 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sfx2.hxx"
#include <com/sun/star/embed/EmbedStates.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/embed/XVisualObject.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/embed/XEmbeddedClient.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/embed/XInplaceClient.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/embed/XInplaceObject.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/embed/XComponentSupplier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/embed/XWindowSupplier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/embed/XEmbedPersist.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/embed/EmbedVerbs.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XChild.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/PropertyValue.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/embed/XStateChangeListener.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/embed/StateChangeInProgressException.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/embed/XLinkageSupport.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XInitialization.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/task/XStatusIndicatorFactory.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/task/XStatusIndicator.hpp>

#include <com/sun/star/embed/EmbedMisc.hpp>
#include <svtools/embedhlp.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>

#include <sfx2/ipclient.hxx>
#include <sfx2/viewsh.hxx>
#include <sfx2/viewfrm.hxx>
#include <sfx2/objsh.hxx>
#include <sfx2/dispatch.hxx>
#include "workwin.hxx"
#include "guisaveas.hxx"
#include <sfx2/viewfrm.hxx>
#include <cppuhelper/implbase5.hxx>
#include <vcl/salbtype.hxx>
#include <svtools/ehdl.hxx>

#include <vcl/timer.hxx>
#include <vcl/window.hxx>
#include <toolkit/awt/vclxwindow.hxx>
#include <toolkit/helper/vclunohelper.hxx>
#include <toolkit/helper/convert.hxx>
#include <tools/fract.hxx>
#include <tools/gen.hxx>
#include <svl/rectitem.hxx>
#include <svtools/soerr.hxx>
#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>


using namespace com::sun::star;

// SfxEmbedResizeGuard
class SfxBooleanFlagGuard
	sal_Bool& m_rFlag;
	sal_Bool m_bLifeValue;
	SfxBooleanFlagGuard( sal_Bool& bFlag, sal_Bool bLifeValue )
	: m_rFlag( bFlag )
	, m_bLifeValue( bLifeValue )
		m_rFlag = m_bLifeValue;

		m_rFlag = !m_bLifeValue;

// SfxInPlaceClient_Impl

class SfxInPlaceClient_Impl : public ::cppu::WeakImplHelper5< embed::XEmbeddedClient,
															  embed::XWindowSupplier >
    Timer                           m_aTimer;               // activation timeout, starts after object connection
    Rectangle                       m_aObjArea;             // area of object in coordinate system of the container (without scaling)
    Fraction                        m_aScaleWidth;          // scaling that was applied to the object when it was not active
    Fraction                        m_aScaleHeight;
    SfxInPlaceClient*               m_pClient;
    sal_Int64                       m_nAspect;              // ViewAspect that is assigned from the container
    Rectangle                       m_aLastObjAreaPixel;    // area of object in coordinate system of the container (without scaling)
    sal_Bool                        m_bStoreObject;
    sal_Bool                        m_bUIActive;            // set and cleared when notification for UI (de)activation is sent
	sal_Bool						m_bResizeNoScale;

    uno::Reference < embed::XEmbeddedObject > m_xObject;
    uno::Reference < embed::XEmbeddedClient > m_xClient;

	: m_pClient( NULL )
	, m_nAspect( 0 )
	, m_bStoreObject( sal_True )
	, m_bUIActive( sal_False )
	, m_bResizeNoScale( sal_False )


	void SizeHasChanged();
    DECL_LINK           (TimerHdl, Timer*);
    uno::Reference < frame::XFrame > GetFrame() const;

	// XEmbeddedClient
    virtual void SAL_CALL saveObject() throw ( embed::ObjectSaveVetoException, uno::Exception, uno::RuntimeException );
    virtual void SAL_CALL visibilityChanged( sal_Bool bVisible ) throw ( embed::WrongStateException, uno::RuntimeException );

	// XInplaceClient
    virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL canInplaceActivate() throw ( uno::RuntimeException );
    virtual void SAL_CALL activatingInplace() throw ( embed::WrongStateException, uno::RuntimeException );
    virtual void SAL_CALL activatingUI() throw ( embed::WrongStateException, uno::RuntimeException );
    virtual void SAL_CALL deactivatedInplace() throw ( embed::WrongStateException, uno::RuntimeException );
    virtual void SAL_CALL deactivatedUI() throw ( embed::WrongStateException, uno::RuntimeException );
    virtual uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XLayoutManager > SAL_CALL getLayoutManager() throw ( embed::WrongStateException, uno::RuntimeException );
    virtual uno::Reference< frame::XDispatchProvider > SAL_CALL getInplaceDispatchProvider() throw ( embed::WrongStateException, uno::RuntimeException );
    virtual awt::Rectangle SAL_CALL getPlacement() throw ( embed::WrongStateException, uno::RuntimeException );
    virtual awt::Rectangle SAL_CALL getClipRectangle() throw ( embed::WrongStateException, uno::RuntimeException );
    virtual void SAL_CALL translateAccelerators( const uno::Sequence< awt::KeyEvent >& aKeys ) throw ( embed::WrongStateException, uno::RuntimeException );
    virtual void SAL_CALL scrollObject( const awt::Size& aOffset ) throw ( embed::WrongStateException, uno::RuntimeException );
    virtual void SAL_CALL changedPlacement( const awt::Rectangle& aPosRect ) throw ( embed::WrongStateException, uno::Exception, uno::RuntimeException );

