/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #include "dependy.hxx" #include #include "../support/syshelp.hxx" #include "../support/list.hxx" #include "../xcd/xmltree.hxx" #include "../xcd/parse.hxx" Simstr ShortName(const Simstr & i_rService); Service::Service( const char * i_sName ) : sName(i_sName) // aImplementations { } ServiceInfo & Service::AddImplementation( const char * i_sLibrary ) { ServiceInfo * ret = new ServiceInfo(i_sLibrary); aImplementations.push_back(ret); return *ret; } ServiceInfo::ServiceInfo( const char * i_sLibrary ) : sImplementingLibrary(i_sLibrary) // aNeededServices { } void ServiceInfo::AddDependency( const char * i_sNeededService ) { aNeededServices.push_back(i_sNeededService); } DependencyFinder::DependencyFinder() { } DependencyFinder::~DependencyFinder() { } void DependencyFinder::GatherData( const char * i_sSearchDirectory ) { List aFiles; GatherFileNames( aFiles, i_sSearchDirectory ); for ( unsigned i = 0; i < aFiles.size(); ++i ) { ReadFile( aFiles[i].str() ); } } void DependencyFinder::FindNeededServices( StringVector & o_rLibraries, StringVector & o_rServices, const Simstr & i_rService ) { Map_Services::const_iterator itService = aServices.find(i_rService); if ( itService == aServices.end() ) { std::cerr << "Error: Service \"" << i_rService.str() << "\" not found." << std::endl; return ; } aResult_Libraries.erase( aResult_Libraries.begin(), aResult_Libraries.end() ); aResult_Services.erase( aResult_Services.begin(), aResult_Services.end() ); // const ServiceInfo & rSInfo = (*itService).second->FirstImplementation(); Add2Result( *(*itService).second ); for ( std::set< Simstr >::const_iterator il = aResult_Libraries.begin(); il != aResult_Libraries.end(); ++il ) { o_rLibraries.push_back(*il); } for ( std::set< Simstr >::const_iterator is = aResult_Services.begin(); is != aResult_Services.end(); ++is ) { o_rServices.push_back(*is); } } void DependencyFinder::ReadFile( const char * i_sFilename ) { ModuleDescription aModule; X2CParser aParser(aModule); if ( !aParser.Parse(i_sFilename) ) { std::cerr << "Error: File \"" << i_sFilename << "\" could not be parsed." << std::endl; return; } // GetResults: Simstr sModule = aModule.ModuleName(); List < const MultipleTextElement* > aImplServices; List < const MultipleTextElement* > aNeededServices; aModule.Get_SupportedServices(aImplServices); aModule.Get_ServiceDependencies(aNeededServices); unsigned nImplServicesSize = aImplServices.size(); unsigned nNeededServicesSize = aNeededServices.size(); for ( unsigned i = 0; i < nImplServicesSize; ++i ) { const MultipleTextElement & rImpl = *aImplServices[i]; unsigned nImplDataSize = rImpl.Size(); for ( unsigned di = 0; di < nImplDataSize; ++di ) { Simstr sService = ShortName(rImpl.Data(di)); Service * pService = aServices[sService]; if (pService == 0) { pService = new Service(rImpl.Data(di)); aServices[sService] = pService; } ServiceInfo & rSInfo = pService->AddImplementation(sModule); for ( unsigned n = 0; n < nNeededServicesSize; ++n ) { unsigned nNeededDataSize = aNeededServices[n]->Size(); for ( unsigned dn = 0; dn < nNeededDataSize; ++dn ) { if (! aNeededServices[n]->Data(dn).is_no_text()) rSInfo.AddDependency( ShortName(aNeededServices[n]->Data(dn)) ); } // end for dn } // end for n } // end for di } // end for i } void DependencyFinder::Add2Result( const Service & i_rService ) { const ServiceInfo & rSInfo = i_rService.FirstImplementation(); aResult_Libraries.insert(rSInfo.Library()); const ServiceInfo::List_NeededServices & rNeededs = rSInfo.NeededServices(); for ( StringVector::const_iterator it = rNeededs.begin(); it != rNeededs.end(); ++it ) { std::pair< std::set< Simstr >::iterator, bool > aInsertResult = aResult_Services.insert(*it); if (aInsertResult.second) { // Needed service not yet known Map_Services::const_iterator itFound = aServices.find(*it); if ( itFound == aServices.end() ) { std::cerr << "Needed service \"" << (*it).str() << "\" not found," << std::endl; } else { Add2Result( *(*itFound).second ); } } // endif (! aInsertResult.second) } // end for (it) } Simstr ShortName(const Simstr & i_rService) { const char * pStart = i_rService.str(); const char * pEnd = strchr(pStart,' '); if (pEnd != 0) return Simstr(pStart, 0, int(pEnd-pStart)); else return i_rService; }