool IsBooklet (void) const { return GetBoolValue("PrintProspect", false); } bool IsPrintExcluded (void) const { return (IsNotes() || IsDraw() || IsHandout()) && IsHiddenPages(); } bool IsPrintFrontPage (void) const { sal_Int32 nInclude = static_cast<sal_Int32>(mrProperties.getIntValue( "PrintProspectInclude", 0 )); return nInclude == 0 || nInclude == 1; } bool IsPrintBackPage (void) const { sal_Int32 nInclude = static_cast<sal_Int32>(mrProperties.getIntValue( "PrintProspectInclude", 0 )); return nInclude == 0 || nInclude == 2; } bool IsPaperBin (void) const { return GetBoolValue("PrintPaperFromSetup", false); } OUString GetPrinterSelection (void) const { sal_Int32 nContent = static_cast<sal_Int32>(mrProperties.getIntValue( "PrintContent", 0 )); OUString sValue( A2S("all") ); if( nContent == 1 ) sValue = mrProperties.getStringValue( "PageRange", A2S( "all" ) ); else if( nContent == 2 ) sValue = A2S( "selection" ); return sValue; } private: const vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper& mrProperties; const ::std::vector<sal_Int32> maSlidesPerPage; /** When the value of the property with name pName is a boolean then return its value. When the property is unknown then bDefaultValue is returned. Otherwise <FALSE/> is returned. */ bool GetBoolValue ( const sal_Char* pName, const bool bDefaultValue = false) const { sal_Bool bValue = mrProperties.getBoolValue( pName, bDefaultValue ); return bValue; } /** Return <TRUE/> when the value of the property with name pName is a string and its value equals pValue. When the property is unknown then bDefaultValue is returned. Otherwise <FALSE/> is returned. */ bool GetBoolValue ( const sal_Char* pName, const sal_Char* pValue, const bool bDefaultValue = false) const { OUString sValue( mrProperties.getStringValue( pName ) ); if (sValue.getLength()) return sValue.equalsAscii(pValue); else return bDefaultValue; } /** Return <TRUE/> when the value of the property with name pName is an integer and its value is nTriggerValue. Otherwise <FALSE/> is returned. */ bool GetBoolValue ( const sal_Char* pName, const sal_Int32 nTriggerValue) const { sal_Int32 nValue = static_cast<sal_Int32>(mrProperties.getIntValue( pName )); return nValue == nTriggerValue; } }; /** This class is like MultiSelection but understands two special values. "all" indicates that all pages are selected. "selection" indicates that no pages but a set of shapes is selected. */ class Selection { public: Selection (const OUString& rsSelection, const SdPage* pCurrentPage) : mbAreAllPagesSelected(rsSelection.equalsAscii("all")), mbIsShapeSelection(rsSelection.equalsAscii("selection")), mnCurrentPageIndex(pCurrentPage!=NULL ? (pCurrentPage->GetPageNum()-1)/2 : -1), mpSelectedPages() { if ( ! (mbAreAllPagesSelected || mbIsShapeSelection)) mpSelectedPages.reset(new MultiSelection(rsSelection)); } bool IsMarkedOnly (void) const { return mbIsShapeSelection; } /** Call with a 0 based page index. */ bool IsSelected (const sal_Int32 nIndex) const { if (mbAreAllPagesSelected) return true; else if (mpSelectedPages) return mpSelectedPages->IsSelected(nIndex+1); else if (mbIsShapeSelection && nIndex==mnCurrentPageIndex) return true; else return false; } private: const bool mbAreAllPagesSelected; const bool mbIsShapeSelection; const sal_Int32 mnCurrentPageIndex; ::boost::scoped_ptr<MultiSelection> mpSelectedPages; }; /** A collection of values that helps to reduce the number of arguments given to some functions. Note that not all values are set at the same time. */ class PrintInfo { public: PrintInfo ( const Printer* pPrinter, const OUString& rsPrinterSelection, const ::boost::shared_ptr<ViewShell> pView) : mpPrinter(pPrinter), mnDrawMode(DRAWMODE_DEFAULT), msTimeDate(), msPageString(), maPrintSize(0,0), maPageSize(0,0), meOrientation(ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT), maMap(), maSelection(rsPrinterSelection, pView ? pView->getCurrentPage() : NULL), mbPrintMarkedOnly(maSelection.IsMarkedOnly()) {} const Printer* mpPrinter; sal_uLong mnDrawMode; ::rtl::OUString msTimeDate; ::rtl::OUString msPageString; Size maPrintSize; Size maPageSize; Orientation meOrientation; MapMode maMap; const Selection maSelection; bool mbPrintMarkedOnly; }; /** Output one page of the document to the given printer. Note that more than one document page may be output to one printer page. */ void PrintPage ( Printer& rPrinter, ::sd::View& rPrintView, SdPage& rPage, View* pView, const bool bPrintMarkedOnly, const SetOfByte& rVisibleLayers, const SetOfByte& rPrintableLayers) { rPrintView.ShowSdrPage(&rPage); const MapMode aOriginalMapMode (rPrinter.GetMapMode()); // Set the visible layers SdrPageView* pPageView = rPrintView.GetSdrPageView(); OSL_ASSERT(pPageView!=NULL); pPageView->SetVisibleLayers(rVisibleLayers); pPageView->SetPrintableLayers(rPrintableLayers); if (pView!=NULL && bPrintMarkedOnly) pView->DrawMarkedObj(rPrinter); else rPrintView.CompleteRedraw(&rPrinter, Rectangle(Point(0,0), rPage.GetSize())); rPrinter.SetMapMode(aOriginalMapMode); rPrintView.HideSdrPage(); } /** Output a string (that typically is not part of a document page) to the given printer. */ void PrintMessage ( Printer& rPrinter, const ::rtl::OUString& rsPageString, const Point& rPageStringOffset) { const Font aOriginalFont (rPrinter.OutputDevice::GetFont()); rPrinter.SetFont(Font(FAMILY_SWISS, Size(0, 423))); rPrinter.DrawText(rPageStringOffset, rsPageString); rPrinter.SetFont(aOriginalFont); } /** Read the resource file and process it into a sequence of properties that can be passed to the printing dialog. */ class DialogCreator : Resource { public: DialogCreator (bool bImpress) : Resource(SdResId(_STR_IMPRESS_PRINT_UI_OPTIONS)) , mbImpress(bImpress) { ProcessResource(); } Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > GetDialogControls(void) const { if (maProperties.empty()) return Sequence< beans::PropertyValue >(); else { return Sequence<beans::PropertyValue>( &maProperties.front(), maProperties.size()); } } ::std::vector<sal_Int32> GetSlidesPerPage (void) const { return maSlidesPerPage; } private: Any maDialog; ::std::vector<beans::PropertyValue> maProperties; ::std::vector<sal_Int32> maSlidesPerPage; bool mbImpress; void ProcessResource (void) { SvtModuleOptions aOpt; String aAppGroupname( String( SdResId( _STR_IMPRESS_PRINT_UI_GROUP_NAME ) ) ); aAppGroupname.SearchAndReplace( String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "%s" ) ), aOpt.GetModuleName( mbImpress ? SvtModuleOptions::E_SIMPRESS : SvtModuleOptions::E_SDRAW ) ); AddDialogControl( vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::getGroupControlOpt( aAppGroupname, rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ".HelpID:vcl:PrintDialog:TabPage:AppPage" ) ) ) ); uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString > aHelpIds; if( mbImpress ) { vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::UIControlOptions aPrintOpt; aPrintOpt.maGroupHint = rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "JobPage" ) ); AddDialogControl( vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::getSubgroupControlOpt( String( SdResId(_STR_IMPRESS_PRINT_UI_PRINT_GROUP) ), rtl::OUString(), aPrintOpt ) ); aHelpIds.realloc( 1 ); aHelpIds[0] = rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ".HelpID:vcl:PrintDialog:PageContentType:ListBox" ) ); AddDialogControl( vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::getChoiceControlOpt( String( SdResId( _STR_IMPRESS_PRINT_UI_CONTENT ) ), aHelpIds, OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "PageContentType" ) ), CreateChoice(_STR_IMPRESS_PRINT_UI_CONTENT_CHOICES), 0, OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "List" ) ) ) ); aHelpIds[0] = rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ".HelpID:vcl:PrintDialog:SlidesPerPage:ListBox" ) ); vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::UIControlOptions aContentOpt( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "PageContentType" ) ), 1 ); AddDialogControl( vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::getChoiceControlOpt( String( SdResId( _STR_IMPRESS_PRINT_UI_SLIDESPERPAGE ) ), aHelpIds, OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "SlidesPerPage" ) ), GetSlidesPerPageSequence(), 0, OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "List" ) ), Sequence< sal_Bool >(), aContentOpt ) ); aHelpIds[0] = rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ".HelpID:vcl:PrintDialog:SlidesPerPageOrder:ListBox" ) ); vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::UIControlOptions aSlidesPerPageOpt( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "SlidesPerPage" ) ), -1, sal_True ); AddDialogControl( vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::getChoiceControlOpt( String( SdResId( _STR_IMPRESS_PRINT_UI_ORDER ) ), aHelpIds, OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "SlidesPerPageOrder" ) ), CreateChoice(_STR_IMPRESS_PRINT_UI_ORDER_CHOICES), 0, OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "List" ) ), Sequence< sal_Bool >(), aSlidesPerPageOpt ) ); } AddDialogControl( vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::getSubgroupControlOpt( String( SdResId(_STR_IMPRESS_PRINT_UI_INCLUDE_CONTENT) ), rtl::OUString() ) ); if( mbImpress ) { AddDialogControl( vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::getBoolControlOpt( String( SdResId(_STR_IMPRESS_PRINT_UI_IS_PRINT_NAME) ), OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ".HelpID:vcl:PrintDialog:IsPrintName:CheckBox" ) ), OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "IsPrintName" ) ), sal_False ) ); } else { AddDialogControl( vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::getBoolControlOpt( String( SdResId(_STR_DRAW_PRINT_UI_IS_PRINT_NAME) ), OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ".HelpID:vcl:PrintDialog:IsPrintName:CheckBox" ) ), OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "IsPrintName" ) ), sal_False ) ); } AddDialogControl( vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::getBoolControlOpt( String( SdResId(_STR_IMPRESS_PRINT_UI_IS_PRINT_DATE) ), OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ".HelpID:vcl:PrintDialog:IsPrintDateTime:CheckBox" ) ), OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "IsPrintDateTime" ) ), sal_False ) ); if( mbImpress ) { AddDialogControl( vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::getBoolControlOpt( String( SdResId(_STR_IMPRESS_PRINT_UI_IS_PRINT_HIDDEN) ), OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ".HelpID:vcl:PrintDialog:IsPrintHidden:CheckBox" ) ), OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "IsPrintHidden" ) ), sal_False ) ); } AddDialogControl( vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::getSubgroupControlOpt( String( SdResId(_STR_IMPRESS_PRINT_UI_QUALITY) ), rtl::OUString() ) ); aHelpIds.realloc( 3 ); aHelpIds[0] = rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ".HelpID:vcl:PrintDialog:Quality:RadioButton:0" ) ); aHelpIds[1] = rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ".HelpID:vcl:PrintDialog:Quality:RadioButton:1" ) ); aHelpIds[2] = rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ".HelpID:vcl:PrintDialog:Quality:RadioButton:2" ) ); AddDialogControl( vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::getChoiceControlOpt( rtl::OUString(), aHelpIds, OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Quality" ) ), CreateChoice(_STR_IMPRESS_PRINT_UI_QUALITY_CHOICES), 0 ) ); AddDialogControl( vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::getSubgroupControlOpt( String( SdResId(_STR_IMPRESS_PRINT_UI_PAGE_OPTIONS) ), rtl::OUString() ) ); aHelpIds.realloc( 4 ); aHelpIds[0] = rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ".HelpID:vcl:PrintDialog:PageOptions:RadioButton:0" ) ); aHelpIds[1] = rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ".HelpID:vcl:PrintDialog:PageOptions:RadioButton:1" ) ); aHelpIds[2] = rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ".HelpID:vcl:PrintDialog:PageOptions:RadioButton:2" ) ); aHelpIds[3] = rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ".HelpID:vcl:PrintDialog:PageOptions:RadioButton:3" ) ); if( mbImpress ) { // FIXME: additional dependency on PrintProspect = false vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::UIControlOptions aPageOptionsOpt( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "PageContentType" ) ), 0 ); AddDialogControl( vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::getChoiceControlOpt( rtl::OUString(), aHelpIds, OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "PageOptions" ) ), CreateChoice(_STR_IMPRESS_PRINT_UI_PAGE_OPTIONS_CHOICES), 0, OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Radio" ) ), Sequence< sal_Bool >(), aPageOptionsOpt ) ); } else { vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::UIControlOptions aPageOptionsOpt( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "PrintProspect" ) ), sal_False ); AddDialogControl( vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::getChoiceControlOpt( rtl::OUString(), aHelpIds, OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "PageOptions" ) ), CreateChoice(_STR_IMPRESS_PRINT_UI_PAGE_OPTIONS_CHOICES_DRAW), 0, OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Radio" ) ), Sequence< sal_Bool >(), aPageOptionsOpt ) ); } vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::UIControlOptions aBrochureOpt; aBrochureOpt.maGroupHint = OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "LayoutPage" ) ); AddDialogControl( vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::getSubgroupControlOpt( String( SdResId(_STR_IMPRESS_PRINT_UI_PAGE_SIDES) ), rtl::OUString(), aBrochureOpt ) ); // brochure printing AddDialogControl( vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::getBoolControlOpt( String( SdResId(_STR_IMPRESS_PRINT_UI_BROCHURE) ), rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ".HelpID:vcl:PrintDialog:PrintProspect:CheckBox" ) ), OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "PrintProspect" ) ), sal_False, aBrochureOpt ) ); vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::UIControlOptions aIncludeOpt( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "PrintProspect" ) ), -1, sal_False ); aIncludeOpt.maGroupHint = OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "LayoutPage" ) ); aHelpIds.realloc( 1 ); aHelpIds[0] = rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ".HelpID:vcl:PrintDialog:PrintProspectInclude:ListBox" ) ); AddDialogControl( vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::getChoiceControlOpt( String( SdResId(_STR_IMPRESS_PRINT_UI_BROCHURE_INCLUDE) ), aHelpIds, OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "PrintProspectInclude" ) ), CreateChoice(_STR_IMPRESS_PRINT_UI_BROCHURE_INCLUDE_LIST), 0, OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "List" ) ), Sequence< sal_Bool >(), aIncludeOpt ) ); // paper tray (on options page) vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::UIControlOptions aPaperTrayOpt; aPaperTrayOpt.maGroupHint = rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "OptionsPageOptGroup" ) ); AddDialogControl( vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::getBoolControlOpt( String( SdResId(_STR_IMPRESS_PRINT_UI_PAPER_TRAY) ), rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ".HelpID:vcl:PrintDialog:PrintPaperFromSetup:CheckBox" ) ), OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "PrintPaperFromSetup" ) ), sal_False, aPaperTrayOpt ) ); // print range selection vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::UIControlOptions aPrintRangeOpt; aPrintRangeOpt.mbInternalOnly = sal_True; aPrintRangeOpt.maGroupHint = rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "PrintRange" ) ); AddDialogControl( vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::getSubgroupControlOpt( String( SdResId( _STR_IMPRESS_PRINT_UI_PAGE_RANGE ) ), rtl::OUString(), aPrintRangeOpt ) ); // create a choice for the content to create rtl::OUString aPrintRangeName( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "PrintContent" ) ); aHelpIds.realloc( 3 ); aHelpIds[0] = rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ".HelpID:vcl:PrintDialog:PrintContent:RadioButton:0" ) ); aHelpIds[1] = rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ".HelpID:vcl:PrintDialog:PrintContent:RadioButton:1" ) ); aHelpIds[2] = rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ".HelpID:vcl:PrintDialog:PrintContent:RadioButton:2" ) ); AddDialogControl( vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::getChoiceControlOpt( rtl::OUString(), aHelpIds, aPrintRangeName, CreateChoice(mbImpress ? _STR_IMPRESS_PRINT_UI_PAGE_RANGE_CHOICE : _STR_DRAW_PRINT_UI_PAGE_RANGE_CHOICE), 0 ) ); // create a an Edit dependent on "Pages" selected vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::UIControlOptions aPageRangeOpt( aPrintRangeName, 1, sal_True ); AddDialogControl( vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::getEditControlOpt( rtl::OUString(), rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ".HelpID:vcl:PrintDialog:PageRange:Edit" ) ), rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "PageRange" ) ), rtl::OUString(), aPageRangeOpt ) ); FreeResource(); } void AddDialogControl( const Any& i_rCtrl ) { beans::PropertyValue aVal; aVal.Value = i_rCtrl; maProperties.push_back( aVal ); } Sequence<rtl::OUString> CreateChoice (const sal_uInt16 nResourceId) const { SdResId aResourceId (nResourceId); ResStringArray aChoiceStrings (aResourceId); const sal_uInt32 nCount (aChoiceStrings.Count()); Sequence<rtl::OUString> aChoices (nCount); for (sal_uInt32 nIndex=0; nIndex<nCount; ++nIndex) aChoices[nIndex] = aChoiceStrings.GetString(nIndex); return aChoices; } Sequence<rtl::OUString> GetSlidesPerPageSequence (void) { const Sequence<rtl::OUString> aChoice ( CreateChoice(_STR_IMPRESS_PRINT_UI_SLIDESPERPAGE_CHOICES)); maSlidesPerPage.clear(); maSlidesPerPage.push_back(0); // first is using the default for (sal_Int32 nIndex=1,nCount=aChoice.getLength(); nIndex<nCount; ++nIndex) maSlidesPerPage.push_back(aChoice[nIndex].toInt32()); return aChoice; } }; /** The Prepare... methods of the DocumentRenderer::Implementation class create a set of PrinterPage objects that contain all necessary information to do the actual printing. There is one PrinterPage object per printed page. Derived classes implement the actual, mode specific printing. This and all derived classes support the asynchronous printing process by not storing pointers to any data with lifetime shorter than the PrinterPage objects, i.e. slides, shapes, (one of) the outliner (of the document). */ class PrinterPage { public: PrinterPage ( const PageKind ePageKind, const MapMode& rMapMode, const bool bPrintMarkedOnly, const ::rtl::OUString& rsPageString, const Point& rPageStringOffset, const sal_uLong nDrawMode, const Orientation eOrientation, const sal_uInt16 nPaperTray) : mePageKind(ePageKind), maMap(rMapMode), mbPrintMarkedOnly(bPrintMarkedOnly), msPageString(rsPageString), maPageStringOffset(rPageStringOffset), mnDrawMode(nDrawMode), meOrientation(eOrientation), mnPaperTray(nPaperTray) { } virtual ~PrinterPage (void) {} virtual void Print ( Printer& rPrinter, SdDrawDocument& rDocument, ViewShell& rViewShell, View* pView, DrawView& rPrintView, const SetOfByte& rVisibleLayers, const SetOfByte& rPrintableLayers) const = 0; sal_uLong GetDrawMode (void) const { return mnDrawMode; } Orientation GetOrientation (void) const { return meOrientation; } sal_uInt16 GetPaperTray (void) const { return mnPaperTray; } protected: const PageKind mePageKind; const MapMode maMap; const bool mbPrintMarkedOnly; const ::rtl::OUString msPageString; const Point maPageStringOffset; const sal_uLong mnDrawMode; const Orientation meOrientation; const sal_uInt16 mnPaperTray; }; /** The RegularPrinterPage is used for printing one regular slide (no notes, handout, or outline) to one printer page. */ class RegularPrinterPage : public PrinterPage { public: RegularPrinterPage ( const sal_uInt16 nPageIndex, const PageKind ePageKind, const MapMode& rMapMode, const bool bPrintMarkedOnly, const ::rtl::OUString& rsPageString, const Point& rPageStringOffset, const sal_uLong nDrawMode, const Orientation eOrientation, const sal_uInt16 nPaperTray) : PrinterPage(ePageKind, rMapMode, bPrintMarkedOnly, rsPageString, rPageStringOffset, nDrawMode, eOrientation, nPaperTray), mnPageIndex(nPageIndex) { } virtual ~RegularPrinterPage (void) {} virtual void Print ( Printer& rPrinter, SdDrawDocument& rDocument, ViewShell& rViewShell, View* pView, DrawView& rPrintView, const SetOfByte& rVisibleLayers, const SetOfByte& rPrintableLayers) const { (void)rViewShell; SdPage* pPageToPrint = rDocument.GetSdPage(mnPageIndex, mePageKind); rPrinter.SetMapMode(maMap); PrintPage( rPrinter, rPrintView, *pPageToPrint, pView, mbPrintMarkedOnly, rVisibleLayers, rPrintableLayers); PrintMessage( rPrinter, msPageString, maPageStringOffset); } private: const sal_uInt16 mnPageIndex; }; /** Print one slide multiple times on a printer page so that the whole printer page is covered. */ class TiledPrinterPage : public PrinterPage { public: TiledPrinterPage ( const sal_uInt16 nPageIndex, const PageKind ePageKind, const sal_Int32 nGap, const bool bPrintMarkedOnly, const ::rtl::OUString& rsPageString, const Point& rPageStringOffset, const sal_uLong nDrawMode, const Orientation eOrientation, const sal_uInt16 nPaperTray) : PrinterPage(ePageKind, MapMode(), bPrintMarkedOnly, rsPageString, rPageStringOffset, nDrawMode, eOrientation, nPaperTray), mnPageIndex(nPageIndex), mnGap(nGap) { } virtual ~TiledPrinterPage (void) {} virtual void Print ( Printer& rPrinter, SdDrawDocument& rDocument, ViewShell& rViewShell, View* pView, DrawView& rPrintView, const SetOfByte& rVisibleLayers, const SetOfByte& rPrintableLayers) const { (void)rViewShell; SdPage* pPageToPrint = rDocument.GetSdPage(mnPageIndex, mePageKind); if (pPageToPrint==NULL) return; MapMode aMap (rPrinter.GetMapMode()); const Size aPageSize (pPageToPrint->GetSize()); const Size aPrintSize (rPrinter.GetOutputSize()); const sal_Int32 nPageWidth (aPageSize.Width() + mnGap - pPageToPrint->GetLftBorder() - pPageToPrint->GetRgtBorder()); const sal_Int32 nPageHeight (aPageSize.Height() + mnGap - pPageToPrint->GetUppBorder() - pPageToPrint->GetLwrBorder()); if (nPageWidth<=0 || nPageHeight<=0) return; // Print at least two rows and columns. More if the document // page fits completely onto the printer page. const sal_Int32 nColumnCount (::std::max(sal_Int32(2), sal_Int32(aPrintSize.Width() / nPageWidth))); const sal_Int32 nRowCount (::std::max(sal_Int32(2), sal_Int32(aPrintSize.Height() / nPageHeight))); Point aPrintOrigin; for (sal_Int32 nRow=0; nRow<nRowCount; ++nRow) for (sal_Int32 nColumn=0; nColumn<nColumnCount; ++nColumn) { aMap.SetOrigin(Point(nColumn*nPageWidth,nRow*nPageHeight)); rPrinter.SetMapMode(aMap); PrintPage( rPrinter, rPrintView, *pPageToPrint, pView, mbPrintMarkedOnly, rVisibleLayers, rPrintableLayers); } PrintMessage( rPrinter, msPageString, maPageStringOffset); } private: const sal_uInt16 mnPageIndex; const sal_Int32 mnGap; }; /** Print two slides to one printer page so that the resulting pages form a booklet. */ class BookletPrinterPage : public PrinterPage { public: BookletPrinterPage ( const sal_uInt16 nFirstPageIndex, const sal_uInt16 nSecondPageIndex, const Point& rFirstOffset, const Point& rSecondOffset, const PageKind ePageKind, const MapMode& rMapMode, const bool bPrintMarkedOnly, const sal_uLong nDrawMode, const Orientation eOrientation, const sal_uInt16 nPaperTray) : PrinterPage(ePageKind, rMapMode, bPrintMarkedOnly, ::rtl::OUString(), Point(), nDrawMode, eOrientation, nPaperTray), mnFirstPageIndex(nFirstPageIndex), mnSecondPageIndex(nSecondPageIndex), maFirstOffset(rFirstOffset), maSecondOffset(rSecondOffset) { } virtual ~BookletPrinterPage (void) {} virtual void Print ( Printer& rPrinter, SdDrawDocument& rDocument, ViewShell& rViewShell, View* pView, DrawView& rPrintView, const SetOfByte& rVisibleLayers, const SetOfByte& rPrintableLayers) const { (void)rViewShell; MapMode aMap (maMap); SdPage* pPageToPrint = rDocument.GetSdPage(mnFirstPageIndex, mePageKind); if (pPageToPrint) { aMap.SetOrigin(maFirstOffset); rPrinter.SetMapMode(aMap); PrintPage( rPrinter, rPrintView, *pPageToPrint, pView, mbPrintMarkedOnly, rVisibleLayers, rPrintableLayers); } pPageToPrint = rDocument.GetSdPage(mnSecondPageIndex, mePageKind); if( pPageToPrint ) { aMap.SetOrigin(maSecondOffset); rPrinter.SetMapMode(aMap); PrintPage( rPrinter, rPrintView, *pPageToPrint, pView, mbPrintMarkedOnly, rVisibleLayers, rPrintableLayers); } } private: const sal_uInt16 mnFirstPageIndex; const sal_uInt16 mnSecondPageIndex; const Point maFirstOffset; const Point maSecondOffset; }; /** One handout page displays one to nine slides. */ class HandoutPrinterPage : public PrinterPage { public: HandoutPrinterPage ( const sal_uInt16 nHandoutPageIndex, const ::std::vector<sal_uInt16>& rPageIndices, const MapMode& rMapMode, const ::rtl::OUString& rsPageString, const Point& rPageStringOffset, const sal_uLong nDrawMode, const Orientation eOrientation, const sal_uInt16 nPaperTray) : PrinterPage(PK_HANDOUT, rMapMode, false, rsPageString, rPageStringOffset, nDrawMode, eOrientation, nPaperTray), mnHandoutPageIndex(nHandoutPageIndex), maPageIndices(rPageIndices) { } virtual void Print ( Printer& rPrinter, SdDrawDocument& rDocument, ViewShell& rViewShell, View* pView, DrawView& rPrintView, const SetOfByte& rVisibleLayers, const SetOfByte& rPrintableLayers) const { SdPage& rHandoutPage (*rDocument.GetSdPage(0, PK_HANDOUT)); Reference< com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > xHandoutPage( rHandoutPage.getUnoPage(), UNO_QUERY ); const rtl::OUString sPageNumber( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Number" ) ); // Collect the page objects of the handout master. std::vector<SdrPageObj*> aHandoutPageObjects; SdrObjListIter aShapeIter (rHandoutPage); while (aShapeIter.IsMore()) { SdrPageObj* pPageObj = dynamic_cast<SdrPageObj*>(aShapeIter.Next()); if (pPageObj) aHandoutPageObjects.push_back(pPageObj); } if (aHandoutPageObjects.empty()) return; // Connect page objects with pages. std::vector<SdrPageObj*>::iterator aPageObjIter (aHandoutPageObjects.begin()); for (std::vector<sal_uInt16>::const_iterator iPageIndex(maPageIndices.begin()), iEnd(maPageIndices.end()); iPageIndex!=iEnd && aPageObjIter!=aHandoutPageObjects.end(); ++iPageIndex) { // Check if the page still exists. if (*iPageIndex >= rDocument.GetSdPageCount(PK_STANDARD)) continue; SdrPageObj* pPageObj = (*aPageObjIter++); pPageObj->SetReferencedPage(rDocument.GetSdPage(*iPageIndex, PK_STANDARD)); } // if there are more page objects than pages left, set the rest to invisible int nHangoverCount = 0; while (aPageObjIter != aHandoutPageObjects.end()) { (*aPageObjIter++)->SetReferencedPage(0L); nHangoverCount++; } // Hide outlines for objects that have pages attached. if (nHangoverCount > 0) { int nSkip = aHandoutPageObjects.size() - nHangoverCount; aShapeIter.Reset(); while (aShapeIter.IsMore()) { SdrPathObj* pPathObj = dynamic_cast<SdrPathObj*>(aShapeIter.Next()); if (pPathObj) { if (nSkip > 0) --nSkip; else pPathObj->SetMergedItem(XLineStyleItem(XLINE_NONE)); } } } if( xHandoutPage.is() ) try { xHandoutPage->setPropertyValue( sPageNumber, Any( static_cast<sal_Int16>(mnHandoutPageIndex) ) ); } catch( Exception& ) { } rViewShell.SetPrintedHandoutPageNum( mnHandoutPageIndex + 1 ); MapMode aMap (rPrinter.GetMapMode()); rPrinter.SetMapMode(maMap); PrintPage( rPrinter, rPrintView, rHandoutPage, pView, false, rVisibleLayers, rPrintableLayers); PrintMessage( rPrinter, msPageString, maPageStringOffset); if( xHandoutPage.is() ) try { xHandoutPage->setPropertyValue( sPageNumber, Any( static_cast<sal_Int16>(0) ) ); } catch( Exception& ) { } rViewShell.SetPrintedHandoutPageNum(1); // Restore outlines. if (nHangoverCount > 0) { aShapeIter.Reset(); while (aShapeIter.IsMore()) { SdrPathObj* pPathObj = dynamic_cast<SdrPathObj*>(aShapeIter.Next()); if (pPathObj != NULL) pPathObj->SetMergedItem(XLineStyleItem(XLINE_SOLID)); } } } private: const sal_uInt16 mnHandoutPageIndex; const ::std::vector<sal_uInt16> maPageIndices; }; /** The outline information (title, subtitle, outline objects) of the document. There is no fixed mapping of slides to printer pages. */ class OutlinerPrinterPage : public PrinterPage { public: OutlinerPrinterPage ( OutlinerParaObject* pParaObject, const MapMode& rMapMode, const ::rtl::OUString& rsPageString, const Point& rPageStringOffset, const sal_uLong nDrawMode, const Orientation eOrientation, const sal_uInt16 nPaperTray) : PrinterPage(PK_HANDOUT, rMapMode, false, rsPageString, rPageStringOffset, nDrawMode, eOrientation, nPaperTray), mpParaObject(pParaObject) { } ~OutlinerPrinterPage (void) { mpParaObject.reset(); } virtual void Print ( Printer& rPrinter, SdDrawDocument& rDocument, ViewShell& rViewShell, View* pView, DrawView& rPrintView, const SetOfByte& rVisibleLayers, const SetOfByte& rPrintableLayers) const { (void)rViewShell; (void)pView; (void)rPrintView; (void)rVisibleLayers; (void)rPrintableLayers; // Set up the printer. rPrinter.SetMapMode(maMap); // Get and set up the outliner. const Rectangle aOutRect (rPrinter.GetPageOffset(), rPrinter.GetOutputSize()); Outliner* pOutliner = rDocument.GetInternalOutliner(); const sal_uInt16 nSavedOutlMode (pOutliner->GetMode()); const sal_Bool bSavedUpdateMode (pOutliner->GetUpdateMode()); const Size aSavedPaperSize (pOutliner->GetPaperSize()); pOutliner->Init(OUTLINERMODE_OUTLINEVIEW); pOutliner->SetPaperSize(aOutRect.GetSize()); pOutliner->SetUpdateMode(sal_True); pOutliner->Clear(); pOutliner->SetText(*mpParaObject); pOutliner->Draw(&rPrinter, aOutRect); PrintMessage( rPrinter, msPageString, maPageStringOffset); // Restore outliner and printer. pOutliner->Clear(); pOutliner->SetUpdateMode(bSavedUpdateMode); pOutliner->SetPaperSize(aSavedPaperSize); pOutliner->Init(nSavedOutlMode); } private: ::boost::scoped_ptr<OutlinerParaObject> mpParaObject; }; } //===== DocumentRenderer::Implementation ====================================== class DocumentRenderer::Implementation : public SfxListener, public vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper { public: Implementation (ViewShellBase& rBase) : mrBase(rBase), mbIsDisposed(false), mpPrinter(NULL), mpOptions(), maPrinterPages(), mpPrintView(), mbHasOrientationWarningBeenShown(false) { DialogCreator aCreator( mrBase.GetDocShell()->GetDocumentType() == DOCUMENT_TYPE_IMPRESS ); m_aUIProperties = aCreator.GetDialogControls(); maSlidesPerPage = aCreator.GetSlidesPerPage(); StartListening(mrBase); } virtual ~Implementation (void) { EndListening(mrBase); } virtual void Notify (SfxBroadcaster& rBroadcaster, const SfxHint& rHint) { const SfxSimpleHint* pSimpleHint = dynamic_cast<const SfxSimpleHint*>(&rHint); if (pSimpleHint != NULL && pSimpleHint->GetId() == SFX_HINT_DYING && &rBroadcaster == &static_cast<SfxBroadcaster&>(mrBase)) { Dispose(); } } /** Process the sequence of properties given to one of the XRenderable methods. */ void ProcessProperties (const css::uno::Sequence<css::beans::PropertyValue >& rOptions) { OSL_ASSERT(!mbIsDisposed); if (mbIsDisposed) return; bool bIsValueChanged = processProperties( rOptions ); bool bIsPaperChanged = false; // The RenderDevice property is handled specially: its value is // stored in mpPrinter instead of being retrieved on demand. Any aDev( getValue( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "RenderDevice" ) ) ) ); Reference<awt::XDevice> xRenderDevice; if (aDev >>= xRenderDevice) { VCLXDevice* pDevice = VCLXDevice::GetImplementation(xRenderDevice); OutputDevice* pOut = pDevice ? pDevice->GetOutputDevice() : NULL; mpPrinter = dynamic_cast<Printer*>(pOut); Size aPageSizePixel = mpPrinter ? mpPrinter->GetPaperSizePixel() : Size(); if( aPageSizePixel != maPrinterPageSizePixel ) { bIsPaperChanged = true; maPrinterPageSizePixel = aPageSizePixel; } } if (bIsValueChanged) { if ( ! mpOptions ) mpOptions.reset(new PrintOptions(*this, maSlidesPerPage)); } if( bIsValueChanged || bIsPaperChanged ) PreparePages(); } /** Return the number of pages that are to be printed. */ sal_Int32 GetPrintPageCount (void) { OSL_ASSERT(!mbIsDisposed); if (mbIsDisposed) return 0; else return maPrinterPages.size(); } /** Return a sequence of properties that can be returned by the XRenderable::getRenderer() method. */ css::uno::Sequence<css::beans::PropertyValue> GetProperties ( const css::uno::Sequence<css::beans::PropertyValue>& rOptions) { (void)rOptions; css::uno::Sequence<css::beans::PropertyValue> aProperties (3); aProperties[0].Name = A2S("ExtraPrintUIOptions"); aProperties[0].Value <<= m_aUIProperties; aProperties[1].Name = A2S("PageSize"); aProperties[1].Value <<= maPrintSize; // FIXME: is this always true ? aProperties[2].Name = A2S("PageIncludesNonprintableArea"); aProperties[2].Value = makeAny( sal_True ); return aProperties; } /** Print one of the prepared pages. */ void PrintPage (const sal_Int32 nIndex) { OSL_ASSERT(!mbIsDisposed); if (mbIsDisposed) return; Printer& rPrinter (*mpPrinter); ::boost::shared_ptr<ViewShell> pViewShell (mrBase.GetMainViewShell()); if ( ! pViewShell) return; SdDrawDocument* pDocument = pViewShell->GetDoc(); OSL_ASSERT(pDocument!=NULL); ::boost::shared_ptr<DrawViewShell> pDrawViewShell( ::boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<DrawViewShell>(mrBase.GetMainViewShell())); if ( ! mpPrintView) mpPrintView.reset(new DrawView(mrBase.GetDocShell(), &rPrinter, pDrawViewShell.get())); if (nIndex<0 || sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt32>(nIndex)>=maPrinterPages.size()) return; const ::boost::shared_ptr<PrinterPage> pPage (maPrinterPages[nIndex]); OSL_ASSERT(pPage); if ( ! pPage) return; const Orientation eSavedOrientation (rPrinter.GetOrientation()); const sal_uLong nSavedDrawMode (rPrinter.GetDrawMode()); const MapMode aSavedMapMode (rPrinter.GetMapMode()); const sal_uInt16 nSavedPaperBin (rPrinter.GetPaperBin()); // Set page orientation. if ( ! rPrinter.SetOrientation(pPage->GetOrientation())) { if ( ! mbHasOrientationWarningBeenShown && mpOptions->IsWarningOrientation()) { mbHasOrientationWarningBeenShown = true; // Show warning that the orientation could not be set. if (pViewShell) { WarningBox aWarnBox( pViewShell->GetActiveWindow(), (WinBits)(WB_OK_CANCEL | WB_DEF_CANCEL), String(SdResId(STR_WARN_PRINTFORMAT_FAILURE))); if (aWarnBox.Execute() != RET_OK) return; } } } // Set the draw mode. rPrinter.SetDrawMode(pPage->GetDrawMode()); // Set paper tray. rPrinter.SetPaperBin(pPage->GetPaperTray()); // Print the actual page. pPage->Print( rPrinter, *pDocument, *pViewShell, pDrawViewShell ? pDrawViewShell->GetView() : NULL, *mpPrintView, pViewShell->GetFrameView()->GetVisibleLayers(), pViewShell->GetFrameView()->GetPrintableLayers()); rPrinter.SetOrientation(eSavedOrientation); rPrinter.SetDrawMode(nSavedDrawMode); rPrinter.SetMapMode(aSavedMapMode); rPrinter.SetPaperBin(nSavedPaperBin); } private: ViewShellBase& mrBase; bool mbIsDisposed; Printer* mpPrinter; Size maPrinterPageSizePixel; ::boost::scoped_ptr<PrintOptions> mpOptions; ::std::vector< ::boost::shared_ptr< ::sd::PrinterPage> > maPrinterPages; ::boost::scoped_ptr<DrawView> mpPrintView; bool mbHasOrientationWarningBeenShown; ::std::vector<sal_Int32> maSlidesPerPage; awt::Size maPrintSize; void Dispose (void) { mbIsDisposed = true; } /** Determine and set the paper orientation. */ bool SetupPaperOrientation ( const PageKind ePageKind, PrintInfo& rInfo) { SdDrawDocument* pDocument = mrBase.GetMainViewShell()->GetDoc(); rInfo.meOrientation = ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT; if( ! mpOptions->IsBooklet()) { rInfo.meOrientation = pDocument->GetSdPage(0, ePageKind)->GetOrientation(); } else if (rInfo.maPageSize.Width() < rInfo.maPageSize.Height()) rInfo.meOrientation = ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE; const Size aPaperSize (rInfo.mpPrinter->GetPaperSize()); if( (rInfo.meOrientation == ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE && (aPaperSize.Width() < aPaperSize.Height())) || (rInfo.meOrientation == ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT && (aPaperSize.Width() > aPaperSize.Height())) ) { maPrintSize = awt::Size(aPaperSize.Height(), aPaperSize.Width()); // rInfo.maPrintSize = Size(rInfo.maPrintSize.Height(), rInfo.maPrintSize.Width()); } else { maPrintSize = awt::Size(aPaperSize.Width(), aPaperSize.Height()); } return true; } /** Top most method for preparing printer pages. In this and the other Prepare... methods the various special cases are detected and handled. For every page that is to be printed (that may contain several slides) one PrinterPage object is created and inserted into maPrinterPages. */ void PreparePages (void) { mpPrintView.reset(); maPrinterPages.clear(); mbHasOrientationWarningBeenShown = false; ViewShell* pShell = mrBase.GetMainViewShell().get(); PrintInfo aInfo (mpPrinter, mpOptions->GetPrinterSelection(), mrBase.GetMainViewShell()); if (aInfo.mpPrinter!=NULL && pShell!=NULL) { MapMode aMap (aInfo.mpPrinter->GetMapMode()); aMap.SetMapUnit(MAP_100TH_MM); aInfo.maMap = aMap; mpPrinter->SetMapMode(aMap); ::Outliner& rOutliner = mrBase.GetDocument()->GetDrawOutliner(); const sal_uLong nSavedControlWord (rOutliner.GetControlWord()); sal_uLong nCntrl = nSavedControlWord; nCntrl &= ~EE_CNTRL_MARKFIELDS; nCntrl &= ~EE_CNTRL_ONLINESPELLING; rOutliner.SetControlWord( nCntrl ); // When in outline view then apply all pending changes to the model. if (pShell->ISA(OutlineViewShell)) static_cast<OutlineViewShell*>(pShell)->PrepareClose (sal_False, sal_False); // Collect some frequently used data. if (mpOptions->IsDate()) { aInfo.msTimeDate += GetSdrGlobalData().GetLocaleData()->getDate( Date() ); aInfo.msTimeDate += ::rtl::OUString((sal_Unicode)' '); } if (mpOptions->IsTime()) aInfo.msTimeDate += GetSdrGlobalData().GetLocaleData()->getTime( Time(), sal_False, sal_False ); aInfo.maPrintSize = aInfo.mpPrinter->GetOutputSize(); maPrintSize = awt::Size( aInfo.mpPrinter->GetPaperSize().Width(), aInfo.mpPrinter->GetPaperSize().Height()); switch (mpOptions->GetOutputQuality()) { case 1: aInfo.mnDrawMode = DRAWMODE_GRAYLINE | DRAWMODE_GRAYFILL | DRAWMODE_BLACKTEXT | DRAWMODE_GRAYBITMAP | DRAWMODE_GRAYGRADIENT; break; case 2: aInfo.mnDrawMode = DRAWMODE_BLACKLINE | DRAWMODE_BLACKTEXT | DRAWMODE_WHITEFILL | DRAWMODE_GRAYBITMAP | DRAWMODE_WHITEGRADIENT; break; default: aInfo.mnDrawMode = DRAWMODE_DEFAULT; } // check if selected range of pages contains transparent objects /* const bool bPrintPages (bPrintNotes || bPrintDraw || bPrintHandout); const bool bContainsTransparency (bPrintPages && ContainsTransparency()); if (pPrinter->InitJob (mrBase.GetWindow(), !bIsAPI && bContainsTransparency)) */ if (mpOptions->IsDraw()) PrepareStdOrNotes(PK_STANDARD, aInfo); if (mpOptions->IsNotes()) PrepareStdOrNotes(PK_NOTES, aInfo); if (mpOptions->IsHandout()) { InitHandoutTemplate(); PrepareHandout(aInfo); } if (mpOptions->IsOutline()) PrepareOutline(aInfo); rOutliner.SetControlWord(nSavedControlWord); } } /** Create the page objects of the handout template. When the actual printing takes place then the page objects are assigned different sets of slides for each printed page (see HandoutPrinterPage::Print). */ void InitHandoutTemplate (void) { const sal_Int32 nSlidesPerHandout (mpOptions->GetHandoutPageCount()); const bool bHandoutHorizontal (mpOptions->IsHandoutHorizontal()); AutoLayout eLayout = AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT6; switch (nSlidesPerHandout) { case 0: eLayout = AUTOLAYOUT_NONE; break; // AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT1; break; case 1: eLayout = AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT1; break; case 2: eLayout = AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT2; break; case 3: eLayout = AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT3; break; case 4: eLayout = AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT4; break; default: case 6: eLayout = AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT6; break; case 9: eLayout = AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT9; break; } if( !mrBase.GetDocument() ) return; SdDrawDocument& rModel = *mrBase.GetDocument(); // first, prepare handout page (not handout master) SdPage* pHandout = rModel.GetSdPage(0, PK_HANDOUT); if( !pHandout ) return; // delete all previous shapes from handout page while( pHandout->GetObjCount() ) { SdrObject* pObj = pHandout->NbcRemoveObject(0); if( pObj ) SdrObject::Free( pObj ); } const bool bDrawLines (eLayout == AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT3); std::vector< Rectangle > aAreas; SdPage::CalculateHandoutAreas( rModel, eLayout, bHandoutHorizontal, aAreas ); std::vector< Rectangle >::iterator iter( aAreas.begin() ); while( iter != aAreas.end() ) { pHandout->NbcInsertObject( new SdrPageObj((*iter++)) ); if( bDrawLines && (iter != aAreas.end()) ) { Rectangle aRect( (*iter++) ); basegfx::B2DPolygon aPoly; aPoly.insert(0, basegfx::B2DPoint( aRect.Left(), aRect.Top() ) ); aPoly.insert(1, basegfx::B2DPoint( aRect.Right(), aRect.Top() ) ); basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aMatrix; aMatrix.translate( 0.0, static_cast< double >( aRect.GetHeight() / 7 ) ); basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aPathPoly; for( sal_uInt16 nLine = 0; nLine < 7; nLine++ ) { aPoly.transform( aMatrix ); aPathPoly.append( aPoly ); } SdrPathObj* pPathObj = new SdrPathObj(OBJ_PATHLINE, aPathPoly ); pPathObj->SetMergedItem(XLineStyleItem(XLINE_SOLID)); pPathObj->SetMergedItem(XLineColorItem(String(), Color(COL_BLACK))); pHandout->NbcInsertObject( pPathObj ); } } } /** Detect whether any of the slides that are to be printed contains partially transparent or translucent shapes. */ bool ContainsTransparency (const PrintInfo& rInfo) const { // const bool bPrintExcluded (mpOptions->IsPrintExcluded()); bool bContainsTransparency = false; for (sal_uInt16 nIndex=0, nCount=mrBase.GetDocument()->GetSdPageCount(PK_STANDARD); nIndex < nCount && !bContainsTransparency; ++nIndex) { SdPage* pPage = GetFilteredPage(nIndex, PK_STANDARD, rInfo); if (pPage == NULL) continue; bContainsTransparency = pPage->HasTransparentObjects(); if ( ! bContainsTransparency && pPage->TRG_HasMasterPage()) bContainsTransparency = pPage->TRG_GetMasterPage().HasTransparentObjects(); } return bContainsTransparency; } /** Detect whether the specified slide is to be printed. @return When the slide is not to be printed then <NULL/> is returned. Otherwise a pointer to the slide is returned. */ SdPage* GetFilteredPage ( const sal_Int32 nPageIndex, const PageKind ePageKind, const PrintInfo& rInfo) const { OSL_ASSERT(mrBase.GetDocument() != NULL); OSL_ASSERT(nPageIndex>=0); if ( ! rInfo.maSelection.IsSelected(nPageIndex)) return NULL; SdPage* pPage = mrBase.GetDocument()->GetSdPage( sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(nPageIndex), ePageKind); if (pPage == NULL) return NULL; if ( ! pPage->IsExcluded() || mpOptions->IsPrintExcluded()) return pPage; else return NULL; } /** Prepare the outline of the document for printing. There is no fixed number of slides whose outline data is put onto one printer page. If the current printer page has enough room for the outline of the current slide then that is added. Otherwise a new printer page is started. */ void PrepareOutline (PrintInfo& rInfo) { MapMode aMap (rInfo.maMap); Point aPageOfs (rInfo.mpPrinter->GetPageOffset() ); // aMap.SetOrigin(Point() - aPageOfs); aMap.SetScaleX(Fraction(1,2)); aMap.SetScaleY(Fraction(1,2)); mpPrinter->SetMapMode(aMap); Rectangle aOutRect(aPageOfs, rInfo.mpPrinter->GetOutputSize()); if( aOutRect.GetWidth() > aOutRect.GetHeight() ) { Size aPaperSize( rInfo.mpPrinter->PixelToLogic( rInfo.mpPrinter->GetPaperSizePixel(), MapMode( MAP_100TH_MM ) ) ); maPrintSize.Width = aPaperSize.Height(); maPrintSize.Height = aPaperSize.Width(); aOutRect = Rectangle( Point( aPageOfs.Y(), aPageOfs.X() ), Size( aOutRect.GetHeight(), aOutRect.GetWidth() ) ); } Link aOldLink; Outliner* pOutliner = mrBase.GetDocument()->GetInternalOutliner(); pOutliner->Init(OUTLINERMODE_OUTLINEVIEW); const sal_uInt16 nSavedOutlMode (pOutliner->GetMode()); const sal_Bool bSavedUpdateMode (pOutliner->GetUpdateMode()); const Size aSavedPaperSize (pOutliner->GetPaperSize()); const MapMode aSavedMapMode (pOutliner->GetRefMapMode()); pOutliner->SetPaperSize(aOutRect.GetSize()); pOutliner->SetUpdateMode(sal_True); long nPageH = aOutRect.GetHeight(); for (sal_uInt16 nIndex=0, nCount=mrBase.GetDocument()->GetSdPageCount(PK_STANDARD); nIndex < nCount; ) { pOutliner->Clear(); pOutliner->SetFirstPageNumber(nIndex+1); Paragraph* pPara = NULL; sal_Int32 nH (0); while (nH < nPageH && nIndex<nCount) { SdPage* pPage = GetFilteredPage(nIndex, PK_STANDARD, rInfo); ++nIndex; if (pPage == NULL) continue; SdrTextObj* pTextObj = NULL; sal_uInt32 nObj (0); while (pTextObj==NULL && nObj < pPage->GetObjCount()) { SdrObject* pObj = pPage->GetObj(nObj++); if (pObj->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor && pObj->GetObjIdentifier() == OBJ_TITLETEXT) { pTextObj = dynamic_cast<SdrTextObj*>(pObj); } } pPara = pOutliner->GetParagraph(pOutliner->GetParagraphCount() - 1); if (pTextObj!=NULL && !pTextObj->IsEmptyPresObj() && pTextObj->GetOutlinerParaObject()) { pOutliner->AddText(*(pTextObj->GetOutlinerParaObject())); } else pOutliner->Insert(String()); pTextObj = NULL; nObj = 0; while (pTextObj==NULL && nObj<pPage->GetObjCount()) { SdrObject* pObj = pPage->GetObj(nObj++); if (pObj->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor && pObj->GetObjIdentifier() == OBJ_OUTLINETEXT) { pTextObj = dynamic_cast<SdrTextObj*>(pObj); } } bool bSubTitle (false); if (!pTextObj) { bSubTitle = true; pTextObj = dynamic_cast<SdrTextObj*>(pPage->GetPresObj(PRESOBJ_TEXT)); // Untertitel vorhanden? } sal_uLong nParaCount1 = pOutliner->GetParagraphCount(); if (pTextObj!