#************************************************************************* # # DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. # # Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. # # OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite # # This file is part of OpenOffice.org. # # OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 # only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details # (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see # # for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. # #************************************************************************* #************************************************************************* # # SourceConfig - Perl extension for parsing general info databases # # usage: see below # #************************************************************************* package SourceConfig; use strict; use constant SOURCE_CONFIG_FILE_NAME => 'source_config'; use constant SOURCE_CONFIG_VERSION => 3; use Carp; use Cwd; use RepositoryHelper; use File::Basename; use File::Temp qw(tmpnam); my $debug = 0; ##### profiling ##### ##### ctor ##### sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $source_root = shift; my @additional_repositories = @_; my $self = {}; $self->{USER_SOURCE_ROOT} = undef; $self->{SOURCE_CONFIG_FILE} = undef; if (defined $source_root) { $source_root = Cwd::realpath($source_root); $source_root =~ s/\\|\/$//; if (-f $source_root) { # We have path to source_config if (File::Basename::basename($source_root) eq 'source_config') { # We have path to source_config $self->{SOURCE_CONFIG_FILE} = $source_root; $source_root = File::Basename::dirname($source_root); } else { croak("$source_root is not a source_config file"); }; } else { $self->{USER_SOURCE_ROOT} = $source_root; $source_root .= '/..'; } } else { $source_root = $ENV{SOURCE_ROOT_DIR}; }; $source_root = Cwd::realpath($source_root); $self->{SOURCE_ROOT} = $source_root; $self->{DEBUG} = 0; $self->{VERBOSE} = 0; $self->{REPOSITORIES} = {}; $self->{ACTIVATED_REPOSITORIES} = {}; $self->{MODULE_PATHS} = {}; $self->{MODULE_BUILD_LIST_PATHS} = {}; $self->{ACTIVATED_MODULES} = {}; $self->{MODULE_REPOSITORY} = {}; $self->{REAL_MODULES} = {}; $self->{NEW_MODULES} = []; $self->{REMOVE_MODULES} = {}; $self->{REMOVE_REPOSITORIES} = {}; $self->{NEW_REPOSITORIES} = []; $self->{WARNINGS} = []; $self->{REPORT_MESSAGES} = []; $self->{CONFIG_FILE_CONTENT} = []; if (defined $self->{USER_SOURCE_ROOT}) { ${$self->{REPOSITORIES}}{File::Basename::basename($self->{USER_SOURCE_ROOT})} = $self->{USER_SOURCE_ROOT}; }; $self->{SOURCE_CONFIG_FILE} = get_config_file($self->{SOURCE_ROOT}) if (!defined $self->{SOURCE_CONFIG_FILE}); $self->{SOURCE_CONFIG_DEFAULT} = $self->{SOURCE_ROOT} .'/'.SOURCE_CONFIG_FILE_NAME; if (defined $self->{USER_SOURCE_ROOT}) { ${$self->{REPOSITORIES}}{File::Basename::basename($self->{USER_SOURCE_ROOT})} = $self->{USER_SOURCE_ROOT}; }; foreach my $additional_repository (@additional_repositories) { ${$self->{REPOSITORIES}}{File::Basename::basename($additional_repository)} = $additional_repository; } read_config_file($self); get_module_paths($self); bless($self, $class); return $self; } ##### methods ##### sub get_version { return SOURCE_CONFIG_VERSION; }; sub get_repositories { my $self = shift; return sort keys %{$self->{REPOSITORIES}}; } sub add_repository { my $self = shift; my $new_rep_path = shift; $new_rep_path = Cwd::realpath($new_rep_path); my $new_rep_name = File::Basename::basename($new_rep_path); if (defined ${$self->{REPOSITORIES}}{$new_rep_name}) { croak("Repository $new_rep_name is already defined!!"); }; ${$self->{REPOSITORIES}}{$new_rep_name} = $new_rep_path; $self -> get_repository_module_paths($new_rep_name); } sub get_config_file_default_path { my $self = shift; return $self->{SOURCE_CONFIG_DEFAULT}; } sub get_config_file_path { my $self = shift; return $self->{SOURCE_CONFIG_FILE}; } sub get_module_repository { my $self = shift; my $module = shift; if (defined ${$self->{MODULE_REPOSITORY}}{$module}) { return ${$self->{MODULE_REPOSITORY}}{$module}; } else { Carp::cluck("No such module $module in active repositories!!