/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sd.hxx" #include "View.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "app.hrc" #include "Window.hxx" #include "DrawDocShell.hxx" #include "DrawViewShell.hxx" #include "fuinsfil.hxx" #include "drawdoc.hxx" #include "sdresid.hxx" #include "strings.hrc" #include "imapinfo.hxx" #include "sdpage.hxx" #include "view/SlideSorterView.hxx" #include "undo/undoobjects.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace com::sun::star; namespace sd { #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma optimize ( "", off ) #endif /************************************************************************* |* |* Graphik einfuegen |* Wird ein leeres Graphikobjekt uebergeben, so wird dieses gefuellt. |* Andernfalls wird ein an der gegebenen Position vorhandenes Objekt |* gefuellt. Ist an der Position kein Objekt vorhanden, so wird ein neues |* Objekt erzeugt und ein Pointer auf dieses Objekt zurueckgegeben. |* \************************************************************************/ SdrGrafObj* View::InsertGraphic( const Graphic& rGraphic, sal_Int8& rAction, const Point& rPos, SdrObject* pObj, ImageMap* pImageMap ) { SdrEndTextEdit(); mnAction = rAction; // Liegt ein Objekt an der Position rPos? SdrGrafObj* pNewGrafObj = NULL; SdrPageView* pPV = GetSdrPageView(); SdrObject* pPickObj = pObj; const bool bOnMaster = pPV && pPV->GetPage() && pPV->GetPage()->IsMasterPage(); if(pPV && this->ISA(::sd::slidesorter::view::SlideSorterView)) { if(!pPV->GetPageRect().IsInside(rPos)) pPV = 0L; } if( !pPickObj && pPV ) { SdrPageView* pPageView = pPV; PickObj(rPos, getHitTolLog(), pPickObj, pPageView); } if( mnAction == DND_ACTION_LINK && pPickObj && pPV ) { const bool bIsGraphic = pPickObj->ISA( SdrGrafObj ); if( bIsGraphic || (pObj->IsEmptyPresObj() && !bOnMaster) ) { if( IsUndoEnabled() ) BegUndo(String(SdResId(STR_INSERTGRAPHIC))); SdPage* pPage = (SdPage*) pPickObj->GetPage(); if( bIsGraphic ) { // Das Objekt wird mit der Bitmap gefuellt pNewGrafObj = (SdrGrafObj*) pPickObj->Clone(); pNewGrafObj->SetGraphic(rGraphic); } else { pNewGrafObj = new SdrGrafObj( rGraphic, pPickObj->GetLogicRect() ); pNewGrafObj->SetEmptyPresObj(sal_True); } if ( pNewGrafObj->IsEmptyPresObj() ) { Rectangle aRect( pNewGrafObj->GetLogicRect() ); pNewGrafObj->AdjustToMaxRect( aRect, sal_False ); pNewGrafObj->SetOutlinerParaObject(NULL); pNewGrafObj->SetEmptyPresObj(sal_False); } if (pPage && pPage->IsPresObj(pPickObj)) { // Neues PresObj in die Liste eintragen pPage->InsertPresObj( pNewGrafObj, PRESOBJ_GRAPHIC ); pNewGrafObj->SetUserCall(pPickObj->GetUserCall()); } if (pImageMap) pNewGrafObj->InsertUserData(new SdIMapInfo(*pImageMap)); ReplaceObjectAtView(pPickObj, *pPV, pNewGrafObj); // maybe ReplaceObjectAtView if( IsUndoEnabled() ) EndUndo(); } else if (pPickObj->IsClosedObj() && !pPickObj->ISA(SdrOle2Obj)) { /****************************************************************** * Das Objekt wird mit der Graphik gefuellt ******************************************************************/ if( IsUndoEnabled() ) { BegUndo(String(SdResId(STR_UNDO_DRAGDROP))); AddUndo(GetModel()->GetSdrUndoFactory().CreateUndoAttrObject(*pPickObj)); EndUndo(); } SfxItemSet aSet(mpDocSh->GetPool(), XATTR_FILLSTYLE, XATTR_FILLBITMAP); aSet.Put(XFillStyleItem(XFILL_BITMAP)); aSet.Put(XFillBitmapItem(&mpDocSh->GetPool(), rGraphic)); pPickObj->SetMergedItemSetAndBroadcast(aSet); } } else if ( pPV ) { // create new object Size aSize; if ( rGraphic.GetPrefMapMode().GetMapUnit() == MAP_PIXEL ) { ::OutputDevice* pOutDev = 0; if( mpViewSh ) pOutDev = mpViewSh->GetActiveWindow(); if( !pOutDev ) pOutDev = Application::GetDefaultDevice(); if( pOutDev ) aSize = pOutDev->PixelToLogic( rGraphic.GetPrefSize(), MAP_100TH_MM ); } else { aSize = OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( rGraphic.GetPrefSize(), rGraphic.GetPrefMapMode(), MapMode( MAP_100TH_MM ) ); } pNewGrafObj = new SdrGrafObj( rGraphic, Rectangle( rPos, aSize ) ); SdrPage* pPage = pPV->GetPage(); Size aPageSize( pPage->GetSize() ); aPageSize.Width() -= pPage->GetLftBorder() + pPage->GetRgtBorder(); aPageSize.Height() -= pPage->GetUppBorder() + pPage->GetLwrBorder(); pNewGrafObj->AdjustToMaxRect( Rectangle( Point(), aPageSize ), sal_True ); // pNewGrafObj->AdjustToMaxRect( Rectangle( pPV->GetOffset(), aPageSize ), sal_True ); sal_uLong nOptions = SDRINSERT_SETDEFLAYER; sal_Bool bIsPresTarget = sal_False; if ((mpViewSh && mpViewSh->GetViewShell()!=NULL && mpViewSh->GetViewShell()->GetIPClient() && mpViewSh->GetViewShell()->GetIPClient()->IsObjectInPlaceActive()) || this->ISA(::sd::slidesorter::view::SlideSorterView)) nOptions |= SDRINSERT_DONTMARK; if( ( mnAction & DND_ACTION_MOVE ) && pPickObj && (pPickObj->IsEmptyPresObj() || pPickObj->GetUserCall()) ) { SdPage* pP = static_cast< SdPage* >( pPickObj->GetPage() ); if ( pP && pP->IsMasterPage() ) bIsPresTarget = pP->IsPresObj(pPickObj); } if( ( mnAction & DND_ACTION_MOVE ) && pPickObj && !bIsPresTarget ) { // replace object if (pImageMap) pNewGrafObj->InsertUserData(new SdIMapInfo(*pImageMap)); Rectangle aPickObjRect(pPickObj->GetCurrentBoundRect()); Size aPickObjSize(aPickObjRect.GetSize()); Rectangle aObjRect(pNewGrafObj->GetCurrentBoundRect()); Size aObjSize(aObjRect.GetSize()); Fraction aScaleWidth(aPickObjSize.Width(), aObjSize.Width()); Fraction aScaleHeight(aPickObjSize.Height(), aObjSize.Height()); pNewGrafObj->NbcResize(aObjRect.TopLeft(), aScaleWidth, aScaleHeight); Point aVec = aPickObjRect.TopLeft() - aObjRect.TopLeft(); pNewGrafObj->NbcMove(Size(aVec.X(), aVec.Y())); const bool bUndo = IsUndoEnabled(); if( bUndo ) BegUndo(String(SdResId(STR_UNDO_DRAGDROP))); pNewGrafObj->NbcSetLayer(pPickObj->GetLayer()); SdrPage* pP = pPV->GetPage(); pP->InsertObject(pNewGrafObj); if( bUndo ) { AddUndo(mpDoc->GetSdrUndoFactory().CreateUndoNewObject(*pNewGrafObj)); AddUndo(mpDoc->GetSdrUndoFactory().CreateUndoDeleteObject(*pPickObj)); } pP->RemoveObject(pPickObj->GetOrdNum()); if( bUndo ) { EndUndo(); } else { SdrObject::Free(pPickObj); } mnAction = DND_ACTION_COPY; } else { InsertObjectAtView(pNewGrafObj, *pPV, nOptions); if( pImageMap ) pNewGrafObj->InsertUserData(new