/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ /** * */ package bvt.gui; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import static org.openoffice.test.common.Testspace.*; import static org.openoffice.test.vcl.Tester.*; import static testlib.gui.AppTool.*; import static testlib.gui.UIMap.*; import java.awt.Rectangle; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.openoffice.test.common.FileUtil; import org.openoffice.test.common.GraphicsUtil; import org.openoffice.test.common.Logger; import testlib.gui.SCTool; /** * */ public class BasicFunctionTest { @Rule public Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this); @BeforeClass public static void beforeClass() throws Exception { app.clean(); } @Before public void before() { app.close(); app.start(); } @Test public void testExportAsPDF() throws Exception { String file = prepareData("bvt/pdf.odt"); String exportTo1 = getPath("temp/1.pdf"); String exportTo2 = getPath("temp/2.pdf"); deleteFile(exportTo1); deleteFile(exportTo2); open(file); writer.waitForExistence(10, 1); app.dispatch(".uno:ExportToPDF"); pdfGeneralPage.ok(); submitSaveDlg(exportTo1); sleep(1); String magic = FileUtil.readFileAsString(exportTo1).substring(0, 4); assertEquals("PDF is exported?", "%PDF", magic); button(".uno:ExportDirectToPDF").click();//Click via toolbar submitSaveDlg(exportTo2); sleep(1); magic = FileUtil.readFileAsString(exportTo2).substring(0, 4); assertEquals("PDF is exported directly?", "%PDF", magic); } /** * Test the File -- Print Dialog show * */ @Test public void testPrinter() { // Create a new text document newTextDocument(); app.dispatch(".uno:PrinterSetup"); if (activeMsgBox.exists(2)) activeMsgBox.ok(); // PrintService[] ps = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(null, null); // String[] names = new String[ps.length]; // for (int i = 0; i < ps.length; i++) { // names[i] = ps[i].getName(); // } // // assertArrayEquals("Printers Names", names, printerSetUpDlgPrinterNames.getItemsText()); assertTrue("Printer Setup dialog appears", printerSetUpDlg.exists(3)); printerSetUpDlg.cancel(); } /** * Test the File -- Java Dialog show * */ // @Test // public void testJavaDialog() { // // // Create a new text document and launch a Wizards dialog which need JVM // // work correctly. // app.dispatch("private:factory/swriter"); // File tempfile = new File(oo.getUserInstallation(), "user/template/myAgendaTemplate.ott"); // FileUtil.deleteFile(tempfile); // sleep(3); // app.dispatch("service:com.sun.star.wizards.agenda.CallWizard?start"); // sleep(5); // assertTrue(Wizards_AgendaDialog.exists(10)); // Wizards_AgendaDialog_FinishButton.click(); // sleep(10); // writer.focus(); // sleep(1); // app.dispatch(".uno:SelectAll"); // typeKeys("<$copy>"); // // System.out.println("now txt:"+app.getClipboard()); // // assertTrue(app.getClipboard().startsWith("")); // assertNotNull(app.getClipboard()); // } /** * Test the Tools / Macros / Organize Dialogs" show * */ @Test public void testRunMacro() { open(prepareData("bvt/macro.ods")); calc.waitForExistence(10, 2); app.dispatch(".uno:RunMacro"); runMacroDlgCategories.expand("macro.ods"); runMacroDlgCategories.expand("Standard"); runMacroDlgCategories.select("Module1"); runMacroDlgCommands.select(0); runMacroDlg.ok(); assertEquals("A3 should be =1+3", "4", SCTool.getCellText("A3")); discard(); } /** * Test the About Dialog show * */ @Test public void testHelp() { app.dispatch(".uno:About"); assertTrue(aboutDialog.exists(5)); aboutDialog.ok(); sleep(1); typeKeys(""); assertTrue(helpWindow.exists(5)); helpWindow.close(); } /** * Test inserting a picture in text document * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testInsertPictureInDocument() throws Exception { String bmp_green = prepareData("image/green_256x256.bmp"); String