	// XComponentSupplier
    virtual uno::Reference< util::XCloseable > SAL_CALL getComponent() throw ( uno::RuntimeException );

	// XWindowSupplier
    virtual uno::Reference< awt::XWindow > SAL_CALL getWindow() throw ( uno::RuntimeException );

    // document::XEventListener
    virtual void SAL_CALL       notifyEvent( const document::EventObject& aEvent ) throw( uno::RuntimeException );

    // XStateChangeListener
    virtual void SAL_CALL changingState( const ::com::sun::star::lang::EventObject& aEvent, ::sal_Int32 nOldState, ::sal_Int32 nNewState ) throw (::com::sun::star::embed::WrongStateException, ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException);
    virtual void SAL_CALL stateChanged( const ::com::sun::star::lang::EventObject& aEvent, ::sal_Int32 nOldState, ::sal_Int32 nNewState ) throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException);
    virtual void SAL_CALL disposing( const ::com::sun::star::lang::EventObject& aEvent ) throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException);


void SAL_CALL SfxInPlaceClient_Impl::changingState(
    const ::com::sun::star::lang::EventObject& /*aEvent*/,
    ::sal_Int32 /*nOldState*/,
    ::sal_Int32 /*nNewState*/ )
throw (::com::sun::star::embed::WrongStateException, ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)

void SAL_CALL SfxInPlaceClient_Impl::stateChanged(
    const ::com::sun::star::lang::EventObject& /*aEvent*/,
    ::sal_Int32 nOldState,
    ::sal_Int32 nNewState )
throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
    if ( m_pClient && nOldState != embed::EmbedStates::LOADED && nNewState == embed::EmbedStates::RUNNING )
        // deactivation of object
        uno::Reference< frame::XModel > xDocument;
        if ( m_pClient->GetViewShell()->GetObjectShell() )
            xDocument = m_pClient->GetViewShell()->GetObjectShell()->GetModel();
        SfxObjectShell::SetCurrentComponent( xDocument );
    else if ( m_pClient && nNewState == embed::EmbedStates::UI_ACTIVE )
        uno::Reference < lang::XUnoTunnel > xObj( m_xObject->getComponent(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
        uno::Sequence < sal_Int8 > aSeq( SvGlobalName( SFX_GLOBAL_CLASSID ).GetByteSequence() );
        sal_Int64 nHandle = xObj.is() ? xObj->getSomething( aSeq ) : 0;
        if ( nHandle )
            // currently needs SFX code
            SfxObjectShell* pDoc = reinterpret_cast< SfxObjectShell* >( sal::static_int_cast< sal_IntPtr >( nHandle ));
            SfxViewFrame* pFrame = SfxViewFrame::GetFirst( pDoc );
            SfxWorkWindow *pWorkWin = pFrame->GetFrame().GetWorkWindow_Impl();

void SAL_CALL SfxInPlaceClient_Impl::notifyEvent( const document::EventObject& aEvent ) throw( uno::RuntimeException )
	::vos::OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );

    if ( m_pClient && aEvent.EventName.equalsAscii("OnVisAreaChanged") && m_nAspect != embed::Aspects::MSOLE_ICON )
        m_pClient->FormatChanged(); // for Writer when format of the object is changed with the area

void SAL_CALL SfxInPlaceClient_Impl::disposing( const ::com::sun::star::lang::EventObject& /*aEvent*/ )
throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
    DELETEZ( m_pClient );

// XEmbeddedClient
uno::Reference < frame::XFrame > SfxInPlaceClient_Impl::GetFrame() const
	if ( !m_pClient )
		throw uno::RuntimeException();
    return m_pClient->GetViewShell()->GetViewFrame()->GetFrame().GetFrameInterface();

void SAL_CALL SfxInPlaceClient_Impl::saveObject()
	throw ( embed::ObjectSaveVetoException,
			uno::RuntimeException )
    if ( !m_bStoreObject )
        // client wants to discard the object (usually it means the container document is closed while an object is active
        // and the user didn't request saving the changes