SdIMapInfo(*pImageMap)); } } rAction = mnAction; return pNewGrafObj; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SdrMediaObj* View::InsertMediaURL( const rtl::OUString& rMediaURL, sal_Int8& rAction, const Point& rPos, const Size& rSize ) { SdrEndTextEdit(); mnAction = rAction; SdrMediaObj* pNewMediaObj = NULL; SdrPageView* pPV = GetSdrPageView(); SdrObject* pPickObj = GetEmptyPresentationObject( PRESOBJ_MEDIA ); if(pPV && this->ISA(::sd::slidesorter::view::SlideSorterView )) { if(!pPV->GetPageRect().IsInside(rPos)) pPV = 0L; } if( !pPickObj && pPV ) { SdrPageView* pPageView = pPV; PickObj(rPos, getHitTolLog(), pPickObj, pPageView); } if( mnAction == DND_ACTION_LINK && pPickObj && pPV && pPickObj->ISA( SdrMediaObj ) ) { pNewMediaObj = static_cast< SdrMediaObj* >( pPickObj->Clone() ); pNewMediaObj->setURL( rMediaURL ); BegUndo(String(SdResId(STR_UNDO_DRAGDROP))); ReplaceObjectAtView(pPickObj, *pPV, pNewMediaObj); EndUndo(); } else if( pPV ) { Rectangle aRect( rPos, rSize ); if( pPickObj ) aRect = pPickObj->GetLogicRect(); pNewMediaObj = new SdrMediaObj( aRect ); bool bIsPres = false; if( pPickObj ) { SdPage* pPage = static_cast< SdPage* >(pPickObj->GetPage()); bIsPres = pPage && pPage->IsPresObj(pPickObj); if( bIsPres ) { pPage->InsertPresObj( pNewMediaObj, PRESOBJ_MEDIA ); } } if( pPickObj ) ReplaceObjectAtView(pPickObj, *pPV, pNewMediaObj); else InsertObjectAtView( pNewMediaObj, *pPV, SDRINSERT_SETDEFLAYER ); pNewMediaObj->setURL( rMediaURL ); if( pPickObj ) { pNewMediaObj->AdjustToMaxRect( pPickObj->GetLogicRect() ); if( bIsPres ) pNewMediaObj->SetUserCall(pPickObj->GetUserCall()); } } rAction = mnAction; return pNewMediaObj; } /************************************************************************* |* |* Timer-Handler fuer InsertFile beim Drop() |* \************************************************************************/ IMPL_LINK( View, DropInsertFileHdl, Timer*, EMPTYARG ) { DBG_ASSERT( mpViewSh, "sd::View::DropInsertFileHdl(), I need a view shell to work!" ); if( !mpViewSh ) return 0; SfxErrorContext aEc( ERRCTX_ERROR, mpViewSh->GetActiveWindow(), RID_SO_ERRCTX ); ErrCode nError = 0; ::std::vector< String >::const_iterator aIter( maDropFileVector.begin() ); while( (aIter != maDropFileVector.end()) && !nError ) { String aCurrentDropFile( *aIter ); INetURLObject aURL( aCurrentDropFile ); sal_Bool bOK = sal_False; if( aURL.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_NOT_VALID ) { String aURLStr; ::utl::LocalFileHelper::ConvertPhysicalNameToURL( aCurrentDropFile, aURLStr ); aURL = INetURLObject( aURLStr ); } GraphicFilter* pGraphicFilter = GraphicFilter::GetGraphicFilter(); Graphic aGraphic; aCurrentDropFile = aURL.