/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_shell.hxx" #include "osl/process.h" #include "rtl/ustring.hxx" #include "rtl/string.hxx" #include "rtl/strbuf.hxx" #include "osl/thread.h" #include "recently_used_file.hxx" #include "internal/xml_parser.hxx" #include "internal/i_xml_parser_event_handler.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include namespace /* private */ { //######################################## typedef std::vector string_container_t; #define TAG_RECENT_FILES "RecentFiles" #define TAG_RECENT_ITEM "RecentItem" #define TAG_URI "URI" #define TAG_MIME_TYPE "Mime-Type" #define TAG_TIMESTAMP "Timestamp" #define TAG_PRIVATE "Private" #define TAG_GROUPS "Groups" #define TAG_GROUP "Group" //------------------------------------------------ // compare two string_t's case insensitive, may also be done // by specifying special traits for the string type but in this // case it's easier to do it this way struct str_icase_cmp : public std::binary_function { bool operator() (const string_t& s1, const string_t& s2) const { return (0 == strcasecmp(s1.c_str(), s2.c_str())); } }; //------------------------------------------------ struct recently_used_item { recently_used_item() : is_private_(false) {} recently_used_item( const string_t& uri, const string_t& mime_type, const string_container_t& groups, bool is_private = false) : uri_(uri), mime_type_(mime_type), is_private_(is_private), groups_(groups) { timestamp_ = time(NULL); } void set_uri(const string_t& character) { uri_ = character; } void set_mime_type(const string_t& character) { mime_type_ = character; } void set_timestamp(const string_t& character) { time_t t; if (sscanf(character.c_str(), "%ld", &t) != 1) timestamp_ = -1; else timestamp_ = t; } void set_is_private(const string_t& /*character*/) { is_private_ = true; } void set_groups(const string_t& character) { groups_.push_back(character); } void set_nothing(const string_t& /*character*/) {} bool has_groups() const { return !groups_.empty(); } bool has_group(const string_t& name) const { string_container_t::const_iterator iter_end = groups_.end(); return (has_groups() && iter_end != std::find_if( groups_.begin(), iter_end, std::bind2nd(str_icase_cmp(), name))); } void write_xml(const recently_used_file& file) const { write_xml_start_tag(TAG_RECENT_ITEM, file, true); write_xml_tag(TAG_URI, uri_, file); write_xml_tag(TAG_MIME_TYPE, mime_type_, file); rtl::OString ts = rtl::OString::valueOf((sal_sSize)timestamp_); write_xml_tag(TAG_TIMESTAMP, ts.getStr(), file); if (is_private_) write_xml_tag(TAG_PRIVATE, file); if (has_groups()) { write_xml_start_tag(TAG_GROUPS, file, true); string_container_t::const_iterator iter = groups_.begin(); string_container_t::const_iterator iter_end = groups_.end(); for ( ; iter != iter_end; ++iter) write_xml_tag(TAG_GROUP, (*iter), file); write_xml_end_tag(TAG_GROUPS, file); } write_xml_end_tag(TAG_RECENT_ITEM, file); } static rtl::OString escape_content(const string_t &text) { rtl::OStringBuffer aBuf; for (sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { # define MAP(a,b) case a: aBuf.append(b); break switch (text[i]) { MAP ('&', "&"); MAP ('<', "<"); MAP ('>', ">"); MAP ('\'', "'"); MAP ('"', """); default: aBuf.append(text[i]); break; } # undef MAP } return aBuf.makeStringAndClear(); } void write_xml_tag(const string_t& name, const string_t& value, const recently_used_file& file) const { write_xml_start_tag(name, file); rtl::OString escaped = escape_content (value); file.write(escaped.getStr(), escaped.getLength()); write_xml_end_tag(name, file); } void write_xml_tag(const string_t& name, const recently_used_file& file) const { file.write("<", 1); file.write(name.c_str(), name.length()); file.write("/>\n", 3); } void write_xml_start_tag(const string_t& name, const recently_used_file& file, bool linefeed = false) const { file.write("<", 