 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_tools.hxx"

#define _SV_POLY2_CXX

#define POLY_CLIP_INT   0
#define POLY_CLIP_DIFF  2
#define POLY_CLIP_XOR   3

#include <rtl/math.hxx>
#include <poly.h>
#include <tools/poly.hxx>
#include <tools/debug.hxx>
#include <tools/stream.hxx>
#include <tools/vcompat.hxx>
#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygon.hxx>
#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygon.hxx>
#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygoncutter.hxx>

// ---------------
// - PolyPolygon -
// ---------------

DBG_NAME( PolyPolygon )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

ImplPolyPolygon::ImplPolyPolygon( sal_uInt16 nInitSize )
	mnRefCount	= 1;
	mnCount 	= nInitSize;
	mnSize		= nInitSize;
	mnResize	= 16;
	mpPolyAry	= new SVPPOLYGON[ nInitSize ];

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

ImplPolyPolygon::ImplPolyPolygon( const ImplPolyPolygon& rImplPolyPoly )
	mnRefCount	= 1;
	mnCount 	= rImplPolyPoly.mnCount;
	mnSize		= rImplPolyPoly.mnSize;
	mnResize	= rImplPolyPoly.mnResize;

	if ( rImplPolyPoly.mpPolyAry )
		mpPolyAry = new SVPPOLYGON[mnSize];
		for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < mnCount; i++ )
			mpPolyAry[i] = new Polygon( *rImplPolyPoly.mpPolyAry[i] );
		mpPolyAry = NULL;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

	if ( mpPolyAry )
		for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < mnCount; i++ )
			delete mpPolyAry[i];
		delete[] mpPolyAry;

// =======================================================================

PolyPolygon::PolyPolygon( sal_uInt16 nInitSize, sal_uInt16 nResize )
	DBG_CTOR( PolyPolygon, NULL );

	if ( nInitSize > MAX_POLYGONS )
		nInitSize = MAX_POLYGONS;
	else if ( !nInitSize )
		nInitSize = 1;
	if ( nResize > MAX_POLYGONS )
		nResize = MAX_POLYGONS;
	else if ( !nResize )
		nResize = 1;
	mpImplPolyPolygon = new ImplPolyPolygon( nInitSize, nResize );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

PolyPolygon::PolyPolygon( const Polygon& rPoly )
	DBG_CTOR( PolyPolygon, NULL );

	if ( rPoly.GetSize() )
		mpImplPolyPolygon = new ImplPolyPolygon( 1 );
		mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry[0] = new Polygon( rPoly );
		mpImplPolyPolygon = new ImplPolyPolygon( 16, 16 );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

PolyPolygon::PolyPolygon( sal_uInt16 nPoly, const sal_uInt16* pPointCountAry,
						  const Point* pPtAry )
	DBG_CTOR( PolyPolygon, NULL );

	if ( nPoly > MAX_POLYGONS )

	mpImplPolyPolygon = new ImplPolyPolygon( nPoly );
	for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nPoly; i++ )
		mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry[i] = new Polygon( *pPointCountAry, pPtAry );
		pPtAry += *pPointCountAry;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

PolyPolygon::PolyPolygon( const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly )
	DBG_CTOR( PolyPolygon, NULL );
	DBG_CHKOBJ( &rPolyPoly, PolyPolygon, NULL );
	DBG_ASSERT( rPolyPoly.mpImplPolyPolygon->mnRefCount < 0xFFFFFFFE, "PolyPolygon: RefCount overflow" );

	mpImplPolyPolygon = rPolyPoly.mpImplPolyPolygon;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