\n"); return undef; }; } sub get_module_path { my $self = shift; my $module = shift; if (defined ${$self->{MODULE_PATHS}}{$module}) { return ${$self->{MODULE_PATHS}}{$module}; } else { Carp::cluck("No path for module $module in active repositories!!\n") if ($debug); return undef; }; } sub get_module_build_list { my $self = shift; my $module = shift; if (defined ${$self->{MODULE_BUILD_LIST_PATHS}}{$module}) { return ${$self->{MODULE_BUILD_LIST_PATHS}}{$module}; } else { my @possible_build_lists = ('build.lst', 'build.xlist'); # build lists names foreach (@possible_build_lists) { my $possible_path = ${$self->{MODULE_PATHS}}{$module} . "/prj/$_"; if (-e $possible_path) { ${$self->{MODULE_BUILD_LIST_PATHS}}{$module} = $possible_path; return $possible_path; }; }; Carp::cluck("No build list in module $module found!!\n") if ($self->{DEBUG}); return undef; }; } sub get_all_modules { my $self = shift; my $module = shift; return sort keys %{$self->{MODULE_PATHS}}; }; sub get_active_modules { my $self = shift; if (scalar keys %{$self->{ACTIVATED_MODULES}}) { return sort keys %{$self->{ACTIVATED_MODULES}}; } return sort keys %{$self->{REAL_MODULES}}; } sub is_active { my $self = shift; my $module = shift; if (scalar keys %{$self->{ACTIVATED_MODULES}}) { return exists ($self->{ACTIVATED_MODULES}{$module}); } return exists ($self->{REAL_MODULES}{$module}); } ##### private methods ##### sub get_repository_module_paths { my $self = shift; my $repository = shift; my $repository_path = ${$self->{REPOSITORIES}}{$repository}; if (opendir DIRHANDLE, $repository_path) { foreach my $module (readdir(DIRHANDLE)) { next if (($module =~ /^\.+/) || (!-d "$repository_path/$module")); my $module_entry = $module; if (($module !~ s/\.lnk$//) && ($module !~ s/\.link$//)) { $self->{REAL_MODULES}{$module}++; } my $possible_path = "$repository_path/$module_entry"; if (-d $possible_path) { if (defined ${$self->{MODULE_PATHS}}{$module}) { close DIRHANDLE; croak("Ambiguous paths for module $module: $possible_path and " . ${$self->{MODULE_PATHS}}{$module}); }; ${$self->{MODULE_PATHS}}{$module} = $possible_path; ${$self->{MODULE_REPOSITORY}}{$module} = $repository; } }; close DIRHANDLE; } else { croak("Cannot read $repository_path repository content"); }; }; sub get_module_paths { my $self = shift; foreach my $repository (keys %{$self->{REPOSITORIES}}) { get_repository_module_paths($self, $repository); }; my @false_actives = (); foreach (keys %{$self->{ACTIVATED_MODULES}}) { push(@false_actives, $_) if (!defined ${$self->{MODULE_PATHS}}{$_}); }; croak("Error!! Activated module(s): @false_actives\nnot found in the active repositories!! Please check your " . $self->{SOURCE_CONFIG_FILE} . "\n") if (scalar @false_actives); croak("No modules found!") if (!scalar keys %{$self->{MODULE_PATHS}}); }; sub get_config_file { my $source_root = shift; my $possible_path = $source_root . '/' . SOURCE_CONFIG_FILE_NAME; return $possible_path if (-f $possible_path); return ''; }; # # Fallback - fallback repository is based on RepositoryHelper educated guess # sub get_fallback_repository { my $self = shift; my $repository_root = RepositoryHelper->new()->get_repository_root(); ${$self->{REPOSITORIES}}{File::Basename::basename($repository_root)} = $repository_root; }; sub read_config_file { my $self = shift; if (!