#************************************************************** # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # #************************************************************** package installer::languages; use installer::converter; use installer::existence; use installer::exiter; use installer::globals; use installer::remover; use installer::ziplist; use Digest::MD5; use strict; =head2 analyze_languagelist() Convert $installer::globals::languagelist into $installer::globals::languageproduct. That is now just a replacement of '_' with ','. $installer::globals::languageproduct (specified by the -l option on the command line) can contain multiple languages separated by '_' to specify multilingual builds. Separation by '#' to build multiple languages (single or multilingual) in one make_installer.pl run is not supported anymore. Call make_installer.pl with all languages separately instead: make_installer.pl -l L1#L2 -> make_installer.pl -l L1 make_installer.pl -l L2 =cut sub analyze_languagelist() { my $languageproduct = $installer::globals::languagelist; $languageproduct =~ s/\_/\,/g; # substituting "_" by ",", in case of dmake definition 01_49 if ($languageproduct =~ /\#/) { installer::exiter::exit_program( "building more than one language (or language set) is not supported anymore\n" ."please replace one call of 'make_installer.pl -l language1#language2'\n" ."with two calls 'make_installer.pl -l language1' and 'make_installer.pl -l language2'", "installer::language::analyze_languagelist"); } $installer::globals::languageproduct = $languageproduct; } =head2 get_language_directory_name ($language_string) Create a directory name that contains the given set of languages. When $language_string exceeds a certain length then it is shortened. =cut sub get_language_directory_name ($) { my ($language_string) = @_; if (length($language_string) > $installer::globals::max_lang_length) { my $number_of_languages = ($language_string =~ tr/_//); my $digest = new Digest::MD5(); $digest->add($language_string); my $short_digest = substr($digest->hexdigest(), 0, 8); return "lang_" . $number_of_languages . "_id_" . $short_digest; } else { return $language_string; } } #################################################### # Reading languages from zip list file #################################################### sub get_info_about_languages { my ( $allsettingsarrayref ) = @_; my $languagelistref; $languagelistref = installer::ziplist::getinfofromziplist($allsettingsarrayref, "languages"); $installer::globals::languagelist = $$languagelistref; if ( $installer::globals::languagelist eq "" ) # not defined on command line and not in product list { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Languages not defined on command line (-l) and not in product list!", "get_info_about_languages"); } # Adapting the separator format from zip list. # | means new product, , (comma) means more than one language in one product # On the command line, | is difficult to use. Therefore this script uses hashes $installer::globals::languagelist =~ s/\|/\#/g; analyze_languagelist(); } ############################################################################# # Checking whether all elements of an array A are also member of array B ############################################################################# sub all_elements_of_array1_in_array2 { my ($array1, $array2) = @_; my $array2_contains_all_elements_of_array1 = 1; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$array1}; $i++ ) { if (! installer::existence::exists_in_array(${$array1}[$i], $array2)) { $array2_contains_all_elements_of_array1 = 0; last; } } return $array2_contains_all_elements_of_array1; } ############################################# # All languages defined for one product ############################################# =head2 get_all_languages_for_one_product($languagestring, $allvariables) $languagestring can be one or more language names, separated by ','. $installer::globals::ismultilingual is set to 1 when $languagestring contains more than one languages. =cut sub get_all_languages_for_one_product ($$) { my ( $languagestring, $allvariables ) = @_; $installer::globals::ismultilingual = ($languagestring =~ /\,/ ) ? 