/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sw.hxx" #include "fldbas.hxx" // fuer FieldType #include <fmtfld.hxx> #include <txtfld.hxx> #include <txtannotationfld.hxx> #include <docfld.hxx> #include <docufld.hxx> #include <doc.hxx> #include "reffld.hxx" #include "ddefld.hxx" #include "usrfld.hxx" #include "expfld.hxx" #include "swfont.hxx" // fuer GetFldsColor #include "ndtxt.hxx" // SwTxtNode #include "calc.hxx" // Update fuer UserFields #include "hints.hxx" #include <IDocumentFieldsAccess.hxx> #include <fieldhint.hxx> #include <svl/smplhint.hxx> TYPEINIT3( SwFmtFld, SfxPoolItem, SwClient,SfxBroadcaster) TYPEINIT1(SwFmtFldHint, SfxHint); /**************************************************************************** * * class SwFmtFld * ****************************************************************************/ // constructor for default item in attribute-pool SwFmtFld::SwFmtFld( sal_uInt16 nWhich ) : SfxPoolItem( nWhich ) , SwClient() , SfxBroadcaster() , mpField( NULL ) , mpTxtFld( NULL ) { } SwFmtFld::SwFmtFld( const SwField &rFld ) : SfxPoolItem( RES_TXTATR_FIELD ) , SwClient( rFld.GetTyp() ) , SfxBroadcaster() , mpField( rFld.CopyField() ) , mpTxtFld( NULL ) { if ( GetField()->GetTyp()->Which() == RES_INPUTFLD ) { // input field in-place editing SetWhich( RES_TXTATR_INPUTFIELD ); dynamic_cast<SwInputField*>(GetField())->SetFmtFld( *this ); } else if ( GetField()->GetTyp()->Which() == RES_POSTITFLD ) { // text annotation field SetWhich( RES_TXTATR_ANNOTATION ); } } // #i24434# // Since Items are used in ItemPool and in default constructed ItemSets with // full pool range, all items need to be clonable. Thus, this one needed to be // corrected SwFmtFld::SwFmtFld( const SwFmtFld& rAttr ) : SfxPoolItem( RES_TXTATR_FIELD ) , SwClient() , SfxBroadcaster() , mpField( NULL ) , mpTxtFld( NULL ) { if ( rAttr.GetField() ) { rAttr.GetField()->GetTyp()->Add(this); mpField = rAttr.GetField()->CopyField(); if ( GetField()->GetTyp()->Which() == RES_INPUTFLD ) { // input field in-place editing SetWhich( RES_TXTATR_INPUTFIELD ); dynamic_cast<SwInputField*>(GetField())->SetFmtFld( *this ); } else if ( GetField()->GetTyp()->Which() == RES_POSTITFLD ) { // text annotation field SetWhich( RES_TXTATR_ANNOTATION ); } } } SwFmtFld::~SwFmtFld() { SwFieldType* pType = mpField ? mpField->GetTyp() : 0; if (pType && pType->Which() == RES_DBFLD) pType = 0; // DB-Feldtypen zerstoeren sich selbst Broadcast( SwFmtFldHint( this, SWFMTFLD_REMOVED ) ); delete mpField; // bei einige FeldTypen muessen wir den FeldTypen noch loeschen if( pType && pType->IsLastDepend() ) { sal_Bool bDel = sal_False; switch( pType->Which() ) { case RES_USERFLD: bDel = ((SwUserFieldType*)pType)->IsDeleted(); break; case RES_SETEXPFLD: bDel = ((SwSetExpFieldType*)pType)->IsDeleted(); break; case RES_DDEFLD: bDel = ((SwDDEFieldType*)pType)->IsDeleted(); break; } if( bDel ) { // vorm loeschen erstmal austragen pType->Remove( this ); delete pType; } } } void