$self->{SOURCE_CONFIG_FILE}) { if (!defined $self->{USER_SOURCE_ROOT}) { get_fallback_repository($self); }; return; }; my $repository_section = 0; my $module_section = 0; my $line = 0; my @file_content = (); if (open(SOURCE_CONFIG_FILE, $self->{SOURCE_CONFIG_FILE})) { foreach () { push (@{$self->{CONFIG_FILE_CONTENT}}, $_); $line++; chomp; next if (!/^\S+/); next if (/^\s*#+/); s/\r\n//; if (/^\[repositories\]\s*(\s+#)*/) { $module_section = 0; $repository_section = 1; next; }; if (/^\[modules\]\s*(\s+#)*/) { $module_section = 1; $repository_section = 0; next; }; next if (!$repository_section && !$module_section); if (/\s*(\S+)=active\s*(\s+#)*/) { if ($repository_section) { my $repository_source_path = $self->{SOURCE_ROOT} . "/$1"; if (defined $ENV{UPDMINOREXT}) { $repository_source_path .= $ENV{UPDMINOREXT}; if (defined ${$self->{REPOSITORIES}}{$1.$ENV{UPDMINOREXT}}) { delete ${$self->{REPOSITORIES}}{$1.$ENV{UPDMINOREXT}}; }; }; ${$self->{REPOSITORIES}}{$1} = $repository_source_path; ${$self->{ACTIVATED_REPOSITORIES}}{$1}++; next; } if ($module_section) { ${$self->{ACTIVATED_MODULES}}{$1}++; next; }; }; croak("Line $line in " . $self->{SOURCE_CONFIG_FILE} . ' violates format. Please make your checks!'); }; close SOURCE_CONFIG_FILE; if (!scalar keys %{$self->{REPOSITORIES}}) { get_fallback_repository($self); }; } else { croak('Cannot open ' . $self->{SOURCE_CONFIG_FILE} . ' for reading'); }; }; sub remove_all_activated_repositories { my $self = shift; $self->remove_activated_repositories([keys %{$self->{ACTIVATED_REPOSITORIES}}]); }; sub remove_activated_repositories { my $self = shift; my $new_repositories_ref = shift; push(@{$self->{WARNINGS}}, "\nWARNING: Empty repository list passed for removing from source_config\n") if (!scalar @$new_repositories_ref); $self->{VERBOSE} = shift; $self->{REMOVE_REPOSITORIES} = {}; foreach (@$new_repositories_ref) { if (!defined ${$self->{ACTIVATED_REPOSITORIES}}{$_}) { push (@{$self->{WARNINGS}}, "\nWARNING: repository $_ is not activated in ". $self->get_config_file_default_path()."\n"); } else { ${$self->{REMOVE_REPOSITORIES}}{$_}++; delete ${$self->{ACTIVATED_REPOSITORIES}}{$_}; }; }; generate_config_file($self); }; sub remove_all_activated_modules { my $self = shift; $self->remove_activated_modules([keys %{$self->{ACTIVATED_MODULES}}]); }; sub remove_activated_modules { my $self = shift; my $new_modules_ref = shift; push(@{$self->{WARNINGS}}, "\nWARNING: Empty module list passed for removing from source_config\n") if (!scalar @$new_modules_ref); $self->{VERBOSE} = shift; $self->{REMOVE_MODULES} = {}; foreach (@$new_modules_ref) { if (!defined ${$self->{ACTIVATED_MODULES}}{$_}) { push (@{$self->{WARNINGS}}, "\nWARNING: module $_ is not activated in ". $self->get_config_file_default_path()."\n"); } else { ${$self->{REMOVE_MODULES}}{$_}++; delete ${$self->{ACTIVATED_MODULES}}{$_}; }; }; generate_config_file($self); }; sub add_active_repositories { my $self = shift; $self->{NEW_REPOSITORIES} = shift; croak('Empty repository list passed for addition to source_config') if (!scalar @{$self->{NEW_REPOSITORIES}}); $self->{VERBOSE} = shift; foreach (@{$self->{NEW_REPOSITORIES}}) { $self->add_repository($_); }; generate_config_file($self); }; sub add_active_modules { my $self = shift; my $module_list_ref = shift; my $ignored_modules_string = ''; my @real_modules = (); foreach my $module (sort @$module_list_ref) { if ($self->get_module_path($module)) { push(@real_modules, $module); } else { $ignored_modules_string .