 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sw.hxx"

#include <tools/stream.hxx>
#ifndef _RESID_HXX //autogen
#include <tools/resid.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Any.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx>
#include <unotools/useroptions.hxx>
#include <tools/shl.hxx>
#include <swmodule.hxx>
#include "labimg.hxx"
#include "cmdid.h"
#include "swtypes.hxx"
#include <unomid.h>

using namespace utl;
using namespace rtl;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SwLabItem::SwLabItem() :

	lLeft (0),
	nCols (1),
    nRows (1),
    nCol  (1),
    nRow  (1)
	bAddr = bCont = bSynchron = sal_False;
	bPage = sal_True;
	lHDist	=
	lVDist	=
	lWidth	=
	lHeight = 5669; // 10 cm

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SwLabItem::SwLabItem(const SwLabItem& rItem) :
		*this = rItem;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SwLabItem& SwLabItem::operator =(const SwLabItem& rItem)
	bAddr	 = rItem.bAddr;
	aWriting = rItem.aWriting;
	bCont	 = rItem.bCont;
	sDBName  = rItem.sDBName;
	aLstMake = rItem.aLstMake;
	aLstType = rItem.aLstType;
	aMake	 = rItem.aMake;
	aType	 = rItem.aType;
	bPage	 = rItem.bPage;
	bSynchron = rItem.bSynchron;
	aBin	 = rItem.aBin;
	nCol	 = rItem.nCol;
	nRow	 = rItem.nRow;
	lHDist	 = rItem.lHDist;
	lVDist	 = rItem.lVDist;
	lWidth	 = rItem.lWidth;
	lHeight  = rItem.lHeight;
	lLeft	 = rItem.lLeft;
	lUpper	 = rItem.lUpper;
	nCols	 = rItem.nCols;
	nRows	 = rItem.nRows;
	aPrivFirstName = 		rItem.aPrivFirstName;
	aPrivName =             rItem.aPrivName;
	aPrivShortCut =         rItem.aPrivShortCut;
	aPrivFirstName2 = 		rItem.aPrivFirstName2;
	aPrivName2 =            rItem.aPrivName2;
	aPrivShortCut2 =        rItem.aPrivShortCut2;
	aPrivStreet =           rItem.aPrivStreet;
	aPrivZip =              rItem.aPrivZip;
	aPrivCity =             rItem.aPrivCity;
	aPrivCountry =          rItem.aPrivCountry;
	aPrivState =            rItem.aPrivState;
	aPrivTitle =            rItem.aPrivTitle;
	aPrivProfession =       rItem.aPrivProfession;
	aPrivPhone =            rItem.aPrivPhone;
	aPrivMobile =           rItem.aPrivMobile;
	aPrivFax =              rItem.aPrivFax;
	aPrivWWW =              rItem.aPrivWWW;
	aPrivMail =             rItem.aPrivMail;
	aCompCompany =          rItem.aCompCompany;
	aCompCompanyExt =       rItem.aCompCompanyExt;
	aCompSlogan =           rItem.aCompSlogan;
	aCompStreet =           rItem.aCompStreet;
	aCompZip =              rItem.aCompZip;
	aCompCity =             rItem.aCompCity;
	aCompCountry =          rItem.aCompCountry;
	aCompState =            rItem.aCompState;
	aCompPosition =         rItem.aCompPosition;
	aCompPhone =            rItem.aCompPhone;
	aCompMobile =           rItem.aCompMobile;
	aCompFax =              rItem.aCompFax;
	aCompWWW =              rItem.aCompWWW;
	aCompMail =             rItem.aCompMail;
	sGlossaryGroup =        rItem.sGlossaryGroup;
	sGlossaryBlockName =    rItem.sGlossaryBlockName;
	return *this;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

int SwLabItem::operator ==(const SfxPoolItem& rItem) const
	const SwLabItem& rLab = (const SwLabItem&) rItem;

