 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.


#define N3SQLAllocHandle SQLAllocHandle
#define N3SQLConnect SQLConnect
#define N3SQLDriverConnect SQLDriverConnect
#define N3SQLBrowseConnect SQLBrowseConnect
#define N3SQLDataSources SQLDataSources
#define N3SQLDrivers SQLDrivers
#define N3SQLGetInfo SQLGetInfo
#define N3SQLGetFunctions SQLGetFunctions
#define N3SQLGetTypeInfo SQLGetTypeInfo
#define N3SQLSetConnectAttr SQLSetConnectAttr
#define N3SQLGetConnectAttr SQLGetConnectAttr
#define N3SQLSetEnvAttr SQLSetEnvAttr
#define N3SQLGetEnvAttr SQLGetEnvAttr
#define N3SQLSetStmtAttr SQLSetStmtAttr
#define N3SQLGetStmtAttr SQLgetStmtAttr
#define N3SQLSetDescField SQLSetDescField
#define N3SQLGetDescField SQLGetDescField
#define N3SQLGetDescRec SQLGetDescRec
#define N3SQLSetDescRec SQLSetDescRec
#define N3SQLPrepare SQLPrepare
#define N3SQLBindParameter SQLBindParameter
#define N3SQLGetCursorName SQLGetCursorName
#define N3SQLSetCursorName SQLSetCursorName
#define N3SQLExecute SQLExecute
#define N3SQLExecDirect SQLExecDirect
#define N3SQLNativeSql SQLNativeSql
#define N3SQLDescribeParam SQLDescribeParam
#define N3SQLNumParams SQLNumParams
#define N3SQLParamData SQLParamData
#define N3SQLPutData SQLPutData
#define N3SQLRowCount SQLRowCount
#define N3SQLNumResultCols SQLNumResultCols
#define N3SQLDescribeCol SQLDescribeCol
#define N3SQLColAttribute SQLColAttribute
#define N3SQLBindCol SQLBindCol
#define N3SQLFetch SQLFetch
#define N3SQLFetchScroll SQLFetchScroll
#define N3SQLGetData SQLGetData
#define N3SQLSetPos SQLSetPos
#define N3SQLBulkOperations SQLBulkOperations
#define N3SQLMoreResults SQLMoreResults
#define N3SQLGetDiagField SQLGetDiagField
#define N3SQLGetDiagRec SQLGetDiagRec
#define N3SQLColumnPrivileges SQLColumnPrivileges
#define N3SQLColumns SQLColumns
#define N3SQLForeignKeys SQLForeignKeys
#define N3SQLPrimaryKeys SQLPrimaryKeys
#define N3SQLProcedureColumns SQLProcedureColumns
#define N3SQLProcedures SQLProcedures
#define N3SQLSpecialColumns SQLSpecialColumns
#define N3SQLStatistics SQLStatistics
#define N3SQLTablePrivileges SQLTablePrivileges
#define N3SQLTables SQLTables
#define N3SQLFreeStmt SQLFreeStmt
#define N3SQLCloseCursor SQLCloseCursor
#define N3SQLCancel SQLCancel
#define N3SQLEndTran SQLEndTran
#define N3SQLDisconnect SQLDisconnect
#define N3SQLFreeHandle SQLFreeHandle
#define N3SQLGetCursorName SQLGetCursorName