 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_chart2.hxx"
#include "VTitle.hxx"
#include "CommonConverters.hxx"
#include "macros.hxx"
#include "PropertyMapper.hxx"
#include "ShapeFactory.hxx"
#include "RelativeSizeHelper.hxx"
#include <com/sun/star/chart2/XFormattedString.hpp>
#include <rtl/math.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/TextVerticalAdjust.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/TextHorizontalAdjust.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/text/ControlCharacter.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/text/XText.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/text/XTextCursor.hpp>

namespace chart
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::chart2;

VTitle::VTitle( const uno::Reference< XTitle > & xTitle )
                : m_xTarget(NULL)
                , m_xShapeFactory(NULL)
                , m_xTitle(xTitle)
                , m_xShape(NULL)
                , m_aCID()
                , m_fRotationAngleDegree(0.0)
                , m_nXPos(0)
                , m_nYPos(0)


void VTitle::init(
              const uno::Reference< drawing::XShapes >& xTargetPage
            , const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& xFactory
            , const rtl::OUString& rCID )
    m_xTarget = xTargetPage;
    m_xShapeFactory = xFactory;
    m_aCID = rCID;

double VTitle::getRotationAnglePi() const
    return m_fRotationAngleDegree*F_PI/180.0;

awt::Size VTitle::getUnrotatedSize() const //size before rotation
    awt::Size aRet;
        aRet = m_xShape->getSize();
    return aRet;

awt::Size VTitle::getFinalSize() const //size after rotation
    return ShapeFactory::getSizeAfterRotation(
         m_xShape, m_fRotationAngleDegree );

void VTitle::changePosition( const awt::Point& rPos )
    uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xShapeProp( m_xShape, uno::UNO_QUERY );
        m_nXPos = rPos.X;
        m_nYPos = rPos.Y;

        //set position matrix
        //the matrix needs to be set at the end behind autogrow and such position influencing properties
		::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aM;
        aM.rotate( -m_fRotationAngleDegree*F_PI/180.0 );//#i78696#->#i80521#
        aM.translate( m_nXPos, m_nYPos);
        xShapeProp->setPropertyValue( C2U( "Transformation" ), uno::makeAny( B2DHomMatrixToHomogenMatrix3(aM) ) );
    catch( uno::Exception& e )
        ASSERT_EXCEPTION( e );

void VTitle::createShapes(
      const awt::Point& rPos
    , const awt::Size& rReferenceSize )

        uno::Sequence< uno::Reference< XFormattedString > > aStringList = m_xTitle->getText();

        //create shape and add to page
        uno::Reference< drawing::XShape > xShape(
			    m_xShapeFactory->createInstance( C2U(
                "com.sun.star.drawing.TextShape" ) ), uno::UNO_QUERY );
        m_xShape = xShape;

        //set text and text properties
        uno::Reference< text::XText > xText( xShape, uno::UNO_QUERY );
        uno::Reference< text::XTextCursor > xTextCursor( xText->createTextCursor() );
        uno::Reference< text::XTextRange > xTextRange( xTextCursor, uno::UNO_QUERY );
        uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xShapeProp( xShape, uno::UNO_QUERY );
        uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xTitleProperties( m_xTitle, uno::UNO_QUERY );
        if( !xText.is() || !xTextRange.is() || !xTextCursor.is() || !xShapeProp.is() || !xTitleProperties.is() )

        tPropertyNameValueMap aValueMap;
        //fill line-, fill- and paragraph-properties into the ValueMap
            tMakePropertyNameMap aNameMap = PropertyMapper::getPropertyNameMapForParagraphProperties();
            aNameMap( PropertyMapper::getPropertyNameMapForFillAndLineProperties() );

            PropertyMapper::getValueMap( aValueMap, aNameMap, xTitleProperties );

        //fill some more shape properties into the ValueMap
            drawing::TextHorizontalAdjust eHorizontalAdjust = drawing::TextHorizontalAdjust_CENTER;
            drawing::TextVerticalAdjust eVerticalAdjust = drawing::TextVerticalAdjust_CENTER;
            //text::WritingMode eWritingMode = text::WritingMode_LR_TB;//@todo get correct one

            aValueMap.insert( tPropertyNameValueMap::value_type( C2U("TextHorizontalAdjust"), uno::makeAny(eHorizontalAdjust) ) ); // drawing::TextHorizontalAdjust
            aValueMap.insert( tPropertyNameValueMap::value_type( C2U("TextVerticalAdjust"), uno::makeAny(eVerticalAdjust) ) ); //drawing::TextVerticalAdjust
            //aValueMap.insert( tPropertyNameValueMap::value_type( C2U("TextWritingMode"), uno::makeAny(eWritingMode) ) ); //text::WritingMode
            aValueMap.insert( tPropertyNameValueMap::value_type( C2U("TextAutoGrowHeight"), uno::makeAny(sal_True) ) ); // sal_Bool
            aValueMap.insert( tPropertyNameValueMap::value_type( C2U("TextAutoGrowWidth"), uno::makeAny(sal_True) ) ); // sal_Bool

            ////aValueMap.insert( tPropertyNameValueMap::value_type( C2U("TextMaximumFrameWidth"), uno::makeAny(rSize.Width) ) ); //sal_Int32
            ////aValueMap.insert( tPropertyNameValueMap::value_type( C2U("TextMaximumFrameHeight"), uno::makeAny(rSize.Height) ) ); //sal_Int32