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ); if( !::avmedia::MediaWindow::isMediaURL( aCurrentDropFile ) ) { if( !pGraphicFilter->ImportGraphic( aGraphic, aURL ) ) { sal_Int8 nTempAction = ( aIter == maDropFileVector.begin() ) ? mnAction : 0; const bool bLink = ( ( nTempAction & DND_ACTION_LINK ) != 0 ); SdrGrafObj* pGrafObj = InsertGraphic( aGraphic, nTempAction, maDropPos, NULL, NULL ); if(pGrafObj && bLink) { pGrafObj->SetGraphicLink( aCurrentDropFile, String() ); } // return action from first inserted graphic if( aIter == maDropFileVector.begin() ) mnAction = nTempAction; bOK = sal_True; } if( !bOK ) { const SfxFilter* pFoundFilter = NULL; SfxMedium aSfxMedium( aCurrentDropFile, STREAM_READ | STREAM_SHARE_DENYNONE, sal_False ); ErrCode nErr = SFX_APP()->GetFilterMatcher().GuessFilter( aSfxMedium, &pFoundFilter, SFX_FILTER_IMPORT, SFX_FILTER_NOTINSTALLED | SFX_FILTER_EXECUTABLE ); if( pFoundFilter && !nErr ) { ::std::vector< String > aFilterVector; const String aFilterName( pFoundFilter->GetFilterName() ); String aLowerAsciiFileName( aCurrentDropFile ); aLowerAsciiFileName.ToLowerAscii(); FuInsertFile::GetSupportedFilterVector( aFilterVector ); if( ( ::std::find( aFilterVector.begin(), aFilterVector.end(), pFoundFilter->GetMimeType() ) != aFilterVector.end() ) || aFilterName.SearchAscii( "Text" ) != STRING_NOTFOUND || aFilterName.SearchAscii( "Rich" ) != STRING_NOTFOUND || aFilterName.SearchAscii( "RTF" ) != STRING_NOTFOUND || aFilterName.SearchAscii( "HTML" ) != STRING_NOTFOUND || aLowerAsciiFileName.SearchAscii(".sdd") != STRING_NOTFOUND || aLowerAsciiFileName.SearchAscii(".sda") != STRING_NOTFOUND || aLowerAsciiFileName.SearchAscii(".sxd") != STRING_NOTFOUND || aLowerAsciiFileName.SearchAscii(".sxi") != STRING_NOTFOUND || aLowerAsciiFileName.SearchAscii(".std") != STRING_NOTFOUND || aLowerAsciiFileName.SearchAscii(".sti") != STRING_NOTFOUND ) { ::sd::Window* pWin = mpViewSh->GetActiveWindow(); SfxRequest aReq(SID_INSERTFILE, 0, mpDoc->GetItemPool()); SfxStringItem aItem1( ID_VAL_DUMMY0, aCurrentDropFile ), aItem2( ID_VAL_DUMMY1, pFoundFilter->GetFilterName() ); aReq.AppendItem( aItem1 ); aReq.AppendItem( aItem2 ); FuInsertFile::Create( mpViewSh, pWin, this, mpDoc, aReq ); bOK = sal_True; } } } } if( !bOK ) { Size aPrefSize; if( ::avmedia::MediaWindow::isMediaURL( aCurrentDropFile ) && ::avmedia::MediaWindow::isMediaURL( aCurrentDropFile, true, &aPrefSize ) ) { if( aPrefSize.Width() && aPrefSize.Height() ) { ::sd::Window* pWin = mpViewSh->GetActiveWindow(); if( pWin ) aPrefSize = pWin->PixelToLogic( aPrefSize, MAP_100TH_MM ); else aPrefSize = Application::GetDefaultDevice()->PixelToLogic( aPrefSize, MAP_100TH_MM ); } else aPrefSize = Size( 5000, 5000 ); InsertMediaURL( aCurrentDropFile, mnAction, maDropPos, aPrefSize ) ; } else if( mnAction & DND_ACTION_LINK ) static_cast< DrawViewShell* >( mpViewSh )->InsertURLButton( aCurrentDropFile, aCurrentDropFile, String(), &maDropPos ); else { if( mpViewSh ) { try { //TODO/MBA: testing ::rtl::OUString aName; uno::Sequence < beans::PropertyValue > aMedium(1); aMedium[0].Name = ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "URL" ) ); aMedium[0].Value <<= ::rtl::OUString( aCurrentDropFile ); uno::Reference < embed::XEmbeddedObject > xObj = mpDocSh->GetEmbeddedObjectContainer(). InsertEmbeddedObject( aMedium, aName ); uno::Reference < embed::XEmbedPersist > xPersist( xObj, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if ( xPersist.is()) { // TODO/LEAN: VisualArea access can switch the object to running state sal_Int64 nAspect = embed::Aspects::MSOLE_CONTENT; xPersist->storeOwn(); awt::Size aSz; try { aSz = xObj->getVisualAreaSize( nAspect ); } catch( embed::NoVisualAreaSizeException& ) { // the default size will be set later } Size aSize( aSz.Width, aSz.Height ); Rectangle aRect; if (!aSize.Width() || !aSize.Height()) { aSize.Width() = 1410; aSize.Height() = 1000; } aRect = Rectangle( maDropPos, aSize ); SdrOle2Obj* pOleObj = new SdrOle2Obj( svt::EmbeddedObjectRef( xObj, nAspect ), aName, aRect ); sal_uLong nOptions = SDRINSERT_SETDEFLAYER; if (mpViewSh != NULL) { OSL_ASSERT (mpViewSh->GetViewShell()!=NULL); SfxInPlaceClient* pIpClient = mpViewSh->GetViewShell()->GetIPClient(); if (pIpClient!=NULL && pIpClient->IsObjectInPlaceActive()) nOptions |= SDRINSERT_DONTMARK; } InsertObjectAtView( pOleObj, *GetSdrPageView(), nOptions ); pOleObj->SetLogicRect( aRect ); aSz.Width = aRect.GetWidth(); aSz.Height = aRect.GetHeight(); xObj->setVisualAreaSize( nAspect,aSz ); } } catch( uno::Exception& ) { nError = ERRCODE_IO_GENERAL; // TODO/LATER: better error handling } } } } ++aIter; } if( nError ) ErrorHandler::HandleError( nError ); return nError; } /************************************************************************* |* |* Timer-Handler fuer Errorhandling beim Drop() |* \************************************************************************/ IMPL_LINK( View, DropErrorHdl, Timer*, EMPTYARG ) { InfoBox( mpViewSh ? mpViewSh->GetActiveWindow() : 0, String(SdResId(STR_ACTION_NOTPOSSIBLE) ) ).Execute(); return 0; } #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma optimize ( "", on ) #endif /************************************************************************* |* |* Redraw sperren oder erlauben |* \************************************************************************/ void View::LockRedraw(sal_Bool bLock) { if (bLock) { mnLockRedrawSmph++; DBG_ASSERT(mnLockRedrawSmph, "Ueberlauf im LockRedraw"); } else { DBG_ASSERT(mnLockRedrawSmph, "Unterlauf im LockRedraw"); mnLockRedrawSmph--; // alle gespeicherten Redraws ausfuehren if (!mnLockRedrawSmph) { while (mpLockedRedraws && mpLockedRedraws->Count()) { SdViewRedrawRec* pRec = (SdViewRedrawRec*)mpLockedRedraws->First(); OutputDevice* pCurrentOut = pRec->mpOut; Rectangle aBoundRect(pRec->aRect); mpLockedRedraws->Remove(pRec); delete pRec; pRec = (SdViewRedrawRec*)mpLockedRedraws->First(); while (pRec) { if (pRec->mpOut == pCurrentOut) { aBoundRect.Union(pRec->aRect); mpLockedRedraws->Remove(pRec); delete pRec; pRec = (SdViewRedrawRec*)mpLockedRedraws->GetCurObject(); } else { pRec = (SdViewRedrawRec*)mpLockedRedraws->Next(); } } CompleteRedraw(pCurrentOut, Region(aBoundRect)); } delete mpLockedRedraws; mpLockedRedraws = NULL; } } } /************************************************************************* |* |* StyleSheet aus der Sleketion besorgen |* \************************************************************************/ SfxStyleSheet* View::GetStyleSheet() const { return SdrView::GetStyleSheet(); } } // end of namespace sd