/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sd.hxx" #include "DrawViewShell.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _SVX_RULERITEM_HXX #include #endif #include #ifndef _SVXIDS_HRC #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "optsitem.hxx" #include "app.hrc" #include "glob.hrc" #include "strings.hrc" #include "res_bmp.hrc" #include "sdundogr.hxx" #include "undopage.hxx" #include "glob.hxx" #include "app.hxx" #include "fupoor.hxx" #include "slideshow.hxx" #ifndef SD_FRAME_VIEW #include "FrameView.hxx" #endif #include "sdpage.hxx" #include "Window.hxx" #include "sdresid.hxx" #include "drawview.hxx" #include "drawdoc.hxx" #include "DrawViewShell.hxx" #include "Ruler.hxx" #include "DrawDocShell.hxx" #include "headerfooterdlg.hxx" #include "masterlayoutdlg.hxx" #include "Ruler.hxx" #include "DrawDocShell.hxx" #include "sdabstdlg.hxx" #include #include #include "ViewShellBase.hxx" #include "FormShellManager.hxx" #include "LayerTabBar.hxx" #include "sdabstdlg.hxx" #include "sdpage.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::drawing::framework; using ::com::sun::star::frame::XFrame; using ::com::sun::star::frame::XController; namespace sd { #ifndef SO2_DECL_SVINPLACEOBJECT_DEFINED #define SO2_DECL_SVINPLACEOBJECT_DEFINED SO2_DECL_REF(SvInPlaceObject) #endif /************************************************************************* |* |* SfxRequests fuer Controller bearbeiten |* \************************************************************************/ void DrawViewShell::ExecCtrl(SfxRequest& rReq) { // waehrend einer Diashow wird nichts ausser dem Seitenwechsel und dem // Sprung zur Bookmark ausgefuehrt! if( HasCurrentFunction(SID_PRESENTATION) && rReq.GetSlot() != SID_SWITCHPAGE && rReq.GetSlot() != SID_JUMPTOMARK) return; CheckLineTo (rReq); // End text edit mode for some requests. sal_uInt16 nSlot = rReq.GetSlot(); switch (nSlot) { case SID_OUTPUT_QUALITY_COLOR: case SID_OUTPUT_QUALITY_GRAYSCALE: case SID_OUTPUT_QUALITY_BLACKWHITE: case SID_OUTPUT_QUALITY_CONTRAST: // Do nothing. break; default: if ( mpDrawView->IsTextEdit() ) { mpDrawView->SdrEndTextEdit(); } } // sal_uInt16 nSlot = rReq.GetSlot(); switch (nSlot) { case SID_SWITCHPAGE: // BASIC { sal_Bool bWasBasic = sal_False; // switch page in running slide show if(SlideShow::IsRunning(GetViewShellBase()) && rReq.GetArgs()) { SFX_REQUEST_ARG(rReq, pWhatPage, SfxUInt32Item, ID_VAL_WHATPAGE, sal_False); SlideShow::GetSlideShow(GetViewShellBase())->jumpToPageNumber((sal_Int32)((pWhatPage->GetValue()-1)>>1)); } else { const SfxItemSet *pArgs = rReq.GetArgs (); sal_uInt16 nSelectedPage = 0; if (! pArgs) { nSelectedPage = maTabControl.GetCurPageId() - 1; } else if (pArgs->Count () == 2) { SFX_REQUEST_ARG (rReq, pWhatPage, SfxUInt32Item, ID_VAL_WHATPAGE, sal_False); SFX_REQUEST_ARG (rReq, pWhatKind, SfxUInt32Item, ID_VAL_WHATKIND, sal_False); sal_Int32 nWhatPage = (sal_Int32)pWhatPage->GetValue (); sal_Int32 