/************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sw.hxx" #include #include "hintids.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // fuer InitFldTypes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fesh.hxx" #include "rootfrm.hxx" #include "pagefrm.hxx" #include "sectfrm.hxx" #include "doc.hxx" #include #include "dview.hxx" #include "dflyobj.hxx" #include "dcontact.hxx" #include "viewimp.hxx" #include "flyfrm.hxx" #include "pam.hxx" #include "ndole.hxx" #include "ndgrf.hxx" #include "ndtxt.hxx" #include "viewopt.hxx" // fuer GetHTMLMode #include "swundo.hxx" #include "notxtfrm.hxx" #include "txtfrm.hxx" #include "txatbase.hxx" #include "mdiexp.hxx" // fuer Update der Statuszeile bei drag #include #include #include #include #define SCROLLVAL 75 using namespace com::sun::star; //Tattergrenze fuer Drawing-SS #define MINMOVE ((sal_uInt16)GetOut()->PixelToLogic(Size(Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkHdlSizePixel()/2,0)).Width()) SwFlyFrm *GetFlyFromMarked( const SdrMarkList *pLst, ViewShell *pSh ) { if ( !pLst ) pLst = pSh->HasDrawView() ? &pSh->Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkedObjectList():0; if ( pLst && pLst->GetMarkCount() == 1 ) { SdrObject *pO = pLst->GetMark( 0 )->GetMarkedSdrObj(); if ( pO && pO->ISA(SwVirtFlyDrawObj) ) return ((SwVirtFlyDrawObj*)pO)->GetFlyFrm(); } return 0; } void lcl_GrabCursor( SwFEShell* pSh, SwFlyFrm* pOldSelFly) { const SwFrmFmt *pFlyFmt = pSh->SelFlyGrabCrsr(); if( pFlyFmt && !pSh->ActionPend() && (!pOldSelFly || pOldSelFly->GetFmt() != pFlyFmt) ) { // dann das evt. gesetzte Macro rufen pSh->GetFlyMacroLnk().Call( (void*)pFlyFmt ); extern sal_Bool bNoInterrupt; // in swapp.cxx // wir in dem Makro ein Dialog gestartet, dann kommt das // MouseButtonUp zu diesem und nicht zu uns. Dadurch ist // Flag bei uns immer gesetzt und schaltet nie die auf die // entsp. Shell um !!!!!!! bNoInterrupt = sal_False; } else if( !pFlyFmt || RES_DRAWFRMFMT == pFlyFmt->Which() ) { // --> OD 2007-07-25 #136039# // assure consistent cursor pSh->KillPams(); pSh->ClearMark(); // <-- pSh->SetCrsr( pSh->Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetAllMarkedRect().TopLeft(), sal_True); } } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::SelectObj() *************************************************************************/ sal_Bool SwFEShell::SelectObj( const Point& rPt, sal_uInt8 nFlag, SdrObject *pObj ) { SwDrawView *pDView = Imp()->GetDrawView(); if(!pDView) return sal_False; SET_CURR_SHELL( this ); StartAction(); //Aktion ist Notwendig, damit nicht mehrere //AttrChgdNotify (etwa durch Unmark->MarkListHasChgd) //durchkommen const SdrMarkList &rMrkList = pDView->GetMarkedObjectList(); const sal_Bool bHadSelection = rMrkList.GetMarkCount() ? sal_True : sal_False; const sal_Bool bAddSelect = 0 != (SW_ADD_SELECT & nFlag); const sal_Bool bEnterGroup = 0 != (SW_ENTER_GROUP & nFlag); SwFlyFrm* pOldSelFly = 0; const Point aOldPos( pDView->GetAllMarkedRect().TopLeft() ); if( bHadSelection ) { //Unmark rufen wenn !bAddSelect oder wenn ein Fly selektiert ist. sal_Bool bUnmark = !bAddSelect; if ( rMrkList.GetMarkCount() == 1 ) { //Wenn ein Fly selektiert ist, so muss er erst deselektiert werden. pOldSelFly = ::GetFlyFromMarked( &rMrkList, this ); if ( pOldSelFly ) { const sal_uInt16 nType = GetCntType(); if( nType != CNT_TXT || (SW_LEAVE_FRAME & nFlag) || ( pOldSelFly->GetFmt()->GetProtect().IsCntntProtected() && !IsReadOnlyAvailable() )) { //Wenn ein Fly deselektiert wird, der Grafik, Ole o.ae. //enthaelt, so muss der Crsr aus diesem entfernt werden. //Desgleichen wenn ein Fly mit geschuetztem Inhalt deselektiert //wird. Der Einfachheit halber wire der Crsr 'grad so neben die //linke obere Ecke gesetzt. Point aPt( pOldSelFly->Frm().Pos() ); aPt.X() -= 1; sal_Bool bUnLockView = !IsViewLocked(); LockView( sal_True ); SetCrsr( aPt, sal_True ); if( bUnLockView ) LockView( sal_False ); } if ( nType & CNT_GRF && ((SwNoTxtFrm*)pOldSelFly->Lower())->HasAnimation() ) { GetWin()->Invalidate( pOldSelFly->Frm().SVRect() ); } bUnmark = sal_True; } } if ( bUnmark ) pDView->UnmarkAll(); } else { KillPams(); ClearMark(); } if ( pObj ) { ASSERT( !bEnterGroup, "SW_ENTER_GROUP is not supported" ); pDView->MarkObj( pObj, Imp()->GetPageView() ); } else { pDView->MarkObj( rPt, MINMOVE, bAddSelect, bEnterGroup ); } const sal_Bool bRet = 0 != rMrkList.GetMarkCount(); if ( rMrkList.GetMarkCount() > 1 ) { //Ganz dumm ist es, wenn Zeichenobjekte Selektiert waren und //nun ein Fly hinzuselektiert wird. for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < rMrkList.GetMarkCount(); ++i ) { SdrObject *pTmpObj = rMrkList.GetMark( i )->GetMarkedSdrObj(); sal_Bool bForget = pTmpObj->ISA(SwVirtFlyDrawObj); if( bForget ) { pDView->UnmarkAll(); pDView->MarkObj( pTmpObj, Imp()->GetPageView(), bAddSelect, bEnterGroup ); break; } } } if ( bRet ) { ::lcl_GrabCursor(this, pOldSelFly); if ( GetCntType() & CNT_GRF ) { const SwFlyFrm *pTmp = GetFlyFromMarked( &rMrkList, this ); ASSERT( pTmp, "Graphic without Fly" ); if ( ((SwNoTxtFrm*)pTmp->Lower())->HasAnimation() ) ((SwNoTxtFrm*)pTmp->Lower())->StopAnimation( GetOut() ); } } else if ( !pOldSelFly && bHadSelection ) SetCrsr( aOldPos, sal_True); if( bRet || !bHadSelection ) CallChgLnk(); // update der Statuszeile ::FrameNotify( this, bRet ? FLY_DRAG_START : FLY_DRAG_END ); EndAction(); return bRet; } /************************************************************************* |* |* sal_Bool SwFEShell::MoveAnchor( sal_uInt16 nDir ) |* |* Description: MoveAnchor( nDir ) looked for an another Anchor for |* the selected drawing object (or fly frame) in the given direction. |* An object "as character" doesn't moves anyway. |* A page bounded object could move to the previous/next page with up/down, |* an object bounded "at paragraph" moves to the previous/next paragraph, too. |* An object bounded "at character" moves to the previous/next paragraph |* with up/down and to the previous/next character with left/right. |* If the anchor for at paragraph/character bounded objects has vertical or |* right_to_left text direction, the directions for up/down/left/right will |* interpreted accordingly. |* An object bounded "at fly" takes the center of the actual anchor and looks |* for the nearest fly frame in the given direction. |* *************************************************************************/ #define LESS_X( aPt1, aPt2, bOld ) ( aPt1.X() < aPt2.X() || \ ( aPt1.X() == aPt2.X() && ( aPt1.Y() < aPt2.Y() || \ ( aPt1.Y() == aPt2.Y() && bOld ) ) ) ) #define LESS_Y( aPt1, aPt2, bOld ) ( aPt1.Y() < aPt2.Y() || \ ( aPt1.Y() == aPt2.Y() && ( aPt1.X() < aPt2.X() || \ ( aPt1.X() == aPt2.X() && bOld ) ) ) ) sal_Bool SwFEShell::MoveAnchor( sal_uInt16 nDir ) { const SdrMarkList* pMrkList; if( !Imp()->GetDrawView() || 0 == (pMrkList = &Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkedObjectList()) || 1 != pMrkList->GetMarkCount()) return sal_False; SwFrm* pOld; SwFlyFrm* pFly = NULL; SdrObject *pObj = pMrkList->GetMark( 0 )->GetMarkedSdrObj(); if( pObj->ISA(SwVirtFlyDrawObj) ) { pFly = ((SwVirtFlyDrawObj*)pObj)->GetFlyFrm(); pOld = pFly->AnchorFrm(); } else pOld = ((SwDrawContact*)GetUserCall(pObj))->GetAnchorFrm( pObj ); sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; if( pOld ) { SwFrm* pNew = pOld; // --> OD 2004-07-16 #i28701# SwAnchoredObject* pAnchoredObj = ::GetUserCall( pObj )->GetAnchoredObj( pObj ); SwFrmFmt& rFmt = pAnchoredObj->GetFrmFmt(); SwFmtAnchor aAnch( rFmt.GetAnchor() ); RndStdIds nAnchorId = aAnch.GetAnchorId(); if ( FLY_AS_CHAR == nAnchorId ) return sal_False; if( pOld->IsVertical() ) { if( pOld->IsTxtFrm() ) { switch( nDir ) { case SW_MOVE_UP: nDir = SW_MOVE_LEFT; break; case SW_MOVE_DOWN: nDir = SW_MOVE_RIGHT; break; case SW_MOVE_LEFT: nDir = SW_MOVE_DOWN; break; case SW_MOVE_RIGHT: nDir = SW_MOVE_UP; break; } if( pOld->IsRightToLeft() ) { if( nDir == SW_MOVE_LEFT ) nDir = SW_MOVE_RIGHT; else if( nDir == SW_MOVE_RIGHT ) nDir = SW_MOVE_LEFT; } } } switch ( nAnchorId ) { case FLY_AT_PAGE: { ASSERT( pOld->IsPageFrm(), "Wrong anchor, page exspected." ); if( SW_MOVE_UP == nDir ) pNew = pOld->GetPrev(); else if( SW_MOVE_DOWN == nDir ) pNew = pOld->GetNext(); if( pNew && pNew != pOld ) { aAnch.SetPageNum( ((SwPageFrm*)pNew)->GetPhyPageNum() ); bRet = sal_True; } break; } case FLY_AT_CHAR: { ASSERT( pOld->IsCntntFrm(), "Wrong anchor, page exspected." ); if( SW_MOVE_LEFT == nDir || SW_MOVE_RIGHT == nDir ) { SwPosition *pPos = (SwPosition*)aAnch.GetCntntAnchor(); SwTxtNode* pTxtNd = ((SwTxtFrm*)pOld)->GetTxtNode(); xub_StrLen nAct = pPos->nContent.GetIndex(); if( SW_MOVE_LEFT == nDir ) { bRet = sal_True; if( nAct ) { --nAct; pPos->nContent.Assign( pTxtNd, nAct ); } else nDir = SW_MOVE_UP; } else { xub_StrLen nMax = ((SwTxtFrm*)pOld)->GetTxtNode()->GetTxt().Len(); if( nAct < nMax ) { ++nAct; bRet = sal_True; pPos->nContent.Assign( pTxtNd, nAct ); } else nDir = SW_MOVE_DOWN; } } } // no break! case FLY_AT_PARA: { ASSERT( pOld->IsCntntFrm(), "Wrong anchor, page exspected." ); if( SW_MOVE_UP == nDir ) pNew = pOld->FindPrev(); else if( SW_MOVE_DOWN == nDir ) pNew = pOld->FindNext(); if( pNew && pNew != pOld && pNew->IsCntntFrm() ) { SwPosition *pPos = (SwPosition*)aAnch.GetCntntAnchor(); SwTxtNode* pTxtNd = ((SwTxtFrm*)pNew)->GetTxtNode(); pPos->nNode = *pTxtNd; xub_StrLen nTmp = 0; if( bRet ) { nTmp = ((SwTxtFrm*)pNew)->GetTxtNode()->GetTxt().Len(); if( nTmp ) --nTmp; } pPos->nContent.Assign( pTxtNd, nTmp ); bRet = sal_True; } else if( SW_MOVE_UP == nDir || SW_MOVE_DOWN == nDir ) bRet = sal_False; break; } case FLY_AT_FLY: { ASSERT( pOld->IsFlyFrm(), "Wrong anchor, fly frame exspected."); SwPageFrm* pPage = pOld->FindPageFrm(); ASSERT( pPage, "Where's my page?" ); SwFlyFrm* pNewFly = NULL; if( pPage->GetSortedObjs() ) { int i; sal_Bool bOld = sal_False; Point aCenter( pOld->Frm().Left() + pOld->Frm().Width()/2, pOld->Frm().Top() + pOld->Frm().Height()/2 ); Point aBest; for( i = 