	return bAddr	== rLab.bAddr	&&
		   bCont	== rLab.bCont	&&
		   bPage	== rLab.bPage	&&
		   bSynchron == rLab.bSynchron &&
		   aBin 	== rLab.aBin	&&
		   nCol 	== rLab.nCol	&&
		   nRow 	== rLab.nRow	&&
		   lHDist	== rLab.lHDist	&&
		   lVDist	== rLab.lVDist	&&
		   lWidth	== rLab.lWidth	&&
		   lHeight	== rLab.lHeight &&
		   lLeft	== rLab.lLeft	&&
		   lUpper	== rLab.lUpper	&&
		   nCols	== rLab.nCols	&&
		   nRows	== rLab.nRows	&&
		   aWriting == rLab.aWriting&&
		   aMake	== rLab.aMake	&&
		   aType	== rLab.aType	&&
		   aLstMake	== rLab.aLstMake&&
		   aLstType	== rLab.aLstType&&
		   sDBName  == rLab.sDBName &&
		   	aPrivFirstName == 		rLab.aPrivFirstName&&
			aPrivName ==             rLab.aPrivName&&
			aPrivShortCut ==         rLab.aPrivShortCut&&
		   	aPrivFirstName2 == 		 rLab.aPrivFirstName2&&
			aPrivName2 ==            rLab.aPrivName2&&
			aPrivShortCut2 ==        rLab.aPrivShortCut2&&
			aPrivStreet ==           rLab.aPrivStreet&&
			aPrivZip ==              rLab.aPrivZip&&
			aPrivCity ==             rLab.aPrivCity&&
			aPrivCountry ==          rLab.aPrivCountry&&
			aPrivState ==            rLab.aPrivState&&
			aPrivTitle ==            rLab.aPrivTitle&&
			aPrivProfession ==       rLab.aPrivProfession&&
			aPrivPhone ==            rLab.aPrivPhone&&
			aPrivMobile ==           rLab.aPrivMobile&&
			aPrivFax ==              rLab.aPrivFax&&
			aPrivWWW ==              rLab.aPrivWWW&&
			aPrivMail ==             rLab.aPrivMail&&
			aCompCompany ==          rLab.aCompCompany&&
			aCompCompanyExt ==       rLab.aCompCompanyExt&&
			aCompSlogan ==           rLab.aCompSlogan&&
			aCompStreet ==           rLab.aCompStreet&&
			aCompZip ==              rLab.aCompZip&&
			aCompCity ==             rLab.aCompCity&&
			aCompCountry ==          rLab.aCompCountry&&
			aCompState ==            rLab.aCompState&&
			aCompPosition ==         rLab.aCompPosition&&
			aCompPhone ==            rLab.aCompPhone&&
			aCompMobile ==           rLab.aCompMobile&&
			aCompFax ==              rLab.aCompFax&&
			aCompWWW ==              rLab.aCompWWW&&
			aCompMail ==             rLab.aCompMail &&
			sGlossaryGroup ==        rLab.sGlossaryGroup &&
			sGlossaryBlockName ==    rLab.sGlossaryBlockName;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
SfxPoolItem* SwLabItem::Clone(SfxItemPool*) const
	return new SwLabItem(*this);

/* -----------------------------25.09.00 16:25--------------------------------

Sequence<rtl::OUString> SwLabCfgItem::GetPropertyNames()
	static const char* aLabelPropNames[] =
		"Medium/Continous",			// 0
		"Medium/Brand",				// 1
		"Medium/Type",				// 2
		"Format/Column",			// 3
		"Format/Row",				// 4
		"Format/HorizontalDistance",// 5
		"Format/VerticalDistance",	// 6
		"Format/Width",				// 7
		"Format/Height",			// 8
		"Format/LeftMargin",		// 9
		"Format/TopMargin",			//10
		"Option/Synchronize",		//11
		"Option/Page",				//12
		"Option/Column",			//13
		"Option/Row",				//14
		"Inscription/UseAddress",	//15
		"Inscription/Address",		//16
		"Inscription/Database"		//17
	static const char* aBusinessPropNames[] =
		"PrivateAddress/FirstName",				//	0
		"PrivateAddress/Name",					//  1
		"PrivateAddress/ShortCut",				//  2
		"PrivateAddress/SecondFirstName",		//  3
		"PrivateAddress/SecondName",			//  4
		"PrivateAddress/SecondShortCut",		//  5
		"PrivateAddress/Street",				//  6
		"PrivateAddress/Zip",					//  7
		"PrivateAddress/City",					//  8
		"PrivateAddress/Country",				//  9
		"PrivateAddress/State",					// 10
		"PrivateAddress/Title",					// 11
		"PrivateAddress/Profession",			// 12
		"PrivateAddress/Phone",					// 13
		"PrivateAddress/Mobile",				// 14
		"PrivateAddress/Fax",					// 15
		"PrivateAddress/WebAddress",			// 16
		"PrivateAddress/Email",					// 17
		"BusinessAddress/Company",				// 18
		"BusinessAddress/CompanyExt",			// 19
		"BusinessAddress/Slogan",				// 20
		"BusinessAddress/Street",				// 21
		"BusinessAddress/Zip",					// 22
		"BusinessAddress/City",					// 23
		"BusinessAddress/Country",				// 24
		"BusinessAddress/State",				// 25
		"BusinessAddress/Position",				// 26
		"BusinessAddress/Phone",				// 27
		"BusinessAddress/Mobile",				// 28
		"BusinessAddress/Fax",					// 29
		"BusinessAddress/WebAddress",			// 30
		"BusinessAddress/Email",				// 31
		"AutoText/Group",						// 32
		"AutoText/Block"						// 33
	const int nBusinessCount = bIsLabel ? 0 : 34;
	const int nLabelCount = bIsLabel ? 18 : 15;
	Sequence<OUString> aNames(nBusinessCount + nLabelCount);
	OUString* pNames = aNames.getArray();
	int nIndex = 0;
	for(int nLabel = 0; nLabel < nLabelCount; nLabel++)
		pNames[nIndex++] = OUString::createFromAscii(aLabelPropNames[nLabel]);
	for(int nBusiness = 0; nBusiness < nBusinessCount; nBusiness++)
		pNames[nIndex++] = OUString::createFromAscii(aBusinessPropNames[nBusiness]);
	return aNames;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