	// the common persistence is supported by objects and links
	uno::Reference< embed::XCommonEmbedPersist > xPersist( m_xObject, uno::UNO_QUERY );
	if ( !xPersist.is() )
		throw uno::RuntimeException();

    uno::Reference< frame::XFrame >              xFrame;
    uno::Reference< task::XStatusIndicator >     xStatusIndicator;
    uno::Reference< frame::XModel >              xModel( m_xObject->getComponent(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
    uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xSrvMgr( ::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory() );

    if ( xModel.is() )
        uno::Reference< frame::XController > xController = xModel->getCurrentController();
        if ( xController.is() )
            xFrame = xController->getFrame();

    if ( xSrvMgr.is() && xFrame.is() )
        // set non-reschedule progress to prevent problems when asynchronous calls are made
        // during storing of the embedded object
        uno::Reference< lang::XInitialization > xInit(
                rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.comp.framework.StatusIndicatorFactory" ))),
            uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
        beans::PropertyValue aProperty;
        uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aArgs( 2 );
        aProperty.Name  = rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "DisableReschedule" ));
        aProperty.Value = uno::makeAny( sal_True );
        aArgs[0] = uno::makeAny( aProperty );
        aProperty.Name  = rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Frame" ));
        aProperty.Value = uno::makeAny( xFrame );
        aArgs[1] = uno::makeAny( aProperty );

        xInit->initialize( aArgs );

        uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet( xFrame, uno::UNO_QUERY );
        if ( xPropSet.is() )
                uno::Reference< task::XStatusIndicatorFactory > xStatusIndicatorFactory( xInit, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
                xStatusIndicator = xStatusIndicatorFactory->createStatusIndicator();
                xPropSet->setPropertyValue( rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "IndicatorInterception" )), uno::makeAny( xStatusIndicator ));
            catch ( uno::RuntimeException& e )
                throw e;
            catch ( uno::Exception& )

    catch ( uno::Exception& )
        //TODO/LATER: what should happen if object can't be saved?!

    // reset status indicator interception after storing
        uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet( xFrame, uno::UNO_QUERY );
        if ( xPropSet.is() )
            xPropSet->setPropertyValue( rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "IndicatorInterception" )), uno::makeAny( xStatusIndicator ));
    catch ( uno::RuntimeException& e )
        throw e;
    catch ( uno::Exception& )

    // the client can exist only in case there is a view shell
	if ( !m_pClient || !m_pClient->GetViewShell() )
		throw uno::RuntimeException();

	SfxObjectShell* pDocShell = m_pClient->GetViewShell()->GetObjectShell();
	if ( !pDocShell )
		throw uno::RuntimeException();

	pDocShell->SetModified( sal_True );

    //TODO/LATER: invalidation might be necessary when object was modified, but is not
    //saved through this method
    // m_pClient->Invalidate();

void SAL_CALL SfxInPlaceClient_Impl::visibilityChanged( sal_Bool bVisible )
	throw ( embed::WrongStateException,
			uno::RuntimeException )
	::vos::OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );

	if ( !m_pClient || !m_pClient->GetViewShell() )
		throw uno::RuntimeException();

	m_pClient->GetViewShell()->OutplaceActivated( bVisible, m_pClient );

// XInplaceClient
sal_Bool SAL_CALL SfxInPlaceClient_Impl::canInplaceActivate()
	throw ( uno::RuntimeException )
	if ( !m_xObject.is() )
		throw uno::RuntimeException();

    // we don't want to switch directly from outplace to inplace mode
    if ( m_xObject->getCurrentState() == embed::EmbedStates::ACTIVE || m_nAspect == embed::Aspects::MSOLE_ICON )
        return sal_False;

	return sal_True;

void SAL_CALL SfxInPlaceClient_Impl::activatingInplace()
	throw ( embed::WrongStateException,
			uno::RuntimeException )
	if ( !m_pClient || !m_pClient->GetViewShell() )
		throw uno::RuntimeException();

	m_pClient->GetViewShell()->InplaceActivating( m_pClient );

void SAL_CALL SfxInPlaceClient_Impl::activatingUI()
	throw ( embed::WrongStateException,
			uno::RuntimeException )
	if ( !m_pClient || !m_pClient->GetViewShell() )
		throw uno::RuntimeException();

    m_bUIActive = sal_True;
    m_pClient->GetViewShell()->UIActivating( m_pClient );

void SAL_CALL SfxInPlaceClient_Impl::deactivatedInplace()
	throw ( embed::WrongStateException,
			uno::RuntimeException )
	if ( !m_pClient || !m_pClient->GetViewShell() )
		throw uno::RuntimeException();

	m_pClient->GetViewShell()->InplaceDeactivated( m_pClient );

void SAL_CALL SfxInPlaceClient_Impl::deactivatedUI()
	throw ( embed::WrongStateException,
			uno::RuntimeException )
	if ( !m_pClient || !m_pClient->GetViewShell() )
		throw uno::RuntimeException();

    m_pClient->GetViewShell()->UIDeactivated( m_pClient );
    m_bUIActive = sal_False;

uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XLayoutManager > SAL_CALL SfxInPlaceClient_Impl::getLayoutManager()
	throw ( embed::WrongStateException,
			uno::RuntimeException )
    uno::Reference < beans::XPropertySet > xFrame( GetFrame(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
    if ( !xFrame.is() )
		throw uno::RuntimeException();

    uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XLayoutManager > xMan;
        uno::Any aAny = xFrame->getPropertyValue( ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("LayoutManager") );
        aAny >>= xMan;
    catch ( uno::Exception& )
		throw uno::RuntimeException();

    return xMan;

uno::Reference< frame::XDispatchProvider > SAL_CALL SfxInPlaceClient_Impl::getInplaceDispatchProvider()
	throw ( embed::WrongStateException,
			uno::RuntimeException )
	return uno::Reference < frame::XDispatchProvider >( GetFrame(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );

awt::Rectangle SAL_CALL SfxInPlaceClient_Impl::getPlacement()
	throw ( embed::WrongStateException,
			uno::RuntimeException )
	if ( !m_pClient || !m_pClient->GetViewShell() )
		throw uno::RuntimeException();

    // apply scaling to object area and convert to pixels
    Rectangle aRealObjArea( m_aObjArea );
    aRealObjArea.SetSize( Size( Fraction( aRealObjArea.GetWidth() ) * m_aScaleWidth,
                    			Fraction( aRealObjArea.GetHeight() ) * m_aScaleHeight ) );

    aRealObjArea = m_pClient->GetEditWin()->LogicToPixel( aRealObjArea );
	return AWTRectangle( aRealObjArea );

awt::Rectangle SAL_CALL SfxInPlaceClient_Impl::getClipRectangle()
	throw ( embed::WrongStateException,
			uno::RuntimeException )
	if ( !m_pClient || !m_pClient->GetViewShell() )
		throw uno::RuntimeException();

    // currently(?) same as placement
	Rectangle aRealObjArea( m_aObjArea );
    aRealObjArea.SetSize( Size( Fraction( aRealObjArea.GetWidth() ) * m_aScaleWidth,
                    			Fraction( aRealObjArea.GetHeight() ) * m_aScaleHeight ) );

    aRealObjArea = m_pClient->GetEditWin()->LogicToPixel( aRealObjArea );
	return AWTRectangle( aRealObjArea );

void SAL_CALL SfxInPlaceClient_Impl::translateAccelerators( const uno::Sequence< awt::KeyEvent >& /*aKeys*/ )
	throw ( embed::WrongStateException,
			uno::RuntimeException )
	if ( !m_pClient || !m_pClient->GetViewShell() )
		throw uno::RuntimeException();

    // TODO/MBA: keyboard accelerators

void SAL_CALL SfxInPlaceClient_Impl::scrollObject( const awt::Size& /*aOffset*/ )
	throw ( embed::WrongStateException,
			uno::RuntimeException )
	if ( !m_pClient || !m_pClient->GetViewShell() )
		throw uno::RuntimeException();

void SAL_CALL SfxInPlaceClient_Impl::changedPlacement( const awt::Rectangle& aPosRect )
	throw ( embed::WrongStateException,
			uno::RuntimeException )
	uno::Reference< embed::XInplaceObject > xInplace( m_xObject, uno::UNO_QUERY );
    if ( !xInplace.is() || !m_pClient || !m_pClient->GetEditWin() || !m_pClient->GetViewShell() )
		throw uno::RuntimeException();

    // check if the change is at least one pixel in size
    awt::Rectangle aOldRect = getPlacement();
    Rectangle aNewPixelRect = VCLRectangle( aPosRect );
    Rectangle aOldPixelRect = VCLRectangle( aOldRect );
    if ( aOldPixelRect == aNewPixelRect )
        // nothing has changed

    // new scaled object area
    Rectangle aNewLogicRect = m_pClient->GetEditWin()->PixelToLogic( aNewPixelRect );

	// all the size changes in this method should happen without scaling
	// SfxBooleanFlagGuard aGuard( m_bResizeNoScale, sal_True );

    // allow container to apply restrictions on the requested new area;
	// the container might change the object view during size calculation;
	// currently only writer does it
    m_pClient->RequestNewObjectArea( aNewLogicRect);

    if ( aNewLogicRect != m_pClient->GetScaledObjArea() )
		// the calculation of the object area has not changed the object size
		// it should be done here then
		SfxBooleanFlagGuard aGuard( m_bResizeNoScale, sal_True );

    	// new size of the object area without scaling
    	Size aNewObjSize( Fraction( aNewLogicRect.GetWidth() ) / m_aScaleWidth,
                          Fraction( aNewLogicRect.GetHeight() ) / m_aScaleHeight );

    	// now remove scaling from new placement and keep this a the new object area
    	aNewLogicRect.SetSize( aNewObjSize );
    	m_aObjArea = aNewLogicRect;