bmp_red = prepareData("image/red_256x256.bmp"); // Create a new text document newTextDocument(); // Insert a picture fully filled with green app.dispatch(".uno:InsertGraphic"); submitOpenDlg(bmp_green); writer.click(5,200); sleep(1); // Verify if the picture is inserted successfully Rectangle rectangle = GraphicsUtil.findRectangle(writer.getScreenRectangle(), 0xFF00FF00); assertTrue("Green Picture is inserted?" + rectangle, rectangle != null && rectangle.getWidth() > 10); // insert another picture app.dispatch(".uno:InsertGraphic"); submitOpenDlg(bmp_red); writer.click(5, 200); sleep(1); // Verify if the picture is inserted successfully rectangle = GraphicsUtil.findRectangle(writer.getScreenRectangle(), 0xFFFF0000); assertTrue("Green Picture is inserted? " + rectangle, rectangle != null && rectangle.getWidth() > 10); discard(); } @Test public void testInsertPictureInSpreadsheet() throws Exception { String bmp_green = prepareData("image/green_64x64.png"); String bmp_red = prepareData("image/red_64x64.png"); newSpreadsheet(); // Insert a picture fully filled with green app.dispatch(".uno:InsertGraphic"); submitOpenDlg(bmp_green); calc.click(5, 150); sleep(1); // Verify if the picture is inserted successfully Rectangle rectangle = GraphicsUtil.findRectangle(calc.getScreenRectangle(), 0xFF00FF00); assertTrue("Green Picture is inserted?" + rectangle, rectangle != null && rectangle.getWidth() > 10); SCTool.selectRange("C1"); // insert another picture app.dispatch(".uno:InsertGraphic"); submitOpenDlg(bmp_red); calc.click(5, 150); sleep(1); // Verify if the picture is inserted successfully rectangle = GraphicsUtil.findRectangle(calc.getScreenRectangle(), 0xFFFF0000); assertTrue("Red Picture is inserted? " + rectangle, rectangle != null && rectangle.getWidth() > 10); discard(); } @Test public void testInsertPictureInPresentation() throws Exception { String bmp_green = prepareData("image/green_256x256.bmp"); String bmp_red = prepareData("image/red_256x256.bmp"); newPresentation(); // Insert a picture fully filled with green app.dispatch(".uno:InsertGraphic"); submitOpenDlg(bmp_green); impress.click(5, 5); sleep(1); // Verify if the picture is inserted successfully Rectangle rectangle = GraphicsUtil.findRectangle(impress.getScreenRectangle(), 0xFF00FF00); assertTrue("Green Picture is inserted?" + rectangle, rectangle != null && rectangle.getWidth() > 10); // insert another picture app.dispatch(".uno:InsertGraphic"); submitOpenDlg(bmp_red); impress.click(1, 1); sleep(1); // Verify if the picture is inserted successfully rectangle = GraphicsUtil.findRectangle(impress.getScreenRectangle(), 0xFFFF0000); assertTrue("Red Picture is inserted? " + rectangle, rectangle != null && rectangle.getWidth() > 10); discard(); } @Test public void testSlideShow() throws Exception { open(prepareData("bvt/slideshow.odp")); impress.waitForExistence(10, 2); sleep(1); impress.typeKeys(""); sleep(3); Rectangle rectangle = GraphicsUtil.findRectangle(slideShow.getScreenRectangle(), 0xFFFF0000); assertNotNull("1st slide appears", rectangle); slideShow.click(0.5, 0.5); sleep(2); rectangle = GraphicsUtil.findRectangle(slideShow.getScreenRectangle(), 0xFF00FF00); assertNotNull("2nd slide appears", rectangle); typeKeys(""); sleep(2); rectangle = GraphicsUtil.findRectangle(slideShow.getScreenRectangle(), 0xFF0000FF); assertNotNull("3rd slide appears", rectangle); slideShow.click(0.5, 0.5); sleep(2); rectangle = GraphicsUtil.findRectangle(slideShow.getScreenRectangle(), 0xFF0000FF); assertNull("The end", rectangle); slideShow.click(0.5, 0.5); sleep(3); assertFalse("Quit", slideShow.exists()); } @Test public void testFind() { open(prepareData("bvt/find.odt")); writer.waitForExistence(10, 