/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #include #include "hfi_globalindex.hxx" // NOT FULLY DEFINED SERVICES #include #include #include #include #include #include "hfi_navibar.hxx" #include "hfi_typetext.hxx" #include "hi_linkhelper.hxx" namespace { /** */ enum E_Types { t_service = 0, t_interface = 1, t_struct = 2, t_exception = 3, t_enum = 4, t_typedef = 5, t_constantsgroup = 6, t_property = 7, t_function = 8, t_structelement = 9, t_enumvalue = 10, t_constant = 11, t_module = 12, t_singleton = 13, t_attribute = 14, t_siservice = 15, t_sisingleton = 16, t_MAX }; String G_sDummy; /* RC-Ids for IDL types (see reposy.cxx): Module 2000 Interface 2001 Function 2002 Service 2003 Property 2004 Enum 2005 EnumValue 2006 Typedef 2007 Struct 2008 StructElement 2009 Exception 2010 ConstantGroup 2011 Constant 2012 Singleton 2013 Attribute 2014 SglIfcService 2015 SglIfcSingleton 2016 */ const int C_nNumberOfIdlTypes = 17; const char * C_sTypeNames[C_nNumberOfIdlTypes] = { "module ", "interface ", "function ", "service ", "property ", "enum ", "value ", "typedef ", "struct ", "field ", "exception ", "constants group ", "constant ","singleton ", "attribute ", "service", "singleton" }; const char * C_sOwnerNames[C_nNumberOfIdlTypes] = { "module ", "module ", "interface ", "module ", "service ", "module ", "enum ", "module ", "module ", "", // could be struct or exception "module ", "module ", "constants group ", "module ", "interface ", "module", "module" }; const intt C_nNamesArrayOffset = intt(ary::idl::Module::class_id); const int C_nIxField = 9; const char C_cAlphabet[] = "A B C D E " "F G H I J " "K L M N O " "P Q R S T " "U V W X Y " "Z"; HF_IdlGlobalIndex::PageData G_PageData; } // end anonymous namespace inline void HF_IdlGlobalIndex::write_EntryItself( Xml::Element & o_destination, const ary::idl::CodeEntity & i_ce, const HF_IdlTypeText & i_typeLinkWriter ) const { i_typeLinkWriter.Produce_IndexLink(o_destination, i_ce); o_destination << " - "; } HF_IdlGlobalIndex::HF_IdlGlobalIndex( Environment & io_rEnv, Xml::Element & o_rOut ) : HtmlFactory_Idl(io_rEnv, &o_rOut) { } HF_IdlGlobalIndex::~HF_IdlGlobalIndex() { } void HF_IdlGlobalIndex::Produce_Page(ary::idl::alphabetical_index::E_Letter i_letter) const { make_Navibar(); HF_TitleTable aTitle(CurOut()); StreamLock sl(100); aTitle.Produce_Title( sl() << "Global Index " << ( i_letter != ary::idl::alphabetical_index::non_alpha ? char(int(i_letter)-'a'+'A') : '_' ) << c_str ); // Letters Index aTitle.Add_Row() << new Xml::XmlCode( "

A B C D E F G H I J" " K L M N O P Q R S T" " U V W X Y Z _

" ); Out().Enter(CurOut() >> *new Html::DefList); csv::erase_container(G_PageData); Env().Data().Get_IndexData(G_PageData, i_letter); // Helper object to produce links to the index Entries. HF_IdlTypeText aTypeLinkWriter(Env(),HF_IdlTypeText::use_for_javacompatible_index); PageData::const_iterator itEnd = G_PageData.end(); for ( PageData::const_iterator iter = G_PageData.begin(); iter != itEnd; ++iter ) { produce_Line(iter, aTypeLinkWriter); } // end for Out().Leave(); CurOut() << new Html::HorizontalLine; } void HF_IdlGlobalIndex::make_Navibar() const { HF_IdlNavigationBar aNaviBar(Env(), CurOut()); aNaviBar.Produce_IndexMainRow(); CurOut() << new Html::HorizontalLine(); } void HF_IdlGlobalIndex::produce_Line( PageData::const_iterator i_entry, const HF_IdlTypeText & i_typeLinkWriter) const { const client & rCe = Env().Data().Find_Ce(*i_entry); if (NOT rCe.Owner().IsValid()) return; // Omit global namespace. // The destination for the created output: Xml::Element & rDT = CurOut() >> *new Html::DefListTerm; /** The following code is intended to produce an output that will be recognized by the context help system of Forte. That is reached by making it similar to the indices, that Javadoc produces. If the link to the Entry contains a hashmark, the Forte-Help requires following a link to the owner. But if there is no hashmark, the following link must go to the same Entry again. Doesn't make really sense :-(, but that's like it is. */ write_EntryItself(rDT,rCe,i_typeLinkWriter); if (rCe.SightLevel() == ary::idl::sl_Member) write_OwnerOfEntry(rDT,rCe,i_typeLinkWriter); else write_EntrySecondTime(rDT,rCe,i_typeLinkWriter); // This produces an empty "
", which is also needed to reach // similarity to the Javadoc index: CurOut() << new Html::DefListDefinition; } void HF_IdlGlobalIndex::write_OwnerOfEntry( Xml::Element & o_destination, const ary::idl::CodeEntity & i_ce, const HF_IdlTypeText & i_typeLinkWriter ) const { const client & rOwner = Env().Data().Find_Ce(i_ce.Owner()); int nIx = int(i_ce.AryClass() - C_nNamesArrayOffset); csv_assert(csv::in_range(0,nIx,C_nNumberOfIdlTypes)); o_destination << C_sTypeNames[nIx] << "in "; if (nIx != C_nIxField) { o_destination << C_sOwnerNames[nIx]; } else { uintt nOwnerIx = rOwner.AryClass() - C_nNamesArrayOffset; csv_assert( nOwnerIx < static_cast< unsigned int >(C_nNumberOfIdlTypes)); o_destination << C_sTypeNames[nOwnerIx]; } i_typeLinkWriter.Produce_IndexOwnerLink(o_destination, rOwner); } void HF_IdlGlobalIndex::write_EntrySecondTime( Xml::Element & o_destination, const ary::idl::CodeEntity & i_ce, const HF_IdlTypeText & i_typeLinkWriter ) const { int nIx = int(i_ce.AryClass() - C_nNamesArrayOffset); csv_assert(csv::in_range(0,nIx,C_nNumberOfIdlTypes)); o_destination << C_sTypeNames[nIx] << " "; i_typeLinkWriter.Produce_IndexSecondEntryLink(o_destination, i_ce); }