package graphical_compare; #************************************************************** # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # #************************************************************** use CallExternals; use stringhelper; use timehelper; use filehelper; use loghelper; use oshelper; use cwstestresulthelper; use solarenvhelper; use ConvwatchHelper; use strict; use Cwd; # use File::Basename; use Getopt::Long; use English; # $OSNAME, ... use File::Path; use Cwd 'chdir'; use Sys::Hostname; use Time::localtime; # my $cwd = getcwd(); BEGIN { use Exporter (); our ($VERSION, @ISA, @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK, %EXPORT_TAGS); $VERSION = 1.00; # if using RCS/CVS, this may be preferred $VERSION = do { my @r = (q$Revision: 1.2 $ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r, @r }; # must be all one line, for MakeMaker @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(&SingleDocumentCompare &setPrefix &setConnectionString); %EXPORT_TAGS = ( ); # eg: TAG => [ qw!name1 name2! ], # your exported package globals go here, # as well as any optionally exported functions @EXPORT_OK = ( ); # qw($Var1 %Hashit &func3); } our $nTimeOut = 300 * 1000; our $viewable = 1; our $port; our $resolution; our $overwritereference; our $fixreference; our $sConncectionString; sub setConnectionString($) { $sConncectionString=shift; } sub getOOoRunnerClasspath() { my $sSourceRoot; my $sUPDExtensions = ""; if (defined ($ENV{SOL_TMP}) && defined ($ENV{SOLARVERSION})) { $sSourceRoot = $ENV{SOLARVERSION}; } elsif (defined $ENV{SOURCE_ROOT}) { $sSourceRoot = $ENV{SOURCE_ROOT}; $sSourceRoot = appendPath($sSourceRoot, $ENV{WORK_STAMP}); } else { $sSourceRoot = $ENV{SOLARVERSION}; $sUPDExtensions = ".$ENV{UPDMINOR}"; } $sSourceRoot = appendPath($sSourceRoot, $ENV{INPATH}); my $sSourceRootBin = appendPath($sSourceRoot, "bin" . $sUPDExtensions); my $sSourceRootLib = appendPath($sSourceRoot, "lib" . $sUPDExtensions); if (! -d $sSourceRoot ) { log_print( "SourceRoot not found, search it in '$sSourceRoot'\n"); return ""; } my $sOOoRunnerPath = $sSourceRootBin; my $sUnoilPath = $sSourceRootBin; my $sRidlPath = $sSourceRootBin; my $sJurtPath = $sSourceRootBin; my $sJuhPath = $sSourceRootBin; my $sJavaUnoPath = $sSourceRootBin; my $sOOoRunnerClasspath = appendPath( $sRidlPath, "ridl.jar") . getJavaPathSeparator() . appendPath( $sUnoilPath, "unoil.jar") . getJavaPathSeparator() . appendPath( $sJurtPath, "jurt.jar") . getJavaPathSeparator() . appendPath( $sJuhPath, "juh.jar") . getJavaPathSeparator() . appendPath( $sJavaUnoPath, "java_uno.jar") . getJavaPathSeparator() . appendPath( $sOOoRunnerPath, "OOoRunnerLight.jar"); if (isWindowsEnvironment()) { $sOOoRunnerClasspath .= getJavaPathSeparator() . $sSourceRootBin; } else { $sOOoRunnerClasspath .= getJavaPathSeparator() . $sSourceRootLib; } return $sOOoRunnerClasspath; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub getTempPath() { my $sTempPath; if (isWindowsEnvironment()) { $sTempPath = "C:/temp"; } elsif (isUnixEnvironment()) { $sTempPath = "/tmp"; } else { die "getTempPath() Failed, due to unsupported environment.