2); app.dispatch(".uno:SearchDialog"); findDlgFor.setText("OpenOffice"); findDlgFind.click(); sleep(1); writer.typeKeys("<$copy>"); assertEquals("OpenOffice", app.getClipboard()); findDlgFindAll.click(); sleep(1); writer.typeKeys("<$copy>"); assertEquals("OpenOfficeOpenOfficeOpenOffice", app.getClipboard()); findDlgReplaceWith.setText("Awesome OpenOffice"); findDlgReplaceAll.click(); sleep(1); msgbox("Search key replaced 3 times.").ok(); findDlg.close(); sleep(1); assertEquals( "Apache Awesome OpenOffice is comprised of six personal productivity applications: a word processor (and its web-authoring component), spreadsheet, presentation graphics, drawing, equation editor, and database. Awesome OpenOffice is released on Windows, Solaris, Linux and Macintosh operation systems, with more communities joining, including a mature FreeBSD port. Awesome OpenOffice is localized, supporting over 110 languages worldwide. ", copyAll()); } @Test public void testFillInSpreadsheet() { String[][] expected1 = new String[][] { { "1" }, { "1" }, { "1" }, { "1" }, { "1" }, { "1" }, }; String[][] expected2 = new String[][] { { "2" }, { "2" }, { "2" }, { "2" }, { "2" }, { "2" }, }; String[][] expected3 = new String[][] { { "Hi friends", "Hi friends", "Hi friends", "Hi friends" } }; String[][] expected4 = new String[][] { { "99999.999", "99999.999", "99999.999", "99999.999" } }; String[][] expected5 = new String[][] { { "99999.999", "-10" }, { "100000.999", "-9" }, { "100001.999", "-8" }, { "100002.999", "-7" }, { "100003.999", "-6" } }; newSpreadsheet(); SCTool.selectRange("C5"); typeKeys("1"); SCTool.selectRange("C5:C10"); app.dispatch(".uno:FillDown"); assertArrayEquals("Fill Down:", expected1, SCTool.getCellTexts("C5:C10")); SCTool.selectRange("D10"); typeKeys("2"); SCTool.selectRange("D5:D10"); app.dispatch(".uno:FillUp"); assertArrayEquals("Fill Up:", expected2, SCTool.getCellTexts("D5:D10")); SCTool.selectRange("A1"); typeKeys("Hi friends"); SCTool.selectRange("A1:D1"); app.dispatch(".uno:FillRight"); assertArrayEquals("Fill Right:", expected3, SCTool.getCellTexts("A1:D1")); SCTool.selectRange("D2"); typeKeys("99999.999"); SCTool.selectRange("A2:D2"); app.dispatch(".uno:FillLeft"); assertArrayEquals("Fill left:", expected4, SCTool.getCellTexts("A2:D2")); SCTool.selectRange("E1"); typeKeys("99999.999-10"); SCTool.selectRange("E1:F5"); app.dispatch(".uno:FillSeries"); fillSeriesDlg.ok(); sleep(1); assertArrayEquals("Fill series..", expected5, SCTool.getCellTexts("E1:F5")); discard(); } @Test public void testSort() { String[][] expected1 = new String[][] { { "-9999999" }, { "-1.1" }, { "-1.1" }, { "0" }, { "0" }, { "0.1" }, { "10" }, { "12" }, { "9999999" }, { "9999999" }, }; String[][] expected2 = new String[][] { { "TRUE", "Oracle" }, { "TRUE", "OpenOffice" }, { "FALSE", "OpenOffice" }, { "TRUE", "IBM" }, { "FALSE", "IBM" }, { "TRUE", "Google" }, { "FALSE", "facebook " }, { "TRUE", "Apache" }, { "TRUE", "!yahoo" }, { "TRUE", "" }, }; String[][] expected3 = new String[][] { { "Sunday" }, { "Monday" }, { "Tuesday" }, { "Wednesday" }, { "Thursday" }, { "Friday" }, { "Saturday" }, }; String[][] expected4 = new String[][] { { "-$10.00" }, { "$0.00" }, { "$0.00" }, { "$1.00" }, { "$3.00" }, { "$9.00" }, { "$123.00" }, { "$200.00" }, { "$400.00" }, { "$10,000.00" }, }; open(prepareData("bvt/sort.ods")); calc.waitForExistence(10, 2); SCTool.selectRange("A1:A10"); app.dispatch(".uno:DataSort"); sortWarningDlgCurrent.click(); assertEquals(1, sortPageBy1.getSelIndex()); sortPage.ok(); sleep(1); assertArrayEquals("Sorted