1); file.write(name.c_str(), name.length()); if (linefeed) file.write(">\n", 2); else file.write(">", 1); } void write_xml_end_tag(const string_t& name, const recently_used_file& file) const { file.write("\n", 2); } string_t uri_; string_t mime_type_; time_t timestamp_; bool is_private_; string_container_t groups_; }; typedef std::vector recently_used_item_list_t; typedef void (recently_used_item::* SET_COMMAND)(const string_t&); //######################################## // thrown if we encounter xml tags that we do not know class unknown_xml_format_exception {}; //######################################## class recently_used_file_filter : public i_xml_parser_event_handler { public: recently_used_file_filter(recently_used_item_list_t& item_list) : item_(NULL), item_list_(item_list) { named_command_map_[TAG_RECENT_FILES] = &recently_used_item::set_nothing; named_command_map_[TAG_RECENT_ITEM] = &recently_used_item::set_nothing; named_command_map_[TAG_URI] = &recently_used_item::set_uri; named_command_map_[TAG_MIME_TYPE] = &recently_used_item::set_mime_type; named_command_map_[TAG_TIMESTAMP] = &recently_used_item::set_timestamp; named_command_map_[TAG_PRIVATE] = &recently_used_item::set_is_private; named_command_map_[TAG_GROUPS] = &recently_used_item::set_nothing; named_command_map_[TAG_GROUP] = &recently_used_item::set_groups; } virtual void start_element( const string_t& /*raw_name*/, const string_t& local_name, const xml_tag_attribute_container_t& /*attributes*/) { if ((local_name == TAG_RECENT_ITEM) && (NULL == item_)) item_ = new recently_used_item; } virtual void end_element(const string_t& /*raw_name*/, const string_t& local_name) { // check for end tags w/o start tag if( local_name != TAG_RECENT_FILES && NULL == item_ ) return; // will result in an XML parser error anyway if (named_command_map_.find(local_name) != named_command_map_.end()) (item_->*named_command_map_[local_name])(current_element_); else { delete item_; throw unknown_xml_format_exception(); } if (local_name == TAG_RECENT_ITEM) { item_list_.push_back(item_); item_ = NULL; } current_element_.clear(); } virtual void characters(const string_t& character) { if (character != "\n") current_element_ += character; } virtual void start_document() {} virtual void end_document() {} virtual void ignore_whitespace(const string_t& /*whitespaces*/) {} virtual void processing_instruction( const string_t& /*target*/, const string_t& /*data*/) {} virtual void comment(const string_t& /*comment*/) {} private: recently_used_item* item_; std::map named_command_map_; string_t current_element_; recently_used_item_list_t& item_list_; private: recently_used_file_filter(const recently_used_file_filter&); recently_used_file_filter& operator=(const recently_used_file_filter&); }; //------------------------------------------------ void read_recently_used_items( recently_used_file& file, recently_used_item_list_t& item_list) { xml_parser xparser; recently_used_file_filter ruff(item_list); xparser.set_document_handler(&ruff); char buff[16384]; while (!file.eof()) { if (size_t length = file.read(buff, sizeof(buff))) xparser.parse(buff, length, file.eof()); } } //------------------------------------------------ // The file ~/.recently_used shall not contain more than 500 // entries (see www.freedesktop.org) const int MAX_RECENTLY_USED_ITEMS = 500; class recent_item_writer { public: recent_item_writer( recently_used_file& file, int max_items_to_write = MAX_RECENTLY_USED_ITEMS) : file_(file), max_items_to_write_(max_items_to_write), items_written_(0) {} void operator() (const recently_used_item* item) { if (items_written_++ < max_items_to_write_) item->write_xml(file_); } private: recently_used_file& file_; int max_items_to_write_; int items_written_; }; //------------------------------------------------ const char* XML_HEADER = "\n\n"; const char* XML_FOOTER = ""; //------------------------------------------------ // assumes that the list is ordered decreasing void write_recently_used_items( recently_used_file& file, recently_used_item_list_t& item_list) { if (!item_list.empty()) { file.truncate(); file.reset(); file.write(XML_HEADER, strlen(XML_HEADER)); std::for_each( item_list.begin(), item_list.end(), recent_item_writer(file)); file.write(XML_FOOTER, strlen(XML_FOOTER)); } } //------------------------------------------------ struct delete_recently_used_item { void operator() (const recently_used_item* item) const { delete item; } }; //------------------------------------------------ void recently_used_item_list_clear(recently_used_item_list_t& item_list) { std::for_each( item_list.begin(), item_list.end(), delete_recently_used_item()); item_list.clear(); } //------------------------------------------------ class find_item_predicate { public: find_item_predicate(const string_t& uri) : uri_(uri) {} bool operator() (const recently_used_item* item) { return (item->uri_ == uri_); } private: string_t uri_; }; //------------------------------------------------ struct greater_recently_used_item { bool operator ()(const recently_used_item* lhs, const recently_used_item* rhs) const { return (lhs->timestamp_ > rhs->timestamp_); } }; //------------------------------------------------ const char* GROUP_OOO = "apacheopenoffice"; const char* GROUP_STAR_OFFICE = "staroffice"; const char* GROUP_STAR_SUITE = "starsuite"; //------------------------------------------------ void recently_used_item_list_add( recently_used_item_list_t& item_list, const rtl::OUString& file_url, const rtl::OUString& mime_type) { rtl::OString f = rtl::OUStringToOString(file_url, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8); recently_used_item_list_t::iterator iter = std::find_if( item_list.begin(), item_list.end(), find_item_predicate(f.getStr())); if (iter != item_list.end()) { (*iter)->timestamp_ = time(NULL); if (!(*iter)->has_group(GROUP_OOO)) (*iter)->groups_.push_back(GROUP_OOO); if (!(*iter)->has_group(GROUP_STAR_OFFICE)) (*iter)->groups_.push_back(GROUP_STAR_OFFICE); if (!(*iter)->has_group(GROUP_STAR_SUITE)) (*iter)->groups_.push_back(GROUP_STAR_SUITE); } else { string_container_t groups; groups.push_back(GROUP_OOO); groups.push_back(GROUP_STAR_OFFICE); groups.push_back(GROUP_STAR_SUITE); string_t uri(f.getStr()); string_t mimetype(rtl::OUStringToOString(mime_type, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()).getStr()); if (mimetype.length() == 0) mimetype = "application/octet-stream"; item_list.push_back(new recently_used_item(uri, mimetype, groups)); } // sort decreasing after the timestamp // so that the newest items appear first std::sort( item_list.begin(), item_list.end(), greater_recently_used_item()); } //------------------------------------------------ struct cleanup_guard { cleanup_guard(recently_used_item_list_t& item_list) : item_list_(item_list) {} ~cleanup_guard() { recently_used_item_list_clear(item_list_); } recently_used_item_list_t& item_list_; }; } // namespace private //########################################### /* example (see http::www.freedesktop.org): file:///home/federico/gedit.txt text/plain 1046485966 gedit file:///home/federico/gedit-2.2.0.tar.bz2 application/x-bzip 1046209851 */ extern "C" void SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT add_to_recently_used_file_list( const rtl::OUString& file_url, const rtl::OUString& mime_type) { try { recently_used_file ruf; recently_used_item_list_t item_list; cleanup_guard guard(item_list); read_recently_used_items(ruf, item_list); recently_used_item_list_add(item_list, file_url, mime_type); write_recently_used_items(ruf, item_list); } catch(const char* ex) { OSL_ENSURE(false, ex); } catch(const xml_parser_exception&) { OSL_ENSURE(false, "XML parser error"); } catch(const unknown_xml_format_exception&) { OSL_ENSURE(false, "XML format unknown"); } }