nWhatKind = (sal_Int32)pWhatKind->GetValue (); if (! CHECK_RANGE (PK_STANDARD, nWhatKind, PK_HANDOUT)) { StarBASIC::FatalError (SbERR_BAD_PROP_VALUE); rReq.Ignore (); break; } else if (meEditMode != EM_MASTERPAGE) { if (! CHECK_RANGE (0, nWhatPage, GetDoc()->GetSdPageCount((PageKind)nWhatKind))) { StarBASIC::FatalError (SbERR_BAD_PROP_VALUE); rReq.Ignore (); break; } nSelectedPage = (short) nWhatPage; mePageKind = (PageKind) nWhatKind; bWasBasic = sal_True; } } else { StarBASIC::FatalError (SbERR_WRONG_ARGS); rReq.Ignore (); break; } if( GetDocSh() && (GetDocSh()->GetCreateMode() == SFX_CREATE_MODE_EMBEDDED)) GetDocSh()->SetModified(); SwitchPage(nSelectedPage); if(HasCurrentFunction(SID_BEZIER_EDIT)) GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->Execute(SID_OBJECT_SELECT, SFX_CALLMODE_ASYNCHRON); Invalidate(); InvalidateWindows(); rReq.Done (); } break; } case SID_SWITCHLAYER: // BASIC { const SfxItemSet *pArgs = rReq.GetArgs (); sal_uInt16 nCurPage = GetLayerTabControl()->GetCurPageId (); if( pArgs && pArgs->Count () == 1) { SFX_REQUEST_ARG (rReq, pWhatLayer, SfxUInt32Item, ID_VAL_WHATLAYER, sal_False); if( pWhatLayer ) nCurPage = (short) pWhatLayer->GetValue (); } mpDrawView->SetActiveLayer( GetLayerTabControl()->GetPageText(nCurPage) ); Invalidate(); rReq.Done (); break; } case SID_PAGEMODE: // BASIC { const SfxItemSet *pArgs = rReq.GetArgs (); if ( pArgs && pArgs->Count () == 2) { SFX_REQUEST_ARG (rReq, pIsActive, SfxBoolItem, ID_VAL_ISACTIVE, sal_False); SFX_REQUEST_ARG (rReq, pWhatKind, SfxUInt32Item, ID_VAL_WHATKIND, sal_False); sal_Int32 nWhatKind = (sal_Int32)pWhatKind->GetValue (); if (CHECK_RANGE (PK_STANDARD, nWhatKind, PK_HANDOUT)) { mbIsLayerModeActive = pIsActive->GetValue (); mePageKind = (PageKind) nWhatKind; } } // Default-Layer der Page einschalten mpDrawView->SetActiveLayer( String( SdResId(STR_LAYER_LAYOUT) ) ); ChangeEditMode(EM_PAGE, mbIsLayerModeActive); Invalidate(); rReq.Done (); break; } case SID_LAYERMODE: // BASIC { const SfxItemSet *pArgs = rReq.GetArgs (); if ( pArgs && pArgs->Count () == 2) { SFX_REQUEST_ARG (rReq, pWhatLayerMode, SfxBoolItem, ID_VAL_ISACTIVE, sal_False); SFX_REQUEST_ARG (rReq, pWhatLayer, SfxUInt32Item, ID_VAL_WHATLAYER, sal_False); sal_Int32 nWhatLayer = (sal_Int32)pWhatLayer->GetValue (); if (CHECK_RANGE (EM_PAGE, nWhatLayer, EM_MASTERPAGE)) { mbIsLayerModeActive = pWhatLayerMode->GetValue (); meEditMode = (EditMode) nWhatLayer; } } ChangeEditMode(meEditMode, !mbIsLayerModeActive); Invalidate(); rReq.Done (); break; } case SID_HEADER_AND_FOOTER: case SID_INSERT_PAGE_NUMBER: case SID_INSERT_DATE_TIME: { SdAbstractDialogFactory* pFact = SdAbstractDialogFactory::Create(); AbstractHeaderFooterDialog* pDlg = pFact ? pFact->CreateHeaderFooterDialog( (::ViewShell*)this, GetActiveWindow(), GetDoc(), mpActualPage ) : 0; if( pDlg ) { pDlg->Execute(); delete pDlg; GetActiveWindow()->Invalidate(); UpdatePreview( mpActualPage ); } Invalidate(); rReq.Done (); break; } case SID_MASTER_LAYOUTS: { SdPage* pPage = GetActualPage(); if (meEditMode == EM_MASTERPAGE) // Use the master page of the current page. pPage = static_cast(&pPage->TRG_GetMasterPage()); SdAbstractDialogFactory* pFact = SdAbstractDialogFactory::Create(); VclAbstractDialog* pDlg = pFact ? pFact->CreateMasterLayoutDialog( GetActiveWindow(), GetDoc(), pPage ) : 0; if( pDlg ) { pDlg->Execute(); delete pDlg; Invalidate(); } rReq.Done (); break; } case SID_OBJECTRESIZE: { /****************************************************************** * Der Server moechte die Clientgrosse verandern ******************************************************************/ OSL_ASSERT (GetViewShell()!=NULL); SfxInPlaceClient* pIPClient = GetViewShell()->GetIPClient(); if ( pIPClient && pIPClient->IsObjectInPlaceActive() ) { const SfxRectangleItem& rRect = (SfxRectangleItem&)rReq.GetArgs()->Get(SID_OBJECTRESIZE); Rectangle aRect( GetActiveWindow()->PixelToLogic( rRect.GetValue() ) ); if ( mpDrawView->AreObjectsMarked() ) { const SdrMarkList& rMarkList = mpDrawView->GetMarkedObjectList(); if (rMarkList.GetMarkCount() == 1) { SdrMark* pMark = rMarkList.GetMark(0); SdrObject* pObj = pMark->GetMarkedSdrObj(); SdrOle2Obj* pOle2Obj = dynamic_cast< SdrOle2Obj* >( pObj ); if(pOle2Obj) { if( pOle2Obj->GetObjRef().is() ) { pOle2Obj->SetLogicRect(aRect); } } } } } rReq.Ignore (); break; } case SID_RELOAD: { // #83951# sal_uInt16 nId = Svx3DChildWindow::GetChildWindowId(); SfxViewFrame* pFrame = GetViewFrame(); try { Reference< XFrame > xFrame( pFrame->GetFrame().GetFrameInterface(), UNO_SET_THROW ); // Save the current configuration of panes and views. Reference xControllerManager ( GetViewShellBase().GetController(), UNO_QUERY_THROW); Reference xConfigurationController ( xControllerManager->getConfigurationController(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference xConfiguration ( xConfigurationController->getRequestedConfiguration(), UNO_SET_THROW ); SfxChildWindow* pWindow = pFrame->GetChildWindow(nId); if(pWindow) { Svx3DWin* p3DWin = (Svx3DWin*)(pWindow->GetWindow()); if(p3DWin) p3DWin->DocumentReload(); } // Normale Weiterleitung an ViewFrame zur Ausfuehrung GetViewFrame()->ExecuteSlot(rReq); // From here on we must cope with this object and the frame already being // deleted. Do not call any methods or use data members. Reference xController( xFrame->getController(), UNO_SET_THROW ); // Restore the configuration. xControllerManager = Reference( xController, UNO_QUERY_THROW); xConfigurationController = Reference( xControllerManager->getConfigurationController()); if ( ! xConfigurationController.is()) throw RuntimeException(); xConfigurationController->restoreConfiguration(xConfiguration); } catch (RuntimeException&) { DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION(); } // We have to return immediately to avoid accessing this object. return; } case SID_JUMPTOMARK: { if( rReq.GetArgs() ) { SFX_REQUEST_ARG(rReq, pBookmark, SfxStringItem, SID_JUMPTOMARK, sal_False); if (pBookmark) { UniString sBookmark( INetURLObject::decode( pBookmark->GetValue(), '%', INetURLObject::DECODE_WITH_CHARSET ) ); rtl::Reference< sd::SlideShow > xSlideshow( SlideShow::GetSlideShow( GetViewShellBase() ) ); if(xSlideshow.is() && xSlideshow->isRunning()) { xSlideshow->jumpToBookmark(sBookmark); } else { GotoBookmark( sBookmark ); } } } rReq.Done(); break; } case SID_OUTPUT_QUALITY_COLOR: case SID_OUTPUT_QUALITY_GRAYSCALE: case SID_OUTPUT_QUALITY_BLACKWHITE: case SID_OUTPUT_QUALITY_CONTRAST: { ExecReq( rReq ); break; } case SID_MAIL_SCROLLBODY_PAGEDOWN: { ExecReq( rReq ); break; } case SID_ATTR_YEAR2000: { FmFormShell* pFormShell = GetViewShellBase().GetFormShellManager()->GetFormShell(); if (pFormShell != NULL) { const SfxPoolItem* pItem; if (rReq.GetArgs()->GetItemState( SID_ATTR_YEAR2000, sal_True, &pItem) == SFX_ITEM_SET) pFormShell->SetY2KState ( static_cast(pItem)->GetValue()); } rReq.Done(); } break; case SID_OPT_LOCALE_CHANGED: { GetActiveWindow()->Invalidate(); UpdatePreview( mpActualPage ); rReq.Done(); } default: break; } } /************************************************************************* |* |* SfxRequests fuer Lineale bearbeiten |* \************************************************************************/ void DrawViewShell::ExecRuler(SfxRequest& rReq) { // waehrend einer Diashow wird nichts ausgefuehrt! if(HasCurrentFunction(SID_PRESENTATION)) return; CheckLineTo (rReq); const SfxItemSet* pArgs = rReq.GetArgs(); const Point aPagePos( GetActiveWindow()->GetViewOrigin() ); Size aPageSize = mpActualPage->GetSize(); Size aViewSize = GetActiveWindow()->GetViewSize(); SdUndoGroup* pUndoGroup = NULL; if ( rReq.GetSlot() == SID_ATTR_LONG_LRSPACE || rReq.GetSlot() == SID_ATTR_LONG_ULSPACE ) { pUndoGroup = new SdUndoGroup(GetDoc()); String aString(SdResId(STR_UNDO_CHANGE_PAGEBORDER)); pUndoGroup->SetComment(aString); } switch ( rReq.GetSlot() ) { case SID_ATTR_LONG_LRSPACE: { const SvxLongLRSpaceItem& rLRSpace = (const SvxLongLRSpaceItem&) pArgs->Get(GetPool().GetWhich(SID_ATTR_LONG_LRSPACE)); if( mpDrawView->IsTextEdit() ) { Rectangle aRect = maMarkRect; aRect.SetPos(aRect.TopLeft() + aPagePos); aRect.Left() = rLRSpace.GetLeft(); aRect.Right() = aViewSize.Width() - rLRSpace.GetRight(); aRect.SetPos(aRect.TopLeft() - aPagePos); if ( aRect != maMarkRect) { mpDrawView->SetAllMarkedRect(aRect); maMarkRect = mpDrawView->GetAllMarkedRect(); Invalidate( SID_RULER_OBJECT ); } } else { long nLeft = Max(0L, rLRSpace.GetLeft() - aPagePos.X()); long nRight = Max(0L, rLRSpace.GetRight() + aPagePos.X() + aPageSize.Width() - aViewSize.Width()); sal_uInt16 nPageCnt = GetDoc()->GetSdPageCount(mePageKind); sal_uInt16 i; for ( i = 0; i < nPageCnt; i++) { SdPage* pPage = GetDoc()->GetSdPage(i, mePageKind); SdUndoAction* pUndo = new