SwLabCfgItem::SwLabCfgItem(sal_Bool bLabel) :
	ConfigItem(bLabel ? C2U("Office.Writer/Label") :  C2U("Office.Writer/BusinessCard")),
	Sequence<OUString> aNames = GetPropertyNames();
	Sequence<Any> aValues = GetProperties(aNames);
	const Any* pValues = aValues.getConstArray();
	DBG_ASSERT(aValues.getLength() == aNames.getLength(), "GetProperties failed");
    sal_Bool bNoConfigValues = sal_True;
	if(aValues.getLength() == aNames.getLength())
		for(int nProp = 0, nProperty = 0; nProp < aNames.getLength(); nProp++, nProperty++)

				//to have a contiuous switch an offset is added
				if(nProp == 15 && !bIsLabel)
					nProperty += 3;
                if(nProperty >= 18)
                    bNoConfigValues = sal_False;
					case  0: aItem.bCont = *(sal_Bool*)pValues[nProp].getValue(); break;// "Medium/Continous",
					case  1: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aMake;			break;// "Medium/Brand",
					case  2: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aType;			break;// "Medium/Type",
					case  3: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.nCols; 			break;// "Format/Column",
					case  4: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.nRows; 			break;// "Format/Row",
					case  5:
						pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.lHDist;
						aItem.lHDist = MM100_TO_TWIP(aItem.lHDist);
					break;// "Format/HorizontalDistance",
					case  6:
						pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.lVDist;
						aItem.lVDist = MM100_TO_TWIP(aItem.lVDist);
					break;// "Format/VerticalDistance",
					case  7:
						pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.lWidth;
						aItem.lWidth = MM100_TO_TWIP(aItem.lWidth);
					break;// "Format/Width",
					case  8:
						pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.lHeight;
						aItem.lHeight = MM100_TO_TWIP(aItem.lHeight);
					break;// "Format/Height",
					case  9:
						pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.lLeft;
						aItem.lLeft = MM100_TO_TWIP(aItem.lLeft);
					break;// "Format/LeftMargin",
					case 10:
						pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.lUpper;
						aItem.lUpper = MM100_TO_TWIP(aItem.lUpper);
					break;// "Format/TopMargin",
					case 11: aItem.bSynchron = *(sal_Bool*)pValues[nProp].getValue(); break;// "Option/Synchronize",
					case 12: aItem.bPage = *(sal_Bool*)pValues[nProp].getValue(); break;// "Option/Page",
					case 13: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.nCol; 	break;// "Option/Column",
					case 14: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.nRow; 	break;// "Option/Row"
					case 15: aItem.bAddr = *(sal_Bool*)pValues[nProp].getValue(); 		break;// "Inscription/UseAddress",
					case 16: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aWriting; 		break;// "Inscription/Address",
					case 17: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.sDBName; 			break;// "Inscription/Database"
					case 18: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aPrivFirstName;  	break;// "PrivateAddress/FirstName",
					case 19: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aPrivName;       	break;// "PrivateAddress/Name",
					case 20: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aPrivShortCut;   	break;// "PrivateAddress/ShortCut",
					case 21: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aPrivFirstName2; 	break;// "PrivateAddress/SecondFirstName",
					case 22: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aPrivName2;      	break;// "PrivateAddress/SecondName",
					case 23: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aPrivShortCut2;  	break;// "PrivateAddress/SecondShortCut",
					case 24: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aPrivStreet;     	break;// "PrivateAddress/Street",
					case 25: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aPrivZip;        	break;// "PrivateAddress/Zip",
					case 26: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aPrivCity;       	break;// "PrivateAddress/City",
					case 27: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aPrivCountry;    	break;// "PrivateAddress/Country",
					case 28: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aPrivState;      	break;// "PrivateAddress/State",
					case 29: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aPrivTitle;      	break;// "PrivateAddress/Title",
					case 30: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aPrivProfession; 	break;// "PrivateAddress/Profession",
					case 31: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aPrivPhone;      	break;// "PrivateAddress/Phone",
					case 32: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aPrivMobile;     	break;// "PrivateAddress/Mobile",
					case 33: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aPrivFax;        	break;// "PrivateAddress/Fax",
					case 34: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aPrivWWW;        	break;// "PrivateAddress/WebAddress",
					case 35: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aPrivMail;       	break;// "PrivateAddress/Email",
					case 36: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aCompCompany;    	break;// "BusinessAddress/Company",
					case 37: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aCompCompanyExt; 	break;// "BusinessAddress/CompanyExt",
					case 38: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aCompSlogan;     	break;// "BusinessAddress/Slogan",
					case 39: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aCompStreet;     	break;// "BusinessAddress/Street",
					case 40: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aCompZip;        	break;// "BusinessAddress/Zip",
					case 41: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aCompCity;       	break;// "BusinessAddress/City",
					case 42: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aCompCountry;    	break;// "BusinessAddress/Country",
					case 43: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aCompState;      	break;// "BusinessAddress/State",
					case 44: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aCompPosition;   	break;// "BusinessAddress/Position",
					case 45: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aCompPhone;      	break;// "BusinessAddress/Phone",
					case 46: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aCompMobile;     	break;// "BusinessAddress/Mobile",
					case 47: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aCompFax;        	break;// "BusinessAddress/Fax",
					case 48: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aCompWWW;        	break;// "BusinessAddress/WebAddress",
					case 49: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.aCompMail;       	break;// "BusinessAddress/Email",
					case 50: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.sGlossaryGroup;  	break;// "AutoText/Group"
					case 51: pValues[nProp] >>= aItem.sGlossaryBlockName; break;// "AutoText/Block"
    if(!bIsLabel && bNoConfigValues)