		// let the window size be recalculated

    // notify container view about changes

// XComponentSupplier
uno::Reference< util::XCloseable > SAL_CALL SfxInPlaceClient_Impl::getComponent()
	throw ( uno::RuntimeException )
	if ( !m_pClient || !m_pClient->GetViewShell() )
		throw uno::RuntimeException();

	SfxObjectShell* pDocShell = m_pClient->GetViewShell()->GetObjectShell();
	if ( !pDocShell )
		throw uno::RuntimeException();

	// all the components must implement XCloseable
	uno::Reference< util::XCloseable > xComp( pDocShell->GetModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
	if ( !xComp.is() )
		throw uno::RuntimeException();

	return xComp;

// XWindowSupplier
uno::Reference< awt::XWindow > SAL_CALL SfxInPlaceClient_Impl::getWindow()
	throw ( uno::RuntimeException )
	if ( !m_pClient || !m_pClient->GetEditWin() )
		throw uno::RuntimeException();

    uno::Reference< awt::XWindow > xWin( m_pClient->GetEditWin()->GetComponentInterface(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
    return xWin;

// notification to the client implementation that either the object area or the scaling has been changed
// as a result the logical size of the window has changed also
void SfxInPlaceClient_Impl::SizeHasChanged()
	if ( !m_pClient || !m_pClient->GetViewShell() )
		throw uno::RuntimeException();

	try {
    	if ( m_xObject.is()
		  && ( m_xObject->getCurrentState() == embed::EmbedStates::INPLACE_ACTIVE
    	 	   || m_xObject->getCurrentState() == embed::EmbedStates::UI_ACTIVE ) )
            // only possible in active states
			uno::Reference< embed::XInplaceObject > xInplace( m_xObject, uno::UNO_QUERY );
			if ( !xInplace.is() )
				throw uno::RuntimeException();

			if ( m_bResizeNoScale )
				// the resizing should be done without scaling
				// set the correct size to the object to avoid the scaling
        		MapMode aObjectMap( VCLUnoHelper::UnoEmbed2VCLMapUnit( m_xObject->getMapUnit( m_nAspect ) ) );
				MapMode aClientMap( m_pClient->GetEditWin()->GetMapMode().GetMapUnit() );

        		// convert to logical coordinates of the embedded object
        		Size aNewSize = m_pClient->GetEditWin()->LogicToLogic( m_aObjArea.GetSize(), &aClientMap, &aObjectMap );
        		m_xObject->setVisualAreaSize( m_nAspect, awt::Size( aNewSize.Width(), aNewSize.Height() ) );
			xInplace->setObjectRectangles( getPlacement(), getClipRectangle() );
	catch( uno::Exception& )
		// TODO/LATER: handle error

IMPL_LINK( SfxInPlaceClient_Impl, TimerHdl, Timer*, EMPTYARG )
    if ( m_pClient && m_xObject.is() )
        m_pClient->GetViewShell()->CheckIPClient_Impl( m_pClient, m_pClient->GetViewShell()->GetObjectShell()->GetVisArea() );
	return 0;

// SfxInPlaceClient

SfxInPlaceClient::SfxInPlaceClient( SfxViewShell* pViewShell, Window *pDraw, sal_Int64 nAspect ) :
	m_pImp( new SfxInPlaceClient_Impl ),
    m_pViewSh( pViewShell ),
    m_pEditWin( pDraw )
    m_pImp->m_pClient = this;
    m_pImp->m_nAspect = nAspect;
    m_pImp->m_aScaleWidth = m_pImp->m_aScaleHeight = Fraction(1,1);
    m_pImp->m_xClient = static_cast< embed::XEmbeddedClient* >( m_pImp );
    m_pImp->m_aTimer.SetTimeout( SFX_CLIENTACTIVATE_TIMEOUT );
    m_pImp->m_aTimer.SetTimeoutHdl( LINK( m_pImp, SfxInPlaceClient_Impl, TimerHdl ) );



    // deleting the client before storing the object means discarding all changes
    m_pImp->m_bStoreObject = sal_False;

    m_pImp->m_pClient = NULL;

    // the next call will destroy m_pImp if no other reference to it exists
    m_pImp->m_xClient = uno::Reference < embed::XEmbeddedClient >();

	// the class is not intended to be used in multithreaded environment;
	// if it will this disconnection and all the parts that use the m_pClient
    // must be guarded with mutex

void SfxInPlaceClient::SetObjectState( sal_Int32 nState )
    if ( GetObject().is() )
    	if ( m_pImp->m_nAspect == embed::Aspects::MSOLE_ICON
		  && ( nState == embed::EmbedStates::UI_ACTIVE || nState == embed::EmbedStates::INPLACE_ACTIVE ) )
			OSL_ENSURE( sal_False, "Iconified object should not be activated inplace!\n" );