	DBG_DTOR( PolyPolygon, NULL );

	if ( mpImplPolyPolygon->mnRefCount > 1 )
		delete mpImplPolyPolygon;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void PolyPolygon::Insert( const Polygon& rPoly, sal_uInt16 nPos )
	DBG_CHKTHIS( PolyPolygon, NULL );

	if ( mpImplPolyPolygon->mnCount >= MAX_POLYGONS )

	if ( mpImplPolyPolygon->mnRefCount > 1 )
		mpImplPolyPolygon = new ImplPolyPolygon( *mpImplPolyPolygon );

	if ( nPos > mpImplPolyPolygon->mnCount )
		nPos = mpImplPolyPolygon->mnCount;

	if ( !mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry )
		mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry = new SVPPOLYGON[mpImplPolyPolygon->mnSize];
	else if ( mpImplPolyPolygon->mnCount == mpImplPolyPolygon->mnSize )
		sal_uInt16		nOldSize = mpImplPolyPolygon->mnSize;
		sal_uInt16		nNewSize = nOldSize + mpImplPolyPolygon->mnResize;

		if ( nNewSize >= MAX_POLYGONS )
			nNewSize = MAX_POLYGONS;
		pNewAry = new SVPPOLYGON[nNewSize];
		memcpy( pNewAry, mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry, nPos*sizeof(SVPPOLYGON) );
		memcpy( pNewAry+nPos+1, mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry+nPos,
				(nOldSize-nPos)*sizeof(SVPPOLYGON) );
		delete[] mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry;
		mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry = pNewAry;
		mpImplPolyPolygon->mnSize = nNewSize;
	else if ( nPos < mpImplPolyPolygon->mnCount )
		memmove( mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry+nPos+1,
				 (mpImplPolyPolygon->mnCount-nPos)*sizeof(SVPPOLYGON) );

	mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry[nPos] = new Polygon( rPoly );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void PolyPolygon::Remove( sal_uInt16 nPos )
	DBG_CHKTHIS( PolyPolygon, NULL );
	DBG_ASSERT( nPos < Count(), "PolyPolygon::Remove(): nPos >= nSize" );

	if ( mpImplPolyPolygon->mnRefCount > 1 )
		mpImplPolyPolygon = new ImplPolyPolygon( *mpImplPolyPolygon );

	delete mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry[nPos];
	memmove( mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry+nPos,
			 (mpImplPolyPolygon->mnCount-nPos)*sizeof(SVPPOLYGON) );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void PolyPolygon::Replace( const Polygon& rPoly, sal_uInt16 nPos )
	DBG_CHKTHIS( PolyPolygon, NULL );
	DBG_ASSERT( nPos < Count(), "PolyPolygon::Replace(): nPos >= nSize" );

	if ( mpImplPolyPolygon->mnRefCount > 1 )
		mpImplPolyPolygon = new ImplPolyPolygon( *mpImplPolyPolygon );

	delete mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry[nPos];
	mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry[nPos] = new Polygon( rPoly );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

const Polygon& PolyPolygon::GetObject( sal_uInt16 nPos ) const
	DBG_CHKTHIS( PolyPolygon, NULL );
	DBG_ASSERT( nPos < Count(), "PolyPolygon::GetObject(): nPos >= nSize" );

	return *(mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry[nPos]);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool PolyPolygon::IsRect() const
	sal_Bool bIsRect = sal_False;
	if ( Count() == 1 )
		bIsRect = mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry[ 0 ]->IsRect();
	return bIsRect;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void PolyPolygon::Clear()
	DBG_CHKTHIS( PolyPolygon, NULL );

	if ( mpImplPolyPolygon->mnRefCount > 1 )
		mpImplPolyPolygon = new ImplPolyPolygon( mpImplPolyPolygon->mnResize,
												 mpImplPolyPolygon->mnResize );
		if ( mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry )
			for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < mpImplPolyPolygon->mnCount; i++ )
				delete mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry[i];
			delete[] mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry;
			mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry = NULL;
			mpImplPolyPolygon->mnCount	 = 0;
			mpImplPolyPolygon->mnSize	 = mpImplPolyPolygon->mnResize;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void PolyPolygon::Optimize( sal_uIntPtr nOptimizeFlags, const PolyOptimizeData* pData )
	DBG_CHKTHIS( PolyPolygon, NULL );

	if( nOptimizeFlags )
		double		fArea;
		const sal_Bool	bEdges = ( nOptimizeFlags & POLY_OPTIMIZE_EDGES ) == POLY_OPTIMIZE_EDGES;
		sal_uInt16		nPercent = 0;

		if( bEdges )
			const Rectangle aBound( GetBoundRect() );

			fArea = ( aBound.GetWidth() + aBound.GetHeight() ) * 0.5;
			nPercent = pData ? pData->GetPercentValue() : 50;
			nOptimizeFlags &= ~POLY_OPTIMIZE_EDGES;