            //set name/classified ObjectID (CID)
            if( !m_aCID.isEmpty() )
                aValueMap.insert( tPropertyNameValueMap::value_type( C2U("Name"), uno::makeAny( m_aCID ) ) ); //CID rtl::OUString

        //set global title properties
            tNameSequence aPropNames;
            tAnySequence aPropValues;
            PropertyMapper::getMultiPropertyListsFromValueMap( aPropNames, aPropValues, aValueMap );
            PropertyMapper::setMultiProperties( aPropNames, aPropValues, xShapeProp );

        sal_Bool bStackCharacters(sal_False);
            xTitleProperties->getPropertyValue( C2U( "StackCharacters" ) ) >>= bStackCharacters;
        catch( uno::Exception& e )
            ASSERT_EXCEPTION( e );
            //if the characters should be stacked we use only the first character properties for code simplicity
            if( aStringList.getLength()>0 )
                rtl::OUString aLabel;
                for( sal_Int32 nN=0; nN<aStringList.getLength();nN++ )
                    aLabel += aStringList[nN]->getString();
                aLabel = ShapeFactory::getStackedString( aLabel, bStackCharacters );

                xText->insertString( xTextRange, aLabel, false );
                uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xTargetProps( xShape, uno::UNO_QUERY );
                uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xSourceProps( aStringList[0], uno::UNO_QUERY );
                PropertyMapper::setMappedProperties( xTargetProps, xSourceProps
                    , PropertyMapper::getPropertyNameMapForCharacterProperties() );

                // adapt font size according to page size
                awt::Size aOldRefSize;
                if( xTitleProperties->getPropertyValue( C2U("ReferencePageSize")) >>= aOldRefSize )
                    RelativeSizeHelper::adaptFontSizes( xTargetProps, aOldRefSize, rReferenceSize );
            uno::Sequence< uno::Reference< text::XTextCursor > > aCursorList( aStringList.getLength() );
            sal_Int32 nN = 0;
            for( nN=0; nN<aStringList.getLength();nN++ )
                xText->insertString( xTextRange, aStringList[nN]->getString(), false );
                aCursorList[nN] = xText->createTextCursorByRange( uno::Reference< text::XTextRange >(xTextCursor,uno::UNO_QUERY) );
            awt::Size aOldRefSize;
            bool bHasRefPageSize =
                ( xTitleProperties->getPropertyValue( C2U("ReferencePageSize")) >>= aOldRefSize );

            //for( nN=0; nN<aStringList.getLength();nN++ ) //portion wise fromatting does not work still
            if( aStringList.getLength()>0 )
                //uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xTargetProps( aCursorList[nN], uno::UNO_QUERY );
                //uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xSourceProps( aStringList[nN], uno::UNO_QUERY );
                uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xTargetProps( xShape, uno::UNO_QUERY );
                uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xSourceProps( aStringList[0], uno::UNO_QUERY );
                PropertyMapper::setMappedProperties( xTargetProps, xSourceProps, PropertyMapper::getPropertyNameMapForCharacterProperties() );

                // adapt font size according to page size
                if( bHasRefPageSize )
                    RelativeSizeHelper::adaptFontSizes( xTargetProps, aOldRefSize, rReferenceSize );

        // #i109336# Improve auto positioning in chart
        float fFontHeight = 0.0;
        if ( xShapeProp.is() && ( xShapeProp->getPropertyValue( C2U( "CharHeight" ) ) >>= fFontHeight ) )
            fFontHeight *= ( 2540. / 72. );  // pt -> 1/100 mm
            float fXFraction = 0.18;
            sal_Int32 nXDistance = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( ::rtl::math::round( fFontHeight * fXFraction ) );
            float fYFraction = 0.30;
            sal_Int32 nYDistance = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( ::rtl::math::round( fFontHeight * fYFraction ) );
            xShapeProp->setPropertyValue( C2U( "TextLeftDistance" ), uno::makeAny( nXDistance ) );
            xShapeProp->setPropertyValue( C2U( "TextRightDistance" ), uno::makeAny( nXDistance ) );
            xShapeProp->setPropertyValue( C2U( "TextUpperDistance" ), uno::makeAny( nYDistance ) );
            xShapeProp->setPropertyValue( C2U( "TextLowerDistance" ), uno::makeAny( nYDistance ) );

            double fAngleDegree = 0;
            xTitleProperties->getPropertyValue( C2U( "TextRotation" ) ) >>= fAngleDegree;
            m_fRotationAngleDegree += fAngleDegree;
        catch( uno::Exception& e )
            ASSERT_EXCEPTION( e );
        m_nXPos = rPos.X;
        m_nYPos = rPos.Y;

        //set position matrix
        //the matrix needs to be set at the end behind autogrow and such position influencing properties
		::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aM;
        aM.rotate( -m_fRotationAngleDegree*F_PI/180.0 );//#i78696#->#i80521#
        aM.translate( m_nXPos, m_nYPos );
        xShapeProp->setPropertyValue( C2U( "Transformation" ), uno::makeAny( B2DHomMatrixToHomogenMatrix3(aM) ) );
    catch( uno::Exception& e )
        ASSERT_EXCEPTION( e );

} //namespace chart