Data", expected1, SCTool.getCellTexts("A1:A10")); SCTool.selectRange("B1:C10"); app.dispatch(".uno:DataSort"); sortPageBy1.select(2); sortPageDescending1.check(); assertFalse(sortPageBy3.isEnabled()); assertFalse(sortPageAscending3.isEnabled()); assertFalse(sortPageDescending3.isEnabled()); sortPageBy2.select(1); assertTrue(sortPageBy3.isEnabled()); assertTrue(sortPageAscending3.isEnabled()); assertTrue(sortPageDescending3.isEnabled()); sortPageDescending2.check(); sortPageBy2.select(0); assertFalse(sortPageBy3.isEnabled()); assertFalse(sortPageAscending3.isEnabled()); assertFalse(sortPageDescending3.isEnabled()); sortPageBy2.select(1); sortPage.ok(); sleep(1); assertArrayEquals("Sorted Data", expected2, SCTool.getCellTexts("B1:C10")); SCTool.selectRange("D1:D7"); app.dispatch(".uno:DataSort"); sortWarningDlgCurrent.click(); sortOptionsPage.select(); sortOptionsPageRangeContainsColumnLabels.uncheck(); sortOptionsPageCustomSortOrder.check(); sortOptionsPageCustomSortOrderList.select("Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday"); sortOptionsPage.ok(); sleep(1); assertArrayEquals("Sorted Data", expected3, SCTool.getCellTexts("D1:D7")); SCTool.selectRange("E1:E10"); app.dispatch(".uno:DataSort"); sortWarningDlgCurrent.click(); sortPage.ok(); sleep(1); assertArrayEquals("Sorted Data", expected4, SCTool.getCellTexts("E1:E10")); discard(); } /** * Test insert a chart in a draw document 1. New a draw document 2. Insert a * chart 3. Check if the chart is inserted successfully * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testInsertChartInDraw() throws Exception { // Create a new drawing document newDrawing(); // Insert a chart app.dispatch(".uno:InsertObjectChart"); sleep(3); // Verify if the chart is inserted successfully assertTrue("Chart Editor appears", chart.exists(3)); // Focus on edit pane draw.click(5, 5); sleep(1); assertFalse("Chart Editor appears", chart.exists()); discard(); } /** * Test insert a chart in a text document 1. New a text document 2. Insert a * chart 3. Check if the chart is inserted successfully * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testInsertChartInDocument() throws Exception { // Create a new text document newTextDocument(); // Insert a chart app.dispatch(".uno:InsertObjectChart"); sleep(3); // Verify if the chart is inserted successfully assertTrue("Chart Editor appears", chart.exists(3)); // Focus on edit pane writer.click(5, 5); sleep(1); assertFalse("Chart Editor appears", chart.exists()); discard(); } /** * Test insert a chart in a spreadsheet document 1. New a spreadsheet * document 2. Insert a chart 3. Check if the chart is inserted successfully * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testInsertChartInSpreadsheet() throws Exception { // Create a new spreadsheet document newSpreadsheet(); // Insert a chart app.dispatch(".uno:InsertObjectChart"); sleep(3); chartWizard.ok(); // Verify if the chart is inserted successfully assertTrue("Chart Editor appears", chart.exists(3)); // Focus on edit pane calc.click(5, 5); sleep(1); assertFalse("Chart Editor appears", chart.exists()); discard(); } /** * Test insert a chart in a presentation document 1. New a presentation * document 2. Insert a chart 3. Check if the chart is inserted successfully * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testInsertChartInPresentation() throws Exception { // Create a new presentation document newPresentation(); // Insert a chart app.dispatch(".uno:InsertObjectChart"); sleep(3); // Verify if the chart is inserted successfully assertTrue("Chart Editor appears", chart.exists(3)); // Focus on edit pane impress.click(5, 5); sleep(1); assertFalse("Chart Editor appears", chart.exists()); discard(); } /** * Test insert a table in a draw document 1. New a draw document 2. Insert a * default table 3. Check if the table is inserted successfully * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testInsertTableInDraw() throws Exception { // Create a new drawing document newDrawing(); // Insert a table app.dispatch(".uno:InsertTable"); insertTable.ok(); sleep(1); draw.typeKeys("3"); assertTrue("Table