		// watch for ref counter
		if( mpImplPolyPolygon->mnRefCount > 1 )
			mpImplPolyPolygon = new ImplPolyPolygon( *mpImplPolyPolygon );

		// Optimize polygons
		for( sal_uInt16 i = 0, nPolyCount = mpImplPolyPolygon->mnCount; i < nPolyCount; i++ )
			if( bEdges )
				mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry[ i ]->Optimize( POLY_OPTIMIZE_NO_SAME );
				Polygon::ImplReduceEdges( *( mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry[ i ] ), fArea, nPercent );

			if( nOptimizeFlags )
				mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry[ i ]->Optimize( nOptimizeFlags, pData );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void PolyPolygon::AdaptiveSubdivide( PolyPolygon& rResult, const double d ) const
	DBG_CHKTHIS( PolyPolygon, NULL );


	Polygon aPolygon;

	for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < mpImplPolyPolygon->mnCount; i++ )
		mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry[ i ]->AdaptiveSubdivide( aPolygon, d );
		rResult.Insert( aPolygon );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void PolyPolygon::GetIntersection( const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, PolyPolygon& rResult ) const
	ImplDoOperation( rPolyPoly, rResult, POLY_CLIP_INT );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void PolyPolygon::GetUnion( const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, PolyPolygon& rResult ) const
	ImplDoOperation( rPolyPoly, rResult, POLY_CLIP_UNION );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void PolyPolygon::GetDifference( const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, PolyPolygon& rResult ) const
	ImplDoOperation( rPolyPoly, rResult, POLY_CLIP_DIFF );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void PolyPolygon::GetXOR( const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, PolyPolygon& rResult ) const
	ImplDoOperation( rPolyPoly, rResult, POLY_CLIP_XOR );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void PolyPolygon::ImplDoOperation( const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, PolyPolygon& rResult, sal_uIntPtr nOperation ) const
    // Convert to B2DPolyPolygon, temporarily. It might be
    // advantageous in the future, to have a PolyPolygon adaptor that
    // just simulates a B2DPolyPolygon here...
    basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aMergePolyPolygonA( getB2DPolyPolygon() );
    basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aMergePolyPolygonB( rPolyPoly.getB2DPolyPolygon() );

    // normalize the two polypolygons before. Force properly oriented
    // polygons. 
    aMergePolyPolygonA = basegfx::tools::prepareForPolygonOperation( aMergePolyPolygonA );
    aMergePolyPolygonB = basegfx::tools::prepareForPolygonOperation( aMergePolyPolygonB );

	switch( nOperation )
        // All code extracted from svx/source/svdraw/svedtv2.cxx
        // -----------------------------------------------------

        case POLY_CLIP_UNION:
            // merge A and B (OR)
            aMergePolyPolygonA = basegfx::tools::solvePolygonOperationOr(aMergePolyPolygonA, aMergePolyPolygonB);

        case POLY_CLIP_DIFF:
            // substract B from A (DIFF)
            aMergePolyPolygonA = basegfx::tools::solvePolygonOperationDiff(aMergePolyPolygonA, aMergePolyPolygonB);

        case POLY_CLIP_XOR:
            // compute XOR between poly A and B
            aMergePolyPolygonA = basegfx::tools::solvePolygonOperationXor(aMergePolyPolygonA, aMergePolyPolygonB);

        case POLY_CLIP_INT:
            // cut poly 1 against polys 2..n (AND)
            aMergePolyPolygonA = basegfx::tools::solvePolygonOperationAnd(aMergePolyPolygonA, aMergePolyPolygonB);

    rResult = PolyPolygon( aMergePolyPolygonA );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_uInt16 PolyPolygon::Count() const
	DBG_CHKTHIS( PolyPolygon, NULL );
	return mpImplPolyPolygon->mnCount;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void PolyPolygon::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove )
	DBG_CHKTHIS( PolyPolygon, NULL );