\n"; } return $sTempPath; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub getProjectOutput() { my $sOutput = appendPath(getProjectRoot(), $ENV{INPATH}); $sOutput = appendPath($sOutput, "misc"); return $sOutput; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub getProjectOutputReference() { my $sOutput = appendPath(getProjectRoot(), $ENV{INPATH}); $sOutput = appendPath($sOutput, "reference"); return $sOutput; } sub searchForReference($) { my $sFile = shift; if ( -e $sFile ) { return 0; } if ( -e $sFile . ".ps") { return 0; } if ( -e $sFile . ".pdf") { return 0; } return 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # my $sOfficeName = $officeprefixname . $officename; sub SingleDocumentCompare($$$$$$) { # get all about the document to compare my $sDocumentPoolPath = shift; my $sDocumentPool = shift; my $sDocumentName = shift; my $sDebug = ""; # get all about the destination office my $sCreatorType = shift; if (! $sCreatorType) { # log_print( "parameter -creatortype not given. Use 'OOo'\n"); $sCreatorType = "ps"; } my $prepareonly = shift; my $show = shift; # my $nSimpleCompareTime = getTime(); my $nConvwatchFailed = 0; set_logfile( appendPath(getProjectOutput(), $sDocumentName . ".txt" )); print("$sDocumentName"); log_print("\n"); log_print("Graphical compare on document: '$sDocumentName'\n"); # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # create postscript or pdf from first installed office # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my $sOOoRunnerClasspath = quoteIfNeed(getOOoRunnerClasspath()); if ($OSNAME eq "cygwin") { if (!startswith($sOOoRunnerClasspath, "\"")) { $sOOoRunnerClasspath = quote($sOOoRunnerClasspath); } } if (length($sOOoRunnerClasspath) == 0) { $nConvwatchFailed == 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # create postscript or pdf from second installed office # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my $sPathesIni = appendPath(getProjectOutput(), "pathes.ini"); my $gspath = getFromPathes($sPathesIni, "gs.path"); my $gsexe = getFromPathes($sPathesIni, "gs.exe"); my $impath = getFromPathes($sPathesIni, "imagemagick.path"); my $javaexe = getFromPathes($sPathesIni, "java.exe"); setJavaExecutable($javaexe); log_print("----- CREATE POSTSCRIPT OR PDF WITH RUNNING OFFICE -----\n"); # my $nPrepareSecondPostscriptTime = getTime(); if ($nConvwatchFailed == 0) { my $sInputPath = $sDocumentPoolPath; $sInputPath = appendPath($sInputPath, $sDocumentPool); $sInputPath = appendPath($sInputPath, $sDocumentName); if (! -f $sInputPath ) { $nConvwatchFailed = 1; log_print("ERROR: File '$sInputPath' doesn't exists.\n"); } else { my $sOutputPath = getProjectOutput(); my $sPropertyFile = appendPath(getProjectOutput() , $sDocumentName . ".build.props"); local *PROPERTYFILE; if (open(PROPERTYFILE, ">$sPropertyFile")) { print PROPERTYFILE "# This file is automatically created by\n"; print PROPERTYFILE "DOC_COMPARATOR_PRINT_MAX_PAGE=9999\n"; print PROPERTYFILE "DOC_COMPARATOR_GFX_OUTPUT_DPI_RESOLUTION=180\n"; print PROPERTYFILE "DOC_COMPARATOR_REFERENCE_CREATOR_TYPE=$sCreatorType\n"; print PROPERTYFILE "TEMPPATH=" . getTempPath() . "\n"; if ($sConncectionString) { print PROPERTYFILE "ConnectionString=$sConncectionString\n"; } else { print PROPERTYFILE "ConnectionString=pipe,name=" . getUsername() . "\n"; } print PROPERTYFILE "OFFICE_VIEWABLE=true\n"; print PROPERTYFILE "CREATE_DEFAULT_REFERENCE=true\n"; print PROPERTYFILE "DOC_COMPARATOR_INPUT_PATH=$sInputPath\n"; print PROPERTYFILE "DOC_COMPARATOR_OUTPUT_PATH=$sOutputPath\n"; if (isWindowsEnvironment()) { print PROPERTYFILE "DOC_COMPARATOR_PRINTER_NAME=CrossOffice Generic Printer\n"; } print PROPERTYFILE "NoOffice=true\n"; close(PROPERTYFILE); } else { print "Can't open '$sPropertyFile' for write.\n"; } if ( -e "$sPropertyFile") { # start OOoRunner # sleep 10; # $sOOoRunnerClasspathFromDestinationName = quoteIfNeed(getOOoRunnerClasspath()); my $sParams; if ( $ENV{PERL} ) { $sParams = "-Dperl.exe=" . convertCygwinPath($ENV{PERL}); } $sParams .