/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_svx.hxx" #include // HACK: prevent conflict between STLPORT and Workshop headern #include #include #include #include #include // #include #include "editeng/flstitem.hxx" #include "editeng/fontitem.hxx" // STATIC DATA ----------------------------------------------------------- SFX_IMPL_MENU_CONTROL(SvxFontMenuControl, SvxFontItem); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- /* [Beschreibung] Ctor; setzt den Select-Handler am Men"u und tr"agt das Men"u in seinen Parent ein. */ SvxFontMenuControl::SvxFontMenuControl ( sal_uInt16 _nId, Menu& rMenu, SfxBindings& rBindings ) : pMenu ( new FontNameMenu ), rParent ( rMenu ) { rMenu.SetPopupMenu( _nId, pMenu ); pMenu->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, SvxFontMenuControl, MenuSelect ) ); StartListening( rBindings ); FillMenu(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- /* [Beschreibung] F"ullt das Men"u mit den aktuellen Fonts aus der Fontlist der DocumentShell. */ void SvxFontMenuControl::FillMenu() { SfxObjectShell *pDoc = SfxObjectShell::Current(); if ( pDoc ) { const SvxFontListItem* pFonts = (const SvxFontListItem*)pDoc->GetItem( SID_ATTR_CHAR_FONTLIST ); const FontList* pList = pFonts ? pFonts->GetFontList(): 0; DBG_ASSERT( pList, "Kein Fonts gefunden" ); pMenu->Fill( pList ); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- /* [Beschreibung] Statusbenachrichtigung; f"ullt ggf. das Men"u mit den aktuellen Fonts aus der Fontlist der DocumentShell. Ist die Funktionalit"at disabled, wird der entsprechende Men"ueintrag im Parentmen"u disabled, andernfalls wird er enabled. Der aktuelle Font wird mit einer Checkmark versehen. */ void SvxFontMenuControl::StateChanged( sal_uInt16, SfxItemState eState, const SfxPoolItem* pState ) { rParent.EnableItem( GetId(), SFX_ITEM_DISABLED != eState ); if ( SFX_ITEM_AVAILABLE == eState ) { if ( !pMenu->GetItemCount() ) FillMenu(); const SvxFontItem* pFontItem = PTR_CAST( SvxFontItem, pState ); String aFont; if ( pFontItem ) aFont = pFontItem->GetFamilyName(); pMenu->SetCurName( aFont ); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- /* [Beschreibung] Statusbenachrichtigung "uber Bindings; bei DOCCHANGED wird das Men"u mit den aktuellen Fonts aus der Fontlist der DocumentShell gef"ullt. */ void SvxFontMenuControl::Notify( SfxBroadcaster&, const SfxHint& rHint ) { if ( rHint.Type() != TYPE(SfxSimpleHint) && ( (SfxSimpleHint&)rHint ).GetId() == SFX_HINT_DOCCHANGED ) FillMenu(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- /* [Beschreibung] Select-Handler des Men"us; der Name des selektierten Fonts wird in einem SvxFontItem verschickt. Das F"ullen mit den weiteren Fontinformationen mu\s durch die Applikation geschehen. */ IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SvxFontMenuControl, MenuSelect, FontNameMenu *, pMen ) { SvxFontItem aItem( GetId() ); aItem.SetFamilyName(pMen->GetCurName()); GetBindings().GetDispatcher()->Execute( GetId(), SFX_CALLMODE_RECORD, &aItem, 0L ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SvxFontMenuControl, MenuSelect, FontNameMenu *, pMen ) //-------------------------------------------------------------------- /* [Beschreibung] Dtor; gibt das Men"u frei. */ SvxFontMenuControl::~SvxFontMenuControl() { delete pMenu; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- /* [Beschreibung] Gibt das Men"u zur"uck */ PopupMenu* SvxFontMenuControl::GetPopup() const { return pMenu; }