SdPageLRUndoAction(GetDoc(), pPage, pPage->GetLftBorder(), pPage->GetRgtBorder(), nLeft, nRight); pUndoGroup->AddAction(pUndo); pPage->SetLftBorder(nLeft); pPage->SetRgtBorder(nRight); } nPageCnt = GetDoc()->GetMasterSdPageCount(mePageKind); for (i = 0; i < nPageCnt; i++) { SdPage* pPage = GetDoc()->GetMasterSdPage(i, mePageKind); SdUndoAction* pUndo = new SdPageLRUndoAction(GetDoc(), pPage, pPage->GetLftBorder(), pPage->GetRgtBorder(), nLeft, nRight); pUndoGroup->AddAction(pUndo); pPage->SetLftBorder(nLeft); pPage->SetRgtBorder(nRight); } InvalidateWindows(); } break; } case SID_ATTR_LONG_ULSPACE: { const SvxLongULSpaceItem& rULSpace = (const SvxLongULSpaceItem&) pArgs->Get(GetPool().GetWhich(SID_ATTR_LONG_ULSPACE)); if( mpDrawView->IsTextEdit() ) { Rectangle aRect = maMarkRect; aRect.SetPos(aRect.TopLeft() + aPagePos); aRect.Top() = rULSpace.GetUpper(); aRect.Bottom() = aViewSize.Height() - rULSpace.GetLower(); aRect.SetPos(aRect.TopLeft() - aPagePos); if ( aRect != maMarkRect) { mpDrawView->SetAllMarkedRect(aRect); maMarkRect = mpDrawView->GetAllMarkedRect(); Invalidate( SID_RULER_OBJECT ); } } else { long nUpper = Max(0L, rULSpace.GetUpper() - aPagePos.Y()); long nLower = Max(0L, rULSpace.GetLower() + aPagePos.Y() + aPageSize.Height() - aViewSize.Height()); sal_uInt16 nPageCnt = GetDoc()->GetSdPageCount(mePageKind); sal_uInt16 i; for ( i = 0; i < nPageCnt; i++) { SdPage* pPage = GetDoc()->GetSdPage(i, mePageKind); SdUndoAction* pUndo = new SdPageULUndoAction(GetDoc(), pPage, pPage->GetUppBorder(), pPage->GetLwrBorder(), nUpper, nLower); pUndoGroup->AddAction(pUndo); pPage->SetUppBorder(nUpper); pPage->SetLwrBorder(nLower); } nPageCnt = GetDoc()->GetMasterSdPageCount(mePageKind); for (i = 0; i < nPageCnt; i++) { SdPage* pPage = GetDoc()->GetMasterSdPage(i, mePageKind); SdUndoAction* pUndo = new SdPageULUndoAction(GetDoc(), pPage, pPage->GetUppBorder(), pPage->GetLwrBorder(), nUpper, nLower); pUndoGroup->AddAction(pUndo); pPage->SetUppBorder(nUpper); pPage->SetLwrBorder(nLower); } InvalidateWindows(); } break; } case SID_RULER_OBJECT: { Rectangle aRect = maMarkRect; aRect.SetPos(aRect.TopLeft() + aPagePos); const SvxObjectItem& rOI = (const SvxObjectItem&) pArgs->Get(GetPool().GetWhich(SID_RULER_OBJECT)); if ( rOI.GetStartX() != rOI.GetEndX() ) { aRect.Left() = rOI.GetStartX(); aRect.Right() = rOI.GetEndX(); } if ( rOI.GetStartY() != rOI.GetEndY() ) { aRect.Top() = rOI.GetStartY(); aRect.Bottom() = rOI.GetEndY(); } aRect.SetPos(aRect.TopLeft() - aPagePos); if ( aRect != maMarkRect) { mpDrawView->SetAllMarkedRect(aRect); maMarkRect = mpDrawView->GetAllMarkedRect(); Invalidate( SID_RULER_OBJECT ); } break; } case SID_ATTR_TABSTOP: { if( mpDrawView->IsTextEdit() ) { const SvxTabStopItem& rItem = (const SvxTabStopItem&) pArgs->Get( EE_PARA_TABS ); SfxItemSet aEditAttr( GetPool(), EE_PARA_TABS, EE_PARA_TABS ); aEditAttr.Put( rItem ); mpDrawView->SetAttributes( aEditAttr ); // #91081# Invalidate is missing here Invalidate(SID_ATTR_TABSTOP); } break; } case