0; (sal_uInt16)iGetSortedObjs()->Count(); ++i ) { SwAnchoredObject* pAnchObj = (*pPage->GetSortedObjs())[i]; if( pAnchObj->ISA(SwFlyFrm) ) { SwFlyFrm* pTmp = static_cast(pAnchObj); if( pTmp == pOld ) bOld = sal_True; else { const SwFlyFrm* pCheck = pFly ? pTmp : 0; while( pCheck ) { if( pCheck == pFly ) break; const SwFrm *pNxt = pCheck->GetAnchorFrm(); pCheck = pNxt ? pNxt->FindFlyFrm() : NULL; } if( pCheck || pTmp->IsProtected() ) continue; Point aNew( pTmp->Frm().Left() + pTmp->Frm().Width()/2, pTmp->Frm().Top() + pTmp->Frm().Height()/2 ); sal_Bool bAccept = sal_False; switch( nDir ) { case SW_MOVE_RIGHT: { bAccept = LESS_X( aCenter, aNew, bOld ) && ( !pNewFly || LESS_X( aNew, aBest, sal_False ) ); break; } case SW_MOVE_LEFT: { bAccept = LESS_X( aNew, aCenter, !bOld ) && ( !pNewFly || LESS_X( aBest, aNew, sal_True ) ); break; } case SW_MOVE_UP: { bAccept = LESS_Y( aNew, aCenter, !bOld ) && ( !pNewFly || LESS_Y( aBest, aNew, sal_True ) ); break; } case SW_MOVE_DOWN: { bAccept = LESS_Y( aCenter, aNew, bOld ) && ( !pNewFly || LESS_Y( aNew, aBest, sal_False ) ); break; } } if( bAccept ) { pNewFly = pTmp; aBest = aNew; } } } } } if( pNewFly ) { SwPosition aPos( *pNewFly->GetFmt()-> GetCntnt().GetCntntIdx()); aAnch.SetAnchor( &aPos ); bRet = sal_True; } break; } default: break; } if( bRet ) { StartAllAction(); // --> OD 2006-02-28 #125892# // handle change of anchor node: // if count of the anchor frame also change, the fly frames have to be // re-created. Thus, delete all fly frames except the before the // anchor attribute is change and re-create them afterwards. { SwHandleAnchorNodeChg* pHandleAnchorNodeChg( 0L ); SwFlyFrmFmt* pFlyFrmFmt( dynamic_cast(&rFmt) ); if ( pFlyFrmFmt ) { pHandleAnchorNodeChg = new SwHandleAnchorNodeChg( *pFlyFrmFmt, aAnch ); } rFmt.GetDoc()->SetAttr( aAnch, rFmt ); delete pHandleAnchorNodeChg; } // <-- // --> OD 2004-06-24 #i28701# - no call of method // for to-character anchored // Writer fly frame needed. This method call can cause a // format of the anchor frame, which is no longer intended. // Instead clear the anchor character rectangle and // the top of line values for all to-character anchored objects. pAnchoredObj->ClearCharRectAndTopOfLine(); EndAllAction(); } } return bRet; } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::GetSelFrmType() |* *************************************************************************/ const SdrMarkList* SwFEShell::_GetMarkList() const { const SdrMarkList* pMarkList = NULL; if( Imp()->GetDrawView() != NULL ) pMarkList = &Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkedObjectList(); return pMarkList; } sal_uInt16 SwFEShell::GetSelFrmType() const { sal_uInt16 eType; // get marked frame list, and check if anything is selected const SdrMarkList* pMarkList = _GetMarkList(); if( pMarkList == NULL || pMarkList->GetMarkCount() == 0 ) eType = FRMTYPE_NONE; else { // obtain marked item as fly frame; if no fly frame, it must // be a draw object const SwFlyFrm* pFly = ::GetFlyFromMarked(pMarkList, (ViewShell*)this); if ( pFly != NULL ) { if( pFly->IsFlyLayFrm() ) eType = FRMTYPE_FLY_FREE; else if( pFly->IsFlyAtCntFrm() ) eType = FRMTYPE_FLY_ATCNT; else { ASSERT( pFly->IsFlyInCntFrm(), "Neuer Rahmentyp?" ); eType = FRMTYPE_FLY_INCNT; } } else eType = FRMTYPE_DRAWOBJ; } return eType; } // #108784# does the draw selection contain a control? bool SwFEShell::IsSelContainsControl() const { bool bRet = false; // basically, copy the mechanism from GetSelFrmType(), but call // CheckControl... if you get a drawing object const SdrMarkList* pMarkList = _GetMarkList(); if( pMarkList != NULL && pMarkList->GetMarkCount() == 1 ) { // if we have one marked object, get the SdrObject and check // whether it contains a control const SdrObject* pSdrObject = pMarkList->GetMark( 0 )->GetMarkedSdrObj(); bRet = pSdrObject && ::CheckControlLayer( pSdrObject ); } return bRet; } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::Scroll() |* *************************************************************************/ void SwFEShell::ScrollTo( const Point &rPt ) { const SwRect aRect( rPt, rPt ); if ( IsScrollMDI( this, aRect ) && (!Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkedObjectList().GetMarkCount() || Imp()->IsDragPossible( rPt )) ) { //SwSaveHdl aSave( Imp() ); ScrollMDI( this, aRect, SCROLLVAL, SCROLLVAL ); } } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::SetDragMode() |* *************************************************************************/ void SwFEShell::SetDragMode( sal_uInt16 eDragMode ) { if ( Imp()->HasDrawView() ) Imp()->GetDrawView()->SetDragMode( (SdrDragMode)eDragMode ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::BeginDrag() |* *************************************************************************/ long SwFEShell::BeginDrag( const Point* pPt, sal_Bool ) { SdrView *pView = Imp()->GetDrawView(); if ( pView && pView->AreObjectsMarked() ) { delete pChainFrom; delete pChainTo; pChainFrom = pChainTo = 0; SdrHdl* pHdl = pView->PickHandle( *pPt ); pView->BegDragObj( *pPt, 0 /*GetWin()*/, pHdl ); ::FrameNotify( this, FLY_DRAG ); return 1; } return 0; } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::Drag() |* *************************************************************************/ long SwFEShell::Drag( const Point *pPt, sal_Bool ) { ASSERT( Imp()->HasDrawView(), "Drag without DrawView?" ); if ( Imp()->GetDrawView()->IsDragObj() ) { ScrollTo( *pPt ); Imp()->GetDrawView()->MovDragObj( *pPt ); Imp()->GetDrawView()->ShowDragAnchor(); ::FrameNotify( this, FLY_DRAG ); return 1; } return 0; } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::EndDrag() |* *************************************************************************/ long SwFEShell::EndDrag( const Point *, sal_Bool ) { ASSERT( Imp()->HasDrawView(), "EndDrag without DrawView?" ); SdrView *pView = Imp()->GetDrawView(); if ( pView->IsDragObj() ) { //Start-/EndActions nur an der ViewShell aufsetzen ViewShell *pSh = this; do { pSh->StartAction(); } while ( this != (pSh = (ViewShell*)pSh->GetNext()) ); StartUndo( UNDO_START ); //#50778# Bug im Draging: Im StartAction wird ein HideShowXor gerufen. //Im EndDragObj() wird dies unsinniger und faelschlicherweise wieder //Rueckgaengig gemacht. Um Konsistenz herzustellen muessen wir das //Xor also wieder zur Anzeige bringen. // Reanimation from the hack #50778 to fix bug #97057 // May be not the best solution, but the one with lowest risc at the moment. //pView->ShowShownXor( GetOut() ); pView->EndDragObj(); // DrawUndo-Action auf FlyFrames werden nicht gespeichert // Die Fly aendern das Flag GetDoc()->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoDrawUndo(true); ChgAnchor( 0, sal_True ); EndUndo( UNDO_END ); do { pSh->EndAction(); if( pSh->IsA( TYPE( SwCrsrShell ) ) ) ((SwCrsrShell*)pSh)->CallChgLnk(); } while ( this != (pSh = (ViewShell*)pSh->GetNext()) ); GetDoc()->SetModified(); ::FrameNotify( this, FLY_DRAG ); return 1; } return 0; } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::BreakDrag() |* *************************************************************************/ void SwFEShell::BreakDrag() { ASSERT( Imp()->HasDrawView(), "BreakDrag without DrawView?" ); if ( Imp()->GetDrawView()->IsDragObj() ) Imp()->GetDrawView()->BrkDragObj(); SetChainMarker(); } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::SelFlyGrabCrsr() |* |* Beschreibung Wenn ein Fly selektiert ist, zieht er den Crsr in |* den ersten CntntFrm *************************************************************************/ const SwFrmFmt* SwFEShell::SelFlyGrabCrsr() { if ( Imp()->HasDrawView() ) { const SdrMarkList &rMrkList = Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkedObjectList(); SwFlyFrm *pFly = ::GetFlyFromMarked( &rMrkList, this ); if( pFly ) { SwCntntFrm *pCFrm = pFly->ContainsCntnt(); if ( pCFrm ) { SwCntntNode *pCNode = pCFrm->GetNode(); // --> OD 2007-07-25 #126039# // assure, that the cursor is consistent. KillPams(); ClearMark(); // <-- SwPaM *pCrsr = GetCrsr(); pCrsr->GetPoint()->nNode = *pCNode; pCrsr->GetPoint()->nContent.Assign( pCNode, 0 ); SwRect& rChrRect = (SwRect&)GetCharRect(); rChrRect = pFly->Prt(); rChrRect.Pos() += pFly->Frm().Pos(); GetCrsrDocPos() = rChrRect.Pos(); } return pFly->GetFmt(); } } return 0; } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::SelectionToTop(), SelectionToBottom() |* |* Beschreibung Selektion nach oben/unten (Z-Order) |* *************************************************************************/ void lcl_NotifyNeighbours( const SdrMarkList *pLst ) { //Die Regeln fuer die Ausweichmanoever haben sich veraendert. //1. Die Umgebung des Fly und aller innenliegenden muss benachrichtigt // werden. //2. Der Inhalt des Rahmen selbst muss benachrichtigt werden. //3. Rahmen die dem Rahmen ausweichen bzw. wichen muessen benachrichtigt werden. //4. Auch Zeichenobjekte koennen Rahmen verdraengen for( sal_uInt16 j = 0; j < pLst->GetMarkCount(); ++j ) { SwPageFrm *pPage; sal_Bool bCheckNeighbours = sal_False; sal_Int16 aHori = text::HoriOrientation::NONE; SwRect aRect; SdrObject *pO = pLst->GetMark( 0 )->GetMarkedSdrObj(); if ( pO->ISA(SwVirtFlyDrawObj) ) { SwFlyFrm *pFly = ((SwVirtFlyDrawObj*)pO)->GetFlyFrm(); const SwFmtHoriOrient &rHori = pFly->GetFmt()->GetHoriOrient(); aHori = rHori.GetHoriOrient(); if( text::HoriOrientation::NONE != aHori && text::HoriOrientation::CENTER != aHori && pFly->IsFlyAtCntFrm() ) { bCheckNeighbours = sal_True; pFly->InvalidatePos(); pFly->Frm().Pos().Y() += 1; } pPage = pFly->FindPageFrm(); aRect = pFly->Frm(); } else { SwFrm* pAnch = ( (SwDrawContact*)GetUserCall(pO) )->GetAnchorFrm( pO ); if( !pAnch ) continue; pPage = pAnch->FindPageFrm(); // --> OD 2006-08-15 #i68520# - naming changed aRect = GetBoundRectOfAnchoredObj( pO ); // <-- } sal_uInt32 nCount = pPage->GetSortedObjs() ? pPage->GetSortedObjs()->Count() : 0; for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { SwAnchoredObject* pAnchoredObj = (*pPage->GetSortedObjs())[i]; if ( !pAnchoredObj->ISA(SwFlyFrm) ) continue; SwFlyFrm* pAct = static_cast(pAnchoredObj); SwRect aTmpCalcPnt( pAct->Prt() ); aTmpCalcPnt += pAct->Frm().Pos(); if ( aRect.IsOver( aTmpCalcPnt ) ) { SwCntntFrm *pCnt = pAct->ContainsCntnt(); while ( pCnt ) { aTmpCalcPnt = pCnt->Prt(); aTmpCalcPnt += pCnt->Frm().Pos(); if ( aRect.IsOver( aTmpCalcPnt ) ) ((SwFrm*)pCnt)->Prepare( PREP_FLY_ATTR_CHG ); pCnt = pCnt->GetNextCntntFrm(); } } if ( bCheckNeighbours && pAct->IsFlyAtCntFrm() ) { const SwFmtHoriOrient &rH = pAct->GetFmt()->GetHoriOrient(); if ( rH.GetHoriOrient() == aHori && pAct->Frm().Top() <= aRect.Bottom() && pAct->Frm().Bottom() >= aRect.Top() ) { pAct->InvalidatePos(); pAct->Frm().Pos().Y() += 1; } } } } } void SwFEShell::SelectionToTop( sal_Bool bTop ) { ASSERT( Imp()->HasDrawView(), "SelectionToTop without DrawView?" ); const SdrMarkList &rMrkList = Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkedObjectList(); ASSERT( rMrkList.GetMarkCount(), "Kein Object Selektiert." ); SwFlyFrm *pFly = ::GetFlyFromMarked( &rMrkList, this ); if ( pFly && pFly->IsFlyInCntFrm() ) return; StartAllAction(); if ( bTop ) Imp()->GetDrawView()->PutMarkedToTop(); else Imp()->GetDrawView()->MovMarkedToTop(); ::lcl_NotifyNeighbours( &rMrkList ); GetDoc()->SetModified(); EndAllAction(); } void SwFEShell::SelectionToBottom( sal_Bool bBottom ) { ASSERT( Imp()->HasDrawView(), "SelectionToBottom without DrawView?" ); const SdrMarkList &rMrkList = Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkedObjectList(); ASSERT( rMrkList.GetMarkCount(), "Kein Object Selektiert." ); SwFlyFrm *pFly = ::GetFlyFromMarked( &rMrkList, this ); if ( pFly && pFly->IsFlyInCntFrm() ) return; StartAllAction(); if ( bBottom ) Imp()->GetDrawView()->PutMarkedToBtm(); else Imp()->GetDrawView()->MovMarkedToBtm(); ::lcl_NotifyNeighbours( &rMrkList ); GetDoc()->SetModified(); EndAllAction(); } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::GetLayerId() |* |* Beschreibung Objekt ueber/unter dem Dokument? |* 2 Controls, 1 Heaven, 0 Hell, -1 Uneindeutig *************************************************************************/ short SwFEShell::GetLayerId() const { short nRet = SHRT_MAX; if ( Imp()->HasDrawView() ) { const SdrMarkList &rMrkList = Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkedObjectList(); for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < rMrkList.GetMarkCount(); ++i ) { const SdrObject *pObj = rMrkList.GetMark( i )->GetMarkedSdrObj(); if( !pObj ) continue; if ( nRet == SHRT_MAX ) nRet = pObj->GetLayer(); else if ( nRet != pObj->GetLayer() ) { nRet = -1; break; } } } if ( nRet == SHRT_MAX ) nRet = -1; return nRet; } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::SelectionToHeaven(), SelectionToHell() |* |* Beschreibung Objekt ueber/unter dem Dokument |* *************************************************************************/ // OD 25.06.2003 #108784# // Note: only visible objects can be marked. Thus, objects with invisible // layer IDs have not to be considered. // If exists, layout exists!! void SwFEShell::ChangeOpaque( SdrLayerID nLayerId ) { if ( Imp()->HasDrawView() ) { const SdrMarkList &rMrkList = Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkedObjectList(); const IDocumentDrawModelAccess* pIDDMA = getIDocumentDrawModelAccess(); // OD 25.06.2003 #108784# - correct type of for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < rMrkList.GetMarkCount(); ++i ) { SdrObject* pObj = rMrkList.GetMark( i )->GetMarkedSdrObj(); if( !pObj ) continue; // OD 21.08.2003 #i18447# - no change of layer for controls // or group objects containing controls. // --> OD 2010-09-14 #i113730# // consider that a member of a drawing group has been selected. const SwContact* pContact = ::GetUserCall( pObj ); ASSERT( pContact && pContact->GetMaster(), " - missing contact or missing master object at contact!" ); const bool bControlObj = ( pContact && pContact->GetMaster() ) ? ::CheckControlLayer( pContact->GetMaster() ) : ::CheckControlLayer( pObj ); // <-- if ( !bControlObj && pObj->GetLayer() != nLayerId ) { pObj->SetLayer( nLayerId ); InvalidateWindows( SwRect( pObj->GetCurrentBoundRect() ) ); if ( pObj->ISA(SwVirtFlyDrawObj) ) { SwFmt *pFmt = ((SwVirtFlyDrawObj*)pObj)->GetFlyFrm()->GetFmt(); SvxOpaqueItem aOpa( pFmt->GetOpaque() ); aOpa.SetValue( nLayerId == pIDDMA->GetHellId() ); pFmt->SetFmtAttr( aOpa ); } } } GetDoc()->SetModified(); } } void SwFEShell::SelectionToHeaven() { ChangeOpaque( getIDocumentDrawModelAccess()->GetHeavenId() ); } void SwFEShell::SelectionToHell() { ChangeOpaque( getIDocumentDrawModelAccess()->GetHellId() ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::IsObjSelected(), IsFrmSelected() |* *************************************************************************/ sal_uInt16 SwFEShell::IsObjSelected() const { if ( IsFrmSelected() || !Imp()->HasDrawView() ) return 0; else return sal_uInt16( Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkedObjectList().GetMarkCount() ); } sal_Bool SwFEShell::IsFrmSelected() const { if ( !Imp()->HasDrawView() ) return sal_False; else return 0 != ::GetFlyFromMarked( &Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkedObjectList(), (ViewShell*)this ); } sal_Bool SwFEShell::IsObjSelected( const SdrObject& rObj ) const { if ( IsFrmSelected() || !Imp()->HasDrawView() ) return sal_False; else return Imp()->GetDrawView() ->IsObjMarked( const_cast< SdrObject * >( &rObj ) ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::EndTextEdit() |* *************************************************************************/ void SwFEShell::EndTextEdit() { //Beenden des TextEditModus. Wenn gewuenscht (default wenn das Objekt //keinen Text mehr enthaelt und keine Attribute traegt) wird das //Objekt gel�scht. Alle anderen markierten Objekte bleiben erhalten. ASSERT( Imp()->HasDrawView() && Imp()->GetDrawView()->IsTextEdit(), "EndTextEdit an no Object" ); StartAllAction(); SdrView *pView = Imp()->GetDrawView(); SdrObject *pObj = pView->GetTextEditObject(); SdrObjUserCall* pUserCall; if( 0 != ( pUserCall = GetUserCall(pObj) ) ) { SdrObject *pTmp = ((SwContact*)pUserCall)->GetMaster(); if( !pTmp ) pTmp = pObj; pUserCall->Changed( *pTmp, SDRUSERCALL_RESIZE, pTmp->GetLastBoundRect() ); } if ( !pObj->GetUpGroup() ) { if ( SDRENDTEXTEDIT_SHOULDBEDELETED == pView->SdrEndTextEdit(sal_True) ) { if ( pView->GetMarkedObjectList().GetMarkCount() > 1 ) { { SdrMarkList aSave( pView->GetMarkedObjectList() ); aSave.DeleteMark( aSave.FindObject( pObj ) ); if ( aSave.GetMarkCount() ) { pView->UnmarkAll(); pView->MarkObj( pObj, Imp()->GetPageView() ); } DelSelectedObj(); if ( aSave.GetMarkCount() ) { for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < aSave.GetMarkCount(); ++i ) pView->MarkObj( aSave.GetMark( i )->GetMarkedSdrObj(), Imp()->GetPageView() ); } } } else DelSelectedObj(); } } else pView->SdrEndTextEdit(); EndAllAction(); } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::IsInsideSelectedObj() |* *************************************************************************/ int SwFEShell::IsInsideSelectedObj( const Point &rPt ) { if( Imp()->HasDrawView() ) { SwDrawView *pDView = Imp()->GetDrawView(); if( pDView->GetMarkedObjectList().GetMarkCount() && pDView->IsMarkedObjHit( rPt ) ) { return SDRHIT_OBJECT; } } return SDRHIT_NONE; } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::IsObjSelectable() |* *************************************************************************/ bool SwFEShell::IsObjSelectable( const Point& rPt ) { SET_CURR_SHELL(this); #ifdef OLD if( Imp()->HasDrawView() ) return Imp()->GetDrawView()->PickSomething( rPt, MINMOVE ); return 0; #else SwDrawView *pDView = Imp()->GetDrawView(); bool bRet = false; if( pDView ) { SdrObject* pObj; SdrPageView* pPV; sal_uInt16 nOld = pDView->GetHitTolerancePixel(); pDView->SetHitTolerancePixel( pDView->GetMarkHdlSizePixel()/2 ); bRet = 0 != pDView->PickObj( rPt, pDView->getHitTolLog(), pObj, pPV, SDRSEARCH_PICKMARKABLE ); pDView->SetHitTolerancePixel( nOld ); } return bRet; #endif } // #107513# // Test if there is a object at that position and if it should be selected. sal_Bool SwFEShell::ShouldObjectBeSelected(const Point& rPt) { SET_CURR_SHELL(this); SwDrawView *pDrawView = Imp()->GetDrawView(); sal_Bool bRet(sal_False); if(pDrawView) { SdrObject* pObj; SdrPageView* pPV; sal_uInt16 nOld(pDrawView->GetHitTolerancePixel()); pDrawView->SetHitTolerancePixel(pDrawView->GetMarkHdlSizePixel()/2); bRet = pDrawView->PickObj(rPt, pDrawView->getHitTolLog(), pObj, pPV, SDRSEARCH_PICKMARKABLE); pDrawView->SetHitTolerancePixel(nOld); if ( bRet && pObj ) { const IDocumentDrawModelAccess* pIDDMA = getIDocumentDrawModelAccess(); // --> OD 2009-12-30 #i89920# // Do not select object in background which is overlapping this text // at the given position. bool bObjInBackground( false ); { if ( pObj->GetLayer() == pIDDMA->GetHellId() ) { const SwAnchoredObject* pAnchoredObj = ::GetUserCall( pObj )->GetAnchoredObj( pObj ); const SwFrmFmt& rFmt = pAnchoredObj->GetFrmFmt(); const SwFmtSurround& rSurround = rFmt.GetSurround(); if ( rSurround.GetSurround() == SURROUND_THROUGHT ) { bObjInBackground = true; } } } if ( bObjInBackground ) { const SwPageFrm* pPageFrm = GetLayout()->GetPageAtPos( rPt ); if( pPageFrm ) { const SwCntntFrm* pCntntFrm( pPageFrm->ContainsCntnt() ); while ( pCntntFrm ) { if ( pCntntFrm->UnionFrm().IsInside( rPt ) ) { const SwTxtFrm* pTxtFrm = dynamic_cast(pCntntFrm); if ( pTxtFrm ) { SwPosition* pPos = new SwPosition( *(pTxtFrm->GetTxtNode()) ); Point aTmpPt( rPt ); if ( pTxtFrm->GetKeyCrsrOfst( pPos, aTmpPt ) ) { SwRect aCursorCharRect; if ( pTxtFrm->GetCharRect( aCursorCharRect, *pPos ) ) { if ( aCursorCharRect.IsOver( SwRect( pObj->GetLastBoundRect() ) ) ) { bRet = sal_False; } } } } else { bRet = sal_False; } break; } pCntntFrm = pCntntFrm->GetNextCntntFrm(); } } } // <-- if ( bRet ) { const SdrPage* pPage = pIDDMA->GetDrawModel()->GetPage(0); for(sal_uInt32 