            GetObject()->changeState( nState );
        catch ( uno::Exception& )

sal_Int64 SfxInPlaceClient::GetObjectMiscStatus() const
    if ( GetObject().is() )
        return GetObject()->getStatus( m_pImp->m_nAspect );
    return 0;

uno::Reference < embed::XEmbeddedObject > SfxInPlaceClient::GetObject() const
    return m_pImp->m_xObject;

void SfxInPlaceClient::SetObject( const uno::Reference < embed::XEmbeddedObject >& rObject )
    if ( m_pImp->m_xObject.is() && rObject != m_pImp->m_xObject )
        DBG_ASSERT( GetObject()->getClientSite() == m_pImp->m_xClient, "Wrong ClientSite!" );
        if ( GetObject()->getClientSite() == m_pImp->m_xClient )
            if ( GetObject()->getCurrentState() != embed::EmbedStates::LOADED )
                SetObjectState( embed::EmbedStates::RUNNING );
            m_pImp->m_xObject->removeEventListener( uno::Reference < document::XEventListener >( m_pImp->m_xClient, uno::UNO_QUERY ) );
            m_pImp->m_xObject->removeStateChangeListener( uno::Reference < embed::XStateChangeListener >( m_pImp->m_xClient, uno::UNO_QUERY ) );
            	m_pImp->m_xObject->setClientSite( 0 );
			catch( uno::Exception& )
				OSL_ENSURE( sal_False, "Can not clean the client site!\n" );

    if ( !m_pViewSh || m_pViewSh->GetViewFrame()->GetFrame().IsClosing_Impl() )
        // sometimes applications reconnect clients on shutting down because it happens in their Paint methods

    m_pImp->m_xObject = rObject;

    if ( rObject.is() )
        // as soon as an object was connected to a client it has to be checked wether the object wants
        // to be activated
        rObject->addStateChangeListener( uno::Reference < embed::XStateChangeListener >( m_pImp->m_xClient, uno::UNO_QUERY ) );
        rObject->addEventListener( uno::Reference < document::XEventListener >( m_pImp->m_xClient, uno::UNO_QUERY ) );

        	rObject->setClientSite( m_pImp->m_xClient );
		catch( uno::Exception& )
			OSL_ENSURE( sal_False, "Can not set the client site!\n" );


sal_Bool SfxInPlaceClient::SetObjArea( const Rectangle& rArea )
    if( rArea != m_pImp->m_aObjArea )
        m_pImp->m_aObjArea = rArea;

        return sal_True;

    return sal_False;

Rectangle SfxInPlaceClient::GetObjArea() const
    return m_pImp->m_aObjArea;

Rectangle SfxInPlaceClient::GetScaledObjArea() const
    Rectangle aRealObjArea( m_pImp->m_aObjArea );
    aRealObjArea.SetSize( Size( Fraction( aRealObjArea.GetWidth() ) * m_pImp->m_aScaleWidth,
                                Fraction( aRealObjArea.GetHeight() ) * m_pImp->m_aScaleHeight ) );
    return aRealObjArea;

void SfxInPlaceClient::SetSizeScale( const Fraction & rScaleWidth, const Fraction & rScaleHeight )
	if ( m_pImp->m_aScaleWidth != rScaleWidth || m_pImp->m_aScaleHeight != rScaleHeight )
    	m_pImp->m_aScaleWidth = rScaleWidth;
    	m_pImp->m_aScaleHeight = rScaleHeight;


        // TODO/LATER: Invalidate seems to trigger (wrong) recalculations of the ObjArea, so it's better
        // not to call it here, but maybe it sounds reasonable to do so.

sal_Bool SfxInPlaceClient::SetObjAreaAndScale( const Rectangle& rArea, const Fraction& rScaleWidth, const Fraction& rScaleHeight )
    if( rArea != m_pImp->m_aObjArea || m_pImp->m_aScaleWidth != rScaleWidth || m_pImp->m_aScaleHeight != rScaleHeight )
        m_pImp->m_aObjArea = rArea;
    	m_pImp->m_aScaleWidth = rScaleWidth;
    	m_pImp->m_aScaleHeight = rScaleHeight;


        return sal_True;

    return sal_False;

const Fraction& SfxInPlaceClient::GetScaleWidth() const
    return m_pImp->m_aScaleWidth;

const Fraction& SfxInPlaceClient::GetScaleHeight() const
    return m_pImp->m_aScaleHeight;

void SfxInPlaceClient::Invalidate()
    // TODO/LATER: do we need both?