SwFmtFld::RegisterToFieldType( SwFieldType& rType ) { rType.Add(this); } // #111840# void SwFmtFld::SetField(SwField * _pField) { if (NULL != mpField) delete mpField; mpField = _pField; if ( GetField()->GetTyp()->Which() == RES_INPUTFLD ) { dynamic_cast<SwInputField* >(GetField())->SetFmtFld( *this ); } Broadcast( SwFmtFldHint( this, SWFMTFLD_CHANGED ) ); } void SwFmtFld::SetTxtFld( SwTxtFld& rTxtFld ) { mpTxtFld = &rTxtFld; } void SwFmtFld::ClearTxtFld() { mpTxtFld = NULL; } int SwFmtFld::operator==( const SfxPoolItem& rAttr ) const { ASSERT( SfxPoolItem::operator==( rAttr ), "keine gleichen Attribute" ); return ( ( mpField && ((SwFmtFld&)rAttr).GetField() && mpField->GetTyp() == ((SwFmtFld&)rAttr).GetField()->GetTyp() && mpField->GetFormat() == ((SwFmtFld&)rAttr).GetField()->GetFormat() ) ) || ( !mpField && !((SwFmtFld&)rAttr).GetField() ); } SfxPoolItem* SwFmtFld::Clone( SfxItemPool* ) const { return new SwFmtFld( *this ); } void SwFmtFld::SwClientNotify( const SwModify&, const SfxHint& rHint ) { if( !mpTxtFld ) return; const SwFieldHint* pHint = dynamic_cast<const SwFieldHint*>( &rHint ); if ( pHint ) { // replace field content by text SwPaM* pPaM = pHint->GetPaM(); SwDoc* pDoc = pPaM->GetDoc(); const SwTxtNode& rTxtNode = mpTxtFld->GetTxtNode(); pPaM->GetPoint()->nNode = rTxtNode; pPaM->GetPoint()->nContent.Assign( (SwTxtNode*)&rTxtNode, *mpTxtFld->GetStart() ); String const aEntry( GetField()->ExpandField( pDoc->IsClipBoard() ) ); pPaM->SetMark(); pPaM->Move( fnMoveForward ); pDoc->DeleteRange( *pPaM ); pDoc->InsertString( *pPaM, aEntry ); } } void SwFmtFld::Modify( const SfxPoolItem* pOld, const SfxPoolItem* pNew ) { if ( mpTxtFld == NULL ) return; if( pNew != NULL && pNew->Which() == RES_OBJECTDYING ) { // don't do anything, especially not expand! return; } SwTxtNode* pTxtNd = (SwTxtNode*) &mpTxtFld->GetTxtNode(); ASSERT( pTxtNd, "wo ist denn mein Node?" ); if ( pNew ) { switch (pNew->Which()) { case RES_TXTATR_FLDCHG: // "Farbe hat sich geaendert !" // this, this fuer "nur Painten" pTxtNd->ModifyNotification( this, this ); return; case RES_REFMARKFLD_UPDATE: // GetReferenz-Felder aktualisieren if ( RES_GETREFFLD == GetField()->GetTyp()->Which() ) { dynamic_cast<SwGetRefField*>(GetField())->UpdateField( mpTxtFld ); } break; case RES_DOCPOS_UPDATE: // Je nach DocPos aktualisieren (SwTxtFrm::Modify()) pTxtNd->ModifyNotification( pNew, this ); return; case RES_ATTRSET_CHG: case RES_FMT_CHG: pTxtNd->ModifyNotification( pOld, pNew ); return; default: break; } } switch (GetField()->GetTyp()->Which()) { case RES_HIDDENPARAFLD: if ( !pOld || RES_HIDDENPARA_PRINT != pOld->Which() ) break; case RES_DBSETNUMBERFLD: case RES_DBNUMSETFLD: case RES_DBNEXTSETFLD: case RES_DBNAMEFLD: pTxtNd->ModifyNotification( 0, pNew ); return; } if ( RES_USERFLD == GetField()->GetTyp()->Which() ) { SwUserFieldType* pType = (SwUserFieldType*) GetField()->GetTyp(); if ( !pType->IsValid() ) { SwCalc