= " -cp " . $sOOoRunnerClasspath . " org.openoffice.Runner" . " -TimeOut $nTimeOut" . " -tb java_complex" . " -ini $sPropertyFile" . " -o graphical.PostscriptCreator"; # $sParams .= " -cs pipe,name=$USER"; # $sDebug = "-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=9001,suspend=y"; my $err = calljava(getJavaExecutable(), $sParams, $sDebug); $sDebug = ""; log_print( "\n\n"); if ($err != 0) { my $sFailure = "Failed after try to create Postscript/pdf document for " . $sDocumentName; log_print("ERROR: $sFailure\n"); $nConvwatchFailed = 1; } } else { my $sFailure = "There is no propertyfile: $sPropertyFile"; log_print( "ERROR: $sFailure\n"); $nConvwatchFailed=1; } } # set prepareonly and it is possible to only create ps or pdf files if ($prepareonly) { print(" [only create "); if ($sCreatorType eq "ps" || $sCreatorType eq "pdf") { print(" $sCreatorType"); } else { print(" (${sCreatorType}?)"); } if ($nConvwatchFailed == 0) { print(" ok"); } else { print(" failed") } print("]\n"); return $nConvwatchFailed; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # create jpeg from postscript or pdf from second installed office # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if ($nConvwatchFailed == 0) { log_print("----- CREATE JPEG FROM POSTSCRIPT OR PDF FROM RUNNING OFFICE -----\n"); # start OOoRunner my $sInputPath = getProjectOutput(); $sInputPath = appendPath($sInputPath, $sDocumentName); my $sOutputPath = getProjectOutput(); my $sParams = "-cp " . $sOOoRunnerClasspath . " org.openoffice.Runner" . " -TimeOut $nTimeOut" . " -tb java_complex" . " -DOC_COMPARATOR_INPUT_PATH " . quoteIfNeed($sInputPath) . " -DOC_COMPARATOR_OUTPUT_PATH " . quoteIfNeed($sOutputPath) . " -DOC_COMPARATOR_REFERENCE_CREATOR_TYPE $sCreatorType" . " -NoOffice" . " -NoSmallPictures" . " -o graphical.JPEGCreator"; if ($gspath) { $sParams .= " -gs.path " . quoteIfNeed($gspath); } if ($gsexe) { $sParams .= " -gs.exe $gsexe"; } # $sDebug = "-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=9001,suspend=y"; my $err = calljava(getJavaExecutable(), $sParams, $sDebug); $sDebug = ""; # log_print( "\n\n"); if ($err != 0) { my $sFailure = "Failed after try to create JPEG from Postscript/pdf document for " . $sDocumentName; log_print("ERROR: $sFailure\n"); $nConvwatchFailed = 1; } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # create jpeg from postscript or pdf from references # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if ($nConvwatchFailed == 0) { log_print("----- CREATE JPEG FROM POSTSCRIPT OR PDF FROM REFERENCE -----\n"); # start OOoRunner my $sInputPath = appendPath(getProjectRoot(), "references"); $sInputPath = appendPath($sInputPath, getEnvironment()); $sInputPath = appendPath($sInputPath, $sDocumentPool); $sInputPath = appendPath($sInputPath, $sDocumentName); my $err = searchForReference($sInputPath); if ($err != 0) { log_print("ERROR: Can't find Postscript or PDF reference for '$sInputPath'\n"); $nConvwatchFailed = 1; } else { my $sOutputPath = getProjectOutputReference(); rmkdir $sOutputPath; my $sIndexFile = appendPath($sOutputPath, "index.ini"); # we need the index.ini for better run through local *INDEXINI; if ( ! -e $sIndexFile) { if (open(INDEXINI, ">$sIndexFile")) { # print INDEXINI "[$sDocumentName]\n"; close(INDEXINI); } } my $sParams = "-cp " . $sOOoRunnerClasspath . " org.openoffice.Runner" . " -TimeOut $nTimeOut" . " -tb java_complex" . " -DOC_COMPARATOR_INPUT_PATH " . quoteIfNeed($sInputPath) . " -DOC_COMPARATOR_OUTPUT_PATH " . quoteIfNeed($sOutputPath) . " -DOC_COMPARATOR_REFERENCE_CREATOR_TYPE $sCreatorType" . " -NoOffice" . " -NoSmallPictures" . " -o graphical.JPEGCreator"; if ($gspath) { $sParams .