a(pObj->GetOrdNum() + 1); bRet && a < pPage->GetObjCount(); a++) { SdrObject *pCandidate = pPage->GetObj(a); if (pCandidate->ISA(SwVirtFlyDrawObj) && ( (SwVirtFlyDrawObj*)pCandidate)->GetCurrentBoundRect().IsInside(rPt) ) { bRet = sal_False; } } } } } return bRet; } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::GotoObj() |* |* Beschreibung Wenn ein Obj selektiert ist, gehen wir von dessen |* TopLeft aus, andernfalls von der Mitte des aktuellen CharRects. |* *************************************************************************/ /* ------------------------------------ * Beinhaltet das Objekt ein Control oder Gruppen, * die nur aus Controls bestehen * --------------------------------------------------*/ sal_Bool lcl_IsControlGroup( const SdrObject *pObj ) { sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; if(pObj->ISA(SdrUnoObj)) bRet = sal_True; else if( pObj->ISA( SdrObjGroup ) ) { bRet = sal_True; const SdrObjList *pLst = ((SdrObjGroup*)pObj)->GetSubList(); for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < pLst->GetObjCount(); ++i ) if( !::lcl_IsControlGroup( pLst->GetObj( i ) ) ) return sal_False; } return bRet; } namespace { class MarkableObjectsOnly : public ::svx::ISdrObjectFilter { public: MarkableObjectsOnly( SdrPageView* i_pPV ) :m_pPV( i_pPV ) { } virtual bool includeObject( const SdrObject& i_rObject ) const { return m_pPV && m_pPV->GetView().IsObjMarkable( const_cast< SdrObject* >( &i_rObject ), m_pPV ); } private: SdrPageView* m_pPV; }; } const SdrObject* SwFEShell::GetBestObject( sal_Bool bNext, sal_uInt16 /*GOTOOBJ_...*/ eType, sal_Bool bFlat, const ::svx::ISdrObjectFilter* pFilter ) { if( !Imp()->HasDrawView() ) return NULL; const SdrObject *pBest = 0, *pTop = 0; const long nTmp = bNext ? LONG_MAX : 0; Point aBestPos( nTmp, nTmp ); Point aTopPos( nTmp, nTmp ); Point aCurPos; Point aPos; sal_Bool bNoDraw = 0 == (GOTOOBJ_DRAW_ANY & eType); sal_Bool bNoFly = 0 == (GOTOOBJ_FLY_ANY & eType); if( !bNoFly && bNoDraw ) { SwFlyFrm *pFly = GetCurrFrm( sal_False )->FindFlyFrm(); if( pFly ) pBest = pFly->GetVirtDrawObj(); } const SdrMarkList &rMrkList = Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkedObjectList(); SdrPageView* pPV = Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetSdrPageView(); MarkableObjectsOnly aDefaultFilter( pPV ); if ( !pFilter ) pFilter = &aDefaultFilter; if( !pBest || rMrkList.GetMarkCount() == 1 ) { // Ausgangspunkt bestimmen. SdrObjList* pList = NULL; if ( rMrkList.GetMarkCount() ) { const SdrObject* pStartObj = rMrkList.GetMark(0)->GetMarkedSdrObj(); if( pStartObj->ISA(SwVirtFlyDrawObj) ) aPos = ((SwVirtFlyDrawObj*)pStartObj)->GetFlyFrm()->Frm().Pos(); else aPos = pStartObj->GetSnapRect().TopLeft(); // If an object inside a group is selected, we want to // iterate over the group members. if ( ! pStartObj->GetUserCall() ) pList = pStartObj->GetObjList(); } else { // If no object is selected, we check if we just entered a group. // In this case we want to iterate over the group members. aPos = GetCharRect().Center(); const SdrObject* pStartObj = pPV ? pPV->GetAktGroup() : 0; if ( pStartObj && pStartObj->ISA( SdrObjGroup ) ) pList = pStartObj->GetSubList(); } if ( ! pList ) { // Here we are if // A No object has been selected and no group has been entered or // B An object has been selected and it is not inside a group pList = getIDocumentDrawModelAccess()->GetDrawModel()->GetPage( 0 ); } ASSERT( pList, "No object list to iterate" ) SdrObjListIter aObjIter( *pList, bFlat ? IM_FLAT : IM_DEEPNOGROUPS ); while ( aObjIter.IsMore() ) { SdrObject* pObj = aObjIter.Next(); sal_Bool bFlyFrm = pObj->ISA(SwVirtFlyDrawObj); if( ( bNoFly && bFlyFrm ) || ( bNoDraw && !bFlyFrm ) || ( eType == GOTOOBJ_DRAW_SIMPLE && lcl_IsControlGroup( pObj ) ) || ( eType == GOTOOBJ_DRAW_CONTROL && !lcl_IsControlGroup( pObj ) ) || ( pFilter && !pFilter->includeObject( *pObj ) ) ) continue; if( bFlyFrm ) { SwVirtFlyDrawObj *pO = (SwVirtFlyDrawObj*)pObj; SwFlyFrm *pFly = pO->GetFlyFrm(); if( GOTOOBJ_FLY_ANY != ( GOTOOBJ_FLY_ANY & eType ) ) { switch ( eType ) { case GOTOOBJ_FLY_FRM: if ( pFly->Lower() && pFly->Lower()->IsNoTxtFrm() ) continue; break; case GOTOOBJ_FLY_GRF: if ( pFly->Lower() && (pFly->Lower()->IsLayoutFrm() || !((SwCntntFrm*)pFly->Lower())->GetNode()->GetGrfNode())) continue; break; case GOTOOBJ_FLY_OLE: if ( pFly->Lower() && (pFly->Lower()->IsLayoutFrm() || !((SwCntntFrm*)pFly->Lower())->GetNode()->GetOLENode())) continue; break; } } aCurPos = pFly->Frm().Pos(); } else aCurPos = pObj->GetCurrentBoundRect().TopLeft(); // Sonderfall wenn ein anderes Obj auf selber Y steht. if( aCurPos != aPos && // nur wenn ich es nicht selber bin aCurPos.Y() == aPos.Y() && // ist die Y Position gleich (bNext? (aCurPos.X() > aPos.X()) : // liegt neben mir (aCurPos.X() < aPos.X())) ) // " reverse { aBestPos = Point( nTmp, nTmp ); SdrObjListIter aTmpIter( *pList, bFlat ? IM_FLAT : IM_DEEPNOGROUPS ); while ( aTmpIter.IsMore() ) { SdrObject* pTmpObj = aTmpIter.Next(); bFlyFrm = pTmpObj->ISA(SwVirtFlyDrawObj); if( ( bNoFly && bFlyFrm ) || ( bNoDraw && !bFlyFrm ) ) continue; if( bFlyFrm ) { SwVirtFlyDrawObj *pO = (SwVirtFlyDrawObj*)pTmpObj; aCurPos = pO->GetFlyFrm()->Frm().Pos(); } else aCurPos = pTmpObj->GetCurrentBoundRect().TopLeft(); if( aCurPos != aPos && aCurPos.Y() == aPos.Y() && (bNext? (aCurPos.X() > aPos.X()) : // liegt neben mir (aCurPos.X() < aPos.X())) && // " reverse (bNext? (aCurPos.X() < aBestPos.X()) : // besser als Beste (aCurPos.X() > aBestPos.X())) ) // " reverse { aBestPos = aCurPos; pBest = pTmpObj; } } break; } if( ( (bNext? (aPos.Y() < aCurPos.Y()) : // nur unter mir (aPos.Y() > aCurPos.Y())) && // " reverse (bNext? (aBestPos.Y() > aCurPos.Y()) : // naeher drunter (aBestPos.Y() < aCurPos.Y())) ) || // " reverse (aBestPos.Y() == aCurPos.Y() && (bNext? (aBestPos.X() > aCurPos.X()) : // weiter links (aBestPos.X() < aCurPos.X())))) // " reverse { aBestPos = aCurPos; pBest = pObj; } if( (bNext? (aTopPos.Y() > aCurPos.Y()) : // hoeher als Beste (aTopPos.Y() < aCurPos.Y())) || // " reverse (aTopPos.Y() == aCurPos.Y() && (bNext? (aTopPos.X() > aCurPos.X()) : // weiter links (aTopPos.X() < aCurPos.X())))) // " reverse { aTopPos = aCurPos; pTop = pObj; } } // leider nichts gefunden if( (bNext? (aBestPos.X() == LONG_MAX) : (aBestPos.X() == 0)) ) pBest = pTop; } return pBest; } sal_Bool SwFEShell::GotoObj( sal_Bool bNext, sal_uInt16 /*GOTOOBJ_...*/ eType ) { const SdrObject* pBest = GetBestObject( bNext, eType ); if ( !pBest ) return sal_False; sal_Bool bFlyFrm = pBest->ISA(SwVirtFlyDrawObj); if( bFlyFrm ) { SwVirtFlyDrawObj *pO = (SwVirtFlyDrawObj*)pBest; const SwRect& rFrm = pO->GetFlyFrm()->Frm(); SelectObj( rFrm.Pos(), 0, (SdrObject*)pBest ); if( !ActionPend() ) MakeVisible( rFrm ); } else { SelectObj( Point(), 0, (SdrObject*)pBest ); if( !ActionPend() ) MakeVisible( pBest->GetCurrentBoundRect() ); } CallChgLnk(); return sal_True; } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::BeginCreate() |* *************************************************************************/ sal_Bool SwFEShell::BeginCreate( sal_uInt16 /*SdrObjKind ?*/ eSdrObjectKind, const Point &rPos ) { sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; if ( !Imp()->HasDrawView() ) Imp()->MakeDrawView(); if ( GetPageNumber( rPos ) ) { Imp()->GetDrawView()->SetCurrentObj( eSdrObjectKind ); if ( eSdrObjectKind == OBJ_CAPTION ) bRet = Imp()->GetDrawView()->BegCreateCaptionObj( rPos, Size( lMinBorder - MINFLY, lMinBorder - MINFLY ), GetOut() ); else bRet = Imp()->GetDrawView()->BegCreateObj( rPos, GetOut() ); } if ( bRet ) { ::FrameNotify( this, FLY_DRAG_START ); } return bRet; } sal_Bool SwFEShell::BeginCreate( sal_uInt16 /*SdrObjKind ?*/ eSdrObjectKind, sal_uInt32 eObjInventor, const Point &rPos ) { sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; if ( !Imp()->HasDrawView() ) Imp()->MakeDrawView(); if ( GetPageNumber( rPos ) ) { Imp()->GetDrawView()->SetCurrentObj( eSdrObjectKind, eObjInventor ); bRet = Imp()->GetDrawView()->BegCreateObj( rPos, GetOut() ); } if ( bRet ) ::FrameNotify( this, FLY_DRAG_START ); return bRet; } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::MoveCreate() |* *************************************************************************/ void SwFEShell::MoveCreate( const Point &rPos ) { ASSERT( Imp()->HasDrawView(), "MoveCreate without DrawView?" ); if ( GetPageNumber( rPos ) ) { ScrollTo( rPos ); Imp()->GetDrawView()->MovCreateObj( rPos ); ::FrameNotify( this, FLY_DRAG ); } } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::EndCreate(), ImpEndCreate() |* *************************************************************************/ sal_Bool SwFEShell::EndCreate( sal_uInt16 eSdrCreateCmd ) { // Damit das Undo-Object aus der DrawEngine nicht bei uns // gespeichert wird, (wir erzeugen ein eigenes Undo-Object!) hier kurz // das Undo abschalten ASSERT( Imp()->HasDrawView(), "EndCreate without DrawView?" ); if( !Imp()->GetDrawView()->IsGroupEntered() ) { GetDoc()->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoDrawUndo(false); } sal_Bool bCreate = Imp()->GetDrawView()->EndCreateObj( SdrCreateCmd( eSdrCreateCmd ) ); GetDoc()->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoDrawUndo(true); if ( !bCreate ) { ::FrameNotify( this, FLY_DRAG_END ); return sal_False; } if ( (SdrCreateCmd)eSdrCreateCmd == SDRCREATE_NEXTPOINT ) { ::FrameNotify( this, FLY_DRAG ); return sal_True; } return ImpEndCreate(); } sal_Bool SwFEShell::ImpEndCreate() { ASSERT( Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkedObjectList().GetMarkCount() == 1, "Neues Object nicht selektiert." ); SdrObject& rSdrObj = *Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkedObjectList().GetMark(0)->GetMarkedSdrObj(); if( rSdrObj.GetSnapRect().IsEmpty() ) { // das Object vergessen wir lieber, fuerht nur // zu Problemen Imp()->GetDrawView()->DeleteMarked(); Imp()->GetDrawView()->UnmarkAll(); ::FrameNotify( this, FLY_DRAG_END ); return