/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sfx2.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #define WID_CHAOS_START 500 //========================================================================= // // class CntStaticPoolDefaults_Impl // //========================================================================= class CntItemPool; class CntStaticPoolDefaults_Impl { sal_uInt32 m_nItems; SfxPoolItem** m_ppDefaults; SfxItemInfo* m_pItemInfos; private: // Forbidden and not implemented... CntStaticPoolDefaults_Impl( const CntStaticPoolDefaults_Impl& ); CntStaticPoolDefaults_Impl& operator=( const CntStaticPoolDefaults_Impl& ); inline void Insert( SfxPoolItem* pItem, sal_uInt16 nSID, sal_uInt16 nFlags ); public: CntStaticPoolDefaults_Impl( CntItemPool* pPool ); ~CntStaticPoolDefaults_Impl(); SfxPoolItem** GetDefaults() const { return m_ppDefaults; } const SfxItemInfo* GetItemInfos() const { return m_pItemInfos; } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //========================================================================= class CntItemPool: public SfxItemPool { static CntItemPool* _pThePool; sal_uInt16 _nRefs; protected: CntItemPool(); virtual ~CntItemPool(); public: static CntItemPool* Acquire(); static sal_uInt16 Release(); }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static SfxItemPool* NoChaos::GetItemPool() { // Get and hold CHAOS item pool. return CntItemPool::Acquire(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static sal_uInt16 NoChaos::ReleaseItemPool() { // Release CHAOS item pool. return CntItemPool::Release(); } //========================================================================= // // CntItemPool implementation // //========================================================================= static CntStaticPoolDefaults_Impl* pPoolDefs_Impl = NULL; // static member! CntItemPool* CntItemPool::_pThePool = NULL; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- CntItemPool::CntItemPool() : SfxItemPool( DEFINE_CONST_UNICODE("chaos"), WID_CHAOS_START, WID_CHAOS_START, NULL ), _nRefs( 0 ) { SetFileFormatVersion( SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_50 ); FreezeIdRanges(); // Create static defaults. pPoolDefs_Impl = new CntStaticPoolDefaults_Impl( this ); // Set item infos. SetItemInfos( pPoolDefs_Impl->GetItemInfos() ); // Set static pool default items. SetDefaults( pPoolDefs_Impl->GetDefaults() ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //virtual CntItemPool::~CntItemPool() { // Release static pool default items. ReleaseDefaults( sal_False ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static CntItemPool* CntItemPool::Acquire() { if ( !_pThePool ) _pThePool = new CntItemPool; _pThePool->_nRefs++; return _pThePool; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static sal_uInt16 CntItemPool::Release() { if ( !_pThePool ) return 0; sal_uInt16& nRefs = _pThePool->_nRefs; if ( nRefs ) --nRefs; if ( !nRefs ) { DELETEZ( _pThePool ); DELETEZ( pPoolDefs_Impl ); return 0; } return nRefs; } //========================================================================= // // CntStaticPoolDefaults_Impl implementation. // //========================================================================= inline void CntStaticPoolDefaults_Impl::Insert( SfxPoolItem* pItem, /* Static Pool Default Item */ sal_uInt16 nSID, sal_uInt16 nFlags /* Item Info */ ) { sal_uInt16 nPos = pItem->Which() - WID_CHAOS_START; m_ppDefaults[ nPos ] = pItem; m_pItemInfos[ nPos ]._nSID = nSID; m_pItemInfos[ nPos ]._nFlags = nFlags; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- CntStaticPoolDefaults_Impl::~CntStaticPoolDefaults_Impl() { for ( sal_uInt32 n = 0; n < m_nItems; ++n ) delete m_ppDefaults[ n ]; delete [] m_ppDefaults; delete [] m_pItemInfos; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- CntStaticPoolDefaults_Impl::CntStaticPoolDefaults_Impl( CntItemPool* /*pPool*/ ) : m_nItems( 1 ), m_ppDefaults( new SfxPoolItem* [ m_nItems ] ), m_pItemInfos( new SfxItemInfo [ m_nItems ] ) { rtl_zeroMemory( m_ppDefaults, sizeof( SfxPoolItem* ) * m_nItems ); rtl_zeroMemory( m_pItemInfos, sizeof( SfxItemInfo ) * m_nItems ); Insert( new SfxStringItem( WID_CHAOS_START, String() ), 0, SFX_ITEM_POOLABLE ); }