	// the object area is provided in logical coordinates of the window but without scaling applied
    Rectangle aRealObjArea( m_pImp->m_aObjArea );
    aRealObjArea.SetSize( Size( Fraction( aRealObjArea.GetWidth() ) * m_pImp->m_aScaleWidth,
                    			Fraction( aRealObjArea.GetHeight() ) * m_pImp->m_aScaleHeight ) );
    m_pEditWin->Invalidate( aRealObjArea );


sal_Bool SfxInPlaceClient::IsObjectUIActive() const
	try {
    	return ( m_pImp->m_xObject.is() && ( m_pImp->m_xObject->getCurrentState() == embed::EmbedStates::UI_ACTIVE ) );
	catch( uno::Exception& )

	return sal_False;

sal_Bool SfxInPlaceClient::IsObjectInPlaceActive() const
	try {
                m_pImp->m_xObject.is() && 
                (m_pImp->m_xObject->getCurrentState() == embed::EmbedStates::INPLACE_ACTIVE)
               ) ||
                m_pImp->m_xObject.is() &&
                (m_pImp->m_xObject->getCurrentState() == embed::EmbedStates::UI_ACTIVE)
	catch( uno::Exception& )

	return sal_False;

sal_Bool SfxInPlaceClient::IsObjectActive() const
	try {
    	return ( m_pImp->m_xObject.is() && ( m_pImp->m_xObject->getCurrentState() == embed::EmbedStates::ACTIVE ) );
	catch( uno::Exception& )

	return sal_False;

Window* SfxInPlaceClient::GetActiveWindow( SfxObjectShell* pDoc, const com::sun::star::uno::Reference < com::sun::star::embed::XEmbeddedObject >& xObject )
    SfxInPlaceClient* pClient = GetClient( pDoc, xObject );
    if ( pClient )
        return pClient->GetEditWin();
    return NULL;

SfxInPlaceClient* SfxInPlaceClient::GetClient( SfxObjectShell* pDoc, const com::sun::star::uno::Reference < com::sun::star::embed::XEmbeddedObject >& xObject )
    for ( SfxViewFrame* pFrame = SfxViewFrame::GetFirst(pDoc); pFrame; pFrame=SfxViewFrame::GetNext(*pFrame,pDoc) )
		if( pFrame->GetViewShell() )
	        SfxInPlaceClient* pClient = pFrame->GetViewShell()->FindIPClient( xObject, NULL );
		    if ( pClient )
			    return pClient;

    return NULL;

sal_Int64 SfxInPlaceClient::GetAspect() const
	return m_pImp->m_nAspect;

ErrCode SfxInPlaceClient::DoVerb( long nVerb )
    SfxErrorContext aEc( ERRCTX_SO_DOVERB, m_pViewSh->GetWindow(), RID_SO_ERRCTX );
    ErrCode nError = ERRCODE_NONE;

    if ( m_pImp->m_xObject.is() )
		sal_Bool bSaveCopyAs = sal_False;
		if ( nVerb == -8 ) // "Save Copy as..."
            svt::EmbeddedObjectRef::TryRunningState( m_pImp->m_xObject );
			// TODO/LATER: this special verb should disappear when outplace activation is completely available
			uno::Reference< frame::XModel > xEmbModel( m_pImp->m_xObject->getComponent(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
			if ( xEmbModel.is() )
				bSaveCopyAs = sal_True;

					uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xEmptyFactory;
					SfxStoringHelper aHelper( xEmptyFactory );
					uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > aDispatchArgs( 1 );
					aDispatchArgs[0].Name = ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "SaveTo" ) );
					aDispatchArgs[0].Value <<= (sal_Bool)sal_True;

					aHelper.GUIStoreModel( xEmbModel,
											::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "SaveAs" ) ),
                                            ::rtl::OUString() );
				catch( task::ErrorCodeIOException& aErrorEx )
					nError = (sal_uInt32)aErrorEx.ErrCode;
				catch( uno::Exception& )
					// TODO/LATER: better error handling

		if ( !bSaveCopyAs )
    		if ( m_pImp->m_nAspect == embed::Aspects::MSOLE_ICON )
				if ( nVerb == embed::EmbedVerbs::MS_OLEVERB_PRIMARY || nVerb == embed::EmbedVerbs::MS_OLEVERB_SHOW )
					nVerb = embed::EmbedVerbs::MS_OLEVERB_OPEN; // outplace activation
				else if ( nVerb == embed::EmbedVerbs::MS_OLEVERB_UIACTIVATE
					   || nVerb == embed::EmbedVerbs::MS_OLEVERB_IPACTIVATE )

			if ( !nError )

                if ( m_pViewSh )
        			m_pImp->m_xObject->setClientSite( m_pImp->m_xClient );

            		m_pImp->m_xObject->doVerb( nVerb );
				catch ( embed::UnreachableStateException& )
					if ( nVerb == 0 || nVerb == embed::EmbedVerbs::MS_OLEVERB_OPEN )
						// a workaround for the default verb, usually makes sence for alien objects
							m_pImp->m_xObject->doVerb( -9 ); // open own view, a workaround verb that is not visible