SID_ATTR_PARA_LINESPACE: { sal_uInt16 nSlot = SID_ATTR_PARA_LINESPACE; SvxLineSpacingItem aParaLineSP = (const SvxLineSpacingItem&)pArgs->Get( GetPool().GetWhich(nSlot)); SfxItemSet aEditAttr( GetPool(), EE_PARA_SBL, EE_PARA_SBL ); aParaLineSP.SetWhich( EE_PARA_SBL ); aEditAttr.Put( aParaLineSP ); mpDrawView->SetAttributes( aEditAttr ); Invalidate(SID_ATTR_PARA_LINESPACE); } break; //xuxu for UL case SID_ATTR_PARA_ULSPACE: { sal_uInt16 nSlot = SID_ATTR_PARA_ULSPACE; SvxULSpaceItem aULSP = (const SvxULSpaceItem&)pArgs->Get( GetPool().GetWhich(nSlot)); SfxItemSet aEditAttr( GetPool(), EE_PARA_ULSPACE, EE_PARA_ULSPACE ); aULSP.SetWhich( EE_PARA_ULSPACE ); aEditAttr.Put( aULSP ); mpDrawView->SetAttributes( aEditAttr ); Invalidate(SID_ATTR_PARA_ULSPACE); } break; case SID_ATTR_PARA_LRSPACE: { if( mpDrawView->IsTextEdit() ) { sal_uInt16 nId = SID_ATTR_PARA_LRSPACE; const SvxLRSpaceItem& rItem = (const SvxLRSpaceItem&) pArgs->Get( nId ); SfxItemSet aEditAttr( GetPool(), EE_PARA_LRSPACE, EE_PARA_LRSPACE ); nId = EE_PARA_LRSPACE; SvxLRSpaceItem aLRSpaceItem( rItem.GetLeft(), rItem.GetRight(), rItem.GetTxtLeft(), rItem.GetTxtFirstLineOfst(), nId ); aEditAttr.Put( aLRSpaceItem ); mpDrawView->SetAttributes( aEditAttr ); // #92557# Invalidate is missing here Invalidate(SID_ATTR_PARA_LRSPACE); } break; } case SID_ATTR_LRSPACE: { if( mpDrawView->IsTextEdit() ) { sal_uInt16 nId = SID_ATTR_PARA_LRSPACE; const SvxLRSpaceItem& rItem = (const SvxLRSpaceItem&) pArgs->Get( nId ); SfxItemSet aEditAttr( GetPool(), EE_PARA_LRSPACE, EE_PARA_LRSPACE ); nId = EE_PARA_LRSPACE; SvxLRSpaceItem aLRSpaceItem( rItem.GetLeft(), rItem.GetRight(), rItem.GetTxtLeft(), rItem.GetTxtFirstLineOfst(), nId ); aEditAttr.Put( aLRSpaceItem ); mpDrawView->SetAttributes( aEditAttr ); // #92557# Invalidate is missing here Invalidate(SID_ATTR_PARA_LRSPACE); } break; } } if ( pUndoGroup ) // Undo Gruppe dem Undo Manager uebergeben GetViewFrame()->GetObjectShell()->GetUndoManager()-> AddUndoAction(pUndoGroup); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Statuswerte der Lineale bestimmen |* \************************************************************************/ void DrawViewShell::GetRulerState(SfxItemSet& rSet) { Point aOrigin; if (mpDrawView->GetSdrPageView()) { aOrigin = mpDrawView->GetSdrPageView()->GetPageOrigin(); } Size aViewSize = GetActiveWindow()->GetViewSize(); const Point aPagePos( GetActiveWindow()->GetViewOrigin() ); Size aPageSize = mpActualPage->GetSize(); Rectangle aRect(aPagePos, Point( aViewSize.Width() - (aPagePos.X() + aPageSize.Width()), aViewSize.Height() - (aPagePos.Y() + aPageSize.Height()))); if( mpDrawView->IsTextEdit() ) { Point aPnt1 = GetActiveWindow()->GetWinViewPos(); Point aPnt2 = GetActiveWindow()->GetViewOrigin(); Rectangle aMinMaxRect = Rectangle( aPnt1, Size(ULONG_MAX, ULONG_MAX) ); rSet.Put( SfxRectangleItem(SID_RULER_LR_MIN_MAX, aMinMaxRect) ); } else { rSet.Put( SfxRectangleItem(SID_RULER_LR_MIN_MAX, aRect) ); } SvxLongLRSpaceItem aLRSpace(aPagePos.X() + mpActualPage->GetLftBorder(), aRect.Right() + mpActualPage->GetRgtBorder(), GetPool().GetWhich(SID_ATTR_LONG_LRSPACE)); SvxLongULSpaceItem aULSpace(aPagePos.Y() + mpActualPage->GetUppBorder(), aRect.Bottom() + mpActualPage->GetLwrBorder(), GetPool().GetWhich(SID_ATTR_LONG_ULSPACE)); rSet.Put(SvxPagePosSizeItem(Point(0,0) - aPagePos, aViewSize.Width(), aViewSize.Height())); SfxPointItem aPointItem( SID_RULER_NULL_OFFSET, aPagePos + aOrigin ); SvxProtectItem aProtect( SID_RULER_PROTECT ); maMarkRect = mpDrawView->GetAllMarkedRect(); const sal_Bool bRTL = GetDoc() && GetDoc()->GetDefaultWritingMode() == ::com::sun::star::text::WritingMode_RL_TB; rSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(SID_RULER_TEXT_RIGHT_TO_LEFT, bRTL)); if( mpDrawView->AreObjectsMarked() ) { if( mpDrawView->IsTextEdit() ) { SdrObject* pObj = mpDrawView->GetMarkedObjectList().GetMark( 0 )->GetMarkedSdrObj(); if( pObj->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor) { SfxItemSet aEditAttr( GetDoc()->GetPool() ); mpDrawView->GetAttributes( aEditAttr ); if( aEditAttr.GetItemState( EE_PARA_TABS ) >= SFX_ITEM_AVAILABLE ) { const SvxTabStopItem& rItem = (const SvxTabStopItem&) aEditAttr.Get( EE_PARA_TABS ); rSet.Put( rItem ); //Rectangle aRect = maMarkRect; const SvxLRSpaceItem& rLRSpaceItem = (const SvxLRSpaceItem&) aEditAttr.Get( EE_PARA_LRSPACE ); sal_uInt16 nId = SID_ATTR_PARA_LRSPACE; SvxLRSpaceItem aLRSpaceItem( rLRSpaceItem.GetLeft(), rLRSpaceItem.GetRight(), rLRSpaceItem.GetTxtLeft(), rLRSpaceItem.GetTxtFirstLineOfst(), nId ); rSet.Put( aLRSpaceItem ); Point aPos( aPagePos + maMarkRect.TopLeft() ); if ( aEditAttr.GetItemState( SDRATTR_TEXT_LEFTDIST ) == SFX_ITEM_ON ) { const SdrTextLeftDistItem& rTLDItem = (const SdrTextLeftDistItem&) aEditAttr.Get( SDRATTR_TEXT_LEFTDIST ); long nLD = rTLDItem.GetValue(); aPos.X() += nLD; } aPointItem.SetValue( aPos ); aLRSpace.SetLeft( aPagePos.X() + maMarkRect.Left() ); if ( aEditAttr.GetItemState( SDRATTR_TEXT_LEFTDIST ) == SFX_ITEM_ON ) { const SdrTextLeftDistItem& rTLDItem = (const SdrTextLeftDistItem&) aEditAttr.Get( SDRATTR_TEXT_LEFTDIST ); long nLD = rTLDItem.GetValue(); aLRSpace.SetLeft( aLRSpace.GetLeft() + nLD ); } aLRSpace.SetRight( aRect.Right() + aPageSize.Width() - maMarkRect.Right() ); aULSpace.SetUpper( aPagePos.Y() + maMarkRect.Top() ); aULSpace.SetLower( aRect.Bottom() + aPageSize.Height() - maMarkRect.Bottom() ); rSet.DisableItem( SID_RULER_OBJECT ); // Seitenraender werden gelocked aProtect.SetSizeProtect( sal_True ); aProtect.SetPosProtect( sal_True ); } if( aEditAttr.GetItemState( EE_PARA_WRITINGDIR ) >= SFX_ITEM_AVAILABLE ) { const SvxFrameDirectionItem& rItem = (const SvxFrameDirectionItem&) aEditAttr.Get( EE_PARA_WRITINGDIR ); rSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(SID_RULER_TEXT_RIGHT_TO_LEFT, rItem.GetValue() == ::com::sun::star::text::WritingMode_RL_TB)); } } } else { rSet.DisableItem( EE_PARA_TABS ); rSet.DisableItem( SID_RULER_TEXT_RIGHT_TO_LEFT ); if( mpDrawView->IsResizeAllowed(sal_True) ) { Rectangle aResizeRect( maMarkRect ); aResizeRect.SetPos(aResizeRect.TopLeft() + aPagePos); SvxObjectItem aObjItem(aResizeRect.Left(), aResizeRect.Right(), aResizeRect.Top(), aResizeRect.Bottom()); rSet.Put(aObjItem); rSet.DisableItem( EE_PARA_TABS ); } else { rSet.DisableItem( SID_RULER_OBJECT ); } } } else { rSet.DisableItem( SID_RULER_OBJECT ); rSet.DisableItem( EE_PARA_TABS ); // rSet.DisableItem( SID_RULER_TEXT_RIGHT_TO_LEFT ); } rSet.Put( aLRSpace ); rSet.Put( aULSpace ); rSet.Put( aPointItem ); rSet.Put( aProtect ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* SfxRequests fuer StatusBar bearbeiten |* \************************************************************************/ void DrawViewShell::ExecStatusBar(SfxRequest& rReq) { // waehrend einer Diashow wird nichts ausgefuehrt! if(HasCurrentFunction(SID_PRESENTATION)) return; CheckLineTo (rReq); switch ( rReq.GetSlot() ) { case SID_ATTR_SIZE: { GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->Execute( SID_ATTR_TRANSFORM, SFX_CALLMODE_ASYNCHRON ); } break; case SID_STATUS_LAYOUT: { GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->Execute( SID_PRESENTATION_LAYOUT, SFX_CALLMODE_ASYNCHRON ); } break; } } /************************************************************************* |* |* Status der Snap-Objekt-Eintraege im Popup setzen |* \************************************************************************/ void DrawViewShell::GetSnapItemState( SfxItemSet &rSet ) { SdrPageView* pPV; Point aMPos = GetActiveWindow()->PixelToLogic(maMousePos); sal_uInt16 nHitLog = (sal_uInt16) GetActiveWindow()->PixelToLogic( Size(FuPoor::HITPIX,0)).Width(); sal_uInt16 nHelpLine; if ( mpDrawView->PickHelpLine(aMPos, nHitLog, *GetActiveWindow(), nHelpLine, pPV) ) { const SdrHelpLine& rHelpLine = (pPV->GetHelpLines())[nHelpLine]; if ( rHelpLine.GetKind() == SDRHELPLINE_POINT ) { rSet.Put( SfxStringItem( SID_SET_SNAPITEM, String( SdResId( STR_POPUP_EDIT_SNAPPOINT))) ); rSet.Put( SfxStringItem( SID_DELETE_SNAPITEM, String( SdResId( STR_POPUP_DELETE_SNAPPOINT))) ); } else { rSet.Put( SfxStringItem( SID_SET_SNAPITEM, String( SdResId( STR_POPUP_EDIT_SNAPLINE))) ); rSet.Put( SfxStringItem( SID_DELETE_SNAPITEM, String( SdResId( STR_POPUP_DELETE_SNAPLINE))) ); } } } /************************************************************************* |* |* |* \************************************************************************/ void DrawViewShell::AddWindow (::sd::Window* pWin) { mpDrawView->AddWindowToPaintView(pWin); } /************************************************************************* |* |* |* \************************************************************************/ void DrawViewShell::RemoveWindow(::sd::Window* pWin) { mpDrawView->DeleteWindowFromPaintView(pWin); } } // end of namespace sd