sal_False; } if( rSdrObj.GetUpGroup() ) { Point aTmpPos( rSdrObj.GetSnapRect().TopLeft() ); Point aNewAnchor( rSdrObj.GetUpGroup()->GetAnchorPos() ); // OD 2004-04-05 #i26791# - direct object positioning for group members rSdrObj.NbcSetRelativePos( aTmpPos - aNewAnchor ); rSdrObj.NbcSetAnchorPos( aNewAnchor ); ::FrameNotify( this, FLY_DRAG ); return sal_True; } LockPaint(); StartAllAction(); Imp()->GetDrawView()->UnmarkAll(); const Rectangle &rBound = rSdrObj.GetSnapRect(); Point aPt( rBound.TopRight() ); //Fremde Identifier sollen in den Default laufen. //Ueberschneidungen sind moeglich!! sal_uInt16 nIdent = SdrInventor == rSdrObj.GetObjInventor() ? rSdrObj.GetObjIdentifier() : 0xFFFF; //Default fuer Controls ist Zeichengebunden, Absatzgebunden sonst. SwFmtAnchor aAnch; const SwFrm *pAnch = 0; sal_Bool bCharBound = sal_False; if( rSdrObj.ISA( SdrUnoObj ) ) { SwPosition aPos( GetDoc()->GetNodes() ); SwCrsrMoveState aState( MV_SETONLYTEXT ); Point aPoint( aPt.X(), aPt.Y() + rBound.GetHeight()/2 ); GetLayout()->GetCrsrOfst( &aPos, aPoint, &aState ); //swmod 080317 //Zeichenbindung ist im ReadnOnly-Inhalt nicht erlaubt if( !aPos.nNode.GetNode().IsProtect() ) { pAnch = aPos.nNode.GetNode().GetCntntNode()->getLayoutFrm( GetLayout(), &aPoint, &aPos ); SwRect aTmp; pAnch->GetCharRect( aTmp, aPos ); //Der Crsr darf nicht zu weit entfernt sein. bCharBound = sal_True; Rectangle aRect( aTmp.SVRect() ); aRect.Left() -= MM50*2; aRect.Top() -= MM50*2; aRect.Right() += MM50*2; aRect.Bottom()+= MM50*2; if( !aRect.IsOver( rBound ) && !::GetHtmlMode( GetDoc()->GetDocShell() )) bCharBound = sal_False; //Bindung in Kopf-/Fusszeilen ist ebenfalls nicht erlaubt. if( bCharBound ) bCharBound = !GetDoc()->IsInHeaderFooter( aPos.nNode ); if( bCharBound ) { aAnch.SetType( FLY_AS_CHAR ); aAnch.SetAnchor( &aPos ); } } } if( !bCharBound ) { // OD 16.05.2003 #108784# - allow native drawing objects in header/footer. // Thus, set to for these objects using value // of - value <0xFFFF> indicates control objects, which aren't // allowed in header/footer. //bool bBodyOnly = OBJ_NONE != nIdent; bool bBodyOnly = 0xFFFF == nIdent; bool bAtPage = false; const SwFrm* pPage = 0; SwCrsrMoveState aState( MV_SETONLYTEXT ); Point aPoint( aPt ); SwPosition aPos( GetDoc()->GetNodes() ); GetLayout()->GetCrsrOfst( &aPos, aPoint, &aState ); //nicht in ReadnOnly-Inhalt setzen if( aPos.nNode.GetNode().IsProtect() ) // dann darf er nur seitengebunden sein. Oder sollte man // die naechste nicht READONLY Position suchen? bAtPage = true; pAnch = aPos.nNode.GetNode().GetCntntNode()->getLayoutFrm( GetLayout(), &aPoint, 0, sal_False ); if( !bAtPage ) { const SwFlyFrm *pTmp = pAnch->FindFlyFrm(); if( pTmp ) { const SwFrm* pTmpFrm = pAnch; SwRect aBound( rBound ); while( pTmp ) { if( pTmp->Frm().IsInside( aBound ) ) { if( !bBodyOnly || !pTmp->FindFooterOrHeader() ) pPage = pTmpFrm; break; } pTmp = pTmp->GetAnchorFrm() ? pTmp->GetAnchorFrm()->FindFlyFrm() : 0; pTmpFrm = pTmp; } } if( !pPage ) pPage = pAnch->FindPageFrm(); // immer ueber FindAnchor gehen, damit der Frame immer an den // davorgehen gebunden wird. Beim GetCrsOfst kann man auch zum // nachfolgenden kommen. DAS IST FALSCH pAnch = ::FindAnchor( pPage, aPt, bBodyOnly ); aPos.nNode = *((SwCntntFrm*)pAnch)->GetNode(); //nicht in ReadnOnly-Inhalt setzen if( aPos.nNode.GetNode().IsProtect() ) // dann darf er nur seitengebunden sein. Oder sollte man // die naechste nicht READONLY Position suchen? bAtPage = true; else { aAnch.SetType( FLY_AT_PARA ); aAnch.SetAnchor( &aPos ); } } if( bAtPage ) { pPage = pAnch->FindPageFrm(); aAnch.SetType( FLY_AT_PAGE ); aAnch.SetPageNum( pPage->GetPhyPageNum() ); pAnch = pPage; // die Page wird jetzt zum Anker } } SfxItemSet aSet( GetDoc()->GetAttrPool(), RES_FRM_SIZE, RES_FRM_SIZE, RES_SURROUND, RES_ANCHOR, 0 ); aSet.Put( aAnch ); // OD 2004-03-30 #i26791# - determine relative object position SwTwips nXOffset; SwTwips nYOffset = rBound.Top() - pAnch->Frm().Top(); { if( pAnch->IsVertical() ) { nXOffset = nYOffset; nYOffset = pAnch->Frm().Left()+pAnch->Frm().Width()-rBound.Right(); } else if( pAnch->IsRightToLeft() ) nXOffset = pAnch->Frm().Left()+pAnch->Frm().Width()-rBound.Right(); else nXOffset = rBound.Left() - pAnch->Frm().Left(); if( pAnch->IsTxtFrm() && ((SwTxtFrm*)pAnch)->IsFollow() ) { SwTxtFrm* pTmp = (SwTxtFrm*)pAnch; do { pTmp = pTmp->FindMaster(); ASSERT( pTmp, "Where's my Master?" ); // OD 2004-03-30 #i26791# - correction: add frame area height // of master frames. nYOffset += pTmp->IsVertical() ? pTmp->Frm().Width() : pTmp->Frm().Height(); } while ( pTmp->IsFollow() ); } } if( OBJ_NONE == nIdent ) { //Bei OBJ_NONE wird ein Fly eingefuegt. const long nWidth = rBound.Right() - rBound.Left(); const long nHeight= rBound.Bottom() - rBound.Top(); aSet.Put( SwFmtFrmSize( ATT_MIN_SIZE, Max( nWidth, long(MINFLY) ), Max( nHeight, long(MINFLY) ))); SwFmtHoriOrient aHori( nXOffset, text::HoriOrientation::NONE, text::RelOrientation::FRAME ); SwFmtVertOrient aVert( nYOffset, text::VertOrientation::NONE, text::RelOrientation::FRAME ); aSet.Put( SwFmtSurround( SURROUND_PARALLEL ) ); aSet.Put( aHori ); aSet.Put( aVert ); //Schnell noch das Rechteck merken const SwRect aFlyRect( rBound ); //Erzeugtes Object wegwerfen, so kann der Fly am elegentesten //ueber vorhandene SS erzeugt werden. GetDoc()->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoDrawUndo(false); // see above // --> OD 2005-08-08 #i52858# - method name changed SdrPage *pPg = getIDocumentDrawModelAccess()->GetOrCreateDrawModel()->GetPage( 0 ); // <-- if( !pPg ) { SdrModel* pTmpSdrModel = getIDocumentDrawModelAccess()->GetDrawModel(); pPg = pTmpSdrModel->AllocPage( sal_False ); pTmpSdrModel->InsertPage( pPg ); } pPg->RecalcObjOrdNums(); SdrObject* pRemovedObject = pPg->RemoveObject( rSdrObj.GetOrdNumDirect() ); SdrObject::Free( pRemovedObject ); GetDoc()->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoDrawUndo(true); SwFlyFrm* pFlyFrm; if( NewFlyFrm( aSet, sal_True ) && ::GetHtmlMode( GetDoc()->GetDocShell() ) && 0 != ( pFlyFrm = FindFlyFrm() )) { SfxItemSet aHtmlSet( GetDoc()->GetAttrPool(), RES_VERT_ORIENT, RES_HORI_ORIENT ); //Horizontale Ausrichtung: const sal_Bool bLeftFrm = aFlyRect.Left() < pAnch->Frm().Left() + pAnch->Prt().Left(), bLeftPrt = aFlyRect.Left() + aFlyRect.Width() < pAnch->Frm().Left() + pAnch->Prt().Width()/2; if( bLeftFrm || bLeftPrt ) { aHori.SetHoriOrient( text::HoriOrientation::LEFT ); aHori.SetRelationOrient( bLeftFrm ? text::RelOrientation::FRAME : text::RelOrientation::PRINT_AREA ); } else { const sal_Bool bRightFrm = aFlyRect.Left() > pAnch->Frm().Left() + pAnch->Prt().Width(); aHori.SetHoriOrient( text::HoriOrientation::RIGHT ); aHori.SetRelationOrient( bRightFrm ? text::RelOrientation::FRAME : text::RelOrientation::PRINT_AREA ); } aHtmlSet.Put( aHori ); aVert.SetVertOrient( text::VertOrientation::TOP ); aVert.SetRelationOrient( text::RelOrientation::PRINT_AREA ); aHtmlSet.Put( aVert ); GetDoc()->SetAttr( aHtmlSet, *pFlyFrm->GetFmt() ); } } else { Point aRelNullPt; if( OBJ_CAPTION == nIdent ) aRelNullPt = ((SdrCaptionObj&)rSdrObj).GetTailPos(); else aRelNullPt = rBound.TopLeft(); aSet.Put( aAnch ); aSet.Put( SwFmtSurround( SURROUND_THROUGHT ) ); // OD 2004-03-30 #i26791# - set horizontal position SwFmtHoriOrient aHori( nXOffset, text::HoriOrientation::NONE, text::RelOrientation::FRAME ); aSet.Put( aHori ); // OD 2004-03-30 #i26791# - set vertical position if( pAnch->IsTxtFrm() && ((SwTxtFrm*)pAnch)->IsFollow() ) { SwTxtFrm* pTmp = (SwTxtFrm*)pAnch; do { pTmp = pTmp->FindMaster(); ASSERT( pTmp, "Where's my Master?" ); nYOffset += pTmp->IsVertical() ? pTmp->Prt().Width() : pTmp->Prt().Height(); } while ( pTmp->IsFollow() ); } SwFmtVertOrient aVert( nYOffset, text::VertOrientation::NONE, text::RelOrientation::FRAME ); aSet.Put( aVert ); SwDrawFrmFmt* pFmt = (SwDrawFrmFmt*)getIDocumentLayoutAccess()->MakeLayoutFmt( RND_DRAW_OBJECT, &aSet ); // --> OD 2004-10-25 #i36010# - set layout direction of the position pFmt->SetPositionLayoutDir( text::PositionLayoutDir::PositionInLayoutDirOfAnchor ); // <-- // --> OD 2005-03-11 #i44344#, #i44681# - positioning attributes already set pFmt->PosAttrSet(); // <-- SwDrawContact *pContact = new SwDrawContact( pFmt, &rSdrObj ); // --> OD 2004-11-22 #i35635# pContact->MoveObjToVisibleLayer( &rSdrObj ); // <-- if( bCharBound ) { ASSERT( aAnch.GetAnchorId() == FLY_AS_CHAR, "wrong AnchorType" ); SwTxtNode *pNd = aAnch.GetCntntAnchor()->nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode(); SwFmtFlyCnt aFmt( pFmt ); pNd->InsertItem(aFmt, aAnch.GetCntntAnchor()->nContent.GetIndex(), 0 ); SwFmtVertOrient aVertical( pFmt->GetVertOrient() ); aVertical.SetVertOrient( text::VertOrientation::LINE_CENTER ); pFmt->SetFmtAttr( aVertical ); } if( pAnch->IsTxtFrm() && ((SwTxtFrm*)pAnch)->IsFollow() ) { SwTxtFrm* pTmp = (SwTxtFrm*)pAnch; do { pTmp = pTmp->FindMaster(); ASSERT( pTmp, "Where's my Master?" ); } while( pTmp->IsFollow() ); pAnch = pTmp; } pContact->ConnectToLayout(); // OD 25.06.2003 #108784# - mark object at frame the object is inserted at. { SdrObject* pMarkObj = pContact->GetDrawObjectByAnchorFrm( *pAnch ); if ( pMarkObj ) { Imp()->GetDrawView()->MarkObj( pMarkObj, Imp()->GetPageView(), sal_False, sal_False ); } else { Imp()->GetDrawView()->MarkObj( &rSdrObj, Imp()->GetPageView(), sal_False, sal_False ); } } } GetDoc()->SetModified(); KillPams(); EndAllActionAndCall(); UnlockPaint(); return sal_True; } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::BreakCreate() |* *************************************************************************/ void SwFEShell::BreakCreate() { ASSERT( Imp()->HasDrawView(), "BreakCreate without DrawView?" ); Imp()->GetDrawView()->BrkCreateObj(); ::FrameNotify( this, FLY_DRAG_END ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::IsDrawCreate() |* *************************************************************************/ sal_Bool SwFEShell::IsDrawCreate() const { return