/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #include #include // NOT FULLY DEFINED SERVICES #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace adoc { inline bool Adoc_PE::UsesHtmlInDocuText() { return bUsesHtmlInDocuText; } Adoc_PE::Adoc_PE() : pCurDocu(0), pCurAtTag(0), nLineCountInDocu(0), nCurSpecialMeaningTokens(0), nCurSubtractFromLineStart(0), eCurTagState(ts_new), eDocuState(ds_wait_for_short), bIsComplete(false), bUsesHtmlInDocuText(false) { } Adoc_PE::~Adoc_PE() { } void Adoc_PE::Hdl_at_std( const Tok_at_std & i_rTok ) { InstallAtTag( CurDocu().Create_StdTag(i_rTok.Id()) ); } void Adoc_PE::Hdl_at_base( const Tok_at_base & ) { InstallAtTag( CurDocu().CheckIn_BaseTag() ); } void Adoc_PE::Hdl_at_exception( const Tok_at_exception & ) { InstallAtTag( CurDocu().CheckIn_ExceptionTag() ); } void Adoc_PE::Hdl_at_impl( const Tok_at_impl & ) { InstallAtTag( CurDocu().Create_ImplementsTag() ); } void Adoc_PE::Hdl_at_key( const Tok_at_key & ) { InstallAtTag( CurDocu().Create_KeywordTag() ); } void Adoc_PE::Hdl_at_param( const Tok_at_param & ) { InstallAtTag( CurDocu().CheckIn_ParameterTag() ); } void Adoc_PE::Hdl_at_see( const Tok_at_see & ) { InstallAtTag( CurDocu().CheckIn_SeeTag() ); } void Adoc_PE::Hdl_at_template( const Tok_at_template & ) { InstallAtTag( CurDocu().CheckIn_TemplateTag() ); } void Adoc_PE::Hdl_at_interface( const Tok_at_interface & ) { CurDocu().Set_Interface(); } void Adoc_PE::Hdl_at_internal( const Tok_at_internal & ) { CurDocu().Set_Internal(); } void Adoc_PE::Hdl_at_obsolete( const Tok_at_obsolete & ) { CurDocu().Set_Obsolete(); } void Adoc_PE::Hdl_at_module( const Tok_at_module & ) { // KORR_FUTURE // pCurAtTag = CurDocu().Assign2_ModuleTag(); // nCurSpecialMeaningTokens = pCurAtTag->NrOfSpecialMeaningTokens(); } void Adoc_PE::Hdl_at_file( const Tok_at_file & ) { // KORR_FUTURE // pCurAtTag = CurDocu().Assign2_FileTag(); // nCurSpecialMeaningTokens = pCurAtTag->NrOfSpecialMeaningTokens(); } void Adoc_PE::Hdl_at_gloss( const Tok_at_gloss & ) { // KORR_FUTURE // Create_GlossaryEntry(); } void Adoc_PE::Hdl_at_global( const Tok_at_global & ) { // KORR_FUTURE // Create_GlobalTextComponent(); } void Adoc_PE::Hdl_at_include( const Tok_at_include & ) { // KORR_FUTURE } void Adoc_PE::Hdl_at_label( const Tok_at_label & ) { InstallAtTag( CurDocu().Create_LabelTag() ); } void Adoc_PE::Hdl_at_since( const Tok_at_since & ) { InstallAtTag( CurDocu().Create_SinceTag() ); } void Adoc_PE::Hdl_at_HTML( const Tok_at_HTML & ) { bUsesHtmlInDocuText = true; } void Adoc_PE::Hdl_at_NOHTML( const Tok_at_NOHTML & ) { bUsesHtmlInDocuText = false; } void Adoc_PE::Hdl_DocWord( const Tok_DocWord & i_rTok ) { bool bIsSpecial = false; if ( nCurSpecialMeaningTokens > 0 ) { bIsSpecial = CurAtTag().Add_SpecialMeaningToken( i_rTok.Text(), CurAtTag().NrOfSpecialMeaningTokens() - (--nCurSpecialMeaningTokens) ); } if ( NOT bIsSpecial ) { if ( eDocuState == ds_wait_for_short OR eDocuState == ds_1newline_after_short ) eDocuState = ds_in_short; if (nLineCountInDocu == 0) nLineCountInDocu = 1; uintt nLength = i_rTok.Length(); if ( nLength > 2 ) { bool bMaybeGlobalLink = strncmp( "::", i_rTok.Text(), 2 ) == 0; bool bMayBeFunction = *(i_rTok.Text() + nLength - 2) == '(' AND *(i_rTok.Text() + nLength - 1) == ')'; if ( bMaybeGlobalLink OR bMayBeFunction ) { CurAtTag().Add_PotentialLink( i_rTok.Text(), bMaybeGlobalLink, bMayBeFunction ); return; } } CurAtTag().Add_Token( i_rTok.Text() ); eCurTagState = ts_std; } } void Adoc_PE::Hdl_Whitespace( const Tok_Whitespace & i_rTok ) { if ( eCurTagState == ts_std ) { CurAtTag().Add_Whitespace(i_rTok.Size()); } } void Adoc_PE::Hdl_LineStart( const Tok_LineStart & i_rTok ) { if ( pCurAtTag == 0 ) return; if ( nLineCountInDocu == 2 ) { nCurSubtractFromLineStart = i_rTok.Size(); eCurTagState = ts_std; } else if ( nLineCountInDocu > 2 ) { if ( i_rTok.Size() > nCurSubtractFromLineStart ) { CurAtTag().Add_Whitespace( i_rTok.Size() - nCurSubtractFromLineStart ); } // else do nothing, because there is no whitespace. } } void Adoc_PE::Hdl_Eol( const Tok_Eol & ) { if ( pCurAtTag == 0 ) return; nLineCountInDocu++; if ( nCurSpecialMeaningTokens == 0 ) { CurAtTag().Add_Eol(); switch ( eDocuState ) { case ds_wait_for_short: break; case ds_in_short: if ( nLineCountInDocu < 4 ) eDocuState = ds_1newline_after_short; else { RenameCurShortTag(); eDocuState = ds_in_descr; } break; case ds_1newline_after_short: FinishCurShortTag(); eDocuState = ds_in_descr; break; default: ; // Do noting. } } else { nCurSpecialMeaningTokens = 0; } } void Adoc_PE::Hdl_EoDocu( const Tok_EoDocu & ) { bIsComplete = true; } DYN ary::doc::OldCppDocu * Adoc_PE::ReleaseJustParsedDocu() { pCurAtTag = 0; nLineCountInDocu = 0; nCurSpecialMeaningTokens = 0; nCurSubtractFromLineStart = 0; eCurTagState = ts_new; eDocuState = ds_wait_for_short; bIsComplete = false; return pCurDocu.Release(); } void Adoc_PE::InstallAtTag( DYN ary::info::AtTag * let_dpTag, bool i_bImplicit ) { pCurAtTag = let_dpTag; if ( pCurAtTag != 0 ) { nCurSpecialMeaningTokens = pCurAtTag->NrOfSpecialMeaningTokens(); pCurAtTag->Set_HtmlUseInDocuText( bUsesHtmlInDocuText ); } eCurTagState = ts_new; if ( NOT i_bImplicit ) eDocuState = ds_std; } ary::doc::OldCppDocu & Adoc_PE::CurDocu() { if (NOT pCurDocu) pCurDocu = new ary::doc::OldCppDocu; return *pCurDocu; } ary::info::AtTag & Adoc_PE::CurAtTag() { if (NOT pCurAtTag) { if ( int(eDocuState) < int(ds_in_descr) ) { InstallAtTag( CurDocu().Create_StdTag(ary::info::atid_short), true ); } else { InstallAtTag( CurDocu().Create_StdTag(ary::info::atid_descr), true ); } } return *pCurAtTag; } void Adoc_PE::RenameCurShortTag() { CurDocu().Replace_AtShort_By_AtDescr(); } void Adoc_PE::FinishCurShortTag() { InstallAtTag( CurDocu().Create_StdTag(ary::info::atid_descr), true ); } } // namespace adoc