	// Diese Abfrage sollte man fuer die DrawEngine durchfuehren
	if( nHorzMove || nVertMove )
		// Referenzcounter beruecksichtigen
		if ( mpImplPolyPolygon->mnRefCount > 1 )
			mpImplPolyPolygon = new ImplPolyPolygon( *mpImplPolyPolygon );

		// Punkte verschieben
		sal_uInt16 nPolyCount = mpImplPolyPolygon->mnCount;
		for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nPolyCount; i++ )
			mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry[i]->Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void PolyPolygon::Translate( const Point& rTrans )
	DBG_CHKTHIS( PolyPolygon, NULL );

	// Referenzcounter beruecksichtigen
	if( mpImplPolyPolygon->mnRefCount > 1 )
		mpImplPolyPolygon = new ImplPolyPolygon( *mpImplPolyPolygon );

	// Punkte verschieben
	for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0, nCount = mpImplPolyPolygon->mnCount; i < nCount; i++ )
		mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry[ i ]->Translate( rTrans );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void PolyPolygon::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
	DBG_CHKTHIS( PolyPolygon, NULL );

	// Referenzcounter beruecksichtigen
	if( mpImplPolyPolygon->mnRefCount > 1 )
		mpImplPolyPolygon = new ImplPolyPolygon( *mpImplPolyPolygon );

	// Punkte verschieben
	for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0, nCount = mpImplPolyPolygon->mnCount; i < nCount; i++ )
		mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry[ i ]->Scale( fScaleX, fScaleY );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void PolyPolygon::Rotate( const Point& rCenter, sal_uInt16 nAngle10 )
	DBG_CHKTHIS( PolyPolygon, NULL );
	nAngle10 %= 3600;

	if( nAngle10 )
		const double fAngle = F_PI1800 * nAngle10;
		Rotate( rCenter, sin( fAngle ), cos( fAngle ) );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void PolyPolygon::Rotate( const Point& rCenter, double fSin, double fCos )
	DBG_CHKTHIS( PolyPolygon, NULL );

	// Referenzcounter beruecksichtigen
	if( mpImplPolyPolygon->mnRefCount > 1 )
		mpImplPolyPolygon = new ImplPolyPolygon( *mpImplPolyPolygon );

	// Punkte verschieben
	for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0, nCount = mpImplPolyPolygon->mnCount; i < nCount; i++ )
		mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry[ i ]->Rotate( rCenter, fSin, fCos );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void PolyPolygon::SlantX( long nYRef, double fSin, double fCos )
	DBG_CHKTHIS( PolyPolygon, NULL );

	// Referenzcounter beruecksichtigen
	if( mpImplPolyPolygon->mnRefCount > 1 )
		mpImplPolyPolygon = new ImplPolyPolygon( *mpImplPolyPolygon );

	// Punkte verschieben
	for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0, nCount = mpImplPolyPolygon->mnCount; i < nCount; i++ )
		mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry[ i ]->SlantX( nYRef, fSin, fCos );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void PolyPolygon::SlantY( long nXRef, double fSin, double fCos )
	DBG_CHKTHIS( PolyPolygon, NULL );

	// Referenzcounter beruecksichtigen
	if( mpImplPolyPolygon->mnRefCount > 1 )
		mpImplPolyPolygon = new ImplPolyPolygon( *mpImplPolyPolygon );

	// Punkte verschieben
	for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0, nCount = mpImplPolyPolygon->mnCount; i < nCount; i++ )
		mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry[ i ]->SlantY( nXRef, fSin, fCos );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void PolyPolygon::Distort( const Rectangle& rRefRect, const Polygon& rDistortedRect )
	DBG_CHKTHIS( PolyPolygon, NULL );

	// Referenzcounter beruecksichtigen
	if( mpImplPolyPolygon->mnRefCount > 1 )
		mpImplPolyPolygon = new ImplPolyPolygon( *mpImplPolyPolygon );

	// Punkte verschieben
	for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0, nCount = mpImplPolyPolygon->mnCount; i < nCount; i++ )
		mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry[ i ]->Distort( rRefRect, rDistortedRect );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void PolyPolygon::Clip( const Rectangle& rRect )
	// Polygon-Clippen
	sal_uInt16 nPolyCount = mpImplPolyPolygon->mnCount;
	sal_uInt16 i;

	if ( !nPolyCount )

