/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_svtools.hxx" #include #ifndef _STRING_HXX #define _STRING_HXX #endif #include #include #include #include #include #define ROADMAP_INDENT_X 4 #define ROADMAP_INDENT_Y 27 #define ROADMAP_ITEM_DISTANCE_Y 6 #define RMINCOMPLETE -1 #define NADDITEM 1 #define INCOMPLETELABEL ::String::CreateFromAscii("...") // TODO: Cast to String //......................................................................... namespace svt { //......................................................................... typedef std::vector< ::rtl::OUString > S_Vector; typedef std::vector< RoadmapItem* > HL_Vector; //===================================================================== //= ColorChanger //===================================================================== class IDLabel : public FixedText { public: IDLabel( Window* _pParent, WinBits _nWinStyle = 0 ); ~IDLabel( ); virtual void DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ); }; //===================================================================== //= ColorChanger //===================================================================== class ColorChanger { protected: OutputDevice* m_pDev; public: ColorChanger( OutputDevice* _pDev, const Color& _rNewLineColor, const Color& _rNewFillColor ) :m_pDev( _pDev ) { m_pDev->Push( PUSH_LINECOLOR | PUSH_FILLCOLOR ); m_pDev->SetLineColor( _rNewLineColor ); m_pDev->SetFillColor( _rNewFillColor ); } ~ColorChanger() { m_pDev->Pop(); } }; //===================================================================== //= RoadmapItem //===================================================================== class RoadmapItem : public RoadmapTypes { private: IDLabel* mpID; HyperLabel* mpDescription; const Size m_aItemPlayground; public: RoadmapItem( ORoadmap& _rParent, const Size& _rItemPlayground ); ~RoadmapItem( ); void SetID( sal_Int16 _ID ); sal_Int16 GetID() const; void SetIndex( ItemIndex _Index ); ItemIndex GetIndex() const; void SetLabel( const ::rtl::OUString& _rText ); ::rtl::OUString GetLabel( ); void Update( ItemIndex _RMIndex, const ::rtl::OUString& _rText ); void SetPosition( RoadmapItem* OldHyperLabel ); void ToggleBackgroundColor( const Color& _rGBColor ); void SetInteractive( sal_Bool _bInteractive ); void SetClickHdl( const Link& rLink ); const Link& GetClickHdl() const; void SetZOrder( RoadmapItem* pRefRoadmapHyperLabel, sal_uInt16 nFlags ); void Enable( sal_Bool bEnable = sal_True); sal_Bool IsEnabled() const; void GrabFocus(); bool Contains( const Window* _pWindow ) const; HyperLabel* GetDescriptionHyperLabel() const { return mpDescription; } private: void ImplUpdateIndex( const ItemIndex _nIndex ); void ImplUpdatePosSize(); }; //===================================================================== //= RoadmapImpl //===================================================================== class RoadmapImpl : public RoadmapTypes { protected: const ORoadmap& m_rAntiImpl; Link m_aSelectHdl; BitmapEx m_aPicture; HL_Vector m_aRoadmapSteps; ItemId m_iCurItemID; sal_Bool m_bInteractive; sal_Bool m_bComplete; Size m_aItemSizePixel; public: RoadmapImpl( const ORoadmap& _rAntiImpl ) :m_rAntiImpl( _rAntiImpl ) ,m_iCurItemID( -1 ) ,m_bInteractive( sal_True ) ,m_bComplete( sal_True ) { } RoadmapItem* InCompleteHyperLabel; void addHyperLabel( RoadmapItem* _rRoadmapStep ) { m_aRoadmapSteps.push_back(_rRoadmapStep); } HL_Vector& getHyperLabels() { return m_aRoadmapSteps; } const HL_Vector& getHyperLabels() const { return m_aRoadmapSteps; } void insertHyperLabel( ItemIndex _Index, RoadmapItem* _rRoadmapStep ) { m_aRoadmapSteps.insert( m_aRoadmapSteps.begin() + _Index, _rRoadmapStep ); } ItemIndex getItemCount() const { return m_aRoadmapSteps.size();} void setCurItemID( ItemId i ) {m_iCurItemID = i; } ItemId getCurItemID() const { return m_iCurItemID; } void setInteractive(const sal_Bool _bInteractive) {m_bInteractive = _bInteractive; } sal_Bool isInteractive() const { return m_bInteractive; }; void setComplete(const sal_Bool _bComplete) {m_bComplete = _bComplete; } sal_Bool isComplete() const { return m_bComplete; }; void setPicture( const BitmapEx& _rPic ) { m_aPicture = _rPic; } const BitmapEx& getPicture( ) const { return m_aPicture; } void setSelectHdl( const Link& _rHdl ) { m_aSelectHdl = _rHdl; } const Link& getSelectHdl( ) const { return m_aSelectHdl; } void initItemSize(); const Size& getItemSize() const { return m_aItemSizePixel; } void removeHyperLabel( ItemIndex _Index ) { if ( ( _Index > -1 ) && ( _Index < getItemCount() ) ) { delete m_aRoadmapSteps[_Index]; m_aRoadmapSteps.erase( m_aRoadmapSteps.begin() + _Index); } } }; //===================================================================== //= Roadmap //===================================================================== //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void RoadmapImpl::initItemSize() { Size aLabelSize( m_rAntiImpl.GetOutputSizePixel() ); aLabelSize.Height() = m_rAntiImpl.LogicToPixel( Size( 0, LABELBASEMAPHEIGHT ), MAP_APPFONT ).Height(); aLabelSize.Width() -= m_rAntiImpl.LogicToPixel( Size( 2 * ROADMAP_INDENT_X, 0 ), MAP_APPFONT ).Width(); m_aItemSizePixel = aLabelSize; } //===================================================================== //= Roadmap //===================================================================== //--------------------------------------------------------------------- ORoadmap::ORoadmap( Window* _pParent, const ResId& _rId ) :Control( _pParent, _rId ) ,m_pImpl( new RoadmapImpl( *this ) ) { implInit(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- ORoadmap::ORoadmap( Window* _pParent, WinBits _nWinStyle ) :Control( _pParent, _nWinStyle ) ,m_pImpl( new RoadmapImpl( *this ) ) { implInit(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void ORoadmap::implInit() { const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); Color aTextColor = rStyleSettings.GetFieldTextColor(); Font aFont = GetFont( ); aFont.SetColor( aTextColor ); aFont.SetWeight( WEIGHT_BOLD ); aFont.SetUnderline( UNDERLINE_SINGLE ); SetFont( aFont ); SetBackground( Wallpaper( rStyleSettings.GetFieldColor() ) ); m_pImpl->InCompleteHyperLabel = NULL; m_pImpl->setCurItemID(-1 ); m_pImpl->setComplete( sal_True ); // Roadmap control should be reachable as one unit with a Tab key // the next Tab key should spring out of the control. // To reach it the control itself should get focus and set it // on entries. The entries themself should not be reachable with // the Tab key directly. So each entry should have WB_NOTABSTOP. // // In other words the creator should create the control with the following // flags: // SetStyle( ( GetStyle() | WB_TABSTOP ) & ~WB_DIALOGCONTROL ); // TODO: if somebody sets a new font from outside (OutputDevice::SetFont), we would have to react // on this with calculating a new bold font. // Unfortunately, the OutputDevice does not offer a notify mechanism for a changed font. // So settings the font from outside is simply a forbidded scenario at the moment EnableMapMode( sal_False ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- ORoadmap::~ORoadmap( ) { HL_Vector aItemsCopy = m_pImpl->getHyperLabels(); m_pImpl->getHyperLabels().clear(); for ( HL_Vector::iterator i = aItemsCopy.begin(); i< aItemsCopy.end(); ++i ) { delete *i; } if ( ! m_pImpl->isComplete() ) delete m_pImpl->InCompleteHyperLabel; delete m_pImpl; m_pImpl = NULL; } RoadmapTypes::ItemId ORoadmap::GetCurrentRoadmapItemID() const { return m_pImpl->getCurItemID(); } RoadmapItem* ORoadmap::GetPreviousHyperLabel( ItemIndex _Index) { RoadmapItem* pOldItem = NULL; if ( _Index > 0 ) pOldItem = m_pImpl->getHyperLabels().at( _Index - 1 ); return pOldItem; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- RoadmapItem* ORoadmap::InsertHyperLabel( ItemIndex _Index, const ::rtl::OUString& _sLabel, ItemId _RMID, sal_Bool _bEnabled) { if ( m_pImpl->getItemCount() == 0 ) m_pImpl->initItemSize(); RoadmapItem* pItem = NULL; RoadmapItem* pOldItem = GetPreviousHyperLabel( _Index ); pItem = new RoadmapItem( *this, m_pImpl->getItemSize() ); if ( _RMID != RMINCOMPLETE ) { pItem->SetInteractive( m_pImpl->isInteractive() ); m_pImpl->insertHyperLabel( _Index, pItem ); } else { pItem->SetInteractive( sal_False ); } pItem->SetPosition( pOldItem ); pItem->Update( _Index, _sLabel ); pItem->SetClickHdl(LINK( this, ORoadmap, ImplClickHdl ) ); pItem->SetID( _RMID ); pItem->SetIndex( _Index ); if (!_bEnabled) pItem->Enable( _bEnabled ); return pItem; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void ORoadmap::SetRoadmapBitmap( const BitmapEx& _rBmp, sal_Bool _bInvalidate ) { m_pImpl->setPicture( _rBmp ); if ( _bInvalidate ) Invalidate( ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- const BitmapEx& ORoadmap::GetRoadmapBitmap( ) const { return m_pImpl->getPicture( ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void ORoadmap::SetRoadmapInteractive( sal_Bool _bInteractive ) { m_pImpl->setInteractive( _bInteractive ); const HL_Vector& rItems = m_pImpl->getHyperLabels(); for ( HL_Vector::const_iterator i = rItems.begin(); i < rItems.end(); ++i ) { (*i)->SetInteractive( _bInteractive ); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool ORoadmap::IsRoadmapInteractive() { return m_pImpl->isInteractive(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void ORoadmap::SetRoadmapComplete( sal_Bool _bComplete ) { sal_Bool bWasComplete = m_pImpl->isComplete(); m_pImpl->setComplete( _bComplete ); if ( _bComplete ) { if ( m_pImpl->InCompleteHyperLabel != NULL) { delete m_pImpl->InCompleteHyperLabel; m_pImpl->InCompleteHyperLabel = NULL; } } else if ( bWasComplete ) m_pImpl->InCompleteHyperLabel = InsertHyperLabel( m_pImpl->getItemCount(), ::String::CreateFromAscii( "..." ), RMINCOMPLETE ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void ORoadmap::UpdatefollowingHyperLabels( ItemIndex _nIndex ) { const HL_Vector& rItems = m_pImpl->getHyperLabels(); if ( _nIndex < (ItemIndex)rItems.size() ) { RoadmapItem* pItem = NULL; for ( HL_Vector::const_iterator i = rItems.begin() + _nIndex; i< rItems.end(); ++i, ++_nIndex ) { pItem = *i; pItem->SetIndex( _nIndex ); pItem->SetPosition( GetPreviousHyperLabel( _nIndex ) ); } } if ( ! m_pImpl->isComplete() ) { RoadmapItem* pOldItem = GetPreviousHyperLabel( m_pImpl->getItemCount() ); m_pImpl->InCompleteHyperLabel->SetPosition( pOldItem ); m_pImpl->InCompleteHyperLabel->Update( m_pImpl->getItemCount(), ::String::CreateFromAscii("...") ); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void ORoadmap::ReplaceRoadmapItem( ItemIndex _Index, const ::rtl::OUString& _RoadmapItem, ItemId _RMID, sal_Bool _bEnabled ) { RoadmapItem* pItem = GetByIndex( _Index); if ( pItem != NULL ) { pItem->Update( _Index, _RoadmapItem ); pItem->SetID( _RMID ); pItem->Enable( _bEnabled ); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- RoadmapTypes::ItemIndex ORoadmap::GetItemCount() const { return m_pImpl->getItemCount(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- RoadmapTypes::ItemId ORoadmap::GetItemID( ItemIndex _nIndex ) const { const RoadmapItem* pHyperLabel = GetByIndex( _nIndex ); if ( pHyperLabel ) return pHyperLabel->GetID(); return -1; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- RoadmapTypes::ItemIndex ORoadmap::GetItemIndex( ItemId _nID ) const { ItemId nLocID = 0; const HL_Vector& rItems = m_pImpl->getHyperLabels(); for ( HL_Vector::const_iterator i = rItems.begin(); i < rItems.end(); ++i ) { nLocID = (*i)->GetID(); if ( nLocID == _nID ) return ItemIndex( i - rItems.begin() ); } return -1; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void