= " -gs.path " . quoteIfNeed($gspath); } if ($gsexe) { $sParams .= " -gs.exe $gsexe"; } # $sDebug = "-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=9001,suspend=y"; my $err = calljava(getJavaExecutable(), $sParams, $sDebug); $sDebug = ""; # log_print( "\n\n"); if ($err != 0) { my $sFailure = "Failed after try to create JPEG from Postscript/pdf document for references."; log_print("ERROR: $sFailure\n"); $nConvwatchFailed = 1; } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # compare JPEGs # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if ($nConvwatchFailed == 0) { log_print("----- COMPARE JPEGS -----\n"); my $sInputPath = appendPath(getProjectOutputReference(), $sDocumentName); my $sOutputPath = getProjectOutput(); my $sParams = "-Xmx512m" . " -cp " . $sOOoRunnerClasspath . " org.openoffice.Runner" . " -TimeOut $nTimeOut" . " -tb java_complex" . " -DOC_COMPARATOR_INPUT_PATH " . quoteIfNeed($sInputPath) . " -DOC_COMPARATOR_OUTPUT_PATH " . quoteIfNeed($sOutputPath) . " -NoOffice" . " -NoSmallPictures" . " -o graphical.JPEGComparator"; if ($impath) { $sParams .= " -imagemagick.path " . quoteIfNeed($impath); } # start OOoRunner # $sDebug = "-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=9001,suspend=y"; my $err = calljava(getJavaExecutable(), $sParams, $sDebug); $sDebug = ""; log_print( "\n\n"); if ($err != 0) { my $sFailure = "Failed after compare JPEGs $sDocumentName\n"; log_print("ERROR: $sFailure\n"); $nConvwatchFailed = 1; if ($show) { # try to execute new java tool to show graphical compare my $sJavaProgram = appendPath(getProjectRoot(), $ENV{INPATH}); $sJavaProgram = appendPath($sJavaProgram, "class"); $sJavaProgram = appendPath($sJavaProgram, "ConvwatchGUIProject.jar"); if ( -e "$sJavaProgram") { my $sInputPath = appendPath(getProjectOutput(), $sDocumentName . ".ps.ini"); if (! -e $sInputPath) { $sInputPath = appendPath(getProjectOutput(), $sDocumentName . ".pdf.ini"); if (! -e $sInputPath) { $sInputPath = 0; } } if ($sInputPath) { my $sParams = "-Xms128m -Xmx512m -jar $sJavaProgram $sInputPath"; # $sParams .= " -cs pipe,name=$USER"; # my $sJavaExe = "C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_16/bin/java.exe"; # getJavaExecutable() my $sJavaExe = getJavaExecutable(); # $sDebug = "-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=9001,suspend=y"; my $err = calljava($sJavaExe, $sParams, $sDebug); # $sDebug = ""; # log_print( "\n\n"); # if ($err != 0) # { # my $sFailure = "Failed after try to create Postscript/pdf document for " . $sDocumentName; # log_print("ERROR: $sFailure\n"); # $nConvwatchFailed = 1; # } } } else { print "WARNING: The show program '$sJavaProgram' doesn't exists.\n"; } } } } log_print( "\n\n"); close_logfile(); if ($nConvwatchFailed == 0) { print(" [ok]\n"); } else { print(" [FAILED]\n"); print("\nPrint output of test: $sDocumentName\n"); my $sLogFile = appendPath(getProjectOutput(), $sDocumentName . ".txt"); showFile($sLogFile); } # printTime(endTime($nSimpleCompareTime)); return $nConvwatchFailed; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # cat $file sub showFile($) { my $logfile = shift; local *LOGFILE; if (open(LOGFILE, "$logfile")) { my $line; while ($line = ) { chomp($line); print $line ."\n"; } close(LOGFILE); } } 1;