/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ //#include "salgdi.hxx" #include "tools/debug.hxx" #include "ctfonts.hxx" // ======================================================================= class CTLayout : public SalLayout { public: explicit CTLayout( const CTTextStyle* ); virtual ~CTLayout( void ); virtual bool LayoutText( ImplLayoutArgs& ); virtual void AdjustLayout( ImplLayoutArgs& ); virtual void DrawText( SalGraphics& ) const; virtual int GetNextGlyphs( int nLen, sal_GlyphId* pOutGlyphIds, Point& rPos, int&, sal_Int32* pGlyphAdvances, int* pCharIndexes ) const; virtual long GetTextWidth() const; virtual long FillDXArray( sal_Int32* pDXArray ) const; virtual int GetTextBreak( long nMaxWidth, long nCharExtra, int nFactor ) const; virtual void GetCaretPositions( int nArraySize, sal_Int32* pCaretXArray ) const; virtual bool GetGlyphOutlines( SalGraphics&, PolyPolyVector& ) const; virtual bool GetBoundRect( SalGraphics&, Rectangle& ) const; const ImplFontData* GetFallbackFontData( sal_GlyphId ) const; virtual void InitFont( void) const; virtual void MoveGlyph( int nStart, long nNewXPos ); virtual void DropGlyph( int nStart ); virtual void Simplify( bool bIsBase ); private: const CTTextStyle* const mpTextStyle; // CoreText specific objects CFAttributedStringRef mpAttrString; CTLineRef mpCTLine; int mnCharCount; // ==mnEndCharPos-mnMinCharPos int mnTrailingSpaces; // to prevent overflows // font requests get size limited by downscaling huge fonts // in these cases the font scale becomes something bigger than 1.0 float mfFontScale; // TODO: does CoreText have a font size limit? // cached details about the resulting layout // mutable members since these details are all lazy initialized mutable double mfCachedWidth; // cached value of resulting typographical width mutable double mfTrailingSpaceWidth; // in Pixels // x-offset relative to layout origin // currently only used in RTL-layouts mutable long mnBaseAdv; }; // ======================================================================= CTLayout::CTLayout( const CTTextStyle* pTextStyle ) : mpTextStyle( pTextStyle ) , mpAttrString( NULL ) , mpCTLine( NULL ) , mnCharCount( 0 ) , mnTrailingSpaces( 0 ) , mfFontScale( pTextStyle->mfFontScale ) , mfCachedWidth( -1 ) , mfTrailingSpaceWidth( 0 ) , mnBaseAdv( 0 ) { CFRetain( mpTextStyle->GetStyleDict() ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CTLayout::~CTLayout() { if( mpCTLine ) CFRelease( mpCTLine ); if( mpAttrString ) CFRelease( mpAttrString ); CFRelease( mpTextStyle->GetStyleDict() ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTLayout::LayoutText( ImplLayoutArgs& rArgs ) { if( mpAttrString ) CFRelease( mpAttrString ); mpAttrString = NULL; if( mpCTLine ) CFRelease( mpCTLine ); mpCTLine = NULL; SalLayout::AdjustLayout( rArgs ); mnCharCount = mnEndCharPos - mnMinCharPos; // short circuit if there is nothing to do if( mnCharCount <= 0 ) return false; // create the CoreText line layout CFStringRef aCFText = CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy( NULL, rArgs.mpStr + mnMinCharPos, mnCharCount, kCFAllocatorNull ); mpAttrString = CFAttributedStringCreate( NULL, aCFText, mpTextStyle->GetStyleDict() ); mpCTLine = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString( mpAttrString ); CFRelease( aCFText); // get info about trailing whitespace to prepare for text justification in AdjustLayout() mnTrailingSpaces = 0; for( int i = mnEndCharPos; --i >= mnMinCharPos; ++mnTrailingSpaces ) if( !IsSpacingGlyph( rArgs.mpStr[i] | GF_ISCHAR )) break; return true; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTLayout::AdjustLayout( ImplLayoutArgs& rArgs ) { if( !mpCTLine) return; const DynCoreTextSyms& rCT = DynCoreTextSyms::get(); // CoreText fills trailing space during justification so we have to // take that into account when requesting CT to justify something mfTrailingSpaceWidth = rCT.LineGetTrailingWhitespaceWidth( mpCTLine ); const int nTrailingSpaceWidth = rint( mfFontScale * mfTrailingSpaceWidth ); int nOrigWidth = GetTextWidth(); int nPixelWidth = rArgs.mnLayoutWidth; if( nPixelWidth ) { nPixelWidth -= nTrailingSpaceWidth; if( nPixelWidth <= 0) return; } else if( rArgs.mpDXArray ) { // for now we are only interested in the layout width // TODO: use all mpDXArray elements for layouting nPixelWidth = rArgs.mpDXArray[ mnCharCount - 1 - mnTrailingSpaces ]; } // in RTL-layouts trailing spaces are leftmost // TODO: use BiDi-algorithm to thoroughly check this assumption if( rArgs.mnFlags & SAL_LAYOUT_BIDI_RTL) mnBaseAdv = nTrailingSpaceWidth; // return early if there is nothing to do if( nPixelWidth <= 0 ) return; // HACK: justification requests which change the width by just one pixel are probably // #i86038# introduced by lossy conversions between integer based coordinate system if( (nOrigWidth >= nPixelWidth-1) && (nOrigWidth <= nPixelWidth+1) ) return; // if the text to be justified has whitespace in it then // - Writer goes crazy with its HalfSpace magic // - LayoutEngine handles spaces specially (in particular at the text start or end) if( mnTrailingSpaces ) { // adjust for Writer's SwFntObj::DrawText() Halfspace magic at the text end std::vector aOrigDXAry; aOrigDXAry.resize( mnCharCount); FillDXArray( &aOrigDXAry[0] ); int nLastCharSpace = rArgs.mpDXArray[ mnCharCount-1-mnTrailingSpaces ] - aOrigDXAry[ mnCharCount-1-mnTrailingSpaces ]; nPixelWidth -= nLastCharSpace; if( nPixelWidth < 0 ) return; // recreate the CoreText line layout without trailing spaces CFRelease( mpCTLine ); CFStringRef aCFText = CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy( NULL, rArgs.mpStr + mnMinCharPos, mnCharCount - mnTrailingSpaces, kCFAllocatorNull ); CFAttributedStringRef pAttrStr = CFAttributedStringCreate( NULL, aCFText, mpTextStyle->GetStyleDict() ); mpCTLine = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString( pAttrStr ); CFRelease( aCFText); CFRelease( pAttrStr ); } CTLineRef pNewCTLine = rCT.LineCreateJustifiedLine( mpCTLine, 1.0, nPixelWidth / mfFontScale ); if( !pNewCTLine ) { // CTLineCreateJustifiedLine can and does fail // handle failure by keeping the unjustified layout // TODO: a better solution such as // - forcing glyph overlap // - changing the font size // - changing the CTM matrix return; } CFRelease( mpCTLine ); mpCTLine = pNewCTLine; mfCachedWidth = -1; // TODO: can we set it directly to target width we requested? For now we re-measure mfTrailingSpaceWidth = 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTLayout::DrawText( SalGraphics& rGraphics ) const { AquaSalGraphics& rAquaGraphics = static_cast(rGraphics); // short circuit if there is nothing to do if( (mnCharCount <= 0) || !rAquaGraphics.CheckContext() ) return; // the view is vertically flipped => flipped glyphs // so apply a temporary transformation that it flips back // also compensate if the font was size limited CGContextSaveGState( rAquaGraphics.mrContext ); CGContextScaleCTM( rAquaGraphics.mrContext, +mfFontScale, -mfFontScale ); CGContextSetShouldAntialias( rAquaGraphics.mrContext, !rAquaGraphics.mbNonAntialiasedText ); // Draw the text const Point aVclPos = GetDrawPosition( Point(mnBaseAdv,0) ); CGPoint aTextPos = { +aVclPos.X()/mfFontScale, -aVclPos.Y()/mfFontScale }; if( mpTextStyle->mfFontRotation != 0.0 ) { const CGFloat fRadians = mpTextStyle->mfFontRotation; CGContextRotateCTM( rAquaGraphics.mrContext, +fRadians ); const CGAffineTransform aInvMatrix = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation( -fRadians ); aTextPos = CGPointApplyAffineTransform( aTextPos, aInvMatrix ); } CGContextSetTextPosition( rAquaGraphics.mrContext, aTextPos.x, aTextPos.y ); CTLineDraw( mpCTLine, rAquaGraphics.mrContext ); // request an update of the changed window area if( rAquaGraphics.IsWindowGraphics() ) { const CGRect aInkRect = CTLineGetImageBounds( mpCTLine, rAquaGraphics.mrContext ); const CGRect aRefreshRect = CGContextConvertRectToDeviceSpace( rAquaGraphics.mrContext, aInkRect ); rAquaGraphics.RefreshRect( aRefreshRect ); } // restore the original graphic context transformations CGContextRestoreGState( rAquaGraphics.mrContext ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- int CTLayout::GetNextGlyphs( int nLen, sal_GlyphId* pOutGlyphIds, Point& rPos, int& nStart, sal_Int32* pGlyphAdvances, int* pCharIndexes ) const { if( !mpCTLine ) return 0; if( nStart < 0 ) // first glyph requested? nStart = 0; nLen = 1; // TODO: handle nLen>1 below // prepare to iterate over the glyph runs int nCount = 0; int nSubIndex = nStart; const DynCoreTextSyms& rCT = DynCoreTextSyms::get(); typedef std::vector CGGlyphVector; typedef std::vector CGPointVector; typedef std::vector CGSizeVector; typedef std::vector CFIndexVector; CGGlyphVector aCGGlyphVec; CGPointVector aCGPointVec; CGSizeVector aCGSizeVec; CFIndexVector aCFIndexVec; // TODO: iterate over cached layout CFArrayRef aGlyphRuns = rCT.LineGetGlyphRuns( mpCTLine ); const int nRunCount = CFArrayGetCount( aGlyphRuns ); for( int nRunIndex = 0; nRunIndex < nRunCount; ++nRunIndex ) { CTRunRef pGlyphRun = (CTRunRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( aGlyphRuns, nRunIndex ); const CFIndex nGlyphsInRun = rCT.RunGetGlyphCount( pGlyphRun ); // skip to the first glyph run of interest if( nSubIndex >= nGlyphsInRun ) { nSubIndex -= nGlyphsInRun; continue; } const CFRange aFullRange = CFRangeMake( 0, nGlyphsInRun ); // get glyph run details const CGGlyph* pCGGlyphIdx = rCT.RunGetGlyphsPtr( pGlyphRun ); if( !pCGGlyphIdx ) { aCGGlyphVec.reserve( nGlyphsInRun ); CTRunGetGlyphs( pGlyphRun, aFullRange, &aCGGlyphVec[0] ); pCGGlyphIdx = &aCGGlyphVec[0]; } const CGPoint* pCGGlyphPos = rCT.RunGetPositionsPtr( pGlyphRun ); if( !pCGGlyphPos ) { aCGPointVec.reserve( nGlyphsInRun ); CTRunGetPositions( pGlyphRun, aFullRange, &aCGPointVec[0] ); pCGGlyphPos = &aCGPointVec[0]; } const CGSize* pCGGlyphAdvs = NULL; if( pGlyphAdvances) { pCGGlyphAdvs = rCT.RunGetAdvancesPtr( pGlyphRun ); if( !pCGGlyphAdvs) { aCGSizeVec.reserve( nGlyphsInRun ); CTRunGetAdvances( pGlyphRun, aFullRange, &aCGSizeVec[0] ); pCGGlyphAdvs = &aCGSizeVec[0]; } } const CFIndex* pCGGlyphStrIdx = NULL; if( pCharIndexes) { pCGGlyphStrIdx = rCT.RunGetStringIndicesPtr( pGlyphRun ); if( !pCGGlyphStrIdx) { aCFIndexVec.reserve( nGlyphsInRun ); CTRunGetStringIndices( pGlyphRun, aFullRange, &aCFIndexVec[0] ); pCGGlyphStrIdx = &aCFIndexVec[0]; } } // get the details for each interesting glyph // TODO: handle nLen>1 for(; (--nLen >= 0) && (nSubIndex < nGlyphsInRun); ++nSubIndex, ++nStart ) { // convert glyph details for VCL *(pOutGlyphIds++) = pCGGlyphIdx[ nSubIndex ]; if( pGlyphAdvances ) *(pGlyphAdvances++) = pCGGlyphAdvs[ nSubIndex ].width; if( pCharIndexes ) *(pCharIndexes++) = pCGGlyphStrIdx[ nSubIndex] + mnMinCharPos; if( !nCount++ ) { const CGPoint& rCurPos = pCGGlyphPos[ nSubIndex ]; rPos = GetDrawPosition( Point( mfFontScale * rCurPos.x, mfFontScale * rCurPos.y) ); } } nSubIndex = 0; // prepare for the next glyph run break; // TODO: handle nLen>1 } return nCount; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- long CTLayout::GetTextWidth() const { if( (mnCharCount <= 0) || !mpCTLine ) return 0; if( mfCachedWidth < 0.0 ) mfCachedWidth = CTLineGetTypographicBounds( mpCTLine, NULL, NULL, NULL ); const long nScaledWidth = lrint( mfFontScale * mfCachedWidth ); return nScaledWidth; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- long CTLayout::FillDXArray( sal_Int32* pDXArray ) const { // short circuit requests which don't need full details if( !pDXArray ) return GetTextWidth(); long nPixWidth = GetTextWidth(); if( pDXArray ) { // initialize the result array for( int i = 0; i < mnCharCount; ++i) pDXArray[i] = 0; // handle each glyph run CFArrayRef aGlyphRuns = CTLineGetGlyphRuns( mpCTLine ); const int nRunCount = CFArrayGetCount( aGlyphRuns ); typedef std::vector CGSizeVector; CGSizeVector aSizeVec; typedef std::vector CFIndexVector; CFIndexVector aIndexVec; for( int nRunIndex = 0; nRunIndex < nRunCount; ++nRunIndex ) { CTRunRef pGlyphRun = (CTRunRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( aGlyphRuns, nRunIndex ); const CFIndex nGlyphCount = CTRunGetGlyphCount( pGlyphRun ); const CFRange aFullRange = CFRangeMake( 0, nGlyphCount ); aSizeVec.reserve( nGlyphCount ); aIndexVec.reserve( nGlyphCount ); CTRunGetAdvances( pGlyphRun, aFullRange, &aSizeVec[0] ); CTRunGetStringIndices( pGlyphRun, aFullRange, &aIndexVec[0] ); for( int i = 0; i != nGlyphCount; ++i ) { const int nRelIdx = aIndexVec[i]; pDXArray[ nRelIdx ] += aSizeVec[i].width; } } } return nPixWidth; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- int CTLayout::GetTextBreak( long nMaxWidth, long nCharExtra, int nFactor ) const { if( !mpCTLine ) return STRING_LEN; CTTypesetterRef aCTTypeSetter = CTTypesetterCreateWithAttributedString( mpAttrString ); const double fCTMaxWidth = (double)nMaxWidth / (nFactor * mfFontScale); CFIndex nIndex = CTTypesetterSuggestClusterBreak( aCTTypeSetter, 0, fCTMaxWidth ); if( nIndex >= mnCharCount ) return STRING_LEN; nIndex += mnMinCharPos; return (int)nIndex; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTLayout::GetCaretPositions( int nMaxIndex, sal_Int32* pCaretXArray ) const { DBG_ASSERT( ((nMaxIndex>0)&&!