        SvtUserOptions& rUserOpt = SW_MOD()->GetUserOptions();
        aItem.aPrivFirstName = rUserOpt.GetFirstName();
        aItem.aPrivName = rUserOpt.GetLastName();
        aItem.aPrivShortCut = rUserOpt.GetID();
        aItem.aCompCompany = rUserOpt.GetCompany();
        aItem.aCompStreet = aItem.aPrivStreet = rUserOpt.GetStreet();

        aItem.aCompCountry = aItem.aPrivCountry = rUserOpt.GetCountry();
        aItem.aCompZip = aItem.aPrivZip= rUserOpt.GetZip();
        aItem.aCompCity = aItem.aPrivCity = rUserOpt.GetCity();
        aItem.aPrivTitle = rUserOpt.GetTitle();
        aItem.aCompPosition = rUserOpt.GetPosition();
        aItem.aPrivPhone = rUserOpt.GetTelephoneHome();
        aItem.aCompPhone = rUserOpt.GetTelephoneWork();
        aItem.aCompFax = aItem.aPrivFax = rUserOpt.GetFax();
        aItem.aCompMail = aItem.aPrivMail = rUserOpt.GetEmail();
        aItem.aCompState = aItem.aPrivState = rUserOpt.GetState();
        aItem.bSynchron = sal_True;
/* -----------------------------25.09.00 16:26--------------------------------

void SwLabCfgItem::Notify( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString >& ) {}

void	SwLabCfgItem::Commit()
	Sequence<OUString> aNames = GetPropertyNames();
	Sequence<Any> aValues(aNames.getLength());
	Any* pValues = aValues.getArray();