1 : 0; my $languages = $languagestring; $languages =~ s/\s+//g; my @languagearray = split(/,/, $languages); if ( $installer::globals::iswindowsbuild ) { my $furthercheck = 1; # For some languages (that are not supported by Windows, english needs to be added to the installation set # Languages saved in "@installer::globals::noMSLocaleLangs" if ( all_elements_of_array1_in_array2(\@languagearray, \@installer::globals::noMSLocaleLangs) ) { my $officestartlanguage = $languagearray[0]; unshift(@languagearray, "en-US"); # am Anfang einfügen! $installer::globals::ismultilingual = 1; $installer::globals::added_english = 1; $installer::globals::set_office_start_language = 1; # setting the variable PRODUCTLANGUAGE, needed for Linguistic-ForceDefaultLanguage.xcu $allvariables->{'PRODUCTLANGUAGE'} = $officestartlanguage; $furthercheck = 0; } # In bilingual installation sets, in which english is the first language, # the Office start language shall be the second language. if ( $furthercheck ) { if (( $#languagearray == 1 ) && ( $languagearray[0] eq "en-US" )) { my $officestartlanguage = $languagearray[1]; $installer::globals::set_office_start_language = 1; # setting the variable PRODUCTLANGUAGE, needed for Linguistic-ForceDefaultLanguage.xcu $allvariables->{'PRODUCTLANGUAGE'} = $officestartlanguage; } } } return \@languagearray; } #################################################################################### # FAKE: The languages string may contain only "de", "en-US", instead of "01", ... # But this has to be removed as soon as possible. # In the future the languages are determined with "en-US" instead "01" # already on the command line and in the zip list file. #################################################################################### sub fake_languagesstring { my ($stringref) = @_; # ATTENTION: This function has to be removed as soon as possible! $$stringref =~ s/01/en-US/; $$stringref =~ s/03/pt/; $$stringref =~ s/07/ru/; $$stringref =~ s/30/el/; $$stringref =~ s/31/nl/; $$stringref =~ s/33/fr/; $$stringref =~ s/34/es/; $$stringref =~ s/35/fi/; $$stringref =~ s/36/hu/; $$stringref =~ s/37/ca/; $$stringref =~ s/39/it/; $$stringref =~ s/42/cs/; $$stringref =~ s/43/sk/; $$stringref =~ s/44/en-GB/; $$stringref =~ s/45/da/; $$stringref =~ s/46/sv/; $$stringref =~ s/47/no/; $$stringref =~ s/48/pl/; $$stringref =~ s/49/de/; $$stringref =~ s/55/pt-BR/; $$stringref =~ s/66/th/; $$stringref =~ s/77/et/; $$stringref =~ s/81/ja/; $$stringref =~ s/82/ko/; $$stringref =~ s/86/zh-CN/; $$stringref =~ s/88/zh-TW/; $$stringref =~ s/90/tr/; $$stringref =~ s/91/hi-IN/; $$stringref =~ s/96/ar/; $$stringref =~ s/97/he/; } ########################################################## # Converting the language array into a string for output ########################################################## sub get_language_string { my ($languagesref) = @_; my $newstring = ""; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$languagesref}; $i++ ) { $newstring = $newstring . ${$languagesref}[$i] . "_"; } # remove ending underline $newstring =~ s/\_\s*$//; return \$newstring; } ########################################################## # Analyzing the languages in the languages array and # returning the most important language ########################################################## sub get_default_language { my ($languagesref) = @_; return ${$languagesref}[0]; # ToDo, only returning the first language } ############################################################# # Contains the installation set one of the asian languages? ############################################################# sub detect_asian_language { my ($languagesref) = @_; my $containsasia = 0; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$languagesref}; $i++ ) { my $onelang = ${$languagesref}[$i]; $onelang =~ s/\s*$//; for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#installer::globals::asianlanguages; $j++ ) { my $asialang = $installer::globals::asianlanguages[$j]; $asialang =~ s/\s*$//; if ( $onelang eq $asialang ) { $containsasia = 1; last; } } if ( $containsasia ) { last; } } return $containsasia; } ############################################################# # Contains the installation set only asian languages? ############################################################# sub contains_only_asian_languages { my ($languagesref) = @_; my $onlyasian = 1; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$languagesref}; $i++ ) { my $onelang = ${$languagesref}[$i]; $onelang =~ s/\s*$//; if (! installer::existence::exists_in_array($onelang, \@installer::globals::asianlanguages)) { $onlyasian = 0; last; } } return $onlyasian; } ################################################################ # Contains the installation set one of the western languages ################################################################ sub detect_western_language { my ($languagesref) = @_; my $containswestern = 1; if ( contains_only_asian_languages($languagesref) ) { $containswestern = 0; } return $containswestern; } ################################################################ # Determining the language used by the Java installer ################################################################ sub get_java_language { my ( $language ) = @_; # my $javalanguage = ""; # if ( $language eq "en-US" ) { $javalanguage = "en_US"; } # elsif ( $language eq "ar" ) { $javalanguage = "ar_AR"; } # elsif ( $language eq "bg" ) { $javalanguage = "bg_BG"; } # elsif ( $language eq "ca" ) { $javalanguage = "ca_CA"; } # elsif ( $language eq "cs" ) { $javalanguage = "cs_CS"; } # elsif ( $language eq "da" ) { $javalanguage = "da_DA"; } # elsif ( $language eq "de" ) { $javalanguage = "de"; } # elsif ( $language eq "de" ) { $javalanguage = "de_DE"; } # elsif ( $language eq "et" ) { $javalanguage = "et_ET"; } # elsif ( $language eq "el" ) { $javalanguage = "el_EL"; } # elsif ( $language eq "fi" ) { $javalanguage = "fi_FI"; } # elsif ( $language eq "fr" ) { $javalanguage = "fr_FR"; } # elsif ( $language eq "hu" ) { $javalanguage = "hu_HU"; } # elsif ( $language eq "he" ) { $javalanguage = "he_HE"; } # elsif ( $language eq "it" ) { $javalanguage = "it_IT"; } # elsif ( $language eq "nl" ) { $javalanguage = "nl_NL"; } # elsif ( $language eq "es" ) { $javalanguage = "es_ES"; } # elsif ( $language eq "sv" ) { $javalanguage = "sv_SV"; } # elsif ( $language eq "sk" ) { $javalanguage = "sk_SK"; } # elsif ( $language eq "pl" ) { $javalanguage = "pl_PL"; } # elsif ( $language eq "pt-BR" ) { $javalanguage = "pt_BR"; } # elsif ( $language eq "ru" ) { $javalanguage = "ru_RU"; } # elsif ( $language eq "tr" ) { $javalanguage = "tr_TR"; } # elsif ( $language eq "ja" ) { $javalanguage = "ja"; } # elsif ( $language eq "ja" ) { $javalanguage = "ja_JP"; } # elsif ( $language eq "ko" ) { $javalanguage = "ko_KR"; } # elsif ( $language eq "th" ) { $javalanguage = "th_TH"; } # elsif ( $language eq "zh-CN" ) { $javalanguage = "zh_CN"; } # elsif ( $language eq "zh-TW" ) { $javalanguage = "zh_TW"; } # languages not defined yet # if ( $javalanguage eq "" ) # { # $javalanguage = $language; # $javalanguage =~ s/\-/\_/; # } my $javalanguage = $language; $javalanguage =~ s/\-/\_/; return $javalanguage; } =head2 get_key_language ($languages) Determine the key language from the array of @$languages. If there is only one language then that is the key language. If there are two languages and one is en-US and was automatically added, then the other language is the key language. When there is more than one language and the case above does not apply then return either 'multiasia' or 'multiwestern' as key language, depending on whether one of the asian language parts 'jp', 'ko', 'zh' appear. =cut sub get_key_language ($) { my ($languages) = @_; my $language_count = scalar @$languages; if ($language_count == 1) { return $languages->[0]; } else { if ($installer::globals::added_english && $language_count==1) { # Only multilingual because of added English. return $languages->[1]; } else { if ($languages->[1] =~ /(jp|ko|zh)/) { return "multiasia"; } else { return "multiwestern"; } } } } =head2 get_normalized_language ($language) Transform "..._" into "". The ... part, if it exists, is typically en-US. If $language does not contain a '_' then $language is returned unmodified. =cut sub get_normalized_language ($) { my ($language) = @_; if (ref($language) eq "ARRAY") { if (scalar @$language > 1) { if ($language->[0] eq "en-US") { return $language->[1]; } else { return $language->[0]; } } else { return join("_", @$language); } } elsif ($language =~ /^.*?_(.*)$/) { return $1; } else { return $language; } } 1;