Toolbar appears", tableToolbar.exists(3)); // assertEquals("The cell content", "3", copyAll()); discard(); } /** * Test insert a table in a text document 1. New a text document 2. Insert a * default table 3. Check if the table is inserted successfully * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testInsertTableInDocument() throws Exception { // Create a new text document newTextDocument(); // Insert a table app.dispatch(".uno:InsertTable"); writerInsertTable.ok(); sleep(1); writer.typeKeys("3"); // Verify if the table toolbar is active assertTrue("Table Toolbar appears", tableToolbar.exists(3)); // assertEquals("The cell content", "3", copyAll()); discard(); } /** * Test insert a table in a presentation document 1. New a presentation * document 2. Insert a default table 3. Check if the table is inserted * successfully * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testInsertTableInPresentation() throws Exception { // Create a new presentation document newPresentation(); // Insert a table app.dispatch(".uno:InsertTable"); insertTable.ok(); sleep(1); impress.typeKeys("3"); assertTrue("Table Toolbar appears", tableToolbar.exists(3)); // assertEquals("The cell content", "3", copyAll()); discard(); } /** * Test insert a function in a spreadsheet document via Sum button 1. New a * spreadsheet document 2. Insert a function via Sum button 3. Check if the * result is correct * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testSumInFormulaBar() throws Exception { // Create a new spreadsheet document newSpreadsheet(); // Insert source numbers String sourceNumber1 = "5"; String sourceNumber2 = "3"; String expectedResult = "8"; SCTool.selectRange("A1"); typeKeys(sourceNumber1); SCTool.selectRange("B1"); typeKeys(sourceNumber2); // Insert a function via Sum button SCTool.selectRange("C1"); scInputBarSum.click(); typeKeys(""); // Verify if the calculated result is equal to the expected result assertEquals("The calculated result", expectedResult, SCTool.getCellText("C1")); discard(); } /** * Test insert a function in a spreadsheet document via inputbar 1. New a * spreadsheet document 2. Insert a function via inputbar: COS 3. Check if * the result is correct * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testInsertFunctionViaFormulaBar() throws Exception { // Create a new spreadsheet document newSpreadsheet(); // Insert source numbers and expected result String sourceData = "0"; String expectedResult = "1"; SCTool.selectRange("A1"); typeKeys(sourceData); // Insert a function via inputbar: COS SCTool.selectRange("D1"); scInputBarInput.inputKeys("=COS(A1)"); typeKeys(""); // Verify if the calculated result is equal to the expected result assertEquals("The calculated result", expectedResult, SCTool.getCellText("D1")); discard(); } /** * Test insert a function in a spreadsheet document via Function Wizard * Dialog 1. New a spreadsheet document 2. Insert a function via Function * Wizard Dialog: ABS 3. Check if the result is correct * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testFunctionWizardInFormulaBar() throws Exception { // Create a new spreadsheet document newSpreadsheet(); // Insert source number String sourceNumber = "-5"; String expectedResult = "5"; SCTool.selectRange("A1"); typeKeys(sourceNumber); typeKeys(""); // Insert a function via Function Wizard Dialog: ABS SCTool.selectRange("B1"); app.dispatch(".uno:FunctionDialog"); // SC_FunctionWizardDlg_FunctionList.doubleClick(5, 5); scFunctionWizardDlgFunctionList.select("ABS"); scFunctionWizardDlgNext.click(); // Use "Next" button scFunctionWizardDlgEdit1.inputKeys("A1"); scFunctionWizardDlg.ok(); // Verify if the calculated result is equal to the expected result assertEquals("The calculated result", expectedResult, SCTool.getCellText("B1")); discard(); } }