	// Referenzcounter beruecksichtigen
	if ( mpImplPolyPolygon->mnRefCount > 1 )
		mpImplPolyPolygon = new ImplPolyPolygon( *mpImplPolyPolygon );

	// Erst jedes Polygon Clippen und dann die leeren entfernen
	for ( i = 0; i < nPolyCount; i++ )
		mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry[i]->Clip( rRect );
	while ( nPolyCount )
		if ( GetObject( nPolyCount-1 ).GetSize() <= 2 )
			Remove( nPolyCount-1 );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Rectangle PolyPolygon::GetBoundRect() const
	DBG_CHKTHIS( PolyPolygon, NULL );

	long	nXMin=0, nXMax=0, nYMin=0, nYMax=0;
	sal_Bool	bFirst = sal_True;
	sal_uInt16	nPolyCount = mpImplPolyPolygon->mnCount;

	for ( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < nPolyCount; n++ )
		const Polygon*	pPoly = mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry[n];
		const Point*	pAry = pPoly->GetConstPointAry();
		sal_uInt16			nPointCount = pPoly->GetSize();

		for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nPointCount; i++ )
			const Point* pPt = &pAry[ i ];

			if ( bFirst )
				nXMin = nXMax = pPt->X();
				nYMin = nYMax = pPt->Y();
				bFirst = sal_False;
				if ( pPt->X() < nXMin )
					nXMin = pPt->X();
				if ( pPt->X() > nXMax )
					nXMax = pPt->X();
				if ( pPt->Y() < nYMin )
					nYMin = pPt->Y();
				if ( pPt->Y() > nYMax )
					nYMax = pPt->Y();

	if ( !bFirst )
		return Rectangle( nXMin, nYMin, nXMax, nYMax );
		return Rectangle();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Polygon& PolyPolygon::operator[]( sal_uInt16 nPos )
	DBG_CHKTHIS( PolyPolygon, NULL );
	DBG_ASSERT( nPos < Count(), "PolyPolygon::[](): nPos >= nSize" );

	if ( mpImplPolyPolygon->mnRefCount > 1 )
		mpImplPolyPolygon = new ImplPolyPolygon( *mpImplPolyPolygon );

	return *(mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry[nPos]);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

PolyPolygon& PolyPolygon::operator=( const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly )
	DBG_CHKTHIS( PolyPolygon, NULL );
	DBG_CHKOBJ( &rPolyPoly, PolyPolygon, NULL );
	DBG_ASSERT( rPolyPoly.mpImplPolyPolygon->mnRefCount < 0xFFFFFFFE, "PolyPolygon: RefCount overflow" );


	if ( mpImplPolyPolygon->mnRefCount > 1 )
		delete mpImplPolyPolygon;

	mpImplPolyPolygon = rPolyPoly.mpImplPolyPolygon;
	return *this;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool PolyPolygon::operator==( const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly ) const
	DBG_CHKTHIS( PolyPolygon, NULL );
	DBG_CHKOBJ( &rPolyPoly, PolyPolygon, NULL );

	if ( rPolyPoly.mpImplPolyPolygon == mpImplPolyPolygon )
		return sal_True;
		return sal_False;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool PolyPolygon::IsEqual( const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly ) const
	sal_Bool bIsEqual = sal_True;
	if ( Count() != rPolyPoly.Count() )
		bIsEqual = sal_False;
		sal_uInt16 i;
		for ( i = 0; i < Count(); i++ )
			if (!GetObject( i ).IsEqual( rPolyPoly.GetObject( i ) ) )
				bIsEqual = sal_False;
	return bIsEqual;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

SvStream& operator>>( SvStream& rIStream, PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly )
	DBG_CHKOBJ( &rPolyPoly, PolyPolygon, NULL );
	DBG_ASSERTWARNING( rIStream.GetVersion(), "PolyPolygon::>> - Solar-Version not set on rIStream" );