aCalc( *pTxtNd->GetDoc() ); pType->GetValue( aCalc ); } } const bool bForceNotify = (pOld == NULL) && (pNew == NULL); mpTxtFld->ExpandTxtFld( bForceNotify ); } sal_Bool SwFmtFld::GetInfo( SfxPoolItem& rInfo ) const { const SwTxtNode* pTxtNd; if( RES_AUTOFMT_DOCNODE != rInfo.Which() || !mpTxtFld || 0 == ( pTxtNd = mpTxtFld->GetpTxtNode() ) || &pTxtNd->GetNodes() != ((SwAutoFmtGetDocNode&)rInfo).pNodes ) return sal_True; ((SwAutoFmtGetDocNode&)rInfo).pCntntNode = pTxtNd; return sal_False; } bool SwFmtFld::IsFldInDoc() const { return mpTxtFld != NULL && mpTxtFld->IsFldInDoc(); } sal_Bool SwFmtFld::IsProtect() const { return mpTxtFld != NULL && mpTxtFld->GetpTxtNode() != NULL && mpTxtFld->GetpTxtNode()->IsProtect(); } SwTxtFld::SwTxtFld( SwFmtFld & rAttr, xub_StrLen const nStartPos, const bool bIsClipboardDoc ) : SwTxtAttr( rAttr, nStartPos ) , m_aExpand( rAttr.GetField()->ExpandField( bIsClipboardDoc ) ) , m_pTxtNode( NULL ) { rAttr.SetTxtFld( *this ); SetHasDummyChar(true); } SwTxtFld::~SwTxtFld( ) { SwFmtFld & rFmtFld( static_cast<SwFmtFld &>(GetAttr()) ); if ( this == rFmtFld.GetTxtFld() ) { rFmtFld.ClearTxtFld(); } } bool SwTxtFld::IsFldInDoc() const { return GetpTxtNode() != NULL && GetpTxtNode()->GetNodes().IsDocNodes(); } void SwTxtFld::ExpandTxtFld( const bool bForceNotify ) const { ASSERT( m_pTxtNode, "SwTxtFld: where is my TxtNode?" ); const SwField* pFld = GetFmtFld().GetField(); const XubString aNewExpand( pFld->ExpandField(m_pTxtNode->GetDoc()->IsClipBoard()) ); if ( aNewExpand == m_aExpand ) { // Bei Seitennummernfeldern const sal_uInt16 nWhich = pFld->GetTyp()->Which(); if ( RES_CHAPTERFLD != nWhich && RES_PAGENUMBERFLD != nWhich && RES_REFPAGEGETFLD != nWhich // Page count fields to not use aExpand during formatting, // therefore an invalidation of the text frame has to be triggered even if aNewExpand == aExpand: && ( RES_DOCSTATFLD != nWhich || DS_PAGE != static_cast<const SwDocStatField*>(pFld)->GetSubType() ) && ( RES_GETEXPFLD != nWhich || ((SwGetExpField*)pFld)->IsInBodyTxt() ) ) { if( m_pTxtNode->CalcHiddenParaField() ) { m_pTxtNode->ModifyNotification( 0, 0 ); } if ( !bForceNotify ) { // done, if no further notification forced. return; } } } m_aExpand = aNewExpand; const_cast<SwTxtFld*>(this)->NotifyContentChange( const_cast<SwFmtFld&>(GetFmtFld()) ); } void SwTxtFld::CopyTxtFld( SwTxtFld *pDest ) const { ASSERT( m_pTxtNode, "SwTxtFld: where is my TxtNode?" ); ASSERT( pDest->m_pTxtNode, "SwTxtFld: where is pDest's TxtNode?" ); IDocumentFieldsAccess* pIDFA = m_pTxtNode->getIDocumentFieldsAccess(); IDocumentFieldsAccess* pDestIDFA = pDest->m_pTxtNode->getIDocumentFieldsAccess(); SwFmtFld& rDestFmtFld = (SwFmtFld&)pDest->GetFmtFld(); const sal_uInt16 nFldWhich = rDestFmtFld.GetField()->GetTyp()->Which(); if( pIDFA != pDestIDFA ) { // Die Hints stehen in unterschiedlichen Dokumenten, // der Feldtyp muss im neuen Dokument angemeldet werden. // Z.B: Kopieren ins ClipBoard. SwFieldType* pFldType; if( nFldWhich != RES_DBFLD && nFldWhich != RES_USERFLD && nFldWhich != RES_SETEXPFLD && nFldWhich != RES_DDEFLD && RES_AUTHORITY != nFldWhich ) { pFldType = pDestIDFA->GetSysFldType( nFldWhich ); } else { pFldType = pDestIDFA->InsertFldType( *rDestFmtFld.GetField()->GetTyp() ); } // Sonderbehandlung fuer DDE-Felder if( RES_DDEFLD == nFldWhich ) { if( rDestFmtFld.GetTxtFld() ) { ((SwDDEFieldType*)rDestFmtFld.GetField()->GetTyp())->DecRefCnt(); } ((SwDDEFieldType*)pFldType)->IncRefCnt(); } ASSERT( pFldType, "unbekannter FieldType" ); pFldType->Add( &rDestFmtFld ); // ummelden rDestFmtFld.GetField()->ChgTyp( pFldType ); } // Expressionfelder Updaten if( nFldWhich == RES_SETEXPFLD || nFldWhich == RES_GETEXPFLD || nFldWhich == RES_HIDDENTXTFLD ) { SwTxtFld* pFld = (SwTxtFld*)this; pDestIDFA->UpdateExpFlds( pFld, true ); } // Tabellenfelder auf externe Darstellung else if( RES_TABLEFLD == nFldWhich && ((SwTblField*)rDestFmtFld.GetField())->IsIntrnlName() ) { // erzeuge aus der internen (fuer CORE) die externe (fuer UI) Formel const SwTableNode* pTblNd = m_pTxtNode->FindTableNode(); if( pTblNd ) // steht in einer Tabelle ((SwTblField*)rDestFmtFld.GetField())->PtrToBoxNm( &pTblNd->GetTable() ); } } void SwTxtFld::NotifyContentChange(SwFmtFld& rFmtFld) { //if not in undo section notify the change if (m_pTxtNode && m_pTxtNode->GetNodes().IsDocNodes()) { m_pTxtNode->ModifyNotification(0, &rFmtFld); } } /*static*/ void SwTxtFld::GetPamForTxtFld( const SwTxtFld& rTxtFld, boost::shared_ptr< SwPaM >& rPamForTxtFld ) { if ( rTxtFld.GetpTxtNode() == NULL ) { ASSERT( false, "<SwTxtFld::GetPamForField> - missing <SwTxtNode>" ); return; } const SwTxtNode& rTxtNode = rTxtFld.GetTxtNode(); rPamForTxtFld.reset( new SwPaM( rTxtNode, ( (rTxtFld.End() != NULL) ? *(rTxtFld.End()) : ( *(rTxtFld.GetStart()) + 1 ) ), rTxtNode, *(rTxtFld.GetStart()) ) ); } /*static*/ void SwTxtFld::DeleteTxtFld( const SwTxtFld& rTxtFld ) { if ( rTxtFld.GetpTxtNode() != NULL ) { boost::shared_ptr< SwPaM > pPamForTxtFld; GetPamForTxtFld( rTxtFld, pPamForTxtFld ); if ( pPamForTxtFld.get() != NULL ) { rTxtFld.GetTxtNode().GetDoc()->DeleteAndJoin( *pPamForTxtFld ); } } } // input field in-place editing SwTxtInputFld::SwTxtInputFld( SwFmtFld & rAttr, xub_StrLen const nStart, xub_StrLen const nEnd, const bool bIsClipboardDoc ) : SwTxtFld( rAttr, nStart, bIsClipboardDoc ) , m_nEnd( nEnd ) , m_bLockNotifyContentChange( false ) { SetHasDummyChar( false ); SetHasContent( true ); SetDontExpand( true ); SetLockExpandFlag( true ); SetDontExpandStartAttr( true ); SetNesting( true ); } SwTxtInputFld::~SwTxtInputFld() { } xub_StrLen* SwTxtInputFld::GetEnd() { return &m_nEnd; } void SwTxtInputFld::LockNotifyContentChange() { m_bLockNotifyContentChange = true; } void SwTxtInputFld::UnlockNotifyContentChange() { m_bLockNotifyContentChange = false; } void SwTxtInputFld::NotifyContentChange( SwFmtFld& rFmtFld ) { if ( !m_bLockNotifyContentChange ) { LockNotifyContentChange(); SwTxtFld::NotifyContentChange( rFmtFld ); UpdateTextNodeContent( GetFieldContent() ); UnlockNotifyContentChange(); } } const String SwTxtInputFld::GetFieldContent() const { return GetFmtFld().GetField()->ExpandField(false); } void SwTxtInputFld::UpdateFieldContent() { if ( IsFldInDoc() && (*GetStart()) != (*End()) ) { ASSERT( (*End()) - (*GetStart()) >= 2, "<SwTxtInputFld::UpdateFieldContent()> - Are CH_TXT_ATR_INPUTFIELDSTART and/or CH_TXT_ATR_INPUTFIELDEND missing?" ); // skip CH_TXT_ATR_INPUTFIELDSTART character const xub_StrLen nIdx = (*GetStart()) + 1; // skip CH_TXT_ATR_INPUTFIELDEND character const xub_StrLen nLen = static_cast<xub_StrLen>(std::max( 0, ( (*End()) - 1 - nIdx ) )); const String aNewFieldContent = GetTxtNode().GetExpandTxt( nIdx, nLen ); const SwInputField* pInputFld = dynamic_cast<const SwInputField*>(GetFmtFld().GetField()); ASSERT( pInputFld != NULL, "<SwTxtInputFld::GetContent()> - Missing <SwInputFld> instance!" ); if ( pInputFld != NULL ) { const_cast<SwInputField*>(pInputFld)->applyFieldContent( aNewFieldContent ); // trigger update of fields for scenarios in which the Input Field's content is part of e.g. a table formula GetTxtNode().GetDoc()->GetUpdtFlds().SetFieldsDirty( sal_True ); } } } void SwTxtInputFld::UpdateTextNodeContent( const String& rNewContent ) { if ( !IsFldInDoc() ) { ASSERT( false, "<SwTxtInputFld::UpdateTextNodeContent(..)> - misusage as Input Field is not in document content." ); return; } ASSERT( (*End()) - (*GetStart()) >= 2, "<SwTxtInputFld::UpdateTextNodeContent(..)> - Are CH_TXT_ATR_INPUTFIELDSTART and/or CH_TXT_ATR_INPUTFIELDEND missing?" ); // skip CH_TXT_ATR_INPUTFIELDSTART character const xub_StrLen nIdx = (*GetStart()) + 1; // skip CH_TXT_ATR_INPUTFIELDEND character const xub_StrLen nDelLen = static_cast<xub_StrLen>(std::max( 0, ( (*End()) - 1 - nIdx ) )); SwIndex aIdx( &GetTxtNode(), nIdx ); GetTxtNode().ReplaceText( aIdx, nDelLen, rNewContent ); } // text annotation field SwTxtAnnotationFld::SwTxtAnnotationFld( SwFmtFld & rAttr, xub_StrLen const nStart, const bool bIsClipboardDoc ) : SwTxtFld( rAttr, nStart, bIsClipboardDoc ) { } SwTxtAnnotationFld::~SwTxtAnnotationFld() { } ::sw::mark::IMark* SwTxtAnnotationFld::GetAnnotationMark( SwDoc* pDoc ) const { const SwPostItField* pPostItField = dynamic_cast<const SwPostItField*>(GetFmtFld().GetField()); ASSERT( pPostItField != NULL, "<SwTxtAnnotationFld::GetAnnotationMark()> - field missing" ); if ( pPostItField == NULL ) { return NULL; } if ( pDoc == NULL ) { pDoc = static_cast<const SwPostItFieldType*>(pPostItField->GetTyp())->GetDoc(); } ASSERT( pDoc != NULL, "<SwTxtAnnotationFld::GetAnnotationMark()> - missing document" ); if ( pDoc == NULL ) { return NULL; } IDocumentMarkAccess* pMarksAccess = pDoc->getIDocumentMarkAccess(); IDocumentMarkAccess::const_iterator_t pMark = pMarksAccess->findAnnotationMark( pPostItField->GetName() ); return pMark != pMarksAccess->getAnnotationMarksEnd() ? pMark->get() : NULL; }