/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_svl.hxx" #include #ifndef INCLUDED_ALGORITHM #include #define INCLUDED_ALGORITHM #endif #include "rtl/instance.hxx" #include "rtl/crc.h" #include "rtl/memory.h" #include #include #include #include /*======================================================================== * * INetURLHistory internals. * *======================================================================*/ #define INETHIST_DEF_FTP_PORT 21 #define INETHIST_DEF_HTTP_PORT 80 #define INETHIST_DEF_HTTPS_PORT 443 #define INETHIST_SIZE_LIMIT 1024 #define INETHIST_MAGIC_HEAD 0x484D4849UL /* * INetURLHistoryHint implementation. */ IMPL_PTRHINT (INetURLHistoryHint, const INetURLObject); /*======================================================================== * * INetURLHistory_Impl interface. * *======================================================================*/ class INetURLHistory_Impl { /** head_entry. */ struct head_entry { /** Representation. */ sal_uInt32 m_nMagic; sal_uInt16 m_nNext; sal_uInt16 m_nMBZ; /** Initialization. */ void initialize (void) { m_nMagic = INETHIST_MAGIC_HEAD; m_nNext = 0; m_nMBZ = 0; } }; /** hash_entry. */ struct hash_entry { /** Representation. */ sal_uInt32 m_nHash; sal_uInt16 m_nLru; sal_uInt16 m_nMBZ; /** Initialization. */ void initialize (sal_uInt16 nLru, sal_uInt32 nHash = 0) { m_nHash = nHash; m_nLru = nLru; m_nMBZ = 0; } /** Comparison. */ sal_Bool operator== (const hash_entry &rOther) const { return (m_nHash == rOther.m_nHash); } sal_Bool operator< (const hash_entry &rOther) const { return (m_nHash < rOther.m_nHash); } sal_Bool operator== (sal_uInt32 nHash) const { return (m_nHash == nHash); } sal_Bool operator< (sal_uInt32 nHash) const { return (m_nHash < nHash); } }; /** lru_entry. */ struct lru_entry { /** Representation. */ sal_uInt32 m_nHash; sal_uInt16 m_nNext; sal_uInt16 m_nPrev; /** Initialization. */ void initialize (sal_uInt16 nThis, sal_uInt32 nHash = 0) { m_nHash = nHash; m_nNext = nThis; m_nPrev = nThis; } }; /** Representation. */ head_entry m_aHead; hash_entry m_pHash[INETHIST_SIZE_LIMIT]; lru_entry m_pList[INETHIST_SIZE_LIMIT]; /** Initialization. */ void initialize (void); void downheap (hash_entry a[], sal_uInt16 n, sal_uInt16 k); void heapsort (hash_entry a[], sal_uInt16 n); /** capacity. */ sal_uInt16 capacity (void) const { return (sal_uInt16)(INETHIST_SIZE_LIMIT); } /** crc32. */ sal_uInt32 crc32 (UniString const & rData) const { return rtl_crc32 (0, rData.GetBuffer(), rData.Len() * sizeof(sal_Unicode)); } /** find. */ sal_uInt16 find (sal_uInt32 nHash) const; /** move. */ void move (sal_uInt16 nSI, sal_uInt16 nDI); /** backlink. */ void backlink (sal_uInt16 nThis, sal_uInt16 nTail) { lru_entry &rThis = m_pList[nThis]; lru_entry &rTail = m_pList[nTail]; rTail.m_nNext = nThis; rTail.m_nPrev = rThis.m_nPrev; rThis.m_nPrev = nTail; m_pList[rTail.m_nPrev].m_nNext = nTail; } /** unlink. */ void unlink (sal_uInt16 nThis) { lru_entry &rThis = m_pList[nThis]; m_pList[rThis.m_nPrev].m_nNext = rThis.m_nNext; m_pList[rThis.m_nNext].m_nPrev = rThis.m_nPrev; rThis.m_nNext = nThis; rThis.m_nPrev = nThis; } /** Not implemented. */ INetURLHistory_Impl (const INetURLHistory_Impl&); INetURLHistory_Impl& operator= (const INetURLHistory_Impl&); public: INetURLHistory_Impl (void); ~INetURLHistory_Impl (void); /** putUrl/queryUrl. */ void putUrl (const String &rUrl); sal_Bool queryUrl (const String &rUrl); }; /*======================================================================== * * INetURLHistory_Impl implementation. * *======================================================================*/ /* * INetURLHistory_Impl. */ INetURLHistory_Impl::INetURLHistory_Impl (void) { initialize(); } /* * ~INetURLHistory_Impl. */ INetURLHistory_Impl::~INetURLHistory_Impl (void) { } /* * initialize. */ void INetURLHistory_Impl::initialize (void) { m_aHead.initialize(); sal_uInt16 i, n = capacity(); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) m_pHash[i].initialize(i); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) m_pList[i].initialize(i); for (i = 1; i < n; i++) backlink (m_aHead.m_nNext, i); } /* * downheap. */ void INetURLHistory_Impl::downheap (hash_entry a[], sal_uInt16 n, sal_uInt16 k) { hash_entry h = a[k]; while (k < n / 2) { sal_uInt16 i = k + k + 1; if (((i + 1) < n) && (a[i] < a[i + 1])) i++; if (!(h < a[i])) break; a[k] = a[i]; k = i; } a[k] = h; } /* * heapsort. */ void INetURLHistory_Impl::heapsort (hash_entry a[], sal_uInt16 n) { hash_entry h; for (sal_uInt16 k = (n - 1) / 2 + 1; k > 0; k--) downheap (a, n, k - 1); while (n > 0) { h = a[0 ]; a[0 ] = a[n - 1]; a[n - 1] = h; downheap (a, --n, 0); } } /* * find. */ sal_uInt16 INetURLHistory_Impl::find (sal_uInt32 nHash) const { sal_uInt16 l = 0; sal_uInt16 r = capacity() - 1; sal_uInt16 c = capacity(); while ((l < r) && (r < c)) { sal_uInt16 m = (l + r) / 2; if (m_pHash[m] == nHash) return m; if (m_pHash[m] < nHash) l = m + 1; else r = m - 1; } return l; } /* * move. */ void INetURLHistory_Impl::move (sal_uInt16 nSI, sal_uInt16 nDI) { hash_entry e = m_pHash[nSI]; if (nSI < nDI) { // shift left. rtl_moveMemory ( &m_pHash[nSI ], &m_pHash[nSI + 1], (nDI - nSI) * sizeof(hash_entry)); } if (nSI > nDI) { // shift right. rtl_moveMemory ( &m_pHash[nDI + 1], &m_pHash[nDI ], (nSI - nDI) * sizeof(hash_entry)); } m_pHash[nDI] = e; } /* * putUrl. */ void INetURLHistory_Impl::putUrl (const String &rUrl) { sal_uInt32 h = crc32 (rUrl); sal_uInt16 k = find (h); if ((k < capacity()) && (m_pHash[k] == h)) { // Cache hit. sal_uInt16 nMRU = m_pHash[k].m_nLru; if (nMRU != m_aHead.m_nNext) { // Update LRU chain. unlink (nMRU); backlink (m_aHead.m_nNext, nMRU); // Rotate LRU chain. m_aHead.m_nNext = m_pList[m_aHead.m_nNext].m_nPrev; } } else { // Cache miss. Obtain least recently used. sal_uInt16 nLRU = m_pList[m_aHead.m_nNext].m_nPrev; sal_uInt16 nSI = find (m_pList[nLRU].m_nHash); if (!(nLRU == m_pHash[nSI].m_nLru)) { // Update LRU chain. nLRU = m_pHash[nSI].m_nLru; unlink (nLRU); backlink (m_aHead.m_nNext, nLRU); } // Rotate LRU chain. m_aHead.m_nNext = m_pList[m_aHead.m_nNext].m_nPrev; // Check source and destination. sal_uInt16 nDI = std::min (k, sal_uInt16(capacity() - 1)); if (nSI < nDI) { if (!