Imp()->HasDrawView() ? Imp()->GetDrawView()->IsCreateObj() : sal_False; } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::BeginMark() |* *************************************************************************/ sal_Bool SwFEShell::BeginMark( const Point &rPos ) { if ( !Imp()->HasDrawView() ) Imp()->MakeDrawView(); if ( GetPageNumber( rPos ) ) { SwDrawView* pDView = Imp()->GetDrawView(); if (pDView->HasMarkablePoints()) return pDView->BegMarkPoints( rPos ); else return pDView->BegMarkObj( rPos ); } else return sal_False; } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::MoveMark() |* *************************************************************************/ void SwFEShell::MoveMark( const Point &rPos ) { ASSERT( Imp()->HasDrawView(), "MoveMark without DrawView?" ); if ( GetPageNumber( rPos ) ) { ScrollTo( rPos ); SwDrawView* pDView = Imp()->GetDrawView(); // Imp()->GetDrawView()->MovMarkObj( rPos ); if (pDView->IsInsObjPoint()) pDView->MovInsObjPoint( rPos ); else if (pDView->IsMarkPoints()) pDView->MovMarkPoints( rPos ); else pDView->MovAction( rPos ); } } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::EndMark() |* *************************************************************************/ sal_Bool SwFEShell::EndMark() { sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; ASSERT( Imp()->HasDrawView(), "EndMark without DrawView?" ); if (Imp()->GetDrawView()->IsMarkObj()) { bRet = Imp()->GetDrawView()->EndMarkObj(); if ( bRet ) { sal_Bool bShowHdl = sal_False; SwDrawView* pDView = Imp()->GetDrawView(); //Rahmen werden auf diese Art nicht Selektiert, es sein denn es //ist nur ein Rahmen. SdrMarkList &rMrkList = (SdrMarkList&)pDView->GetMarkedObjectList(); SwFlyFrm* pOldSelFly = ::GetFlyFromMarked( &rMrkList, this ); if ( rMrkList.GetMarkCount() > 1 ) for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < rMrkList.GetMarkCount(); ++i ) { SdrObject *pObj = rMrkList.GetMark( i )->GetMarkedSdrObj(); if( pObj->ISA(SwVirtFlyDrawObj) ) { if ( !bShowHdl ) { //HMHpDView->HideMarkHdl(); bShowHdl = sal_True; } rMrkList.DeleteMark( i ); --i; //keinen auslassen. } } if( bShowHdl ) { pDView->MarkListHasChanged(); pDView->AdjustMarkHdl(); //HMHpDView->ShowMarkHdl(); } if ( rMrkList.GetMarkCount() ) ::lcl_GrabCursor(this, pOldSelFly); else bRet = sal_False; } if ( bRet ) ::FrameNotify( this, FLY_DRAG_START ); } else { if (Imp()->GetDrawView()->IsMarkPoints()) bRet = Imp()->GetDrawView()->EndMarkPoints(); } SetChainMarker(); return bRet; } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::BreakSelect() |* *************************************************************************/ void SwFEShell::BreakMark() { ASSERT( Imp()->HasDrawView(), "BreakMark without DrawView?" ); Imp()->GetDrawView()->BrkMarkObj(); } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::GetAnchorId() |* *************************************************************************/ short SwFEShell::GetAnchorId() const { short nRet = SHRT_MAX; if ( Imp()->HasDrawView() ) { const SdrMarkList &rMrkList = Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkedObjectList(); for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < rMrkList.GetMarkCount(); ++i ) { SdrObject *pObj = rMrkList.GetMark( i )->GetMarkedSdrObj(); if ( pObj->ISA(SwVirtFlyDrawObj) ) { nRet = -1; break; } SwDrawContact *pContact = (SwDrawContact*)GetUserCall(pObj); short nId = static_cast(pContact->GetFmt()->GetAnchor().GetAnchorId()); if ( nRet == SHRT_MAX ) nRet = nId; else if ( nRet != nId ) { nRet = -1; break; } } } if ( nRet == SHRT_MAX ) nRet = -1; return nRet; } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::ChgAnchor() |* *************************************************************************/ void SwFEShell::ChgAnchor( int eAnchorId, sal_Bool bSameOnly, sal_Bool bPosCorr ) { ASSERT( Imp()->HasDrawView(), "ChgAnchor without DrawView?" ); const SdrMarkList &rMrkList = Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkedObjectList(); if( rMrkList.GetMarkCount() && !rMrkList.GetMark( 0 )->GetMarkedSdrObj()->GetUpGroup() ) { StartAllAction(); if( GetDoc()->ChgAnchor( rMrkList, (RndStdIds)eAnchorId, bSameOnly, bPosCorr )) Imp()->GetDrawView()->UnmarkAll(); EndAllAction(); ::FrameNotify( this, FLY_DRAG ); } } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::DelSelectedObj() |* *************************************************************************/ void SwFEShell::DelSelectedObj() { ASSERT( Imp()->HasDrawView(), "DelSelectedObj(), no DrawView available" ); if ( Imp()->HasDrawView() ) { StartAllAction(); Imp()->GetDrawView()->DeleteMarked(); EndAllAction(); ::FrameNotify( this, FLY_DRAG_END ); } } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::GetObjSize(), GetAnchorObjDiff() |* |* Beschreibung Fuer die Statuszeile zum Erfragen der aktuellen |* Verhaeltnisse |* *************************************************************************/ Size SwFEShell::GetObjSize() const { Rectangle aRect; if ( Imp()->HasDrawView() ) { if ( Imp()->GetDrawView()->IsAction() ) Imp()->GetDrawView()->TakeActionRect( aRect ); else aRect = Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetAllMarkedRect(); } return aRect.GetSize(); } Point SwFEShell::GetAnchorObjDiff() const { const SdrView *pView = Imp()->GetDrawView(); ASSERT( pView, "GetAnchorObjDiff without DrawView?" ); Rectangle aRect; if ( Imp()->GetDrawView()->IsAction() ) Imp()->GetDrawView()->TakeActionRect( aRect ); else aRect = Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetAllMarkedRect(); Point aRet( aRect.TopLeft() ); if ( IsFrmSelected() ) { SwFlyFrm *pFly = FindFlyFrm(); aRet -= pFly->GetAnchorFrm()->Frm().Pos(); } else { const SdrObject *pObj = pView->GetMarkedObjectList().GetMarkCount() == 1 ? pView->GetMarkedObjectList().GetMark(0)->GetMarkedSdrObj() : 0; if ( pObj ) aRet -= pObj->GetAnchorPos(); } return aRet; } Point SwFEShell::GetObjAbsPos() const { ASSERT( Imp()->GetDrawView(), "GetObjAbsPos() without DrawView?" ); return Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetDragStat().GetActionRect().TopLeft(); } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::IsGroupSelected() |* *************************************************************************/ sal_Bool SwFEShell::IsGroupSelected() { if ( IsObjSelected() ) { const SdrMarkList &rMrkList = Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkedObjectList(); for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < rMrkList.GetMarkCount(); ++i ) { SdrObject *pObj = rMrkList.GetMark( i )->GetMarkedSdrObj(); // OD 30.06.2003 #108784# - consider 'virtual' drawing objects. // Thus, use corresponding method instead of checking type. if ( pObj->IsGroupObject() && // --> FME 2004-12-08 #i38505# No ungroup allowed for 3d objects !pObj->Is3DObj() && // <-- FLY_AS_CHAR != ((SwDrawContact*)GetUserCall(pObj))-> GetFmt()->GetAnchor().GetAnchorId() ) { return sal_True; } } } return sal_False; } // OD 27.06.2003 #108784# - change return type. // OD 27.06.2003 #108784# - adjustments for drawing objects in header/footer: // allow group, only if all selected objects are in the same header/footer // or not in header/footer. bool SwFEShell::IsGroupAllowed() const { bool bIsGroupAllowed = false; if ( IsObjSelected() > 1 ) { bIsGroupAllowed = true; const SdrObject* pUpGroup = 0L; const SwFrm* pHeaderFooterFrm = 0L; const SdrMarkList &rMrkList = Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkedObjectList(); for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; bIsGroupAllowed && i < rMrkList.GetMarkCount(); ++i ) { const SdrObject* pObj = rMrkList.GetMark( i )->GetMarkedSdrObj(); if ( i ) bIsGroupAllowed = pObj->GetUpGroup() == pUpGroup; else pUpGroup = pObj->GetUpGroup(); if ( bIsGroupAllowed ) { SwFrmFmt* pFrmFmt( ::FindFrmFmt( const_cast(pObj) ) ); if ( !pFrmFmt ) { ASSERT( false, " - missing frame format" ); bIsGroupAllowed = false; } else if ( FLY_AS_CHAR == pFrmFmt->GetAnchor().GetAnchorId() ) { bIsGroupAllowed = false; } } // OD 27.06.2003 #108784# - check, if all selected objects are in the // same header/footer or not in header/footer. if ( bIsGroupAllowed ) { const SwFrm* pAnchorFrm = 0L; if ( pObj->ISA(SwVirtFlyDrawObj) ) { const SwFlyFrm* pFlyFrm = static_cast(pObj)->GetFlyFrm(); if ( pFlyFrm ) { pAnchorFrm = pFlyFrm->GetAnchorFrm(); } } else { SwDrawContact* pDrawContact = static_cast(GetUserCall( pObj )); if ( pDrawContact ) { pAnchorFrm = pDrawContact->GetAnchorFrm( pObj ); } } if ( pAnchorFrm ) { if ( i ) { bIsGroupAllowed = ( pAnchorFrm->FindFooterOrHeader() == pHeaderFooterFrm ); } else { pHeaderFooterFrm = pAnchorFrm->FindFooterOrHeader(); } } } } } return bIsGroupAllowed; } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::GroupSelection() |* |* Beschreibung Die Gruppe bekommt den Anker und das Contactobjekt |* des ersten in der Selektion |* *************************************************************************/ void SwFEShell::GroupSelection() { if ( IsGroupAllowed() ) { StartAllAction(); StartUndo( UNDO_START ); GetDoc()->GroupSelection( *Imp()->GetDrawView() ); EndUndo( UNDO_END ); EndAllAction(); } } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::UnGroupSelection() |* |* Beschreibung Die Einzelobjekte bekommen eine Kopie vom Anker und |* Contactobjekt der Gruppe. |* *************************************************************************/ void SwFEShell::UnGroupSelection() { if ( IsGroupSelected() ) { StartAllAction(); StartUndo( UNDO_START ); GetDoc()->UnGroupSelection( *Imp()->GetDrawView() ); EndUndo( UNDO_END ); EndAllAction(); } } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFEShell::MirrorSelection() |* *************************************************************************/ void SwFEShell::MirrorSelection( sal_Bool bHorizontal ) { SdrView *pView = Imp()->GetDrawView(); if ( IsObjSelected() && pView->IsMirrorAllowed() ) { if ( bHorizontal ) pView->MirrorAllMarkedHorizontal(); else pView->MirrorAllMarkedVertical(); } } // springe zum