/***************************************************************************** * MultiClickRemoteBehavior.m * RemoteControlWrapper * * Created by Martin Kahr on 11.03.06 under a MIT-style license. * Copyright (c) 2006 martinkahr.com. All rights reserved. * * Code modified and adapted to OpenOffice.org * by Eric Bachard on 11.08.2008 under the same License * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS ISâ€, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * *****************************************************************************/ #import "MultiClickRemoteBehavior.h" const NSTimeInterval DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_CLICK_TIME_DIFFERENCE = 0.35; const NSTimeInterval HOLD_RECOGNITION_TIME_INTERVAL = 0.4; @implementation MultiClickRemoteBehavior - (id) init { if ( (self = [super init]) ) { maxClickTimeDifference = DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_CLICK_TIME_DIFFERENCE; } return self; } // Delegates are not retained! // http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/CocoaFundamentals/CommunicatingWithObjects/chapter_6_section_4.html // Delegating objects do not (and should not) retain their delegates. // However, clients of delegating objects (applications, usually) are responsible for ensuring that their delegates are around // to receive delegation messages. To do this, they may have to retain the delegate. - (void) setDelegate: (id) _delegate { if ( _delegate && ( [_delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(remoteButton:pressedDown:clickCount:)] == NO )) return; // return what ? delegate = _delegate; } - (id) delegate { return delegate; } - (BOOL) simulateHoldEvent { return simulateHoldEvents; } - (void) setSimulateHoldEvent: (BOOL) value { simulateHoldEvents = value; } - (BOOL) simulatesHoldForButtonIdentifier: (RemoteControlEventIdentifier) identifier remoteControl: (RemoteControl*) remoteControl { // we do that check only for the normal button identifiers as we would check for hold support for hold events instead if (identifier > (1 << EVENT_TO_HOLD_EVENT_OFFSET)) return NO; return [self simulateHoldEvent] && [remoteControl sendsEventForButtonIdentifier: (identifier << EVENT_TO_HOLD_EVENT_OFFSET)]==NO; } - (BOOL) clickCountingEnabled { return clickCountEnabledButtons != 0; } - (void) setClickCountingEnabled: (BOOL) value { if (value) { [self setClickCountEnabledButtons: kRemoteButtonPlus | kRemoteButtonMinus | kRemoteButtonPlay | kRemoteButtonLeft | kRemoteButtonRight | kRemoteButtonMenu | kMetallicRemote2009ButtonPlay | kMetallicRemote2009ButtonMiddlePlay]; } else { [self setClickCountEnabledButtons: 0]; } } - (unsigned int) clickCountEnabledButtons { return clickCountEnabledButtons; } - (void) setClickCountEnabledButtons: (unsigned int)value { clickCountEnabledButtons = value; } - (NSTimeInterval) maximumClickCountTimeDifference { return maxClickTimeDifference; } - (void) setMaximumClickCountTimeDifference: (NSTimeInterval) timeDiff { maxClickTimeDifference = timeDiff; } - (void) sendSimulatedHoldEvent: (id) time { BOOL startSimulateHold = NO; RemoteControlEventIdentifier event = lastHoldEvent; @synchronized(self) { startSimulateHold = (lastHoldEvent>0 && lastHoldEventTime == [time doubleValue]); } if (startSimulateHold) { lastEventSimulatedHold = YES; event = (event << EVENT_TO_HOLD_EVENT_OFFSET); [delegate remoteButton:event pressedDown: YES clickCount: 1]; } } - (void) executeClickCountEvent: (NSArray*) values { RemoteControlEventIdentifier event = [[values objectAtIndex: 0] unsignedIntValue]; NSTimeInterval eventTimePoint = [[values objectAtIndex: 1] doubleValue]; BOOL finishedClicking = NO; int finalClickCount = eventClickCount; @synchronized(self) { finishedClicking = (event != lastClickCountEvent || eventTimePoint == lastClickCountEventTime); if (finishedClicking) { eventClickCount = 0; lastClickCountEvent = 0; lastClickCountEventTime = 0; } } if (finishedClicking) { [delegate remoteButton:event pressedDown: YES clickCount:finalClickCount]; // trigger a button release event, too [NSThread sleepUntilDate: [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0.1]]; [delegate remoteButton:event pressedDown: NO clickCount:finalClickCount]; } } - (void) sendRemoteButtonEvent: (RemoteControlEventIdentifier) event pressedDown: (BOOL) pressedDown remoteControl: (RemoteControl*) remoteControl { if (!delegate) return; BOOL clickCountingForEvent = ([self clickCountEnabledButtons] & event) == event; if ([self simulatesHoldForButtonIdentifier: event remoteControl: remoteControl] && lastClickCountEvent==0) { if (pressedDown) { // wait to see if it is a hold lastHoldEvent = event; lastHoldEventTime = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]; [self performSelector:@selector(sendSimulatedHoldEvent:) withObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:lastHoldEventTime] afterDelay:HOLD_RECOGNITION_TIME_INTERVAL]; return; } else { if (lastEventSimulatedHold) { // it was a hold // send an event for "hold release" event = (event << EVENT_TO_HOLD_EVENT_OFFSET); lastHoldEvent = 0; lastEventSimulatedHold = NO; [delegate remoteButton:event pressedDown: pressedDown clickCount:1]; return; } else { RemoteControlEventIdentifier previousEvent = lastHoldEvent; @synchronized(self) { lastHoldEvent = 0; } // in case click counting is enabled we have to setup the state for that, too if (clickCountingForEvent) { lastClickCountEvent = previousEvent; lastClickCountEventTime = lastHoldEventTime; NSNumber* eventNumber; NSNumber* timeNumber; eventClickCount = 1; timeNumber = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:lastClickCountEventTime]; eventNumber= [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:previousEvent]; NSTimeInterval diffTime = maxClickTimeDifference-([NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]-lastHoldEventTime); [self performSelector: @selector(executeClickCountEvent:) withObject: [NSArray arrayWithObjects:eventNumber, timeNumber, nil] afterDelay: diffTime]; // we do not return here because we are still in the press-release event // that will be consumed below } else { // trigger the pressed down event that we consumed first [delegate remoteButton:event pressedDown: YES clickCount:1]; } } } } if (clickCountingForEvent) { if (pressedDown == NO) return; NSNumber* eventNumber; NSNumber* timeNumber; @synchronized(self) { lastClickCountEventTime = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]; if (lastClickCountEvent == event) { eventClickCount = eventClickCount + 1; } else { eventClickCount = 1; } lastClickCountEvent = event; timeNumber = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:lastClickCountEventTime]; eventNumber= [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:event]; } [self performSelector: @selector(executeClickCountEvent:) withObject: [NSArray arrayWithObjects:eventNumber, timeNumber, nil] afterDelay: maxClickTimeDifference]; } else { [delegate remoteButton:event pressedDown: pressedDown clickCount:1]; } } @end