(nMaxIndex&1)), "CTLayout::GetCaretPositions() : invalid number of caret pairs requested"); // initialize the caret positions for( int i = 0; i < nMaxIndex; ++i ) pCaretXArray[ i ] = -1; const DynCoreTextSyms& rCT = DynCoreTextSyms::get(); for( int n = 0; n <= mnCharCount; ++n ) { // measure the characters cursor position CGFloat fPos2 = -1; const CGFloat fPos1 = rCT.LineGetOffsetForStringIndex( mpCTLine, n, &fPos2 ); (void)fPos2; // TODO: split cursor at line direction change // update previous trailing position if( n > 0 ) pCaretXArray[ 2*n-1 ] = lrint( fPos1 * mfFontScale ); // update current leading position if( 2*n >= nMaxIndex ) break; pCaretXArray[ 2*n+0 ] = lrint( fPos1 * mfFontScale ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTLayout::GetBoundRect( SalGraphics& rGraphics, Rectangle& rVCLRect ) const { AquaSalGraphics& rAquaGraphics = static_cast(rGraphics); CGRect aMacRect = CTLineGetImageBounds( mpCTLine, rAquaGraphics.mrContext ); CGPoint aMacPos = CGContextGetTextPosition( rAquaGraphics.mrContext ); aMacRect.origin.x -= aMacPos.x; aMacRect.origin.y -= aMacPos.y; const Point aPos = GetDrawPosition( Point(mnBaseAdv, 0) ); // CoreText top-bottom are vertically flipped from a VCL aspect rVCLRect.Left() = aPos.X() + mfFontScale * aMacRect.origin.x; rVCLRect.Right() = aPos.X() + mfFontScale * (aMacRect.origin.x + aMacRect.size.width); rVCLRect.Bottom() = aPos.Y() - mfFontScale * aMacRect.origin.y; rVCLRect.Top() = aPos.Y() - mfFontScale * (aMacRect.origin.y + aMacRect.size.height); return true; } // ======================================================================= // glyph fallback is supported directly by Aqua // so methods used only by MultiSalLayout can be dummy implementated bool CTLayout::GetGlyphOutlines( SalGraphics&, PolyPolyVector& ) const { return false; } void CTLayout::InitFont() const {} void CTLayout::MoveGlyph( int /*nStart*/, long /*nNewXPos*/ ) {} void CTLayout::DropGlyph( int /*nStart*/ ) {} void CTLayout::Simplify( bool /*bIsBase*/ ) {} // get the ImplFontData for a glyph fallback font // for a glyphid that was returned by CTLayout::GetNextGlyphs() const ImplFontData* CTLayout::GetFallbackFontData( sal_GlyphId /*aGlyphId*/ ) const { #if 0 // check if any fallback fonts were needed if( !mpFallbackInfo ) return NULL; // check if the current glyph needs a fallback font int nFallbackLevel = (aGlyphId & GF_FONTMASK) >> GF_FONTSHIFT; if( !nFallbackLevel ) return NULL; pFallbackFont = mpFallbackInfo->GetFallbackFontData( nFallbackLevel ); #else // let CoreText's font cascading handle glyph fallback const ImplFontData* pFallbackFont = NULL; #endif return pFallbackFont; } // ======================================================================= SalLayout* CTTextStyle::GetTextLayout( void ) const { return new CTLayout( this); } // =======================================================================