benannten Rahmen (Grafik/OLE) sal_Bool SwFEShell::GotoFly( const String& rName, FlyCntType eType, sal_Bool bSelFrm ) { sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; static sal_uInt8 __READONLY_DATA aChkArr[ 4 ] = { /* FLYCNTTYPE_ALL */ 0, /* FLYCNTTYPE_FRM */ ND_TEXTNODE, /* FLYCNTTYPE_GRF */ ND_GRFNODE, /* FLYCNTTYPE_OLE */ ND_OLENODE }; const SwFlyFrmFmt* pFlyFmt = pDoc->FindFlyByName( rName, aChkArr[ eType]); if( pFlyFmt ) { SET_CURR_SHELL( this ); SwFlyFrm* pFrm = SwIterator::FirstElement( *pFlyFmt ); if( pFrm ) { if( bSelFrm ) { SelectObj( pFrm->Frm().Pos(), 0, pFrm->GetVirtDrawObj() ); if( !ActionPend() ) MakeVisible( pFrm->Frm() ); } else { // --> OD 2004-06-11 #i28701# - no format here // pFrm->GetAnchorFrm()->Calc(); SwCntntFrm *pCFrm = pFrm->ContainsCntnt(); if ( pCFrm ) { SwCntntNode *pCNode = pCFrm->GetNode(); ClearMark(); SwPaM* pCrsr = GetCrsr(); pCrsr->GetPoint()->nNode = *pCNode; pCrsr->GetPoint()->nContent.Assign( pCNode, 0 ); SwRect& rChrRect = (SwRect&)GetCharRect(); rChrRect = pFrm->Prt(); rChrRect.Pos() += pFrm->Frm().Pos(); GetCrsrDocPos() = rChrRect.Pos(); } } bRet = sal_True; } } return bRet; } sal_uInt16 SwFEShell::GetFlyCount( FlyCntType eType ) const { return GetDoc()->GetFlyCount(eType); } const SwFrmFmt* SwFEShell::GetFlyNum(sal_uInt16 nIdx, FlyCntType eType ) const { return GetDoc()->GetFlyNum(nIdx, eType ); } // zeige das akt. selektierte "Object" an void SwFEShell::MakeSelVisible() { if( Imp()->HasDrawView() && Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkedObjectList().GetMarkCount() ) { MakeVisible( Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetAllMarkedRect() ); } else SwCrsrShell::MakeSelVisible(); } //Welcher Schutz ist am selektierten Objekt gesetzt? sal_uInt8 SwFEShell::IsSelObjProtected( sal_uInt16 eType ) const { int nChk = 0; const bool bParent = (eType & FLYPROTECT_PARENT); if( Imp()->HasDrawView() ) { const SdrMarkList &rMrkList = Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkedObjectList(); for( sal_uLong i = rMrkList.GetMarkCount(); i; ) { SdrObject *pObj = rMrkList.GetMark( --i )->GetMarkedSdrObj(); if( !bParent ) { nChk |= ( pObj->IsMoveProtect() ? FLYPROTECT_POS : 0 ) | ( pObj->IsResizeProtect()? FLYPROTECT_SIZE : 0 ); if( pObj->ISA(SwVirtFlyDrawObj) ) { SwFlyFrm *pFly = ((SwVirtFlyDrawObj*)pObj)->GetFlyFrm(); if ( (FLYPROTECT_CONTENT & eType) && pFly->GetFmt()->GetProtect().IsCntntProtected() ) nChk |= FLYPROTECT_CONTENT; if ( pFly->Lower() && pFly->Lower()->IsNoTxtFrm() ) { SwOLENode *pNd = ((SwCntntFrm*)pFly->Lower())->GetNode()->GetOLENode(); uno::Reference < embed::XEmbeddedObject > xObj( pNd ? pNd->GetOLEObj().GetOleRef() : 0 ); if ( xObj.is() ) { // TODO/LATER: use correct aspect const bool bNeverResize = (embed::EmbedMisc::EMBED_NEVERRESIZE & xObj->getStatus( embed::Aspects::MSOLE_CONTENT )); if ( (FLYPROTECT_CONTENT & eType) && bNeverResize ) { nChk |= FLYPROTECT_SIZE; nChk |= FLYPROTECT_FIXED; } // set FLYPROTECT_POS if it is a Math object anchored 'as char' and baseline alignment is activated const bool bProtectMathPos = SotExchange::IsMath( xObj->getClassID() ) && FLY_AS_CHAR == pFly->GetFmt()->GetAnchor().GetAnchorId() && pDoc->get( IDocumentSettingAccess::MATH_BASELINE_ALIGNMENT ); if ((FLYPROTECT_POS & eType) && bProtectMathPos) nChk |= FLYPROTECT_POS; } } } nChk &= eType; if( nChk == eType ) return static_cast(eType); } const SwFrm* pAnch; if( pObj->ISA(SwVirtFlyDrawObj) ) pAnch = ( (SwVirtFlyDrawObj*)pObj )->GetFlyFrm()->GetAnchorFrm(); else { SwDrawContact* pTmp = (SwDrawContact*)GetUserCall(pObj); pAnch = pTmp ? pTmp->GetAnchorFrm( pObj ) : NULL; } if( pAnch && pAnch->IsProtected() ) return static_cast(eType); } } return static_cast(nChk); } sal_Bool SwFEShell::GetObjAttr( SfxItemSet &rSet ) const { if ( !IsObjSelected() ) return sal_False; const SdrMarkList &rMrkList = Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkedObjectList(); for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < rMrkList.GetMarkCount(); ++i ) { SdrObject *pObj = rMrkList.GetMark( i )->GetMarkedSdrObj(); SwDrawContact *pContact = (SwDrawContact*)GetUserCall(pObj); // --> OD 2007-07-24 #143008# - make code robust ASSERT( pContact, " - missing - please inform OD." ); if ( pContact ) { if ( i ) rSet.MergeValues( pContact->GetFmt()->GetAttrSet() ); else rSet.Put( pContact->GetFmt()->GetAttrSet() ); } // <-- } return sal_True; } sal_Bool SwFEShell::SetObjAttr( const SfxItemSet& rSet ) { SET_CURR_SHELL( this ); if ( !rSet.Count() ) { ASSERT( !this, "SetObjAttr, empty set." ); return sal_False; } StartAllAction(); StartUndo( UNDO_INSATTR ); const SdrMarkList &rMrkList = Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkedObjectList(); for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < rMrkList.GetMarkCount(); ++i ) { SdrObject *pObj = rMrkList.GetMark( i )->GetMarkedSdrObj(); SwDrawContact *pContact = (SwDrawContact*)GetUserCall(pObj); GetDoc()->SetAttr( rSet, *pContact->GetFmt() ); } EndUndo( UNDO_INSATTR ); EndAllActionAndCall(); GetDoc()->SetModified(); return sal_True; } sal_Bool SwFEShell::IsAlignPossible() const { sal_uInt16 nCnt; if ( 0 < (nCnt = IsObjSelected()) ) { sal_Bool bRet = sal_True; if ( nCnt == 1 ) { SdrObject *pO = Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkedObjectList().GetMark(0)->GetMarkedSdrObj(); SwDrawContact *pC = (SwDrawContact*)GetUserCall(pO); //only as character bound drawings can be aligned bRet = (pC->GetFmt()->GetAnchor().GetAnchorId() == FLY_AS_CHAR); } if ( bRet ) return Imp()->GetDrawView()->IsAlignPossible(); } return sal_False; } //Temporaerer Fix bis SS von JOE da ist void SwFEShell::CheckUnboundObjects() { SET_CURR_SHELL( this ); const SdrMarkList &rMrkList = Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkedObjectList(); for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < rMrkList.GetMarkCount(); ++i ) { SdrObject *pObj = rMrkList.GetMark( i )->GetMarkedSdrObj(); if ( !GetUserCall(pObj) ) { const Rectangle &rBound = pObj->GetSnapRect(); const Point aPt( rBound.TopLeft() ); const SwFrm *pPage = GetLayout()->Lower(); const SwFrm *pLast = pPage; while ( pPage && !pPage->Frm().IsInside( aPt ) ) { if ( aPt.Y() > pPage->Frm().Bottom() ) pLast = pPage; pPage = pPage->GetNext(); } if ( !pPage ) pPage = pLast; ASSERT( pPage, "Page not found." ); //Fremde Identifier sollen in den Default laufen. //Ueberschneidungen sind moeglich!! sal_uInt16 nIdent = Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetCurrentObjInventor() == SdrInventor ? Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetCurrentObjIdentifier() : 0xFFFF; SwFmtAnchor aAnch; const SwFrm *pAnch = 0; { pAnch = ::FindAnchor( pPage, aPt, sal_True ); SwPosition aPos( *((SwCntntFrm*)pAnch)->GetNode() ); aAnch.SetType( FLY_AT_PARA ); aAnch.SetAnchor( &aPos ); ((SwRect&)GetCharRect()).Pos() = aPt; } //Erst hier die Action, damit das GetCharRect aktuelle Werte liefert. StartAllAction(); SfxItemSet aSet( GetAttrPool(), RES_FRM_SIZE, RES_FRM_SIZE, RES_SURROUND, RES_ANCHOR, 0 ); aSet.Put( aAnch ); Point aRelNullPt; if( OBJ_CAPTION == nIdent ) aRelNullPt = ((SdrCaptionObj*)pObj)->GetTailPos(); else aRelNullPt = rBound.TopLeft(); aSet.Put( aAnch ); aSet.Put( SwFmtSurround( SURROUND_THROUGHT ) ); SwFrmFmt* pFmt = getIDocumentLayoutAccess()->MakeLayoutFmt( RND_DRAW_OBJECT, &aSet ); SwDrawContact *pContact = new SwDrawContact( (SwDrawFrmFmt*)pFmt, pObj ); // --> OD 2004-11-22 #i35635# pContact->MoveObjToVisibleLayer( pObj ); // <-- pContact->ConnectToLayout(); EndAllAction(); } } } void SwFEShell::SetCalcFieldValueHdl(Outliner* pOutliner) { GetDoc()->SetCalcFieldValueHdl(pOutliner); } int SwFEShell::Chainable( SwRect &rRect, const SwFrmFmt &rSource, const Point &rPt ) const { rRect.Clear(); //Die Source darf noch keinen Follow haben. const SwFmtChain &rChain = rSource.GetChain(); if ( rChain.GetNext() ) return SW_CHAIN_SOURCE_CHAINED; if( Imp()->HasDrawView() ) { SdrObject* pObj; SdrPageView* pPView; SwDrawView *pDView = (SwDrawView*)Imp()->GetDrawView(); const sal_uInt16 nOld = pDView->GetHitTolerancePixel(); pDView->SetHitTolerancePixel( 0 ); if( pDView->PickObj( rPt, pDView->getHitTolLog(), pObj, pPView, SDRSEARCH_PICKMARKABLE ) && pObj->ISA(SwVirtFlyDrawObj) ) { SwFlyFrm *pFly = ((SwVirtFlyDrawObj*)pObj)->GetFlyFrm(); rRect = pFly->Frm(); //Ziel darf natuerlich nicht gleich Source sein und es //darf keine geschlossene Kette entstehen. SwFrmFmt *pFmt = pFly->GetFmt(); return GetDoc()->Chainable(rSource, *pFmt); } pDView->SetHitTolerancePixel( nOld ); } return SW_CHAIN_NOT_FOUND; } int SwFEShell::Chain( SwFrmFmt &rSource, const SwFrmFmt &rDest ) { return GetDoc()->Chain(rSource, rDest); } int SwFEShell::Chain( SwFrmFmt &rSource, const Point &rPt ) { SwRect aDummy; int nErr = Chainable( aDummy, rSource, rPt ); if ( !nErr ) { StartAllAction(); SdrObject* pObj; SdrPageView* pPView; SwDrawView *pDView = (SwDrawView*)Imp()->GetDrawView(); const sal_uInt16 nOld = pDView->GetHitTolerancePixel(); pDView->SetHitTolerancePixel( 0 ); pDView->PickObj( rPt, pDView->getHitTolLog(), pObj, pPView, SDRSEARCH_PICKMARKABLE ); pDView->SetHitTolerancePixel( nOld ); SwFlyFrm *pFly = ((SwVirtFlyDrawObj*)pObj)->GetFlyFrm(); SwFlyFrmFmt *pFmt = (SwFlyFrmFmt*)pFly->GetFmt(); GetDoc()->Chain(rSource, *pFmt); EndAllAction(); SetChainMarker(); } return nErr; } void SwFEShell::Unchain( SwFrmFmt &rFmt ) { StartAllAction(); GetDoc()->Unchain(rFmt); EndAllAction(); } void SwFEShell::HideChainMarker() { if ( pChainFrom ) { delete pChainFrom; pChainFrom = 0L; } if ( pChainTo ) { delete pChainTo; pChainTo = 0L; } } void SwFEShell::SetChainMarker() { sal_Bool bDelFrom = sal_True, bDelTo = sal_True; if ( IsFrmSelected() ) { SwFlyFrm *pFly = FindFlyFrm(); if ( pFly->GetPrevLink() ) { bDelFrom = sal_False; const SwFrm *pPre = pFly->GetPrevLink(); Point aStart( pPre->Frm().Right(), pPre->Frm().Bottom()); Point aEnd(pFly->Frm().Pos()); if ( !pChainFrom ) { pChainFrom = new SdrDropMarkerOverlay( *GetDrawView(), aStart, aEnd ); } } if ( pFly->GetNextLink() ) { bDelTo = sal_False; const SwFlyFrm *pNxt = pFly->GetNextLink(); Point aStart( pFly->Frm().Right(), pFly->Frm().Bottom()); Point aEnd(pNxt->Frm().Pos()); if ( !pChainTo ) { pChainTo = new SdrDropMarkerOverlay( *GetDrawView(), aStart, aEnd ); } } } if ( bDelFrom ) { delete pChainFrom, pChainFrom = 0; } if ( bDelTo ) { delete pChainTo, pChainTo = 0; } } long SwFEShell::GetSectionWidth( SwFmt& rFmt ) const { SwFrm *pFrm = GetCurrFrm(); // Steht der Cursor z.Z. in einem SectionFrm? if( pFrm && pFrm->IsInSct() ) { SwSectionFrm* pSect = pFrm->FindSctFrm(); do { // Ist es der Gewuenschte? if( pSect->KnowsFormat( rFmt ) ) return pSect->Frm().Width(); // fuer geschachtelte Bereiche pSect = pSect->GetUpper()->FindSctFrm(); } while( pSect ); } SwIterator aIter( rFmt ); for ( SwSectionFrm* pSct = aIter.First(); pSct; pSct = aIter.Next() ) { if( !pSct->IsFollow() ) { return pSct->Frm().Width(); } } return 0; } void SwFEShell::CreateDefaultShape( sal_uInt16 /*SdrObjKind ?