ORoadmap::InsertRoadmapItem( ItemIndex _Index, const ::rtl::OUString& _RoadmapItem, ItemId _nUniqueId, sal_Bool _bEnabled ) { InsertHyperLabel( _Index, _RoadmapItem, _nUniqueId, _bEnabled ); // Todo: YPos is superfluous, if items are always appended UpdatefollowingHyperLabels( _Index + 1 ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void ORoadmap::DeleteRoadmapItem( ItemIndex _Index ) { if ( m_pImpl->getItemCount() > 0 && ( _Index > -1) && ( _Index < m_pImpl->getItemCount() ) ) { m_pImpl->removeHyperLabel( _Index ); UpdatefollowingHyperLabels( _Index ); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool ORoadmap::IsRoadmapComplete( ) const { return m_pImpl->isComplete(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool ORoadmap::IsRoadmapItemEnabled( ItemId _nItemId, ItemIndex _nStartIndex ) const { const RoadmapItem* _pLabelItem = GetByID( _nItemId, _nStartIndex ); return _pLabelItem ? _pLabelItem->IsEnabled() : sal_False; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void ORoadmap::EnableRoadmapItem( ItemId _nItemId, sal_Bool _bEnable, ItemIndex _nStartIndex ) { RoadmapItem* pItem = GetByID( _nItemId, _nStartIndex ); if ( pItem != NULL ) pItem->Enable( _bEnable ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void ORoadmap::ChangeRoadmapItemLabel( ItemId _nID, const ::rtl::OUString& _sLabel, ItemIndex _nStartIndex ) { RoadmapItem* pItem = GetByID( _nID, _nStartIndex ); if ( pItem != NULL ) { pItem->Update( pItem->GetIndex(), _sLabel ); const HL_Vector& rItems = m_pImpl->getHyperLabels(); for ( HL_Vector::const_iterator i = rItems.begin() + _nStartIndex; i < rItems.end(); ++i ) { (*i)->SetPosition( GetPreviousHyperLabel( i - rItems.begin() ) ); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- ::rtl::OUString ORoadmap::GetRoadmapItemLabel( ItemId _nID, ItemIndex _nStartIndex ) { RoadmapItem* pItem = GetByID( _nID, _nStartIndex ); if ( pItem != NULL ) return pItem->GetLabel(); else return ::rtl::OUString(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void ORoadmap::ChangeRoadmapItemID( ItemId _nID, ItemId _NewID, ItemIndex _nStartIndex ) { RoadmapItem* pItem = GetByID( _nID, _nStartIndex ); if ( pItem != NULL ) pItem->SetID( _NewID ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- RoadmapItem* ORoadmap::GetByID( ItemId _nID, ItemIndex _nStartIndex) { ItemId nLocID = 0; const HL_Vector& rItems = m_pImpl->getHyperLabels(); for ( HL_Vector::const_iterator i = rItems.begin() + _nStartIndex; i < rItems.end(); ++i ) { nLocID = (*i)->GetID(); if ( nLocID == _nID ) return *i; } return NULL; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- const RoadmapItem* ORoadmap::GetByID( ItemId _nID, ItemIndex _nStartIndex ) const { return const_cast< ORoadmap* >( this )->GetByID( _nID, _nStartIndex ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- RoadmapItem* ORoadmap::GetByIndex( ItemIndex _nItemIndex) { const HL_Vector& rItems = m_pImpl->getHyperLabels(); if ( ( _nItemIndex > -1 ) && ( _nItemIndex < (ItemIndex)rItems.size() ) ) { return rItems.at( _nItemIndex ); } return NULL; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- const RoadmapItem* ORoadmap::GetByIndex( ItemIndex _nItemIndex ) const { return const_cast< ORoadmap* >( this )->GetByIndex( _nItemIndex ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- RoadmapTypes::ItemId ORoadmap::GetNextAvailableItemId( ItemIndex _nNewIndex ) { RoadmapItem* pItem = NULL; ItemIndex searchIndex = ++_nNewIndex; while ( searchIndex < m_pImpl->getItemCount() ) { pItem = GetByIndex( searchIndex ); if ( pItem->IsEnabled() ) return pItem->GetID( ); ++searchIndex; } return -1; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- RoadmapTypes::ItemId ORoadmap::GetPreviousAvailableItemId( ItemIndex _nNewIndex ) { RoadmapItem* pItem = NULL; ItemIndex searchIndex = --_nNewIndex; while ( searchIndex > -1 ) { pItem = GetByIndex( searchIndex ); if ( pItem->IsEnabled() ) return pItem->GetID( ); searchIndex--; } return -1; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void ORoadmap::DeselectOldRoadmapItems() { const HL_Vector& rItems = m_pImpl->getHyperLabels(); for ( HL_Vector::const_iterator i = rItems.begin(); i < rItems.end(); ++i ) { (*i)->ToggleBackgroundColor( COL_TRANSPARENT ); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void ORoadmap::SetItemSelectHdl( const Link& _rHdl ) { m_pImpl->setSelectHdl( _rHdl ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Link ORoadmap::GetItemSelectHdl( ) const { return m_pImpl->getSelectHdl(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void ORoadmap::Select() { GetItemSelectHdl().Call( this ); CallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_ROADMAP_ITEMSELECTED ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void ORoadmap::GetFocus() { RoadmapItem* pCurHyperLabel = GetByID( GetCurrentRoadmapItemID() ); if ( pCurHyperLabel != NULL ) pCurHyperLabel->GrabFocus(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool ORoadmap::SelectRoadmapItemByID( ItemId _nNewID ) { DeselectOldRoadmapItems(); RoadmapItem* pItem = GetByID( _nNewID ); if ( pItem != NULL ) { if ( pItem->IsEnabled() ) { const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); pItem->ToggleBackgroundColor( rStyleSettings.GetHighlightColor() ); //HighlightColor pItem->GrabFocus(); m_pImpl->setCurItemID(_nNewID); Select(); return sal_True; } } return sal_False; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void ORoadmap::Paint( const Rectangle& _rRect ) { Control::Paint( _rRect ); // draw the bitmap if ( !!m_pImpl->getPicture() ) { Size aBitmapSize = m_pImpl->getPicture().GetSizePixel(); Size aMySize = GetOutputSizePixel(); Point aBitmapPos( aMySize.Width() - aBitmapSize.Width(), aMySize.Height() - aBitmapSize.Height() ); // draw it DrawBitmapEx( aBitmapPos, m_pImpl->getPicture() ); } //................................................................. // draw the headline DrawHeadline(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void ORoadmap::DrawHeadline() { Point aTextPos = LogicToPixel( Point( ROADMAP_INDENT_X, 8 ), MAP_APPFONT ); Size aOutputSize( GetOutputSizePixel() ); // draw it DrawText( Rectangle( aTextPos, aOutputSize ), GetText(), TEXT_DRAW_LEFT | TEXT_DRAW_TOP | TEXT_DRAW_MULTILINE | TEXT_DRAW_WORDBREAK ); DrawTextLine( aTextPos, aOutputSize.Width(), STRIKEOUT_NONE, UNDERLINE_SINGLE, UNDERLINE_NONE, sal_False ); const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); SetLineColor( rStyleSettings.GetFieldTextColor()); SetTextColor(rStyleSettings.GetFieldTextColor()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- RoadmapItem* ORoadmap::GetByPointer(Window* pWindow) { const HL_Vector& rItems = m_pImpl->getHyperLabels(); for ( HL_Vector::const_iterator i = rItems.begin(); i < rItems.end(); ++i ) { if ( (*i)->Contains( pWindow ) ) return *i; } return NULL; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- long ORoadmap::PreNotify( NotifyEvent& _rNEvt ) { // capture KeyEvents for taskpane cycling if ( _rNEvt.GetType() == EVENT_KEYINPUT ) { Window* pWindow = _rNEvt.GetWindow(); RoadmapItem* pItem = GetByPointer( pWindow ); if ( pItem != NULL ) { sal_Int16 nKeyCode = _rNEvt.GetKeyEvent()->GetKeyCode().GetCode(); switch( nKeyCode ) { case KEY_UP: { // Note: Performancewise this is not optimal, because we search for an ID in the labels // and afterwards we search again for a label with the appropriate ID -> // unnecessarily we search twice!!! ItemId nPrevItemID = GetPreviousAvailableItemId( pItem->GetIndex() ); if ( nPrevItemID != -1 ) return SelectRoadmapItemByID( nPrevItemID ); } break; case KEY_DOWN: { ItemId nNextItemID = GetNextAvailableItemId( pItem->GetIndex() ); if ( nNextItemID != -1 ) return SelectRoadmapItemByID( nNextItemID ); } break; case KEY_SPACE: return