=NULL && !pTextObj->IsEmptyPresObj() && pTextObj->GetOutlinerParaObject()) { pOutliner->AddText(*(pTextObj->GetOutlinerParaObject())); } if (bSubTitle ) { const sal_Int32 nParaCount2 (pOutliner->GetParagraphCount()); for (sal_Int32 nPara=nParaCount1; nPara<nParaCount2; ++nPara) { Paragraph* pP = pOutliner->GetParagraph(nPara); if (pP!=NULL && pOutliner->GetDepth((sal_uInt16)nPara) > 0) pOutliner->SetDepth(pP, 0); } } nH = pOutliner->GetTextHeight(); } // Remove the last paragraph when that does not fit completely on // the current page. if (nH > nPageH && pPara!=NULL) { sal_uLong nCnt = pOutliner->GetAbsPos( pOutliner->GetParagraph( pOutliner->GetParagraphCount() - 1 ) ); sal_uLong nParaPos = pOutliner->GetAbsPos( pPara ); nCnt -= nParaPos; pPara = pOutliner->GetParagraph( ++nParaPos ); if ( nCnt && pPara ) { pOutliner->Remove(pPara, nCnt); --nIndex; } } maPrinterPages.push_back( ::boost::shared_ptr<PrinterPage>( new OutlinerPrinterPage( pOutliner->CreateParaObject(), aMap, rInfo.msTimeDate, aPageOfs, rInfo.mnDrawMode, rInfo.meOrientation, rInfo.mpPrinter->GetPaperBin()))); } pOutliner->SetRefMapMode(aSavedMapMode); pOutliner->SetUpdateMode(bSavedUpdateMode); pOutliner->SetPaperSize(aSavedPaperSize); pOutliner->Init(nSavedOutlMode); } /** Prepare handout pages for slides that are to be printed. */ void PrepareHandout (PrintInfo& rInfo) { SdDrawDocument* pDocument = mrBase.GetDocument(); OSL_ASSERT(pDocument != NULL); SdPage& rHandoutPage (*pDocument->GetSdPage(0, PK_HANDOUT)); const bool bScalePage (mpOptions->IsPageSize()); sal_uInt16 nPaperBin; if ( ! mpOptions->IsPaperBin()) nPaperBin = rHandoutPage.GetPaperBin(); else nPaperBin = rInfo.mpPrinter->GetPaperBin(); // Change orientation? SdPage& rMaster (dynamic_cast<SdPage&>(rHandoutPage.TRG_GetMasterPage())); rInfo.meOrientation = rMaster.GetOrientation(); const Size aPaperSize (rInfo.mpPrinter->GetPaperSize()); if( (rInfo.meOrientation == ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE && (aPaperSize.Width() < aPaperSize.Height())) || (rInfo.meOrientation == ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT && (aPaperSize.Width() > aPaperSize.Height())) ) { maPrintSize = awt::Size(aPaperSize.Height(), aPaperSize.Width()); } else { maPrintSize = awt::Size(aPaperSize.Width(), aPaperSize.Height()); } MapMode aMap (rInfo.maMap); const Point aPageOfs (rInfo.mpPrinter->GetPageOffset()); //DrawView* pPrintView; // aMap.SetOrigin(Point() - aPageOfs); if ( bScalePage ) { const Size aPageSize (rHandoutPage.GetSize()); const Size aPrintSize (rInfo.mpPrinter->GetOutputSize()); const double fHorz = (double) aPrintSize.Width() / aPageSize.Width(); const double fVert = (double) aPrintSize.Height() / aPageSize.Height(); Fraction aFract; if ( fHorz < fVert ) aFract = Fraction(aPrintSize.Width(), aPageSize.Width()); else aFract = Fraction(aPrintSize.Height(), aPageSize.Height()); aMap.SetScaleX(aFract); aMap.SetScaleY(aFract); aMap.SetOrigin(Point()); } ::boost::shared_ptr<ViewShell> pViewShell (mrBase.GetMainViewShell()); pViewShell->WriteFrameViewData(); // Count page shapes. sal_uInt32 nShapeCount (0); SdrObjListIter aShapeIter (rHandoutPage); while (aShapeIter.IsMore()) { SdrPageObj* pPageObj = dynamic_cast<SdrPageObj*>(aShapeIter.Next()); if (pPageObj) ++nShapeCount; } const sal_uInt16 nPageCount = mrBase.GetDocument()->GetSdPageCount(PK_STANDARD); const sal_uInt16 nHandoutPageCount = nShapeCount ? (nPageCount + nShapeCount - 1) / nShapeCount : 0; pViewShell->SetPrintedHandoutPageCount( nHandoutPageCount ); mrBase.GetDocument()->setHandoutPageCount( nHandoutPageCount ); // Distribute pages to handout pages. ::std::vector<sal_uInt16> aPageIndices; for (sal_uInt16 nIndex=0, nCount= nPageCount, nHandoutPageIndex=0; nIndex <= nCount; ++nIndex) { if (nIndex < nCount) { if (GetFilteredPage(nIndex, PK_STANDARD, rInfo) == NULL) continue; aPageIndices.push_back(nIndex); } // Create a printer page when we have found one page for each // placeholder or when this is the last (and special) loop. if (!aPageIndices.empty() && (aPageIndices.size() == nShapeCount || nIndex==nCount)) { maPrinterPages.push_back( ::boost::shared_ptr<PrinterPage>( new HandoutPrinterPage( nHandoutPageIndex++, aPageIndices, aMap, rInfo.msTimeDate, aPageOfs, rInfo.mnDrawMode, rInfo.meOrientation, nPaperBin))); aPageIndices.clear(); } } } /** Prepare the notes pages or regular slides. */ void PrepareStdOrNotes ( const PageKind ePageKind, PrintInfo& rInfo) { OSL_ASSERT(rInfo.mpPrinter != NULL); // Fill in page kind specific data. SdDrawDocument* pDocument = mrBase.GetMainViewShell()->GetDoc(); if (pDocument->GetSdPageCount(ePageKind) == 0) return; SdPage* pRefPage = pDocument->GetSdPage(0, ePageKind); rInfo.maPageSize = pRefPage->GetSize(); if ( ! SetupPaperOrientation(ePageKind, rInfo)) return; MapMode aMap (rInfo.maMap); // aMap.SetOrigin(Point() - rInfo.mpPrinter->GetPageOffset()); rInfo.maMap = aMap; if (mpOptions->IsBooklet()) PrepareBooklet(ePageKind, rInfo); else PrepareRegularPages(ePageKind, rInfo); } /** Prepare slides in a non-booklet way: one slide per one to many printer pages. */ void PrepareRegularPages ( const PageKind ePageKind, PrintInfo& rInfo) { ::boost::shared_ptr<ViewShell> pViewShell (mrBase.GetMainViewShell()); pViewShell->WriteFrameViewData(); Point aPtZero; for (sal_uInt16 nIndex=0, nCount=mrBase.GetDocument()->GetSdPageCount(PK_STANDARD); nIndex < nCount; ++nIndex) { SdPage* pPage = GetFilteredPage(nIndex, ePageKind, rInfo); if (pPage == NULL) continue; MapMode aMap (rInfo.maMap); // Kann sich die Seitengroesse geaendert haben? const Size aPageSize = pPage->GetSize(); if (mpOptions->IsPageSize()) { const double fHorz ((double) rInfo.maPrintSize.Width() / aPageSize.Width()); const double fVert ((double) rInfo.maPrintSize.Height() / aPageSize.Height()); Fraction aFract; if (fHorz < fVert) aFract = Fraction(rInfo.maPrintSize.Width(), aPageSize.Width()); else aFract = Fraction(rInfo.maPrintSize.Height(), aPageSize.Height()); aMap.SetScaleX(aFract); aMap.SetScaleY(aFract); aMap.SetOrigin(Point()); } if (mpOptions->IsPrintPageName()) { rInfo.msPageString = pPage->GetName(); rInfo.msPageString += ::rtl::OUString(sal_Unicode(' ')); } else rInfo.msPageString = ::rtl::OUString(); rInfo.msPageString += rInfo.msTimeDate; long aPageWidth = aPageSize.Width() - pPage->GetLftBorder() - pPage->GetRgtBorder(); long aPageHeight = aPageSize.Height() - pPage->GetUppBorder() - pPage->GetLwrBorder(); // Bugfix zu 44530: // Falls implizit umgestellt wurde (Landscape/Portrait) // wird dies beim Kacheln, bzw. aufteilen (Poster) beruecksichtigt sal_Bool bSwitchPageSize = sal_False; if( ( rInfo.maPrintSize.Width() > rInfo.maPrintSize.Height() && aPageWidth < aPageHeight ) || ( rInfo.maPrintSize.Width() < rInfo.maPrintSize.Height() && aPageWidth > aPageHeight ) ) { bSwitchPageSize = sal_True; const sal_Int32 nTmp (rInfo.maPrintSize.Width()); rInfo.maPrintSize.Width() = rInfo.maPrintSize.Height(); rInfo.maPrintSize.Height() = nTmp; } if (mpOptions->IsTilePage() && aPageWidth < rInfo.maPrintSize.Width() && aPageHeight < rInfo.maPrintSize.Height()) { // Put multiple slides on one printer page. PrepareTiledPage(nIndex, *pPage, ePageKind, rInfo); } else { rInfo.maMap = aMap; PrepareScaledPage(nIndex, *pPage, ePageKind, rInfo); } } } /** Put two slides on one printer page. */ void PrepareBooklet ( const PageKind ePageKind, const PrintInfo& rInfo) { MapMode aStdMap (rInfo.maMap); Point aOffset; Size aPrintSize_2 (rInfo.maPrintSize); Size aPageSize_2 (rInfo.maPageSize); if (rInfo.meOrientation == ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) aPrintSize_2.Width() >>= 