*/ eSdrObjectKind, const Rectangle& rRect, sal_uInt16 nSlotId) { SdrView* pDrawView = GetDrawView(); SdrModel* pDrawModel = pDrawView->GetModel(); SdrObject* pObj = SdrObjFactory::MakeNewObject( SdrInventor, eSdrObjectKind, 0L, pDrawModel); if(pObj) { Rectangle aRect(rRect); if(OBJ_CARC == eSdrObjectKind || OBJ_CCUT == eSdrObjectKind) { // force quadratic if(aRect.GetWidth() > aRect.GetHeight()) { aRect = Rectangle( Point(aRect.Left() + ((aRect.GetWidth() - aRect.GetHeight()) / 2), aRect.Top()), Size(aRect.GetHeight(), aRect.GetHeight())); } else { aRect = Rectangle( Point(aRect.Left(), aRect.Top() + ((aRect.GetHeight() - aRect.GetWidth()) / 2)), Size(aRect.GetWidth(), aRect.GetWidth())); } } pObj->SetLogicRect(aRect); if(pObj->ISA(SdrCircObj)) { SfxItemSet aAttr(pDrawModel->GetItemPool()); aAttr.Put(SdrCircStartAngleItem(9000)); aAttr.Put(SdrCircEndAngleItem(0)); pObj->SetMergedItemSet(aAttr); } else if(pObj->ISA(SdrPathObj)) { basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aPoly; switch(eSdrObjectKind) { case OBJ_PATHLINE: { basegfx::B2DPolygon aInnerPoly; aInnerPoly.append(basegfx::B2DPoint(aRect.Left(), aRect.Bottom())); const basegfx::B2DPoint aCenterBottom(aRect.Center().X(), aRect.Bottom()); aInnerPoly.appendBezierSegment( aCenterBottom, aCenterBottom, basegfx::B2DPoint(aRect.Center().X(), aRect.Center().Y())); const basegfx::B2DPoint aCenterTop(aRect.Center().X(), aRect.Top()); aInnerPoly.appendBezierSegment( aCenterTop, aCenterTop, basegfx::B2DPoint(aRect.Right(), aRect.Top())); aInnerPoly.setClosed(true); aPoly.append(aInnerPoly); } break; case OBJ_FREELINE: { basegfx::B2DPolygon aInnerPoly; aInnerPoly.append(basegfx::B2DPoint(aRect.Left(), aRect.Bottom())); aInnerPoly.appendBezierSegment( basegfx::B2DPoint(aRect.Left(), aRect.Top()), basegfx::B2DPoint(aRect.Center().X(), aRect.Top()), basegfx::B2DPoint(aRect.Center().X(), aRect.Center().Y())); aInnerPoly.appendBezierSegment( basegfx::B2DPoint(aRect.Center().X(), aRect.Bottom()), basegfx::B2DPoint(aRect.Right(), aRect.Bottom()), basegfx::B2DPoint(aRect.Right(), aRect.Top())); aInnerPoly.append(basegfx::B2DPoint(aRect.Right(), aRect.Bottom())); aInnerPoly.setClosed(true); aPoly.append(aInnerPoly); } break; case OBJ_POLY: case OBJ_PLIN: { basegfx::B2DPolygon aInnerPoly; sal_Int32 nWdt(aRect.GetWidth()); sal_Int32 nHgt(aRect.GetHeight()); aInnerPoly.append(basegfx::B2DPoint(aRect.Left(), aRect.Bottom())); aInnerPoly.append(basegfx::B2DPoint(aRect.Left() + (nWdt * 30) / 100, aRect.Top() + (nHgt * 70) / 100)); aInnerPoly.append(basegfx::B2DPoint(aRect.Left(), aRect.Top() + (nHgt * 15) / 100)); aInnerPoly.append(basegfx::B2DPoint(aRect.Left() + (nWdt * 65) / 100, aRect.Top())); aInnerPoly.append(basegfx::B2DPoint(aRect.Left() + nWdt, aRect.Top() + (nHgt * 30) / 100)); aInnerPoly.append(basegfx::B2DPoint(aRect.Left() + (nWdt * 80) / 100, aRect.Top() + (nHgt * 50) / 100)); aInnerPoly.append(basegfx::B2DPoint(aRect.Left() + (nWdt * 80) / 100, aRect.Top() + (nHgt * 75) / 100)); aInnerPoly.append(basegfx::B2DPoint(aRect.Bottom(), aRect.Right())); if(OBJ_PLIN == eSdrObjectKind) { aInnerPoly.append(basegfx::B2DPoint(aRect.Center().X(), aRect.Bottom())); } else { aInnerPoly.setClosed(true); } aPoly.append(aInnerPoly); } break; case OBJ_LINE : { sal_Int32 nYMiddle((aRect.Top() + aRect.Bottom()) / 2); basegfx::B2DPolygon aTempPoly; aTempPoly.append(basegfx::B2DPoint(aRect.TopLeft().X(), nYMiddle)); aTempPoly.append(basegfx::B2DPoint(aRect.BottomRight().X(), nYMiddle)); aPoly.append(aTempPoly); } break; } ((SdrPathObj*)pObj)->SetPathPoly(aPoly); } else if(pObj->ISA(SdrCaptionObj)) { sal_Bool bVerticalText = ( SID_DRAW_TEXT_VERTICAL == nSlotId || SID_DRAW_CAPTION_VERTICAL == nSlotId ); ((SdrTextObj*)pObj)->SetVerticalWriting(bVerticalText); if(bVerticalText) { SfxItemSet aSet(pObj->GetMergedItemSet()); aSet.Put(SdrTextVertAdjustItem(SDRTEXTVERTADJUST_CENTER)); aSet.Put(SdrTextHorzAdjustItem(SDRTEXTHORZADJUST_RIGHT)); pObj->SetMergedItemSet(aSet); } ((SdrCaptionObj*)pObj)->SetLogicRect(aRect); ((SdrCaptionObj*)pObj)->SetTailPos( aRect.TopLeft() - Point(aRect.GetWidth() / 2, aRect.GetHeight() / 2)); } else if(pObj->ISA(SdrTextObj)) { SdrTextObj* pText = (SdrTextObj*)pObj; pText->SetLogicRect(aRect); sal_Bool bVertical = (SID_DRAW_TEXT_VERTICAL == nSlotId); sal_Bool bMarquee = (SID_DRAW_TEXT_MARQUEE == nSlotId); pText->SetVerticalWriting(bVertical); if(bVertical) { SfxItemSet aSet(pDrawModel->GetItemPool()); aSet.Put(SdrTextAutoGrowWidthItem(sal_True)); aSet.Put(SdrTextAutoGrowHeightItem(sal_False)); aSet.Put(SdrTextVertAdjustItem(SDRTEXTVERTADJUST_TOP)); aSet.Put(SdrTextHorzAdjustItem(SDRTEXTHORZADJUST_RIGHT)); pText->SetMergedItemSet(aSet); } if(bMarquee) { SfxItemSet aSet(pDrawModel->GetItemPool(), SDRATTR_MISC_FIRST, SDRATTR_MISC_LAST); aSet.Put( SdrTextAutoGrowWidthItem( sal_False ) ); aSet.Put( SdrTextAutoGrowHeightItem( sal_False ) ); aSet.Put( SdrTextAniKindItem( SDRTEXTANI_SLIDE ) ); aSet.Put( SdrTextAniDirectionItem( SDRTEXTANI_LEFT ) ); aSet.Put( SdrTextAniCountItem( 1 ) ); aSet.Put( SdrTextAniAmountItem( (sal_Int16)GetWin()->PixelToLogic(Size(2,1)).Width()) ); pObj->SetMergedItemSetAndBroadcast(aSet); } } SdrPageView* pPageView = pDrawView->GetSdrPageView(); pDrawView->InsertObjectAtView(pObj, *pPageView); } ImpEndCreate(); } /** SwFEShell::GetShapeBackgrd OD 02.09.2002 for #102450#: method determines background color of the page the selected drawing object is on and returns this color. If no color is found, because no drawing object is selected or ..., color COL_BLACK (default color on constructing object of class Color) is returned. @author OD @returns an object of class Color */ const Color SwFEShell::GetShapeBackgrd() const { Color aRetColor; // check, if a draw view exists ASSERT( Imp()->GetDrawView(), "wrong usage of SwFEShell::GetShapeBackgrd - no draw view!"); if( Imp()->GetDrawView() ) { // determine list of selected objects const SdrMarkList* pMrkList = &Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkedObjectList(); // check, if exactly one object is selected. ASSERT( pMrkList->GetMarkCount() == 1, "wrong usage of SwFEShell::GetShapeBackgrd - no selected object!"); if ( pMrkList->GetMarkCount() == 1) { // get selected object const SdrObject *pSdrObj = pMrkList->GetMark( 0 )->GetMarkedSdrObj(); // check, if selected object is a shape (drawing object) ASSERT( !pSdrObj->ISA(SwVirtFlyDrawObj), "wrong usage of SwFEShell::GetShapeBackgrd - selected object is not a drawing object!"); if ( !pSdrObj->ISA(SwVirtFlyDrawObj) ) { // determine page frame of the frame the shape is anchored. const SwFrm* pAnchorFrm = static_cast(GetUserCall(pSdrObj))->GetAnchorFrm( pSdrObj ); ASSERT( pAnchorFrm, "inconsistent modell - no anchor at shape!"); if ( pAnchorFrm ) { const SwPageFrm* pPageFrm = pAnchorFrm->FindPageFrm(); ASSERT( pPageFrm, "inconsistent modell - no page!"); if ( pPageFrm ) { aRetColor = pPageFrm->GetDrawBackgrdColor(); } } } } } return aRetColor; } /** Is default horizontal text direction for selected drawing object right-to-left OD 09.12.2002 #103045# Because drawing objects only painted for each page only, the default horizontal text direction of a drawing object is given by the corresponding page property. @author OD @returns boolean, indicating, if the horizontal text direction of the page, the selected drawing object is on, is right-to-left. */ bool SwFEShell::IsShapeDefaultHoriTextDirR2L() const { bool bRet = false; // check, if a draw view exists ASSERT( Imp()->GetDrawView(), "wrong usage of SwFEShell::GetShapeBackgrd - no draw view!"); if( Imp()->GetDrawView() ) { // determine list of selected objects const SdrMarkList* pMrkList = &Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkedObjectList(); // check, if exactly one object is selected. ASSERT( pMrkList->GetMarkCount() == 1, "wrong usage of SwFEShell::GetShapeBackgrd - no selected object!"); if ( pMrkList->GetMarkCount() == 1) { // get selected object const SdrObject *pSdrObj = pMrkList->GetMark( 0 )->GetMarkedSdrObj(); // check, if selected object is a shape (drawing object) ASSERT( !pSdrObj->ISA(SwVirtFlyDrawObj), "wrong usage of SwFEShell::GetShapeBackgrd - selected object is not a drawing object!"); if ( !pSdrObj->ISA(SwVirtFlyDrawObj) ) { // determine page frame of the frame the shape is anchored. const SwFrm* pAnchorFrm = static_cast(GetUserCall(pSdrObj))->GetAnchorFrm( pSdrObj ); ASSERT( pAnchorFrm, "inconsistent modell - no anchor at shape!"); if ( pAnchorFrm ) { const SwPageFrm* pPageFrm = pAnchorFrm->FindPageFrm(); ASSERT( pPageFrm, "inconsistent modell - no page!"); if ( pPageFrm ) { bRet = pPageFrm->IsRightToLeft() ? true : false; } } } } } return bRet; } Point SwFEShell::GetRelativePagePosition(const Point& rDocPos) { Point aRet(-1, -1); const SwFrm *pPage = GetLayout()->Lower(); while ( pPage && !pPage->Frm().IsInside( rDocPos ) ) { pPage = pPage->GetNext(); } if(pPage) { aRet = rDocPos - pPage->Frm().TopLeft(); } return aRet; }