	Polygon* pPoly;
	sal_uInt16	 nPolyCount;

	// Anzahl der Polygone einlesen
	rIStream >> nPolyCount;

	// Daten anlegen
	if( nPolyCount )
		// Referenzcounter beruecksichtigen
		if ( rPolyPoly.mpImplPolyPolygon->mnRefCount > 1 )
			delete rPolyPoly.mpImplPolyPolygon;

		rPolyPoly.mpImplPolyPolygon = new ImplPolyPolygon( nPolyCount );

		for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nPolyCount; i++ )
			pPoly = new Polygon;
			rIStream >> *pPoly;
			rPolyPoly.mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry[i] = pPoly;
		rPolyPoly = PolyPolygon();

	return rIStream;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

SvStream& operator<<( SvStream& rOStream, const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly )
	DBG_CHKOBJ( &rPolyPoly, PolyPolygon, NULL );
	DBG_ASSERTWARNING( rOStream.GetVersion(), "PolyPolygon::<< - Solar-Version not set on rOStream" );

	// Anzahl der Polygone rausschreiben
	sal_uInt16 nPolyCount = rPolyPoly.mpImplPolyPolygon->mnCount;
	rOStream << nPolyCount;

	// Die einzelnen Polygone ausgeben
	for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nPolyCount; i++ )
		rOStream << *(rPolyPoly.mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry[i]);

	return rOStream;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void PolyPolygon::Read( SvStream& rIStream )
	VersionCompat aCompat( rIStream, STREAM_READ );

	DBG_CHKTHIS( PolyPolygon, NULL );
	DBG_ASSERTWARNING( rIStream.GetVersion(), "PolyPolygon::>> - Solar-Version not set on rIStream" );

	Polygon* pPoly;
	sal_uInt16	 nPolyCount;

	// Anzahl der Polygone einlesen
	rIStream >> nPolyCount;

	// Daten anlegen
	if( nPolyCount )
		// Referenzcounter beruecksichtigen
		if ( mpImplPolyPolygon->mnRefCount > 1 )
			delete mpImplPolyPolygon;

		mpImplPolyPolygon = new ImplPolyPolygon( nPolyCount );

		for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nPolyCount; i++ )
			pPoly = new Polygon;
			pPoly->ImplRead( rIStream );
			mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry[i] = pPoly;
		*this = PolyPolygon();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void PolyPolygon::Write( SvStream& rOStream ) const
	VersionCompat aCompat( rOStream, STREAM_WRITE, 1 );

	DBG_CHKTHIS( PolyPolygon, NULL );
	DBG_ASSERTWARNING( rOStream.GetVersion(), "PolyPolygon::<< - Solar-Version not set on rOStream" );

	// Anzahl der Polygone rausschreiben
	sal_uInt16 nPolyCount = mpImplPolyPolygon->mnCount;
	rOStream << nPolyCount;

	// Die einzelnen Polygone ausgeben
	for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nPolyCount; i++ )
		mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry[i]->ImplWrite( rOStream );;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// convert to basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon and return
basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon PolyPolygon::getB2DPolyPolygon() const
	basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aRetval;

	for(sal_uInt16 a(0); a < mpImplPolyPolygon->mnCount; a++)
		Polygon* pCandidate = mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry[a];

	return aRetval;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// constructor to convert from basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon
PolyPolygon::PolyPolygon(const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon)
	DBG_CTOR( PolyPolygon, NULL );
	const sal_uInt16 nCount(sal_uInt16(rPolyPolygon.count()));
	DBG_ASSERT(sal_uInt32(nCount) == rPolyPolygon.count(), 
		"PolyPolygon::PolyPolygon: Too many sub-polygons in given basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon (!)");

	if ( nCount )
		mpImplPolyPolygon = new ImplPolyPolygon( nCount );

		for(sal_uInt16 a(0); a < nCount; a++)
			basegfx::B2DPolygon aCandidate(rPolyPolygon.getB2DPolygon(sal_uInt32(a)));
			mpImplPolyPolygon->mpPolyAry[a] = new Polygon( aCandidate );
		mpImplPolyPolygon = new ImplPolyPolygon( 16, 16 );

// eof