1; else aPrintSize_2.Height() >>= 1; const double fPageWH = (double) aPageSize_2.Width() / aPageSize_2.Height(); const double fPrintWH = (double) aPrintSize_2.Width() / aPrintSize_2.Height(); if( fPageWH < fPrintWH ) { aPageSize_2.Width() = (long) ( aPrintSize_2.Height() * fPageWH ); aPageSize_2.Height()= aPrintSize_2.Height(); } else { aPageSize_2.Width() = aPrintSize_2.Width(); aPageSize_2.Height() = (long) ( aPrintSize_2.Width() / fPageWH ); } MapMode aMap (rInfo.maMap); aMap.SetScaleX( Fraction( aPageSize_2.Width(), rInfo.maPageSize.Width() ) ); aMap.SetScaleY( Fraction( aPageSize_2.Height(), rInfo.maPageSize.Height() ) ); // calculate adjusted print size const Size aAdjustedPrintSize (OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( rInfo.maPrintSize, aStdMap, aMap)); if (rInfo.meOrientation == ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) { aOffset.X() = ( ( aAdjustedPrintSize.Width() >> 1 ) - rInfo.maPageSize.Width() ) >> 1; aOffset.Y() = ( aAdjustedPrintSize.Height() - rInfo.maPageSize.Height() ) >> 1; } else { aOffset.X() = ( aAdjustedPrintSize.Width() - rInfo.maPageSize.Width() ) >> 1; aOffset.Y() = ( ( aAdjustedPrintSize.Height() >> 1 ) - rInfo.maPageSize.Height() ) >> 1; } // create vector of pages to print ::std::vector< sal_uInt16 > aPageVector; for (sal_uInt16 nIndex=0, nCount=mrBase.GetDocument()->GetSdPageCount(ePageKind); nIndex < nCount; ++nIndex) { SdPage* pPage = GetFilteredPage(nIndex, ePageKind, rInfo); if (pPage != NULL) aPageVector.push_back(nIndex); } // create pairs of pages to print on each page typedef ::std::vector< ::std::pair< sal_uInt16, sal_uInt16 > > PairVector; PairVector aPairVector; if ( ! aPageVector.empty()) { sal_uInt32 nFirstIndex = 0, nLastIndex = aPageVector.size() - 1; if( aPageVector.size() & 1 ) aPairVector.push_back( ::std::make_pair( (sal_uInt16) 65535, aPageVector[ nFirstIndex++ ] ) ); else aPairVector.push_back( ::std::make_pair( aPageVector[ nLastIndex-- ], aPageVector[ nFirstIndex++ ] ) ); while( nFirstIndex < nLastIndex ) { if( nFirstIndex & 1 ) aPairVector.push_back( ::std::make_pair( aPageVector[ nFirstIndex++ ], aPageVector[ nLastIndex-- ] ) ); else aPairVector.push_back( ::std::make_pair( aPageVector[ nLastIndex-- ], aPageVector[ nFirstIndex++ ] ) ); } } for (sal_uInt32 nIndex=0, nCount=aPairVector.size(); nIndex < nCount; ++nIndex) { const bool bIsIndexOdd (nIndex & 1); if ((!bIsIndexOdd && mpOptions->IsPrintFrontPage()) || (bIsIndexOdd && mpOptions->IsPrintBackPage())) { const ::std::pair<sal_uInt16, sal_uInt16> aPair (aPairVector[nIndex]); Point aSecondOffset (aOffset); if (rInfo.meOrientation == ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) aSecondOffset.X() += aAdjustedPrintSize.Width() / 2; else aSecondOffset.Y() += aAdjustedPrintSize.Height() / 2; maPrinterPages.push_back( ::boost::shared_ptr<PrinterPage>( new BookletPrinterPage( aPair.first, aPair.second, aOffset, aSecondOffset, ePageKind, aMap, rInfo.mbPrintMarkedOnly, rInfo.mnDrawMode, rInfo.meOrientation, rInfo.mpPrinter->GetPaperBin()))); } } } /** Print one slide multiple times on one printer page so that the whole printer page is covered. */ void PrepareTiledPage ( const sal_Int32 nPageIndex, const SdPage& rPage, const PageKind ePageKind, const PrintInfo& rInfo) { sal_uInt16 nPaperBin; if ( ! mpOptions->IsPaperBin()) nPaperBin = rPage.GetPaperBin(); else nPaperBin = rInfo.mpPrinter->GetPaperBin(); maPrinterPages.push_back( ::boost::shared_ptr<PrinterPage>( new TiledPrinterPage( sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(nPageIndex), ePageKind, 500, rInfo.mbPrintMarkedOnly, rInfo.msPageString, rInfo.mpPrinter->GetPageOffset(), rInfo.mnDrawMode, rInfo.meOrientation, nPaperBin))); } /** Print one standard slide or notes page on one to many printer pages. More than on printer page is used when the slide is larger than the printable area. */ void PrepareScaledPage ( const sal_Int32 nPageIndex, const SdPage& rPage, const PageKind ePageKind, const PrintInfo& rInfo) { const Point aPageOffset (rInfo.mpPrinter->GetPageOffset()); sal_uInt16 nPaperBin; if ( ! mpOptions->IsPaperBin()) nPaperBin = rPage.GetPaperBin(); else nPaperBin = rInfo.mpPrinter->GetPaperBin(); // For pages larger then the printable area there // are three options: // 1. Scale down to the page to the printable area. // 2. Print only the upper left part of the page // (without the unprintable borders). // 3. Split the page into parts of the size of the // printable area. const bool bScalePage (mpOptions->IsPageSize()); const bool bCutPage (mpOptions->IsCutPage()); MapMode aMap (rInfo.maMap); if (bScalePage || bCutPage) { // Handle 1 and 2. // if CutPage is set then do not move it, otherwise move the // scaled page to printable area #if 0 if (bCutPage) aMap.SetOrigin(Point(-aPageOffset.X(), -aPageOffset.Y())); else aMap.SetOrigin(Point(0,0)); #endif maPrinterPages.push_back( ::boost::shared_ptr<PrinterPage>( new RegularPrinterPage( sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(nPageIndex), ePageKind, aMap, rInfo.mbPrintMarkedOnly, rInfo.msPageString, aPageOffset, rInfo.mnDrawMode, rInfo.meOrientation, nPaperBin))); } else { // Handle 3. Print parts of the page in the size of the // printable area until the whole page is covered. // keep the page content at its position if it fits, otherwise // move it to the printable area const long nPageWidth ( rInfo.maPageSize.Width() - rPage.GetLftBorder() - rPage.GetRgtBorder()); const long nPageHeight ( rInfo.maPageSize.Height() - rPage.GetUppBorder() - rPage.GetLwrBorder()); #if 0 Point aOrigin ( nPageWidth < rInfo.maPrintSize.Width() ? -aPageOffset.X() : 0, nPageHeight < rInfo.maPrintSize.Height() ? -aPageOffset.Y() : 0); #else Point aOrigin ( 0, 0 ); #endif for (Point aPageOrigin = aOrigin; -aPageOrigin.Y()<nPageHeight; aPageOrigin.Y() -= rInfo.maPrintSize.Height()) { for (aPageOrigin.X()=aOrigin.X(); -aPageOrigin.X()<nPageWidth; aPageOrigin.X() -= rInfo.maPrintSize.Width()) { aMap.SetOrigin(aPageOrigin); maPrinterPages.push_back( ::boost::shared_ptr<PrinterPage>( new RegularPrinterPage( sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(nPageIndex), ePageKind, aMap, rInfo.mbPrintMarkedOnly, rInfo.msPageString, aPageOffset, rInfo.mnDrawMode, rInfo.meOrientation, nPaperBin))); } } } } }; //===== DocumentRenderer ====================================================== DocumentRenderer::DocumentRenderer (ViewShellBase& rBase) : DocumentRendererInterfaceBase(m_aMutex), mpImpl(new Implementation(rBase)) { } DocumentRenderer::~DocumentRenderer (void) { } //----- XRenderable ----------------------------------------------------------- sal_Int32 SAL_CALL DocumentRenderer::getRendererCount ( const css::uno::Any& aSelection, const css::uno::Sequence<css::beans::PropertyValue >& rOptions) throw (css::lang::IllegalArgumentException, css::uno::RuntimeException) { (void)aSelection; mpImpl->ProcessProperties(rOptions); return mpImpl->GetPrintPageCount(); } Sequence<beans::PropertyValue> SAL_CALL DocumentRenderer::getRenderer ( sal_Int32 nRenderer, const css::uno::Any& rSelection, const css::uno::Sequence<css::beans::PropertyValue>& rOptions) throw (css::lang::IllegalArgumentException, css::uno::RuntimeException) { (void)nRenderer; (void)rSelection; mpImpl->ProcessProperties(rOptions); return mpImpl->GetProperties(rOptions); } void SAL_CALL DocumentRenderer::render ( sal_Int32 nRenderer, const css::uno::Any& rSelection, const css::uno::Sequence<css::beans::PropertyValue>& rOptions) throw (css::lang::IllegalArgumentException, css::uno::RuntimeException) { (void)rSelection; mpImpl->ProcessProperties(rOptions); mpImpl->PrintPage(nRenderer); } } // end of namespace sd