SelectRoadmapItemByID( pItem->GetID() ); } } } return Window::PreNotify( _rNEvt ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK(ORoadmap, ImplClickHdl, HyperLabel*, _CurHyperLabel) { return SelectRoadmapItemByID( _CurHyperLabel->GetID() ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void ORoadmap::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { if ((( rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_SETTINGS ) || ( rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_DISPLAY )) && ( rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE )) { const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); SetBackground( Wallpaper( rStyleSettings.GetFieldColor() ) ); Color aTextColor = rStyleSettings.GetFieldTextColor(); Font aFont = GetFont(); aFont.SetColor( aTextColor ); SetFont( aFont ); RoadmapTypes::ItemId curItemID = GetCurrentRoadmapItemID(); RoadmapItem* pLabelItem = GetByID( curItemID ); pLabelItem->ToggleBackgroundColor(rStyleSettings.GetHighlightColor()); Invalidate(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- RoadmapItem::RoadmapItem( ORoadmap& _rParent, const Size& _rItemPlayground ) :m_aItemPlayground( _rItemPlayground ) { mpID = new IDLabel( &_rParent, WB_WORDBREAK ); mpID->SetTextColor( mpID->GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetFieldTextColor( ) ); mpID->Show(); mpDescription = new HyperLabel( &_rParent, WB_NOTABSTOP | WB_WORDBREAK ); mpDescription->Show(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- bool RoadmapItem::Contains( const Window* _pWindow ) const { return ( mpID == _pWindow ) || ( mpDescription == _pWindow ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void RoadmapItem::GrabFocus() { if ( mpDescription ) mpDescription->GrabFocus(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void RoadmapItem::SetInteractive( sal_Bool _bInteractive ) { if ( mpDescription ) mpDescription->SetInteractive(_bInteractive); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void RoadmapItem::SetID( sal_Int16 _ID ) { if ( mpDescription ) mpDescription->SetID(_ID); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Int16 RoadmapItem::GetID() const { return mpDescription ? mpDescription->GetID() : sal_Int16(-1); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void RoadmapItem::ImplUpdateIndex( const ItemIndex _nIndex ) { if ( mpDescription ) mpDescription->SetIndex( _nIndex ); if ( mpID ) { ::rtl::OUString aIDText = ::rtl::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32)( _nIndex + 1 ) ) + ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "." ); mpID->SetText( aIDText ); } // update the geometry of both controls ImplUpdatePosSize(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void RoadmapItem::SetIndex( ItemIndex _Index ) { ImplUpdateIndex( _Index ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- RoadmapTypes::ItemIndex RoadmapItem::GetIndex() const { return mpDescription ? mpDescription->GetIndex() : ItemIndex(-1); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void RoadmapItem::SetLabel( const ::rtl::OUString& _rText ) { if ( mpDescription ) mpDescription->SetText(_rText); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- ::rtl::OUString RoadmapItem::GetLabel( ) { return mpDescription ? mpDescription->GetText() : String(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void RoadmapItem::SetPosition( RoadmapItem* _pOldItem ) { Point aIDPos; if ( _pOldItem == NULL ) { aIDPos = mpID->LogicToPixel( Point( ROADMAP_INDENT_X, ROADMAP_INDENT_Y ), MAP_APPFONT ); } else { Size aOldSize = _pOldItem->GetDescriptionHyperLabel()->GetSizePixel(); aIDPos = _pOldItem->mpID->GetPosPixel(); aIDPos.Y() += aOldSize.Height(); aIDPos.Y() += mpID->GetParent()->LogicToPixel( Size( 0, ROADMAP_ITEM_DISTANCE_Y ) ).Height(); } mpID->SetPosPixel( aIDPos ); sal_Int32 nDescPos = aIDPos.X() + mpID->GetSizePixel().Width(); mpDescription->SetPosPixel( Point( nDescPos, aIDPos.Y() ) ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void RoadmapItem::SetZOrder( RoadmapItem* pRefRoadmapHyperLabel, sal_uInt16 nFlags ) { if (pRefRoadmapHyperLabel == NULL) mpDescription->SetZOrder( NULL, nFlags); //WINDOW_ZORDER_FIRST ); else mpDescription->SetZOrder( pRefRoadmapHyperLabel->mpDescription, nFlags); //, WINDOW_ZORDER_BEHIND ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void RoadmapItem::Enable( sal_Bool _bEnable) { mpID->Enable(_bEnable); mpDescription->Enable(_bEnable); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool RoadmapItem::IsEnabled() const { return mpID->IsEnabled(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void RoadmapItem::ToggleBackgroundColor( const Color& _rGBColor ) { if (_rGBColor == COL_TRANSPARENT) { mpID->SetTextColor( mpID->GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetFieldTextColor( ) ); mpID->SetControlBackground( COL_TRANSPARENT ); } else { mpID->SetControlBackground( mpID->GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetHighlightColor() ); mpID->SetTextColor( mpID->GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetHighlightTextColor( ) ); } mpDescription->ToggleBackgroundColor(_rGBColor); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void RoadmapItem::ImplUpdatePosSize() { // calculate widths long nIDWidth = mpID->GetTextWidth( mpID->GetText() ); long nMaxIDWidth = mpID->GetTextWidth( ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "100." ) ); nIDWidth = ::std::min( nIDWidth, nMaxIDWidth ); // check how many space the description would need Size aDescriptionSize = mpDescription->CalcMinimumSize( m_aItemPlayground.Width() - nIDWidth ); // position and size both controls Size aIDSize( nIDWidth, aDescriptionSize.Height() ); mpID->SetSizePixel( aIDSize ); Point aIDPos = mpID->GetPosPixel(); mpDescription->SetPosPixel( Point( aIDPos.X() + nIDWidth, aIDPos.Y() ) ); mpDescription->SetSizePixel( aDescriptionSize ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void RoadmapItem::Update( ItemIndex _RMIndex, const ::rtl::OUString& _rText ) { // update description label mpDescription->SetLabel( _rText ); // update the index in both controls, which triggers updating the geometry of both ImplUpdateIndex( _RMIndex ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- RoadmapItem::~RoadmapItem( ) { { ::std::auto_ptr aTemp(mpID); mpID = NULL; } { ::std::auto_ptr aTemp(mpDescription); mpDescription = NULL; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void RoadmapItem::SetClickHdl( const Link& rLink ) { if ( mpDescription ) mpDescription->SetClickHdl( rLink); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- const Link& RoadmapItem::GetClickHdl( ) const { return mpDescription->GetClickHdl(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- IDLabel::IDLabel( Window* _pParent, WinBits _nWinStyle ) :FixedText( _pParent, _nWinStyle ) { } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- IDLabel::~IDLabel( ) { } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void IDLabel::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); FixedText::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); if ((( rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_SETTINGS ) || ( rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_DISPLAY )) && ( rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE )) { const Color& rGBColor = GetControlBackground(); if (rGBColor == COL_TRANSPARENT) SetTextColor( rStyleSettings.GetFieldTextColor( ) ); else { SetControlBackground(rStyleSettings.GetHighlightColor()); SetTextColor( rStyleSettings.GetHighlightTextColor( ) ); } Invalidate(); } } //......................................................................... } // namespace svt //.........................................................................