	const Type& rType = ::getBooleanCppuType();
	for(int nProp = 0, nProperty = 0; nProp < aNames.getLength(); nProp++, nProperty++)
		//to have a contiuous switch an offset is added
		if(nProp == 15 && !bIsLabel)
			nProperty += 3;
			case  0: pValues[nProp].setValue(&aItem.bCont, rType); break;// "Medium/Continous",
			case  1: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aMake;			break;// "Medium/Brand",
			case  2: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aType;			break;// "Medium/Type",
			case  3: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.nCols; 			break;// "Format/Column",
			case  4: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.nRows; 			break;// "Format/Row",
			case  5: pValues[nProp] <<= static_cast<sal_Int32>(TWIP_TO_MM100(aItem.lHDist));break;// "Format/HorizontalDistance",
			case  6: pValues[nProp] <<= static_cast<sal_Int32>(TWIP_TO_MM100(aItem.lVDist));break;// "Format/VerticalDistance",
			case  7: pValues[nProp] <<= static_cast<sal_Int32>(TWIP_TO_MM100(aItem.lWidth));			break;// "Format/Width",
			case  8: pValues[nProp] <<= static_cast<sal_Int32>(TWIP_TO_MM100(aItem.lHeight));			break;// "Format/Height",
			case  9: pValues[nProp] <<= static_cast<sal_Int32>(TWIP_TO_MM100(aItem.lLeft));			break;// "Format/LeftMargin",
			case 10: pValues[nProp] <<= static_cast<sal_Int32>(TWIP_TO_MM100(aItem.lUpper));			break;// "Format/TopMargin",
			case 11: pValues[nProp].setValue(&aItem.bSynchron, rType); break;// "Option/Synchronize",
			case 12: pValues[nProp].setValue(&aItem.bPage, rType); break;// "Option/Page",
			case 13: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.nCol; 	break;// "Option/Column",
			case 14: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.nRow; 	break;// "Option/Row"
			case 15: pValues[nProp].setValue(&aItem.bAddr, rType); 		break;// "Inscription/UseAddress",
			case 16: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aWriting; 		break;// "Inscription/Address",
			case 17: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.sDBName; 			break;// "Inscription/Database"
			case 18: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aPrivFirstName;  	break;// "PrivateAddress/FirstName",
			case 19: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aPrivName;       	break;// "PrivateAddress/Name",
			case 20: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aPrivShortCut;   	break;// "PrivateAddress/ShortCut",
			case 21: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aPrivFirstName2; 	break;// "PrivateAddress/SecondFirstName",
			case 22: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aPrivName2;      	break;// "PrivateAddress/SecondName",
			case 23: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aPrivShortCut2;  	break;// "PrivateAddress/SecondShortCut",
			case 24: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aPrivStreet;     	break;// "PrivateAddress/Street",
			case 25: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aPrivZip;        	break;// "PrivateAddress/Zip",
			case 26: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aPrivCity;       	break;// "PrivateAddress/City",
			case 27: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aPrivCountry;    	break;// "PrivateAddress/Country",
			case 28: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aPrivState;      	break;// "PrivateAddress/State",
			case 29: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aPrivTitle;      	break;// "PrivateAddress/Title",
			case 30: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aPrivProfession; 	break;// "PrivateAddress/Profession",
			case 31: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aPrivPhone;      	break;// "PrivateAddress/Phone",
			case 32: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aPrivMobile;     	break;// "PrivateAddress/Mobile",
			case 33: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aPrivFax;        	break;// "PrivateAddress/Fax",
			case 34: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aPrivWWW;        	break;// "PrivateAddress/WebAddress",
			case 35: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aPrivMail;       	break;// "PrivateAddress/Email",
			case 36: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aCompCompany;    	break;// "BusinessAddress/Company",
			case 37: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aCompCompanyExt; 	break;// "BusinessAddress/CompanyExt",
			case 38: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aCompSlogan;     	break;// "BusinessAddress/Slogan",
			case 39: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aCompStreet;     	break;// "BusinessAddress/Street",
			case 40: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aCompZip;        	break;// "BusinessAddress/Zip",
			case 41: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aCompCity;       	break;// "BusinessAddress/City",
			case 42: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aCompCountry;    	break;// "BusinessAddress/Country",
			case 43: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aCompState;      	break;// "BusinessAddress/State",
			case 44: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aCompPosition;   	break;// "BusinessAddress/Position",
			case 45: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aCompPhone;      	break;// "BusinessAddress/Phone",
			case 46: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aCompMobile;     	break;// "BusinessAddress/Mobile",
			case 47: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aCompFax;        	break;// "BusinessAddress/Fax",
			case 48: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aCompWWW;        	break;// "BusinessAddress/WebAddress",
			case 49: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.aCompMail;       	break;// "BusinessAddress/Email",
			case 50: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.sGlossaryGroup;  	break;// "AutoText/Group"
			case 51: pValues[nProp] <<= aItem.sGlossaryBlockName; break;// "AutoText/Block"
	PutProperties(aNames, aValues);