= " $module"; }; }; push (@{$self->{WARNINGS}}, "\nWARNING: following modules are not found in active repositories, and have not been added to the " . $self->get_config_file_default_path() . ":$ignored_modules_string\n") if ($ignored_modules_string); $self->{NEW_MODULES} = \@real_modules; croak('Empty module list passed for addition to source_config') if (!scalar @{$self->{NEW_MODULES}}); $self->{VERBOSE} = shift; generate_config_file($self); }; sub add_content { my $self = shift; my $content = shift; my $entries_to_add = shift; return if (!scalar @$entries_to_add); my $message; my $message_part1; my $warning_message; my $activated_entries; if ($entries_to_add == $self->{NEW_MODULES}) { $self->{NEW_MODULES} = []; $message_part1 = "Module(s):\n"; $activated_entries = $self->{ACTIVATED_MODULES}; } elsif ($entries_to_add == $self->{NEW_REPOSITORIES}) { $self->{NEW_REPOSITORIES} = []; $message_part1 = "Repositories:\n"; $activated_entries = $self->{ACTIVATED_REPOSITORIES}; }; foreach my $entry (@$entries_to_add) { if (defined $$activated_entries{$entry}) { $warning_message .= "$entry " } else { push(@$content, "$entry=active\n"); ${$activated_entries}{$entry}++; $message .= "$entry " }; }; push(@{$self->{REPORT_MESSAGES}}, "\n$message_part1 $message\nhave been added to the ". $self->get_config_file_default_path()."\n") if ($message); push (@{$self->{WARNINGS}}, "\nWARNING: $message_part1 $warning_message\nare already added to the ". $self->get_config_file_default_path()."\n") if ($warning_message); }; sub generate_config_file { my $self = shift; my @config_content_new = (); my ($module_section, $repository_section); my %removed_modules = (); my %removed_repositories = (); foreach (@{$self->{CONFIG_FILE_CONTENT}}) { if (/^\[repositories\]\s*(\s+#)*/) { if ($module_section) { $self->add_content(\@config_content_new, $self->{NEW_MODULES}); }; $module_section = 0; $repository_section = 1; }; if (/^\[modules\]\s*(\s+#)*/) { if ($repository_section) { $self->add_content(\@config_content_new, $self->{NEW_REPOSITORIES}); }; $module_section = 1; $repository_section = 0; }; if ($module_section && /\s*(\S+)=active\s*(\s+#)*/) { if (defined ${$self->{REMOVE_MODULES}}{$1}) { $removed_modules{$1}++; next; }; } if ($repository_section && /\s*(\S+)=active\s*(\s+#)*/) { if (defined ${$self->{REMOVE_REPOSITORIES}}{$1}) { $removed_repositories{$1}++; next; }; } push(@config_content_new, $_); }; if (scalar @{$self->{NEW_MODULES}}) { push(@config_content_new, "[modules]\n") if (!$module_section); $self->add_content(\@config_content_new, $self->{NEW_MODULES}); }; if (scalar @{$self->{NEW_REPOSITORIES}}) { push(@config_content_new, "[repositories]\n") if (!$repository_section); $self->add_content(\@config_content_new, $self->{NEW_REPOSITORIES}); }; if (scalar keys %removed_modules) { my @deleted_modules = keys %removed_modules; push(@{$self->{REPORT_MESSAGES}}, "\nModules: @deleted_modules\nhave been removed from the ". $self->get_config_file_default_path()."\n"); }; if (scalar keys %removed_repositories) { my @deleted_repositories = keys %removed_repositories; push(@{$self->{REPORT_MESSAGES}}, "\nRepositories: @deleted_repositories\nhave been removed from the ". $self->get_config_file_default_path()."\n"); }; # Writing file, printing warnings and reports #check if we need to write a new file my $write_needed = 0; if ((scalar @{$self->{CONFIG_FILE_CONTENT}}) != (scalar @config_content_new)) { $write_needed++; } else { foreach my $i (0 .. $#{$self->{CONFIG_FILE_CONTENT}}) { if (${$self->{CONFIG_FILE_CONTENT}}[$i] ne $config_content_new[$i]) { $write_needed++; last; }; }; }; if ($write_needed) { my $temp_config_file = File::Temp::tmpnam($ENV{TMP}); die("Cannot open $temp_config_file") if (!open(NEW_CONFIG, ">$temp_config_file")); print NEW_CONFIG $_ foreach (@config_content_new); close NEW_CONFIG; rename($temp_config_file, $self->get_config_file_default_path()) or system("mv", $temp_config_file, $self->get_config_file_default_path()); if (-e $temp_config_file) { system("rm -rf $temp_config_file") if (!unlink $temp_config_file); }; $self->{CONFIG_FILE_CONTENT} = \@config_content_new; }; if ($self->{VERBOSE}) { print $_ foreach (@{$self->{WARNINGS}}); $self->{VERBOSE} = 0; }; $self->{WARNINGS} = []; print $_ foreach (@{$self->{REPORT_MESSAGES}}); $self->{REPORT_MESSAGES} = []; }; ##### finish ##### 1; # needed by use or require __END__ =head1 NAME SourceConfig - Perl extension for parsing general info databases =head1 SYNOPSIS # example that will read source_config file and return the active repositories use SourceConfig; # Create a new instance of the parser: $a = SourceConfig->new(); # Get repositories for the actual workspace: $a->get_repositories(); # Add a repository new_repository for the actual workspace (via full path): $a->add_repository(/DEV300/new_repository); =head1 DESCRIPTION SourceConfig is a perl extension to load and parse General Info Databses. It uses a simple object oriented interface to retrieve the information stored in the database. Methods: SourceConfig::new() Creates a new instance of SourceConfig. Can be initialized by: path to the default repository, path to the source_config, default - empty, the source_config will be taken from the environment SourceConfig::get_version() Returns version number of the module. Can't fail. SourceConfig::get_repositories() Returns sorted list of active repositories for the actual workspace SourceConfig::add_repository(REPOSITORY_PATH) Adds a repository to the list of active repositories SourceConfig::get_active_modules() Returns a sorted list of active modules SourceConfig::get_all_modules() Returns sorted list of all modules in active repositories. SourceConfig::get_module_path($module) Returns absolute module path SourceConfig::get_module_build_list($module) Returns absolute module build list path SourceConfig::get_module_repository($module) Returns the module's repository SourceConfig::get_config_file_path() Returns absolute module to the source configuration file SourceConfig::get_config_file_default_path() Returns default path for source configuration file SourceConfig::is_active() Returns 1 (TRUE) if a module is active Returns 0 (FALSE) if a module is not active SourceConfig::add_active_modules($module_array_ref) Adds modules from the @$module_array_ref as active to the source_config file SourceConfig::add_active_repositories($repository_array_ref) Adds repositories from the @$repository_array_ref as active to the source_config file SourceConfig::remove_activated_modules($module_array_ref) Removes modules from the @$module_array_ref from the source_config file SourceConfig::remove_all_activated_modules() Removes all activated modules from the source_config file SourceConfig::remove_activated_repositories($repository_array_ref) Removes repositories from the @$repository_array_ref from the source_config file SourceConfig::remove_all_activated_repositories() Removes all activated repositories from the source_config file =head2 EXPORT SourceConfig::new() SourceConfig::get_version() SourceConfig::get_repositories() SourceConfig::add_repository() SourceConfig::get_active_modules() SourceConfig::get_all_modules() SourceConfig::get_module_path($module) SourceConfig::get_module_build_list($module) SourceConfig::get_module_repository($module) SourceConfig::get_config_file_path() SourceConfig::get_config_file_default_path() SourceConfig::is_active($module) SourceConfig::add_active_modules($module_array_ref) SourceConfig::add_active_repositories($repository_array_ref) SourceConfig::remove_activated_modules($module_array_ref) SourceConfig::remove_all_activated_modules() SourceConfig::remove_activated_repositories($repository_array_ref) SourceConfig::remove_all_activated_repositories() =head1 AUTHOR Vladimir Glazunov, vg@openoffice.org =head1 SEE ALSO perl(1). =cut