(m_pHash[nDI] < h)) nDI -= 1; } if (nDI < nSI) { if (m_pHash[nDI] < h) nDI += 1; } // Assign data. m_pList[m_aHead.m_nNext].m_nHash = m_pHash[nSI].m_nHash = h; move (nSI, nDI); } } /* * queryUrl. */ sal_Bool INetURLHistory_Impl::queryUrl (const String &rUrl) { sal_uInt32 h = crc32 (rUrl); sal_uInt16 k = find (h); if ((k < capacity()) && (m_pHash[k] == h)) { // Cache hit. return sal_True; } else { // Cache miss. return sal_False; } } /*======================================================================== * * INetURLHistory::StaticInstance implementation. * *======================================================================*/ INetURLHistory * INetURLHistory::StaticInstance::operator ()() { static INetURLHistory g_aInstance; return &g_aInstance; } /*======================================================================== * * INetURLHistory implementation. * *======================================================================*/ /* * INetURLHistory. */ INetURLHistory::INetURLHistory() : m_pImpl (new INetURLHistory_Impl()) { } /* * ~INetURLHistory. */ INetURLHistory::~INetURLHistory() { DELETEZ (m_pImpl); } /* * GetOrCreate. */ INetURLHistory* INetURLHistory::GetOrCreate() { return rtl_Instance< INetURLHistory, StaticInstance, osl::MutexGuard, osl::GetGlobalMutex >::create ( StaticInstance(), osl::GetGlobalMutex()); } /* * NormalizeUrl_Impl. */ void INetURLHistory::NormalizeUrl_Impl (INetURLObject &rUrl) { switch (rUrl.GetProtocol()) { case INET_PROT_FILE: if (!rUrl.IsCaseSensitive()) { String aPath (rUrl.GetURLPath(INetURLObject::NO_DECODE)); aPath.ToLowerAscii(); rUrl.SetURLPath (aPath, INetURLObject::NOT_CANONIC); } break; case INET_PROT_FTP: if (!rUrl.HasPort()) rUrl.SetPort (INETHIST_DEF_FTP_PORT); break; case INET_PROT_HTTP: if (!rUrl.HasPort()) rUrl.SetPort (INETHIST_DEF_HTTP_PORT); if (!rUrl.HasURLPath()) rUrl.SetURLPath ("/"); break; case INET_PROT_HTTPS: if (!rUrl.HasPort()) rUrl.SetPort (INETHIST_DEF_HTTPS_PORT); if (!rUrl.HasURLPath()) rUrl.SetURLPath ("/"); break; default: break; } } /* * PutUrl_Impl. */ void INetURLHistory::PutUrl_Impl (const INetURLObject &rUrl) { DBG_ASSERT (m_pImpl, "PutUrl_Impl(): no Implementation"); if (m_pImpl) { INetURLObject aHistUrl (rUrl); NormalizeUrl_Impl (aHistUrl); m_pImpl->putUrl (aHistUrl.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::NO_DECODE)); Broadcast (INetURLHistoryHint (&rUrl)); if (aHistUrl.HasMark()) { aHistUrl.SetURL (aHistUrl.GetURLNoMark(INetURLObject::NO_DECODE), INetURLObject::NOT_CANONIC); m_pImpl->putUrl (aHistUrl.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::NO_DECODE)); Broadcast (INetURLHistoryHint (&aHistUrl)); } } } /* * QueryUrl_Impl. */ sal_Bool INetURLHistory::QueryUrl_Impl (const INetURLObject &rUrl) { DBG_ASSERT (m_pImpl, "QueryUrl_Impl(): no Implementation"); if (m_pImpl) { INetURLObject aHistUrl (rUrl); NormalizeUrl_Impl (aHistUrl); return m_pImpl->queryUrl (aHistUrl.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::NO_DECODE)); } return sal_False; }