                            if ( m_pImp->m_xObject->getCurrentState() == embed::EmbedStates::UI_ACTIVE )
                                // the object was converted to OOo object
                                awt::Size aSize = m_pImp->m_xObject->getVisualAreaSize( m_pImp->m_nAspect );
                                MapMode aObjectMap( VCLUnoHelper::UnoEmbed2VCLMapUnit( m_pImp->m_xObject->getMapUnit( m_pImp->m_nAspect ) ) );
                                MapMode aClientMap( GetEditWin()->GetMapMode().GetMapUnit() );
                                Size aNewSize = GetEditWin()->LogicToLogic( Size( aSize.Width, aSize.Height ), &aObjectMap, &aClientMap );

                                Rectangle aScaledArea = GetScaledObjArea();
                                m_pImp->m_aObjArea.SetSize( aNewSize );
                                m_pImp->m_aScaleWidth = Fraction( aScaledArea.GetWidth(), aNewSize.Width() );
                                m_pImp->m_aScaleHeight = Fraction( aScaledArea.GetHeight(), aNewSize.Height() );
						catch ( uno::Exception& )
				catch ( embed::StateChangeInProgressException& )
					// TODO/LATER: it would be nice to be able to provide the current target state outside
        		catch ( uno::Exception& )
            		//TODO/LATER: better error handling

                if ( m_pViewSh )
                    SfxViewFrame* pFrame = m_pViewSh->GetViewFrame();

    if( nError )
        ErrorHandler::HandleError( nError );

    return nError;

void SfxInPlaceClient::VisAreaChanged()
    uno::Reference < embed::XInplaceObject > xObj( m_pImp->m_xObject, uno::UNO_QUERY );
    uno::Reference < embed::XInplaceClient > xClient( m_pImp->m_xClient, uno::UNO_QUERY );
    if ( xObj.is() && xClient.is() )

void SfxInPlaceClient::ObjectAreaChanged()
	// dummy implementation

void SfxInPlaceClient::RequestNewObjectArea( Rectangle& )
	// dummy implementation

void SfxInPlaceClient::ViewChanged()
	// dummy implementation

void SfxInPlaceClient::MakeVisible()
	// dummy implementation

void SfxInPlaceClient::FormatChanged()
    // dummy implementation

void SfxInPlaceClient::DeactivateObject()
    if ( GetObject().is() )
            m_pImp->m_bUIActive = sal_False;
            sal_Bool bHasFocus = sal_False;
            uno::Reference< frame::XModel > xModel( m_pImp->m_xObject->getComponent(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
            if ( xModel.is() )
                uno::Reference< frame::XController > xController = xModel->getCurrentController();
                if ( xController.is() )
                    Window* pWindow = VCLUnoHelper::GetWindow( xController->getFrame()->getContainerWindow() );
                    bHasFocus = pWindow->HasChildPathFocus( sal_True );

            if ( m_pViewSh )

            if ( m_pImp->m_xObject->getStatus( m_pImp->m_nAspect ) & embed::EmbedMisc::MS_EMBED_ACTIVATEWHENVISIBLE )
                m_pImp->m_xObject->changeState( embed::EmbedStates::INPLACE_ACTIVE );
                if ( bHasFocus && m_pViewSh )
                // the links should not stay in running state for long time because of locking
                uno::Reference< embed::XLinkageSupport > xLink( m_pImp->m_xObject, uno::UNO_QUERY );
                if ( xLink.is() && xLink->isLink() )
                    m_pImp->m_xObject->changeState( embed::EmbedStates::LOADED );
                    m_pImp->m_xObject->changeState( embed::EmbedStates::RUNNING );

            if ( m_pViewSh )
                SfxViewFrame* pFrame = m_pViewSh->GetViewFrame();
                SfxViewFrame::SetViewFrame( pFrame );
        catch (com::sun::star::uno::Exception& )

void SfxInPlaceClient::ResetObject()
    if ( GetObject().is() )
            m_pImp->m_bUIActive = sal_False;
            if ( m_pImp->m_xObject->getStatus( m_pImp->m_nAspect ) & embed::EmbedMisc::MS_EMBED_ACTIVATEWHENVISIBLE )
                m_pImp->m_xObject->changeState( embed::EmbedStates::INPLACE_ACTIVE );
                // the links should not stay in running state for long time because of locking
                uno::Reference< embed::XLinkageSupport > xLink( m_pImp->m_xObject, uno::UNO_QUERY );
                if ( xLink.is() && xLink->isLink() )
                    m_pImp->m_xObject->changeState( embed::EmbedStates::LOADED );
                    m_pImp->m_xObject->changeState( embed::EmbedStates::RUNNING );
        catch (com::sun::star::uno::Exception& )

sal_Bool SfxInPlaceClient::IsUIActive()
    return m_pImp->m_bUIActive;